Transitions & Phrases Flashcards





άλλο πάλι και τούτο (állo páli kai toúto)
άνευ τούτου (ánev toútou, “without it”)
επί τούτω (epí toúto, “ad hoc”)
επί τούτοις (epí toútois, “intentionally”)
και τούτο και το άλλο (kai toúto kai to állo, “this and that”)
καλό και τούτο (kaló kai toúto)
προς τούτο (pros toúto)
προς τούτοις (pros toútois, “moreover”)
τούτου δοθέντος (toútou dothéntos, “therefore, ergo”)
ως εκ τούτου (os ek toútou, “therefore, ergo”)

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ὅς, ἥ, ὅ



hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that
Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ
Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun
Transliteration: hos, hé, ho
Phonetic Spelling: (hos)
Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that
Usage: who, which, what, that.

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ἐᾱ́ν • (eā́n)
(for more depth see εἰ (ei) and ἄν (án)

εἰ • (ei)

ἐπεί • (epeí)
(of time) after, after that, since, when

From ἐπί (epí, “on”) + εἰ (ei, “if”).

(with subjunctive, ἄν (án) often being added)
(referring to future time)
(referring generally to any one of a number of instances, with a present apodosis of repeated action) whenever, when once

(with optative, without ἄν (án))
(referring to future time)
(more frequently, referring generally to any one of a number of past instances, with a past apodosis of repeated action)
(in indirect speech after past tenses, representing a subjunctive in direct speech)

Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle
Transliteration: an
Phonetic Spelling: (an)
Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty
Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood.

302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement.

302 (an) “indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes” (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) “limits” (“conditions”) the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the “untranslatable particle.” However, it always influences (“conditions”) its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs.

[Though 302 (án) is not easily “translatable,” it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as “perchance,” “haply.”)

302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]

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Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle
Transliteration: an
Phonetic Spelling: (an)
Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty
Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood.

302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement.

302 (an) “indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes” (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) “limits” (“conditions”) the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the “untranslatable particle.” However, it always influences (“conditions”) its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs.

[Though 302 (án) is not easily “translatable,” it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as “perchance,” “haply.”)

302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]

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Forms the continuous or imperfective future tense.
Forms the simple or perfective future tense.
Forms the conditional mood.

θα • (tha)
added before the present verb forms to form the continuous or imperfective future tense:

Θα τον προσέχω όλη μου τη ζωή.
Tha ton prosécho óli mou ti zoḯ.
I will watch over him for the rest of my life.

Ο αδελφός μου θα βλέπει την σειρά όσο συνεχίσει.
O adelfós mou tha vlépei tin seirá óso synechísei.
My brother will be watching that series as long as it continues.

Ας γκρινιάζει, εγώ θα πηγαίνω εκεί όσο θέλω.
As gkriniázei, egó tha pigaíno ekeí óso thélo.
Let him moan, I’ll go there for as long as I want.

added before the dependent verb forms to form the simple or perfective future tense:
Αύριο, θα δούμε μια ταινία στο σινεμά.
Ávrio, tha doúme mia tainía sto sinemá.
Tomorrow, we’ll see a film at the cinema.

Σου υπόσχομαι ότι δεν θα πω τίποτα.
Sou ypóschomai óti den tha po típota.
I promise you I won’t say anything.

Όταν το δει η μάνα μου, θα με σκοτώσει!
Ótan to dei i mána mou, tha me skotósei!
When my mother sees it, she’ll kill me!

added before the present forms of έχω (écho) and the non-finite to form some types of the future perfect:
Μέχρι να γυρίσεις από την αγορά, θα έχω τελειώσει.
Méchri na gyríseis apó tin agorá, tha écho teleiósei.
By the time you come back from the market, I will have finished.

Τον Ιανουάριο, θα έχω δουλέψει εκεί είκοσι χρόνια.
Ton Ianouário, tha écho doulépsei ekeí eíkosi chrónia.
In January, I will have worked there twenty years.

added before the imperfect forms of έχω (écho) and the non-finite to form some types of the pluperfect:
Θα είχα πάει να κοιμηθώ, γι’ αυτό δεν σε άκουσα.
Tha eícha páei na koimithó, gi’ aftó den se ákousa.
I would have gone to sleep, that’s why I didn’t hear you.

added before the imperfect verb forms to form the conditional mood:
Αν δεν είχα φρενάρει, θα τον σκότωνα.
An den eícha frenárei, tha ton skótona.
If I hadn’t braked, I would have killed him.

Τι θα γινόταν αν πατούσα αυτό το κουμπί;
Ti tha ginótan an patoúsa aftó to koumpí?
What would happen if I pressed this button?

Εγώ σ’ αυτή την περίπτωση, θα του έλεγα να φύγει.
Egó s’ aftí tin períptosi, tha tou élega na fýgei.
In that case, I’d tell him to leave.

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να (na, “subjunctive particle”)

να είναι
(“to be”)

να • (na)
added before the dependent or present verb forms to form the different subjunctive moods, serving a variety of different clausal functions and to express imperatives, wishes or hypotheticals:

Μπορώ να έχω…
Boró na écho…
Can I have…

Θέλω να φύγω.
Thélo na fýgo.
I want to leave.

Να μείνω ή να φύγω;
Na meíno í na fýgo?
Should I stay or should I go?

Δεν θέλω να τον βλέπω.
Den thélo na ton vlépo.
I don’t want to be seeing him.

Δεν έχω όρεξη να κάθομαι εκεί επί ώρες.
Den écho órexi na káthomai ekeí epí óres.
I’m not in the mood to be sitting there for hours.

Να προσέχεις τον εαυτό σου.
Na prosécheis ton eaftó sou.
Take care of yourself.

Να ’χεις το νου σου.
Na ’cheis to nou sou.
Be aware/be on the lookout.

Να είχαμε πέντε λεπτά ακόμα.
Na eíchame pénte leptá akóma.
If only we had five more minutes.

used after the neuter definite article and before the second person singular of the present tense, it converts the clause to a noun phrase with the function of gerund:
Το να κλέβεις τις ιδέες ενός είναι «λογοκλοπή», το να κλέβεις τις ιδέες πολλών είναι «επιστημονική έρευνα».
To na kléveis tis idées enós eínai «logoklopí», to na kléveis tis idées pollón eínai «epistimonikí érevna».
Stealing ideas from one person is “plagiarism”, stealing from many is “research”.

να • (na)
used to show or point out someone or something: there, here
Να τα προβλήματά μου.
Na ta provlímatá mou.
These are my problems.

Να ’τος! (’τος here is a contraction of αυτός (aftós))
Na ’tos!
There he is!

Να ’μαστε πάλι εδώ Αντρέα! (’μαστε here is a contraction of είμαστε (eímaste))
Na ’maste páli edó Antréa!
Here we are again, Andrea!

when used with the hand gesture moutza, indicates of displeasure or anger:
Να! Παρ’ τα!
Na! Par’ ta!
There! Take that!

(vulgar) when used with a hand gesture pointing to own genitals, means “I don’t give a shit”:
Κι εμένα, να!
Ki eména, na!
As for myself I don’t give a shit!

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ας • (as)
added before the dependent or present verb forms to form the hortative and jussive moods:
Ας πάμε!
As páme!
Let’s go!

Ας γκρινιάζει.
As gkriniázei.
Let him moan.

more literally as an imperative, leave off:
Ας τ’ αστεία!
As t’ asteía!
Leave off the jokes!

from Ancient Greek ἀφές (aphés, “let!”).

ἀφῑ́ημῐ • (aphī́ēmi)
to send forth, discharge, emit
to let fall from one’s grasp
(in prose) to send forth, dispatch
to give up or hand over
to send away
(of people)
to let go, loose, set free
to let go, dissolve, disband, break up, dismiss
to put away, divorce
to let go as an ἄφετος (áphetos)
(of things) to get rid of, shed, give up
(with πλοῖον (ploîon)) to set sail
(law) to remit, excuse
to leave alone, pass by, not notice
(with accusative and infitive) to donate to public property
(with accusative and infinitive) to allow, let, permit
Antonym: ἐμποδίζω (empodízō)
(seemingly intransitive) to break up, march, sail
(with infinitive) to give up doing
(in middle voice) to send forth from oneself
to loose something of one’s own
(often in Attic, with genitive) to let go of

From ἀπό (“from, away from”) + ἵημι (híēmi, “to send, throw”)

αφήνω • (afíno) (past άφησα, passive αφήνομαι, p‑past αφέθηκα, ppp αφημένος)
leave, allow, let, let go, let go of, drop, drop off, abandon.

άφησε το μολύβι του να πέσει στο πάτωμα
áfise to molývi tou na pései sto pátoma
he let the pencil fall to the floor

άφησα το πορτοφόλι μου πάνω στο τραπέζι
áfisa to portofóli mou páno sto trapézi
I left my wallet on the table.

αφήστε με ήσυχη (άστε με ήσυχη)
afíste me ísychi (áste me ísychi)
leave me alone (feminine).

τον άφησαν ελεύθερο
ton áfisan eléfthero
they set it free

ῑ̔́ημῐ • (hī́ēmi)
I release, let go
(of sounds) I utter, speak, say
I throw, shoot, hurl
(of water) I let flow, flow, spout forth
I send
(middle) I speed myself, hasten
(middle, with infinitive) I am eager, I desire (to do something)
(middle, with genitive) I am set upon, long for 

αφετηρία • (afetiría) f (plural αφετηρίες)
(sports) startline, starting line
(transport) point of departure, terminus
(figuratively) the start of something new

αφέτης m (afétis, “starter”)

ἐᾱ́ν • (eā́n)
if (for more depth see εἰ (ei) and ἄν (án)

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BUT WAIT (there’s more)

A weaker conjunction than καὶ.

te: τέ (“and”)- (denotes addition or connection)

(“And”) [ a weaker conjunction than καὶ ]


Original Word: τέ
Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle
Transliteration: te
Phonetic Spelling: (teh)
Definition: and (denotes addition or connection)
Usage: and, both.
HELPS Word-studies
5037 té (a conjunction) – “and both” (“both and”). 5037 /té (“and both”) occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated.

[When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered “and,” “both and,” or “and both.”]

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(Limiting, Intensifying)

γε • (ge) (discourse particle)
often translatable with italics or stress
(limiting) at least, at any rate, only
(intensifying) in fact
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BUT WAIT (If you thought that was bad)


δή • (dḗ) (discourse particle)
Adds temporal specificity: (“now, already”)
Adds emphasis: (“truly, !”)
Adds specificity: (“exactly”)
With pronouns: (“of all people”)

From Ancient Greek δέ (“and, but”)

δε • (de)
also, but also

ευχαριστώ, αλλά δε θα πάρω (“thanks, but no thanks”)

δέ is a postpositive word: it is never the first word in a sentence. It is usually the second but sometimes also the third or fourth.
It is often used together with μέν (mén).

μέν • (mén) (discourse particle)
on the one hand, while, whereas (often left untranslated)
(before other particles) accordingly, and so


Second word in a sentence (a transitional phrase)

ἠκολούθει δὲ, αὐτῷ ὄχλος πολύς
Following then, him crowd many,
Next, a great crowd was following him,

ἀνῆλθεν δὲ εἰς τὸ ὄρος ἰησοῦς,
Went then, Jesus up to the mountain,
Then, Jesus went up to the mountain,

ἦν δὲ ἐγγὺς τὸ πάσχα,
Was being now, near the Passover,

τοῦτο δὲ ἔλεγεν πειράζων αὐτόν,
Now then, these words were testing him,

ἦν δὲ χόρτος πολὺς ἐν τῶ τόπῳ.
Now then, there was a lot of grass in that place.

ὡς δὲ ὀψία ἐγένετο
Then, when it became evening,

τοῦτο δέ ἐστιν τὸ θέλημα τοῦ πέμψαντός,
Now then, this is the will of the one having sent me,

ὡς δὲ ἐνεπλήσθησαν λέγει τοῖς μαθηταῖς αὐτοῦ,
And then, when they were filled he said to his disciples,

ὁ δὲ λέγει αὐτοῖς,
Now, the One says to them,

εἰδὼς δὲ ὁ ἰησοῦς ἐν ἑαυτῶ ὅτι γογγύζουσιν περὶ τούτου οἱ μαθηταὶ αὐτοῦ εἶπεν αὐτοῖς,
However, Jesus knew in himself the disciples were grumbling about him,

ἔλεγεν δὲ τὸν ἰούδαν σίμωνος ἰσκαριώτου· οὖτος γὰρ ἔμελλεν παραδιδόναι αὐτόν,
And then, he was speaking about Simon Iscariot who was to betray him and hand him over to the Roman soldiers,

Ἰούδας - Judas

ἐγὼ δὲ οὐ παρὰ ἀνθρώπου τὴν μαρτυρίαν λαμβάνω,
Now then I do not recur testimony from the man,

ἐγὼ δὲ ἔχω τὴν μαρτυρίαν μείζω τοῦ ἰωάννου
However, I have received greater witness testimony that John,

εἰ δὲ τοῖς ἐκείνου γράμμασιν οὐ πιστεύετε,
If now then the writings you do not believe,

καί δέ
but … also
yea and, moreover also:

μᾶλλον δέ
Rather however

νῦν δέ
Now however

εἰ δέ
If on the other hand

Ὅτι δέ
Because on the contrary however

Ὅτε δέ ἦλθεν
When however he had come

Λέγω δέ, ἐφ’ ὅσον χρόνον ὁ κληρονόμος νήπιός ἐστιν
I say now, for as long a time as the heir is an uneducated child…

ἐστι δέ, στοιχεῖον, ἐξ οὗ πρώτου γίνεται τά γινόμενα καί εἰς ὁ ἔσχατον ἀναλύεται
It is however, a fundamental principle, out from not of the first come into being the resulting product and into the last i analyze.

ὅταν δέ, αὐξηθῇ μεῖζον τῶν λαχάνων
When however, it is grown greater than garden plants

Ἔδει δὲ αὐτὸν διέρχεσθαι διὰ τῆς Σαμαρείας
It was necessary for now him to pass through to Samaria.

Judah or Judas = “he shall be praised”

the fourth son of Jacob
an unknown ancestor of Christ
a man surnamed the Galilean, who at the time of the census of Quirinus, excited the revolt in Galilee, Acts 5:
a certain Jew of Damascus, Acts 9:
a prophet surnamed Barsabas, of the church at Jerusalem, Acts 15:22,27,
the apostle, Jn 14:22, who was surnamed Lebbaeus or Thaddaeus, and according to opinion wrote the Epistle of Jude.

Translations of betray
betray, squeal, bespeak, give away, sell out

disclose, reveal, uncover, divulge, unveil, betray

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δή • (dḗ) (discourse particle)
Adds temporal specificity: (“now, already”)
Adds emphasis: (“truly, !”)
Adds specificity: (“exactly”)
With pronouns: (“of all people”)


(a conjunction) 
indeed now 
on top of this 
next . . .


Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: de
Phonetic Spelling: (deh)
Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)
Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and.

1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . .

universally, by way of opposition and distinction; it is added to statements opposed to a preceding statement.

it opposes persons to persons or things previously mentioned or thought of — either with strong emphasis.

it is joined to terms which are repeated with a certain emphasis, and with such additions as tend to explain and establish them more exactly; in this use of the particle we may supply a suppressed negative clause and give its force in English by inserting I say, and that, so then, etc.

it serves to mark a transition to something new (δέ metabatic); by this use of the particle, the new addition is distinguished from and, as it were, opposed to what goes before.

it introduces the apodosis and, as it were, opposes it to the protasis.

δέ never stands as the first word in the sentence, but generally second; and when the words to which it is added cannot be separated, it stands third.

καί … δέ, but … also, yea and, moreover also:

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δή • (dḗ) (discourse particle)
Adds temporal specificity: (“now, already”)
Adds emphasis: (“truly, !”)
Adds specificity: (“exactly”)
With pronouns: (“of all people”)

but, and, now,

(a connective or adversative particle)

Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause;.
but, on the other hand, and.

1161 dé (a conjunction) –

moreover, indeed now . . . ,

on top of this . . . ,

next . . .

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de: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)
Original Word: δέ
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: de
Phonetic Spelling: (deh)
Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)
Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and.
HELPS Word-studies
1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . .

but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)
NASB Translation
after (2), also (2), another* (8), even (4), even though (1), former* (1), however (6), moreover (1), moreover* (1), nevertheless (1), now (267), or (6), other (1), other hand (4), others* (3), partly (1), rather (1), so (12), suppose* (1), then (6), therefore (1), though (1), what (1), when (3), whereas (2), yes (1), yet (25).

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μετά δέ





Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: meta
Phonetic Spelling: (met-ah')
Definition: with, among, after
Usage: (a) gen: with, in company with, (b) acc: (1) behind, beyond, after, of place, (2) after, of time, with nouns, neut. of adjectives.

3326 metá (a preposition) – properly, with (“after with”), implying “change afterward” (i.e. what results after the activity). As an active “with,” 3326 (metá) looks towards the after-effect (change, result) which is only defined by the context.

[3326 (metá) before a vowel is written met (meth).]


de: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)

Original Word: δέ
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: de
Phonetic Spelling: (deh)
Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)
Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and.
HELPS Word-studies
1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . .

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From μή (“not probable, conditional, possible”) +‎ δέ (“and, but”).

μή • (mḗ) (negative particle)

not (used in clauses expressing will or thought)
(with an imperative or subjunctive in negative commands)
(with an optative or past indicative, expressing a negative wish)
(in a question expecting a negative answer)
(in dependent clauses)
(with participle representing conditional clause)
(in warnings or statements of fear)
(in independent clauses) that … not; that
(introducing indirect statement after verb of fearing or apprehension) that


μηδ’ (mēd’) – apocopic

Compare οὐδέ (oudé, “but not, and not”)

μηδέ • (mēdé)

(connecting two clauses, used with the same constructions as μή (mḗ)) but not, and not, nor
(doubled, μηδέ…μηδέ, opposing the two clauses of a sentence)

μηδέ • (mēdé)
(joined with a single word or phrase) not even

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From οὐ (“not a fact”) + δέ (“but”)

οὐδ’ (oud’) – apocopic

οὐδέ • (oudé)

(mostly answering to μέν (mén)) but not
(more often) and not, nor
(without a negative preceding)
(with a simple negative preceding)

οὐδέ • (oudé)
not even, not at all

When οὐδέ (oudé) is repeated at the beginning of two clauses, the first is often adverbial and the second is a conjunction. It may also follow οὔτε (oúte), as an anacoluthon.

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μήν - (primarily true, I assert it as true, I know it to be true, I am certain)
μέν - (secondarily true, conceded to you, agree with you, I affirm you)

ἀμήν (verily)
ἦ μήν (absolutely true)
καὶ μήν - (and truly indeed)
αλλὰ μήν - (but on the other hand it surely is)
οὐ μήν - (certainly not a fact)
μήτε μήν - (surely not then, but truly not)
τί μήν - (How true! Of course, naturally)
ὅς μέν - (that is the one indeed)
ὅς δέ - (indeed, it is the one on the other hand)
ὅς μέν ὅς δέ - (truly this one or the other one)
μέν δέ - (indeed … but, yet, on the other hand)

μέν (Concede)
μήν (Confirm!)
ἀμήν (Absolutely True!)

(ἦ μήν) absolutely
(καὶ μήν) used to introduce something new or convey affirmation
(αλλὰ μήν) yet truly, on the other hand
(οὐ μήν) certainly not
(μήτε μήν) not even
(after interrogatives, τί μήν) of course, naturally
(after a negative) applies an adversative force.

μέν • (mén) (discourse particle)
on the one hand, while, whereas (often left untranslated)
(before other particles) accordingly, and so

even, indeed, some, truly, verily
A primary particle; properly, indicative of affirmation or concession (in fact); usually followed by a contrasted clause with δέ (this one, the former, etc.) – even, indeed, so, some, truly, verily. Often compounded with other particles in an intensive or asseverative sense.

Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle
Transliteration: men
Phonetic Spelling: (men)

Definition: shows affirmation or concession.

Usage: an untranslatable particle, generally answered by de, each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other.

3303 mén (a conjunction) – indeed, verily (truly).

μέν, a weakened form of μήν, and hence, properly a particle of affirmation: truly, certainly, surely, indeed — its affirmative force being weakened, yet retained most Greek prose.

Owing to this its original meaning it adds a certain force to the terms and phrases with which it is connected, and thus contrasts them with or distinguishes them from others.

Accordingly, it takes on the character of a concessive and very often of a merely distinctive particle, which stands related to a following δέ or other adversative conjunction, either expressed or understood, and in a sentence composed of several members is so placed as to point out the first member, to which a second, marked by an adversative particle, is added or opposed.

Those in which μέν has a concessive force, and δέ (or ἀλλά) introduces a restriction, correction, or amplification of what has been said in the former member, indeed … but, yet, on the other hand. Persons or things, or predications about either, are thus correlated.

οἱ μέν
οἱ δέ
μέν and δέ are added to articles and pronouns: οἱ μέν … οἱ δέ, the one indeed … but the other (although the latter, yet the former)

ὅς μέν
ὅς δέ
the one indeed, but (yet) the other etc.

τινες μέν
τινες δέ καί

Τινὲς μὲν καὶ διὰ
Some indeed even from



and even


Τινὲς μὲν καὶ διὰ
Some however also from


however (adversarial particle)



those in which μέν loses its concessive force and serves only to distinguish, but δέ retains its adversative power

ὅς μέν … ὅς δέ
and one … and another

εἰ μέν οὖν … εἰ δέ, Acts 18:14f (R G); (L T Tr WH); and this happens chiefly when what has already been included in the words immediately preceding is separated into parts, so that the adversative particle contrasts that which the writer especially desires to contrast:

μέν … truly, affirmative
δέ serve only to distribute a sentence into clauses:
both … and; not only … but also; as well … as

τοῦτο μέν … τοῦτο δέ
on the one hand … on the other; partly … partly

μήν • (mḗn) (discourse particle)
used to strengthen statements: verily, surely, truly, definitely
(after other particles)

(ἦ μήν) absolutely
(καὶ μήν) used to introduce something new or convey affirmation
(αλλὰ μήν) yet truly, on the other hand
(οὐ μήν) certainly not
(μήτε μήν) not even
(after interrogatives, τί μήν) of course, naturally
(after a negative) applies an adversative force.

used to strengthen statements: surely, truly, definitely
(after other particles)
(ἦ μήν) absolutely
(καὶ μήν) used to introduce something new or convey affirmation
(αλλὰ μήν) yet truly, on the other hand
(οὐ μήν) certainly not
(μήτε μήν) not even
(after interrogatives, τί μήν) of course, naturally
(after a negative) applies an adversative force.

noun: nominative singular masculine

noun: accusative singular masculine

noun: accusative plural masculine

noun: dative singular masculine


Part of Speech: Hebrew Form (Indclinable)
Transliteration: amén
Phonetic Spelling: (am-ane’)
Definition: truly
Usage: verily, truly, amen; at the end of sentences may be paraphrased by: So let it be.

281 amḗn (the counterpart of the Hebrew OT term, 543 /apeítheia, “steadfast”) – properly, sure (certain). 281 (amḗn) is usually translated “amen,” and sometimes “verily,” “of a truth,” “most assuredly,” “so let it be.”

281 /amḗn (“amen”), as an “emphasis marker,” introduces a statement of pivotal importance – i.e. that is essential in interpreting the over-all passage.

ᾱ̓μήν • (āmḗn)
truly, certainly
so be it

Borrowed from Biblical Hebrew אָמֵן‎ (āmḗn, “so be it”, “surely”).

Part of Speech: adverb
Transliteration: amen
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-mane')
Definition: verily, truly
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: aman
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-man')
Definition: to confirm, support
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TRULY - INDEED - “MAY BE TRUE, BUT” (conjunction)

Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle
Transliteration: men
Phonetic Spelling: (men)
Definition: shows affirmation or concession
Usage: an untranslatable particle, generally answered by de, each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other.
HELPS Word-studies
3303 mén (a conjunction) – indeed, verily (truly).

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μέν • (mén) (discourse particle)
on the one hand, while, whereas (often left untranslated)
(before other particles) accordingly, and so

Usage: an untranslatable particle, generally answered by de, each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other.

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-θεν • (-then)
Added to nouns to form adverbs of place from which: from; also used, like genitive, with prepositionsθεν

from another place
From ἄλλος (other, another) +‎ -θεν (-then)

from some place or time
From ἁμός (“something”) +‎ -θεν (-then, ablative adverb suffix).

from or on both sides
ἀμφοτέρω (amphotérō, “both”) +‎ -θεν (-then)
From ἄμφω (ámphō, “both”) +‎ -τερος (-comparative form).

Without, away from, away, far away
From ἄνευ (without) +‎ -θεν (-comparative form)

From above
From ἄνω (above, inland, upward)

From afar
From ἀπο- (outward, away from) +‎ ἄνευ (without) +‎ -θε (-the).

from far off, from afar
From ἀποπρό (“long before”) +‎ -θεν (-from)

from oneself, of one’s own accord
From αὐτός (“the very, oneself”) +‎ -θεν (“from”)

from nearby
From ἐγγῠ́ς (engús, “near”) +‎ -θεν (“from”).
ἐγγῐ́ζω • (engízō)
to bring near, bring up to
(mostly intransitive) to come near, approach
From ἐγγῠ́ς (engús, “near”) +‎ -ῐ́ζω (-ízō).

ἕθεν • (héthen)
(Epic) genitive singular of οὗ (hoû): his, her
From ἕ (him) + -θεν (from which)
ἕ • (hé)
accusative of οὗ (hoû): him
-θεν • (-then)
Added to nouns to form adverbs of place from which: from; also used, like genitive, with prepositions

From each side, on each side, on either hand
ἑκᾰ́τερος • (hekáteros) (feminine ἑκᾰτέρᾱ, neuter ἑκᾰ́τερον)
each of two, each singly

on either side
ἑκᾰτέρω (hekatérō, “either”, dual) +‎ -θεν (-from)

from that place, thence
From ἐκεῖ (ekeî, “there”) +‎ -θεν (-then)

ἐντεῦθεν (enteûthen, “hence”)
ἐντεῦθεν • (enteûthen)
from this or that place, hence or thence
from this or that time, henceforth, thereupon
from this or that source or cause, therefore

ἔνθεν • (énthen)
thence, from there

From outside, Outside of
From ἔκτος (outer, outside) +‎ -θεν (-from)

from within
From ἔνδον (éndon, “within”) +‎ -θεν (-then, “from”).

from within
ἐντός (within, inner) +‎ -θεν (-from)

from the other side
ἕτερος (héteros) +‎ -θεν (-then)
ἕτερος • (héteros) m (feminine ἑτέρᾱ, neuter ἕτερον); first/second declension
one or the other of two
(repeated at a distance) either … or …
(repeated consecutively) one after the other
other, another, second (often of pairs)
From εἷς (heîs), “one”) +‎ *-teros (contrastive suffix)

From ἐν (en, “in”) +‎ πρόσθεν (prósthen, “before”)
ἔμπροσθεν • (émprosthen)
(of place) before, in front
(of time) before, earlier, of old

ἔμπροσθεν • (émprosthen) (governs the genitive)
(of place)

πρόσθεν • (prósthen)
(of place) before, in front
(of time) before, earlier, formerly

πρόσθεν • (prósthen) (governs the genitive)
(of time) 
(of degree)

From πρός (prós, “toward”) +‎ -θεν (place from which…)

-θεν • (-then)
Added to nouns to form adverbs of place from which: from; also used, like genitive, with prepositions

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Ἔδει from εἰ (if) + δέω (to bind)



εἰ: forasmuch as, if, that

Original Word: εἰ
Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction
Transliteration: ei
Phonetic Spelling: (i)
Definition: forasmuch as, if, that
Usage: if.
HELPS Word-studies
1487 ei (a conditional conjunction) – if. 1487 /ei (followed by any verb) expresses "a condition, thought of as real, or to denote assumptions" (i.e. viewed as factual. for the sake of argument) (BAGD). Accordingly, 1487 (ei) should not be translated "since," but rather always "if" – since the assumption may only be portrayed as valid (true, factual).

A primary particle (“if, whether”) - (or a conditional particle introducing circumstances necessary for a given proposition to be true)

εἰ, ἰ: εἰ and ἰ are frequent interchanged in N. T. spelling. This is due partly to itacism, partly to the endeavor to mark the iota sound as long or short.

εἰ Conditional (on the difference between it and ἐάν, see ἐάν, I. 1 b.) is connected, according to the variety of conditions, with various tenses and moods)

ε. followed by the imperfect, either with or without ἄν, where in the protasis something is simply assumed to be, but the apodosis shows that what has been assumed cannot be the case.

Not infrequently, when a conclusion is drawn from something that is quite certain, εἰ with the indicative is used argumentatively so as to be equivalent in sense to ἐπεί.

Matthew 4:3 Conj
GRK: εἶπεν αὐτῷ Εἰ υἱὸς εἶ
NAS: and said to Him, If You are the Son
KJV: to him, he said, If thou be the Son
INT: said to him If Son you are
Matthew 4:6 Conj
GRK: λέγει αὐτῷ Εἰ υἱὸς εἶ
NAS: and said to Him, If You are the Son
KJV: saith unto him, If thou be the Son
INT: says to him If Son you are

Matthew 5:13 Conj
GRK: ἰσχύει ἔτι εἰ μὴ βληθὲν
INT: it is potent any longer if not having been cast

Matthew 5:29 Conj
GRK: εἰ δὲ ὁ
NAS: If your right eye
KJV: And if thy right
INT: if moreover the
Matthew 5:30 Conj
GRK: καὶ εἰ ἡ δεξιά
NAS: If your right hand
KJV: And if thy right
INT: And if the right
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: dei
Phonetic Spelling: (die)
Definition: it is necessary
Usage: it is necessary, inevitable; less frequently: it is a duty, what is proper.

1163 deí – properly, what must happen, i.e. what is absolutely necessary (“it behooves that . . . “).

a form of deó

Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: deó
Phonetic Spelling: (deh'-o)
Definition: to tie, bind
Usage: I bind, tie, fasten; I impel, compel; I declare to be prohibited and unlawful.
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τότε - from τό (“the) + τε (“both and”)



From τό (“The - he,she, it”) + τε (“both and”)

Part of Speech: Adverb
Transliteration: tote
Phonetic Spelling: (tot'-eh)
Definition: then, at that time
Usage: then, at that time.
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from the neut. of ho, and hote
ho, hé, to: the
Original Word: ὁ, ἡ, τό
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, hé, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Definition: the
Usage: the, the definite article.
Part of Speech: Adverb
Transliteration: hote
Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh)
Definition: when
Usage: when, at which time.
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from hos, and te

hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that
Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ
Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun
Transliteration: hos, hé, ho
Phonetic Spelling: (hos)
Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that
Usage: who, which, what, that.

τέ: (denotes addition or connection)

Original Word: τέ
Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle
Transliteration: te
Phonetic Spelling: (teh)
Definition: and (denotes addition or connection)
Usage: and, both.
HELPS Word-studies
5037 té (a conjunction) – “and both” (“both and”). 5037 /té (“and both”) occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated.

[When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered “and,” “both and,” or “and both.”]

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οὔτε = οὐ (“not a fact”) + τε (“both and”)



From οὐ (“ruling it out as fact”) + τε (“both and”)


Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative
Transliteration: oute
Phonetic Spelling: (oo'-teh)
Definition: and not, neither
Usage: and not, neither, nor.
HELPS Word-studies
3777 oúte (a conjunction derived from 3756 /ou, "not, denying as a fact" and 5037 /té, "also") – properly, nor (both not), neither also.

[3777 /oúte (“neither, nor”) occurs 87 times in the critical text and 94 times in the Textus Receptus.]

NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from ou, and te

Part of Speech: Particle, Negative
Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch
Phonetic Spelling: (oo)
Definition: not, no
Usage: no, not.

3756 ou – no (“not”). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, “ruling it out as fact.”

[3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.]

Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle
Transliteration: te
Phonetic Spelling: (teh)
Definition: and (denotes addition or connection)
Usage: and, both.
HELPS Word-studies
5037 té (a conjunction) – “and both” (“both and”). 5037 /té (“and both”) occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated.

[When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered “and,” “both and,” or “and both.”]

