Musculoskeletal Part Fifteen Flashcards
with transient synovitis in children, what will clinical exam show
decreased hip ABD
decreased IR
position of the foot in talipes equinovarus
schedule for Denis-Brown splints for talipes equinovarus
throughout the day for 3 months
night for 3 years
toe-ing out can be caused by
femoral retroversion
external tibial torsion
flat foot
what foot deformity is common with W Sitting
Toeing in (pigeon-toed)
hip dysplasia can result in
subluxation or dislocation
what type of Orthoses should be worn for talipes equinovarus
talipes equinovarus AKA
five tests indicated for sacroiliac dysfunctions
SI gap
Si compression
Sacral thrust
Thigh thrust
symptoms of bone tumors
pain that is unvarying/progressive
pain not relieved with rest
pain worse at night
for hypermobile segments, what type of imaging should be done
plain film imaging with dynamic flexion/extension views
postural talipes equinovarus is caused by…
intrauterine malposition
is genu varum or genu valgum normal in newborn and infants
genu VARUM normal with infants
most common cause of in-toeing
internal tibial torsion
what is the resting position of the tongue that a patient should be educated on following TMJD
tongue on hard palate
cholecystitis may present as
abrupt, severe abdominal pain
RUQ tenderness
normal antetorsion angle of the femoral neck
10-25 degrees
the most common congenital foot deformity
metatarsus adductus
what is considered incereased femoral anteversion
the femoral neck angles over 25 degrees
what does the pavlik harness do for hip dysplasia
maintain hip flexion with ABD
maintains femoral head in acetabulum
what is transient synovitis in children
transient inflammation of the synovium of the hip
what does the thigh-foot angle describe
tibial torsion
what PT intervention is generally indicated for acceleration/deceleration injuries to the c-spine
spinal manipulation
appropriate position for someone with GERD
trunk elevated to 45 degrees
can refer pain to
what is facet entrapment caused by
abnormal movement of fibroadipose meniscoid in facet during extension (from flexion)
how and when is hip dysplasia diagnosed
4 weeks
what is the thigh-foot angle and where is it measured
between the axis of the foot and axis of the thigh
measured with child prone and knees at 90
two contributors to hip dysplasia
low levels of amniotic fluid
swaddling an infant too tightly
for a baby with talipes equinovarus, how does the affected foot look compared to the healthy foot (not positions)
a half size smaller
less mobile
calf muscles smaller
most common metastatic bone cancer sites
accelleration/deceleration injuries of the cervical spine AKA
increased femoral antetorsion is common with…
W Sitting
PT course of therapy for postural talipes equinovarus
manipulation followed by casting or splinting (Ponsetit method)
how many of the SI special tests need to be positive for SI dysfunction
current gold standard treatment for hip dysplasia
Pavlik harness
what position is most comfortable and uncomfortable with facet entrapment (acute locked back)
flexion comfortable
extension uncomfortable
what side is metatarsus adductus more common on
what is decreased femoral antetorsion
femoral neck under 10 degrees
referral pain for acute pancreatitis
mid-epigastric pain through the back
how long does transient synovitis in children last
7-10 days
heart and lung disorders can refer pain to…
for TMJ disorder, if the disc is anteriorly displaced, what direction should the glide be applied
most common cause of metatarsus adductus
intrauterine packing
etiology of transient synovitis in children
acute onset of sudden hip pain in children 3-10
when can talipes equinovarus FIRST be noticed
prenatal ultrasound
maximum genu varum is present most at what age
6-12 months
for lumbar/cervical posterior bulge/herniation, other than pain, what other symptoms can be experienced
central nervous system symptoms:
positive Babinski
three deformities present with a child who W Sits
metatarsus adductus
internal tibial torsion
increased femoral anteversion
when is talipes equinovarus noticed
at birth
hip dysplasia special tests
Barlow test
ortolani test
limited hip ABD
Galeazzi sign
Klisic sign