Engels - dingentjes voor de toets (bv reported speech, ...) Flashcards
Wat is direct speech?
De exacte woorden van iemand herhalen, met gebruik van quotation marks (“,”).
Wat is reported speech?
Een zin starten met bv: “She said that…”, “He told me that…”, … die vaak in de verleden tijd staat.
Wat is het verschil in de persoonlijke en bezittelijke voornaamwoorden bij directed en reported speech?
- direct zoals I, my/mine, we, our(s), you, your(s), …
- reported zoals he, she, his, her(s), they, their(s), I, we, my/mine, our(s), …
Wanneer verander je de tijd van het ww niet in een reported statement?
Wanneer het werkwoord in de tegenwoordige tijd staat.
Wat is de past simple?
bv. I talked, you didn’t talk, did we talk?, …
Wat is de past perfect simple?
bv. I had talked, you hadn’t talked, had we talked?, …
Wat is de past perfect continous?
bv. I had been talking, you hadn’t been talking, Had we been talking?, ..
Wat wordt: He said: “I…” in de reported speech?
He said that he…
Wat wordt: I said: “I…” in de reported speech?
I said that I…
Wat wordt: He told me: “You…” in de reported speech?
He told me that I…
Wat wordt: She said: “He…” in de reported speech?
She said that he…
Wat wordt ‘now’ in de reported speech?
then, at that time
Wat wordt ‘last night’ in de reported speech?
the night before
Wat wordt ‘tomorrow’ in de reported speech?
the enxt day, the following day
Wat wordt ‘yesterday’ in de reported speech?
the day before
Wat wordt ‘next week’ in de reported speech?
the following week
Welke 2 patronen heb je bij reported speech? +vb
- say-patern: bv Kim said that she loved her sister.
(to say something (to someone)) - tell-patern: bv. Kanye told his mother-in-law that he had cheated on Kim.
(to tell someone (something))
BE of AE?
-our, -or
BE: -our
AE: -or
colour, color
BE of AE?
-re, -er
BE: -re
AE: -er
centre, center
BE of AE?
-ence/-ense, -ense
BE: -ence (nouns)/ -ense (for verbs)
AE: -ense (nouns en verbs)
a licence/to license, license/to license
BE of AE?
-ce, -ce/-se
BE: -ce (nouns)/-se (verbs)
AE: -ce (nouns en verbs)
practice/to practise, practice/to practice
BE of AE?
-ize, -ise/ize
BE: -ise/-ize
AE: -ize
to realise/to realize, to realize
BE of AE?
-yse, -yze
BE: -yse
AE: -yze
to analyse, to analyze
BE of AE?
keeping a single -l in conjugation, doubling -l in conjugation
BE: doubling the -l in conjugation
AE: keeping a single -le in conjugation
travelled, traveled
BE of AE?
-ogue, -og
BE: -ogue
AE: -og
dialogue, dialog
BE of AE?
-ae, -e
BE: -ae
AE: -e
paediatrics, pediatrics
BE of AE?
past simple and past participle in -t or -ed, past simple and past participle in -ed
BE: part simple and past participle in -t or -ed
AE: past simple and pat participle in -ed
burnt/burned, burned
BE of AE?
BE of AE?
BE of AE?