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HOW ``` How adverb adverb: how 1. in what way or manner; by what means. "how does it work?" 2. used to ask about the condition or quality of something. "how was your vacation?" ``` 3. used to ask about the extent or degree of something. "how old are you?" used to express a strong feeling such as surprise about the extent of something. "how kind it was of him" 4. the way in which; that. "she told us how she had lived out of a suitcase for a week" in any way in which; however. "I'll do business how I like" πῶς how Adv πῶς Part of Speech: Adverb; Adverb, Interrogative Transliteration: pós Phonetic Spelling: (poce) Definition: how? Usage: how, in what manner, by what means. Interrog. adverb from the same as posos. n interrogation; how? in what way? — in a direct question, followed by a. the indicative, it is the expression α. of one seeking information and desiring to be taught. πῶς πληρωθῶσιν αἱ γραφαί, how are the Scriptures (which ought to be fulfilled) to be fulfilled? πῶς φύγητε, how shall ye (who wish to escape) escape etc. at all, somehow Adverb from the base of pou; an interrogative particle of manner; in what way? (sometimes the question is indirect, how?); also as exclamation, how much! -- how, after (by) what manner (means), that. (Occasionally unexpressed in English). see GREEK pou ``` ποῦ Part of Speech: Adverb, Interrogative Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: where? Usage: where, in what place. ``` ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` πῶς of surprise, intimating that what has been done or is said could not have been done or said, or not rightly done or said — being equivalent to how is it, or how has it come to pass, that etc.
SO MUCH - SO MANY - SO TALL - SO FAR Adverb τόσο • (tóso) so, such, so much Ήταν τόσο μακριά που δεν το είδα. Ítan tóso makriá pou den to eída. It was so far away that I didn't see it. Ήταν ένας τόσο ψηλός με ξανθά μαλλιά. Ítan énas tóso psilós me xanthá malliá. He was a guy about so tall with blond hair. Τόσο μεγάλη βλακεία δεν έχω ακούσει ποτέ μου! Tóso megáli vlakeía den écho akoúsei poté mou! I have never heard of such stupidity! From Ancient Greek τόσον (tóson), neuter form of τόσος (tósos, “so much”). Determiner τόσος • (tósos) so much, so very, so great Synonym of ὅσος (hósos) Pronoun τόσος • (tósos) m demonstrative so, so much, such τόσο (tóso, “so much”) (adverb) τοσοδά (tosodá, “that small, that tiny”) τοσοδούλης (tosodoúlis, “that small, that tiny”) τοσούλης (tosoúlis, “that small, that tiny”) Synonym ὅσος as much as, how much? so much as is enough for (ὅσος ἄν) how ever great (ὅσος δή) how great, how ever many (ὁσοσοῦν) ever so small (ὅσοσπερ) even so great as, no greater than (ὅσῳ, ὅσῳ περ) by how much (when followed by τοσούτῳ) the more.., so much the more.. (ἐν ὅσῳ) while
HOW GREAT — HOW MANY ``` ὅσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Pronoun Transliteration: hosos Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-os) Definition: how much, how many Usage: how much, how great, how many, as great as, as much. ```
Πόσο κάνει
HOW DO? - HOW MUCH? (Does it cost?) Phrase Πόσο κάνει • (Póso kánei?) How much? How much is it? See also Πόσο κοστίζει; (Póso kostízei?, “How much does it cost?”)
πόσος πόση πόσον
HOW MUCH - HOW GREAT - HOW MANY? ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` ποσα πόσα ποσαι πόσαι ποσας πόσας πόση ποσην πόσην Ποσοι Πόσοι ποσον πόσον Ποσος Πόσος Ποσους Πόσους ποσω πόσω πόσῳ ποσων πόσων
FROM WHERE? - FROM WHENCE? Enclitic adverb of origin. (From where does it come?) Πόθεν From where Adv ``` πόθεν Part of Speech: Adverb, Interrogative Transliteration: pothen Phonetic Spelling: (poth'-en) Definition: from where Usage: whence, from what place. ``` whence. From the base of posis with enclitic adverb of origin; from which (as interrogative) or what (as relative) place, state, source or cause -- whence.
HENCE - FROM WHEN - WHENCE ὅθεν = from where, or from where: is rendered either as an indicative adverb thence or as a question mark desire ἀρχῆθεν ἀρχῆθεν from old, from the beginning τοῦ δ᾽ ἱροῦ ὡς ἀρχῆθεν ( το ναό τον άφησαν όπως είναι από παλιά) from the beginning foil γὰρ εἶναι ἀρχῆθεν μὴ ἐλθεῖν τὰς γυναῖκας
WHERE - IN WHAT PLACE ``` pou: where? Original Word: ποῦ Part of Speech: Adverb, Interrogative Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: where? Usage: where, in what place. ```
πότε | ποτέ
WHEN? - AT WHAT TIME? - AT ONE TIME OR ANOTHER From πόσος (how much, how many) and τέ (both, and) πότε: when? ``` Original Word: πότε Part of Speech: Particle, Interrogative Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot'-eh) Definition: when? Usage: when, at what time. ``` ποτέ enclitic particle from the same as πόσος and τέ at one time or other, at some time, formerly. ποτέ πόσος τέ ὅς, ἥ, ὅ ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. enclitic particle from the same as πόσος and τέ πόσος (how much, how many) and τέ (both, and) ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` how great From an absolute pos (who, what) and hos; interrogative pronoun (of amount) how much (large, long or (plural) many) -- how great (long, many), what. see GREEK hos ὅς, ἥ, ὅ who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. τέ "and," "both and," or "and both." te: and (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] πόσος τέ ὅς, ἥ, ὅ
WHERE — IN WHAT PLACE ``` ὅπου Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hopou Phonetic Spelling: (hop'-oo) Definition: where Usage: where, whither, in what place. ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` ``` πού Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: somewhere Usage: where, somewhere, anywhere; with numerals: somewhere about. ``` ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ```
“THAT” — BECAUSE OF “THAT” - SINCE “THAT” TO THE EXTENT “THAT” - TO THE DEGREE “THAT” This + This + This = That ``` Original Word: ὅτι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hoti Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-ee) Definition: that, because Usage: that, since, because; may introduce direct discourse. ``` that (pron.) Old English þæt, "that, so that, after that," neuter singular demonstrative pronoun ("A Man's a Man for a' that"), relative pronoun ("O thou that hearest prayer"), and demonstrative adjective ("Look at that caveman go!"), corresponding to masc. se, fem. seo. From Proto-Germanic *that, from PIE *tod-, extended form of demonstrative pronominal base *-to- (see -th (1)). With the breakdown of the grammatical gender system, it came to be used in Middle English and Modern English for all genders. Germanic cognates include Old Saxon that, Old Frisian thet, Middle Dutch, Dutch dat "that," German der, die, das "the." Generally more specific or emphatic than the, but in some cases they are interchangeable. From c. 1200 opposed to this as indicating something farther off. In adverbial use ("I'm that old"), in reference to something implied or previously said, c. 1200, an abbreviation of the notion of "to that extent," "to that degree." As a conjunction ("Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more") it was originally the neuter pronoun or adjective that used practically as a definite article qualifying the whole sentence. Slang that way "in love" first recorded 1929. That-a-way "in that direction" is recorded from 1839. "Take that!" said while delivering a blow, is recorded from early 15c. The function word “that” is used in the English language for several grammatical purposes. These include: as a complementizer/subordinating conjunction— ("He asked that she go.") That can be omitted when used to introduce a subordinate clause— "he told me that it is a good read" could just as easily be "he told me it is a good read". That can be used in subordinate conjunctions describing a person or people when who(m) is problematic— to introduce a restrictive relative clause— "The test that she took was hard." In this role, that may be analyzed either as a relative pronoun or as a conjunction as in the first case; see English relative clauses: That as relativizer instead of relative pronoun. "That" is also used to replace and substitute the word "which" (subject) and "who" (person). as a demonstrative pronoun. ("That was hard.") (plural: those) as a demonstrative adjective. ("That test was hard.") (plural: those) as an adverb. ("The test wasn't that bad.") Old English: þæt In the first two uses the word is usually pronounced weakly, as /ðət/, whereas in the other uses it is pronounced /ðæt/. In the Old English language that was spelled þæt. It was also abbreviated as a letter Thorn, þ, with the ascender crossed, ( OE thaet.png ). In Middle English, the letter Ash, æ, was replaced with the letter a, so that that was spelled þat, or sometimes þet. The ascender of the þ was reduced (making it similar to the Old English letter Wynn, ƿ), which necessitated writing a small t above the letter to abbreviate the word that ( ME that.png ). In later Middle English and Early Modern English the þ evolved into a y shape, so that the word was spelled yat (although the spelling with a th replacing the þ was starting to become more popular) and the abbreviation for that was a y with a small t above it ( EME that.svg ). This abbreviation can still be seen in reprints of the 1611 edition of the King James Version of the Bible in places such as II Corinthians 13:7.
BECAUSE - SINCE THIS, THEN THAT ὅτι because Conj ``` ὅτι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hoti Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-ee) Definition: that, because Usage: that, since, because; may introduce direct discourse. ``` the substance or contents (of a statement), that; ὅτι simply introduces the reason, because Joined to verbs of thinking, believing, judging, hoping:
THEREFORE - NOW THEN - AS A RESULT This caused that — This came from that — This resulted from that οὖν then Conj ``` οὖν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: oun Phonetic Spelling: (oon) Definition: therefore, then, (and) so Usage: therefore, then. HELPS Word-studies 3767 oún (a conjunction) – therefore, now then, accordingly so. 3767 (oún) occurs 526 times in the NT and is typically translated "therefore" which means, "By extension, here's how the dots connect." ```
SO THAT - IN ORDER THAT (looking to the aim (intended result) of the verbal idea) Do this so that results ἵνα that Conj ``` ἵνα Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hina Phonetic Spelling: (hin'-ah) Definition: in order that, that, so that Usage: in order that, so that. ``` 2443 hína (a subordinating conjunction) – for the purpose that (in order that), looking to the aim (intended result) of the verbal idea. 2443 /hína ("for the purpose that") is "the semantically marked (dramatic) way of expressing purpose in Greek (as compared for example to the plain infinitive)" (G. Archer). albeit, because, in order that, lest Probably from the same as the former part of heautou (through the demonstrative idea; compare ho); in order that (denoting the purpose or the result) -- albeit, because, to the intent (that), lest, so as, (so) that, (for) to. Compare hina me. see GREEK heautou see GREEK ho see GREEK hina me ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` ``` ἑαυτοῦ, ῆς, οῦ Part of Speech: Reflexive Pronoun Transliteration: heautou Phonetic Spelling: (heh-ow-too') Definition: of himself, herself, itself Usage: himself, herself, itself. HELPS Word-studies 1438 heautoú (reflexive pronoun of the 3rd person) – 1438 /heautoú ("himself, herself, itself," etc.) is the 3rd person reflexive (singular, plural) form which also functions as the reflexive for 1st and 2nd person (A-S). ```
FOR THE INTENDED PURPOSE THAT… conjunction denoting purpose, definition or result ἵνα that Conj ``` hina: in order that, that, so that Original Word: ἵνα Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hina Phonetic Spelling: (hin'-ah) Definition: in order that, that, so that Usage: in order that, so that. HELPS Word-studies 2443 hína (a subordinating conjunction) – for the purpose that (in order that), looking to the aim (intended result) of the verbal idea. 2443 /hína ("for the purpose that") is "the semantically marked (dramatic) way of expressing purpose in Greek (as compared for example to the plain infinitive)" (G. Archer). ```
SO - THUS - IN THIS MANNER - IN THIS WAY - AS FOLLOWS οὕτως so Adv ``` οὕτως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: houtó and houtós Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-to) Definition: in this way, thus Usage: thus, so, in this manner. ``` 3779 hoútō (an adverb, derived from the demonstrative pronoun, 3778 /hoútos, "this") – like this . . .; in this manner, in this way (fashion), in accordance with this description (i.e. corresponding to what follows); in keeping with; along this line, in the manner spoken. virtue of its native demonstrative force it refers to what precedes; "in the manner spoken of; in the way described; in the way it was done; in this manner; in such a manner; thus, so": It takes the place of an explanatory participial clause, equivalent to matters being thus arranged, under these circumstances, in such a condition of things (i. e. since God had pledged the promise by an oath); equivalent to things having been thus settled, this having been done, then: in the sense of consequently it prepares the way for what follows. thus (adv.) Old English þus "in this way, as follows," related to þæt "that" and this; from Proto-Germanic *thus- (source also of Old Saxon and Old Frisian thus, Middle Dutch and Dutch dus), from PIE *to-. as (adv., conj., pron.) c. 1200, worn-down form of Old English alswa "quite so, wholly so," literally "all so" (see also), fully established by c. 1400. Equivalent to so; any distinction in use is purely idiomatic. Related to German als "as, than," from Middle High German also. Phrase as well "just as much" is recorded from late 15c.; the phrase also can imply "as well as not," "as well as anything else." Phrase as if, in Kantian metaphysics (translating German als ob), introducing a supposition not to be taken literally, is from 1892; as an interjection of incredulity (as if!; i.e. "as if that really could happen") is attested from 1995. It duplicates Latin quasi. Phrase as it were "as if it were so" is attested from late 14c. so (adv.) Old English swa, swæ (adv., conj., pron.) "in this way," also "to that extent; so as, consequently, therefore," and purely intensive; from Proto-Germanic *swa (source also of Old Saxon, Middle Dutch, Old High German so, Old Norse sva, Danish saa, Swedish så, Old Frisian sa, Dutch zo, German so "so," Gothic swa "as"), from PIE reflexive pronominal stem *swo- "so" source also of Greek hos "as," Old Latin suad "so," Latin se "himself" derivative of *s(w)e-, pronoun of the third person and reflexive (see idiom). Old English swa frequently was strengthened by eall, and so also is contained in compounds as, also, such. The -w- was eliminated by contraction from 12c.; compare two, which underwent the same process but retained its spelling. As a word confirming a previous statement, late Old English; also from late Old English as an intensive in an affirmative clause (such as so very "exceedingly, extremely"). As an "introductory particle" [OED] from 1590s. Used to add emphasis or contradict a negative from 1913. So in mid-20c. British slang could mean "homosexual" (adj.). So? as a term of dismissal is attested from 1886 (short for is that so?, etc.). So what as an exclamation of indifference dates from 1934. Abbreviating phrase and so on is attested from 1724. So far so good is from 1721. also (adv., conj.) Old English eallswa "just as, even as, as if, so as, likewise," contraction of eal swa, from all "altogether" + so. Originally an emphatic form of so. The sense of "wholly so" weakened to "in addition to, in the same way," replacing eke. Used in Old English to introduce a sequel to a preceding statement, "and so, then, therefore." Used from c. 1200 in connecting sentences, "in addition, moreover." The compound has parallel forms in German also, Dutch alzoo. English as is a shortened form of it. Early ME has the phrase as well as the compound. The reduced forms alse, als, as gradually become established in certain constructions, the fuller also in others .... The clear distinction between also and as is not attained until the 15th century. [Middle English Compendium, University of Michigan]
FOR Preposition για for, to, about, about to, unto for (prep.) Old English for "before, in the sight of, in the presence of; as far as; during, before; on account of, for the sake of; in place of, instead of," from Proto-Germanic *fur "before; in" source also of Old Saxon furi "before," Old Frisian for, Middle Dutch vore, Dutch voor "for, before;" German für "for;" Danish for "for," før "before;" Gothic faur "for," faura "before" from PIE root *per- (1) "forward," hence "in front of, before," etc. From late Old English as "in favor of." For and fore differentiated gradually in Middle English. For alone as a conjunction "because, since, for the reason that; in order that" is from late Old English, probably a shortening of common Old English phrases such as for þon þy "therefore," literally "for the (reason) that." ————————————————————- for saying who or what something relates to, or who benefits 1. PREPOSITION If something is for someone, they are intended to have it or benefit from it. Isn't that enough for you? ...a table for two. He wanted all the running of the business for himself. Synonyms: intended, appropriate to, designed to meet the needs of More Synonyms of for 2. PREPOSITION If you work or do a job for someone, you are employed by them. I knew he worked for a security firm. Have you had any experience writing for radio? 3. PREPOSITION If you speak or act for a particular group or organization, you represent them. She appears nightly on the television news, speaking for the State Department. Synonyms: on behalf of, representing More Synonyms of for 4. PREPOSITION If someone does something for you, they do it so that you do not have to do it. If your pharmacy doesn't stock the product you want, have them order it for you. I hold a door open for an old person. 5. PREPOSITION [adj/n PREP] If you feel a particular emotion for someone, you feel it on their behalf. This is the best thing you've ever done – I am so happy for you! 6. PREPOSITION [adj/n PREP] If you feel a particular emotion for someone or something, they are the object of that emotion, and you feel it when you think about them. John, I'm sorry for Steve, but I think you've made the right decisions. 7. PREPOSITION You use for after words such as 'time,' 'space,' 'money,' or 'energy' when you say how much there is or whether there is enough of it in order to be able to do or use a particular thing. Many new trains have space for wheelchair users. ...a huge room with plenty of room for books. 8. PREPOSITION You use for when you make a statement about something in order to say how it affects or relates to someone, or what their attitude to it is. What matters for most scientists is money and facilities. For her, books were as necessary to life as bread. 9. PREPOSITION [PREP n to-inf] After some adjective, noun, and verb phrases, you use for to introduce the subject of the action indicated by the following infinitive verb. It might be possible for a single woman to be accepted as a foster parent. I had made arrangements for my affairs to be dealt with by one of my children. 10. PREPOSITION [with neg] If you say that something is not for you, you mean that you do not enjoy it or that it is not suitable for you. [informal] Wendy decided the sport was not for her. 11. PREPOSITION [PREP n to-inf] If it is for you to do something, it is your responsibility or right to do it. I wish you would come back to Washington with us, but that's for you to decide. 12. PREPOSITION For is the preposition that is used after some nouns, adjectives, or verbs in order to introduce more information or to indicate what a quality, thing, or action relates to. Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese. Parking lot owners should be legally responsible for protecting vehicles. 13. PREPOSITION If a word or expression has the same meaning as another word or expression, you can say that the first one is another word or expression for the second one. The technical term for sunburn is erythema. 14. PREPOSITION To be named for someone means to be given the same name as them. [US] The Brady Bill is named for former White House Press Secretary James Brady. 15. PREPOSITION You use for in a piece of writing when you mention information which will be found somewhere else. For further information on the life of William James Sidis, see Amy Wallace, "The Prodigy." 16. PREPOSITION For is used in conditional sentences, in expressions such as 'if not for' and 'were it not for,' to introduce the only thing which prevents the main part of the sentence from being true. If not for John, Brian wouldn't have learned the truth. The earth would be a frozen ball if it were not for the radiant heat of the sun.
Ἐὰν (from ἢ + ὰν) Εἰ Latin: sī
IF POSSIBLY from εἰ (if, forasmuch as) and ἄν (possibility, conditionality) Ἐὰν If Conj Εἰ If Conj ``` ἐάν Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ean Phonetic Spelling: (eh-an') Definition: if Usage: if ``` (a conjunction, derived from 1487 /ei, "if" and 302 /án, a particle showing a statement is conditional) – if, referring to a condition extending to its "spin-off" possibilities – i.e. that happen if the condition is actualized or is valid. from εἰ (if, forasmuch as) and ἄν (possibility) εἰ ei: forasmuch as, if, that ``` Original Word: εἰ Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ei Phonetic Spelling: (i) Definition: forasmuch as, if, that Usage: if. ``` Conjunction εἰ • (ei) if Compare Latin: sī Conjunction sī if, supposing that Sī versūs hōrum duōrum poētārum neglegētis, magnā parte litterārum carēbitis. If you neglect the verses of these two poets, you will miss a great part of literature. whether (when a verb of seeing or trying is the main verb in the apodosis; or when sī is used twice correlatively) sī... sī ― whether... or ``` sīc (“so, thus”) sīcut (“as”) sīs (“if you will”) sīve / seu (“disjunctive sī”) sōdēs (“if you will”) ac sī (“just as if”) nisi (“unless”) quasi (“as if, like”) sī(n) aliter (“if otherwise”) sī dīs placet (“expr. of indignant surprise”) sīcubi (“if anywhere”) sīcunde (“if from anywhere”) sīn (“if however”) sī mē amās (“please”) sī minus (“if not”) sī modo (“provided that”) sī nōn (“if not”) sī̆ quandō (“if ever”) sī̆ quidem (“if/since indeed”) sī quis / sī quid (“if anybody/anything”) sī vīs (“if you like”) sī vīvō (“as sure as I'm alive”) sī nōndum (“if not yet”) ``` —————————————————————— ἄν an: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Original Word: ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]
OR - THAN ἢ than Conj Not to be confused with… ᾖ it is V-PSA-3S ``` é: or, than Original Word: ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ``` Used as a Conjunction than Used in comparisons, to introduce the basis of comparison. she's taller than I am; she found his advice more witty than helpful; we have less work today than we had yesterday; We had no choice than to return home (obsolete outside dialects, usually used with for) Because; for. Used as a Preposition than introduces a comparison, and is associated with comparatives, and with words such as more, less, and fewer. Typically, it seeks to measure the force of an adjective or similar description between two predicates. Patients diagnosed more recently are probably surviving an average of longer than two years. A player than whom none is more skillful.
Ἐν ἐν
IN (but, in the meantime, however, in the meantime) Ἐν But in Prep ``` ἐν Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: en Phonetic Spelling: (en) Definition: in, on, at, by, with Usage: in, on, among. HELPS Word-studies 1722 en (a preposition) – properly, in (inside, within); (figuratively) "in the realm (sphere) of," as in the condition (state) in which something operates from the inside (within). ```
UPON - ON TOP OF - OVER ``` ἐπί Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: epi Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ee') Definition: on, upon Usage: on, to, against, on the basis of, at. HELPS Word-studies 1909 epí (a preposition) – properly, on (upon), implying what "fits" given the "apt contact," building on the verbal idea. 1909 /epí ("upon") naturally looks to the response (effect) that goes with the envisioned contact, i.e. its apt result ("spin-offs," effects). The precise nuance of 1909 (epí) is only determined by the context, and by the grammatical case following it – i.e. genitive, dative, or accusative case. ```
ἐκ, ἐξ
EX - OUT FROM ``` ἐκ, ἐξ Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: ek or ex Phonetic Spelling: (ek) Definition: from, from out of Usage: from out, out from among, from, suggesting from the interior outwards. HELPS Word-studies 1537 ek (a preposition, written eks before a vowel) – properly, "out from and to" (the outcome); out from within. 1537 /ek ("out of") is one of the most under-translated (and therefore mis-translated) Greek propositions – often being confined to the meaning "by." 1537 (ek) has a two-layered meaning ("out from and to") which makes it out-come oriented (out of the depths of the source and extending to its impact on the object). ```
TO - TOWARD Particle να to προς to, towards, on, toward, concerning, unto
HYPER - ABOVE - OVER AND BEYOND ``` ὑπέρ Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: huper Phonetic Spelling: (hoop-er') Definition: over, beyond, on behalf of, for the sake of, concerning Usage: gen: in behalf of; acc: above. ``` 5228 hypér (a preposition) – properly, beyond (above); (figuratively) to extend benefit (help) that reaches beyond the present situation. 5228 /hypér ("beyond") is usually best translated "for the betterment (advantage) of," i.e. focusing on benefit. M. Vincent, "5228 (hypér) signifies something like 'in the interests of the truth . . . concerning.' J. B. Lightfoot (on Gal 1:4) . . . remarks that hypér has 'a sense of interest in,' which is wanting to peri" (WS). [5228 (hypér) naturally expresses conferring benefit, i.e. for the sake of "betterment" (improvement, extending benefit).]
HYPO - UNDER - SUB ``` ῠ̔πο- • (hupo-) under, sub-, hypo- of the casing or covering of the agency or influence (by) denoting a small degree, gradual ```
δἰ διά Διὰ
BECAUSE OF - THROUGH - ON ACCOUNT OF Διὰ Because of Prep dia: through, on account of, because of διά ("written δἰ before a vowel, except in proper names) through, throughout, by the instrumentality of properly, after verbs denoting an extension, or a motion, or an act, that occurs through any place: Original Word: διά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: dia Phonetic Spelling: (dee-ah') Definition: through, on account of, because of Usage: (a) gen: through, throughout, by the instrumentality of, (b) acc: through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of. 1223 diá (a preposition) – properly, across (to the other side), back-and-forth to go all the way through, "successfully across" ("thoroughly"). 1223 (diá) is also commonly used as a prefix and lend the same idea ("thoroughly," literally, "successfully" across to the other side). [1223 (diá) is a root of the English term diameter ("across to the other side, through"). Before a vowel, dia is simply written di̓.]
εις Not to be confused with εἷς
IN - INTO - UNTO - TO - TOWARD εἰς as Prep 7. οὖτος ἦλθεν εἰς μαρτυρίαν, ἵνα μαρτυρήσῃ περὶ τοῦ φωτός, ἵνα πάντες πιστεύσωσιν δι᾽ αὐτοῦ. 7 The same3778 came2064 for1519 a witness,3141 to2443 bear witness3140 of4012 the3588 Light,5457 that2443 all3956 men through1223 him846 might believe.4100 εἰς Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: eis Phonetic Spelling: (ice) Definition: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, purpose, result) Usage: into, in, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among. 1519 eis (a preposition) – properly, into (unto) – literally, "motion into which" implying penetration ("unto," "union") to a particular purpose or result. εις in, to, at, into, unto, for from Proto-Indo-European *h₁én (“in”) from which also ἐν (en, “in, at, on”). Preposition εἰς • (eis) (governs the accusative) into εἰς Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: eis Phonetic Spelling: (ice) Definition: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, purpose, result) Usage: into, in, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among. 1519 eis (a preposition) – properly, into (unto) – literally, "motion into which" implying penetration ("unto," "union") to a particular purpose or result. εἰς, a preposition governing the accusative, and denoting entrance into, or direction and limit: into, to, toward, for, among. It is used: A. Properly I. of place, after verbs of going, coming, sailing, flying, falling, living, leading, carrying, throwing, sending, etc.; 1. of a place entered, or of entrance into a place, into; and a. it stands before nouns designating an open place, a hollow thing, or one in which an object can be hidden. of motion (not into a place itself, but) into the vicinity of a place; where it may be rendered to, near, toward. direct one's remarks to or toward. ———————————————————— Adverb εἰς ὄνῠχᾰ • (eis ónukha) ad unguem “To the nail” Literally “to a nail”: an expression borrowed from sculptors, who, in modelling, give the finishing touch with the fingernail, or from joiners, who test the accuracy of joints in wood by the fingernail. ——————————————————————— NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH ``` εἷς, μία, ἕν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: heis Phonetic Spelling: (hice) Definition: one Usage: one. ``` ———————————————————————- Matthew 2:1 Prep GRK: ἀνατολῶν παρεγένοντο εἰς Ἰεροσόλυμα KJV: from the east to Jerusalem, INT: east arrived at Jerusalem Matthew 2:8 Prep GRK: πέμψας αὐτοὺς εἰς Βηθλεὲμ εἶπεν KJV: he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, INT: having sent them to Bethlehem he said Matthew 2:11 Prep GRK: καὶ ἐλθόντες εἰς τὴν οἰκίαν KJV: when they were come into the house, INT: And having come into the house Matthew 2:12 Prep GRK: ὁδοῦ ἀνεχώρησαν εἰς τὴν χώραν KJV: they departed into their own INT: route they withdrew into the country Matthew 2:13 Prep GRK: καὶ φεῦγε εἰς Αἴγυπτον καὶ KJV: and flee into Egypt, and INT: and flee into Egypt and Matthew 2:14 Prep GRK: καὶ ἀνεχώρησεν εἰς Αἴγυπτον KJV: and departed into Egypt: INT: and withdrew into Egypt Matthew 2:20 Prep GRK: καὶ πορεύου εἰς γῆν Ἰσραήλ KJV: and go into the land of Israel: INT: and go into [the] land of Israel Matthew 2:21 Prep GRK: καὶ εἰσῆλθεν εἰς γῆν Ἰσραήλ KJV: and came into the land of Israel. INT: and came into [the] land of Israel Matthew 2:22 Prep GRK: ὄναρ ἀνεχώρησεν εἰς τὰ μέρη KJV: he turned aside into the parts INT: a dream he withdrew into the district Matthew 2:23 Prep GRK: ἐλθὼν κατῴκησεν εἰς πόλιν λεγομένην KJV: he came and dwelt in a city called INT: having come he dwelt in a city called Matthew 3:10 Prep GRK: ἐκκόπτεται καὶ εἰς πῦρ βάλλεται KJV: and cast into the fire. INT: is cut down and into [the] fire is thrown Matthew 3:11 Prep GRK: ἐν ὕδατι εἰς μετάνοιαν ὁ KJV: with water unto repentance: but INT: with water to repentance Matthew 3:12 Prep GRK: σῖτον αὐτοῦ εἰς τὴν ἀποθήκην KJV: his wheat into the garner; but INT: wheat of him into the barn Matthew 4:1 Prep GRK: Ἰησοῦς ἀνήχθη εἰς τὴν ἔρημον KJV: the Spirit into the wilderness INT: Jesus was led up into the wilderness Matthew 4:5 Prep GRK: ὁ διάβολος εἰς τὴν ἁγίαν KJV: him up into the holy city, INT: the devil to the holy Matthew 4:8 Prep GRK: ὁ διάβολος εἰς ὄρος ὑψηλὸν KJV: him up into an exceeding high INT: the devil to a mountain high Matthew 4:12 Prep GRK: παρεδόθη ἀνεχώρησεν εἰς τὴν Γαλιλαίαν KJV: he departed into Galilee; INT: had been arrested he withdrew into Galilee Matthew 4:13 Prep GRK: ἐλθὼν κατῴκησεν εἰς Καφαρναοὺμ τὴν KJV: he came and dwelt in Capernaum, which INT: having come he dwelt at Capernaum which Matthew 4:18 Prep GRK: βάλλοντας ἀμφίβληστρον εἰς τὴν θάλασσαν KJV: casting a net into the sea: for INT: casting a large net into the sea ``` Matthew 4:24 Prep GRK: ἀκοὴ αὐτοῦ εἰς ὅλην τὴν NAS: about Him spread throughout all KJV: fame went throughout all Syria: INT: news of him into all ``` Matthew 5:1 Prep GRK: ὄχλους ἀνέβη εἰς τὸ ὄρος KJV: he went up into a mountain: INT: crowds he went up on the mountain Matthew 5:13 Prep GRK: τίνι ἁλισθήσεται εἰς οὐδὲν ἰσχύει KJV: good for nothing, INT: what will it be salted for nothing it is potent Matthew 5:20 Prep GRK: μὴ εἰσέλθητε εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν KJV: enter into the kingdom INT: not shall you enter into the kingdom Matthew 5:22 Prep GRK: ἔνοχος ἔσται εἰς τὴν γέενναν KJV: shall be in danger of hell fire. INT: liable will be to the hell Matthew 5:25 Prep GRK: ὑπηρέτῃ καὶ εἰς φυλακὴν βληθήσῃ KJV: and thou be cast into prison. INT: officer and into prison you be cast
πᾶς πᾶσα πᾶν
ALL - EVERY - ON ALL SIDES - TOTALITY ``` πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of. HELPS Word-studies 3956 pás – each, every; each "part(s) of a totality" (L & N, 1, 59.24). ``` 3956 /pás ("each, every") means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time." 365 (ananeóō) then focuses on the part(s) making up the whole – viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts. [When 3956 (pás) modifies a word with the definite article it has "extensive-intensive" force – and is straightforward intensive when the Greek definite article is lacking.]
ALL THINGS πάντα all things Adj-ANP pas: all, every Original Word: πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν ``` Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of. ``` 3956 pás – each, every; each "part(s) of a totality" (L & N, 1, 59.24). 3956 /pás ("each, every") means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time." 365 (ananeóō) then focuses on the part(s) making up the whole – viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts. [When 3956 (pás) modifies a word with the definite article it has "extensive-intensive" force – and is straightforward intensive when the Greek definite article is lacking.]
ALONGSIDE - COUNTER - BY THE SIDE OF παρά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: para Phonetic Spelling: (par-ah') Definition: from beside, by the side of, by, beside Usage: gen: from; dat: beside, in the presence of; acc: alongside of. 3844 pará (a preposition) – properly, close beside. 3844 /pará ("from closely alongside") introduces someone (something) as very "close beside." 3844 (pará) an emphatic "from," means "from close beside" ("alongside"). It stresses nearness (closeness) which is often not conveyed in translation. 3844 (pará) is typically theologically significant, even when used as a prefix (i.e. in composition). 3844 (pará) usually adds the overtone, "from close beside" (implying intimate participation) and can be followed by the genitive, dative, or accusative case – each one conveying a distinct nuance.
παρά | παρ’
BESIDES - FROM - ALONG SIDE para: from beside, by the side of, by, beside Original Word: παρά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: para Phonetic Spelling: (par-ah') Definition: from beside, by the side of, by, beside Usage: gen: from; dat: beside, in the presence of; acc: alongside of. HELPS Word-studies 3844 pará (a preposition) – properly, close beside. 3844 /pará ("from closely alongside") introduces someone (something) as very "close beside." 3844 (pará) an emphatic "from," means "from close beside" ("alongside"). It stresses nearness (closeness) which is often not conveyed in translation. 3844 (pará) is typically theologically significant, even when used as a prefix (i.e. in composition). 3844 (pará) usually adds the overtone, "from close beside" (implying intimate participation) and can be followed by the genitive, dative, or accusative case – each one conveying a distinct nuance.
``` πέρα περάω πέραν πέρας πέρνημι πέρᾱμᾰ πιπράσκω ```
BEYOND - OVER THERE - ON THE OTHER SIDE - CROSS OVER Adverb πέρα • (péra) beyond πέραν on the other side Prep beyond at a point farther away from the speaker go somewhere beyond if you want to smoke to avoid our ntoumaniaseis at a point in time after the time indicated, after εκεί πέρα (ekeí péra, “over there”) εδώ πέρα (edó péra, “1. here; 2. in that case”) κάνω πέρα (káno péra, “1. step aside; 2. oust, distance”) πέρα από κάθε (péra apó káthe, “beyond”) πέρα βρέχει (péra vréchei) who cares? - it’s raining beyond πέρα-δώθε (péra-dóthe, “back and forth”) πέρα για πέρα (péra gia péra, “totally, absolutely”) πέρα ως πέρα (péra os péra, “totally, absolutely”) τα βγάζω πέρα (ta vgázo péra, “I manage”) τα φέρνω πέρα (ta férno péra, “I manage”) περᾰ́ω • (peráō) to go from one side to another to pass through over or traverse, cross, esp. over water (intransitive) to penetrate or pierce (of a pointed weapon) πιπράσκω • (pipráskō) to sell, esp. for exportation (perfect passive, πέπραμαι) to be betrayed, ruined, undone Shortened from πιπεράσκω (piperáskō), reduplicated form of περάω (peráō, “to export for sale”). ———————————————————————- πέρᾱμᾰ • (pérāma) n (genitive πέρᾱμᾰτος); third declension a ferry From περάω (“to cross, traverse”) +‎ -μα (instance noun). ———————————————————————- πέρνημι • (pérnēmi) to sell Related terms πόρνη (pórnē) From Proto-Indo-European *per- (“to sell”); cognate with Latin pars and portiō. ———————————————————————— EXPRESSIONS ``` Expressions [edit] - Εκφράσεις[επεξεργασία = edit] I do over : I retreat , I walk away ( someone or something ) I remove back and forth beyond apart from after by beyond : very much from one end to the other I manage: I manage (especially financially) (quantity of something) per day, the doctor makes it (/ do) over : an expression used to emphasize the value of an object, situation or energy, often ironically an apple a day, the doctor makes it over ten bends a day, the doctor does it over ``` Εκφράσεις[επεξεργασία] κάνω πέρα: υποχωρώ, απομακρύνομαι (κάποιον ή κάτι)απομακρύνω πέρα-δώθε πέρα από εκτός από μετά από πέρα για πέρα: πάρα πολύ από τη μία άκρη μέχρι την άλλη τα βγάζω πέρα: τα καταφέρνω (ιδιαίτερα για οικονομικά) (ποσότητα από κάτι) την ημέρα, το γιατρό τον κάνει(/κάνουν) πέρα: έκφραση που χρησιμοποιείται για να δώσει έμφαση στην αξία κάποιου αντικειμένου, κατάστασης ή ενέργειας, πολλές φορές και ειρωνικά ένα μήλο την ημέρα, το γιατρό τον κάνει πέρα δέκα κάμψεις την ημέρα, το γιατρό τον κάνουν πέρα κάνω πέρα - I do over υποχωρώ, απομακρύνομαι - i retreat, I walk away (κάποιον ή κάτι)απομακρύνω - i remove πέρα-δώθε - back and forth —————————————————————— ``` πέρας, ατος, τό Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: peras Phonetic Spelling: (per'-as) Definition: a limit Usage: (a) a boundary, limit, extremity, (b) an end, conclusion. ``` πέρας, πέρατος, τό (πέρα beyond), from Aeschylus down, extremity, bound, end (see τέλος, 1 a. at the beginning); a. of a portion of space ("boundary, frontier): πέρατα τῆς γῆς (the ends of the earth), equivalent to the remotest lands, —————————————————————— ``` πέραν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: peran Phonetic Spelling: (per'-an) Definition: on the other side Usage: over, on the other side, beyond. ``` kin to pera (on the further side)
PERIMETER - AROUND - ABOUT - ENCOMPASS CIRCA - CIRCUMSCRIBE - CIRCUMFERENCE περί Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: peri Phonetic Spelling: (per-ee') Definition: about, concerning, around (denotes place, cause or subject) Usage: (a) gen: about, concerning, (b) acc: around. HELPS Word-studies 4012 perí (a preposition) – properly, all-around (on every side); encompassing, used of full (comprehensive) consideration where "all the bases are covered" (inclusively). 4012 (perí) is often translated "concerning" ("all about"). [4012 /perí is the root of the English term, "perimeter."] Indicating that the person or thing relative to which an act or state is predicated is as it were encompassed by this act or state; Latincircum, circa; around, about. with the GENITIVE it denotes that around which an act or state revolves; about, concerning, as touching, etc.
περῐ́ δῐᾰ́
PER - PERI The English prefix per-, which means “through,” appears in hundreds of English vocabulary words, such as perish and person. You can remember that the prefix per- means “through” via the word permanent, for something that is permanent stays intact “through” the years. ``` Preposition δῐᾰ́ • (diá) (governs the genitive and accusative) (+ genitive) (of a place) in a line through in the midst of, between along at intervals of, at every (time) between after every (interval of time) (causality) through, by (attested from 1st century B.C.E.) out of (materials from which something is made) (+ accusative) (of a place, poetic) through, among (time) during (causality) thanks to, by aid of because of for the sake of ``` ———————————————————— Prefix per- (non-productive) In verbs: denoting the sense "through", as in perforate. (non-productive) In verbs: denoting the sense "thoroughly", as in perfect. (non-productive) In verbs: denoting the sense "to destruction", as in pervert. (non-productive) In adjectives and adverbs: denoting the sense "extremely", as in perfervid. (chemistry) Forming nouns and adjectives denoting the maximum proportion of one element in a compound, as in peroxide. (chemistry) Added to the name of an element in a polyatomic ion to denote the number of atoms of that element (usually four). Latin Etymology From Proto-Italic *peri-. Related to per (“through”). Prefix per- Used to make adjectives or verbs that are "very" something. magnus (“great, large”) → permagnus (“very great, very large”) multī (“many”) → permultī (“very many”) Used to form verbs that are intensive or completive, conveying the idea of doing something all the way through or entirely. ``` Preposition περῐ́ • (perí) (governs the genitive, dative and accusative) (+ genitive) about, concerning, because of (+ dative) around, for, about (+ accusative) around (both in the circular sense and close proximity sense), near, about ```
UPWARD - BACKWARD - AGAIN ἀνά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: ana Phonetic Spelling: (an-ah') Definition: as a preposition denotes upwards, up, as a prefix denotes up, again, back Usage: prep. Rare in NT; prop: upwards, up; among, between; in turn; apiece, by; as a prefix: up, to, anew, back.
UNTIL ``` μέχρι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: mechri or mechris Phonetic Spelling: (mekh'-ree) Definition: as far as, until Usage: as far as, until, even to. ``` ``` till, until. Or mechris (mekh-ris'); from mekos; as far as, i.e. Up to a certain point (as a preposition, of extent (denoting the terminus, whereas achri refers especially to the space of time or place intervening) or conjunction) -- till, (un-)to, until. ``` see GREEK μῆκος see GREEK achri ``` μῆκος, ους, τό Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: mékos Phonetic Spelling: (may'-kos) Definition: length Usage: length. ``` from same as μακρός ``` μακρός, ά, όν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: makros Phonetic Spelling: (mak-ros') Definition: long, far distant Usage: long, distant, far; of long duration. ``` far, long. From μῆκος; long (in place (distant) or time (neuter plural)) -- far, long. see GREEK mekos μέχρι until, to, unto ``` Preposition until Up to the time of (something happening). If you can wait until after my meeting with her, we'll talk then. Before (a time). (obsolete) To; physically towards. ``` equivalent to un- (“against; toward; up to”) +‎ till. ``` Preposition (“till”) Until; to, up to; as late as (a given time). She stayed till the very end. It's twenty till two. (1:40) I have to work till eight o'clock tonight. (obsolete) To, up to (physically). They led him till his tent (dialectal) To make it possible that. ``` from Northern Old English: til Preposition (“til”) (with genitive) to, towards ``` Preposition μέχρι • (mékhri) (governs the genitive) Marker of spatial extension: as far as Marker of temporal extension: until Marker of general extent: to the point of, so far as ``` ``` ———————————————————————- Prefix un- (added to adjectives or past participles) not unannounced (“not being announced”) uneducated (“not educated”) unattractive (“not attractive”) unconstitutional (“not constitutional”) ``` (added to nouns) absent; lacking; not; negative ungrace (“lack of grace, gracelessness”) unrest (“a lack of rest [peace]; war”, noun) unhope (“despair”) unfriend (“enemy”) unrepair unluck (“misfortune”) unnova uncertainty (“lack or absence of certainty”) unconformity (“a lack or absence of conformity”) (added to nouns) contrary to or contrasted against traditional norms; unconventional; alternative unconference unmethod Old English: -un Prefix un- negation or absence of: un-, non- (added to nouns and adjectives) ‎un- + ‎fæġer (“beautiful”) → ‎unfæġer (“ugly”) ‎un- + ‎dēadlīċ (“mortal”) → ‎undēadlīċ (“immortal”) ‎un- + ‎dēop (“deep”) → ‎undēop (“shallow”) ‎un- + ‎dīere (“expensive”) → ‎undīere (“cheap”) ‎un- + ‎druncen (“drunk”) → ‎undruncen (“sober”) ‎un- + ‎ġewǣpnod (“armed”) → ‎unġewǣpnod (“unarmed”) ‎un- + ‎sċyldiġ (“guilty”) → ‎unsċyldiġ (“innocent”) ‎un- + ‎rīpe (“mature”) → ‎unrīpe (“immature”) bad (added to nouns to denote a pejorative sense; compare mis-, mal-) ‎un- + ‎dǣd (“action”) → ‎undǣd (“crime”) ‎un- + ‎ġelimp (“event”) → ‎unġelimp (“accident”) ‎un- + ‎hlīsa (“fame”) → ‎unhlīsa (“infamy”) ‎un- + ‎lǣċe (“doctor”) → ‎unlǣċe (“bad doctor”) ‎un- + ‎lyft (“air”) → ‎unlyft (“malaria,” lit. “bad air”) ‎un- + ‎mann (“person”) → ‎unmann (“thug”) ‎un- + ‎rǣd (“advice”) → ‎unrǣd (“bad advice”) ‎un- + ‎stenċ (“smell”) → ‎unstenċ (“stench”) ‎un- + ‎swefn (“dream”) → ‎unswefn (“bad dream”) ‎un- + ‎tīma (“time”) → ‎untīma (“wrong time”) ‎un- + ‎weder (“weather”) → ‎unweder (“bad weather”) ‎un- + ‎þēaw (“habit”) → ‎unþēaw (“vice”) Prefix un- forms verbs from verbs, with an opposite or reversive sense Old High German: -un Prefix un- un-; prefix of negation, absence or contrariness.
UPON Preposition ᾰ̓νᾰ́ • (aná) (governs the genitive, dative and accusative) (+ genitive) (rare) on board (+ dative) (of location) on, upon (+ accusative) up, upwards, along in sequence, each, throughout up to (of amounts) at a rate, speed, or price of, for (of time) translatable with an adverbial noun phrase ἀνὰ πᾶσαν ἡμέραν ― anà pâsan hēméran ― every day ἀνὰ πᾶν ἔτος ― anà pân étos ― every year
UPWARD - INLAND ``` ᾰ̓́νω (ánō) +‎ -θεν (-then) (with verbs of motion) upwards above, high up (of motion) inland, away from the coast Antonyms (most senses): κᾰ́τω (kátō) Related to ἀνά (aná) ```
