Neuromuscular Part Two Flashcards
on the Rancho Los Amigos scale, what level indicates decreased response levels
the Mini-Mental State Examination is used to test
cognitive function
elevation in body temperature can be the result of damage to…
three superficial sensory tests
six corticol sensatory tests
tactile localization
two-point discrimimation
bilateral simultaneous stimulation
how to interpret GCS score
range 3-15
severe brain injury 1-8
moderate brain injury 9-12
minor brain injury 13-15
what is stereognosis
test ability to identify familiar objects in hand by touch and manipulation
regarding arousal, what is coma
state of unconsciousness from which patient can’t be aroused
what is persistent vegitative state
state lasting over 1 year after TBI
state lasting over 3 months for anoxic brain injury
what is calculation
counting backwards by 7
what will meningeal irritation do to HR, RR, BP
increased HR
increased BP
fluctuating BP
pupillary changes could be are tested with what CN
oculomotor III
on the Rancho Los Amigos scale, what level indicates confused levels
nonfluent aphasia AKA
Broca’s Aphasia
what does Cheyne-Stoke respiration follow
depression of frontal lobe and diencephalon dysfunction
regarding arousal, what is alertness
patient responds appropriately
open eyes and look at examinter
stimulus to stretch (myotatic) reflex
muscle stretch
example of agnosia
patient can’t recognize clock by sight, but knows the ticking noise
what is kinesthesia
patient can duplicate movement with opposite limb or give verbal report
what is joint position sense
up or down
in or out
three proprioceptive sensory tests
joint position
on the Rancho Los Amigos scale, what level indicates no response
two tests for meningeal irritation
Kernig’s Sign
Brudzinski’s Sign
regarding arousal, what is stupor
can only be aroused from sleep only with painful stimuli
verbal responses slow or absent
patient returns to absent state when stimulus removed
positive result of Brudzinski’s Sign
flexion of hips and knees
what is ideomotor apraxia
patient cannot perform task on command
but can do it when left alone
stretch reflex AKA
myotatic reflex
regarding arousal, what is lethargy
appears drowsy
can open eyes and look at examiner, but falls asleep easily
how to test memory
immediate - name three items said after brief interval
recent (short-term) - what did you have for breakfast
remote memory (long term) - where were you born
vomitting could be the result of damage to what CN
what is Cheyne-Stokes respiration
period of apnea lasting 10-60 seconds
followed by gradually increasing depth and frequency of respirations
what is global aphasia
impairments in comprehension and production of language
how to test length of attention span
recall seven numbers in order presented
what is ideational apraxia
patient cannot ever do the task
unresponsive vigilance AKA
vegetative state
example of topographical test
have a patient walk within familiar environment (waiting room to PT room)
on the Rancho Los Amigos scale, what level indicates appropriate levels
damage to the upper pons would lead to
apneustic breathing
what is apneustic breathing
abnormal respiration marked by prolonged inspiration
what is apraxia
inability to perform voluntary, learned movements in the absence of loss of sensation, strength, coordination, attention, or comprehension
order of sensory tests to conduct for someone with NM disorder
regarding arousal, what is obtundation
patient can open eyes and look at examiner
responds slowly and is confused
decreased alertness and interest in envrionment
calculation is a common way to test
higher-level cognitive abilities
what is Kernig’s Sign
flex hip and knee to chest
extend knee
three elements of response on the glasgow coma scale
eye opening
verbal response
motor response
what is anosognosia
severe denial, neglect, or lack of awareness of severity of condition
the Denis-Browne orthosis is appropriate for someone with
talipes equinovarus
what is Brudzinski’s Sign
flex neck to chest
dysfunction of the lower mid-brain and pons would lead to…
fluent aphasia AKA
Wernicke’s Aphasia