Pediatric PT Flashcards
What is hemiplegia
Right UE/LE or Left UE/LE
What is babinski reflex
Stroke lateral aspect of plantar surface of the foot
Get extension and fanning of toes
What type of drug is used for CP
Intrathecal baclofen pump
Drag dorsum of foot or back of hand against edge of table
Get placing of foot on table top
What is athetosis CP
generalized decreased muscle tone, floppy baby syndrome
Neck righting
Turn head with infant in supine
Body log rolls (0-6 months)
Infant held in central suspension
Neck, trunk, hips extend
What is dystonia
Involuntary movements with sustained contractions
What is athetosis
Fluctuating muscle tone, involuntary slow writhing movements
Normal gestational period
38-42 weeks
What is myelomeningocele
Cyst includes CSF and herniated cord tissue
When is the APGAR test administered
To newborns every 5 and 10 minutes after birth
What is Erb’s Paralysis
C5-C6 upper arm paralysis
What does the Peabody test
Gross and fine motor development from birth-42 mos
Sharp stroke along paravertebral line from scalula top top of iliac crest
Trunk flexion toward side
Tonic labyrinthine supine
Supine position
Extensor tone
Rotation of head
Extension of face side extremities, flexion of skull side
What is Maturationist Hierachical Theory
Individual genetically and biologically determined
What is monoplegia
One limb affected by CP
What is quadriplegia
All four limbs affected
For an infant with Meconium Aspiration Syndrome, how do they get it and what can they develop
Inhales substance
Can develop respiratory distress
What is diplegia CP
Two lower limbs affected
Sudden extension of neck
Flexion, ABD of shoulders
Two types of spina bifida cystica
What is the Empricist Theory
Source of human behavior is environment
How is APGAR scores
0, 1, 2
score of 7 of above considered good
What is respiratory distress syndrome
Respiratory distress due to atelectasis caused by insufficient surfactant in premature lungs
What is meningocele
Cyst involves CSF, cord intact
Tonic labyrinthine prone
Prone position
Results in flexor tone
What is Klumpke’s paralysis
C8-T1 lower arm paralysis
Where does intrathecal baclofen pump deliver
Intrathecal (subarachnoid) space
Physiologic flexion of ankles and wrists
Ankles: dorsiflexion
Wrists: flexion
What is spina bifida Cheri a
Visible or open lesion
What does Gross Motor Function Measure measure
Change in gross motor function over time in children with CP and Downs Syndrome
What foot deformity is common with spina bifida
Talipes equinovarus (club foot)
How does Botox injections work
Botox into muscle which paralyzes it for 4-6 months
What are the five items on the APGAR
Heart rate Respiration Reflex irritability Muscle tone Color
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)
ADLs with/without modification by caregiver
Cervical extension
UE extension, LE flexion
cervical flexion
UE flexion, LE extension
What is ataxia
Instability of movement
What is spina bifida occulta
No spinal cord involvement, may he indicated by tuft of hair, dimple, or sinus