WITH - AMONG - AFTER ``` μετά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: meta Phonetic Spelling: (met-ah') Definition: with, among, after Usage: (a) gen: with, in company with, (b) acc: (1) behind, beyond, after, of place, (2) after, of time, with nouns, neut. of adjectives. HELPS Word-studies 3326 metá (a preposition) – properly, with ("after with"), implying "change afterward" (i.e. what results after the activity). As an active "with," 3326 (metá) looks towards the after-effect (change, result) which is only defined by the context. ``` [3326 (metá) before a vowel is written met (meth).]
AWAY FROM - OUT FROM Prefix ἀπο- • (apo-) Indicating movement: away, from, off ἀποβαίνω (apobaínō, “step off”) Indicating breaking one part from another: un-, asunder, apart, off ἀποτέμνω (apotémnō, “cut off”) Indicating ending or finishing, or almost like the negative ἀ- (a-, “not”), especially in adjectives ἀπαλγέω (apalgéō, “put away sorrow for”), ἀπόσῑτος (apósītos, “having eaten nothing”) back, again ἀποδίδωμι (apodídōmi, “give back”) Simply emphasizing the meaning of the verb because of, owing to ἀπ- (ap-) – before a vowel without rough breathing ἀφ- (aph-) – before a vowel with rough breathing See also: ΑΠΟ, από, ἀπό, ἄπο, απο-, από- and Α.Π.Ο.
WHICH ἃ which RelPro-ANP
ᾗ Not to be confused with: ἡ (“the” - Article-NFS) Not to be confused with: ἤ (“or, than” - Conjunction) Not to be confused with: ᾖ (“which” - RelPro-DFS) Not to be confused with: ᾖ (“should be” - V-PSA-3S)
WHICH - OR - THAN to distinguish things or thoughts which either mutually exclude each other ᾗ which RelPro-DFS hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that ``` Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` ——————————————————————- NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH ``` ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ``` 1. to distinguish things or thoughts which either mutually exclude each other, or one of which can take the place of the other: or (Latinaut,vel); a. to distinguish one thing from another in words of the same construction: Matthew 5:17 (τόν νόμον ἤ τούς προφήτας), Matthew 5:36 (λευκήν ἤ μέλαιναν) Conjunction ἤ • (ḗ) or than, as (in a comparative construction) ————————————————————— NOT TO BE CONFUSED WITH ᾖ should be V-PSA-3S From εἰμί “I am” Correlates to the (subjunctive suffix -ῇ ) γεννηθῇ to be born V-ASP-3S ``` εἰμί Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: eimi Phonetic Spelling: (i-mee') Definition: I exist, I am Usage: I am, exist. HELPS Word-studies 1510 eimí (the basic Greek verb which expresses being, i.e. "to be") – am, is. 1510 (eimí), and its counterparts, (properly) convey "straight-forward" being (existence, i.e. without explicit limits). ``` 1510 /eimí ("is, am") – in the present tense, indicative mood – can be time-inclusive ("omnitemporal," like the Hebrew imperfect tense). Only the context indicates whether the present tense also has "timeless" implications. For example, 1510 (eimí) is aptly used in Christ's great "I am" (ego eimi . . . ) that also include His eternality (self-existent life) as our life, bread, light," etc. See Jn 7:34, 8:58, etc. Example: Jn 14:6: "I am (1510 /eimí) the way, the truth and the life." Here 1510 (eimí) naturally accords with the fact Christ is eternal – maning "I am (was, will be)." The "I am formula (Gk egō eimi)" harks back to God's only name, "Yahweh" (OT/3068, "the lord") – meaning "He who always was, is, and will be." Compare Jn 8:58 with Ex 3:14. See also Rev 4:8 and 2962 /kýrios ("Lord"). ἔσῃ (esē) — 8 Occurrences Luke 1:20 V-FI-2S GRK: καὶ ἰδοὺ ἔσῃ σιωπῶν καὶ INT: and Behold you will be silent and Luke 5:10 V-FI-2S GRK: νῦν ἀνθρώπους ἔσῃ ζωγρῶν INT: now on men you will be catching Luke 14:14 V-FI-2S GRK: καὶ μακάριος ἔσῃ ὅτι οὐκ INT: and blessed you will be for not Luke 23:43 V-FI-2S GRK: μετ' ἐμοῦ ἔσῃ ἐν τῷ INT: with me you will be in Acts 13:11 V-FI-2S GRK: σέ καὶ ἔσῃ τυφλὸς μὴ INT: you and you will be blind not Acts 22:15 V-FI-2S GRK: ὅτι ἔσῃ μάρτυς αὐτῷ INT: for you will be a witness for him Ephesians 6:3 V-FI-2S GRK: γένηται καὶ ἔσῃ μακροχρόνιος ἐπὶ INT: it might be and you may be long-lived on 1 Timothy 4:6 V-FI-2S GRK: ἀδελφοῖς καλὸς ἔσῃ διάκονος Χριστοῦ INT: brothers good you will be a servant of Christ ᾖ (ē) — 43 Occurrences Matthew 6:4 V-PSA-3S GRK: ὅπως ᾖ σου ἡ INT: so that might be your Matthew 6:22 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐὰν οὖν ᾖ ὁ ὀφθαλμός INT: if therefore be the eye Matthew 6:23 V-PSA-3S GRK: σου πονηρὸς ᾖ ὅλον τὸ INT: of you bad be all the Matthew 10:13 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐὰν μὲν ᾖ ἡ οἰκία INT: if indeed be the house Matthew 10:13 V-PSA-3S GRK: δὲ μὴ ᾖ ἀξία ἡ INT: however not it be worthy the Matthew 20:4 V-PSA-3S GRK: ὃ ἐὰν ᾖ δίκαιον δώσω INT: whatever if might be right I will give Matthew 24:28 V-PSA-3S GRK: ὅπου ἐὰν ᾖ τὸ πτῶμα INT: For wherever if might be the carcass Mark 5:18 V-PSA-3S GRK: μετ' αὐτοῦ ᾖ INT: with him he might be Luke 10:6 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐὰν ἐκεῖ ᾖ υἱὸς εἰρήνης INT: if there be a son of peace Luke 11:34 V-PSA-3S GRK: σου ἁπλοῦς ᾖ καὶ ὅλον INT: of you clear be also all Luke 11:34 V-PSA-3S GRK: δὲ πονηρὸς ᾖ καὶ τὸ INT: however evil it be also the Luke 14:8 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐντιμότερός σου ᾖ κεκλημένος ὑπ' INT: [one] more honorable than you might have been invited by Luke 20:28 V-PSA-3S GRK: οὗτος ἄτεκνος ᾖ ἵνα λάβῃ INT: he childless is that should take John 3:2 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐὰν μὴ ᾖ ὁ θεὸς INT: if not be God John 3:27 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐὰν μὴ ᾖ δεδομένον αὐτῷ INT: if not it be given to him John 6:65 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐὰν μὴ ᾖ δεδομένον αὐτῷ INT: if not it be given to him John 9:31 V-PSA-3S GRK: τις θεοσεβὴς ᾖ καὶ τὸ INT: anyone God-fearing is and the John 14:16 V-PSA-3S GRK: ὑμῖν ἵνα ᾖ μεθ' ὑμῶν INT: you that he might be with you John 15:11 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐν ὑμῖν ᾖ καὶ ἡ INT: in you might abide and the John 16:24 V-PSA-3S GRK: χαρὰ ὑμῶν ᾖ πεπληρωμένη INT: joy of you might be full John 17:26 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἐν αὐτοῖς ᾖ κἀγὼ ἐν INT: in them might be and I in Acts 5:38 V-PSA-3S GRK: ὅτι ἐὰν ᾖ ἐξ ἀνθρώπων INT: for if be from men Romans 9:27 V-PSA-3S GRK: Ἰσραήλ Ἐὰν ᾖ ὁ ἀριθμὸς INT: Israel if should be the number 1 Corinthians 1:10 V-PSA-3S GRK: καὶ μὴ ᾖ ἐν ὑμῖν INT: and not there be among you 1 Corinthians 2:5 V-PSA-3S GRK: ὑμῶν μὴ ᾖ ἐν σοφίᾳ INT: of you not might be in wisdom 1 Corinthians 5:11 Conj GRK: ἀδελφὸς ὀνομαζόμενος ᾖ πόρνος ἢ INT: brother designated be either sexually immoral or 1 Corinthians 7:34 V-PSA-3S GRK: κυρίου ἵνα ᾖ ἁγία καὶ INT: Lord that she might be holy both 1 Corinthians 7:36 V-PSA-3S GRK: νομίζει ἐὰν ᾖ ὑπέρακμος καὶ INT: thinks if he be beyond [his] prime and 1 Corinthians 12:25 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἵνα μὴ ᾖ σχίσμα ἐν INT: that not there might be division in 1 Corinthians 14:28 V-PSA-3S GRK: δὲ μὴ ᾖ διερμηνευτής σιγάτω INT: however not there be an interpreter let him be silent 1 Corinthians 15:28 V-PSA-3S GRK: πάντα ἵνα ᾖ ὁ θεὸς INT: all things that might be God 1 Corinthians 16:4 V-PSA-3S GRK: δὲ ἄξιον ᾖ τοῦ κἀμὲ INT: moreover suitable it be me also 2 Corinthians 1:17 V-PSA-3S GRK: βουλεύομαι ἵνα ᾖ παρ' ἐμοὶ INT: do I purpose that there should be with me 2 Corinthians 4:7 V-PSA-3S GRK: τῆς δυνάμεως ᾖ τοῦ θεοῦ INT: of the power might be of God Galatians 5:10 V-PSA-3S GRK: ὅστις ἐὰν ᾖ INT: whoever if he might be Ephesians 5:27 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἀλλ' ἵνα ᾖ ἁγία καὶ INT: but that it might be holy and 1 Timothy 4:15 V-PSA-3S GRK: προκοπὴ φανερὰ ᾖ πᾶσιν INT: progress manifest might be to all 2 Timothy 3:17 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἵνα ἄρτιος ᾖ ὁ τοῦ INT: that complete might be the Titus 1:9 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἵνα δυνατὸς ᾖ καὶ παρακαλεῖν INT: that able he might be both to encourage Philemon 1:14 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἀγαθόν σου ᾖ ἀλλὰ κατὰ INT: good of you might be but effect James 5:15 V-PSA-3S GRK: κἂν ἁμαρτίας ᾖ πεποιηκώς ἀφεθήσεται INT: and if sins he should be having committed it will be forgiven 1 John 1:4 V-PSA-3S GRK: χαρὰ ἡμῶν ᾖ πεπληρωμένη INT: joy of us might be complete 2 John 1:12 V-PSA-3S GRK: ἡμῶν πεπληρωμένη ᾖ INT: of us might be complete being ἦτε (ēte) — 19 Occurrences John 9:41 V-II-2P GRK: Εἰ τυφλοὶ ἦτε οὐκ ἂν INT: If blind you were not anyhow John 14:3 V-PSA-2P GRK: καὶ ὑμεῖς ἦτε INT: also you might be John 15:19 V-II-2P GRK: τοῦ κόσμου ἦτε ὁ κόσμος INT: the world you were the world Romans 6:17 V-II-2P GRK: θεῷ ὅτι ἦτε δοῦλοι τῆς INT: to God that you [once] were servants Romans 6:20 V-II-2P GRK: γὰρ δοῦλοι ἦτε τῆς ἁμαρτίας INT: indeed servants you were of sin Romans 6:20 V-II-2P GRK: ἁμαρτίας ἐλεύθεροι ἦτε τῇ δικαιοσύνῃ INT: of sin free you were as to righteousness Romans 11:25 V-PSA-2P GRK: ἵνα μὴ ἦτε παρ' ἑαυτοῖς INT: that not you might be to yourselves 1 Corinthians 1:10 V-PSA-2P GRK: ὑμῖν σχίσματα ἦτε δὲ κατηρτισμένοι INT: you divisions you be moreover knit together 1 Corinthians 5:7 V-PSA-2P GRK: ζύμην ἵνα ἦτε νέον φύραμα INT: leaven that you might be a new lump 1 Corinthians 6:11 V-II-2P GRK: ταῦτά τινες ἦτε ἀλλὰ ἀπελούσασθε INT: these things some you were but you were washed 1 Corinthians 7:5 V-PSA-2P GRK: τὸ αὐτὸ ἦτε ἵνα μὴ INT: the same come together that not 1 Corinthians 12:2 V-II-2P GRK: ὅτε ἔθνη ἦτε πρὸς τὰ INT: when Gentiles you were to 2 Corinthians 9:3 V-PSA-2P GRK: ἔλεγον παρεσκευασμένοι ἦτε INT: I said prepared you might be 2 Corinthians 13:9 V-PSA-2P GRK: δὲ δυνατοὶ ἦτε τοῦτο καὶ INT: however strong might be But this also Ephesians 2:12 V-II-2P GRK: ὅτι ἦτε τῷ καιρῷ INT: that you were the time Ephesians 5:8 V-II-2P GRK: ἦτε γάρ ποτε INT: you were indeed once Philippians 1:10 V-PSA-2P GRK: διαφέροντα ἵνα ἦτε εἰλικρινεῖς καὶ INT: are excellent that you might be pure and James 1:4 V-PSA-2P GRK: ἐχέτω ἵνα ἦτε τέλειοι καὶ INT: let have that you might be perfect and 1 Peter 2:25 V-II-2P GRK: ἦτε γὰρ ὡς INT: you were indeed as
ALL all (adj./adv.) Old English eall "every, entire, the whole quantity of" (adj.), "fully, wholly, entirely" (adv.), from Proto-Germanic *alnaz (source also of Old Frisian, Old High German al; German all, alle; Old Norse allr; Gothic alls), with no certain connection outside Germanic. As a noun, in Old English, "all that is, everything." Combinations with all meaning "wholly, without limit" were common in Old English (such as eall-halig "all-holy," eall-mihtig "all-mighty") and the method continued to form new compound words throughout the history of English. Middle English had al-wher "wherever; whenever" (early 14c.); al-soon "as soon as possible," al-what (c. 1300) "all sorts of things, whatever." Of the common modern phrases with it, at all "in any way" is from mid-14c., and all "and everything (else)" is from 1530s, all but "everything short of" is from 1590s. First record of all out "to one's full powers" is 1880. All clear as a signal of "no danger" is recorded from 1902. All right, indicative of assent or approval, is attested by 1945.
LIKEWISE - LIKE KIND - SIMILAR TYPE - SAME THING From ὁμός (homós, “same”) +‎ -ιος (-ios, adjectival suffix) Adjective ὅμοιος • (hómoios) m (feminine ὁμοία, neuter ὅμοιον); first/second declension ``` Like, resembling [+dative = someone, something], similar [+dative = to someone, something] Shared, common, mutual Suited to, appropriate for Equal The same ``` Adjective ὁμός • (homós) m (feminine ὁμή, neuter ὁμόν); first/second declension same, common, joint Adjective ὅμορος • (hómoros) m or f (neuter ὅμορον); second declension bordering, neighboring ὁμός (homós, “same”) +‎ ὅρος (hóros, “border”)
AGAIN From ἐξ (out from) + ἀνά (re- again, repeat) Adverb ξανά • (xaná) again ``` Prefix ᾰ̓νᾰ- • (ana-) up to, upwards, up (intensifier) thoroughly indicating repetition or improvement: re-, again back, backwards ``` Preposition ᾰ̓νᾰ́ • (aná) (governs the genitive, dative and accusative) ``` (+ genitive) (rare) on board (+ dative) (of location) on, upon (+ accusative) up, upwards, along in sequence, each, throughout up to (of amounts) at a rate, speed, or price of, for (of time) translatable with an adverbial noun phrase ἀνὰ πᾶσαν ἡμέραν anà pâsan hēméran every day ἀνὰ πᾶν ἔτος anà pân étos every year ``` Prefix ἀν- • (an-) Alternative form of ἀ- (a-) used before a vowel. From Proto-Indo-European *n̥- (“not, un-”)
AGAIN - ON THE OTHER HAND Adverb πάλι • (páli) again on the other hand και πάλι (kai páli, “again, for one more time”, literally “and again”) πάλι καλά (που ...) (páli kalá (pou ...), “luckily, good”, literally “good/well again”)
ALSO - TO - LIKEWISE from ἐπί (up, upon) and ἴσης (equal). επίσης also, as well, too, likewise επί πλέον moreover, furthermore, also, over and above ``` Adverb επίσης • (epísis) also, too, likewise Καληνύχτα! — Επίσης! Kalinýchta! — Epísis! Goodnight! — Likewise! (a reply to return good wishes) ``` from ἐπί (up, upon) and ἴσης (equal) Adjective ῐ̓́σος (of size, strength, or number) equal (to), equivalent (to), the same as [+dative = something, someone] (of appearance) like [+dative = something, someone] (with implied reference point) like, similar (with pronoun) like someone's x repeated to denote relationship between equal persons or things ἴσα πρὸς ἴσα ísa pròs ísa tit for tat (not comparable, mathematics) equal to [+dative = a number]; (in the plural) equal (to each other) ``` (of land) even, level, flat neuter singular (τὸ) ἴσον ((tò) íson) as substantive: level ground εἰς τὸ ἴσον eis tò íson (on)to level ground ```
ἴσα πρὸς ἴσα
TIT for TAT (equal for equal) From ῐ̓́σᾰ (equal) + πρὸς (to, toward) ἴσα πρὸς ἴσα tit for tat Adjective ῐ̓́σᾰ • (ísa) neuter nominative/accusative/vocative plural of ῐ̓́σος (ísos)
εἰς τὸ ἴσον
ON LEVEL GROUND - EQUAL STANDING εἰς τὸ ἴσον (on)to level ground
εκ νέου
ONCE AGAIN - REFRESH εκ νέου again, anew, afresh afresh, again, over again, de novo Adjective νέου • (néou) genitive singular masculine/neuter of νέος (néos) Adjective νέος • (néos) m (feminine νέᾱ, neuter νέον); first/second declension young (pertaining to young people) youthful new, fresh (euphemistic, especially in comparative) unexpected, strange, evil. Adjective νέα • (néa) Nominative, accusative and vocative singular feminine form of νέος (néos). Nominative, accusative and vocative plural neuter form of νέος (néos). Noun[edit] νέα • (néa) n (only in the plural) news (on the radio, or TV) Θα δω τα νέα των οκτώ. Tha do ta néa ton októ. Ι'll watch the eight o'clock news. Synonym: ειδήσεις (eidíseis) Nominative, accusative and vocative plural form of νέο (néo). Υπάρχουν καθόλου νέα για την καταιγίδα; Ypárchoun kathólou néa gia tin kataigída? Is there any news about the storm?
ἄχρῐ ακμή ἀκμάζω
UTTERLY - EVEN UP TO - SO LONG AS ``` ἄχρι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: achri or achris Phonetic Spelling: (akh'-ree) Definition: until, as far as Usage: as far as, up to, until, during. ``` as far as, for, until, while. Or achris akh'-rece; akin to akron (through the idea of a terminus); (of time) until or (of place) up to -- as far as, for, in(-to), till, (even, un-)to, until, while. Compare mechri. see GREEK akron see GREEK mechri Adverb ἄχρῐ • (ákhri) to the very bottom, to the uttermost, utterly (after Homer, before prepositions) ``` Preposition ἄχρῐ • (ákhri) (governs the genitive) even to, as far as (of time) until (of space) as far as, even to (of measure or degree) up to this point ``` Conjunction ἄχρῐ • (ákhri) (of time) until, so long as (of space) so far as Zero grade of μέχρῐ (mékhri), from Proto-Indo-European *méǵʰ(s)ri. ``` ἄκρον, ου, τό Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: akron Phonetic Spelling: (ak'-ron) Definition: highest, extreme Usage: the end, extremity. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from akros; from the same as akantha ``` ἄκρος, , (ἀκή point (see ἀκμή)) (from Homer down), highest, extreme; τό ἄκρον the topmost point, the extremity. tip, top, highest point Neuter of an adjective probably akin to the base of akmen; the extremity -- one end... Other, tip, top, uttermost participle see GREEK akmen ``` ἀκμήν Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: akmén Phonetic Spelling: (ak-mane') Definition: at the present point of time Usage: even now. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin acc. of the same as akmazó ``` ``` ἀκμάζω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: akmazó Phonetic Spelling: (ak-mad'-zo) Definition: to be at the prime Usage: I reach maturity, become ripe, am in full vigor. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from ακμή (a point, edge) ``` be fully ripe. From the same as akmen; to make a point, i.e. (figuratively) mature -- be fully ripe. see GREEK akmen ακμή acne, prosperity, prime, heyday, acme, point ``` Noun ακμή • (akmí) f (plural ακμές) peak acme point, tip edge prosperity prime, peak, zenith (medicine) crisis (medicine) acne, zit ``` Noun παρακμή • (parakmí) f (plural παρακμές) decay, decadence, decline Adjective ακμαίος • (akmaíos) m (feminine ακμαία, neuter ακμαίο) flourishing, vigorous, thriving Verb ακμάζω • (akmázo) (past άκμασα) prosper, flourish, blossom Noun ακμαιότητα • (akmaiótita) f (uncountable) liveliness, vigour (UK)/vigor (US) From Koine Greek ἀκμαιότης (akmaiótēs), equivalent to ακμαίος (akmaíos, “lively, vigorous”) +‎ -ότητα (-ótita, “-ity, -ness”). Suffix -ότητα • (-ótita) f Added to an adjective or rarely, another noun, to create an abstract noun; -ity, -ty, -ness, -cy, -ion: ‎αυστηρός (afstirós, “strict”) + ‎-ότητα (-ótita) → ‎αυστηρότητα (afstirótita, “strictness”) ‎βέβαιος (vévaios, “sure, certain”) + ‎-ότητα (-ótita) → ‎βεβαιότητα (vevaiótita, “certainty”) ‎εθνικός (ethnikós, “national”) + ‎-ότητα (-ótita) → ‎εθνικότητα (ethnikótita, “nationality”) ‎εχθρός (echthrós, “enemy”) + ‎-ότητα (-ótita) → ‎εχθρότητα (echthrótita, “hostility”) ‎πιθανός (pithanós, “possible”) + ‎-ότητα (-ótita) → ‎πιθανότητα (pithanótita, “possibility”) ‎ποιος (poios, “who”) + ‎-ότητα (-ótita) → ‎ποιότητα (poiótita, “quality”) ‎πόσος (pósos, “how much”) + ‎-ότητα (-ótita) → ‎ποσότητα (posótita, “quantity”)
AND AS (additionally, like this) From ὡς (hōs, “as”) + τε (te, “and”) the introduction to similes like as, as, just as Conjunction ὥστε • (hṓste) (to express the actual or intended result, the effect) ὥσ [hōs], "as" and τε [té], ("both-and") ``` ὥστε Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hóste Phonetic Spelling: (hoce'-teh) Definition: so as to, so then, therefore Usage: so that, therefore, so then, so as to. ``` 5620 hṓste (a conjunction, derived from 5613 /hōs, "as" and 5037 /té, "both-and") – wherefore (with the result that both . . . ), connecting cause to necessary effect which emphasizes the result (the combined, end-accomplishment). The result involved then is the combination of both elements in the correlation, underscoring the inevitable effect of the paired elements. [This common point ("fulcrum") of the correlation is the key link for yielding the result of the cause-and-effect relationship.] Pronoun ὅς • (hós) m, ἥ f (hḗ), ὅ n (hó) (in Homeric Greek, often demonstrative pronoun) this (relative) who, which, that ``` Adverb ὡς • (hōs) (relative adverb) the introduction to similes like as, as, just as according as (with adverbial clauses) (parenthetically) to qualify a general statement; as it seems (in elliptical phrases) so far as.... (attached to the object of a verb) as (to limit or augment the force of adverbs) ``` Conjunction ὡς • (hōs) (subordinating conjunction or complementizer, introducing dependent or subordinate clause) (with noun clauses) introducing a clause expressing a fact: that (with indicative or optative) (final) introducing a clause expressing an end or purpose: that, so that, in order that, so (with subjunctive or optative) (consequential) introducing a clause expressing a result: so that (causal) as, since, because (temporal) when (modal) how (local) where ``` See also Etymology 2 PIE word *só From the demonstrative pronoun ὁ (ho) +‎ -ως (-ōs, adverbial suffix). Adverb[edit] ὡς • (hōs) (demonstrative adverb) in καὶ ὧς: even so, nevertheless in comparisons, ὥς (hṓs)... ὡς (hōs) or ὡς (hōs)... ὣς (hṑs): so... as... thus, for instance ``` ———————————————————————- Compare English: As Comparison - to the extent or degree adverb adverb: as used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something. "go as fast as you can" conjunction: as 1. used to indicate that something happens during the time when something is taking place. "Frank watched him as he ambled through the crowd" Similar: while just as even as at the (same) time that at the moment that during the time that just when simultaneously ``` 2. used to indicate by comparison the way that something happens or is done. "they can do as they wish" Similar: in the (same) way that the (same) way in the (same) manner that like ``` ``` 3. because; since. "I must stop now as I have to go out" Similar: because since seeing that seeing as considering that on account of the fact that in view of the fact that owing to the fact that on account of for forasmuch ``` ``` 4. even though. "sweet as he is, he doesn't pay his bills" Similar: although though even though/if in spite of the fact that despite the fact that notwithstanding the fact that notwithstanding that for all that while whilst albeit however ``` preposition: as 1. used to refer to the function or character that someone or something has. "it came as a shock" Similar: in the guise of with the appearance of in the character of so as to appear to be in the role of being acting as functioning as 2. during the time of being (the thing specified). "he had often been sick as a child" —————————————————— Compare Latin: sī Etymology From Proto-Italic *sei (“so, thus”) used in parataxis, likely via the meaning "in this" as the locative singular of Proto-Indo-European *só (“this, that”); this older meaning is preserved in Latin sīc as well as in the oath sī dīs placet, c.f. English so help me God. Related to Old English sē (“he, that”). Conjunction sī ``` if, supposing that Sī versūs hōrum duōrum poētārum neglegētis, magnā parte litterārum carēbitis. If you neglect the verses of these two poets, you will miss a great part of literature. whether (when a verb of seeing or trying is the main verb in the apodosis; or when sī is used twice correlatively) sī... sī ― whether... or Derived terms[edit] sīc (“so, thus”) sīcut (“as”) sīs (“if you will”) sīve / seu (“disjunctive sī”) sōdēs (“if you will”) ac sī (“just as if”) nisi (“unless”) quasi (“as if, like”) sī(n) aliter (“if otherwise”) sī dīs placet (“expr. of indignant surprise”) sīcubi (“if anywhere”) sīcunde (“if from anywhere”) sīn (“if however”) sī mē amās (“please”) sī minus (“if not”) sī modo (“provided that”) sī nōn (“if not”) sī̆ quandō (“if ever”) sī̆ quidem (“if/since indeed”) sī quis / sī quid (“if anybody/anything”) sī vīs (“if you like”) sī vīvō (“as sure as I'm alive”) sī nōndum (“if not yet”) ```
THEN — THEREUPON — THEREAFTER — (IF THIS / THEN THAT) From ἐπί (“upon”) + εἶτα (if that) From εἰ (“if”) and root of τά (the or that). έπειτα Adverb ἔπειτα • (épeita) (of mere sequence, without any notion of cause) thereupon, thereafter, then (with the article) what follows (like εἶτα, with a finite verb after a participle) (in apodoses, though never at the beginning of the clause, in Homer often strengthened) (after a temporal conjunction) then, thereafter (after a conditional conjunction) then, surely (of sequence in thought, i.e. consequence or inference) then, therefore (to begin a story) (in Attic often to introduce emphatic questions) Adverb εἶτα • (eîta) (of mere sequence) then, next (often stands with the finite verb after a participle, where the participle may be resolved into a finite verb and εἶτα rendered "and then", "and yet", expressing surprise or incongruity) (to denote consequence) and so, so then, therefore, accordingly Article τά • (tá) neuter nominative/accusative plural of ὁ (ho) Article ὁ • (ho) m, ἡ f (hē), τό n (tó) (“The”) (rarely in Epic, often in later Greek) the Pronoun ὁ • (ho) m, ἡ f (hē), τό n (tó) (“That”) (Epic, demonstrative) that (Epic, third person personal pronoun) he, she, it, they (relative, Epic, Ionic, poetic Attic) who, which, that
MOREOVER — BESIDES THIS — AWAY FROM THE OTHER From Εξ (out from) + άλλου (other, different) Adverb Εξάλλου moreover ( opposite link ) Moreover , besides this Pronoun άλλου • (állou) Genitive singular masculine form of άλλος (állos). Genitive singular neuter form of άλλος (állos). άλλος • (állos) m (feminine άλλη, neuter άλλο) indefinite, contrastive other Τρώω τα μήλα, τα άλλα φρούτα δεν τα τρώω. Tróo ta míla, ta álla froúta den ta tróo. I eat apples, I don't like other fruit. else Θέλετε κάτι άλλο; Thélete káti állo? Do you want anything else? someone else Όχι, αυτός που ήρθε ήταν άλλος. Óchi, aftós pou írthe ítan állos. No, the one who came was someone else. more άλλη μια φορά ― álli mia forá ― one more time, another time τιποτ’ άλλο; ― tipot’ állo? ― any more? next ο άλλος κόσμος ― o állos kósmos ― the next world την άλλη Παρασκευή ― tin álli Paraskeví ― next Friday (without article) dissimilar, different άλλος κόσμος ― állos kósmos ― a different world Translations of moreover Adverb εξάλλου moreover, in addition επί πλέον moreover, furthermore, also, over and above εκτός τούτου moreover
JUST AS - JUST EXACTLY LIKE ``` ὥσπερ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hósper Phonetic Spelling: (hoce'-per) Definition: just as, even as Usage: just as, as, even as. HELPS Word-studies 5618 hṓsper (an emphatic adverb, derived from 4007 /per, "indeed" intensifying 5613 /hōs, "as") – "indeed just as," "just exactly like." ``` hós: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Original Word: ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. ``` Strong's Concordance hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` per: whosoever Original Word: περ Transliteration: per Phonetic Spelling: (per) Definition: indeed (adds force to the preceding word) HELPS Word-studies 4007 per (an emphatic particle derived from 4012 /perí, "concerning, all about") – fully concerning; wholly, very, really – literally "all-around" the whole perimeter; (figuratively) to the limit, beyond what is expected (usual). however much, very much, altogether, indeed From the base of peran; an enclitic particle significant of abundance (thoroughness), i.e. Emphasis; much, very or ever -- (whom-)soever. ``` peran: on the other side Original Word: πέραν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: peran Phonetic Spelling: (per'-an) Definition: on the other side Usage: over, on the other side, beyond. ``` with verbs of going it marks direction toward a place (over, beyond) beyond, further, over. Apparently accusative case of an obsolete derivative of peiro (to "pierce"); through (as adverb or preposition), i.e. Across -- beyond, farther (other) side, over. from hós and per
FURTHERMORE - ADDITIONALLY προσέτι furthermore, withal, thereunto Adverb προσέτῐ • (proséti) besides, in addition πρός (“in addition”) and ἔτι (“further, more, extra”). ``` Adverb ἔτῐ • (éti) (of time) yet, still (of the present) (of the past, mostly with imperfect) (of the future) (with a negative) no more, no longer (of degree) yet, still, besides, further, moreover (often to strengthen a comparative) (with the positive) ```
επί πλέον
ABOVE MORE THAN — OVER AND ABOVE — ABOVE ALL — MORE THAN THAT επί πλέον moreover, furthermore, also, over and above Adverb πλέον • (pléon) (dated, formal) more, -er (forms comparatives) Ο πλέον γνωστός ηθοποιός. O pléon gnostós ithopoiós. The more known actor. already Είναι πλέον αργά. Eínai pléon argá. It's already late. from now on Υποσχέθηκε να είναι πλέον πιστός στην φιλενάδα του. Yposchéthike na eínai pléon pistós stin filenáda tou. He promised to be faithful to his girlfriend from now on. more than Πλέον των διακοσίων χιλιάδων βγήκαν να ψηφίσουν. Pléon ton diakosíon chiliádon vgíkan na psifísoun. More than two hundred thousand came out to vote. ——————————————— Preposition[edit] ἐπῐ́ • (epí) (governs the genitive, dative and accusative) ``` (+ genitive) on, upon (on the upper surface of) quotations ▼ καθέζεται ἐπὶ θρόνου. kathézetai epì thrónou. He sits down on the throne. on (supported by) quotations ▼ (mostly post-Homeric) in quotations ▼ at, near quotations ▼ (of ships) at (dependent upon) ὁρμεῖν ἐπ’ ἀγκύρας hormeîn ep’ ankúras to ride at anchor (with reflexive or personal pronoun) by oneself ἐφ’ ἑαυτῶν ἐχώρουν eph’ heautôn ekhṓroun They proceeded by themselves. (with numerals, of a body of soldiers) deep quotations ▼ ἐτάχθησαν ἐπὶ τεττάρων etákhthēsan epì tettárōn They formed a line four men deep. (with a person) before (in the presence of) quotations ▼ in the case of; on quotations ▼ ἐπὶ τῶν πλουσίων […] αἰσθάνομαι epì tôn plousíōn […] aisthánomai In the case of the rich, I can see that […] in the time of quotations ▼ (of authority, power, etc.) in quotations ▼ οἰ έπὶ τῶν πραγμάτων oi épì tôn pragmátōn the [men] in power on (an occasion) quotations ▼ (+ dative) on, upon quotations ▼ καθέζεται ἐπὶ θρόνῳ. kathézetai epì thrónōi. He sits down on the throne. in quotations ▼ at, near quotations ▼ over quotations ▼ in honor of quotations ▼ against quotations ▼ in addition to, over, besides quotations ▼ (with duplication of head noun) after quotations ▼ ὄγχνη ἐπ’ ὄγχνῃ γηράσκει ónkhnē ep’ ónkhnēi gēráskei One pear after another ripens. in the power of quotations ▼ according to quotations ▼ (of conditions or circumstances) in, with quotations ▼ (of time, never in proper Attic) at, on quotations ▼ (of time) after quotations ▼ (expressing a cause) on account of, for quotations ▼ (expressing a purpose) for quotations ▼ (of a condition) on quotations ▼ for (i.e. in exchange for) quotations ▼ (of a name) for quotations ▼ in charge of quotations ▼ (+ accusative) onto (the upper surface of) quotations ▼ ἀνέβαινεν ἐπὶ τὸν ἵππον anébainen epì tòn híppon He got up onto the horse. to quotations ▼ up to, as far as quotations ▼ (with a person) to before, into the presence of quotations ▼ (of an army) deep quotations ▼ to or into a certain side quotations ▼ against quotations ▼ over quotations ▼ (of time) for, during quotations ▼ (of time) up to, until quotations ▼ for (the purpose of) quotations ▼ for (with respect to) quotations ▼ over (in command of) quotations ▼ (without a noun) as well, besides (often with δέ (dé)) quotations ▼ ```
εκτός τούτου
EXCEPT THIS — OUT OF THIS — MOREOVER εκτός τούτου moreover From εκτός (except) + τούτου (this) Adverb εκτός • (ektós) except out, outside ``` See Also in Greek out of preposition, conjunction, adverb Common interpretation ektós except , outside , unless , out , besides of this adverb ``` uncommon interpretation toútou thereof See Also in English except preposition common except , min this pronoun common this , he , toutos Adjective τούτου • (toútou) genitive singular masculine/neuter of οὗτος (hoûtos) Determiner οὗτος • (hoûtos), f αὕτη (haútē), n τοῦτο (toûto) (medial demonstrative determiner and pronoun) this (of place) here in contrast with ὅδε (hóde): the preceding in contrast with ἐκεῖνος (ekeînos): the latter of someone or something famous or infamous ``` Determiner τούτος • (toútos) m (demonstrative determiner, feminine τούτη, neuter τούτο) (formal) this, this one, that Τούτος εδώ είναι ο αδελφός μου. Toútos edó eínai o adelfós mou. This one here is my brother. Πέραν τούτου, η ιδέα δεν είχε νόημα. Péran toútou, i idéa den eíche nóima. Beyond that, the idea didn't make sense. Τούτο μόνο σου ζητώ και τίποτε άλλο. Toúto móno sou zitó kai típote állo. I ask you only this and nothing else. ``` Determiner αυτός • (aftós) m (a demonstrative determiner, feminine αυτή, neuter αυτό) this (masculine singular, nominative declension of 'αυτός' Synonyms τούτος (toútos, “this, this one”) (more formal) Pronoun αυτός • (aftós) (personal pronoun) he (3rd person masculine singular, nominative) (demonstrative pronoun) this αυτό εδώ ― aftó edó ― this one (literally, “this here”) αυτό θελώ. ― aftó theló. ― I want this. (demonstrative pronoun) that αυτό εκεί ― aftó ekeí ― that one (literally, “that there”)
και τούτο και το άλλο
AND THIS AND THE OTHER — THIS AND THAT και τούτο και το άλλο
προς τούτοις
BEFORE THIS — AFTER ALL — PRECEDING THIS προς τούτοις (pros toútois, “moreover”) Preposition πρός • (prós) (governs the genitive, dative and accusative) (of direction) forward to, toward (with genitive) the side of, pertaining to (with dative) by the side of, near to (with accusative) the place, time, occasion, or respect, which is the destination of the relation, or whither or for which it is predicated: about, according to, against, among, at, because of, before, between, ([where-]) by, for, at someone's house, in, for intent, nigh unto, of, which pertain to, that, to (the end that), together, to ([you]) -ward, unto, with (-in)
SIMILARLY - BESIDES THE SAME ``` Translation and Meaning of παρομοίως in Almaany English-Greek Dictionary in the same way similarly , similar likewise also, similarly , similarly similarly similarly, similarly the same to you similarly ```
COMPARATIVELY From συγ (with, together) + κριτικά (critic) κριτικά Critic Adverb critically in a critical mood the author is critical of the classical Marxist view of social phenomena ... κριτικάρω Criticize Verb κριτικάρω criticize επικρίνω criticize, decry, scarify, upbraid, crab, animadvert κρίνω judge, criticize, decide, think, reason
AS — ACCORDING TO — JUST AS ``` καθώς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: kathos Phonetic Spelling: (kath-oce') Definition: according as, just as ``` Usage: according to the manner in which, in the degree that, just as, as. (an adverb derived from 2596 / katá, "according to" and /hōs, “as compared to, to the extent of") properly, "in proportion, to the degree that" just as (in direct proportion) corresponding to fully (exactly).
SUCH AS Why does the law begin with the concept of a God? God given right... Right given by our humanity... What is authority? Who is in the position of authority? Where does authority as a power first originate? Where does a right first originate? Who owns or holds a right? How is a right proven to be held or owned? How is a right acquired, gained, born, or held? How is a rights given, gifted, conveyed, delegated, granted, or donated? How is a right lost, limited, restricted, impeded or interdicted? What is power? (Obedience?) — (Courage?) — (Risk?) — (Harm?) — (Military?) How is a right enforced? Who has the power to enforce and defend a right? Who is tasked to enforce? Where does the enforcement agent acquire their right to enforce? ————————————————————- Demonstrative Determiner Intensifier Comparison Contrast Like this Up to this Extreme limit, but no further Emphasis Intensifier Summary, conclusion List — In addition, Finally Time sequence Agreement Chain of (title, custody, derivation) —————————————————————— Greek: Ancient: οἷος m (hoîos), τοιοῦτος m (toioûtos) Determiner οἷος • (hoîos) (feminine οἵᾱ, neuter οἷον) relative adjective of quality such as; what sort, manner, kind of introducing an exclamation (in an independent clause) what a (great, terrible) ...! (in a subordinate clause) the (great, terrible) sort that 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Anabasis 3.1.15: ἐγώ, ὦ ἄνδρες λοχαγοί, οὔτε καθεύδειν δύναμαι, ὥσπερ οἶμαι οὐδ’ ὑμεῖς, οὔτε κατακεῖσθαι ἔτι, ὁρῶν ἐν οἵοις ἐσμέν. egṓ, ô ándres lokhagoí, oúte katheúdein dúnamai, hṓsper oîmai oud’ humeîs, oúte katakeîsthai éti, horôn en hoíois esmén. Commanders, I can neither sleep, as I suppose neither can you, nor lie down, seeing the terrible sort of situation we are in. 429 BCE, Sophocles, Oedipus the King 624 429 BCE, Sophocles, Oedipus the King 1402 429 BCE, Sophocles, Oedipus the King 1488 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Cyropaedia 3.2.12 containing a comparison, and sometimes an inference in many Homeric expressions the omission of the antecedent clause is to be noticed especially in Attic often stands for ὅτι τοῖος/τοία/τοῖον (hóti toîos/toía/toîon), so that the relative introduces the reason for the preceding statement if it is to be intimated that the reason is self-evident, and the assertion is beyond doubt, then δή (dḗ) is added but if the comparison or inference only denotes a general or doubtful resemblance, then Homer uses οἷός τε (hoîós te) when a comparison involves a definition of time οἷος ὅτε (hoîos hóte) is used many brief Attic expressions are also explained by the omission of the demonstrative pronoun before οἷος (hoîos) never used like the adverb οἷον (hoîon) with a positive adjective οἷος (hoîos) with an infinitive implies fitness or ability in or for a thing quotations ▼ but this sense is commonly expressed by οἷος τε (hoîos te) quotations ▼ (without infinitive) quotations ▼ the relative is in Attic often repeated in the same clause —————————————————————— As a Pronoun such A person, a thing, people or things like the one or ones already mentioned. 1804, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, The Tatler, C. Whittingham, John Sharpe, page 315: These oraculous proficients are day and night employed in deep searches for the direction of such as run astray after their lost goods : but at present they are more particularly serviceable to their country in foretelling the fate of such as have chances in the public lottery. 1913, Joseph C. Lincoln, chapter 1, in Mr. Pratt's Patients: 'Twas early June, the new grass was flourishing everywheres, the posies in the yard—peonies and such—in full bloom, the sun was shining, and the water of the bay was blue, with light green streaks where the shoal showed. 2000, Terry Goodkind, Faith of the Fallen, →ISBN, page 238: Some are just no-good locals—drunks and such—who’d just as soon beg or steal as work. ————————————————————————- As a Determiner such (demonstrative) Like this, that, these, those; used to make a comparison with something implied by context. I’ve never seen such clouds in the sky before.  Such is life 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 2, in The Celebrity: I had occasion […] to make a somewhat long business trip to Chicago, and on my return […] I found Farrar awaiting me in the railway station. He smiled his wonted fraction by way of greeting, […], and finally leading me to his buggy, turned and drove out of town. I was completely mystified at such an unusual proceeding. 1918, W. B. Maxwell, chapter 2, in The Mirror and the Lamp‎[1]: She was a fat, round little woman, richly apparelled in velvet and lace, […]; and the way she laughed, cackling like a hen, the way she talked to the waiters and the maid, […]—all these unexpected phenomena impelled one to hysterical mirth, and made one class her with such immortally ludicrous types as Ally Sloper, the Widow Twankey, or Miss Moucher. 2013 June 1, “A better waterworks”, in The Economist‎[2], volume 407, number 8838, page 5 (Technology Quarterly): An artificial kidney these days still means a refrigerator-sized dialysis machine. Such devices mimic the way real kidneys cleanse blood and eject impurities and surplus water as urine. (particularly used in formal documents) Any. the above address or at such other address as may be provided Used as an intensifier; roughly equivalent to very much of. The party was such a bore.  "Bottomless" is such a lie. 1879, R[ichard] J[efferies], chapter 1, in The Amateur Poacher, London: Smith, Elder, & Co., […], OCLC 752825175: They burned the old gun that used to stand in the dark corner up in the garret, close to the stuffed fox that always grinned so fiercely. Perhaps the reason why he seemed in such a ghastly rage was that he did not come by his death fairly. Otherwise his pelt would not have been so perfect. And why else was he put away up there out of sight?—and so magnificent a brush as he had too. […]. 1898, Winston Churchill, chapter 4, in The Celebrity: Mr. Cooke at once began a tirade against the residents of Asquith for permitting a sandy and generally disgraceful condition of the roads. So roundly did he vituperate the inn management in particular, and with such a loud flow of words, that I trembled lest he should be heard on the veranda. 1959, Georgette Heyer, chapter 1, in The Unknown Ajax: Charles had not been employed above six months at Darracott Place, but he was not such a whopstraw as to make the least noise in the performance of his duties when his lordship was out of humour. (obsolete) A certain; representing the object as already particularized in terms which are not mentioned. quotations ▲ 1595, Samuel Daniel, “(please specify the folio number)”, in The First Fowre Bookes of the Ciuile Wars between the Two Houses of Lancaster and Yorke, London: […] P[eter] Short for Simon Waterson, OCLC 28470143: In rushed one and tells him such a knight / Is new arrived. 1611, The Holy Bible, […] (King James Version), London: […] Robert Barker, […], OCLC 964384981, James 4:13: To-day or to-morrow we will go into such a city, and continue there a year.
SUCH AS THIS τοιοῦτος: such as this, such from toios (such, such-like) and houtos, ``` Original Word: τοιοῦτος, τοιαύτη, τοιοῦτο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: toioutos Phonetic Spelling: (toy-oo'-tos) Definition: such as this, such Usage: of such a kind, such. ``` ``` οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: houtos, hauté, touto Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-tos) Definition: this Usage: this; he, she, it. ``` οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο, demonstrative pronoun (cf. Curtius, p. 543), Hebrew זֶה, זֹאת, this; used: I. absolutely. this one, visibly present here: according to the nature and character of the person or thing mentioned, it is used with a suggestion it refers to a subject immediately preceding, the one just named: ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` Strong's Concordance toi: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T. Original Word: τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T HELPS Word-studies 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). ethical dat. of su ``` su: you (early mod. Eng. thou) Original Word: σύ, σοῦ, σοί, σέ Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun Transliteration: su Phonetic Spelling: (soo) Definition: you (early mod. Eng. thou) Usage: you. ``` such (adj.) c. 1200, Old English swylc, swilc "just as, as, in like manner; as if, as though; such a one, he" (pronoun and adjective), from a Proto-Germanic compound *swalikaz "so formed" (source also of Old Saxon sulik, Old Norse slikr, Old Frisian selik, Middle Dutch selc, Dutch zulk, Old High German sulih, German solch, Gothic swaleiks), from swa "so" (see so) + *likan "form," source of Old English gelic "similar" (see like (adj.)). ``` Colloquial suchlike (early 15c.) is pleonastic. Related entries & more ``` so (adv.) Old English swa, swæ (adv., conj., pron.) "in this way," also "to that extent; so as, consequently, therefore," and purely intensive; from Proto-Germanic *swa (source also of Old Saxon, Middle Dutch, Old High German so, Old Norse sva, Danish saa, Swedish så, Old Frisian sa, Dutch zo, German so "so," Gothic swa "as"), from PIE reflexive pronominal stem *swo- "so" (source also of Greek hos "as," Old Latin suad "so," Latin se "himself"), derivative of *s(w)e-, pronoun of the third person and reflexive (see idiom). Old English swa frequently was strengthened by eall, and so also is contained in compounds as, also, such. The -w- was eliminated by contraction from 12c.; compare two, which underwent the same process but retained its spelling.
ὅστις ὅσος
WHO SO EVER hoti: that, because ``` Original Word: ὅτι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hoti Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-ee) Definition: that, because Usage: that, since, because; may introduce direct discourse. ``` I. the substance or contents (of a statement), that; 1. joined to verbs of saying and declaring (where the accusative and infinitive is used in Latin): ——————————————————— ``` ὅστις, ἥτις, ὅτι Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hostis, hétis, ho ti Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-tis) Definition: whoever, anyone who Usage: whosoever, whichsoever, whatsoever. ``` hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that ``` Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` —————————————————————- tis: a certain one, someone, anyone. Original Word: τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing. 1. a certain, a certain one; used of persons and things concerning which the writer either cannot or will not speak more particularly; joined to nouns and signifying some: χρόνον τινα, some time, a while. standing alone, or used substantively, and signifying someone, something; anyone, anything: universally. ———————————————————- ``` ὅσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Pronoun Transliteration: hosos Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-os) Definition: how much, how many Usage: how much, how great, how many, as great as, as much. ```
ALSO (sequel to a preceding statement) from ἐπί (on, upon, above) and ἴσης (similar, like). επίσης also, as well, too, likewise επί πλέον moreover, furthermore, also, over and above Used in Old English to introduce a sequel to a preceding statement... “and so, then, therefore." ———————————————————- also (adv., conj.) Old English eallswa "just as, even as, as if, so as, likewise," contraction of eal swa, from all "altogether" + so. Originally an emphatic form of so. The sense of "wholly so" weakened to "in addition to, in the same way," replacing eke. Used in Old English to introduce a sequel to a preceding statement... “and so, then, therefore." Used from c. 1200 in connecting sentences, "in addition, moreover." The compound has parallel forms in German also, Dutch alzoo. English as is a shortened form of it. Early ME has the phrase as well as the compound. The reduced forms alse, als, as gradually become established in certain constructions, the fuller also in others .... The clear distinction between also and as is not attained until the 15th century. ——————————————————————— Etymology Univerbation of the Ancient Greek phrase ἐπ’ ἴσης (ep’ ísēs), from ἐπί (on, upon, above) and ἴσης (similar, like). ``` Adverb επίσης • (epísis) also, too, likewise Καληνύχτα! — Επίσης! Kalinýchta! — Epísis! Goodnight! — Likewise! (a reply to return good wishes) ``` ——————————————————— LIKE - SIMILAR - JUST AS THIS Adjective ῐ̓́σης • (ísēs) feminine genitive singular of ῐ̓́σος (ísos) Adjective ῐ̓́σος • (ísos) m (feminine ῐ̓́ση, neuter ῐ̓́σον); first/second declension. ``` ῐ̓́σος (of size, strength, or number) equal (to) equivalent (to) the same as [+dative = something, someone] ``` ῐ̓́σος (of appearance) like [+dative = something, someone] (with implied reference point) like, similar (with pronoun) like someone's x repeated to denote relationship between equal persons or things. ἴσα πρὸς ἴσα ísa pròs ísa tit for tat ῐ̓́σος (not comparable, mathematics) equal to [+dative = a number]; (in the plural) equal (to each other) (not comparable, geometry, of lines) of equal length; (of shapes) congruent; of equal area just, fair (comparable, politics) equal in rights, based on equality of rights (of persons) impartial neuter plural τὰ ἴσα (tà ísa) as substantive: equal rights, equality (rare) adequate (of land) even, level, flat neuter singular (τὸ) ἴσον ((tò) íson) as substantive: level ground εἰς τὸ ἴσον eis tò íson (on)to level ground ὡς ἰσαίτατα (hōs isaítata): as equally as possible
