Chapter 21a. Latin to English Flashcards
- Laus autem nimis saepe est neque certa neque magna.
- Praise however too often is neither certain nor great.
- Senēs in gente nostrā ab fīliīs numquam neglegēbantur.
- The old men in our tribe were never neglected by (their) sons.
3a. Quis tum iussus erat Graeciam metū gravī līberāre,
3a. Who [sg.] had been ordered then to free Greece from serious anxiety,
3b. familiās dēfendere, atque hostēs ā fīnibus prohibēre?
3b. to defend families, and to keep enemies from the territory?
4a Salūtis commūnis causā ….
4a. For the sake of the common safety …
4b. eōs coniūrātōs ex urbe discēdere ac trāns flūmen ad montēs dūcī iussit.
4b. he/she ordered those conspirators to depart from the city and to be led across the river to the mountains.
5a. Aliī auctōrēs coepērunt spīritūs nostrōs contrā iūdicium atque argūmenta senātūs iterum movere,
5a. Other authors began again to move our souls against the judgment and arguments of the senate,
5b. quod omnēs metū novō territī erant.
5b. because everyone had been frightened by a new fear.
- Omnia genera servitūtis nōbīs videntur aspera.
- All kinds of slavery seem to us harsh.
- Rapiēturne igitur Cicerō ex manibus istōrum?
- Therefore will Cicero be snatched from the hands [or “armed bands”] of these (horrible) ones?
- Quī fīnis metūs atque servitūtis in eā cīvitāte nunc potest vidērī?
- What end of fear and slavery can now be seen in that state?
- At senectūtis bonae causā iam bene vīvere dēbēmus.
- But for the sake of a good old age we ought to be living well already.
- In familiā eōrum erant duae fīliae atque quattuor fīliī.
- In their [male] family were two daughters and four sons.
- Casa vīcīnae nostrae habuit paucās fenestrās per quās vidēre potuit.
- The cottage of our neighbor [female] has had few windows through which she could see. [or “through which it was possible to see”]
12a. Quandō cornū audīvit, senex in genua cecidit …
12a. When he heard the horn, the old man fell to his knees …
12b. et deīs immortālibus grātiās prōnūnitābat.
12b. and began pronouncing thanks to the immortal gods.
- Propter beneficia et sēnsum commūnem tyrannī, paucī eum odērunt.
- Thanks to the favors and community feeling of the autocrat, few hated him.
- The truth will not be found without great labor.
- Vēritās nōn inveniētur sine magnō labōre.
- Many nations which lack true peace are being destroyed by wars.
- Multae gentēs, quae pāce vērā carent, bellīs dēlentur.
16a. Their [male] fears can now be conquered …
16a. Metūs eōrum iam superārī possunt,
16b. because our deeds are understood by all.
16b. quod facta nostra ab omnibus intellegentur.
17a. Unless serious pursuits delight us,
17a. Nisi studia gravia nōs dēlectant,
17b. they are often neglected for the sake of money or praise. [use causā + gen.]
17b. saepe neglegentur pecūnae aut laudis causā.
- Numquam perīculum sine perīculō vincitur.
- Danger is never defeated without danger.
- Novius est vīcīnus meus et manū dextrā tangī dē fenestrīs meīs potest.
- Novius is my neighbor [male] and can be touched with (my) right hand from my windows.
- Nōnne iūdicēs iubēbunt hunc propter scelera in vincula dūcī et ad mortem rapī?
- Will the judges not order this (man), on account of (his) crimes, to be led into chains and to be carried away to (his) death?
4a. Altera aetas bellīs cīvīlibus teritur …
4a. Another age is worn out in civil wars …
4b. et Rōma ipsa suīs vīribus dēlētur.
4b. and Rome herself is destroyed by her own strength.
5a. At amīcītia nūllō locō exclūditur;
5a. But friendship is shut out from no place
5b. numquam est intempestiva aut sinistra;
5b. it is never untimely or ominous;
5c. multa benefecia continet.
5c. it contains many benefits.
- Futūra scīrī nōn possunt.
- Things of the future cannot be known.
7a. Prīncipiō ipse mundus deōrum hominumque causā factus est,
7a. At the beginning the world was created for the sake of gods and of humans,
7b. et quae in eō sunt, ea parāta sunt ad frūctum hominum.
7b. and what (things) are in it, they were prepared for the enjoyment of humans.
- Quam cōpiōsē ā Xenophonte agrīcultūra laudātur in eō librō quī “Oeconomicus” īnscrībitur.
- How fully is agriculture praised by Xenophon in that book which is entitled “Oeconomicus.”
- Vulgus vult dēcipī.
- The crowd wishes to be deceived.
- Ubi scientia ac sapientia inveniuntur?
- Where are knowledge and wisdom found?
- Vēritās nimis saepe labōrat; exstinguitur numquam.
- Truth too often struggles; it is never extinguished.
- Venit iam magna aetās nova;
- Now a great new age is coming;
- de caelō mittitur puer,
- a boy is sent from heaven,
- quī vītam deōrum habēbit deōsque vidēbit et ipse vidēbitur ab illīs.
- who will have the life of the gods and will see the gods and will himself be seen by them.
- Hic puer reget mundum cui virtūtēs patris pācem dedērunt.
- This boy will rule the world to which the virtues of (his) father have given peace.
- Pauca mala, autem, remanēbunt,
- A few evils, however, will remain,
- quae hominēs iubēbunt labōrāre atque bellum asperum gerere.
- which will command humans to work and to wage harsh warfare.
- Erunt autem altera bella …
- There will be, however, other wars …
- atque iterum ad Trōiam magnus mittētur Achillēs.
- And again great Achilles will be sent to Troy.
- Tum, puer, ubi iam longa aetās tē virum fēcerit,
- Then, boy, when now the long age will have made you a man,
- erunt nūllī labōrēs, nūlla bella;
- there will be no struggles, no wars;
- nautae ex nāvibus discēdent,
- sailors will depart from their ships,
- agricolae quoque iam agrōs relinquent,
- farmers too will now abandon their fields,
- terra ipsa omnibus hominibus omnia parābit.
- the earth itself will prepare everything for all humans.
- Currite, aetātēs;
- Run, ages;
- incipe, parve puer, scīre matrem,
- begin, boy, to know your mother,
- et erit satis spīritūs mihi tua dicere facta.
- and there will be breath enough for me to speak (of) your deeds.