Lesson 18 - Translate into Pāli Flashcards
The man stood on the road asking my mother the way to go to the monastery.
Vihāraṃ gantuṃ maggaṃ ammāya pucchanto puriso magge aṭṭhāsi.
Having prepared rice with faith for the monks, the woman took it to the monastery.
Saddhāya samaṇānaṃ odanaṃ paṭiyādetvā vanitā vihāraṃ nesi.
You can live righteously and seek wealth.
Tvaṃ dhammena jīvanto dhanaṃ pariyesituṃ sakkosi.
Sitting in the shade of the house the girls cut branches from the creeper.
Gehassa chāyāyaṃ nisīdantiyo kaññāyo latāya sākhāyo chindiṃsu.
Wicked men did not advise their sons who drink liquor.
Asappurisā suraṃ pivante putte na ovadiṃsu.
Taking the basket and money the girl went to the market to buy corn.
Dārikā piṭakaṃ ca mūlaṃ ca ādāya/gahetvā dhaññaṃ kiṇituṃ āpaṇaṃ agacchi/agami.
If you light lamps the lay devotees will see the objects in the monastery.
Sace tumhe dīpe jāleyyātha upāsakā vihāre rūpāni passissanti.
O good men, you learn the dhamma and try to live righteously.
Sappurisā tumhe dhammaṃ uggaṇhitvā dhammena jīvituṃ ussahatha.
If you try, you can avoid evil and do good.
Sace tvaṃ ussaheyyāsi pāpaṃ nivāretvā puññaṃ kātuṃ sakkosi.
Having seen the lion sleeping in the cave the woman ran.
Vanitā guhāyaṃ sayantaṃ sīhaṃ disvā dhāvi.