ALSO (likewise) equal (to), equivalent (to), the same as See English “with” Cognates English: whip Old English: wiþþe Noun wiþþe f tie, band From Proto-Germanic *wiþjǭ, *wiþiz (“rope, cord”) from Proto-Indo-European *weyt- (“something twisted, rod, switch, whip”) from *wey- (“to wind, twist, bend, turn”) Ancient Greek ἰτέα (itéa, “willow”) Latin vītis (“vine”) Old Irish féith (“fibre”) —————————————————————- Adverb επίσης also, as well, too, likewise επί πλέον moreover, furthermore, also, over and above ``` Adverb επίσης • (epísis) also, too, likewise Καληνύχτα! — Επίσης! Kalinýchta! — Epísis! Goodnight! — Likewise! (a reply to return good wishes) ``` also (adv., conj.) Old English eallswa "just as, even as, as if, so as, likewise," contraction of eal swa, from all "altogether" + so. Originally an emphatic form of so. The sense of "wholly so" weakened to "in addition to, in the same way," replacing eke. Used in Old English to introduce a sequel to a preceding statement, "and so, then, therefore." Used from c. 1200 in connecting sentences, "in addition, moreover." The compound has parallel forms in German also, Dutch alzoo. English as is a shortened form of it.
SO - THUS thus adverb as a result or consequence of this; therefore. in the manner now being indicated or exemplified; in this way. Adverb έτσι so, thus λοιπόν then, so, now ούτω so, sic Conjunction ώστε that, so επομένως so όθεν ergo, so ———————————————————— So As a word confirming a previous statement late Old English; also from late Old English as an intensive in an affirmative clause (such as so very "exceedingly, extremely") ———————————————————— Adverb έτσι • (étsi) thus; like this; like that. (colloquial) for no reason or for no money Noun έτσι • (étsi) (indeclinable) (colloquial) (always with article) indicates a known person ———————————————————— so (adv.) Old English swa, swæ (adv., conj., pron.) "in this way," also "to that extent; so as, consequently, therefore," from Proto-Germanic *swa ``` Old Saxon, Middle Dutch, Old High German so, Old Norse sva, Danish saa, Swedish så, Old Frisian sa, Dutch zo, German so "so," Gothic swa "as" ``` from PIE reflexive pronominal stem *swo- "so" source also of Greek hos "as," Old Latin suad "so," Latin se "himself") derivative of *s(w)e-, pronoun of the third person and reflexive (see idiom). Old English swa frequently was strengthened by eall, and so also is contained in compounds as, also, such. The -w- was eliminated by contraction from 12c.; compare two, which underwent the same process but retained its spelling. As a word confirming a previous statement, late Old English; also from late Old English as an intensive in an affirmative clause (such as so very "exceedingly, extremely"). As an "introductory particle" [OED] from 1590s. Used to add emphasis or contradict a negative from 1913. So in mid-20c. British slang could mean "homosexual" (adj.). So? as a term of dismissal is attested from 1886 (short for is that so?, etc.). So what as an exclamation of indifference dates from 1934. Abbreviating phrase and so on is attested from 1724. So far so good is from 1721. ——————————————————————— Derived terms έτσι και (étsi kai, “if”) έτσι και έτσι (étsi kai étsi), έτσι κέτσι (étsi kétsi, “so-so”) είτε έτσι είτε αλλιώς (eíte étsi eíte alliós, “one way or another”) έτσι κι αλλιώς (étsi ki alliós, “anyway”) έτσι που λες! (étsi pou les!, “so you say!”) όχι και έτσι (óchi kai étsi, “enough”) έτσι δεν είναι; (étsi den eínai?, “Isn't that right?”) ώστε έτσι; (óste étsi?, “is it?”) έτσι το 'πα (étsi to 'pa, “that's how I said it!”)
μεταφέρω εκφράζω
CONVEY - EXPRESS - METAPHOR "act of transferring property from one person to another" 1520’s ``` Verb μεταφέρω • (metaphérō) to carry over, transfer to change, alter (rhetoric) to transfer a word to a new sense, use it in a changed sense, employ a metaphor ``` Verb μεταφέρω • (metaféro) (imperfect μετέφερα, past μετέφερα, passive μεταφέρομαι) past: μεταφέρθηκα transfer Verb μεταφέρω transfer, convey, carry, transport, remove, relocate μεταβιβάζω convey, transfer, transmit, communicate, depute, devolve μεταδίδω transmit, impart, communicate, convey, propagate αποδίδω attribute, ascribe, impute, restore, give back, convey εκχωρώ assign, cede, convey ———————————————————- LATIN From Latin trānsferō (“I bear across”). From trāns- (“beyond”) +‎ ferō (“I bear, carry”). Verb transfer (third-person singular simple present transfers, present participle transferring, simple past and past participle transferred) (transitive) To move or pass from one place, person or thing to another. to transfer the laws of one country to another; to transfer suspicion (transitive) To convey the impression of (something) from one surface to another. to transfer drawings or engravings to a lithographic stone (transport) This term needs a definition. Please help out and add a definition, then remove the text {{rfdef}}. transfer to the Blue Line (intransitive) To be or become transferred. (transitive, law) To arrange for something to belong to or be officially controlled by somebody else. The title to land is transferred by deed. Synonyms (move or pass from one place/person/thing to another): carry over, move, onpass (convey impression of from one surface to another): copy, transpose (to be or become transferred): trānsferō (present infinitive trānsferre, perfect active trānstulī, supine trānslātum); third conjugation, irregular I bear, carry or bring across or over; transport, transfer. Cur non illam huc transferri iubes? Why don't you command her to be brought over hither? I copy, transcribe, transfer. I carry along in public, display in procession, bear in triumph. I put off, defer, postpone, delay, transfer. I translate into another language; interpret. I transfer in meaning, use figuratively or tropically. I apply, make use of. I change, transform. Prefix trāns- through, across, beyond from Latin trāns (“across, on the far side, beyond”) Prefix trans- Across, through, over, beyond, to or on the other side of, outside of. (chemistry) A compound in which two atoms or groups are situated on opposite sides of some plane of symmetry passing through the compound. (Also used without the hyphen as an adjective; see trans.) Transgender or transsexual, or pertaining to those who are transgender or transsexual. FERRY from Proto-Indo-European *bʰéreti (“to bear, carry”) from the root *bʰer- Old English beran (English bear). Birth + Hold + Carry + Move + Travel ``` Old English: beran Verb beran to carry, bear to wear to sustain, support to bring forth, produce, give birth ``` Proto-Indo-European Root[edit] *bʰer- (imperfective) to bear, carry ———————————————————- convey (v.) early 14c., conveien, "to go along with;" late 14c., "to carry, transport;" from Anglo-French conveier, Old French convoiier "to accompany, escort" (Modern French convoyer), from Vulgar Latin *conviare "to accompany on the way," Latin com "with, together" (see con-) + via "way, road" from PIE root *wegh- "to go, move, transport in a vehicle" Meaning "communicate by transmission" is from late 14c. Sense of "act of transferring property from one person to another" is from 1520s. It was a euphemism for "steal" 15c.-17c., which helped broaden its meaning. Related: Conveyed; conveying. ——————————————————— EXPRESS From εκ (out from) + φράζω (phrase) εκφράζω express , passive: express , passive share: expressed I convey something with the word, written or oral, with the body, with visual arts, etc. I have something on my mind, but I find it difficult to express it manifest , externalize , make manifest (a thought, an emotion) attendees expressed their enthusiasm with warm applause the painting expresses the pessimism of the artist at that time I reflect , I echo someone's views and personality in general the views of that party member do not express the totality of its leadership sculpture does not express me, I prefer music render a quantity using a unit system or as a function of another quantity Verb φρᾰ́ζω • (phrázō) to make known, point out, intimate, show to tell, declare to explain, interpret to counsel, advise, suggest, bid, order (middle) to think, consider, ponder, muse (middle) to devise, plan, design, intend (middle) to think, suppose, believe, imagine that (middle) to remark, perceive, notice (middle) to come to know, learn, become acquainted with, see, understand (middle) to observe, watch, guard (middle) to mind, heed, take care, beware of Might be related to φρήν (phrḗn, “wits, will”).
OTHERWISE Old English: oðre wisan "in the other manner" Old English wis "learned, sagacious, cunning; sane; prudent, discreet; experienced; having the power of discerning and judging rightly," Noun wīsa m (nominative plural wīsan) (poetic) leader, chief ``` Proto-Indo-European Root *h₂wes- to dwell, live, reside to stay, spend the night ``` From Proto-Germanic *wesaną (“to be, remain”) Germanic: *wistiz (“essence, nature”) Compare Latin Vesta (“goddess of the hearth”) Sanskrit वसति (vásati, “dwell”). Adverb αλλιώς • (alliós) otherwise; else; differently Adverb άλλως • (állos) Alternative form of αλλιώς (alliós) Adverb αλλέως • (alléos) Alternative form of αλλιώς (alliós) Translations of otherwise Adverb αλλιώς otherwise, else αλλιώτικα otherwise otherwise (adv.) contracted from Old English phrase on oðre wisan "in the other manner" (see other + wise (n.) which in Middle English became oþre wise, and mid-14c. oþerwise. As an adjective from c. 1400. Also in Middle English were otherwhere "elsewhere;" otherwhat "something else" (pron.). ———————————————————- wise (adj.) Old English wis "learned, sagacious, cunning; sane; prudent, discreet; experienced; having the power of discerning and judging rightly," from Proto-Germanic *wissaz (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian wis, Old Norse viss, Dutch wijs, German weise "wise"), from past-participle adjective *wittos of PIE root *weid- "to see" (hence "to know"). Modern slang meaning "aware, cunning" first attested 1896. Related to the source of Old English witan "to know, wit." A wise man has no extensive knowledge; He who has extensive knowledge is not a wise man. [Lao-tzu, "Tao te Ching," c. 550 B.C.E.] Wise man was in Old English. Wise guy is attested from 1896, American English; wise-ass (n.) by 1966, American English (probably a literal sense is intended by the phrase in the 1607 comedy "Westward Hoe" by Dekker and Webster). Wisenheimer, with mock German or Yiddish surname suffix, first recorded 1904. wise (n.) "way of proceeding, manner," Old English wise "way, fashion, custom, habit, manner; condition, state, circumstance," from Proto-Germanic *wison "appearance, form, manner" (see wise (adj.)). Compare Old Saxon wisa, Old Frisian wis, Danish vis, Middle Dutch wise, Dutch wijs, Old High German wisa, German Weise "way, manner." Most common in English now as a word-forming element (as in likewise, clockwise); the adverbial -wise has been used thus since Old English. For sense evolution from "to see" to "way of proceeding," compare cognate Greek eidos "form, shape, kind," also "course of action." Ground sense is "to see/know the way." wise (v.) Old English wisean "make wise or knowing" (transitive), cognate with Old Frisian wisa, Old Saxon wisian, Middle Dutch wisen, Dutch wijzen, Old High German wisan, German weisen; from the source of wise (adj.). Intransitive wise up is attested by 1905. ————————————————————- *weid- Proto-Indo-European root meaning "to see" — “to know” It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit veda "I know;" Avestan vaeda "I know;" Greek oida, Doric woida "I know," idein "to see;" Old Irish fis "vision," find "white," i.e. "clearly seen," fiuss "knowledge;" Welsh gwyn, Gaulish vindos, Breton gwenn "white;" Gothic, Old Swedish, Old English witan "to know;" Gothic weitan "to see;" English wise, German wissen "to know;" Lithuanian vysti "to see;" Bulgarian vidya "I see;" Polish widzieć "to see," wiedzieć "to know;" Russian videt' "to see," vest' "news," Old Russian vedat' "to know." It forms all or part of: advice; advise; belvedere; clairvoyant; deja vu; Druid; eidetic; eidolon; envy; evident; guide; guidon; guise; guy (n.1) "small rope, chain, wire;" Gwendolyn; Hades; history; idea; ideo-; idol; idyll; improvisation; improvise; interview; invidious; kaleidoscope; -oid; penguin; polyhistor; prevision; provide; providence; prudent; purvey; purview; review; revise; Rig Veda; story (n.1) "connected account or narration of some happening;" supervise; survey; twit; unwitting; Veda; vide; view; visa; visage; vision; visit; visor; vista; voyeur; wise (adj.) "learned, sagacious, cunning;" wise (n.) "way of proceeding, manner;" wisdom; wiseacre; wit (n.) "mental capacity;" wit (v.) "to know;" witenagemot; witting; wot.
πράξη έγγραφο
DEED In law, "written document authenticated by seal of the person whose will it declares, especially for the purpose of conveying real estate" "convey or transfer by deed," 1806 —————————————————— Noun θέσῐς • (thésis) f (genitive θέσεως); third declension a setting, placement, arrangement deposit adoption (of a child) adoption (in the more general sense of accepting as one's own) (philosophy) position, conclusion, thesis (dancing) putting down the foot (metre) the last half of the foot (rhetoric) affirmation (grammar) stop —————————————————— πράξη act, practice, transaction, action, deed, effect έγγραφο document, record, writing, paper, deed έργο work, task, opus, doing, deed κατόρθωμα feat, achievement, deed, tour de force άθλος feat, achievement, deed συμφωνητικό contract, agreement, deed deed (n.) "that which is done, acted, or performed, whether good or bad, great or small," Old English dæd "a doing, act, action; transaction, event," ``` from Proto-Germanic *dethi- source also of Old Saxon dad, Old Norse dað, Old Frisian dede, Middle Dutch daet, Dutch daad, Old High German tat, German Tat "deed, thing done," Gothic gadeþs "a putting, placing") ``` from PIE *dheti- "thing laid down or done; law; deed" (source also of Lithuanian dėtis "load, burden," Greek thesis "a placing, setting" suffixed form of root *dhe- "to set, place, put" (compare do). In law, "written document authenticated by seal of the person whose will it declares, especially for the purpose of conveying real estate" is from early 14c. As a verb, "convey or transfer by deed," 1806, American English. Related: Deeded; deeding.
MEANTIME (in the meantime) From μετα (with, among, after, change) + σύν (together, with) μεταξὺ meantime Adv ``` μεταξύ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: metaxu Phonetic Spelling: (met-ax-oo') Definition: between, after Usage: meanwhile, afterwards, between. ``` between, meanwhile From meta and a form of sun; betwixt (of place or person); (of time) as adjective, intervening, or (by implication) adjoining -- between, mean while, next. ``` μεταξύ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: metaxu Phonetic Spelling: (met-ax-oo') Definition: between, after Usage: meanwhile, afterwards, between. ``` Word Origin from meta and xun (see sun) ``` μετά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: meta Phonetic Spelling: (met-ah') Definition: with, among, after Usage: (a) gen: with, in company with, (b) acc: (1) behind, beyond, after, of place, (2) after, of time, with nouns, neut. of adjectives. ``` 3326 metá (a preposition) – properly, with ("after with"), implying "change afterward" (i.e. what results after the activity). As an active "with," 3326 (metá) looks towards the after-effect (change, result) which is only defined by the context. [3326 (metá) before a vowel is written met (meth).] ``` σύν Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: sun Phonetic Spelling: (soon) Definition: with, together with (expresses association with) Usage: with. HELPS Word-studies 4862 sýn (a primitive preposition, having no known etymology) – properly, identified with, joined close-together in tight identification; with (= closely identified together). ```
συμφωνία συμφωνώς προς σύμφωνα με
ACCORDINGLY - IN ACCORDANCE WITH from σῠν- (“with, together”) +‎ φωνή (“sound”). συμφωνώς προς in accordance with, accordingly Adjective σῠ́μφωνος • (súmphōnos) m or f (neuter σῠ́μφωνον); second declension agreeing in sound, harmonious From σῠν- (“with, together”) +‎ φωνή (“sound, tone”) +‎ -ος (action noun or adjective). ``` Noun σῠμφωνῐ́ᾱ • (sumphōníā) f (genitive σῠμφωνῐ́ᾱς); first declension agreement in sound, symphony (music) accord, concord (e.g. octave) numerous sounds played together, a concert of vocal or instrumental (or both) music music band, orchestra type of musical instrument harmony, agreement, accord ``` From σῠ́μφωνος (“agreeing in sound, harmonious”) +‎ -ῐ́ᾱ (abstract noun) from σῠν- (“with, together”) +‎ φωνή (“sound”).
NEXT - FOLLOWING - THEREFORE - CONSEQUENTLY Adjective επόμενος • (epómenos) m (feminine επόμενη, neuter επόμενο) next, following Adverb επομένως • (epoménos) consequently, therefore, accordingly Ο πρόεδρος αρρώστησε· επομένως, δεν θα πραγματοποιηθεί η συνεδρίαση. O próedros arróstise; epoménos, den tha pragmatopoiitheí i synedríasi. The president fell ill; consequently, the meeting will not take place.
αναλόγως κατ' αναλογία
CONSIDERING - ACCORDINGLY κατ' αναλογία (by analogy) Etymology accordingly ( katharevousa ) analogously medieval Greek accordingly and depending ancient Greek accordingly Adverb considering accordingly , seeing and doing I can not commit, I will move according to how the child will go to the Panhellenic Games, because if he does not go to Athens .... by analogy , in a manner proportional to sizes κατ' αναλογία, με τρόπο ανάλογο προς μεγέθη by analogy , in a manner proportional to sizes Ο φόρος πρέπει να υπολογίζεται αναλόγως με το πραγματικό εισόδημα καθενός (να είναι ανάλογος προς αυτόν) The tax should be calculated according to the real income of each (to be proportional to him)
STILL - YET - EVEN NOW Ἔτι yet Adv ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. ``` 2089 éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain).
ALREADY (already went, already gone, already came) adverb of time ἤδη already Adv ``` édé: already Original Word: ἤδη Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: édé Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-day) Definition: already Usage: already; now at length, now after all this waiting. ``` 2235 ḗdē (a temporal adverb) – already now, even now, referring to what is not yet strictly present but already (now) impacts the present (= "already now"). [2235 (ḗdē) is "a point of time preceding another point of time and implying completion – 'already'" (L & N, 1, 67.20). It often factors in something strictly future, but can include anything that is not strictly present.]
DURING ἐν during Prep ``` ἐν Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: en Phonetic Spelling: (en) Definition: in, on, at, by, with Usage: in, on, among. ``` 1722 en (a preposition) – properly, in (inside, within); (figuratively) "in the realm (sphere) of," as in the condition (state) in which something operates from the inside (within).
INTO eis: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, fig. purpose, result) Original Word: εἰς Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: eis Phonetic Spelling: (ice) Definition: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, purpose, result) Usage: into, in, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among. HELPS Word-studies 1519 eis (a preposition) – properly, into (unto) – literally, "motion into which" implying penetration ("unto," "union") to a particular purpose or result.
THEREFORE - (“SO THEN”) οὖν therefore Conj Strong's Concordance oun: therefore, then, (and) so ``` Original Word: οὖν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: oun Phonetic Spelling: (oon) Definition: therefore, then, (and) so Usage: therefore, then. ``` 3767 oún (a conjunction) – therefore, now then, accordingly so. 3767 (oún) occurs 526 times in the NT and is typically translated "therefore" which means, "By extension, here's how the dots connect."
WHICH hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that also demonstrative this, that ``` Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ```
OR - THAN ἢ (not to be confused with) ἥ ἢ - ἥ ἢ Or Conj é: or, than ``` Original Word: ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ``` and, but, either, rather A primary particle of distinction between two connected terms; disjunctive, or; comparative, than -- and, but (either), (n-)either, except it be, (n-)or (else), rather, save, than, that, what, yea. Often used in connection with other particles. Compare especially ede, eper, etoi. see GREEK ede see GREEK eper see GREEK etoi
THAT From ὅς (who,which, that) ἣν that RelPro-AFS hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that ``` Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ```
HOWEVER - TRUE, THEREFORE… μέντοι however Conj ``` mentoi: yet, however Original Word: μέντοι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: mentoi Phonetic Spelling: (men'-toy) Definition: yet, however Usage: (a) indeed, really, (b) yet, however, nevertheless. ``` μέν: truly, indeed Original Word: μέν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: men Phonetic Spelling: (men) Definition: shows affirmation or concession Usage: an untranslatable particle, generally answered by de, each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other. 3303 mén (a conjunction) – indeed, verily (truly). τοί - toi: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T. τοί Indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). Original Word: τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn).
YET SURELY, HOWEVER μέντοι however Conj ``` μέντοι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: mentoi Phonetic Spelling: (men'-toy) Definition: yet, however Usage: (a) indeed, really, (b) yet, however, nevertheless. ``` μέν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: men Phonetic Spelling: (men) Definition: shows affirmation or concession Usage: an untranslatable particle, generally answered by de, each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other. 3303 mén (a conjunction) – indeed, verily (truly). μέν, a weakened form of μήν, and hence, properly a particle of affirmation: truly, certainly, surely, indeed ————————————————— toi: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T. Original Word: τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). “In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). ``` καίτοιγε Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kaitoige Phonetic Spelling: (kah'-ee-toyg-eh) Definition: and yet, indeed Usage: and yet, although, indeed. HELPS Word-studies 2544 kaítoige (from 2543 /kaítoi, "even so, indeed" and 1065 /gé, "indeed, really") – although – literally, "even so indeed" (= really!). ``` from kaitoi and ge γε Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: ge Phonetic Spelling: (gheh) Definition: emphasizes the word to which it is joined Usage: an enclitic, emphasizing particle: at least, indeed, really, but generally too subtle to be represented in English. HELPS Word-studies 1065 gé – an emphatic particle meaning at least, indeed. 1065 (gé) adds the idea "assuredly (really)" which stresses the salient part of a comparison (a two-part statement). 1065 (gé) emphasizes "the key idea/word that follows it" (R, 1148; Bäumlein, 54). ``` καίτοι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kaitoi Phonetic Spelling: (kah'-ee-toy) Definition: and yet Usage: and yet, although, though. HELPS Word-studies 2543 kaítoi (a compound particle from 2532 /kaí, "and, even" and 5104 /toí, "indeed") – even yet, though indeed. 2543 (kaítoi) focuses on the first part of a comparison. ```
WHATEVER ὅσα* whatever RelPro-ANP Strong's Concordance hosos: how much, how many ``` Original Word: ὅσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Pronoun Transliteration: hosos Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-os) Definition: how much, how many Usage: how much, how great, how many, as great as, as much. ``` ``` ———————————————————— From ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ```
EVERY TIME - ONE BY ONE ἕν καθ’ ἕν (hén kath’ hén, “one by one”) καθ’ εἷς (kath’ heîs, “one by one, one after another”) ``` Derived terms κάθε άλλο (káthe állo, “far from it”) κάθε μέρα (káthe méra, “every day”) κάθε πόσο (káthe póso, “how often”) κάθε πότε (káthe póte, “how often”) κάθε που (káthe pou, “whenever”) κάθε τόσο (káthe tóso, “every so often”) κάθε φορά (káthe forá, “every time”) ``` See also καθένας (kathénas, “every one”) καθετί (kathetí, “everything”) κανένας (kanénas, “no-one, nobody”) ————————————————————— Etymology From Byzantine Greek καθέν (kathén), neuter form of καθείς (katheís), from Ancient Greek καθ’ εἷς (kath’ heîs, “one by one, one after another”), from ἕν καθ’ ἕν (hén kath’ hén, “one by one”). ``` Determiner κάθε • (káthe) (indeclinable) (individual): every, each κάθε υποψήφιος καλείται να … káthe ypopsífios kaleítai na … each candidate is required to … (whatever): any με κάθε τίμημα me káthe tímima at any price (repetition): every, each δουλεύει κάθε σαββατοκύριακο doulévei káthe savvatokýriako he works every weekend (derοgatory): any κάθε ανόητος μπορεί να … káthe anóitos boreí na … any fool can … ``` ``` Derived terms κάθε άλλο (káthe állo, “far from it”) κάθε μέρα (káthe méra, “every day”) κάθε πόσο (káthe póso, “how often”) κάθε πότε (káthe póte, “how often”) κάθε που (káthe pou, “whenever”) κάθε τόσο (káthe tóso, “every so often”) κάθε φορά (káthe forá, “every time”) ``` See also καθένας (kathénas, “every one”) καθετί (kathetí, “everything”) κανένας (kanénas, “no-one, nobody”)
μου έρχεται
It comes to me, I get the urge
AGAIN palin: back (of place), again (of time), further Original Word: πάλιν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: palin Phonetic Spelling: (pal'-in) Definition: back (of place), again (of time), further Usage: again, back, once more, further, on the other hand.
WHERE (from whence to where) - (what where?) From ὅς (which, what, that) + πού (where, somewhere) In which place, where; α. in relative sentences with the indicative it is used to refer to a preceding noun of place. To be mentally supplied in what precedes or follows. hopou: where ``` Original Word: ὅπου Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hopou Phonetic Spelling: (hop'-oo) Definition: where Usage: where, whither, in what place. ``` hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that ``` Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` pou: somewhere ``` Original Word: πού Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: somewhere Usage: where, somewhere, anywhere; with numerals: somewhere about. ```
HE WAS ABOUT TO (to be about to) Strong's Concordance melló: to be about to ``` Original Word: μέλλω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: melló Phonetic Spelling: (mel'-lo) Definition: to be about to Usage: I intend, am about to; I delay, linger. HELPS Word-studies 3195 méllō – properly, at the very point of acting; ready, "about to happen." 3195 (méllō) is used "in general of what is sure to happen" (J. Thayer). ``` Concordance Entries Strong's Greek 3195 110 Occurrences ``` ἤμελλεν — 11 Occ. ἤμελλον — 1 Occ. ἔμελλεν — 3 Occ. ἔμελλον — 3 Occ. μέλλῃ — 3 Occ. μελλήσετε — 1 Occ. μελλήσω — 1 Occ. μέλλει — 16 Occ. μέλλειν — 6 Occ. μέλλεις — 4 Occ. μέλλετε — 2 Occ. μέλλω — 2 Occ. μέλλων — 10 Occ. μέλλομεν — 1 Occ. μέλλον — 3 Occ. μέλλοντα — 6 Occ. μέλλοντας — 3 Occ. μέλλοντες — 4 Occ. μέλλοντι — 4 Occ. μελλόντων — 8 Occ. μέλλοντος — 6 Occ. μέλλουσαν — 4 Occ. μελλούσης — 6 Occ. μέλλουσιν — 2 Occ. Additional Entries μεθυσθῶσιν — 1 Occ. μέλανι — 1 Occ. μέλανος — 2 Occ. μέλαιναν — 1 Occ. μέλας — 2 Occ. Μελεά — 1 Occ. ἐμελέτησαν — 1 Occ. μελέτα — 1 Occ. μέλι — 4 Occ. Μελίτη — 1 Occ. ἤμελλον — 1 Occ. ἔμελλεν — 3 Occ. ἔμελλον — 3 Occ. μέλλῃ — 3 Occ. μελλήσετε — 1 Occ. μελλήσω — 1 Occ. μέλλει — 16 Occ. μέλλειν — 6 Occ. μέλλεις — 4 Occ. μέλλετε — 2 Occ. ```
STILL - YET ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. HELPS Word-studies 2089 éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain). ```
YET - STILL - MOREOVER -FURTHER ``` Adverb ἔτῐ • (éti) (of time) yet, still (of the present) (of the past, mostly with imperfect) (of the future) (with a negative) no more, no longer (of degree) yet, still, besides, further, moreover (often to strengthen a comparative) (with the positive) ``` Derived terms μηκέτι (mēkéti) οὐκέτι (oukéti)
AS - LIKE AS - EVEN AS - AS LONG AS as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. From ὅς, ἥ, ὅ hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that ``` Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ```
WHEN - HOW - WHERE - SO THAT - JUST AS - FROM THERE ``` PIE *yós Pronoun *yós or *Hyós that, who, which (relative) ``` From the relative pronoun ὅς (hós) +‎ -ως (-ōs, adverbial suffix) ``` Adverb ὡς • (hōs) (relative adverb) the introduction to similes like as, as, just as according as ``` (with adverbial clauses) (parenthetically) to qualify a general statement; as it seems (in elliptical phrases) so far as.... (attached to the object of a verb) as (to limit or augment the force of adverbs) Conjunction ὡς • (hōs) (subordinating conjunction or complementizer, introducing dependent or subordinate clause) (with noun clauses) introducing a clause expressing a fact: that (with indicative or optative) (final) introducing a clause expressing an end or purpose: that, so that, in order that, so (with subjunctive or optative) (consequential) introducing a clause expressing a result: so that (causal) as, since, because (temporal) when (modal) how (local) where
FOR MY PART Pronoun ἔγωγε • (égōge) (Attic) I at least, I for my part (in answer to a yes-no question) yes, I do, I did, etc.; (with negative) no, I don't, I didn't, etc.
AT LEAST - ONLY - AT ANY RATE - IN FACT - IN ANY CASE Particle γε • (ge) (discourse particle) often translatable with italics or stress (limiting) at least, at any rate, only (intensifying) in fact ————————————————————- γᾰ́ρ Etymology From γε (ge) +‎ ᾰ̓́ρᾰ (ára). Conjunction γᾰ́ρ • (gár) (“for, since”) γε • (ge) (discourse particle) often translatable with italics are or stress (limiting) at least, at any rate, only (intensifying) in fact Conjunction ᾰ̓́ρᾰ • (ára) (“so, then, therefore, consequently”) ———————————————————- 386 BCE – 367 BCE, Plato, Meno 80e: Σωκράτης οὔτε γὰρ ἂν [ὅ γε οἶδεν] ζητοῖ—οἶδεν γάρ, καὶ οὐδὲν δεῖ [τῷ γε τοιούτῳ] ζητήσεως. Sōkrátēs oúte gàr àn [hó ge oîden] zētoî—oîden gár, kaì oudèn deî [tôi ge toioútōi] zētḗseōs. Socrates: For he can neither inquire into [what he knows] — since he knows it, and [in a case like that] there is no need for inquiry. Because δέ (dé) must always follow the first word in a clause, γε always follows δέ when it modifies the first phrase in the clause. 366 BCE – 348 BCE, Plato, Theaetetus 164a: Σωκράτης [ὁ δέ γε ὁρῶν] καὶ ἐπιστήμων γεγονὼς οὗ ἑώρα, ἐὰν μύσῃ, μέμνηται μέν, οὐχ ὁρᾷ δὲ αὐτό. Sōkrátēs [ho dé ge horôn] kaì epistḗmōn gegonṑs hoû heṓra, eàn músēi, mémnētai mén, oukh horâi dè autó. Socrates: [But the one who sees] and has become knowledgeable about what he saw, if he closes his eyes, he still remembers it, though he no longer sees it.
ἔγωγε ἔγωγ’ ἐγώνγα ἰώνγα
AT LEAST FOR MY PART An emphatic form of ἐγώ (“I”) formed by adding γε (intensifier). Pronoun ἔγωγε • (égōge) (Attic) I at least, I for my part (in answer to a yes-no question) yes, I do, I did, etc.; (with negative) no, I don't, I didn't, etc. ἔγωγε • (égōge) (Attic) ἔγωγ’ (égōg’) – apocopic ἐγώνγα (egṓnga) – Doric ἰώνγα (iṓnga), ἰώνει (iṓnei), ἰώγα (iṓga) – Boeotian
γᾰ́ρ γε + ᾰ̓́ρᾰ
FOR - SINCE From γε (at least, in fact) +‎ ᾰ̓́ρᾰ (consequently, therefore) γᾰ́ρ Etymology Conjunction γᾰ́ρ • (gár) (“for, since”) γε • (ge) (discourse particle) often translatable with italics are or stress (limiting) at least, at any rate, only (intensifying) in fact Conjunction ᾰ̓́ρᾰ • (ára) (“so, then, therefore, consequently”)
CONSEQUENTLY - THEREFORE Conjunction ᾰ̓́ρᾰ • (ára) so, then, therefore, consequently From Proto-Indo-European *h₂er- Proto-Indo-European Root *h₂er- to fit, to fix, to put together From Latin: ordō Noun ōrdō m (genitive ōrdinis); third declension a methodical series, arrangement, or order; regular line, row, or series a class, station, condition, rank a group (of people) of the same class, caste, station, or rank ("vir senatorii ordinis") (military) A rank or line of soldiers; band, troop, company (military) command, captaincy, generalship ``` From Latin: ars Noun ars f (genitive artis); third declension art skill, craft, handicraft, trade, power ``` From Proto-Indo-European *h₂r̥tís (“fitting”) from the root *h₂er- (“to join”). From Ancient Greek: ἀρθμός (arthmós) Noun ἀρθμός • (arthmós) m (genitive ἀρθμοῦ); second declension bond, league, friendship Noun ᾰ̓́ρθρον • (árthron) n (genitive ᾰ̓́ρθρου); second declension (anatomy) joint Synonym: ἅψος (hápsos) (anatomy) limb articulation ἄρθρον τῆς φωνῆς ( árthron tês phōnês ) – vocal articulation (grammar) connecting word (grammar) an article: a category including the definite article ὁ (ho) and the basic relative pronoun ὅς (hós) ``` from Proto-Indo-European *-dʰrom Proto-Indo-European: *-trom Alternative forms *-dʰlom, *-tlom, *-trom Suffix *-dʰrom n Alternative form of *-trom ``` Suffix *(é)-trom n Forms nouns denoting a tool or instrument. ``` Noun άρθρο • (árthro) n (plural άρθρα) (grammar) article οριστικό άρθρο ― oristikó árthro ― definite article (journalism) article ``` κύριο άρθρο ― kýrio árthro ― lead story article of a charter, law, contract etc. άρθρο πίστεως ― árthro písteos ― article of faith (grammar): οριστικό άρθρο n (oristikó árthro, “definite article”) (grammar): αόριστο άρθρο n (aóristo árthro, “indefinite article”) (journalism): κύριο άρθρο n (kýrio árthro, “leading article”) άρθρο πίστεως n (árthro písteos, “article of faith”) ———————————————- ARTICLE From Middle English article, from Old French article, from Latin articulus (“a joint, limb, member, part, division, the article in grammar, a point of time”), from Latin artus from Proto-Indo-European *h₂értus (“that which is fit together; juncture, ordering”), from the root *h₂er- (“to join, fit (together)”). Latin: artus Adjective artus (feminine arta, neuter artum, comparative artior, superlative artissimus); first/second-declension adjective narrow, close, fitted, confined, dense (figuratively) severe, strict, scanty, brief From Proto-Indo-European *h₂r̥tós (“fitted”), from the root *h₂er- (“to join, fit (together)”). Cognates include Sanskrit ऋत (ṛtá, “order; right, etc.”) and Avestan 𐬀𐬴𐬀‎ (aṣ̌a, “truth”). Noun English Wikipedia has an article on: Article (publishing) English Wikipedia has an article on: Article (grammar) article (plural articles) A piece of nonfictional writing such as a story, report, opinion piece, or entry in a newspaper, magazine, journal, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc. An object, a member of a group or class. an article of clothing a sales article (grammar) A part of speech that indicates, specifies and limits a noun (a, an, or the in English). In some languages the article may appear as an ending (e.g. definite article in Swedish) or there may be none (e.g. Russian, Pashto). A section of a legal document, bylaws, etc. or, in the plural, the entire document seen as a collection of these. The Articles of War are a set of regulations […] to govern the conduct of […] military […] forces A genuine article. A part or segment of something joined to other parts, or, in combination, forming a structured set. Each of the chelicerae is composed of two articles, forming a powerful pincer. (derogatory, dated) A person; an individual. a shrewd article (archaic) A wench. She's a prime article (whip slang), she's a devilish good piece, a hell of a goer. (dated) Subject matter; concern. (dated) A distinct part. (obsolete) A precise point in time; a moment.
ARTICLE Conjunction ᾰ̓́ρᾰ • (ára) so, then, therefore, consequently From Proto-Indo-European *h₂er- Proto-Indo-European Root *h₂er- to fit, to fix, to put together From Latin: ordō Noun ōrdō m (genitive ōrdinis); third declension a methodical series, arrangement, or order; regular line, row, or series a class, station, condition, rank a group (of people) of the same class, caste, station, or rank ("vir senatorii ordinis") (military) A rank or line of soldiers; band, troop, company (military) command, captaincy, generalship ``` From Latin: ars Noun ars f (genitive artis); third declension art skill, craft, handicraft, trade, power ``` From Proto-Indo-European *h₂r̥tís (“fitting”) from the root *h₂er- (“to join”). From Ancient Greek: ἀρθμός (arthmós) Noun ἀρθμός • (arthmós) m (genitive ἀρθμοῦ); second declension bond, league, friendship Noun ᾰ̓́ρθρον • (árthron) n (genitive ᾰ̓́ρθρου); second declension (anatomy) joint Synonym: ἅψος (hápsos) (anatomy) limb articulation ἄρθρον τῆς φωνῆς ( árthron tês phōnês ) – vocal articulation (grammar) connecting word (grammar) an article: a category including the definite article ὁ (ho) and the basic relative pronoun ὅς (hós) ``` from Proto-Indo-European *-dʰrom Proto-Indo-European: *-trom Alternative forms *-dʰlom, *-tlom, *-trom Suffix *-dʰrom n Alternative form of *-trom ``` Suffix *(é)-trom n Forms nouns denoting a tool or instrument. ``` Noun άρθρο • (árthro) n (plural άρθρα) (grammar) article οριστικό άρθρο ― oristikó árthro ― definite article (journalism) article ``` κύριο άρθρο ― kýrio árthro ― lead story article of a charter, law, contract etc. άρθρο πίστεως ― árthro písteos ― article of faith (grammar): οριστικό άρθρο n (oristikó árthro, “definite article”) (grammar): αόριστο άρθρο n (aóristo árthro, “indefinite article”) (journalism): κύριο άρθρο n (kýrio árthro, “leading article”) άρθρο πίστεως n (árthro písteos, “article of faith”) ———————————————- ARTICLE From Middle English article, from Old French article, from Latin articulus (“a joint, limb, member, part, division, the article in grammar, a point of time”), from Latin artus from Proto-Indo-European *h₂értus (“that which is fit together; juncture, ordering”), from the root *h₂er- (“to join, fit (together)”). Latin: artus Adjective artus (feminine arta, neuter artum, comparative artior, superlative artissimus); first/second-declension adjective narrow, close, fitted, confined, dense (figuratively) severe, strict, scanty, brief From Proto-Indo-European *h₂r̥tós (“fitted”), from the root *h₂er- (“to join, fit (together)”). Cognates include Sanskrit ऋत (ṛtá, “order; right, etc.”) and Avestan 𐬀𐬴𐬀‎ (aṣ̌a, “truth”). Noun English Wikipedia has an article on: Article (publishing) English Wikipedia has an article on: Article (grammar) article (plural articles) A piece of nonfictional writing such as a story, report, opinion piece, or entry in a newspaper, magazine, journal, dictionary, encyclopedia, etc. An object, a member of a group or class. an article of clothing a sales article (grammar) A part of speech that indicates, specifies and limits a noun (a, an, or the in English). In some languages the article may appear as an ending (e.g. definite article in Swedish) or there may be none (e.g. Russian, Pashto). A section of a legal document, bylaws, etc. or, in the plural, the entire document seen as a collection of these. The Articles of War are a set of regulations […] to govern the conduct of […] military […] forces A genuine article. A part or segment of something joined to other parts, or, in combination, forming a structured set. Each of the chelicerae is composed of two articles, forming a powerful pincer. (derogatory, dated) A person; an individual. a shrewd article (archaic) A wench. She's a prime article (whip slang), she's a devilish good piece, a hell of a goer. (dated) Subject matter; concern. (dated) A distinct part. (obsolete) A precise point in time; a moment.
διέρχεσθαι διὰ
TO PASS THROUGH - TO GO OVER TO διέρχεσθαι to pass V-PNM/P διὰ through Prep
NEAR πλησίον near Prep
BACK AGAIN πάλιν again Adv palin: back (of place), again (of time), further Original Word: πάλιν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: palin Phonetic Spelling: (pal'-in) Definition: back (of place), again (of time), further Usage: again, back, once more, further, on the other hand.
IN THIS WAY - THIS - IN THIS MANNER ``` οὕτως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: houtó and houtós Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-to) Definition: in this way, thus Usage: thus, so, in this manner. HELPS Word-studies 3779 hoútō (an adverb, derived from the demonstrative pronoun, 3778 /hoútos, "this") – like this . . .; in this manner, in this way (fashion), in accordance with this description (i.e. corresponding to what follows); in keeping with; along this line, in the manner spoken. ```
ἦν ἐκεῖ
WAS THERE ἐκεῖ there Adv ``` ἐκεῖ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: ekei Phonetic Spelling: (ek-i') Definition: there, to there Usage: (a) there, yonder, in that place, (b) thither, there. ``` ———————————————————- ``` IS - WAS - WILL BE eimi: I exist, I am Original Word: εἰμί Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: eimi Phonetic Spelling: (i-mee') Definition: I exist, I am Usage: I am, exist. ``` ``` ᾖ — he might be — V-PSA-3S (present subjunctive active) ἤμην — i was — V-II-1S ἦμεν — we were — V-II-1P ἤμεθα — we had been — V-II-1P (imperfect indicative) ἦν — he had been — V-II-3S ἦς — you were — V-II-2S ἦσαν — they were — V-II-3P ἦσθα — you were — V-II-2S ἦτε — y’all were — V-II-2P ἤτω — let it be! — V-PM-3S (present imperative) εἶ — if — Conj εἴη — might be — V-PO-3S (present optative) εἰμὶ — I am — V-PI-1S εἶναι — to be — V-PN (present neuter) εἰσίν — they are — V-PI-3P (present indicative) ἔσῃ — ἔσεσθαι — Ἔσεσθε — ἐσμεν — ἔσομαι — ἐσόμενον — ἐσόμεθα — ἔσονται — ἔσται — ἐστε — ἐστί — ἐστιν — ἔστω — Ἔστωσαν — ἴσθι — ὦ — ὦμεν — ὢν — ὦσιν — ὂν — ὄντα — ὄντας — ὄντες — ὄντι — ὄντων — ὄντος — οὖσα — οὖσαι — οὖσαν — οὔσῃ — οὔσης — οὖσιν — οὐσῶν — ```
THUS (what follows) Adverb ὧδε • (hôde) demonstrative adverb In this manner, thus (of a state or condition) as it is (indicating something immediately to come) as follows
FOR SOME TIME - MEASURE OF TIME From κἄν (“if, even if”) + ποῖος (“what nature”) Noun καιρός • (kairós) m (genitive καιροῦ); second declension (Epic, Attic, Ionic, Doric, Koine) measure; proportion; fitness (of time): period (of time); season; time (often in a positive sense) proper time, opportunity; prime, the right moment, the fatal spot (loosely): God's time (in the plural) the times advantage, profit From Ancient Greek κἄν (“if, even if”) + ποῖος (“what nature”). Pronunciation IPA(key): /ˈka.pços/ Pronoun κάποιος • (kápoios) m a specific indefinite pronoun and determiner someone, somebody (substantivally; as a pronoun) Κάποιος σε πήρε τηλέφωνο. Kápoios se píre tiléfono. Someone phoned you. Κάποιος έρχεται Kápoios érchetai someone’s coming Είδα κάποιον να έρχεται Eída kápoion na érchetai I saw someone coming. some (adjectivally; as a determiner) κάποιο βιβλίο ― kápoio vivlío ― some book or other κάποια δασκάλα ― kápoia daskála ― some teacher or other Adjective ποῖος • (poîos) m (feminine ποίᾱ, neuter ποῖον); first/second declension (interrogative adjective) of what kind?, of what nature?, which?, what? From Proto-Indo-European *kʷos +‎ -ῐος (-ios, adjective suffix). Compare the indefinite form ποιός (poiós).
EVEN IF - AND IF - WHAT IF Phrase κᾱ̓́ν • (kā́n) crasis of καὶ (kaì) and ᾰ̓́ν (án) crasis of καὶ (kaì) and ᾱ̓́ν (ā́n) ``` Conjunction καί • (kaí) and even, also both ... and ... (when used in the construction καί ... καί ...) ``` Particle ᾰ̓́ν • (án) (modal particle) Expresses potentiality or conditionality (only Epic, with subjunctive in main clauses) in that case and future tense (with optative) Expresses future potentiality: would or could do or be doing (with imperfect indicative) Expresses present or rarely past potentiality: were doing, would be doing (with aorist indicative) Expresses past potentiality (with past indicative) Expresses unreality (with aorist) Past or rarely present unreality: would have done, would do (with imperfect) Present or past unreality: would do, would be doing; would have been doing (with pluperfect) Present or less commonly past unreality: ``` Derived terms ἐάν (eán), ἤν (ḗn), ᾱ̓́ν (ā́n) ἐπᾱ́ν (epā́n) ἐπειδᾱ́ν (epeidā́n) ἕως ἄν (héōs án) ὅπως ἄν (hópōs án) ὃς ἄν (hòs án) ὅταν (hótan) πρὶν ἄν (prìn án) ὡς ἄν (hōs án) ``` —————————————————- CRASIS A pair of words joined by crasis is written as a single word, with a coronis (κορωνίς)—considered as equivalent to the smooth breathing in Unicode—written over the contracted vowel (regardless of whether the second word has a smooth or rough breathing): ἐγὼ οἶδα → ἐγᾦδα δὴ ἡμέρα → δἠμέρα However, π, τ, κ become φ, θ, χ before a word beginning with the rough breathing: τὸ ἱμάτιον → θοἰμάτιον Additionally, if the first word comprises a single vowel which has the rough breathing, the rough breathing will be written: ὁ ἐκ → οὑκ The accent of the second word is always used, and does not change if the vowel becomes long: τὰ ἄλλᾰ → τᾱ̓́λλᾰ (not **τἆλλᾰ) If the first vowel is a diphthong, it loses its final element: σοι ἐστί → σοὐστί Before α, the final vowel of the article or τοί (or its compounds) is dropped, and α is lengthened instead of contracting normally: ὁ ἀνήρ → ᾱ̔νήρ (not **ὡνήρ) τοὶ ἄρα → τᾱ̓́ρα (not **τὤρα) μέντοι ἄν → μεντᾱ̓́ν (not **μεντὤν) τοῦ αὐτοῦ → ταὐτοῦ καί (kaí) usually loses its final vowel except before ε ει, ο: καὶ οὐ → κοὐ (not **κὠ) καὶ ἡ → χἠ (not **χᾱ̓) καὶ ἐν → κᾱ̓ν καὶ εἶτα → κᾆτα καὶ ὅτε → χὤτε
IF - IF/THEN - IF MAYBE - POSSIBLY IF Conjunction ἐᾱ́ν • (eā́n) if (for more depth see εἰ (ei) and ἄν (án) Etymology Univerbation of εἰ (ei, “if”) and ἄν (án, subjunctive particle) Conjunction εἰ • (ei) if
IF ON — SINCE WHEN - SINCE - AFTER THAT Conjunction ἐπεί • (epeí) (of time) after, after that, since, when From ἐπί (epí, “on”) + εἰ (ei, “if”).
SINCE AFTER WHAT?! - SINCE WHEN! Etymology From ἐπεί (epeí, “after, since”) + δή (dḗ, “emphatic particle”) Conjunction ἐπειδή • (epeidḗ) (strengthened form of ἐπεί (epeí)) after, since ἐπεί • (epeí) (of time) after, after that, since, when ``` Particle δή • (dḗ) (discourse particle) Adds temporal specificity: now, already Adds emphasis: truly, ! Adds specificity: exactly With pronouns: of all people ``` Conjunction δή • (dḗ) but, and
