26-09 Flashcards
Personnel should complete Hazmat Exposure Reports after….
….being exposed to smoke and/or other contaminates. The Hazmat Exposure Report should be completed post fire or following a fire investigation in order to create a record or file in the event personnel develop symptoms at a later date. The Hazmat Exposure Report SOG will creat a protocol for exposures deemed significant and initiate an investigation by the PC/DivC for the purpose of determining whether or not something can be done to prevent a recurrence in the future.
The employee’s immediate supervisor shall review the completed Hazmat Exposure Report to
….ensure that it has been completed accurately and completely.
Copies of the completed Report will be forwarded to…
Local 1068 - wsib rep. (white copy)
PC or DivC - (yellow copy) who after review will forward it to Admin. and a copy shall be kept by the employee(Pink copy)
Who is responsible for completing the Report?
Any personnel who have sustained a Significant Exposure are personally responsible for ensuring that a Hazmat Exposure Report is completed in its entirety.
Part A of a Workplace Injury/Illness report will be
completed by the injured persons officer and forwarded to Admin.
Admin ensures the copy of the Workplace Injury/Illness report is sent to?
the Worker Co-Chair of the JHSC.
Utilizing what? the PC will what?
Utilizing the part B of the Workplace Injury/Illness Report, a PC/DivC will investigate the incident and make recommendations to prevent similar significant exposures from occurring in the future.
What is considered a significant exposure?
- Personnel requiring medical attention related to an exposure either at the scene or post incident.
- Personnel receive and exposure due to failure of PPE; all equipment to be secured in its entirety, for an Investigation
- Personnel have lost time due to an exposure
- Personnel have suffered symptoms due to an exposure