Neuromuscular Part Nine Flashcards
overall, which affected hemisphere side leads to more dangerous decisions
right hemisphere
Level 2 on Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning
generalized response.. patient reacts inconsistently and nonspecifically to stimuli
ACA stroke symptoms
contralateral hemiplegia and sensory loss
what is Romberg’s Sign
loss of balance in standing when the eyes are closed
what is monocular blindness
blindness in one eye
uncoordinated movement, especially gait
name all stages of stroke recovery
Stage 1: flaccid, no limb movement
Stage 2: synergies may appear.. spasticity begins to develop.. minimal voluntary movement
Stage 3: spasticity increased and may become severe.. voluntary control of movement synergies appears
Stage 4: some movement independent of the synergies.. spasticity begins to decline
Stage 5: synergies no longer dominate, movement becomes more complex
Stage 6: spasticity is gone, coordination and movement approach normal
how to appropriately communicate with someone with Fluent aphasia
word repetition and manual cues
what is Visual Acuity
sharpness of vision that generally decreases with age or certain disabilities (diabetes)
Level 1 on Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning
no response.. completely unresponsive to any stimuli
what is nystagmus
rapid (usually back and forth) movement of the eyeballs
what is Morton’s Neuroma
an excessive pronation during stance produces a compression between the third and fourth metatarsals
what is bitemporal hemianopsia
deficit of the temporal or peripheral visual fields
symptoms with middle cerebral artery stroke
contralateral hemiplegia
motor loss UE > LE
loss of sensation primarily in arm and face
Level 5 on Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning
confused/inappropriate.. patient able to respond to simple commands but not do complex tasks.. inappropriate verbalization
what is Horner’s Syndrome
ptosis of the eyelid
constriction of the pupil
lack of sweating of ipsilateral face
tunnel vision AKA
bitemporal hemianopsia
Level 3 on Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning
localized response.. patient reacts inconsistently but specifically to stimuli
LE flexion synergy
hip flexion, ABD, ER
knee flexion
ankle DF and IV
toe DF
causalgia is associated with what disease
CRPS Type 1
what is Glove and Stocking Anesthesia
distal portions of nerves degenerate resulting in anesthesia of distal extremities in a pattern as if the patient was wearing gloves and stockings
what causes homonymous hemianopsia
damage to the contralateral optic tract
how to stimulate sucking
deep pressure to the neck above the thyroid
inability to move muscles together in a coordinated manner
what is agnosia
inability to recognize familiar objects with one form of sensation
what is ideomotor apraxia
person can’t do a task on command, but can do it spontaneously
what is apnea
cessation of breath
what diagnostic test would be used to determine severity of nerve compression prior to surgery
nerve conduction velocity
Wallenberg’s Syndrome is most associated with what type of CVA
how to communicate with global aphasia
use gestures to reduce chancer of overestimating patient’s ability to understand speech
what is akinesia
inability to initiate movement
what disease is common with Glove and Stocking Anesthesia
UE flexion synergy
scapular elevation and retraction
shoulder ABD and ER
elbow flexion
forearm supination and wrist/finger flexion
what is apraxia
inability to perform movements previously learned even though there is no loss of strength, coordination, sensation, comprehension
what is delirium
temporary confusion and loss of mental function
Level 4 on Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning
confused/agitated.. behavior is bizarre and nonpurposeful relative to immediate environment
what is reciprocal inhibition
inhibition of muscles antagonistic to those being facilitated
burning sensation, which is painful
immediately following a stroke, is flaccidity or spasticity present
what is somatagnosia
a lack of awareness of the relationship of one’s own body parts or the body parts of others
vertebral-basilar stroke symptoms
often times death from edema associated with infarct
(if survival) quadriparesis and bulbar palsy
“locked-in” state where they communicate by eye blinking
what is homonymous hemianopsia
deficit of either the right or left halves of the visual field
who demonstrates Cheyne-Stokes respiration
severe TBI
anterior inferior cerebellar stroke symptoms
unilateral deafness
loss of pain and temp on contralateral side
unilateral Horner’s
inability to recognize objects by touch alone
what is ideational apraxia
person no longer gets the “idea” of how to do something
how to communicate with someone with non-fluent aphasia
phrase questions for “yes/no” response to avoid confusion and frustration
blindness in one eye is a result of…
damage to the optic nerve
an injury to the optic chiasm could result in
bitemporal hemianopsia
what is Cheyne-Stokes Respiration
breathing pattern characterized by period of apnea lasting 10-60 seconds followed by gradually increasing, then decreasing depth and frequency of respiration