BUT WHAT EXACTLY?! WHAT ARE YOU ASKING? WHATEVER - YEAH,I ALREADY KNOW - WHO CARES δαί (daí) – after interrogatives, to express wonder or curiosity Particle δαί • (daí) (discourse particle) Alternative form of δή (dḗ) ``` Particle δή • (dḗ) (discourse particle) Adds temporal specificity: now, already Adds emphasis: truly, ! Adds specificity: exactly With pronouns: of all people ``` Conjunction δή • (dḗ) but, and Proto-Indo-European Particle *de ~ *do or *-de ~ *-do Emphatic or contrastive particle, and, but Postpositive demonstrative particle, towards Classical Syriac Particle ܕܝܢ • (den) indicates a shift in topic, sometimes translated as: but, and, now, however but often left untranslated. ————————————————————- Macedonian Etymology Borrowed from Ancient Greek δή (dḗ). Particle де • (de) A particle expressing nonchalance, used to emphasize that something is irrelevant, already known, or expected. - Си купив нови очила. - Знам де, ми се пофали веќе. - I have bought new glasses. - I know, you already boasted to me about it earlier. - Кога ќе ги сретнеме пак, ќе им се пожалиме. - Да де. - When we meet them again, we'll complain to them. - Yes, I know. Само се сопнав де - не е дека скршив нешто. ― I just tripped - it's not as if I fractured something.
LIKEWISE επίσης also, as well, too, likewise παρομοίως similarly, likewise, in the same way όμοιος likewise Etymology Univerbation of the Ancient Greek phrase ἐπ’ ἴσης (ep’ ísēs), from ἐπί (epí) and ἴσης (ísēs). Adverb επίσης • (epísis) also, too, likewise Καληνύχτα! — Επίσης! Kalinýchta! — Epísis! Goodnight! — Likewise! (a reply to return good wishes) Adjective ῐ̓́σης • (ísēs) feminine genitive singular of ῐ̓́σος (ísos) Adjective ῐ̓́σος • (ísos) m (feminine ῐ̓́ση, neuter ῐ̓́σον); first/second declension (of size, strength, or number) equal (to), equivalent (to), the same as [+dative = something, someone] (of appearance) like [+dative = something, someone] (with implied reference point) like, similar (with pronoun) like someone's x repeated to denote relationship between equal persons or things ἴσα πρὸς ἴσα ísa pròs ísa tit for tat (not comparable, mathematics) equal to [+dative = a number]; (in the plural) equal (to each other) (not comparable, geometry, of lines) of equal length; (of shapes) congruent; of equal area just, fair (comparable, politics) equal in rights, based on equality of rights (of persons) impartial neuter plural τὰ ἴσα (tà ísa) as substantive: equal rights, equality (rare) adequate (of land) even, level, flat neuter singular (τὸ) ἴσον ((tò) íson) as substantive: level ground εἰς τὸ ἴσον eis tò íson (on)to level ground ὡς ἰσαίτατα (hōs isaítata): as equally as possible
ὡς ἰσαίτατα
AS EQUALLY AS POSSIBLE ὡς ἰσαίτατα (hōs isaítata): as equally as possible
GODLIKE From ἴσος (“equal”) +‎ θεός (“god”) Adjective ἰσόθεος • (isótheos) m or f (neuter ἰσόθεον); second declension equal to the gods; godlike ἴσος (ísos, “equal”) +‎ θεός (theós, “god”)
ἰσοκράτος ἰσοκρᾰτής
EQUAL POWER Etymology From ἰσοκρᾰτής (isokratḗs, “of equal power”) from ἴσος (ísos) +‎ κράτος (krátos) +‎ -ης (-ēs).
ἰσοδίαιτος | διαιτάω
EQUAL FOOTING From ἴσος (equal) +‎ δίαιτα (prescribed manner of life) From δια- (across) + *αἰτάω (ask, request, beseech, petition, pray) Etymology ἴσος (equal) +‎ δίαιτα (díaita) Adjective ἰσοδίαιτος • (isodíaitos) m or f (neuter ἰσοδίαιτον); second declension living on an equal footing Etymology From διαιτάω (diaitáō, “I treat, handle”). Noun δῐ́αιτᾰ • (díaita) f (genitive δῐαίτης); first declension way of living, way of life, mode of life, lifestyle accommodation, residence dwelling, abode refuge, retreat, lair of an animal a room (separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor, and a ceiling) (medicine) prescribed manner of life, health regimen state, condition, situation sustenance, food (at Athens and elsewhere) arbitration the office of arbiter discussion, investigation, enquiry, research Verb διαιτάω • (diaitáō) to treat (handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way) (in the mediopassive) to lead one’s life, live to arbitrate, regulate to reconcile δια- (dia-) + *αἰτάω (*aitáō), frequentative of αἴνυμαι (aínumai, “to take”); compare αἰτέω (aitéō, “to ask for”) From διαιτάω (diaitáō, “I treat, handle”). ``` ἁβροδίαιτος (habrodíaitos) δῐαιτάρχης (diaitárkhēs) δῐαίτημᾰ (diaítēma) δῐαιτημᾰτώδης (diaitēmatṓdēs) δῐαιτήσιμος (diaitḗsimos) δῐαίτησῐς (diaítēsis) δῐαιτητέον (diaitētéon) δῐαιτητήρῐον (diaitētḗrion) δῐαιτητής (diaitētḗs) δῐαιτητῐκόν (diaitētikón) δῐαιτητῐκός (diaitētikós) δῐαιτητός (diaitētós) δῐαιτοχορηγῐ́ᾱ (diaitokhorēgíā) δῐαίτωμᾰ (diaítōma) ἰσοδίαιτος (isodíaitos) ```
EVER YET πώποτε ever yet Adv ``` πώποτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pópote Phonetic Spelling: (po'-pot-e) Definition: ever yet Usage: at any time, ever. ``` ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. enclitic particle from the same as posos and te ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` te: and (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
WHEN - AT WHICH TIME ``` hote: when Original Word: ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` From ὅς + τέ ``` Strong's Concordance hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` ————————————————— Strong's Concordance te: and (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] and (denotes addition or connection)
WHAT THEN ``` oun: therefore, then, (and) so Original Word: οὖν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: oun Phonetic Spelling: (oon) Definition: therefore, then, (and) so Usage: therefore, then. HELPS Word-studies 3767 oún (a conjunction) – therefore, now then, accordingly so. 3767 (oún) occurs 526 times in the NT and is typically translated "therefore" which means, "By extension, here's how the dots connect." ```
IN THE MIDDLE OF ``` mesos: middle, in the midst Original Word: μέσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: mesos Phonetic Spelling: (mes'-os) Definition: middle, in the midst Usage: middle, in the middle, between, in the midst of. ```
YET - STILL - EVEN - MORE Adverb ακόμα • (akóma) yet, still Είναι ακόμα ζωντανός. Eínai akóma zontanós. He's still alive. more, remaining, other Χρειάζομαι ακόμα δύο μέρες. Chreiázomai akóma dýo méres. I need two more days. even + και (kai) Ακόμα και η Ελένη είπε ναι! Akóma kai i Eléni eípe nai! Even Helen said yes! Στη χώρα του, ακόμη και το Νοέμβριο κάνει ζέστη. Sti chóra tou, akómi kai to Noémvrio kánei zésti. In his country, it's hot even in November. Μετά τη δολοφονία, φοβάται ακόμη και να βγει έξω από το σπίτι του Metá ti dolofonía, fovátai akómi kai na vgei éxo apó to spíti tou After the killing, he's afraid even to get out of his house. even if + και αν (kai an) even if + και να (kai na) και όταν (kai ótan); when followed by a concessive clause Ακόμη και αν συμφωνούν μεταξύ τους, συμπεριφέρονται άσχημα. Akómi kai an symfonoún metaxý tous, symperiférontai áschima. Even if they agree with each other, they behave badly. Δεν θα την επιτρέψω να χρησιμοποιήσει το αυτοκίνητό μου, ακόμη και να μου το ζητήσει παρακαλώντας. Den tha tin epitrépso na chrisimopoiísei to aftokínitó mou, akómi kai na mou to zitísei parakalóntas. I will not allow her to use my car, even if she begs me to.
SO - THUS - LIKE THIS - LIKE THAT Not to be confused with - εστί ἐστῐ́ • (estí) third-person singular present active indicative of εἰμί (eimí) (“he is”) αν του ζητήσω να μείνει, έτσι; If I ask him to stay, will he? να μείνει, έτσι; To stay, right? έτσι • (étsi) (indeclinable) (colloquial) (always with article) indicates a known person Translations of έτσι Adverb so έτσι, λοιπόν, ούτω thus έτσι, ούτως, τοιουτοτροπώς Thus • ( étsi ) thus ; like this; like that. ( colloquial ) for no reason or for no money έτσι και (étsi kai, “if”) έτσι και έτσι (étsi kai étsi), έτσι κέτσι (étsi kétsi, “so-so”) είτε έτσι είτε αλλιώς (eíte étsi eíte alliós, “one way or another”) έτσι κι αλλιώς (étsi ki alliós, “anyway”) έτσι που λες! (étsi pou les!, “so you say!”) όχι και έτσι (óchi kai étsi, “enough”) έτσι δεν είναι; (étsi den eínai?, “Isn't that right?”) ώστε έτσι; (óste étsi?, “is it?”) έτσι το 'πα (étsi to 'pa, “that's how I said it!”)
SOON Adverb σύντομα • (sýntoma) soon, quickly (within a short time) Σύντομα θα είστε ευτυχισμένοι! Sýntoma tha eíste eftychisménoi! Soon you will be happy! Verb συντομεύω • (syntomévo) (past συντόμευσα/συντόμεψα, passive συντομεύομαι) shorten, abbreviate, abridge, cut short, reduce (in extent or duration) σύντομος (sýntomos, “short, quick”) σύντμηση f (sýntmisi, “abbreviation, cutting”) συντόμευση f (syntómefsi, “shortening, abbreviation”) συντομία f (syntomía, “brevity”) συντομογραφία f (syntomografía, “abbreviation”) σύντομα (sýntoma, “soon”) συντόμως (syntómos, “soon”)
μερικός μέρος
PARTIAL - SOME - A FEW - A PORTION - PARTLY (Merx - Merch) MEMORY From μέρος (part & partial) +‎ -ικός (-Adj.) Adjective μερικός • (merikós) m (feminine μερική, neuter μερικό) partial, part, sub μερικό άθροισμα ― merikó áthroisma ― subtotal Antonym: ολικός (olikós) part-time (in the plural, pronoun) some, a few ``` Noun μέρος • (méros) n (genitive μέρεος or μέρους); third declension part, component, region share, portion one's turn heritage, lot, destiny member of a set, kind, type ``` Noun μέρος • (méros) n (plural μέρη) (most senses) part (a fraction of a whole) Το αγγλικό Βικιλεξικό αποτελεί μέρος ενός πολυεθνικού διαδικτυακού εγχειρήματος. To anglikó Vikilexikó apoteleí méros enós polyethnikoú diadiktyakoú encheirímatos. English Wiktionary is part of an online multinational project. place (an area; somewhere within an area) Σ’ αυτό το μέρος είναι κρυμμένος ένας θησαυρός. S’ aftó to méros eínai krymménos énas thisavrós. There's treasure hidden at this place. (music) movement, part Το τρίτο μέρος της συμφωνίας. To tríto méros tis symfonías. The third movement of the symphony. party, side (group of people forming one side in a given dispute) Τα ενδιαφερόμενα μέρη κατέληξαν σε συμβιβαστική λύση. Ta endiaferómena méri katélixan se symvivastikí lýsi. The interested parties reached a compromise. (euphemistic) loo, privy, commode, lavatory (toilet) πάω στο μέρος ― páo sto méros ― to go to the loo From μερ- (mer-), the root of μείρομαι (meíromai, “to receive as one's portion”) +‎ -ος (-os). Compare μέλος (mélos). Verb μείρομαι • (meíromai) I receive as my portion From Proto-Indo-European *(s)mer- (“to assign, allot”). See also Latin mereō, merx and Hittite [script needed] (mark, “to divide a sacrifice”). Verb mereō (present infinitive merēre, perfect active meruī, supine meritum); second conjugation I earn, deserve, merit, obtain I earn a living Probably from a Proto-Italic cognate of Ancient Greek μέρος (méros, “share, portion”) (from Proto-Indo-European *(s)mer- (“to assign, allot”)) + -eo. See also Latin merx, Ancient Greek μείρομαι (meíromai, “to receive as one's portion or due”) and Hittite [Term?] (/mark/, “to divide a sacrifice”). Proto-Indo-European Root *(s)mer- to fall into thinking, remember, care for ———————————————————- Adjective μέρμερος • (mérmeros) m or f (neuter μέρμερον); second declension mischievous, baneful (of persons) captious, fastidious ``` Verb μερμηρίζω • (mermērízō) (Epic) to ponder, wonder, reflect to think over to imagine ``` From μέρμηρα (mérmēra, “care, trouble”) +‎ -ίζω (-ízō) ``` Verb स्मरति • (smárati) (root स्मृ, class 1, type P) to remember, recall, recollect to recite from memory to regret ``` From Proto-Indo-Aryan *smárati, from Proto-Indo-Iranian *smárati, from Proto-Indo-European *(s)mer- (“to remember”). Cognate with Persian شمردن‎ (šomordan, “to calculate”), Central Kurdish ژماردن‎ (jmardin, “to count”), Pashto شمېرل‎ (śmerël, “to count”), Ancient Greek μέρμερος (mérmeros, “mischievous, baneful”), Latin memor (“mindful”). ``` Adjective memor (genitive memoris, comparative memorior, superlative memorissimus, adverb memoriter); third-declension one-termination adjective (non-i-stem) mindful, remembering that has a good memory Synonyms: memoriōse, memoriōsus ``` Verb memorō (present infinitive memorāre, perfect active memorāvī, supine memorātum); first conjugation I remind, bring to mind I tell, utter, recount From memor (“remembering, mindful”). ``` Proto-Indo-European Root *men- to think, mind spiritual activity ``` Verb μνάομαι • (mnáomai) to be mindful, remember, come (have) in remembrance to woo, court Verb μῐμνήσκω • (mimnḗskō) (active) (transitive) To remind [+accusative and genitive = someone of something], put in mind (transitive) To recall something to memory, to make famous (middle and passive voices) (transitive) To call to mind, remember [+genitive or less commonly accusative = something, someone] To remember [+infinitive = that ...] (after Homer) To remember [+participle = doing] (intransitive) To bear in mind, to not forget (transitive) To remember aloud, to mention [+genitive = something] (transitive) To give heed to [+genitive = someone] Noun μνῆμα • (mnêma) n (genitive μνήμᾰτος); third declension memorial, remembrance, record of a person or thing mound or building in honour of the dead memorial dedicated to a god From μνάομαι (mnáomai) + -μα (-ma) -μᾰ • (-ma) n (genitive -μᾰτος); third declension Added to verbal stems to form neuter nouns denoting the result or effect an action, a particular instance of an action, or the object of an action γράφω (gráphō, “write”) → γράμμα (grámma, “that which is written, letter”) σχίζω (skhízō, “divide”) → σχίσμα (skhísma, “that which is divided”) ἀθλέω (athléō, “compete”) → ἄθλημα (áthlēma, “contest”) ἀθύρω (athúrō, “play”) → ἄθυρμα (áthurma, “toy”) νοέω (noéō, “think”) → νόημα (nóēma, “thought”) ποιέω (poiéō, “make”) → ποίημα (poíēma, “poem, or in general something made”) δέρω (dérō, “flay, skin”) → δέρμα (dérma, “skin”) τέμνω (témnō, “cut”) → τμῆμα (tmêma, “section”) σπείρω (speírō, “sow”) → σπέρμα (spérma, “that which is sown, seed”) βδελύττομαι (bdelúttomai, “to feel nausea, to be sick”) → βδέλυγμα (bdélugma, “abomination”) ἐκπῑ́νω (ekpī́nō, “drink out”) → ἔκπωμα (ékpōma, “drinking-cup”) θεωρέω (theōréō, “observe”) → θεώρημα (theṓrēma, “observation, theorem”) Suffix -μα • (-ma) n added to a verb form to create gerund and action nouns: ‎καπνίζω (kapnízo, “to smoke”) + ‎-μα (-ma) → ‎κάπνισμα (kápnisma, “smoking”) ‎ζεσταίνω (zestaíno, “to heat up”) + ‎-μα (-ma) → ‎ζέσταμα (zéstama, “warming up”) ‎τελειώνω (teleióno, “to end”) + ‎-μα (-ma) → ‎τελείωμα (teleíoma, “ending”) ‎ανοίγω (anoígo, “to open”) + ‎-μα (-ma) → ‎άνοιγμα (ánoigma, “opening”) Noun μνήμα • (mníma) n (plural μνήματα) grave, sepulchre, tomb see: μνήμη f (mními, “remembrance, memory”) ``` Noun μνήμη • (mními) f (plural μνήμες) memory remembrance reminiscence ``` Noun θύμηση • (thýmisi) f (plural θύμησες) (literary) memory (specific and general) Noun ανάμνηση • (anámnisi) f (plural αναμνήσεις) Remember, memory From ανά- (re-, again) + μνηση (memory) Noun αμνηστία • (amnistía) f (uncountable) amnesty να δίνει αμνηστία ― na dínei amnistía ― to give amnesty αμνήστευση f (amnístefsi, “amnesty, pardoning”) αμνηστεύω (amnistévo, “to pardon”) and see: μνήμη f (mními, “remembrance, memory”) Noun ᾰ̓μνηστῐ́ᾱ • (amnēstíā) f (genitive ᾰ̓μνηστῐ́ᾱς); first declension forgetfulness (and especially) an amnesty failure to mention (a thing), passing (it) over. From ᾰ̓́μνηστος (“forgotten, forgetful”) +‎ -ῐ́ᾱ (abstract noun suffix), ultimately from μνάομαι (“remember”). Adjective αμνησίκακος • (amnisíkakos) m (feminine αμνησίκακη, neuter αμνησίκακο) forgiving Noun αμνησικακία • (amnisikakía) f (uncountable) forgiveness Synonym: ανεξικακία (anexikakía) Noun ανεξικακία • (anexikakía) f (uncountable) forgiveness, forbearance Adjective ανεξίκακος • (anexíkakos) m (feminine ανεξίκακη, neuter ανεξίκακο) unresentful, forgiving (forgetful of hatred, etc) Verb ανεξικακώ • (anexikakó) tolerate wrongdoing, forgive
“OR” CONTRAST ONE THING TO ANOTHER COMPARE THIS TO THAT ``` ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ``` ἤ, a disjunctive conjunction 1. to distinguish things or thoughts which either mutually exclude each other, or one of which can take the place of the other: (“or”) to distinguish one thing from another in words of the same construction: after an interrogative or a declarative sentence, before a question designed to prove the same thing in another way: before a sentence contrary to the one just preceding, to indicate that if one be denied or refuted the other must stand:
``` καίτοιγε καίτοι καί τοί γε ```
AND YET INDEED! From καί (and) + τοί (since thereupon) + γε (intensifying) ``` καίτοιγε Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kaitoige Phonetic Spelling: (kah'-ee-toyg-eh) Definition: and yet, indeed Usage: and yet, although, indeed. HELPS Word-studies 2544 kaítoige (from 2543 /kaítoi, "even so, indeed" and 1065 /gé, "indeed, really") – although – literally, "even so indeed" (= really!). ``` ``` καίτοι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kaitoi Phonetic Spelling: (kah'-ee-toy) Definition: and yet Usage: and yet, although, though. HELPS Word-studies 2543 kaítoi (a compound particle from 2532 /kaí, "and, even" and 5104 /toí, "indeed") – even yet, though indeed. 2543 (kaítoi) focuses on the first part of a comparison. ``` ``` καί Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kai Phonetic Spelling: (kahee) Definition: and, even, also Usage: and, even, also, namely. HELPS Word-studies 2532 kaí (the most common NT conjunction, used over 9,000 times) – and (also), very often, moreover, even, indeed (the context determines the exact sense). ``` [After 2532 (kaí), the most common word in the Greek NT is the definite article ("the"). 2532 (kaí) is never adversative, i.e. it never means "however" ("but") – unlike the principal conjunction (waw) in OT Hebrew (G. Archer).] τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T HELPS Word-studies 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). γε Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: ge Phonetic Spelling: (gheh) Definition: emphasizes the word to which it is joined Usage: an enclitic, emphasizing particle: at least, indeed, really, but generally too subtle to be represented in English. HELPS Word-studies 1065 gé – an emphatic particle meaning at least, indeed. 1065 (gé) adds the idea "assuredly (really)" which stresses the salient part of a comparison (a two-part statement). 1065 (gé) emphasizes "the key idea/word that follows it" (R, 1148; Bäumlein, 54).
οἷός τ’ εἰμί
BE ABLE οἷός τ’ εἰμί (hoîós t’ eimí, “be able”) Conjunction τε • (te) and, also or untranslatable From ὅς (hós, relative pronoun) +‎ -ιος (-ios, adjectival suffix). Determiner οἷος • (hoîos) (feminine οἵᾱ, neuter οἷον) relative adjective of quality such as; what sort, manner, kind of introducing an exclamation (in an independent clause) what a (great, terrible) ...! (in a subordinate clause) the (great, terrible) sort that containing a comparison, and sometimes an inference in many Homeric expressions the omission of the antecedent clause is to be noticed especially in Attic often stands for ὅτι τοῖος/τοία/τοῖον (hóti toîos/toía/toîon), so that the relative introduces the reason for the preceding statement if it is to be intimated that the reason is self-evident, and the assertion is beyond doubt, then δή (dḗ) is added but if the comparison or inference only denotes a general or doubtful resemblance, then Homer uses οἷός τε (hoîós te) when a comparison involves a definition of time οἷος ὅτε (hoîos hóte) is used many brief Attic expressions are also explained by the omission of the demonstrative pronoun before οἷος (hoîos) never used like the adverb οἷον (hoîon) with a positive adjective οἷος (hoîos) with an infinitive implies fitness or ability in or for a thing but this sense is commonly expressed by οἷος τε (hoîos te) (without infinitive) the relative is in Attic often repeated in the same clause. ``` Derived terms ἄλλοιος (álloios) ἑτεροῖος (heteroîos) οἷον (hoîon, adverb) ὅμοιος (hómoios) ἀνόμοιος (anómoios) παρόμοιος (parómoios) προσόμοιος (prosómoios) παντοῖος (pantoîos) ```
δεῦτε δεῦρο
COME HERE - COME HITHER Δεῦτε Come here! V-M-2P ``` δεῦτε Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: deute Phonetic Spelling: (dyoo'-teh) Definition: come! Usage: come hither, come, hither, an exclamatory word. ``` ``` δεῦρο Part of Speech: Adverb; Verb Transliteration: deuro Phonetic Spelling: (dyoo'-ro) Definition: until now, come here! Usage: (originally: hither, hence) (a) exclamatory: come, (b) temporal: now, the present. ```
IN THE MEANTIME μεταξὺ meantime Adv
STILL - YET - EVEN NOW ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. ```
BACK AGAIN - ONCE MORE - ON THE OTHER HAND πάλιν again Adv πάλιν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: palin Phonetic Spelling: (pal'-in) Definition: back (of place), again (of time), further Usage: again, back, once more, further, on the other hand.
WHERE ὅπου where Adv ``` ὅπου Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hopou Phonetic Spelling: (hop'-oo) Definition: where Usage: where, whither, in what place. ``` from hos, and pou ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` ``` πού Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: somewhere Usage: where, somewhere, anywhere; with numerals: somewhere about. ```
ALREADY, NOW AFTER ALL THIS WAITING ``` ἤδη Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: édé Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-day) Definition: already Usage: already; now at length, now after all this waiting. HELPS Word-studies 2235 ḗdē (a temporal adverb) – already now, even now, referring to what is not yet strictly present but already (now) impacts the present (= "already now"). ``` [2235 (ḗdē) is "a point of time preceding another point of time and implying completion – 'already'" (L & N, 1, 67.20). It often factors in something strictly future, but can include anything that is not strictly present.]
CAN IT BE THAT - IF NOT - UNLESS - WHETHER AT ALL From μή (not conditionally, should not) + τι (a certain one) μήτι Can it be [that] IntPrtcl ``` μήτι Part of Speech: Particle, Interrogative Transliteration: méti Phonetic Spelling: (may'-tee) Definition: can this be? (interrogative particle expecting a negative answer) Usage: if not, unless, whether at all. ``` 3385 mḗti (from 3361 /mḗ, "not" and 5101 /tís, "anything") – properly, not perhaps, "no on first blush (reaction)" – while still keeping "the possibility open" to elicit the desired reaction from the listener (reader). 3385 (mḗti) then draws out an immediate "no," while still conjuring the idea, "unless . . . ". Example: Jn 4:29: "Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; this is not (3385 /mḗti) the Christ, is it?" (NASU). A. T. Robertson, "Is not this the Christ (3385 /mḗti) . . . " elicits "the negative answer ('this cannot be') . . . 'unless He really is the Christ!' (holding out the 'diplomatic possibility') and thus heightening their interest" (WS, 429,30). ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing.
AT ALL -πώς Transliteration: pós Phonetic Spelling: (poce) Definition: at all 4458= ??? 4458 pōs – properly, how (conveying "indefiniteness of manner," S. Zodhiates, Dict); a particle meaning, "if (somehow)" or "if possibly," when used with the Gk conjunction, ei (J. Thayer) – or meaning "lest by any means" when it is used with the Gk negative, mē. See also 1513 (eí pōs) and 3381 (mḗpōs). [4458 (-pṓs) is an enclitic, and therefore distinguished from the interrogative adverb 4459 /pṓs ("how") that uses a circumflex accent.] εἰπώς ei pós: if somehow Transliteration: ei pós Definition: if somehow
εἰπώς εἰ (if) + πώς (at all)
IF SOMEHOW - IF AT ALL εἰπώς ei pós: if somehow Transliteration: ei pós Definition: if somehow ``` ei: forasmuch as, if, that Original Word: εἰ Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ei Phonetic Spelling: (i) Definition: forasmuch as, if, that Usage: if. ``` ``` 1487 ei (a conditional conjunction) – if. 1487 /ei (followed by any verb) expresses "a condition, thought of as real, or to denote assumptions" (i.e. viewed as factual. for the sake of argument) ``` (BAGD). Accordingly, 1487 (ei) should not be translated "since," but rather always "if" – since the assumption may only be portrayed as valid (true, factual). a prim. particle; if, whether (a cond. part. introducing circumstances nec. for a given proposition to be true πώς Transliteration: pós Phonetic Spelling: (poce) Definition: at all
LEST IN ANY WAY - LEST PERHAPS - WHETHER PERHAPS ``` μήπως Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: mé pós Phonetic Spelling: (may'-pos) Definition: lest perhaps, whether perhaps Usage: lest in any way, lest perhaps. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin see mé and pós ``` ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) universally: ᾧ μή πάρεστι ταῦτα, where μή is used because reference is made merely to the thought that there are those who lack these things, 2 Peter 1:9; ἅ μή ἑώρακεν, which (in my opinion) he hath not seen (because they are not visible) where, indeed, a definite person or thing is referred to, but in such a way that his (its) quality or action (indicated by the participle) is denied in the thought or judgment either of the writer or of some other person. with the third person (nowhere in the N. T. with the second) of the aorist imperative where the prohibition relates to something not to be begun, and where things about to be done are forbidden: not, lest, neither, never A primary particle of qualified negation (whereas ou expresses an absolute denial); (adverb) not, (conjunction) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a negative answer (whereas ou expects an affirmative one)) whether -- any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack, lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, (can-)not, nothing, that not, un(-taken), without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations. See also ean me, hina me, ou me, mekos, mekuno, men, me ouk.
HOW ``` πῶς (pōs) — 118 Occurrences Matthew 6:28 Adv GRK: τοῦ ἀγροῦ πῶς αὐξάνουσιν οὐ NAS: Observe how the lilies KJV: of the field, how they grow; INT: of the field how they grow [they do] not ``` ``` Matthew 7:4 Adv GRK: ἢ πῶς ἐρεῖς τῷ NAS: Or how can you say to your brother, KJV: Or how wilt thou say to thy INT: Or how will you say to the ``` ``` Matthew 10:19 Adv GRK: μὴ μεριμνήσητε πῶς ἢ τί NAS: you over, do not worry about how or KJV: no thought how or what INT: not be anxious how or what ``` ``` Matthew 12:4 Adv GRK: πῶς εἰσῆλθεν εἰς NAS: how he entered the house KJV: How he entered into the house INT: How he entered into ``` ``` Matthew 12:26 Adv GRK: ἑαυτὸν ἐμερίσθη πῶς οὖν σταθήσεται NAS: himself; how then KJV: against himself; how shall then INT: himself he was divided How then will stand ``` ``` Matthew 12:29 Adv GRK: ἢ πῶς δύναταί τις NAS: Or how can anyone KJV: Or else how can one INT: Or how is able anyone ``` ``` Matthew 12:34 Adv GRK: γεννήματα ἐχιδνῶν πῶς δύνασθε ἀγαθὰ NAS: of vipers, how can KJV: of vipers, how can ye, INT: Offspring of vipers how are you able good things ``` ``` Matthew 16:11 Adv GRK: πῶς οὐ νοεῖτε NAS: How is it that you do not understand KJV: How is it that ye do INT: How not understand you ``` Matthew 21:20 Adv GRK: ἐθαύμασαν λέγοντες Πῶς παραχρῆμα ἐξηράνθη NAS: and asked, How did the fig tree KJV: saying, How soon INT: marveled saying How immediately is dried up
SO THAT NOT - NOT LEST THAT - ALBIET NOT Original Word: ἵνα Transliteration: hina mé Phonetic Spelling: (hin'-ah may) Definition: albeit not, lest, that a prim. conjunction denoting purpose, definition or result Definition in order that, that, so that NASB Translation fear* (2), order (23), otherwise* (3), result (1), so (306), so* (12), why* (3). ``` ἵνα Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hina Phonetic Spelling: (hin'-ah) Definition: in order that, that, so that Usage: in order that, so that. HELPS Word-studies 2443 hína (a subordinating conjunction) – for the purpose that (in order that), looking to the aim (intended result) of the verbal idea. 2443 /hína ("for the purpose that") is "the semantically marked (dramatic) way of expressing purpose in Greek (as compared for example to the plain infinitive)" (G. Archer). ``` [2443 9hina) answers to lemaʽan in Hebrew.]
CERTAINLY - TRULY - VERILY ``` mén: certainly Original Word: μήν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: mén Phonetic Spelling: (mane) Definition: certainly Usage: assuredly, certainly. ``` μέν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: men Phonetic Spelling: (men) Definition: shows affirmation or concession Usage: an untranslatable particle, generally answered by de, each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other. HELPS Word-studies 3303 mén (a conjunction) – indeed, verily (truly).
NOT YET - HAS EVER YET - AT ANY TIME ``` πώποτε (pōpote) — 6 Occurrences Luke 19:30 Adv GRK: ὃν οὐδεὶς πώποτε ἀνθρώπων ἐκάθισεν NAS: no one yet has ever sat; untie INT: which no one ever yet of men sat ``` John 1:18 Adv GRK: οὐδεὶς ἑώρακεν πώποτε μονογενὴς θεὸς NAS: God at any time; the only begotten KJV: God at any time; the only begotten INT: no one has seen ever yet only-begotten God John 5:37 Adv GRK: φωνὴν αὐτοῦ πώποτε ἀκηκόατε οὔτε NAS: heard His voice at any time nor seen KJV: his voice at any time, nor seen INT: voice of him at any time have you heard nor John 6:35 Adv GRK: μὴ διψήσει πώποτε INT: not may thirst at any time John 8:33 Adv GRK: οὐδενὶ δεδουλεύκαμεν πώποτε πῶς σὺ NAS: and have never yet been enslaved KJV: and were never in bondage to any man: INT: to no one have been under bondage ever how you 1 John 4:12 Adv GRK: θεὸν οὐδεὶς πώποτε τεθέαται ἐὰν NAS: has seen God at any time; if we love KJV: hath seen God at any time. If we love INT: God no one at any time has seen if
``` Δε Δεν δε δεν οὐδὲ οὐδέν ουδείς οὐδένα οὐδέπω μὴ οὐ μή οὐ ουξ οὐχ όχι οὐκ ουχί οὐχὶ κανείς κανένας τίποτε τίποτα ξε- ```
NEGATION ``` Δε Δεν δε δεν οὐδὲ οὐδέν ουδείς οὐδένα οὐδέπω μὴ οὐ μή οὐ ουξ οὐχ όχι οὐκ ουχί οὐχὶ κανείς κανένας τίποτε τίποτα ``` ἀ- (alpha) is used as a prefix (called its "privative use") and typically means "no" or "not" (= "un-," "without"). ἄλφα privative (στερητικόν), like the Latin in-, the English un-, giving a negative sense to the word to which it is prefixed ξε- (-un, not, without property) ``` ξε- xe- or xe- and x- ( for verbs ) opposite energy of the original word ξε βάφω , the end of the state indicated by the original word ξε νυστάζω out , out un portizo , un born , un Barks ( emphasis , exaggeration ) completely un kardizomai , un gods , un deafen ( oral ) in casual compositions and stereotypes: shows rejection or indifference I said ξ I said ≈ Synonyms : μ- ``` Particle δε • (de) (negating particle) Alternative form of δεν (not) ``` δέν did not (didn’t) will not (won’t) can not (can’t) should not (shouldn’t) could not (couldn’t) would not (wouldn’t) shall not (shan’t) must not (mustn’t) Usage notes This form is used only when the following letter is a vowel or a plosive consonant (κ, τ, π, ξ, ψ, γκ, ντ, μπ). δεν (den) and δε (de) are used with indicative verb forms, but μην (min) and μη (mi) are used with subjunctive verbs and imperatives. ``` Adverb οὐδέν • (oudén) in no way, not at all οὐδέν (“in no way”) ``` Don’t confuse with… From Ancient Greek δέ (dé, “and, but”) Conjunction δε • (de) also, but also ``` οὐ μή no not ever (strongly negates all facts and all possibilities) μὴ not [for] Adv οὐχ not Adv objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." οὐ not Adv objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." οὐκ not Adv objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." οὖκ οὐχὶ ουξ οὐδὲ οὐδέν, nothing at all οὐδέπω (not yet, never before, not even possible) from οὐδέ = οὐ (neither, nor) + δέ (but, on the other hand, however, moreover) from -πω (yet, even) from -πώς (if at all), ("if (somehow)" or "if possibly,") from -πώς [conveying "indefiniteness of manner,"] οὐδείς οὐδένα Translations of no όχι not, no, nope ουχί no ουδείς no, none μή οὐκ neither, never, not. οὐ μή Phonetic Spelling: (oo may) Definition: anymore, at all, neither, never i.e. μή and οὐ; as interrogative and negative, is it not that? neither (followed by no), + never, not. Compare οὐ μή. μη ουχί ἐὰν μή Phonetic Spelling: (eh-an' may) Definition: if not, before, but, except, unless 3362 eán mḗ (consisting of 1437 /ἐὰν, "if" and 3361 /μή, "not") literally, "if not." i.e. ἐὰν and μή; if not, i.e. Unless -- X before, but, except, if, no (if, + whosoever) not. ``` ἵνα μή Transliteration: hina mé Phonetic Spelling: (hin'-ah may) Definition: albeit not, lest, so that that i.e. hina and me; in order (or so) that not -- albeit not, lest, that, no(-t, (-thing)). ἵνα Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hina Phonetic Spelling: (hin'-ah) Definition: in order that, that, so that ``` οὐ μή Transliteration: ou mé Phonetic Spelling: (oo may) Definition: anymore, at all, neither, never 3364 ou mḗ (from 3756 /ou, " not a fact" and 3361 /mḗ, "not a possibility") – a double negative which emphatically conveys, "not a fact . . . not even a possibility!" – literally, "no, no!" [In English, a double negative has a positive meaning. In Greek, a double negative is extra-emphatic, expressing very dramatic, forceful negation.] anymore, at all, neither, never i.e. ou and me; a double negative strengthening the denial; not at all -- any more, at all, by any (no) means, neither, never, no (at all), in no case (wise), nor ever, not (at all, in any wise). μὴ οὐκ Transliteration: mé ouk Phonetic Spelling: (may ook) Definition: neither, never, not ``` Pronoun κανείς • (kaneís) m (less colloquial) Nominative masculine form of κανένας (kanénas). Pronoun κανείς nothing, nobody, no one Pronoun κανένας • (kanénas) m may also act as a determiner nobody, no one (not any person; the logical negation of somebody) Και τελικά δεν ήρθε κανένας. Kai teliká den írthe kanénas. And finally no one came. Δεν βλέπω κανέναν. Den vlépo kanénan. I cannot see anyone. anyone, anybody Βλέπετε κανέναν; Vlépete kanénan? Can you see anybody? Ήρθε κανένας στο γραφείο; Írthe kanénas sto grafeío? Did anyone come to the office? ``` δεν είναι τίποτα it is nothing, no worries, not important Pronoun τίποτε • (típote) m nothing Δεν κάνει τίποτε. ― Den kánei típote. ― it's nothing, you're welcome. Δε ζητώ τίποτε. ― De zitó típote. ― I “seek” ask for nothing. (in a negative clause or question) something, any, anything Σου περισσεύουν τίποτε χρήματα; ― Sou perissévoun típote chrímata? ― Do you have any money left over? Δε θέλω τίποτε. ― De thélo típote. ― I don't want anything. Usage notes[edit] Τίποτε should only be translated as the word anything in a negative clause, for example in the sentence: Όχι, δε θέλω τίποτε. ― Óchi, de thélo típote. ― No, I don't want anything. or in questions: Θέλεις τίποτε; ― Théleis típote? ― Do you want anything? ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. 3756 ou – no ("not"). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." [3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.] ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] μήπως Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: mé pós Phonetic Spelling: (may'-pos) Definition: lest perhaps, whether perhaps Usage: lest in any way, lest perhaps. from μή and πως; lest somehow -- lest (by any means, by some means, haply, perhaps).
οὐ / μή / όχι ``` νη- νᾱ- νω- ᾰ̓- un- ``` μή μην δεν οὐδέν ``` οὐκ ουχ ουξ όχι οὐκί οὐχί ```
NEGATION οὐ — Negates facts. (Indicatives) μή — Negates possibilities and implications. (Subjunctives) όχι — Negates binding, agreement, capacity or a negative reply. ``` μή Rules out and negates “the Ought” Negates “the Should” Negates “the Could” Negates “the Would” Negates “the May / Might” Negates “the Possible” Negates “the Probable” Negates “the Potential” Negates “the Implications” Negates “the Conditional” — (not: if this, then that) Negates “the Dependencies” — (not: that depends upon this) ``` μην Alternative form of μη (not) Use this form in place of μη (not) when the following letter is a vowel or a plosive consonant (ie κ, ξ, π, τ, ψ, γκ, ντ, μπ). Example μην τον εμπιστευεσαι Do not trust him. (τον = τ) μην and μη are used with subjunctive verbs, but δεν and δε are used with indicative verb forms. ``` οὐκ ουχ ουξ όχι οὐκί οὐχί ``` Negates any implications from irrealis modal verbs. Negates "Subjectively" and “Subjunctively” ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement. —————————————————————————— οὐ Negates and Rules out Facts. Negates “Realis” indicative non-modal verbs. objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." Ου οὐ οὔ οὒ οὐδὲ ουκ οὐκ οὖκ ουξ ουχ οὐχ όυχ —————————————————————————— οὐ μή From οὐ “not a fact" and μή "not a possibility" – a double negative which emphatically conveys, "not a fact . . . not even a possibility!" – literally, "no, no!" In English, a double negative has a positive meaning. In Greek, a double negative is extra-emphatic, expressing very dramatic, forceful negation. —————————————————————————— Adverb όχι • (óchi) no (negative reply) Μιλάτε αγγλικά; Όχι. Miláte angliká? Óchi. Do you speak English? No. no, not (negation) όχι καλά ― óchi kalá ― not good not, in elliptical clauses Χρειάζομαι χρήματα, όχι υποσχέσεις. Chreiázomai chrímata, óchi yposchéseis. I need money, not promises. όχι from Ancient Greek οὐχί (oukhí) possibly from οὐκί (oukí, “not so, never”) Alternative forms οὐκ (ouk) – before vowel with smooth breathing οὐχ (oukh) – before vowel with rough breathing οὔ (oú) – pausal form οὐχί (oukhí) – Epic, Attic οὐκί (oukí) – Epic, Ionic —————————————————————— NEGATION PREFIXES ``` νη- νᾱ- νω- ᾰ̓- un- ``` Adjective νηλεής • (nēleḗs) m or f (neuter νηλεές); third declension merciless, pitiless unpitied νη- (nē-, negative prefix) +‎ ἔλεος (éleos, “mercy, pity”) ``` Prefix νη- • (nē-) Alternative form of ἀ- (a-) Related terms νᾱ- (nā-) νω- (nō-) ``` Prefix ᾰ̓- • (a-) The alpha privativum, used to make words that have a sense opposite to the word (or stem) to which the prefix is attached. It is also known as privative a and alpha privative. Prefix νᾱ- • (nā-) Alternative form of ἀ- (a-) Prefix νω- • (nō-) Alternative form of ἀ- (a-) From Proto-Indo-European *n̥- (“not, un-”) μή nothing Adv —————————————————————- From Ancient Greek οὐδέν (oudén, “in no way”). Pronunciation IPA(key): /ðen/ Particle δεν • (den) (negating particle) not Δεν ήρθα χθες στο γραφείο. ― Den írtha chthes sto grafeío. ― I didn't come to the office yesterday. Δεν έρχεσαι μαζί μας; ― Den érchesai mazí mas? ― Won't you come with us? not (with stress on the negative aspect of a statement) Πήρε δεν πήρε εκατό ευρώ. ― Píre den píre ekató evró. ― He didn't even get one hundred euros. Usage notes This form is used only when the following letter is a vowel or a plosive consonant (κ, τ, π, ξ, ψ, γκ, ντ, μπ). δεν (den) and δε (de) are used with indicative verb forms, but μην (min) and μη (mi) are used with subjunctive verbs and imperatives. Synonyms μην (min), μη (mi)
NEGATION ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) universally: ᾧ μή πάρεστι ταῦτα, where μή is used because reference is made merely to the thought that there are those who lack these things, 2 Peter 1:9; ἅ μή ἑώρακεν, which (in my opinion) he hath not seen (because they are not visible) where, indeed, a definite person or thing is referred to, but in such a way that his (its) quality or action (indicated by the participle) is denied in the thought or judgment either of the writer or of some other person. with the third person (nowhere in the N. T. with the second) of the aorist imperative where the prohibition relates to something not to be begun, and where things about to be done are forbidden: not, lest, neither, never A primary particle of qualified negation (whereas ou expresses an absolute denial); (adverb) not, (conjunction) lest; also (as an interrogative implying a negative answer (whereas ou expects an affirmative one)) whether -- any but (that), X forbear, + God forbid, + lack, lest, neither, never, no (X wise in), none, nor, (can-)not, nothing, that not, un(-taken), without. Often used in compounds in substantially the same relations. See also ean me, hina me, ou me, mekos, mekuno, men, me ouk.
NOT οὐ — 699 Occ. οὐχ — 105 Occ. οὐκ — 830 Occ. ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. HELPS Word-studies 3756 ou – no ("not"). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." ``` [3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.] It is joined to other words — to a finite verb, simply to deny that what is declared in the verb applies to the subject of the sentence: οὐ, it strengthens the negation, nay, nay, by no means ``` οὐ (ou) — 699 Occurrences Matthew 5:14 Adv GRK: τοῦ κόσμου οὐ δύναται πόλις KJV: on an hill cannot be hid. INT: of the world not is able A city ``` Matthew 5:18 Adv GRK: μία κεραία οὐ μὴ παρέλθῃ INT: one tittle no not shall pass away Matthew 5:20 Adv GRK: καὶ Φαρισαίων οὐ μὴ εἰσέλθητε INT: and Pharisees no not shall you enter Matthew 5:21 Adv GRK: τοῖς ἀρχαίοις Οὐ φονεύσεις ὃς KJV: Thou shalt not kill; INT: to the ancients not You will murder whoever Matthew 5:26 Adv GRK: λέγω σοι οὐ μὴ ἐξέλθῃς INT: I say to you no not shall you come out Matthew 5:27 Adv GRK: ὅτι ἐρρέθη Οὐ μοιχεύσεις KJV: Thou shalt not commit adultery: INT: that it was said not You will commit adultery Matthew 5:36 Adv GRK: ὀμόσῃς ὅτι οὐ δύνασαι μίαν KJV: because thou canst not make one INT: shall you swear because not you are able one ``` Matthew 5:37 Adv GRK: ναὶ ναί οὒ οὔ τὸ NAS: yes [or] 'No, no; KJV: Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for INT: Yes yes no no [anything] ``` ``` Matthew 5:37 Adv GRK: ναί οὒ οὔ τὸ δὲ NAS: [or] 'No, no; anything beyond KJV: yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more INT: yes no no [anything] moreover ``` Matthew 6:20 Adv GRK: ὅπου κλέπται οὐ διορύσσουσιν οὐδὲ KJV: thieves do not break through nor INT: where theives not do break in nor Matthew 6:24 Adv GRK: ἑτέρου καταφρονήσει οὐ δύνασθε θεῷ KJV: despise the other. Ye cannot serve God INT: other he will despise not You are able God Matthew 6:26 Adv GRK: οὐρανοῦ ὅτι οὐ σπείρουσιν οὐδὲ KJV: they sow not, neither INT: air that not they sow nor Matthew 6:28 Adv GRK: πῶς αὐξάνουσιν οὐ κοπιῶσιν οὐδὲ KJV: they toil not, neither INT: how they grow [they do] not labor nor Matthew 6:30 Adv GRK: οὕτως ἀμφιέννυσιν οὐ πολλῷ μᾶλλον KJV: the oven, [shall he] not much INT: thus clothes [will he] not much more Matthew 7:3 Adv GRK: ὀφθαλμῷ δοκὸν οὐ κατανοεῖς KJV: considerest not the beam INT: eye beam not notice Matthew 7:18 Adv GRK: οὐ δύναται δένδρον KJV: A good tree cannot bring forth evil INT: not is able a tree Matthew 7:21 Adv GRK: Οὐ πᾶς ὁ KJV: Not every one that saith INT: Not everyone who Matthew 7:22 Adv GRK: Κύριε κύριε οὐ τῷ σῷ KJV: Lord, have we not prophesied in thy INT: Lord Lord not your ``` οὐχ (ouch) — 105 Occurrences Matthew 6:26 Adv GRK: τρέφει αὐτά οὐχ ὑμεῖς μᾶλλον KJV: Are ye not much better than INT: feeds them not you much ``` Matthew 7:29 Adv GRK: ἔχων καὶ οὐχ ὡς οἱ KJV: authority, and not as the scribes. INT: having and not as the Matthew 12:43 Adv GRK: ἀνάπαυσιν καὶ οὐχ εὑρίσκει KJV: and findeth none. INT: rest and none finds [it] Matthew 13:55 Adv GRK: οὐχ οὗτός ἐστιν KJV: Is not this the carpenter's INT: not this is Matthew 13:55 Adv GRK: τέκτονος υἱός οὐχ ἡ μήτηρ INT: carpenter son [Is] not the mother Matthew 20:26 Adv GRK: οὐχ οὕτως ἔσται KJV: But it shall not be so INT: Not thus will it be Matthew 26:39 Adv GRK: τοῦτο πλὴν οὐχ ὡς ἐγὼ KJV: me: nevertheless not as I INT: this nevertheless not as I Matthew 26:60 Adv GRK: καὶ οὐχ εὗρον πολλῶν KJV: But found none: yea, though many INT: but not any they found many Mark 1:22 Adv GRK: ἔχων καὶ οὐχ ὡς οἱ KJV: authority, and not as the scribes. INT: having and not as the Mark 2:27 Adv GRK: ἐγένετο καὶ οὐχ ὁ ἄνθρωπος KJV: for man, and not man for INT: was made and not the man Mark 4:21 Adv GRK: τὴν κλίνην οὐχ ἵνα ἐπὶ KJV: under a bed? and not to be set INT: the bed [Is it] not that upon Mark 6:3 Adv GRK: οὐχ οὗτός ἐστιν KJV: Is not this the carpenter, INT: not this is Mark 10:43 Adv GRK: οὐχ οὕτως δέ KJV: so shall it not be among INT: not thus however Mark 14:55 Adv GRK: αὐτόν καὶ οὐχ ηὕρισκον KJV: and found none. INT: him but not did find [any] Luke 11:40 Adv GRK: ἄφρονες οὐχ ὁ ποιήσας KJV: did not he that made INT: Fools [did] not the [one] having made Luke 13:6 Adv GRK: αὐτῇ καὶ οὐχ εὗρεν KJV: and found none. INT: it and not did find [any] Luke 13:7 Adv GRK: ταύτῃ καὶ οὐχ εὑρίσκω ἔκκοψον KJV: and find none: cut it INT: this and not do find [any] cut down ``` Luke 17:18 Adv GRK: οὐχ εὑρέθησαν ὑποστρέψαντες NAS: Was no one found who returned KJV: There are not found that returned INT: not were there found [any] having returned ``` Luke 19:48 Adv GRK: καὶ οὐχ εὕρισκον τὸ KJV: And could not find what INT: and not they found Luke 22:26 Adv GRK: ὑμεῖς δὲ οὐχ οὕτως ἀλλ' KJV: But ye [shall] not [be] so: but INT: you moreover not thus [shall be] but Luke 24:3 Adv GRK: εἰσελθοῦσαι δὲ οὐχ εὗρον τὸ KJV: and found not the body INT: having entered moreover not they found the John 4:35 Adv GRK: οὐχ ὑμεῖς λέγετε KJV: Say not ye, There INT: Not you say John 4:38 Adv GRK: θερίζειν ὃ οὐχ ὑμεῖς κεκοπιάκατε KJV: ye bestowed no labour: other men INT: to reap on which not you have toiled John 6:26 Adv GRK: ζητεῖτέ με οὐχ ὅτι εἴδετε KJV: Ye seek me, not because ye saw INT: You seek me not because you saw John 6:38 Adv GRK: τοῦ οὐρανοῦ οὐχ ἵνα ποιῶ KJV: from heaven, not to doINT: heaven not that I should do John 6:42 Adv GRK: καὶ ἔλεγον οὐχ οὗτός ἐστιν INT: And were saying not this Is John 6:46 Adv GRK: οὐχ ὅτι τὸν KJV: Not that any man INT: not that the John 7:22 Adv GRK: τὴν περιτομήν οὐχ ὅτι ἐκ KJV: circumcision; (not because INT: circumcision not that of John 7:25 Adv GRK: τῶν Ἱεροσολυμιτῶν Οὐχ οὗτός ἐστιν KJV: Is not this INT: those of Jerusalem not this Is he John 7:34 Adv GRK: με καὶ οὐχ εὑρήσετέ με KJV: and shall not find [me]: and INT: me and not will find me John 7:35 Adv GRK: ὅτι ἡμεῖς οὐχ εὑρήσομεν αὐτόν KJV: we shall not find him? INT: that we not will find him John 7:36 Adv GRK: με καὶ οὐχ εὑρήσετέ με KJV: and shall not find [me]: and INT: me and not will find me John 7:42 Adv GRK: οὐχ ἡ γραφὴ INT: Not the Scripture John 9:8 Adv GRK: ἦν ἔλεγον Οὐχ οὗτός ἐστιν KJV: said, Is not this he that sat INT: he was said Not this is John 10:28 Adv GRK: αἰῶνα καὶ οὐχ ἁρπάσει τις NAS: perish; and no one INT: age and never will seize anyone John 11:52 Adv GRK: καὶ οὐχ ὑπὲρ τοῦ KJV: And not for that nation INT: and not for the John 12:6 Adv GRK: δὲ τοῦτο οὐχ ὅτι περὶ KJV: This he said, not that he INT: however this not that for John 12:42 Adv GRK: τοὺς Φαρισαίους οὐχ ὡμολόγουν ἵνα KJV: they did not confess INT: the Pharisees not they confessed that John 14:22 Adv GRK: αὐτῷ Ἰούδας οὐχ ὁ Ἰσκαριώτης KJV: saith unto him, not Iscariot, Lord, INT: to him Judas not the Iscariot John 15:16 Adv GRK: οὐχ ὑμεῖς με KJV: Ye have not chosen me, INT: Not you me
NOT YET οὔπω Not yet Adv ``` οὔπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: oupó Phonetic Spelling: (oo'-po) Definition: not yet Usage: not yet. ``` From ou and po; not yet -- hitherto not, (no...) As yet, not yet. ``` #NAME?: yet, even Original Word: -πω Transliteration: #NAME? Phonetic Spelling: (po) Definition: yet, even ``` Another form of the base of pos; an enclitic particle of indefiniteness; yet, even; used only in the comparative. See medepo, mepo, oudepo, oupo, popote.
NEITHER From οὐ (“not”) + τε (“and”) οὔτε neither Conj ``` Conjunction τε • (te) and, also or untranslatable (after each item in a list) and (combined with καί (kaí), untranslatable) ``` τε is usually considered to denote a weaker connection than καί (kaí). As an enclitic, it is placed after the word that it connects, or after the first word of a phrase that it connects:
NEITHER - NOR ``` οὐδὲ (oude) — 135 Occurrences Matthew 5:15 Adv GRK: οὐδὲ καίουσιν λύχνον NAS: nor does [anyone] light a lamp KJV: Neither do men light a candle, INT: Nor do they light a lamp ``` ``` Matthew 6:15 Adv GRK: παραπτώματα αὐτῶν οὐδὲ ὁ πατὴρ NAS: others, then your Father KJV: trespasses, neither will your INT: trespasses of them neither the Father ``` ``` Matthew 6:20 Adv GRK: οὐ διορύσσουσιν οὐδὲ κλέπτουσιν NAS: thieves do not break in or steal; KJV: not break through nor steal: INT: not do break in nor steal ``` ``` Matthew 6:26 Adv GRK: οὐ σπείρουσιν οὐδὲ θερίζουσιν οὐδὲ NAS: that they do not sow, nor reap KJV: not, neither do they reap, INT: not they sow nor do they reap nor ``` Matthew 6:26 Adv GRK: οὐδὲ θερίζουσιν οὐδὲ συνάγουσιν εἰς NAS: nor reap nor gather into barns, KJV: neither do they reap, nor gather into INT: nor do they reap nor do they gather into Matthew 6:28 Adv GRK: οὐ κοπιῶσιν οὐδὲ νήθουσιν NAS: they do not toil nor do they spin, KJV: they toil not, neither do they spin: INT: [they do] not labor nor do they spin ``` Matthew 6:29 Adv GRK: ὑμῖν ὅτι οὐδὲ Σολομὼν ἐν NAS: I say to you that not even Solomon KJV: glory was not arrayed like INT: to you that not even Solomon in ``` ``` Matthew 7:18 Adv GRK: πονηροὺς ποιεῖν οὐδὲ δένδρον σαπρὸν NAS: bad fruit, nor can a bad tree KJV: fruit, neither [can] a corrupt INT: evil to produce nor a tree bad ``` ``` Matthew 9:17 Adv GRK: οὐδὲ βάλλουσιν οἶνον NAS: Nor do [people] put new KJV: Neither do men put new INT: Nor put they wine ``` ``` Matthew 10:24 Adv GRK: τὸν διδάσκαλον οὐδὲ δοῦλος ὑπὲρ NAS: his teacher, nor a slave KJV: [his] master, nor the servant INT: the teacher nor a servant above ```
NO MORE - NOT ANYMORE - NO LONGER - NOT REMAIN Οὐκέτι No longer Adv ouketi: no longer, no more ``` Original Word: οὐκέτι Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: ouketi Phonetic Spelling: (ook-et'-ee) Definition: no longer, no more Usage: no longer, no more. ``` ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. ``` ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. ``` éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain).
NOT YET - NO LONGER From οὐκ (not) + ἔτι (yet) Οὐκέτι No longer Adv From οὐκ (not) + ἔτι (yet) ou, ouk, ouch: not, no οὐ οὐχ οὐκ ``` Original Word: οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. ``` ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. ```
NOT YET - NOT A FACT YET From οὐ (negates facts) + ἔτι (still, yet) ``` οὐκέτι Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: ouketi Phonetic Spelling: (ook-et'-ee) Definition: no longer, no more Usage: no longer, no more. ``` ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. ``` 3756 ou – no ("not"). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." [3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.] ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. HELPS Word-studies 2089 éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain). ```
NO LONGER - NO MORE - NOT YET - NOT STILL From οὐκ / οὐ (not) + ἔτι (yet, still, remain) ouketi: no longer, no more ``` Original Word: ouketi: no longer, no more Original Word: οὐκέτι Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: ouketi Phonetic Spelling: (ook-et'-ee) Definition: no longer, no more Usage: no longer, no more. ``` Word Origin from ou, and eti ——————————————— eti: still, yet ``` Original Word: ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. HELPS Word-studies 2089 éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain). ``` ———————————————- ou, ouk, ouch: not, no ``` Original Word: οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. ``` 3756 ou – no ("not"). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." [3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.] οὐ — 699 Occ. οὐχ — 105 Occ. οὐκ — 830 Occ.
YET, NOT ANY LONGER - YET, NO MORE ``` οὐκέτι Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: ouketi Phonetic Spelling: (ook-et'-ee) Definition: no longer, no more Usage: no longer, no more. ``` ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. ``` objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. ``` 2089 éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain).
οὐ μὴ
NOT THEN - NOT NOW - NOT TO COME If not then, and if not now, then not when? ———————————————————- John 4:48 Therefore Jesus said to him, with all these signs and wonders you all have seen, what will it take for you to believe? Εἶπεν οὖν Ἰησοῦς πρὸς αὐτόν; Ἐὰν μὴ σημεῖα καὶ τέρατα ἴδητε οὐ μὴ πιστεύσητε; Said therefore Jesus to him, if not signs and wonders all you people see, if not then, and if not now, then when not will you all believe? On the other hand, a modern version could be Anti-climatic... What the “blank” is going on behind the curtain? Is the drama progressing properly? This is act 144! Is getting old! Could we please get to the point of the plot? We are all about to leave the theater, regardless of the very high price we paid for these front row seats! ————————————————————— οὐ no Adv μὴ not Adv ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. ``` 3756 ou – no ("not"). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." [3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.] ——————————————————- ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. ``` 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] ———————————————————- ``` τέρας, ατος, τό Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: teras Phonetic Spelling: (ter'-as) Definition: a wonder, marvel Usage: a wonder, portent, marvel. ``` 5059 téras – a miraculous wonder, done to elicit a reaction from onlookers; an extraordinary event with its supernatural effect left on all witnessing it, i.e. a portent from heaven to earth. wonder. Of uncertain affinity; a prodigy or omen -- wonder. from Homer down, the Sept. for מופֵת, a prodigy, portent; miracle (A. V. wonder) performed by anyone; in the N. T. it is found only in the plural and joined with σημεῖα accordingly something so strange and marvelous as to cause it to be 'watched' or 'observed' others connect it with ἀστήρ, ἀστραπή, etc. hence, 'a sign in the heavens' ``` ———————————————————- σημεῖον, ου, τό Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter Transliteration: sémeion Phonetic Spelling: (say-mi'-on) Definition: a sign Usage: a sign, miracle, indication, mark, token. ``` 4592 sēmeíon – a sign (typically miraculous), given especially to confirm, corroborate or authenticate. 4592 /sēmeíon ("sign") then emphasizes the end-purpose which exalts the one giving it. Accordingly, it is used dozens of times in the NT for what authenticates the Lord and His eternal purpose, especially by doing what mere man can not replicate of take credit for.
NOT BE? - CAN IT NOT BE? - CAN THIS BE? - REALLY? From μή (not) + τι - τις (anyone, someone, something) μήτι: can this be? (interrog. particle expecting a neg. answer) μήτι Can it be [that] IntPrtcl from mé and the neut. of tis ``` Original Word: μήτι Part of Speech: Particle, Interrogative Transliteration: méti Phonetic Spelling: (may'-tee) Definition: can this be? (interrogative particle expecting a negative answer) Usage: if not, unless, whether at all. ``` 3385 mḗti (from 3361 /mḗ, "not" and 5101 /tís, "anything") – properly, not perhaps, "no on first blush (reaction)" – while still keeping "the possibility open" to elicit the desired reaction from the listener (reader). 3385 (mḗti) then draws out an immediate "no," while still conjuring the idea, "unless . . . ". Example: Jn 4:29: "Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; this is not (3385 /mḗti) the Christ, is it?" (NASU). A. T. Robertson, "Is not this the Christ (3385 /mḗti) . . . " elicits "the negative answer ('this cannot be') . . . 'unless He really is the Christ!' (holding out the 'diplomatic possibility') and thus heightening their interest" (WS, 429,30). ————————————————————- Strong's Concordance mé: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) ``` Original Word: μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. ``` 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] ————————————————————- tis: a certain one, someone, anyone ``` Original Word: τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. enclitic indef. pronoun Definition a certain one, someone, anyone ``` a certain, a certain one; used of persons and things concerning which the writer either cannot or will not speak more particularly;
``` οὐδὲ οὐδείς οὐδεμία οὐδέν οὐδένα εἷς, μία, ἕν οὐ δέ ```
NO ONE - NOTHING AT ALL οὐδὲ Not even Adv οὐδένα no one Adj-AMS ``` οὐδείς, οὐδεμία, οὐδέν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: oudeis and outheis, oudemia, ouden and outhen Phonetic Spelling: (oo-dice') Definition: no one, none Usage: no one, none, nothing. HELPS Word-studies 3762 oudeís (from 3756 /ou "no, not" and 1520 /heís, "one") – properly, not one; no one, nothing. ``` ``` οὐδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: oude Phonetic Spelling: (oo-deh') Definition: and not, neither Usage: neither, nor, not even, and not. HELPS Word-studies 3761 oudé (from 3756 /ou, "not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover") – properly, moreover not, neither indeed, not even, nor even. ``` 3761 /oudé ("neither indeed," "nor indeed") introduces a statement that is negated factually and deductively (it occurs 137 times in the NT). That is, the negation rules out (invalidates) the statement that precedes it, and what naturally extends from it. This is analogous to the following: Because 100 is not enough, then neither are 90, 80, or 70 because they are all included in 100. Thus if "A" (100 in the previous example) is invalid, so is what necessarily follows (statement "B" – 90, 80, 70). [Regardless of how 3761 (oudé) is translated, it means: If "A" (the preceding statement) isn't true (valid) – then "B" (which extends from it) is also not valid. As in the previous example: If 100 is not enough (valid), then automatically neither are 90, 80, 70, etc.] 3762 /oudeís ("no one, nothing at all") is a powerful negating conjunction. It rules out by definition, i.e. "shuts the door" objectively and leaves no exceptions. 3762 (oudeís) is deductive in force so it excludes every (any) example that is included withing the premise (supposition). [3762 /oudeís ("not one, none") categorically excludes, declaring as a fact that no valid example exists.] δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. HELPS Word-studies 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . ``` εἷς, μία, ἕν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: heis Phonetic Spelling: (hice) Definition: one Usage: one. ``` μη ου ουδ' ουδε ουδέ ουδεις ουδείς ούδείς οὐδείς Οὐδεὶς ουδεμια ουδεμιά ουδεμία οὐδεμία ουδεμιαν ουδεμίαν οὐδεμίαν ουδεν ουδέν οὐδέν οὐδὲν ουδενα ουδένα οὐδένα ουδενι ουδενί ούδενι οὐδενὶ ουδενος ουδενός οὐδενός οὐδενὸς ουθείς ουθεν ουθέν οὐθέν οὐθὲν Ουθενος ουθενός Οὐθενός
NO ONE ``` οὐδείς, οὐδεμία, οὐδέν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: oudeis and outheis, oudemia, ouden and outhen Phonetic Spelling: (oo-dice') Definition: no one, none Usage: no one, none, nothing. HELPS Word-studies 3762 oudeís (from 3756 /ou "no, not" and 1520 /heís, "one") – properly, not one; no one, nothing. ``` 3762 /oudeís ("no one, nothing at all") is a powerful negating conjunction. It rules out by definition, i.e. "shuts the door" objectively and leaves no exceptions. 3762 (oudeís) is deductive in force so it excludes every (any) example that is included withing the premise (supposition). [3762 /oudeís ("not one, none") categorically excludes, declaring as a fact that no valid example exists.] ``` Οὐδεὶς (Oudeis) — 98 Occurrences Matthew 6:24 Adj-NMS GRK: Οὐδεὶς δύναται δυσὶ NAS: No one can serve KJV: No man can serve INT: No one is able two ``` ``` Matthew 9:16 Adj-NMS GRK: οὐδεὶς δὲ ἐπιβάλλει NAS: But no one puts a patch KJV: No man putteth a piece INT: no one moreover puts ``` ``` Matthew 11:27 Adj-NMS GRK: μου καὶ οὐδεὶς ἐπιγινώσκει τὸν NAS: to Me by My Father; and no one knows KJV: Father: and no man knoweth the Son, INT: of me And no one knows the ``` ``` Matthew 20:7 Adj-NMS GRK: αὐτῷ Ὅτι οὐδεὶς ἡμᾶς ἐμισθώσατο NAS: to him, 'Because no one hired KJV: Because no man hath hired INT: to him Because no one us has hired ``` ``` Matthew 22:46 Adj-NMS GRK: καὶ οὐδεὶς ἐδύνατο ἀποκριθῆναι NAS: No one was able to answer KJV: And no man was able to answer INT: And no one was able to answer ``` ``` Matthew 24:36 Adj-NMS GRK: καὶ ὥρας οὐδεὶς οἶδεν οὐδὲ NAS: and hour no one knows, KJV: knoweth no [man], no, not INT: and hour no one knows not even ``` ``` Mark 2:21 Adj-NMS GRK: οὐδεὶς ἐπίβλημα ῥάκους NAS: No one sews a patch KJV: No man also seweth INT: no one a piece of cloth ``` ``` Mark 2:22 Adj-NMS GRK: καὶ οὐδεὶς βάλλει οἶνον NAS: No one puts new KJV: And no man putteth new INT: And no one puts wine ``` ``` Mark 3:27 Adj-NMS GRK: οὐ δύναται οὐδεὶς εἰς τὴν NAS: But no one can enter KJV: No man can enter INT: not is able no one into the ``` ``` Mark 5:3 Adj-NMS GRK: ἁλύσει οὐκέτι οὐδεὶς ἐδύνατο αὐτὸν NAS: And no one was able KJV: the tombs; and no man could bind INT: with chains no longer anyone was able him ``` Mark 5:4 Adj-NMS GRK: συντετρίφθαι καὶ οὐδεὶς ἴσχυεν αὐτὸν NAS: broken in pieces, and no one was strong enough INT: had been shattered and no one was able him
IN NO WAY From Ancient Greek οὐδέν (oudén, “in no way”). Pronunciation IPA(key): /ðen/ Particle δεν • (den) (negating particle) not Δεν ήρθα χθες στο γραφείο. ― Den írtha chthes sto grafeío. ― I didn't come to the office yesterday. Δεν έρχεσαι μαζί μας; ― Den érchesai mazí mas? ― Won't you come with us? not (with stress on the negative aspect of a statement) Πήρε δεν πήρε εκατό ευρώ. ― Píre den píre ekató evró. ― He didn't even get one hundred euros. Usage notes[edit] This form is used only when the following letter is a vowel or a plosive consonant (κ, τ, π, ξ, ψ, γκ, ντ, μπ). δεν (den) and δε (de) are used with indicative verb forms, but μην (min) and μη (mi) are used with subjunctive verbs and imperatives. Synonyms[edit] μην (min), μη (mi)
οὐδέν οὐδένα οὐδείς οὐδεμία οὐ + δέ + εἷς εἷς, μία, ἕν
NO ONE οὐδένα no one Adj-AMS ``` οὐδείς, οὐδεμία, οὐδέν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: oudeis and outheis, oudemia, ouden and outhen Phonetic Spelling: (oo-dice') Definition: no one, none Usage: no one, none, nothing. HELPS Word-studies 3762 oudeís (from 3756 /ou "no, not" and 1520 /heís, "one") – properly, not one; no one, nothing. ``` 3762 /oudeís ("no one, nothing at all") is a powerful negating conjunction. It rules out by definition, i.e. "shuts the door" objectively and leaves no exceptions. 3762 (oudeís) is deductive in force so it excludes every (any) example that is included withing the premise (supposition). [3762 /oudeís ("not one, none") categorically excludes, declaring as a fact that no valid example exists.] none, no one Including feminine oudemia (oo-dem-ee'-ah), and neuter ouden (oo-den') from oude and heis; not even one (man, woman or thing), i.e. None, nobody, nothing -- any (man), aught, man, neither any (thing), never (man), no (man), none (+ of these things), not (any, at all, -thing), nought. ``` οὐδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: oude Phonetic Spelling: (oo-deh') Definition: and not, neither Usage: neither, nor, not even, and not. HELPS Word-studies 3761 oudé (from 3756 /ou, "not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover") – properly, moreover not, neither indeed, not even, nor even. ``` 3761 /oudé ("neither indeed," "nor indeed") introduces a statement that is negated factually and deductively (it occurs 137 times in the NT). That is, the negation rules out (invalidates) the statement that precedes it, and what naturally extends from it. This is analogous to the following: Because 100 is not enough, then neither are 90, 80, or 70 because they are all included in 100. Thus if "A" (100 in the previous example) is invalid, so is what necessarily follows (statement "B" – 90, 80, 70). [Regardless of how 3761 (oudé) is translated, it means: If "A" (the preceding statement) isn't true (valid) – then "B" (which extends from it) is also not valid. As in the previous example: If 100 is not enough (valid), then automatically neither are 90, 80, 70, etc.] ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. HELPS Word-studies 3756 ou – no ("not"). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." ``` [3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.] δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. HELPS Word-studies 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . ``` εἷς, μία, ἕν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: heis Phonetic Spelling: (hice) Definition: one Usage: one. ``` ``` μη ου ουδ' ουδε ουδέ ουδεις ουδείς ούδείς οὐδείς Οὐδεὶς ουδεμια ουδεμιά ουδεμία οὐδεμία ουδεμιαν ουδεμίαν οὐδεμίαν ουδεν ουδέν οὐδέν οὐδὲν ουδενα ουδένα οὐδένα ουδενι ουδενί ούδενι οὐδενὶ ουδενος ουδενός οὐδενός οὐδενὸς ουθείς ουθεν ουθέν οὐθέν οὐθὲν Ουθενος ουθενός Οὐθενός ```
μὴ οὐκ
NEITHER - NEVER ``` mé ouk: neither, never, not. Original Word: μὴ Transliteration: mé ouk Phonetic Spelling: (may ook) Definition: neither, never, not ``` Particle[edit] οὐκ • (ouk) (negative particle) Alternative form of οὐ (ou), used before a vowel with smooth breathing ``` ou, ouk, ouch: not, no Original Word: οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. ``` ``` Matthew 1:25 Adv GRK: καὶ οὐκ ἐγίνωσκεν αὐτὴν NAS: but kept her a virgin until KJV: her not till INT: and not knew her Matthew 2:18 Adv GRK: αὐτῆς καὶ οὐκ ἤθελεν παρακληθῆναι NAS: FOR HER CHILDREN; AND SHE REFUSED TO BE COMFORTED, KJV: and would not be comforted, because INT: of her and not would be comforted ``` ``` Matthew 2:18 Adv GRK: παρακληθῆναι ὅτι οὐκ εἰσίν NAS: BECAUSE THEY WERE NO MORE. KJV: because they are not. INT: be comforted because no more are they ``` Matthew 3:11 Adv GRK: ἐστίν οὗ οὐκ εἰμὶ ἱκανὸς KJV: shoes I am not worthy to bear: INT: is he of whom not I am fit Matthew 4:4 Adv GRK: εἶπεν Γέγραπται Οὐκ ἐπ' ἄρτῳ KJV: Man shall not live by INT: he said It has been written Not by bread Matthew 4:7 Adv GRK: Πάλιν γέγραπται Οὐκ ἐκπειράσεις Κύριον KJV: again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord INT: Again it has been written not You will test [the] Lord Matthew 5:14 Adv GRK: τοῦ κόσμου οὐ δύναται πόλις KJV: on an hill cannot be hid. INT: of the world not is able A city Matthew 5:17 Adv GRK: τοὺς προφήτας οὐκ ἦλθον καταλῦσαι KJV: I am not come INT: the prophets not I came to abolish Matthew 5:18 Adv GRK: μία κεραία οὐ μὴ παρέλθῃ INT: one tittle no not shall pass away Matthew 5:20 Adv GRK: καὶ Φαρισαίων οὐ μὴ εἰσέλθητε INT: and Pharisees no not shall you enter Matthew 5:21 Adv GRK: τοῖς ἀρχαίοις Οὐ φονεύσεις ὃς KJV: Thou shalt not kill; INT: to the ancients not You will murder whoever Matthew 5:26 Adv GRK: λέγω σοι οὐ μὴ ἐξέλθῃς INT: I say to you no not shall you come out Matthew 5:27 Adv GRK: ὅτι ἐρρέθη Οὐ μοιχεύσεις KJV: Thou shalt not commit adultery: INT: that it was said not You will commit adultery Matthew 5:33 Adv GRK: τοῖς ἀρχαίοις Οὐκ ἐπιορκήσεις ἀποδώσεις KJV: Thou shalt not forswear thyself, INT: to the ancients not You will swear falsely you will keep Matthew 5:36 Adv GRK: ὀμόσῃς ὅτι οὐ δύνασαι μίαν KJV: because thou canst not make one INT: shall you swear because not you are able one ``` Matthew 5:37 Adv GRK: ναὶ ναί οὒ οὔ τὸ NAS: yes [or] 'No, no; KJV: Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for INT: Yes yes no no [anything] ``` ``` Matthew 5:37 Adv GRK: ναί οὒ οὔ τὸ δὲ NAS: [or] 'No, no; anything beyond KJV: yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more INT: yes no no [anything] moreover ``` ``` Matthew 6:1 Adv GRK: μή¦γε μισθὸν οὐκ ἔχετε παρὰ NAS: you have no reward KJV: otherwise ye have no reward of INT: lest reward no you have with ``` Matthew 6:5 Adv GRK: ὅταν προσεύχησθε οὐκ ἔσεσθε ὡς KJV: thou prayest, thou shalt not be as INT: when you pray not you will be as Matthew 6:20 Adv GRK: ὅπου κλέπται οὐ διορύσσουσιν οὐδὲ KJV: thieves do not break through nor INT: where theives not do break in nor Matthew 6:24 Adv GRK: ἑτέρου καταφρονήσει οὐ δύνασθε θεῷ KJV: despise the other. Ye cannot serve God INT: other he will despise not You are able God Matthew 6:26 Adv GRK: οὐρανοῦ ὅτι οὐ σπείρουσιν οὐδὲ KJV: they sow not, neither INT: air that not they sow nor Matthew 6:26 Adv GRK: τρέφει αὐτά οὐχ ὑμεῖς μᾶλλον KJV: Are ye not much better than INT: feeds them not you much Matthew 6:28 Adv GRK: πῶς αὐξάνουσιν οὐ κοπιῶσιν οὐδὲ KJV: they toil not, neither INT: how they grow [they do] not labor nor Matthew 6:30 Adv GRK: οὕτως ἀμφιέννυσιν οὐ πολλῷ μᾶλλον KJV: the oven, [shall he] not much INT: thus clothes [will he] not much more Strong's Greek 3756 1634 Occurrences οὐ — 699 Occ. οὐχ — 105 Occ. οὐκ — 830 Occ.
μηδέ μή (not least) + δέ (but, moreover, on the other hand)
BUT NOT - YET NOT ON THE OTHER HAND from mé and de ``` méde: but not, and not Original Word: μηδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: méde Phonetic Spelling: (may-deh') Definition: but not, and not Usage: and not, not even, neither…nor. HELPS Word-studies 3366 mēdé (a conjunction, derived from 3361 /mḗ, "subjectively not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover, next") – properly, not even, nor moreover, neither. ``` de: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Original Word: δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. HELPS Word-studies 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) NASB Translation after (2), also (2), another* (8), even (4), even though (1), former* (1), however (6), moreover (1), moreover* (1), nevertheless (1), now (267), or (6), other (1), other hand (4), others* (3), partly (1), rather (1), so (12), suppose* (1), then (6), therefore (1), though (1), what (1), when (3), whereas (2), yes (1), yet (25). ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.]
οὐδείς οὐδεμία οὐδέν εἷς μία ἕν
NOT ONE ``` οὐδείς, οὐδεμία, οὐδέν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: oudeis and outheis, oudemia, ouden and outhen Phonetic Spelling: (oo-dice') Definition: no one, none Usage: no one, none, nothing. HELPS Word-studies 3762 oudeís (from 3756 /ou "no, not" and 1520 /heís, "one") – properly, not one; no one, nothing. ``` 3762 /oudeís ("no one, nothing at all") is a powerful negating conjunction. It rules out by definition, i.e. "shuts the door" objectively and leaves no exceptions. 3762 (oudeís) is deductive in force so it excludes every (any) example that is included withing the premise (supposition). [3762 /oudeís ("not one, none") categorically excludes, declaring as a fact that no valid example exists.] ``` οὐδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: oude Phonetic Spelling: (oo-deh') Definition: and not, neither Usage: neither, nor, not even, and not. HELPS Word-studies 3761 oudé (from 3756 /ou, "not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover") – properly, moreover not, neither indeed, not even, nor even. ``` 3761 /oudé ("neither indeed," "nor indeed") introduces a statement that is negated factually and deductively (it occurs 137 times in the NT). That is, the negation rules out (invalidates) the statement that precedes it, and what naturally extends from it. This is analogous to the following: Because 100 is not enough, then neither are 90, 80, or 70 because they are all included in 100. Thus if "A" (100 in the previous example) is invalid, so is what necessarily follows (statement "B" – 90, 80, 70). [Regardless of how 3761 (oudé) is translated, it means: If "A" (the preceding statement) isn't true (valid) – then "B" (which extends from it) is also not valid. As in the previous example: If 100 is not enough (valid), then automatically neither are 90, 80, 70, etc.] ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. HELPS Word-studies 3756 ou – no ("not"). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." ``` [3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.] ``` εἷς, μία, ἕν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: heis Phonetic Spelling: (hice) Definition: one Usage: one. ``` de: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Original Word: δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. HELPS Word-studies 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . εἷς, μία, ἐν, genitive ἑνός, μιᾶς, ἑνός, a cardinal numeral, one with a negative following joined to the verb, εἰς ... οὐ or μή (one ... not, i. e.) no one, (more explicit and emphatic than οὐδείς
μή οὐ
NEVER ou mé: anymore, at all, neither, never Original Word: οὐ Transliteration: ou mé Phonetic Spelling: (oo may) Definition: anymore, at all, neither, never HELPS Word-studies 3364 ou mḗ (from 3756 /ou, " not a fact" and 3361 /mḗ, "not a possibility") – a double negative which emphatically conveys, "not a fact . . . not even a possibility!" – literally, "no, no!" [In English, a double negative has a positive meaning. In Greek, a double negative is extra-emphatic, expressing very dramatic, forceful negation.] anymore, at all, neither, never I.e. ou and me; a double negative strengthening the denial; not at all -- any more, at all, by any (no) means, neither, never, no (at all), in no case (wise), nor ever, not (at all, in any wise). Compare me ouk. see GREEK me see GREEK me ouk see GREEK ou
NOT ANYMORE - NOT POSSIBLE YET From μή (negates a possibility) + ἔτι (still, yet, to remain) ``` μηκέτι Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: méketi Phonetic Spelling: (may-ket'-ee) Definition: no longer, not anymore Usage: no longer, no more. ``` from mé and eti μή / mé: “not, that...not, lest” (used for qualified negation) ``` Original Word: μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. ``` 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. ``` 2089 éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain).
ἐὰν μή
IF NOT - BUT NOT - EXCEPT NOT ean mé: before, but, except Original Word: ἐὰν Transliteration: ean mé Phonetic Spelling: (eh-an' may) Definition: before, but, except 3362 eán mḗ (consisting of 1437 /eán, "if" and 3361 /mḗ, "not") – unless; literally, "if not." ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.]
NOT YET EVER - ON THE OTHER HAND - NOT EVEN YET ``` μηδέπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: médepó Phonetic Spelling: (may-dep'-o) Definition: not yet Usage: not yet. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from méde and #NAME? ``` ``` méde: but not, and not Original Word: μηδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: méde Phonetic Spelling: (may-deh') Definition: but not, and not Usage: and not, not even, neither…nor. HELPS Word-studies 3366 mēdé (a conjunction, derived from 3361 /mḗ, "subjectively not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover, next") – properly, not even, nor moreover, neither. ``` —————————————————————- μή ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) —————————————————————- δέ moreover, indeed, but, on the other hand de: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Original Word: δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . —————————————————————- πω yet, even #NAME?: yet, even Original Word: -πω Transliteration: #NAME? Phonetic Spelling: (po) Definition: yet, even NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin enclitic particle used as suffix or prefix, see médepó, mépó, oudepó, oupó, and pópote. yet, even Another form of the base of pos; an enclitic particle of indefiniteness; yet, even; used only in the comparative. See medepo, mepo, oudepo, oupo, popote. see GREEK pos see GREEK medepo see GREEK mepo see GREEK oudepo see GREEK oupo see GREEK popote
οὐ μή
NEVER - AT ALL ou mé: anymore, at all, neither, never Original Word: οὐ Transliteration: ou mé Phonetic Spelling: (oo may) Definition: anymore, at all, neither, never HELPS Word-studies 3364 ou mḗ (from 3756 /ou, " not a fact" and 3361 /mḗ, "not a possibility") – a double negative which emphatically conveys, "not a fact . . . not even a possibility!" – literally, "no, no!" [In English, a double negative has a positive meaning. In Greek, a double negative is extra-emphatic, expressing very dramatic, forceful negation.] I.e. ou and me; a double negative strengthening the denial; not at all -- any more, at all, by any (no) means, neither, never, no (at all), in no case (wise), nor ever, not (at all, in any wise). Compare me ouk.
THEREFORE - SO THEN ``` oun: therefore, then, (and) so Original Word: οὖν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: oun Phonetic Spelling: (oon) Definition: therefore, then, (and) so Usage: therefore, then. HELPS Word-studies 3767 oún (a conjunction) – therefore, now then, accordingly so. 3767 (oún) occurs 526 times in the NT and is typically translated "therefore" which means, "By extension, here's how the dots connect." ```
IMMEDIATELY- DO AT ONCE - DO IT SOON - STRAIT AWAY From εὖ (good, well done) + τίθημι (set, put, establish) Perhaps from eu and tithemi; straight, i.e. (literally) level, or (figuratively) true; adverbially (of time) at once -- anon, by and by, forthwith, immediately, straightway. ``` εὐθέως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eutheós Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-theh'-oce) Definition: at once, directly Usage: immediately, soon, at once. ``` ``` εὐθύς, εῖα, ύ Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: euthus Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-thoos') Definition: straight, straightway Usage: adj: (a) straight of direction, as opposed to crooked, (b) upright; adv: immediately. HELPS Word-studies 2117 euthýs – properly, straight, without unnecessary zig-zags (detours); upright (not crooked, bent); (figuratively) without delay; acting immediately, "straightway," taking a direct path from "God's point A" to "God's point B" which avoids unnecessary delays (deviations). ``` [This root (euthy-) often correlates in the LXX to the OT term, yāsar.] ``` εὖ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eu Phonetic Spelling: (yoo) Definition: well Usage: well, well done, good, rightly; also used as an exclamation. ``` adverb from eus (good) ``` τίθημι Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: tithémi Phonetic Spelling: (tith'-ay-mee) Definition: to place, lay, set Usage: I put, place, lay, set, fix, establish. ```
ἵνα μή
ALBEIT NOT - LEST - IN ORDER THAT NOT - SO THAT NOT albeit not, lest, that I.e. hina and me; in order (or so) that not -- albeit not, lest, that, no(-t, (-thing)). in order that, that, so that ``` Original Word: ἵνα Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hina Phonetic Spelling: (hin'-ah) Definition: in order that, that, so that Usage: in order that, so that. HELPS Word-studies 2443 hína (a subordinating conjunction) – for the purpose that (in order that), looking to the aim (intended result) of the verbal idea. 2443 /hína ("for the purpose that") is "the semantically marked (dramatic) way of expressing purpose in Greek (as compared for example to the plain infinitive)" (G. Archer). ``` ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.]
WHEN ποῦ + πόσος + τέ πότε when Conj ``` ποῦ Part of Speech: Adverb, Interrogative Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: where? Usage: where, in what place. ``` ``` πότε Part of Speech: Particle, Interrogative Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot'-eh) Definition: when? Usage: when, at what time. ``` ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin enclitic particle from the same as posos and te ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] also, and, both, even A primary particle (enclitic) of connection or addition; both or also (properly, as correlation of kai) -- also, and, both, even, then, whether. Often used in composition, usually as the latter participle. τε τεινέτω τείνοντες τείνων τειχήρεις τειχήρεσιν τειχισταίς τέτακα τεταμένοις τετειχισμέναι τετειχισμέναις τετειχισμένας τετειχισμένη τετειχισμένην τετειχισμένων
SO THAT - IN ORDER THAT conjunction denoting purpose, definition or result ἵνα so that Conj ``` ἵνα Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hina Phonetic Spelling: (hin'-ah) Definition: in order that, that, so that Usage: in order that, so that. HELPS Word-studies 2443 hína (a subordinating conjunction) – for the purpose that (in order that), looking to the aim (intended result) of the verbal idea. 2443 /hína ("for the purpose that") is "the semantically marked (dramatic) way of expressing purpose in Greek (as compared for example to the plain infinitive)" (G. Archer). ```
HERE - STATE OF AFFAIRS HERE - WHAT IS HERE - HITHER ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε ὁ, ἡ, τό δέ ``` ὧδε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hóde Phonetic Spelling: (ho'-deh) Definition: so, to here, here Usage: here, the things here, what is here, what is going on here, the state of affairs here. ``` hither (adv.) Old English hider, from Proto-Germanic *hithra- (source also of Old Norse heðra "here," Gothic hidre "hither"), from PIE *kitro-, suffixed variant form of root *ko-, the stem of demonstrative pronoun meaning "this" (compare here). Spelling change from -d- to -th- is the same evolution seen in father, etc. Relation to here is the same as that of thither to there. whither (adv., conj.) Old English hwider, from Proto-Germanic *hwithre-, from *hwi- "who" (from PIE root *kwo-, stem of relative and interrogative pronouns) + ending as in hither and thither. Compare Gothic hvadre. ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: hode, héde, tode Phonetic Spelling: (hod'-eh) Definition: this (referring to what is present) Usage: this here, this, that, he, she, it. from ho, and de ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . —————————————————————————— ``` Matthew 8:29 Adv GRK: θεοῦ ἦλθες ὧδε πρὸ καιροῦ NAS: Have You come here to torment KJV: art thou come hither to torment INT: of God are you come here before [the] time Matthew 12:6 Adv GRK: μεῖζόν ἐστιν ὧδε NAS: than the temple is here. KJV: That in this place is [one] INT: a greater is here ``` ``` Matthew 12:41 Adv GRK: πλεῖον Ἰωνᾶ ὧδε NAS: something greater than Jonah is here. KJV: a greater than Jonas [is] here. INT: greater than Jonah here ``` ``` Matthew 12:42 Adv GRK: πλεῖον Σολομῶνος ὧδε NAS: than Solomon is here. KJV: a greater than Solomon [is] here. INT: greater than Solomon here ``` ``` Matthew 14:8 Adv GRK: μοι φησίν ὧδε ἐπὶ πίνακι NAS: Give me here on a platter KJV: Give me here John Baptist's INT: me she says here upon a dish ``` ``` Matthew 14:17 Adv GRK: Οὐκ ἔχομεν ὧδε εἰ μὴ NAS: to Him, We have here only KJV: unto him, We have here but five INT: not We have here only here if not ``` ``` Matthew 14:18 Adv GRK: Φέρετέ μοι ὧδε αὐτούς NAS: And He said, Bring them here to Me. KJV: Bring them hither to me. INT: Bring to me here them ``` ``` Matthew 16:28 Adv GRK: τινες τῶν ὧδε ἑστώτων οἵτινες NAS: who are standing here who KJV: some standing here, which shall INT: some of those here standing who ``` ``` Matthew 17:4 Adv GRK: ἐστιν ἡμᾶς ὧδε εἶναι εἰ NAS: it is good for us to be here; if KJV: for us to be here: if thou wilt, INT: it is for us here to be If ``` ``` Matthew 17:4 Adv GRK: θέλεις ποιήσω ὧδε τρεῖς σκηνάς NAS: tabernacles here, one KJV: let us make here three INT: you wish let us make here three tabernacles ``` ``` Matthew 17:17 Adv GRK: μοι αὐτὸν ὧδε NAS: up with you? Bring him here to Me. KJV: bring him hither to me. INT: to me him here ``` ``` father (n.) Old English fæder "he who begets a child, nearest male ancestor;" also "any lineal male ancestor; the Supreme Being," and by late Old English, "one who exercises parental care over another," from Proto-Germanic *fader (source also of Old Saxon fadar, Old Frisian feder, Dutch vader, Old Norse faðir, Old High German fatar, German vater; in Gothic usually expressed by atta), from PIE *pəter- "father" (source also of Sanskrit pitar-, Greek pater, Latin pater, Old Persian pita, Old Irish athir "father"), presumably from baby-speak sound "pa." The ending formerly was regarded as an agent-noun affix. My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky: So was it when my life began; So is it now I am a man; So be it when I shall grow old, Or let me die! The Child is father of the Man; I could wish my days to be Bound each to each by natural piety. [Wordsworth, 1802] The classic example of Grimm's Law, where PIE "p-" becomes Germanic "f-." Spelling with -th- (15c.) reflects widespread phonetic shift in Middle English that turned -der to -ther in many words, perhaps reinforced in this case by Old Norse forms; spelling caught up to pronunciation in 1500s (compare mother (n.), weather (n.), hither, gather). As a title of various Church dignitaries from c. 1300; meaning "creator, inventor, author" is from mid-14c.; that of "anything that gives rise to something else" is from late 14c. As a respectful title for an older man, recorded from 1550s. Father-figure is from 1954. Fathers "leading men, elders" is from 1580s. ```
ALWAYS - AT ALL TIME - EVER πᾶς + τότε + ὅτε + ὅς, ἥ, ὅ + τέ ``` πάντοτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pantote Phonetic Spelling: (pan'-tot-eh) Definition: at all times Usage: always, at all times, ever. ``` from pas and tote ``` πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of. HELPS Word-studies 3956 pás – each, every; each "part(s) of a totality" (L & N, 1, 59.24). ``` 3956 /pás ("each, every") means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time." 365 (ananeóō) then focuses on the part(s) making up the whole – viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts. [When 3956 (pás) modifies a word with the definite article it has "extensive-intensive" force – and is straightforward intensive when the Greek definite article is lacking.] ``` τότε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: tote Phonetic Spelling: (tot'-eh) Definition: then, at that time Usage: then, at that time. ``` from the neut. of ho, and hote ``` ho, hé, to: the Original Word: ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` Word Origin from hos, and te te: and (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that.
AT THAT TIME From δή (emphasis) + πόσος (how much) + τέ (both, and) δή — indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) ποτέ — once, ever, at one time or other, at some time, formerly. ἤδη — already; now at length, now after all this waiting. πόσος — how much, how great, how many. τέ — and/both (denotes addition or connection) ——————————————————————————- δήποτε at the time Prtcl ``` δήποτε Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dépote Phonetic Spelling: (day'-pot-eh) Definition: sometime Usage: even at that time, whenever. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from dé and pote ``` dé: indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) Original Word: δή Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dé Phonetic Spelling: (day) Definition: indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) Usage: (a) in a clause expressing demand: so, then, (b) indeed, (c) truly. HELPS Word-studies 1211 dḗ(an adverb) – really, with veracity ("in truth"). Unfortunately, 1211 (dḗ) is often not even translated even though it dramatically "gives precision and emphasis to a command – implying that it is for a special purpose, and to be obeyed at the time" (WS, 252). 1211 /dḗ ("certainly") strongly affirms what at last has "become clear and now may be assumed as true" (R, 1149), i.e. has passed through the needed process and can be fully relied upon. Thus 1211 (dḗ) conveys what is "surely the case . . . ". ``` édé: already Original Word: ἤδη Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: édé Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-day) Definition: already Usage: already; now at length, now after all this waiting. HELPS Word-studies 2235 ḗdē (a temporal adverb) – already now, even now, referring to what is not yet strictly present but already (now) impacts the present (= "already now"). ``` [2235 (ḗdē) is "a point of time preceding another point of time and implying completion – 'already'" (L & N, 1, 67.20). It often factors in something strictly future, but can include anything that is not strictly present.] ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin enclitic particle from the same as posos and te ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` te: and (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
IF From εἰ + (if) + ὰν (conditionally, hypothetically, possibly) εἰ — forasmuch as, if, that. εἰ particle; if, whether (a conditional particle introducing circumstances necessary for a given proposition to be true) ἄν — supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty. ἄν — indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes. ἄν An untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. ————————————————————— ἐὰν* if Conj ``` ἐάν Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ean Phonetic Spelling: (eh-an') Definition: if Usage: if. HELPS Word-studies 1437 eán (a conjunction, derived from 1487 /ei, "if" and 302 /án, a particle showing a statement is conditional) – if, referring to a condition extending to its "spin-off" possibilities – i.e. that happen if the condition is actualized or is valid. ``` From εἰ + ``` εἰ Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ei Phonetic Spelling: (i) Definition: forasmuch as, if, that Usage: if. HELPS Word-studies 1487 ei (a conditional conjunction) – if. 1487 /ei (followed by any verb) expresses "a condition, thought of as real, or to denote assumptions" (i.e. viewed as factual. for the sake of argument) (BAGD). Accordingly, 1487 (ei) should not be translated "since," but rather always "if" – since the assumption may only be portrayed as valid (true, factual). ``` ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.] ἄν usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty
FOR γὰρ for Conj gar: for, indeed (a conjunc. used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation) ``` Original Word: γάρ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: gar Phonetic Spelling: (gar) Definition: for, indeed (a conjunction used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation) Usage: for. ``` 1063 gár (a conjunction) – for. While "for" is usually the best translation of 1063 (gár), its sense is shaped by the preceding statement – the "A" statement which precedes the 1063 (gár) statement in the "A-B" unit. γάρ for, indeed (a conjunc. used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation)
JUST AS - JUST INDEED - JUST EXACTLY LIKE FULLY LIKE AND ENCOMPASSING From ὡς (as, like as, even as) + περ (adds force to the preceding word) ``` ὥσπερ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hósper Phonetic Spelling: (hoce'-per) Definition: just as, even as Usage: just as, as, even as. HELPS Word-studies 5618 hṓsper (an emphatic adverb, derived from 4007 /per, "indeed" intensifying 5613 /hōs, "as") – "indeed just as," "just exactly like." ``` ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. περ: whosoever Original Word: περ Transliteration: per Phonetic Spelling: (per) Definition: indeed (adds force to the preceding word) 4007 per (an emphatic particle derived from 4012 /perí, "concerning, all about") – fully concerning; wholly, very, really – literally "all-around" the whole perimeter; (figuratively) to the limit, beyond what is expected (usual).
πᾶς πᾶσα πᾶν
ALL - EVERY - ON ALL SIDES ``` πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of. HELPS Word-studies 3956 pás – each, every; each "part(s) of a totality" (L & N, 1, 59.24). ``` 3956 /pás ("each, every") means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time." 365 (ananeóō) then focuses on the part(s) making up the whole – viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts. [When 3956 (pás) modifies a word with the definite article it has "extensive-intensive" force – and is straightforward intensive when the Greek definite article is lacking.] ``` ἅπαντα ἅπαντες έπασεν μη ου παν πᾶν παντα πάντα παντας πάντας παντες πάντες παντι παντί παντὶ παντος παντός Παντὸς πάντος παντων πάντων πας πάς πᾶς πασα πάσα πᾶσα Πασαι πάσαι Πᾶσαι πασαις πάσαις πασαν πάσαν πάσάν πᾶσαν πᾶσάν πασας πάσας πασάτω παση πάση πάσῃ πασης πάσης πασι πάσι πᾶσι πασιν πάσιν πᾶσιν πάσσαλοι πάσσαλον πάσσαλος πασσάλους πασσάλω πάσσοντος πάσσων παστού παστοφόρια παστοφόριον παστοφορίου παστοφορίω παστοφορίων πασων πασών πασῶν υμάς ```
EVEN AS - JUST AS - ACCORDINGLY καθὼς even as Adv ``` καθώς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: kathos Phonetic Spelling: (kath-oce') Definition: according as, just as Usage: according to the manner in which, in the degree that, just as, as. HELPS Word-studies 2531 kathṓs (an adverb derived from 2596 /katá, "according to" and 5613 /hōs, "as compared to, to the extent of") – properly, "in proportion, to the degree that" (J. Thayer); just as (in direct proportion), corresponding to fully (exactly). ``` according as i. e. in proportion as, in the degree that since, seeing that, agreeably to the fact that as, just as, even as From kata and hos; just (or inasmuch) as, that -- according to, (according, even) as, how, when. From κατά + ὡς ὡς - hós: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Original Word: ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. ``` κατά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: kata Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ah') Definition: down, against, according to Usage: gen: against, down from, throughout, by; acc: over against, among, daily, day-by-day, each day, according to, by way of. HELPS Word-studies 2596 katá (a preposition, governing two grammatical cases) – properly, "down from, i.e. from a higher to a lower plane, with special reference to the terminus (end-point)" (J. Thayer). ``` [2596 (katá) is written 'kat' or 'kath' before a vowel. So too, kata loses the final a before an initial diphthong (cf. BDF § 17; MH 61-62; R 206-208). 2596 /katá ("bring down exactly, complete") is "opposite" to 303 /aná ("bring up to completion").]
AT ANY TIME From πῶς (how) + ποτέ (at one time or other, at some time, formerly) πώποτε at any time Adv ``` πώποτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pópote Phonetic Spelling: (po'-pot-e) Definition: ever yet Usage: at any time, ever. ``` -πω Transliteration: #NAME? Phonetic Spelling: (po) Definition: yet, even ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
HOW - BY WHAT MEANS πῶς how Adv πῶς Part of Speech: Adverb; Adverb, Interrogative Transliteration: pós Phonetic Spelling: (poce) Definition: how? Usage: how, in what manner, by what means. interrog. adverb from the same as posos ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ```
LIFT UP from ἐπί (up) and αἴρω (lower air, chthonic air, worldly spirit) ``` ἐπαίρω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: epairó Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ahee'-ro) Definition: to lift up Usage: I raise, lift up. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from epi and airó ``` ``` ἐπί Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: epi Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ee') Definition: on, upon Usage: on, to, against, on the basis of, at. HELPS Word-studies 1909 epí (a preposition) – properly, on (upon), implying what "fits" given the "apt contact," building on the verbal idea. 1909 /epí ("upon") naturally looks to the response (effect) that goes with the envisioned contact, i.e. its apt result ("spin-offs," effects). The precise nuance of 1909 (epí) is only determined by the context, and by the grammatical case following it – i.e. genitive, dative, or accusative case. ``` ``` αἴρω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: airó Phonetic Spelling: (ah'-ee-ro) Definition: to raise, take up, lift Usage: I raise, lift up, take away, remove. ``` ``` επαίρει επαίρου επαραι επάρας επαρασα επαιρεται επαίρετε επάρατε επαίρεσθε επαιρέτω επαιρόμενα επαιρομενον επαιροντας επαραντες επαρθήναι επαρθήσονται επάρθητε επάρθητι επάρη έπαρον επήρα επήραν επηρέ ἐπῆρεν επήρετο επηρθη επήρθησαν επηρμένοι επηρμένου επηρμένους ``` επαίρει επαίρεσθε επαιρεται επαίρεται ἐπαίρεται επαίρετε επαιρέτω επαιρόμενα επαιρομενον επαιρόμενον ἐπαιρόμενον επαιροντας επαίροντας ἐπαίροντας επαίρου επαραι επάραι ἐπᾶραι επαραντες επάραντες ἐπάραντες επαρας επάρας ἐπάρας επαρασα επάρασά ἐπάρασά επαρατε επάρατε ἐπάρατε επάρη επαρθήναι επαρθήσονται επάρθητε επάρθητι έπαρον επήρα επηραν επήραν ἐπῆραν επηρέ επήρε επήρέ επηρεν επήρεν ἐπῆρεν επήρετο επηρθη επήρθη ἐπήρθη επήρθησαν επηρμένοι επηρμένου επηρμένους
FROM WHERE Πόθεν From where Adv ``` πόθεν Part of Speech: Adverb, Interrogative Transliteration: pothen Phonetic Spelling: (poth'-en) Definition: from where Usage: whence, from what place. ``` whence. From the base of posis with enclitic adverb of origin; from which (as interrogative) or what (as relative) place, state, source or cause -- whence. ποθεν πόθεν ποθούσα ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` ``` πόσις, εως, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: posis Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-is) Definition: a drinking, a drink Usage: drinking, drink, beverage. ``` ``` πίνω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: pinó Phonetic Spelling: (pee'-no) Definition: to drink Usage: I drink, imbibe. ```
LIKEWISE - IN SIMILAR FASHION - THE SAME AS ``` ὁμοίως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: homoiós Phonetic Spelling: (hom-oy'-oce) Definition: likewise, in like manner Usage: in like manner, similarly, in the same way, equally. ``` homoiós: likewise, in like manner ``` ὁμοίως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: homoiós Phonetic Spelling: (hom-oy'-oce) Definition: likewise, in like manner Usage: in like manner, similarly, in the same way, equally. ``` homoios: like, resembling, the same as Original Word: ὅμοιος, οία, οιον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: homoios Phonetic Spelling: (hom'-oy-os) Definition: like, resembling, the same as Usage: like, similar to, resembling, of equal rank. ``` ὁμοῦ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: homou Phonetic Spelling: (hom-oo') Definition: together Usage: together, at the same place and time. ``` adverb from gen. of homos (the same) together. Genitive case of homos (the same; akin to hama) as adverb; at the same place or time -- together. ``` hama: at once Original Word: ἅμα Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hama Phonetic Spelling: (ham'-ah) Definition: at once Usage: at the same time, therewith, along with, together with. ``` at the same time, at once, together together with also, and, together, with. A primary particle; properly, at the "same" time, but freely used as a preposition or adverb denoting close association -- also, and, together, with(-al).
TOGETHER - AT ONCE - AT THE SAME TIME hama: at once ``` Original Word: ἅμα Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hama Phonetic Spelling: (ham'-ah) Definition: at once Usage: at the same time, therewith, along with, together with. ``` at the same time, at once, together together with also, and, together, with. A primary particle; properly, at the "same" time, but freely used as a preposition or adverb denoting close association -- also, and, together, with(-al).
# FILL UP - SATISFY From ἐν (within) + πλεῖστος (most, very great, much) From πολύς, πολλή, πολύ (many) ἐνεπλήσθησαν they were filled V-AIP-3P empiplemi: I fill up, satisfy ``` Original Word: ἐμπίπλημι Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: empiplemi Phonetic Spelling: (em-pip'-lay-mee) Definition: to fill up, by implication to satisfy Usage: I fill up, satisfy. ``` en: in, on, at, by, with ``` Original Word: ἐν Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: en Phonetic Spelling: (en) Definition: in, on, at, by, with Usage: in, on, among. HELPS Word-studies 1722 en (a preposition) – properly, in (inside, within); (figuratively) "in the realm (sphere) of," as in the condition (state) in which something operates from the inside (within). ``` preposition denoting position and by impl. instrumentality. in the interior of some whole; within the limits of some space. with the dative of a person, in the person, nature, soul, thought of anyone: thus ἐν τῷ Θεῷ κέκρυπται ἡ ζωή ὑμῶν, it lies hidden as it were in the bosom of God until it shall come forth to view, Colossians 3:3, cf. Ephesians 3:9; ἐν αὐτῷ, i. e. in the person of Christ, κατοικεῖ πᾶν τό πλήρωμα to dwell in men, Romans 7:17f ὁ Χριστός (the mind, power, life of Christ) when used a. of the person or thing on whom or on which some power is operative ``` πλεῖστος, η, ον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pleistos Phonetic Spelling: (plice'-tos) Definition: most, very great, much Usage: the greatest, the most, very great. HELPS Word-studies 4118 pleístos – the superlative ("-est") form of 4183 /polýs ("great in number") – literally, "greatest in quantity" (number). 4118 /pleístos ("very many," "very much") means very numerous (great in number). ``` Example: Mt 11:20: "very many (4118 /pleístos) powerful acts" – "Literally, 'His very many mighty works' – if elative, as it is usually in the papyri (Moulton, Prolegomena, 79; Robertson, Grammar, 670)" (WP, 1, 90). [The Greek superlative is used here meaning "very many mighty works" (R, WP).] ``` πολύς, πολλή, πολύ Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: polus Phonetic Spelling: (pol-oos') Definition: much, many Usage: much, many; often. HELPS Word-studies 4183 polýs – many (high in number); multitudinous, plenteous, "much"; "great" in amount (extent). ``` 4183 /polýs ("much in number") emphasizes the quantity involved. 4183 (polýs) "signifies 'many, numerous'; . . . with the article it is said of a multitude as being numerous" (Vine, Unger, White, NT, 113,114) – i.e. great in amount. εμπεπλησμενοι — εμπεπλησμένοι ἐμπεπλησμένοι εμπέπλησται εμπίμπλανται εμπίμπλαται ``` εμπιπλαμένη εμπιπλάς εμπίπλασθε εμπιπλάται εμπιπλων εμπιπλών ἐμπιπλῶν εμπιπλώντα ``` ``` εμπλήσαι εμπλήσει εμπλήσεις εμπλήση εμπλήσης εμπλησθείη — εμπλησθείς εμπλησθέντες εμπλησθέντι εμπλησθή εμπλησθήναι εμπλησθής εμπλησθήσεσθε εμπλησθήσεται εμπλησθήση εμπλησθήσονται εμπλησθήτε εμπλήσθητι εμπλησθήτω εμπλησθω εμπλησθώ ἐμπλησθῶ εμπλησθώσι εμπλησθώσιν έμπλησον εμπλήσω εμπλήσωσι ``` ``` ενεπίμπλασαν ενέπλησα ενέπλησαν ενέπλησας ενεπλήσατε ενέπλησε ενεπλησεν ενέπλησεν ἐνέπλησεν ενεπλήσθη ενεπλήσθημεν ενεπλήσθην ενεπλήσθης ενεπλησθησαν ενεπλήσθησαν ἐνεπλήσθησαν ενεπρήθησαν ενέπρησαν ``` εν- ἐν- εμ- ἐμ- - πλή- - πεπλη- - επλή- - έπρη- - πιπλα - πίμπλα- - επίμπλα- - σαι - σει - σεις - ση - σης - σθή - σθής - σθήτε - σθήναι - σθήση - σθημεν - σθήσεσθε - σθήσεται - σθήσονται - σθητι - σθήτω - σθω - σθώσι - σθώσιν - σω - σον - σωσι - σα - σαν - ασαν - σας - σατε - σθείη - σθείς - σθέντι - σθέντες - σα - σαν - σας - σατε - σε - σεν - θησαν - σθη - σθην - σθης - σθησαν - σεσθε - σεται - σται - σμενοι - σμένοι - άς - άται - αμένη - ασθε - ων - ών - ῶν - ώντα -ημι
YET, EVEN NOW - CONTINUE - FURTHER MORE ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. HELPS Word-studies 2089 éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain). ```
MORE THAN - BETTER THAN ``` μᾶλλον Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: mallon Phonetic Spelling: (mal'-lon) Definition: more Usage: more, rather. HELPS Word-studies 3123 mállon – the comparative ("-er") form of malla ("very") meaning "rather, more than," i.e. more than what it is compared to. 3123 /mállon ("more than, better rather") is a comparative adverb so it refers to what is better as compared to what is merely "good." This involves prioritizing or ranking to elevate the better over the good, i.e. the higher priority (the more important) over the less-important. ```
Ὥσπερ ὥσπερ
EVEN AS - JUST EXACTLY LIKE From ὡς (just as) + περ (indeed, intensifier) Ὥσπερ 21 Even as 21 Adv ὥσπερ 26 As 26 Adv ``` ὥσπερ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hósper Phonetic Spelling: (hoce'-per) Definition: just as, even as Usage: just as, as, even as. HELPS Word-studies 5618 hṓsper (an emphatic adverb, derived from 4007 /per, "indeed" intensifying 5613 /hōs, "as") – "indeed just as," "just exactly like." ``` ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. περ Transliteration: per Phonetic Spelling: (per) Definition: indeed (adds force to the preceding word) HELPS Word-studies 4007 per (an emphatic particle derived from 4012 /perí, "concerning, all about") – fully concerning; wholly, very, really – literally "all-around" the whole perimeter; (figuratively) to the limit, beyond what is expected (usual).
THUS IN THIS WAY ``` οὕτως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: houtó and houtós Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-to) Definition: in this way, thus Usage: thus, so, in this manner. HELPS Word-studies 3779 hoútō (an adverb, derived from the demonstrative pronoun, 3778 /hoútos, "this") – like this . . .; in this manner, in this way (fashion), in accordance with this description (i.e. corresponding to what follows); in keeping with; along this line, in the manner spoken. ```
SO THAT ἵνα 23 so that 23 Conj
SO WHEN ὅτε when Adv
AT ALL TIME From δή + ἤδη + ποτέ + πόσος + τέ δήποτε at the time Prtcl ``` δήποτε Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dépote Phonetic Spelling: (day'-pot-eh) Definition: sometime Usage: even at that time, whenever. ``` δή Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dé Phonetic Spelling: (day) Definition: indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) Usage: (a) in a clause expressing demand: so, then, (b) indeed, (c) truly. 1211 dḗ(an adverb) – really, with veracity ("in truth"). Unfortunately, 1211 (dḗ) is often not even translated even though it dramatically "gives precision and emphasis to a command – implying that it is for a special purpose, and to be obeyed at the time" (WS, 252). 1211 /dḗ ("certainly") strongly affirms what at last has "become clear and now may be assumed as true" (R, 1149), i.e. has passed through the needed process and can be fully relied upon. Thus 1211 (dḗ) conveys what is "surely the case . . . ". ————————————————————- ``` ἤδη Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: édé Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-day) Definition: already Usage: already; now at length, now after all this waiting. HELPS Word-studies 2235 ḗdē (a temporal adverb) – already now, even now, referring to what is not yet strictly present but already (now) impacts the present (= "already now"). ``` [2235 (ḗdē) is "a point of time preceding another point of time and implying completion – 'already'" (L & N, 1, 67.20). It often factors in something strictly future, but can include anything that is not strictly present.] —————————————————————— ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. —————————————————————— ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` —————————————————————— τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] ——————————————————————
AT THAT TIME δήποτε at the time Prtcl
WHEN EVER ``` ὅταν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hotan Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an) Definition: whenever Usage: when, whenever. HELPS Word-studies 3752 hótan (from 3753 /hóte, "when" and 302 /án, "whenever a specified condition is fulfilled") – properly, "at the time when the condition is met," i.e. whenever that occurs, "at the time (it happens)" (J. Thayer). ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]
AT ONCE - IMMEDIATELY ``` εὐθέως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eutheós Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-theh'-oce) Definition: at once, directly Usage: immediately, soon, at once. ```
Μετὰ ταῦτα
AFTER THESE THINGS Μετὰ 1 After 1 Prep tauta ταῦτα these things DPro-ANP
ἐὰν μή τι
IF NOT ANYTHING ``` ἐάν Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ean Phonetic Spelling: (eh-an') Definition: if Usage: if. HELPS Word-studies 1437 eán (a conjunction, derived from 1487 /ei, "if" and 302 /án, a particle showing a statement is conditional) – if, referring to a condition extending to its "spin-off" possibilities – i.e. that happen if the condition is actualized or is valid. ``` τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing.
EVEN AS From κατά + ὡς = ὅς, ἥ, ὅ καθὼς even as Adv ``` καθώς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: kathos Phonetic Spelling: (kath-oce') Definition: according as, just as Usage: according to the manner in which, in the degree that, just as, as. HELPS Word-studies 2531 kathṓs (an adverb derived from 2596 /katá, "according to" and 5613 /hōs, "as compared to, to the extent of") – properly, "in proportion, to the degree that" (J. Thayer); just as (in direct proportion), corresponding to fully (exactly). ``` ``` κατά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: kata Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ah') Definition: down, against, according to Usage: gen: against, down from, throughout, by; acc: over against, among, daily, day-by-day, each day, according to, by way of. HELPS Word-studies 2596 katá (a preposition, governing two grammatical cases) – properly, "down from, i.e. from a higher to a lower plane, with special reference to the terminus (end-point)" (J. Thayer). ``` [2596 (katá) is written 'kat' or 'kath' before a vowel. So too, kata loses the final a before an initial diphthong (cf. BDF § 17; MH 61-62; R 206-208). 2596 /katá ("bring down exactly, complete") is "opposite" to 303 /aná ("bring up to completion").] ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` α ἅ ἃ αι αἵ αἳ αις αἷς ας ἃς η ἣ ᾗ ην ἥν ἣν ης ἧς Ο ὁ ὅ ὃ οι οἵ οἳ οις οἷς ον ὃν ος ὅς ὃς όσα ὅσα ὅσοι όστις ου οὗ ουν ους οὓς οφ του τούτων των ω ᾧ ων ὧν ως ΩΣ ὡς ὥς ωσεί ὡσεὶ ``` Englishman's Concordance Matthew 1:16 RelPro-GFS GRK: Μαρίας ἐξ ἧς ἐγεννήθη Ἰησοῦς NAS: of Mary, by whom Jesus KJV: of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, INT: of Mary of whom was born Jesus Matthew 1:23 RelPro-NNS GRK: αὐτοῦ Ἐμμανουήλ ὅ ἐστιν μεθερμηνευόμενον NAS: IMMANUEL, which translated KJV: Emmanuel, which being interpreted INT: of him Immanuel which is translated ``` Matthew 1:25 RelPro-GMS GRK: αὐτὴν ἕως οὗ ἔτεκεν υἱόν INT: her until that she brought forth a son ``` Matthew 2:9 RelPro-AMS GRK: ὁ ἀστὴρ ὃν εἶδον ἐν NAS: and the star, which they had seen KJV: lo, the star, which they saw in INT: the star which they saw in ``` Matthew 2:16 RelPro-AMS GRK: τὸν χρόνον ὃν ἠκρίβωσεν παρὰ NAS: to the time which he had determined KJV: to the time which he had diligently enquired INT: the time which he had ascertained from Matthew 3:11 RelPro-GMS GRK: μου ἐστίν οὗ οὐκ εἰμὶ KJV: mightier than I, whose shoes I am INT: than I is he of whom not I am Matthew 3:12 RelPro-GMS GRK: οὗ τὸ πτύον KJV: Whose fan [is] in INT: Of whom the winnowing fork [is] ``` Matthew 3:17 RelPro-DMS GRK: ἀγαπητός ἐν ᾧ εὐδόκησα NAS: Son, in whom I am well-pleased. KJV: Son, in whom I am well pleased. INT: beloved in whom I am well pleased ``` ``` Matthew 5:19 RelPro-NMS GRK: ὃς ἐὰν οὖν NAS: Whoever then annuls KJV: Whosoever therefore shall break INT: whoever if then ``` Matthew 5:19 RelPro-NMS GRK: τῶν οὐρανῶν ὃς δ' ἂν NAS: of heaven; but whoever keeps KJV: of heaven: but whosoever shall do and INT: of the heavens whoever moreover anyhow ``` Matthew 5:21 RelPro-NMS GRK: Οὐ φονεύσεις ὃς δ' ἂν NAS: MURDER and 'Whoever commits murder KJV: and whosoever shall kill INT: not You will murder whoever moreover anyhow ``` ``` Matthew 5:22 RelPro-NMS GRK: τῇ κρίσει ὃς δ' ἂν NAS: before the court; and whoever says KJV: and whosoever shall say INT: to the judgment whoever moreover anyhow ``` Matthew 5:22 RelPro-NMS GRK: τῷ συνεδρίῳ ὃς δ' ἂν NAS: before the supreme court; and whoever says, KJV: but whosoever shall say, INT: to the Sanhedrin whoever moreover anyhow Matthew 5:31 RelPro-NMS GRK: Ἐρρέθη δέ Ὃς ἂν ἀπολύσῃ NAS: It was said, WHOEVER SENDS HIS WIFE KJV: It hath been said, Whosoever shall put away INT: It was said moreover whoever anyhow shall divorce Matthew 5:32 RelPro-NMS GRK: μοιχευθῆναι καὶ ὃς ἐὰν ἀπολελυμένην NAS: her commit adultery; and whoever marries KJV: and whosoever shall marry INT: to commit adultery and whoever if her who is divorced ``` Matthew 6:8 RelPro-GNP GRK: πατὴρ ὑμῶν ὧν χρείαν ἔχετε NAS: knows what you need KJV: knoweth what things ye have INT: Father of you of what things need you have ``` Matthew 7:2 RelPro-DNS GRK: ἐν ᾧ γὰρ κρίματι KJV: For with what judgment INT: with that which for judgment Matthew 7:2 RelPro-DNS GRK: καὶ ἐν ᾧ μέτρῳ μετρεῖτε KJV: and with what measure ye mete, INT: and with what measure you measure ``` Matthew 7:9 RelPro-AMS GRK: ὑμῶν ἄνθρωπος ὃν αἰτήσει ὁ NAS: is there among you who, when his son KJV: there of you, whom if his INT: you a man who should ask the ``` Matthew 8:4 RelPro-ANS GRK: τὸ δῶρον ὃ προσέταξεν Μωυσῆς KJV: offer the gift that Moses commanded, INT: the gift which commanded Moses Matthew 10:11 RelPro-AFS GRK: εἰς ἣν δ' ἂν NAS: And whatever city or INT: into whatever moreover anyhow ``` Matthew 10:14 RelPro-NMS GRK: καὶ ὃς ἂν μὴ NAS: Whoever does not receive you, nor KJV: And whosoever shall not INT: And whoever anyhow not ``` Matthew 10:26 RelPro-NNS GRK: ἐστιν κεκαλυμμένον ὃ οὐκ ἀποκαλυφθήσεται KJV: nothing covered, that shall not INT: is concealed which not will be revealed Matthew 10:26 RelPro-NNS GRK: καὶ κρυπτὸν ὃ οὐ γνωσθήσεται KJV: and hid, that shall not INT: or hidden which not will be known ``` Matthew 10:27 RelPro-ANS GRK: ὃ λέγω ὑμῖν NAS: What I tell you in the darkness, KJV: What I tell you INT: What I tell you ``` ``` οὗ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hou Phonetic Spelling: (hoo) Definition: where (adv. of place) Usage: where, whither, when, in what place. ``` gen. of hos ὅπου ου οὗ ``` GRK: ἐστάθη ἐπάνω οὗ ἦν τὸ NAS: over [the place] where the Child KJV: over where the young child INT: it stood over where was the Matthew 18:20 Adv GRK: οὗ γάρ εἰσιν NAS: For where two or KJV: For where two or INT: where indeed are ``` ``` Matthew 28:16 Adv GRK: τὸ ὄρος οὗ ἐτάξατο αὐτοῖς NAS: to the mountain which Jesus KJV: a mountain where Jesus INT: the mountain where appointed them ``` ``` Luke 4:16 Adv GRK: εἰς Ναζαρά οὗ ἦν τεθραμμένος NAS: to Nazareth, where He had been KJV: Nazareth, where he had been INT: to Nazareth where he was brought up ``` ``` Luke 24:28 Adv GRK: τὴν κώμην οὗ ἐπορεύοντο καὶ NAS: the village where they were going, KJV: the village, whither they went: INT: the village where they were going and ``` Acts 1:13 Adv GRK: ὑπερῷον ἀνέβησαν οὗ ἦσαν καταμένοντες NAS: up to the upper room where they were staying; KJV: into an upper room, where abode both INT: upper room they went up where were staying ``` Acts 2:2 Adv GRK: τὸν οἶκον οὗ ἦσαν καθήμενοι NAS: house where they were sitting. KJV: all the house where they were sitting. INT: the house where they were sitting ``` Acts 7:29 Adv GRK: γῇ Μαδιάμ οὗ ἐγέννησεν υἱοὺς NAS: OF MIDIAN, where he became the father KJV: the land of Midian, where he begat two INT: [the] land of Midian where he fathered sons ``` Acts 12:12 Adv GRK: ἐπικαλουμένου Μάρκου οὗ ἦσαν ἱκανοὶ NAS: Mark, where many KJV: Mark; where many INT: is called Mark where were many ``` Acts 16:13 Adv GRK: παρὰ ποταμὸν οὗ ἐνομίζομεν προσευχὴν NAS: to a riverside, where we were supposing KJV: by a river side, where prayer was wont INT: by a river where was customary [place of] prayer Acts 20:8 Adv GRK: τῷ ὑπερῴῳ οὗ ἦμεν συνηγμένοι NAS: in the upper room where we were gathered together. KJV: the upper chamber, where they were INT: the upper room where there were assembled ``` Acts 25:10 Adv GRK: Καίσαρός εἰμι οὗ με δεῖ NAS: tribunal, where I ought KJV: Caesar's judgment seat, where I ought INT: of Ceasar I am where me it behoves ``` ``` Acts 28:14 Adv GRK: οὗ εὑρόντες ἀδελφοὺς NAS: There we found [some] brethren, KJV: Where we found brethren, INT: where having found brothersm ``` ΩΣ ὡς ὥς ωσεί ὡσεὶ ``` Englishman's Concordance Matthew 1:24 Adv GRK: ὕπνου ἐποίησεν ὡς προσέταξεν αὐτῷ KJV: sleep did as the angel of the Lord INT: sleep did as had commanded him Matthew 5:48 Adv GRK: ὑμεῖς τέλειοι ὡς ὁ πατὴρ INT: you perfect even as the Father ``` Matthew 6:5 Adv GRK: οὐκ ἔσεσθε ὡς οἱ ὑποκριταί NAS: you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; INT: not you will be as the hyprocrites Matthew 6:10 Adv GRK: θέλημά σου ὡς ἐν οὐρανῷ INT: will of you as in heaven Matthew 6:12 Adv GRK: ὀφειλήματα ἡμῶν ὡς καὶ ἡμεῖς INT: debts of us as also we Matthew 6:16 Adv GRK: μὴ γίνεσθε ὡς οἱ ὑποκριταὶ INT: not be as the hypocrites ``` Matthew 6:29 Adv GRK: αὐτοῦ περιεβάλετο ὡς ἓν τούτων NAS: clothed himself like one KJV: not arrayed like one of these. INT: of him was clothed as one of these ``` Matthew 7:29 Adv GRK: διδάσκων αὐτοὺς ὡς ἐξουσίαν ἔχων KJV: them as [one] having INT: teaching them as authority having Matthew 7:29 Adv GRK: καὶ οὐχ ὡς οἱ γραμματεῖς KJV: and not as the scribes. INT: and not as the scribes Matthew 8:13 Adv GRK: ἑκατοντάρχῃ Ὕπαγε ὡς ἐπίστευσας γενηθήτω KJV: and as thou hast believed, INT: centurion Go as you have believed be it Matthew 10:16 Adv GRK: ἀποστέλλω ὑμᾶς ὡς πρόβατα ἐν KJV: you forth as sheep in INT: send forth you as sheep in Matthew 10:16 Adv GRK: οὖν φρόνιμοι ὡς οἱ ὄφεις KJV: therefore wise as serpents, and INT: therefore wise as the serpents Matthew 10:16 Adv GRK: καὶ ἀκέραιοι ὡς αἱ περιστεραί KJV: and harmless as doves. INT: and innocent as the doves ``` Matthew 10:25 Adv GRK: ἵνα γένηται ὡς ὁ διδάσκαλος NAS: that he become like his teacher, KJV: that he be as his master, INT: that he become as the teacher ``` ``` Matthew 10:25 Adv GRK: ὁ δοῦλος ὡς ὁ κύριος NAS: and the slave like his master. KJV: and the servant as his lord. INT: the servant as the master ``` ``` Matthew 12:13 Adv GRK: ἀπεκατεστάθη ὑγιὴς ὡς ἡ ἄλλη NAS: to normal, like the other. KJV: whole, like as the other. INT: it was restored sound as the other ``` Matthew 13:43 Adv GRK: δίκαιοι ἐκλάμψουσιν ὡς ὁ ἥλιος KJV: shine forth as the sun INT: righeous will shine forth as the sun Matthew 14:5 Adv GRK: ὄχλον ὅτι ὡς προφήτην αὐτὸν KJV: they counted him as a prophet. INT: multitude because as a prophet him Matthew 15:28 Adv GRK: γενηθήτω σοι ὡς θέλεις καὶ KJV: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And INT: be it to you as you desire And ``` Matthew 17:2 Adv GRK: πρόσωπον αὐτοῦ ὡς ὁ ἥλιος NAS: shone like the sun, KJV: face did shine as the sun, and INT: face of him as the sun ``` Matthew 17:2 Adv GRK: ἐγένετο λευκὰ ὡς τὸ φῶς KJV: was white as the light. INT: became white as the light ``` Matthew 17:20 Adv GRK: ἔχητε πίστιν ὡς κόκκον σινάπεως NAS: faith the size of a mustard KJV: faith as a grain INT: you have faith as a seed of mustard ``` ``` Matthew 18:3 Adv GRK: καὶ γένησθε ὡς τὰ παιδία NAS: and become like children, KJV: become as little children, INT: and become as the little children ``` Matthew 18:4 Adv GRK: ταπεινώσει ἑαυτὸν ὡς τὸ παιδίον KJV: himself as this INT: will humble himself as the child ``` Matthew 18:33 Adv GRK: σύνδουλόν σου ὡς κἀγὼ σὲ NAS: on your fellow slave, in the same way that I had mercy KJV: fellowservant, even as I had pity INT: fellow servant of you as also I you ```
“WHEN” - (A CONDITION IS FULFILLED) From ὅταν + ὅτε + (ὅς, ἥ, ὅ) + τέ + ἄν ``` ὅταν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hotan Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an) Definition: whenever Usage: when, whenever. HELPS Word-studies 3752 hótan (from 3753 /hóte, "when" and 302 /án, "whenever a specified condition is fulfilled") – properly, "at the time when the condition is met," i.e. whenever that occurs, "at the time (it happens)" (J. Thayer). ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.] —————————————————————— ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
εἷς καθ’ εἷς
ONE BY ONE ``` εἷς Transliteration: heis kath heis Phonetic Spelling: (hice kath hice) Definition: one by one NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin see heis and kata. ``` ``` κατά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: kata Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ah') Definition: down, against, according to Usage: gen: against, down from, throughout, by; acc: over against, among, daily, day-by-day, each day, according to, by way of. ```
AGREE TO THIS - GIVE YOURSELF WHOLLY TO - BE IT! ``` ἴσθι Transliteration: isthi Phonetic Spelling: (is'-thee) Definition: agree, give thyself wholly to NAS Exhaustive Concordance ``` Word Origin imperative case of: εἰμί agree, give thyself wholly to. Second person imperative present of eimi; be thou -- + agree, be, X give thyself wholly to. ``` εἰμί Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: eimi Phonetic Spelling: (i-mee') Definition: I exist, I am Usage: I am, exist. ```
Ἦν δὲ
IT WAS - NOW ON THE OTHER HAND - BUT Ἦν It was V-IIA-3S δὲ now Conj ``` εἰμί Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: eimi Phonetic Spelling: (i-mee') Definition: I exist, I am Usage: I am, exist. ``` δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and.
TOTAL - SO MANY - ALL - SO GREAT - SO MANY τοσούτους so many DPro-AMP τοῦτο This DPro-ANS τοὺς the Art-AMP that ... this, the one ... the other τοσοῦτος, τοσαύτη, τοσοῦτο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: tosoutos Phonetic Spelling: (tos-oo'-tos) Definition: so great, so much, pl. so many Usage: so great, so large, so long, so many. 5118 tosoútos (from tosos, "so much" and the demonstrative pronoun, 3778 /hoútos, "this, that") – properly, so much in this (that) case. from τόσος (so much) and οὗτος/houtos (he,she,it) οὗτοι these DPro-NMP ———————————————————- A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point to something specific within a sentence. These pronouns can indicate items in space or time, and they can be either singular or plural. When used to represent a thing or things, demonstrative pronouns can be either near or far in distance or time: Near in time or distance: this, these Far in time or distance: that, those Because there are only a few demonstrative pronouns in the English language, there are just three simple rules for using them correctly. Remember them and you will have no difficulty using these surprisingly interesting parts of speech. Demonstrative pronouns always identify nouns, whether those nouns are named specifically or not. For example: “I can’t believe this.” We have no idea what “this” is, but it’s definitely something the writer cannot believe. It exists, even though we don’t know what it is. Demonstrative pronouns are usually used to describe animals, places, or things, however they can be used to describe people when the person is identified, i.e., This sounds like Mary singing. Do not confuse demonstrative adjectives with demonstrative pronouns. The words are identical, but demonstrative adjectives qualify nouns, whereas demonstrative pronouns stand alone. Demonstrative pronouns can be used in place of a noun, so long as the noun being replaced can be understood from the pronoun’s context. Examples This was my mother’s ring. That looks like the car I used to drive. These are nice shoes, but they look uncomfortable. Those look like riper than the apples on my tree. Such was her command over the English language. None of these answers are correct. Neither of the horses can be ridden. ———————————————————- Adverb τόσο • (tóso) so, such, so much Ήταν τόσο μακριά που δεν το είδα. Ítan tóso makriá pou den to eída. It was so far away that I didn't see it. Ήταν ένας τόσο ψηλός με ξανθά μαλλιά. Ítan énas tóso psilós me xanthá malliá. He was a guy about so tall with blond hair. Τόσο μεγάλη βλακεία δεν έχω ακούσει ποτέ μου! Tóso megáli vlakeía den écho akoúsei poté mou! I have never heard of such stupidity! From Ancient Greek τόσον (tóson) neuter form of τόσος (tósos, “so much”). Determiner τόσος • (tósos) so much, so very, so great Synonym of ὅσος (hósos) Pronoun τόσος • (tósos) m demonstrative so, so much, such Determiner τόσος • (tósos) so much, so very, so great Synonym of ὅσος (hósos) ``` οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: houtos, hauté, touto Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-tos) Definition: this Usage: this; he, she, it. ``` ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` τόσο (tóso, “so much”) (adverb) τοσοδά (tosodá, “that small, that tiny”) τοσοδούλης (tosodoúlis, “that small, that tiny”) τοσούλης (tosoúlis, “that small, that tiny”) Adjective ὅσος • (hósos) (relative adjective) often as anaphor to τόσος, or πᾶς, ἅπας as much as, how much (in plural the noun may be in nominative or partitive genitive) (in Attic, of time) (with τις) (with accusative absolute) (with adjectives expressing quantity) (with superlative) (with infinitive) so much as is enough for (for ὅτι τοσοῦτος) (followed by particles) (ὅσος ἄν) how ever great (ὅσος δή) how great, how ever many (ὁσοσοῦν) ever so small (ὅσοσπερ) even so great as, no greater than (ὅσῳ, ὅσῳ περ, often with comparative) by how much (with comparative, when followed by another comparative with τοσούτῳ) the more.., so much the more.. (ἐν ὅσῳ) while from Proto-Indo-European *yoti, adverb from *yós, whence ὅς (hós). ``` Proto-Indo-European Etymology Thematisation of *ís. Pronoun *yós or *Hyós that, who, which (relative) ``` Proto-Indo-European Pronoun *ís or h₁e the (just named, anaphoric). This demonstrative was used instead of a third-person pronoun. LATIN LATIN: tot Determiner tot (indeclinable) so many Adjective tot m (feminine singular tota, masculine plural tots, feminine plural totas) all each, every Pronoun tot everything Adverb tot all; completely Adjective tōtus (feminine tōta, neuter tōtum); first/second-declension adjective (pronominal) whole, all, entire, total, complete, every part all together, all at once Etymology 1 Uncertain. Perhaps related to Oscan 𐌕𐌏𐌖𐌕𐌏 (touto, “community, city-state”), Umbrian 𐌕𐌏𐌕𐌀𐌌 (totam, “tribe”, acc.), from Proto-Italic *toutā (“people; populace, citizenship”) from Proto-Indo-European *tewtéh₂ (“people”). οὗτοι these DPro-NMP
ὧδε ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε
HERE ``` ὧδε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hóde Phonetic Spelling: (ho'-deh) Definition: so, to here, here Usage: here, the things here, what is here, what is going on here, the state of affairs here. ``` Word Origin demonstrative adverb from hode so, in this manner hither, to this place here, in this place Metaphorically, in this thing ὧδε ὁ Χριστός, ἤ ὧδε, here is Christ, or there so A. V., but R. V. here is the Christ, or, Here (cf. ὧδε καί ὧδε, hither and thither ———————————————————- ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: hode, héde, tode Phonetic Spelling: (hod'-eh) Definition: this (referring to what is present) Usage: this here, this, that, he, she, it. from ὁ (ho) and δέ ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` δέ but, and, now moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . .
ὧδε καί ὧδε
ὧδε καί ὧδε, hither and thither
BECAUSE - SINCE THAT ὅτι because Conj ``` ὅτι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hoti Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-ee) Definition: that, because Usage: that, since, because; may introduce direct discourse. ``` ``` ὅστις, ἥτις, ὅτι Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hostis, hétis, ho ti Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-tis) Definition: whoever, anyone who Usage: whosoever, whichsoever, whatsoever. ``` From (ὅς, ἥ, ὅ) + (τις, τι) ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing.
τίς, τί
WHAT - WHO - WHICH - ONE - ANYTHING τί what IPro-ANS τι one IPro-ANS τι anything IPro-NNS ``` τίς, τί Part of Speech: Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: who? which? what? Usage: who, which, what, why. ```
HERE - WHAT IS GOING ON HERE ``` ὧδε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hóde Phonetic Spelling: (ho'-deh) Definition: so, to here, here Usage: here, the things here, what is here, what is going on here, the state of affairs here. ``` ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: hode, héde, tode Phonetic Spelling: (hod'-eh) Definition: this (referring to what is present) Usage: this here, this, that, he, she, it. ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)
ENOUGH - SUFFICIENT From Ancient Greek κἂν πόσος (kàn pósos) From καὶ (and) and ᾰ̓́ν (irrealis modality, potential, conditional) From πόσος • (how much, how many) Adjective κάμποσος • (kámposos) m (feminine κάμποση, neuter κάμποσο) enough, sufficient several from Ancient Greek κἂν πόσος (kàn pósos) Phrase κᾱ̓́ν • (kā́n) crasis of καὶ (kaì) and ᾰ̓́ν (án) crasis of καὶ (kaì) and ᾱ̓́ν (ā́n) ``` Conjunction καί • (kaí) and even, also both ... and ... (when used in the construction καί ... καί ...) ``` Particle ᾰ̓́ν • (án) (modal particle) Expresses potentiality or conditionality (only Epic, with subjunctive in main clauses) in that case and future tense (with optative) Expresses future potentiality: would or could do or be doing (with imperfect indicative) Expresses present or rarely past potentiality: were doing, would be doing (with aorist indicative) Expresses past potentiality (with past indicative) Expresses unreality (with aorist) Past or rarely present unreality: would have done, would do (with imperfect) Present or past unreality: would do, would be doing; would have been doing (with pluperfect) Present or less commonly past unreality: (with past indicative) Expresses iteration or habituality: had done, had been doing; would have done, would have been doing; used to do (with Ionic past iterative) (with subjunctive in subordinate clauses) Expresses generality, and often translatable with present or future tense in English With εἰ (ei), contracted to ἐάν (eán), expresses a general condition that is likely to occur When combined with infinitive or participle in indirect speech, represents a finite verb with ἄν (án) in direct speech Adjective πόσος • (pósos) m (feminine πόση, neuter πόσον); first/second declension interrogative adjective of quantity: how much?, how many?, how big?, how great?, how far?, how long? ``` Pronoun[edit] πόσος • (pósos) m (feminine πόση, neuter πόσο) interrogative how much? (questions of quantity and extent) Πόσο κάνει; Póso kánei? How much? Πόσο γάλα; Póso gála? How much milk? Πόση ώρα είσαι εδώ; Pósi óra eísai edó? How long have you been here? (in the plural) how many? (questions of quantity) Πόσοι θέλετε καφέ; Pósoi thélete kafé? How many want coffee? ```
``` σχετη σχετικός σχετικά σχετίζεται σχετίζεται με σχετικά με υποσχέσεις ```
ABOUT - CONCERNING - RELATED - RELEVANT Noun σχετη (“related”) ``` Adjective σχετικός • (schetikós) m (feminine σχετική, neuter σχετικό) related relative proportional ``` Adjective σχετικά • (schetiká) Nominative plural neuter form of σχετικός (schetikós). Accusative plural neuter form of σχετικός (schetikós). Vocative plural neuter form of σχετικός (schetikós). Adverb σχετικά • (schetiká) relatively (proportionally, in relation to some larger scale thing) Το πλοίο μας ήταν σχετικά μικρό σε σύγκριση με τα αλλά. To ploío mas ítan schetiká mikró se sýgkrisi me ta allá. Our boat was relatively small compared with the others. υποσχέσεις promise under a relation ``` σχετίζεται με (“related to me”) associated with common related be related to common related ``` σχετικά με With με (“me”) About με (“me”) + σας (“your”) about, concerning, regarding (on the subject of) Θα ήθελα να σας μιλήσω σχετικά με τον λογαριασμό σας. Tha íthela na sas milíso schetiká me ton logariasmó sas. I'd like to speak to you regarding your account. Antonyms (relatively): άσχετα (áscheta) Adjective άσχετος • (áschetos) m (feminine άσχετη, neuter άσχετο) irrelevant, unrelated ignorant σχετίζεται relate : passive voice of the verb relate I am logically or causally connected to something, I have a relationship An unknown virus may be linked to the outbreak . ( rarely ) I connect socially or friendly with someone, I have a social or friendly relationship I have an affair or relationship with a person ``` σχετίζεται σχετιζόταν(ε) θα σχετίζεται να σχετίζεται. σχετιζόμαστε σχετιζόμαστε σχετιζόμασταν θα σχετιζόμαστε να σχετιζόμαστε ``` ——————————— Σχετ: ref: ref. no.: 1988-1.1+1.2(1) ``` Σχετ..: section opinion ..: draft opinion ..: reference ..: citation ..: ```
``` νη- νᾱ- νω- ᾰ̓- un- ```
NEGATION PREFIXES ``` νη- νᾱ- νω- ᾰ̓- un- ``` Adjective νηλεής • (nēleḗs) m or f (neuter νηλεές); third declension merciless, pitiless unpitied νη- (nē-, negative prefix) +‎ ἔλεος (éleos, “mercy, pity”) ``` Prefix νη- • (nē-) Alternative form of ἀ- (a-) Related terms νᾱ- (nā-) νω- (nō-) ``` Prefix ᾰ̓- • (a-) The alpha privativum, used to make words that have a sense opposite to the word (or stem) to which the prefix is attached. It is also known as privative a and alpha privative. Prefix νᾱ- • (nā-) Alternative form of ἀ- (a-) Prefix νω- • (nō-) Alternative form of ἀ- (a-) From Proto-Indo-European *n̥- (“not, un-”) ————————————————— οὐδέν
EACH - EVERY ONE ``` ἕκαστος, η, ον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: hekastos Phonetic Spelling: (hek'-as-tos) Definition: each, every Usage: each (of more than two), every one. HELPS Word-studies 1538 hékastos (from hekas, "separate") – each (individual) unit viewed distinctly, i.e. as opposed to "severally" (as a group). ```
TOWARD - MOTION INTO WHICH - PENETRATING INTO εἰς Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: eis Phonetic Spelling: (ice) Definition: to or into (indicating the point reached or entered, of place, time, purpose, result) Usage: into, in, unto, to, upon, towards, for, among. HELPS Word-studies 1519 eis (a preposition) – properly, into (unto) – literally, "motion into which" implying penetration ("unto," "union") to a particular purpose or result.
LIKEWISE - IN THE SAME WAY ὁμοίως likewise Adv ``` ὁμοίως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: homoiós Phonetic Spelling: (hom-oy'-oce) Definition: likewise, in like manner Usage: in like manner, similarly, in the same way, equally. ``` likewise, so. Adverb from homoios; similarly -- likewise, so. see GREEK homoios ὅμοιος, οία, οιον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: homoios Phonetic Spelling: (hom'-oy-os) Definition: like, resembling, the same as Usage: like, similar to, resembling, of equal rank. like, similar From the base of homou; similar (in appearance or character) -- like, + manner. see GREEK homou ``` ὁμοῦ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: homou Phonetic Spelling: (hom-oo') Definition: together Usage: together, at the same place and time. ``` together. Genitive case of homos (the same; akin to hama) as adverb; at the same place or time -- together. see GREEK hama ``` ἅμα Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hama Phonetic Spelling: (ham'-ah) Definition: at once Usage: at the same time, therewith, along with, together with. ``` also, and, together, with. A primary particle; properly, at the "same" time, but freely used as a preposition or adverb denoting close association -- also, and, together, with(-al).m
AS MUCH AS ὅσον as much as RelPro-ANS ``` ὅσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Pronoun Transliteration: hosos Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-os) Definition: how much, how many Usage: how much, how great, how many, as great as, as much. ``` from hos ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ```
Ὡς | ὡς
AS LONG AS - WHEN - EVEN AS - SINCE - ABOUT AS ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin adverb from hos, Definition as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as as, that about, how Probably adverb of comparative from hos; which how, i.e. In that manner (very variously used, as follows) -- about, after (that), (according) as (it had been, it were), as soon (as), even as (like), for, how (greatly), like (as, unto), since, so (that), that, to wit, unto, when(-soever), while, X with all speed. see GREEK hos ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` ὡς about Adv
ποτέ πόσος τέ ὅς, ἥ, ὅ
WHEN - AT ONE TIME - FORMERLY ποτέ enclitic particle from the same as πόσος and τέ at one time or other, at some time, formerly. ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin enclitic particle from the same as posos and te ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin interrog. adjective from a prim. root ``` how great From an absolute pos (who, what) and hos; interrogative pronoun (of amount) how much (large, long or (plural) many) -- how great (long, many), what. see GREEK hos ὅς, ἥ, ὅ who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. τέ "and," "both and," or "and both." te: and (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
ὅτι ὅστις, ἥτις, ὅτι ὅς, ἥ, ὅ τις, τι
SINCE - THAT - BECAUSE ``` ὅτι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hoti Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-ee) Definition: that, because Usage: that, since, because; may introduce direct discourse. ``` conjunction from neut. of hostis, Strong's Concordance hostis, hétis, ho ti: whoever, anyone who ``` Original Word: ὅστις, ἥτις, ὅτι Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hostis, hétis, ho ti Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-tis) Definition: whoever, anyone who Usage: whosoever, whichsoever, whatsoever. ``` from hos, and tis ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that tis: a certain one, someone, anyone Original Word: τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing. τις, τι Generally speaking… Speaking in generalities, and not specifically about an individual. a certain, a certain one; used of persons and things concerning which the writer either cannot or will not speak more particularly;
BUT - ON THE OTHER HAND/SIDE - BUT OPPOSED TO THAT ``` alla: otherwise, on the other hand, but Original Word: ἀλλά Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: alla Phonetic Spelling: (al-lah') Definition: otherwise, on the other hand, but Usage: but, except, however. HELPS Word-studies 235 allá (typically a strong adversative conjunction) – but (but instead), nevertheless, on the contrary. 235 (allá), the neuter plural of 243 /állos ("other"), literally means "otherwise" or "on the other hand" (Abbott-Smith). ``` adversative particle from ἄλλος ``` ἄλλος, η, ον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: allos Phonetic Spelling: (al'-los) Definition: other, another Usage: other, another (of more than two), different. ``` 243 állos (a primitive word) – another of the same kind; another of a similar type.
AT ALL TIME - FOREVER MORE ``` πάντοτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pantote Phonetic Spelling: (pan'-tot-eh) Definition: at all times Usage: always, at all times, ever. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from pas and tote Definition at all times ``` ``` πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of. HELPS Word-studies 3956 pás – each, every; each "part(s) of a totality" (L & N, 1, 59.24). ``` 3956 /pás ("each, every") means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time." 365 (ananeóō) then focuses on the part(s) making up the whole – viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts. [When 3956 (pás) modifies a word with the definite article it has "extensive-intensive" force – and is straightforward intensive when the Greek definite article is lacking.] ``` τότε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: tote Phonetic Spelling: (tot'-eh) Definition: then, at that time Usage: then, at that time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from the neut. of ho, and hote ``` ``` ho, hé, to: the Original Word: ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hos, and te ``` hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. τέ: (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
ἐκβάλλω ἔξω
OUTSIDE - EXCLUDED - PUSH OUT OF THE DOORS ``` ἔξω Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: exó Phonetic Spelling: (ex'-o) Definition: outside, without Usage: without, outside. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from ek ``` ``` Strong's Concordance ek or ex: from, from out of Original Word: ἐκ, ἐξ Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: ek or ex Phonetic Spelling: (ek) Definition: from, from out of Usage: from out, out from among, from, suggesting from the interior outwards. HELPS Word-studies 1537 ek (a preposition, written eks before a vowel) – properly, "out from and to" (the outcome); out from within. 1537 /ek ("out of") is one of the most under-translated (and therefore mis-translated) Greek propositions – often being confined to the meaning "by." 1537 (ek) has a two-layered meaning ("out from and to") which makes it out-come oriented (out of the depths of the source and extending to its impact on the object). ``` ἔξω, absolutely, he who is without, properly, of place; metaphorically, in plural, those who do not belong to the Christian church those who are not of the number of the apostles, αἱ ἔξω πόλεις, foreign, Acts 26:11; ὁ ἔξω ἄνθρωπος, the outer man, i. e. the body ekballo: I throw, cast, put out, banish, bring forth, produce Original Word: ἐκβάλλω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: ekballo Phonetic Spelling: (ek-bal'-lo) Definition: to cast out Usage: I throw (cast, put) out; I banish; I bring forth, produce. to drive out, (cast out): a person with the implication of force overcoming opposing force; to cause a thing to move straight on to its intended goal: to reject with contempt; to cast off or away
μόνο | μόνος
ONLY - NO OTHER - ALL INCLUSIVE - ONE - SINGULAR JUST THIS - NOT THAT Translations of only Adverb μόνο only, solely, simply, mere Adjective μόνος single, only, odd, alone, sole, lone μονάκριβος only Adverb μόνο • (móno) only just
NOW ``` νῦν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: nun Phonetic Spelling: (noon) Definition: now, the present Usage: adv. (a) of time: just now, even now; just at hand, immediately, (b) of logical connection: now then, (c) in commands and appeals: at this instant. HELPS Word-studies 3568 nýn (an adverb) – now, as the logical result of what precedes; now, in light of what has gone before. ```
ἕως πότε
UNTIL WHEN? - UNTIL WHAT TIME? - HOW LONG UNTIL? ``` ἕως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: heós Phonetic Spelling: (heh'-oce) Definition: till, until Usage: (a) conj: until, (b) prep: as far as, up to, as much as, until. ``` ἕως πότε (how long?) πότε when Conj ``` πότε Part of Speech: Particle, Interrogative Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot'-eh) Definition: when? Usage: when, at what time. ``` πότε when From the base of pou and te; interrogative adverb, at what time -- + how long, when. see GREEK pou see GREEK te ``` ποῦ Part of Speech: Adverb, Interrogative Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: where? Usage: where, in what place. ``` interrog. adverb from the same as πόσος ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` how great From an absolute pos (who, what) and hos; interrogative pronoun (of amount) how much (large, long or (plural) many) -- how great (long, many), what. see GREEK hos: ὅς ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` te: τέ (“and”)- (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
HE ALSO From καί + ἐκεῖνος - ἐκεῖ κἀκεῖνος he also DPro-NMS ``` κἀκεῖνος, η, ο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: kakeinos Phonetic Spelling: (kak-i'-nos) Definition: and that one Usage: and he, she, it, and that. ``` ``` καί Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kai Phonetic Spelling: (kahee) Definition: and, even, also Usage: and, even, also, namely. HELPS Word-studies 2532 kaí (the most common NT conjunction, used over 9,000 times) – and (also), very often, moreover, even, indeed (the context determines the exact sense). ``` [After 2532 (kaí), the most common word in the Greek NT is the definite article ("the"). 2532 (kaí) is never adversative, i.e. it never means "however" ("but") – unlike the principal conjunction (waw) in OT Hebrew (G. Archer).] ``` ἐκεῖνος, η, ο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: ekeinos Phonetic Spelling: (ek-i'-nos) Definition: that one (or neut. that thing), often intensified by the article preceding Usage: that, that one there, yonder. ``` ``` ἐκεῖ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: ekei Phonetic Spelling: (ek-i') Definition: there, to there Usage: (a) there, yonder, in that place, (b) thither, there. ``` there, to yonder place. Of uncertain affinity; there; by extension, thither -- there, thither(-ward), (to) yonder (place).
ACCORDING AS - JUST AS - EVEN AS From καθ' + ὡς according as, just as, even as: in the first member of a comparison. according as i. e. in proportion as, in the degree that. since, seeing that, agreeably to the fact that. as, just as, even as From κατά kata and ὡς hos just (or inasmuch) as, that -- according to, (according, even) as, how, when. ``` καθώς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: kathos Phonetic Spelling: (kath-oce') Definition: according as, just as Usage: according to the manner in which, in the degree that, just as, as. HELPS Word-studies 2531 kathṓs (an adverb derived from 2596 /katá, "according to" and 5613 /hōs, "as compared to, to the extent of") – properly, "in proportion, to the degree that" (J. Thayer); just as (in direct proportion), corresponding to fully (exactly). ``` ``` κατά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: kata Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ah') Definition: down, against, according to Usage: gen: against, down from, throughout, by; acc: over against, among, daily, day-by-day, each day, according to, by way of. HELPS Word-studies 2596 katá (a preposition, governing two grammatical cases) – properly, "down from, i.e. from a higher to a lower plane, with special reference to the terminus (end-point)" (J. Thayer). ``` [2596 (katá) is written 'kat' or 'kath' before a vowel. So too, kata loses the final a before an initial diphthong (cf. BDF § 17; MH 61-62; R 206-208). 2596 /katá ("bring down exactly, complete") is "opposite" to 303 /aná ("bring up to completion").] ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that.
OVER THERE - ON THE OTHER SIDE - BEYOND ``` πέραν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: peran Phonetic Spelling: (per'-an) Definition: on the other side Usage: over, on the other side, beyond. ``` beyond, further, over. Apparently accusative case of an obsolete derivative of peiro (to "pierce"); through (as adverb or preposition), i.e. Across -- beyond, farther (other) side, over. with verbs of going it marks direction toward a place (over, beyond)
``` ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε ὁ, ἡ, τό δέ ήδε οδε οδέ όδε οίδε Ταδε Τάδε τηδε τήδε τῇδε τηνδε τήνδε τόδε τόνδε ```
WHAT IS GOING ON “HERE?” WHAT IS THE STATE OF AFFAIRS HERE? ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε ὁ, ἡ, τό δέ ``` ὧδε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hóde Phonetic Spelling: (ho'-deh) Definition: so, to here, here Usage: here, the things here, what is here, what is going on here, the state of affairs here. ``` hither (adv.) Old English hider, from Proto-Germanic *hithra- (source also of Old Norse heðra "here," Gothic hidre "hither"), from PIE *kitro-, suffixed variant form of root *ko-, the stem of demonstrative pronoun meaning "this" (compare here). Spelling change from -d- to -th- is the same evolution seen in father, etc. Relation to here is the same as that of thither to there. whither (adv., conj.) Old English hwider, from Proto-Germanic *hwithre-, from *hwi- "who" (from PIE root *kwo-, stem of relative and interrogative pronouns) + ending as in hither and thither. Compare Gothic hvadre. ὅδε, ἥδε, τόδε Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: hode, héde, tode Phonetic Spelling: (hod'-eh) Definition: this (referring to what is present) Usage: this here, this, that, he, she, it. from ho, and de ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . he, she, such, these, thus. Including the feminine hede (hay'-deh), and the neuter tode (tod'-e) from ho and de; the same, i.e. This or that one (plural these or those); often used as a personal pronoun -- he, she, such, these, thus. see GREEK ho see GREEK de ήδε οδε οδέ όδε οίδε Ταδε Τάδε τηδε τήδε τῇδε τηνδε τήνδε τόδε τόνδε ———————————————————————— ``` Englishman's Concordance Luke 10:39 DPro-DFS GRK: καὶ τῇδε ἦν ἀδελφὴ KJV: And she had a sister INT: And to this she had a sister Acts 21:11 DPro-ANP GRK: χεῖρας εἶπεν Τάδε λέγει τὸ NAS: and said, This is what the Holy KJV: feet, and said, Thus saith the Holy INT: hands said Thus says the ``` ``` James 4:13 DPro-AFS GRK: πορευσόμεθα εἰς τήνδε τὴν πόλιν NAS: we will go to such and such a city, KJV: we will go into such a city, and INT: we may go into such city ``` ``` Revelation 2:1 DPro-ANP GRK: ἐκκλησίας γράψον Τάδε λέγει ὁ NAS: lampstands, says this: KJV: write; These things saith INT: church write These things says he who ``` ``` Revelation 2:8 DPro-ANP GRK: ἐκκλησίας γράψον Τάδε λέγει ὁ NAS: and has come to life, says this: KJV: write; These things saith INT: the church write These things says the ``` ``` Revelation 2:12 DPro-ANP GRK: ἐκκλησίας γράψον Τάδε λέγει ὁ NAS: sword says this: KJV: write; These things saith INT: church write These things says he who ``` ``` Revelation 2:18 DPro-ANP GRK: ἐκκλησίας γράψον Τάδε λέγει ὁ NAS: burnished bronze, says this: KJV: write; These things saith INT: church write These things says the ``` Revelation 3:1 DPro-ANP GRK: ἐκκλησίας γράψον Τάδε λέγει ὁ NAS: stars, says this: I know your deeds, KJV: write; These things saith INT: church write These things says he who ``` Revelation 3:7 DPro-ANP GRK: ἐκκλησίας γράψον Τάδε λέγει ὁ NAS: opens, says this: KJV: write; These things saith INT: church write These things says the ``` ``` Revelation 3:14 DPro-ANP GRK: ἐκκλησίας γράψον Τάδε λέγει ὁ NAS: of God, says this: KJV: write; These things saith INT: church write These things says the ```
περισσός περισσεύω ἐπερίσσευσαν περισσεύσαντα
MORE THAN - WHAT IS IN ABUNDANCE AN EMBARRASSMENT OF RICHES MORE THAN YOU COULD READ OR LEARN IN A LIFETIME over and above, more than is necessary, superadded exceeding some number or measure or rank or need exceeding abundantly, supremely superior, extraordinary, surpassing, uncommon ``` excessive, more abundant From peri (in the sense of beyond); superabundant (in quantity) or superior (in quality); by implication, excessive; adverbially (with ek) violently; neuter (as noun) preeminence -- exceeding abundantly above, more abundantly, advantage, exceedingly, very highly, beyond measure, more, superfluous, vehement(-ly). ``` see GREEK peri see GREEK ek ἐπερίσσευσαν were over and above V-AIA-3P περισσεύσαντα having been over and above V-APA-ANP ``` περισσός, ή, όν Part of Speech: Adjective; Adverb Transliteration: perissos Phonetic Spelling: (per-is-sos') Definition: abundant Usage: more, greater, excessive, abundant, exceedingly, vehemently; noun: preeminence, advantage. HELPS Word-studies Cognate: 4053 perissós (an adjective, derived from 4012 /perí, "all-around, excess") – properly all-around, "more than" ("abundantly"); beyond what is anticipated, exceeding expectation; "more abundant," going past the expected limit ("more than enough . . . "). See 4052 (perisseuō). ``` 4053 /perissós ("all-around, equidistant") in John 10:10 Jn 10:10: "I came in order that they [believers] might continuously have life, even that they may continuously have it all-around (4053 /perissós)." περισσεύω Part of Speech: Verb Transliteration: perisseuó Phonetic Spelling: (per-is-syoo'-o) Definition: to be over and above, to abound Usage: (a) intrans: I exceed the ordinary (the necessary), abound, overflow; am left over, (b) trans: I cause to abound. HELPS Word-studies 4052 perisseúō (from 4012 /perí, "all-around" which indicates abundance or surplus) – properly, exceed, go beyond the expected measure, i.e. above and beyond ("more than . . . "); "what goes further (more), surpasses" (J. Thayer). to abound, overflow, i. e. α. to be abundantly furnished with, to have in abundance, abound in (a thing): absolutely (A. V. to abound), to be in affluence. abound, have an abundance From perissos; to superabound (in quantity or quality), be in excess, be superfluous; also (transitively) to cause to superabound or excel -- (make, more) abound, (have, have more) abundance (be more) abundant, be the better, enough and to spare, exceed, excel, increase, be left, redound, remain (over and above). περισσά περισσάς περισσή περισσοί περισσον περισσόν περισσὸν περισσοτερα περισσοτέρα περισσοτέρᾳ περισσοτεραν περισσοτέραν περισσοτερον περισσότερον περισσότερόν περισσου περισσού περισσοῦ επερισσευον επερίσσευον ἐπερίσσευον επερισσευσαν ἐπερίσσευσαν επερίσσευσε επερισσευσεν επερίσσευσεν ἐπερίσσευσεν περιοσσεύση περισσευει περισσεύει περισσευειν περισσεύειν περισσευετε περισσεύετε περισσευη περισσεύη περισσεύῃ περισσευητε περισσεύητε περισσευθησεται περισσευθήσεται περισσευομεν περισσεύομεν περισσευον περισσεύον περισσεῦον περισσευονται περισσεύονται περισσευοντες περισσεύοντες περισσευοντος περισσεύοντος περισσευουσα περισσεύουσα περισσεύουσιν περισσευσαι περισσεύσαι περισσεῦσαι περισσευσαν περισσεύσαν περισσεῦσαν περισσευσαντα περισσεύσαντα περισσεύσει περισσευση περισσεύση περισσεύσῃ περισσευω περισσεύω περισσεύων
IMMEDIATELY - AT ONCE - STRAIGHT AWAY straightway, immediately, forthwith as soon as, forthwith, immediately Adverb from euthus; directly, i.e. At once or soon -- anon, as soon as, forthwith, immediately, shortly, straightway. see GREEK euthus ``` eutheós: at once, directly Original Word: εὐθέως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eutheós Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-theh'-oce) Definition: at once, directly Usage: immediately, soon, at once. ``` ``` εὐθύς, εῖα, ύ Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: euthus Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-thoos') Definition: straight, straightway Usage: adj: (a) straight of direction, as opposed to crooked, (b) upright; adv: immediately. ``` 2117 euthýs – properly, straight, without unnecessary zig-zags (detours); upright (not crooked, bent); (figuratively) without delay; acting immediately, "straightway," taking a direct path from "God's point A" to "God's point B" which avoids unnecessary delays (deviations). [This root (euthy-) often correlates in the LXX to the OT term, yāsar.]
``` από αφού αφότου επειδή από τότε έκτοτε ```
SINCE Translations of since Preposition από from, of, since Conjunction αφού since, inasmuch, insomuch επειδή because, since, as, whereas, inasmuch, seeing that αφότου since Adverb από τότε since, syne έκτοτε since, thenceforth, thence, thence forward ———————————————————————— Definitions of since Preposition in the intervening period between (the time mentioned) and the time under consideration, typically the present. she hasn't spoken to him since last year Conjunction from a time in the past until the time under consideration, typically the present. I've felt better since I've been here for the reason that; because. delegates were delighted, since better protection of rhino reserves will help protect other rare species Adverb between then and now. she ran away on Friday and we haven't seen her since. the settlement had vanished long since. ———————————————————————————- since (adv.) early 15c., synnes, from sithenes "since," from sithen (plus adverbial genitive -es), from Old English siððan "afterward, from now on, hereafter, further, later, as soon as, after that," originally sið ðan "after that," from sið "after" (see sith) + ðan, weakened form of ðam, dative of ðæt (see that). As a conjunction from late 14c.; as a preposition from 1510s; "from the time when," hence "as a consequence of the fact that." Modern spelling replaced syns, synnes 16c. to indicate voiceless final -s- sound. Since when? often expressing incredulity, is from 1907. syne (adv.) in Burns' poem "Auld Lang Syne" (1788), Scottish form of since (q.v.), without the adverbial genitive inflection, recorded from c. 1300. hence (adv.) "(away) from here," late 13c., hennes, with adverbial genitive -s + Old English heonan "away, hence," from West Germanic *hin- (source also of Old Saxon hinan, Old High German hinnan, German hinnen), from PIE *ki-, variant of root *ko- "this," the stem of the demonstrative pronoun (see here). The modern spelling (mid-15c.) is phonetic, to retain the breathy -s- (compare twice, once, since). Original "away from this place;" of time, "from this moment onward," late 14c.; meaning "from this (fact or circumstance)" first recorded 1580s. Wyclif (1382) uses hennys & þennys for "from here and there, on both sides." sith (adv., conj., prep.) "since" (obsolete), Middle English, reduced from Old English siððan "then, thereupon; continuously, during which; seeing that," from *sið þon "subsequent to that," from sið "after," from Proto-Germanic *sith- "later, after" (source also of Old Saxon sith "after that, since, later," German seit "since," Gothic seiþus "late"), from PIE *se- (2) "long, late" (see soiree).
ως εκ τούτου όθεν εντεύθεν από τώρα
HENCE ως εκ τούτου Translations of hence Adverb όθεν hence, therefore εντεύθεν hence, thence από τώρα already, hence ———————————————————————— Adverb ὅθεν • (hóthen) (relative) whence, from where, from which (relative) wherefore, for which reason From ὅς (hós, “who”) +‎ -θεν (-then, “from”). ———————————————————————- Pronoun ὅς • (hós) m, ἥ f (hḗ), ὅ n (hó) (in Homeric Greek, often demonstrative pronoun) this (relative) who, which, that Determiner ὅς • (hós) m (feminine ἥ, neuter ὅν); first/second declension (third person singular possessive determiner) (with noun) his, her, its (as substantive, sometimes with article) his, hers (in the plural) his or her people, friends, family; his possessions ———————————————————————- Suffix -θεν • (-then) Added to nouns to form adverbs of place from which: from also used, like genitive, with prepositions ``` Α ἄλλοθεν ἁμόθεν ἀμφοτέρωθεν ἄνευθεν ἄνωθεν ἀπάνευθε ἀπόπροθεν αὐτόθεν Ε ἐγγύθεν ἕθεν ἑκάτερθεν ἑκατέρωθεν ἐκεῖθεν ἔκτοσθεν ἔνδοθεν ἔντοσθεν ἑτέρωθεν ἐφύπερθεν ἕωθεν Θ θύραθεν Ι Ἴδηθεν Κ καθύπερθεν κλισίηθεν Ν νειόθεν νέρθεν Ο ὅθεν οἴκοθεν ὄπισθεν οὐρανόθεν Π πανταχόθεν πάντοθεν πάροιθεν ποθεν πόθεν πρόσθεν Τ τηλόθεν Τροίηθεν Υ ὕπερθεν ὑψόθεν ``` ————————————————————————- Definitions of hence Adverb 1 as a consequence; for this reason. a stiff breeze and hence a high windchill Synonyms: in consequence consequently as a consequence for this reason therefore thus so accordingly as a result because of that that being so that being the case on that account ergo 2 in the future (used after a period of time). two years hence they might say something quite different 3 ARCHAIC from here. hence, be gone
HOW MUCH Pronoun *yós or *Hyós that, who, which (relative) Adjective ὅσος • (hósos) (relative adjective) often as anaphor to τόσος, or πᾶς, ἅπας as much as, how much (in plural the noun may be in nominative or partitive genitive) (in Attic, of time) (with τις) (with accusative absolute) (with adjectives expressing quantity) (with superlative) (with infinitive) so much as is enough for (for ὅτι τοσοῦτος) (followed by particles) (ὅσος ἄν) how ever great (ὅσος δή) how great, how ever many (ὁσοσοῦν) ever so small (ὅσοσπερ) even so great as, no greater than (ὅσῳ, ὅσῳ περ, often with comparative) by how much (with comparative, when followed by another comparative with τοσούτῳ) the more.., so much the more.. (ἐν ὅσῳ) while
SUCH - LIKE - COMPARED TO WHAT? RELATIVE TO WHAT? SUCH AS? - WHAT SORT? - Determiner οἷος • (hoîos) (feminine οἵᾱ, neuter οἷον) relative adjective of quality such as; what sort, manner, kind of introducing an exclamation (in an independent clause) what a (great, terrible) ...! (in a subordinate clause) the (great, terrible) sort that containing a comparison, and sometimes an inference in many Homeric expressions the omission of the antecedent clause is to be noticed especially in Attic often stands for ὅτι τοῖος/τοία/τοῖον (hóti toîos/toía/toîon), so that the relative introduces the reason for the preceding statement if it is to be intimated that the reason is self-evident, and the assertion is beyond doubt, then δή (dḗ) is added but if the comparison or inference only denotes a general or doubtful resemblance, then Homer uses οἷός τε (hoîós te) when a comparison involves a definition of time οἷος ὅτε (hoîos hóte) is used many brief Attic expressions are also explained by the omission of the demonstrative pronoun before οἷος (hoîos) never used like the adverb οἷον (hoîon) with a positive adjective οἷος (hoîos) with an infinitive implies fitness or ability in or for a thing but this sense is commonly expressed by οἷος τε (hoîos te) (without infinitive) the relative is in Attic often repeated in the same clause. such (adj.) c. 1200, Old English swylc, swilc "just as, as, in like manner; as if, as though; such a one, he" (pronoun and adjective), from a Proto-Germanic compound *swalikaz "so formed" (source also of Old Saxon sulik, Old Norse slikr, Old Frisian selik, Middle Dutch selc, Dutch zulk, Old High German sulih, German solch, Gothic swaleiks), from swa "so" (see so) + *likan "form," source of Old English gelic "similar" (see like (adj.)). Colloquial suchlike (early 15c.) is pleonastic.
οἷος δή
THE COMPARISON IS BEYOND DOUBT - SELF EVIDENT From ὅς (relative pronoun) +‎ -ιος (adjective) + δή (emphatic particle) if it is to be intimated that the reason is self-evident, and the assertion is beyond doubt, then δή (dḗ) is added but if the comparison or inference only denotes a general or doubtful resemblance, then Homer uses οἷός τε (hoîós te) when a comparison involves a definition of time οἷος ὅτε (hoîos hóte) is used Determiner οἷος • (hoîos) (feminine οἵᾱ, neuter οἷον) relative adjective of quality such as; what sort, manner, kind of introducing an exclamation (in an independent clause) what a (great, terrible) ...! (in a subordinate clause) the (great, terrible) sort that containing a comparison, and sometimes an inference in many Homeric expressions the omission of the antecedent clause is to be noticed especially in Attic often stands for ὅτι τοῖος/τοία/τοῖον (hóti toîos/toía/toîon), so that the relative introduces the reason for the preceding statement if it is to be intimated that the reason is self-evident, and the assertion is beyond doubt, then δή (dḗ) is added but if the comparison or inference only denotes a general or doubtful resemblance, then Homer uses οἷός τε (hoîós te) when a comparison involves a definition of time οἷος ὅτε (hoîos hóte) is used many brief Attic expressions are also explained by the omission of the demonstrative pronoun before οἷος (hoîos) never used like the adverb οἷον (hoîon) with a positive adjective οἷος (hoîos) with an infinitive implies fitness or ability in or for a thing but this sense is commonly expressed by οἷος τε (hoîos te) (without infinitive) the relative is in Attic often repeated in the same clause
οἷός τε
DOUBTFUL COMPARISON - NOT NECESSARILY From οἷός (such as) + τέ (maybe both) οἷός τε if it is to be intimated that the reason is self-evident, and the assertion is beyond doubt, then δή (dḗ) is added but if the comparison or inference only denotes a general or doubtful resemblance, then Homer uses οἷός τε (hoîós te)
οἷος ὅτε
COMPARED TO WHAT TIME? Adverb ὅτε • (hóte) (relative adverb) (of time) when (with indicative, to denote single events) when (with present, of a thing now happening) (rarely with future) (with optative, to denote repeated events or actions in past time) (of future events which are represented as uncertain, in clauses dependent on a verb in optative or subjunctive) (only in Epic and Lyric poets, with subjunctive) (in Homer, to introduce a simile) (with other particles) (causal sense) whereas (absolute) sometimes, now and then From ὅς (hós) and τε (te). Compare τότε (tóte), πότε (póte), ποτέ (poté). Pronoun ὅς • (hós) m, ἥ f (hḗ), ὅ n (hó) (in Homeric Greek, often demonstrative pronoun) this (relative) who, which, that Determiner ὅς • (hós) m (feminine ἥ, neuter ὅν); first/second declension (third person singular possessive determiner) (with noun) his, her, its (as substantive, sometimes with article) his, hers (in the plural) his or her people, friends, family; his possessions. Pronoun ἑός • (heós) (possessive) his/her own
JUST AS - AS LIKE - LIKE FOR INSTANCE Adverbial accusative of οἷος (hoîos, “such”). Adverb οἷον • (hoîon) in poets and Ionic Prose also neuter plural, to add force, like ὡς (hōs) and ὥσπερ (hṓsper): how (in comparisons) as, like, just as as, like for instance like ὡς (hōs), ἅτε (háte), with a particle
SAME AS - EQUAL TO ὁμός (homós, “same”) +‎ -ιος (-ios, adjectival suffix) Cognate with Old English sama (English same) Adjective ὅμοιος • (hómoios) m (feminine ὁμοία, neuter ὅμοιον); first/second declension Like, resembling [+dative = someone, something], similar [+dative = to someone, something] Shared, common, mutual Suited to, appropriate for Equal The same Adjective ὁμός • (homós) m (feminine ὁμή, neuter ὁμόν); first/second declension same, common, joint Verb ὁμοιόω • (homoióō) I make similar, assimilate I compare, liken From ὅμοιος (hómoios, “like, similar”) +‎ -όω (-óō) Suffix -όω • (-óō) Added to a noun or adjective to make a verb with a causative or factitive meaning: to make someone do or be something. Noun ὁμοίωσῐς • (homoíōsis) f (genitive ὁμοιώσεως); third declension likeness, resemblance From ὁμοιόω (homoióō, “to make like, to be like”) +‎ -σῐς (-sis). Suffix -σῐς • (-sis) f (genitive -σεως or -σῐος or -σηος); third declension Added to verb stems to form abstract nouns or nouns of action, result or process. Adverb ὁμοίως • (homoíōs) In like manner. Adverb from ὅμοιος (hómoios, “like, similar”) +‎ -ως (adverb). Suffix -ως • (-ōs) Added to the stem of adjectives or pronouns to form adverbs. Suffix -τος • (-tos) Creates verbal adjectives.
ως καθώς επειδή
AS During the time when When it was (he couldn’t see as it was dark at the time) At that time… (he finished just as the sun set) Similar to… Metaphorically like… (he was a close as a bandage) Analogous to… (he is as capable as an eagle in flight) Like whenever, when once - (as when it was…) May refer to a future time - (as when it will…) —————————————————————— Conjunction ως as ——————————————————————- καθώς as ——————————————————————- Conjunction επειδή because, since, as, whereas, inasmuch, seeing that Conjunction επειδή • (epeidí) for, because From ἐπεί (epeí, “after, since”) + δή (dḗ, “emphatic particle”) (strengthened form of ἐπεί (epeí)) after, since ``` Conjunction ἐπεί • (epeí) (of time) after, after that, since, when (with indicative) (of a definite occurrence in past time, mostly with aorist) ``` (with implied reference to some later time) (with subjunctive, ἄν (án) often being added) (referring to future time) (referring generally to any one of a number of instances, with a present apodosis of repeated action) whenever, when once (with optative, without ἄν (án)) (referring to future time) (more frequently, referring generally to any one of a number of past instances, with a past apodosis of repeated action) (in indirect speech after past tenses, representing a subjunctive in direct speech) (with infinitive, only be assimilation in indirect speech) (with other words) (with τάχιστα (tákhista)) (with various emphatic particles) (causal) since, seeing that (with indicative) (in most of the constructions which are found in independent sentences) (with infinitive in indirect speech) (in various elliptical expressions) (sometimes epexegetic, introducing a narrative) (with other particles) ``` ——————————————————————- Used as an adverb adverb: as used in comparisons to refer to the extent or degree of something. "go as fast as you can" ``` ——————————————————————- Used as a conjunction conjunction: as used to indicate that something happens during the time when something is taking place. "Frank watched him as he ambled through the crowd" used to indicate by comparison the way that something happens or is done. "they can do as they wish" ——————————————————————- Used as a preposition preposition: as used to refer to the function or character that someone or something has. "it came as a shock" during the time of being (the thing specified). "he had often been sick as a child"
ἐπεί | επειδή
AFTER THAT - SINCE THAT From From ἐπί (“on”) + εἰ (“if”) From From ἐπεί (“after, since”) + δή (“emphatic particle”) ``` Conjunction ἐπεί • (epeí) (of time) after, after that, since, when (with indicative) (of a definite occurrence in past time, mostly with aorist) ``` (with implied reference to some later time) (with subjunctive, ἄν (án) often being added) (referring to future time) (referring generally to any one of a number of instances, with a present apodosis of repeated action) whenever, when once (with optative, without ἄν (án)) (referring to future time) (more frequently, referring generally to any one of a number of past instances, with a past apodosis of repeated action) (in indirect speech after past tenses, representing a subjunctive in direct speech) (with infinitive, only be assimilation in indirect speech) (with other words) (with τάχιστα (tákhista)) (with various emphatic particles) (causal) since, seeing that (with indicative) (in most of the constructions which are found in independent sentences) (with infinitive in indirect speech) (in various elliptical expressions) (sometimes epexegetic, introducing a narrative) (with other particles)
ῐ̓́σος ῐ̓́σᾰ
EQUALLY - COMPARATIVELY THE SAME Adjective ῐ̓́σος • (ísos) m (feminine ῐ̓́ση, neuter ῐ̓́σον); first/second declension (of size, strength, or number) equal (to), equivalent (to), the same as [+dative = something, someone] (of appearance) like [+dative = something, someone] (with implied reference point) like, similar (with pronoun) like someone's x repeated to denote relationship between equal persons or things ἴσα πρὸς ἴσα ísa pròs ísa tit for tat (not comparable, mathematics) equal to [+dative = a number]; (in the plural) equal (to each other) (not comparable, geometry, of lines) of equal length; (of shapes) congruent; of equal area just, fair (comparable, politics) equal in rights, based on equality of rights (of persons) impartial neuter plural τὰ ἴσα (tà ísa) as substantive: equal rights, equality (rare) adequate (of land) even, level, flat neuter singular (τὸ) ἴσον ((tò) íson) as substantive: level ground εἰς τὸ ἴσον eis tò íson (on)to level ground ὡς ἰσαίτατα (hōs isaítata): as equally as possible Adjective ῐ̓́σᾰ • (ísa) neuter nominative/accusative/vocative plural of ῐ̓́σος (ísos) ``` ἴσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: isos Phonetic Spelling: (ee'-sos) Definition: equal Usage: equal, equivalent, identical. ``` equality; having the same (similar) level or value; equivalent, equal in substance or quality (J. Thayer). [2470 (ísos) is the root of the English terms, "isometric" and "isosceles" – referring to equivalencies.]
όπως και να έχει
ANYWAY Adverb όπως και να έχει • (ópos kai na échei) anyhow, in any manner, in any way in any case, anyhow Usage notes The forms όπως κι' να έχει (ópos ki' na échei) and όπως και να 'χει (ópos kai na 'chei) are very common. Synonyms[edit] (in any manner): ούτως ή άλλως (oútos í állos) (in any manner): εν πάση περιπτώσει (en pási periptósei) (in any manner): έτσι κι αλλιώς (étsi ki alliós) (in any case): ούτως ή άλλως (oútos í állos) (in any case): εν πάση περιπτώσει (en pási periptósei)
ούτως ή άλλως έτσι κι αλλιώς
ONE WAY OR ANOTHER From Adverb from οὗτος (“this”) +‎ -ως (adverbial ending) From άλλως (other, another) ``` Adverb ούτως ή άλλως • (oútos í állos) (formal) one way or another (somehow, but certainly) Ούτως ή άλλως, θα φτάσουμε εκεί. Oútos í állos, tha ftásoume ekeí. One way or another, we'll get there. ``` Adverb οὕτως • (hoútōs) (demonstrative adverb) in this manner, thus, do even so, just so (with imperative, added emphasis) (the introduction of the apodosis after a protasis) (in a really inferential sense) so, therefore (with an adjective or adverb) so, so much, so excessively (sometimes used like αὔτως (aútōs)) so, merely, simply οὕτω νῦν Ζεὺς θείη (hoútō nûn Zeùs theíē, “so help me God”) οὕτω ποτ' ἦν μῦς καὶ γαλῆ (hoútō pot' ên mûs kaì galê, “once upon a time”) οὕτως ἔχειν (hoútōs ékhein, “so much for”) ὁ οὕτω λεγόμενος (ho hoútō legómenos, “so called”) ``` ———————————————————- έτσι κι αλλιώς Adverb έτσι • (étsi) thus; like this; like that. (colloquial) for no reason or for no money ``` ``` έτσι και (“and thus?” - “if”) έτσι και έτσι (this and this) έτσι κέτσι (“so-so”) είτε έτσι είτε αλλιώς (“one way or another”) έτσι κι αλλιώς (“anyway”) έτσι που λες! (“so you say!”) όχι και έτσι (“enough already!”) - (“No! Not like that!”) έτσι δεν είναι; (“Isn't that right?”) ώστε έτσι; (“is it?”) έτσι το 'πα (“that's how I said it!”) ``` Noun[edit] έτσι • (étsi) (indeclinable) (colloquial) (always with article) indicates a known person
εν πάση περιπτώσει
IN ANY CASE (“in + all + cases”) From preposition ἐν (“in”) + πᾶς (“everyone”) + περίπτωσις (“case, instance”) from the ancient περίπτωσις (períptōsis, “encountering”). From πάση Pronoun πάση • (pási) (archaic, rare) Dative singular feminine form of πας (pas). Pronoun πας • (pas) m (feminine πάσα, neuter παν) (archaic, only in set phrases) every, any κατά πάσα πιθανότητα ― katá pása pithanótita ― in all likelihood πάσης φύσεως ― pásis fýseos ― of every kind ανά πάσα στιγμή ― aná pása stigmí ― at any moment τέλος πάντων ― télos pánton ― anyway εν πάση περιπτώσει ― en pási periptósei ― in any case Synonyms: κάθε (káthe), όποιος (ópoios) (archaic, only in set phrases) whole, all δια παντός ― dia pantós ― forever οι πάντες ― oi pántes ― everyone, everybody τοις πάσι ― tois pási ― (known) to everyone Synonyms: ολόκληρος (olókliros), όλος (ólos) Prepositional phrase εν πάση περιπτώσει • (en pási periptósei) (formal) in any case, at any rate, anyhow, regardless Εν πάση περιπτώσει, αποδείχτηκε ότι ήταν λάθος. En pási periptósei, apodeíchtike óti ítan láthos. In any case, it was proven wrong. Synonym: (less formal) σε κάθε περίπτωση (se káthe períptosi) Noun περίπτωση • (períptosi) f (plural περιπτώσεις) case (an actual event, situation, or fact) Σ’ αυτήν την περίπτωση, όντως έλεγε την αλήθεια. S’ aftín tin períptosi, óntos élege tin alítheia. In this case, he really was telling the truth. Στην καλύτερη περίπτωση, θα χάσεις μόνο είκοσι ευρώ. Stin kalýteri períptosi, tha cháseis móno eíkosi evró. In the best case, you’ll only lose twenty euros. case (a person being treated for illness or a customer being served in a shop etc) Έχω δει διάφορες παρόμοιες περιπτώσεις ως ψυχίατρος. Écho dei diáfores parómoies periptóseis os psychíatros. As a psychiatrist, I’ve seen several similar cases. (colloquial, derogatory) oddball, weirdo (a person who behaves strangely) Αυτή ήταν μοναδική περίπτωση! Aftí ítan monadikí períptosi! She was a genuine oddball! (colloquial) cream of the crop, crème de la crème (an outstanding or excellent case) Πρόκειται για περίπτωση γιατρού και ανθρώπου. Prókeitai gia períptosi giatroú kai anthrópou. As a doctor and a human being, he was the cream of the crop. from περιπίπτω (peripíptō, “to fall”). περίπτωσις Grammatical Case (grammar) This is “the case” Fact of “the matter” ``` Noun πτῶσῐς • (ptôsis) f (genitive πτώσεως); third declension falling, a fall (grammar) case (grammar) inflection arrangement of terms in a syllogism. ``` From πῑ́πτω (pī́ptō, “I fall”) +‎ -σῐς (abstract noun).
ALWAYS πάντοτε , always Adv
HOW MUCH - HOW MANY ``` hosos: how much, how many Original Word: ὅσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Pronoun Transliteration: hosos Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-os) Definition: how much, how many Usage: how much, how great, how many, as great as, as much. ```
AS OFTEN AS - AS MONY TIMES AS ``` ὁσάκις Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hosakis Phonetic Spelling: (hos-ak'-is) Definition: as often as Usage: as often as, as many times as. ```
ἀλλά | ἄλλος
BUT - OTHERWISE - HOWEVER - ON THE OTHER HAND ``` alla: otherwise, on the other hand, but Original Word: ἀλλά Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: alla Phonetic Spelling: (al-lah') Definition: otherwise, on the other hand, but Usage: but, except, however. ``` 235 allá (typically a strong adversative conjunction) – but (but instead), nevertheless, on the contrary. 235 (allá), the neuter plural of 243 /állos ("other"), literally means "otherwise" or "on the other hand" (Abbott-Smith). ``` ἄλλος, η, ον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: allos Phonetic Spelling: (al'-los) Definition: other, another Usage: other, another (of more than two), different. HELPS Word-studies 243 állos (a primitive word) – another of the same kind; another of a similar type. ```
WHEN - AT WHICH TIME ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hos, and te ```
RATHER - AND MORE ``` μᾶλλον Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: mallon Phonetic Spelling: (mal'-lon) Definition: more Usage: more, rather. HELPS Word-studies 3123 mállon – the comparative ("-er") form of malla ("very") meaning "rather, more than," i.e. more than what it is compared to. 3123 /mállon ("more than, better rather") is a comparative adverb so it refers to what is better as compared to what is merely "good." This involves prioritizing or ranking to elevate the better over the good, i.e. the higher priority (the more important) over the less-important. ```
SO THAT - SO THEN ὥστε defines more accurately the magnitude, extent, or quantity. ``` ὥστε Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hóste Phonetic Spelling: (hoce'-teh) Definition: so as to, so then, therefore Usage: so that, therefore, so then, so as to. ``` 5620 hṓste (a conjunction, derived from 5613 /hōs, "as" and 5037 /té, "both-and") – wherefore (with the result that both . . . ), connecting cause to necessary effect which emphasizes the result (the combined, end-accomplishment). The result involved then is the combination of both elements in the correlation, underscoring the inevitable effect of the paired elements. [This common point ("fulcrum") of the correlation is the key link for yielding the result of the cause-and-effect relationship.] it is used also of a designed result, so as to equivalent to in order to, for to so then, therefore, wherefore so that From hos and te; so too, i.e. Thus therefore (in various relations of consecution, as follow) -- (insomuch) as, so that (then), (insomuch) that, therefore, to, wherefore. from hós and te ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
WHENEVER ``` ὅταν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hotan Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an) Definition: whenever Usage: when, whenever. HELPS Word-studies 3752 hótan (from 3753 /hóte, "when" and 302 /án, "whenever a specified condition is fulfilled") – properly, "at the time when the condition is met," i.e. whenever that occurs, "at the time (it happens)" (J. Thayer). ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]
LEST PERHAPS ``` μήπως Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: mé pós Phonetic Spelling: (may'-pos) Definition: lest perhaps, whether perhaps Usage: lest in any way, lest perhaps. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin see mé and pós ``` ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] ``` πώς Transliteration: pós Phonetic Spelling: (poce) Definition: at all HELPS Word-studies 4458= ??? ``` 4458 pōs – properly, how (conveying "indefiniteness of manner," S. Zodhiates, Dict); a particle meaning, "if (somehow)" or "if possibly," when used with the Gk conjunction, ei (J. Thayer) – or meaning "lest by any means" when it is used with the Gk negative, mē. See also 1513 (eí pōs) and 3381 (mḗpōs). [4458 (-pṓs) is an enclitic, and therefore distinguished from the interrogative adverb 4459 /pṓs ("how") that uses a circumflex accent.] ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin interrog. adjective from a prim. root Definition how much? how great? NASB Translation how (1), how great (1), how many (10), how many things (1), how much (13), what (1). ```
WHENEVER ``` ὅταν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hotan Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an) Definition: whenever Usage: when, whenever. HELPS Word-studies 3752 hótan (from 3753 /hóte, "when" and 302 /án, "whenever a specified condition is fulfilled") – properly, "at the time when the condition is met," i.e. whenever that occurs, "at the time (it happens)" (J. Thayer). ``` NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hote and an ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hos, and te ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]
ALL THINGS ἅπαντα . all things Adj-ANP ``` ἅπας, ασα, αν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: hapas Phonetic Spelling: (hap'-as) Definition: all, the whole Usage: all, the whole, altogether. HELPS Word-studies 537 hápas (from 260 /háma, "all together" and 3956 /pás, "each, every") – each and every one (as a comprehensive unit), i.e. "each and every part" making up a complete unit. 537 (hápas) focuses on the individual parts and their totality and thus "sweeps with a wider broom" than 3956 /pás ("each, every"). ``` Example: Ac 11:10: "This happened three times, and everything (537 /hápas) was drawn back up into the sky" (NASU). In this verse, "everything" ("all," 537 /hápas) has two foci: each and every animal; and the entire Levitical food-system. ``` all things, everyone, whole. From a (as a particle of union) and pas; absolutely all or (singular) every one -- all (things), every (one), whole. ``` see GREEK a see GREEK pas ``` πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of. HELPS Word-studies 3956 pás – each, every; each "part(s) of a totality" (L & N, 1, 59.24). ``` 3956 /pás ("each, every") means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time." 365 (ananeóō) then focuses on the part(s) making up the whole – viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts. [When 3956 (pás) modifies a word with the definite article it has "extensive-intensive" force – and is straightforward intensive when the Greek definite article is lacking.] ἄλφα Part of Speech: Indeclinable Letter (Noun) Transliteration: alpha Phonetic Spelling: (al'-fah) Definition: alpha Usage: alpha; the first letter of the Greek alphabet. HELPS Word-studies 1 A – alpha, the first letter of the Greek alphabet. 1/a (alpha) is used as a prefix (called its "privative use") and typically means "no" or "not" (= "un-," "without"). [Greek words, whose first letter (of the root) is alpha, can not take an "alpha-privative" to negate them, so the only way to express their "antithesis" is using a negative particle before them (e.g. mē, ou).] Example: There is no single word for "unforgiveness" in the NT because the first letter is already alpha ("a") – so a negative has to be used separately like, "not forgive" (ou/mē aphiēmi). "Righteousness/judge" (dikē) however does not begin in Greek with the letter "a" so unrighteousness is formed by using the prefix alpha (adikia).
NO ONE ``` οὐδεὶς no one Adj-NMS 3305 [e] mentoi μέντοι however Conj ```
WHAT - WHY Τί What IPro-ANS Τί Why IPro-ANS ``` τίς, τί Part of Speech: Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: who? which? what? why? Usage: who, which, what, why. ```
UP UNTIL ``` ἕως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: heós Phonetic Spelling: (heh'-oce) Definition: till, until Usage: (a) conj: until, (b) prep: as far as, up to, as much as, until. ``` the temporal terminus ad quem, till, until. ἕως, a particle marking a limit. used of a temporal terminus ad quem, until (unto); as long as, while, followed by the indicative in all tenses — in the N. T. only in the present: ἕως ἡμέρα ἐστιν Up Until the day is
NOTHING οὔτε nothing Conj
ὃς δ’ ἂν
WHOSOEVER MAY POSSIBLY ὃς whoever RelPro-NMS δ’ however Conj ἂν Possibly, hypothetically, maybe, potentially Prtcl
AND THAT - HIM ALSO κἀκεῖνος he also DPro-NMS
ὅσα ὅσον
WHATEVER - AS MUCH AS - AS LONG AS ὅσα* whatever RelPro-ANP ὅσα how great RelPro-ANP ὅσον as much as RelPro-ANS ὅσον as long as RelPro-AMS
SINCE - CONSEQUENTLY Conjunction ᾰ̓́ρᾰ • (ára) (“so, then, therefore, consequently”)
APPROXIMATELY - CIRCA - ABOUT - NEARLY ``` Adverb περίπου • (perípou) approximately, about nearly circa ```
ONE (a remote object) ένος which is an indicative pronoun and is used for remote objects
AS MUCH AS ὅσον as much as RelPro-ANS ``` ὅσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Pronoun Transliteration: hosos Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-os) Definition: how much, how many Usage: how much, how great, how many, as great as, as much. ```
NOT YET ``` οὔπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: oupó Phonetic Spelling: (oo'-po) Definition: not yet Usage: not yet. ``` πω Transliteration: #NAME? Phonetic Spelling: (po) Definition: yet, even
NOT EVEN AS YET ``` μηδέπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: médepó Phonetic Spelling: (may-dep'-o) Definition: not yet Usage: not yet. ``` ``` μηδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: méde Phonetic Spelling: (may-deh') Definition: but not, and not Usage: and not, not even, neither…nor. HELPS Word-studies 3366 mēdé (a conjunction, derived from 3361 /mḗ, "subjectively not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover, next") – properly, not even, nor moreover, neither. ``` ``` πω Transliteration: #NAME? Phonetic Spelling: (po) Definition: yet, even NAS Exhaustive Concordance ``` Word Origin enclitic particle used as suffix or prefix, see médepó, mépó, oudepó, oupó, and pópote. ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. HELPS Word-studies 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . .
LEST ANYWHERE - LEST PERHAPS ``` μήπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: mepo Phonetic Spelling: (may'-po) Definition: lest anywhere, lest perhaps Usage: not yet. Thayer's Greek Lexicon STRONGS NT 3380: μήπω ``` μήπω (or μή πω, L Tr in Romans 9:11) (μή and πω) (from Homer down), adverb; 1. not yet: in construction with the accusative and infinitive, Hebrews 9:8; with a ptcp, μήπω γάρ γεννηθέντων, though they were not yet born, Romans 9:11, where compare Fritzsche. 2. lest in any way (?): Acts 27:29 Lachmann ——————————————————————— INDEFINITE ``` πω Transliteration: #NAME? Phonetic Spelling: (po) Definition: yet, even NAS Exhaustive Concordance. ``` yet, even Another form of the base of pos; an enclitic particle of indefiniteness; yet, even; used only in the comparative. ``` πώς Transliteration: pós Phonetic Spelling: (poce) Definition: at all HELPS Word-studies 4458= ??? ``` 4458 pōs – properly, how (conveying "indefiniteness of manner," S. Zodhiates, Dict); a particle meaning, "if (somehow)" or "if possibly," when used with the Gk conjunction, ei (J. Thayer) – or meaning "lest by any means" when it is used with the Gk negative, mē. See also 1513 (eí pōs) and 3381 (mḗpōs). [4458 (-pṓs) is an enclitic, and therefore distinguished from the interrogative adverb 4459 /pṓs ("how") that uses a circumflex accent.]
NEVER BEFORE - AS YET - NOT YET - NOT THEN YET ``` οὐδέπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: oudepó Phonetic Spelling: (oo-dep'-o) Definition: not yet Usage: not yet, never before. ``` πω Definition: yet, even yet, even Another form of the base of pos; an enclitic particle of indefiniteness; yet, even; used only in the comparative.
NOT YET ``` οὔπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: oupó Phonetic Spelling: (oo'-po) Definition: not yet Usage: not yet. ```
EVER YET - AT ANY TIME - WHENEVER ``` πώποτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pópote Phonetic Spelling: (po'-pot-e) Definition: ever yet Usage: at any time, ever. ``` ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
εἰ πώς
AS IF AT ALL TRUE - FOR AS MUCH ``` εἰ Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ei Phonetic Spelling: (i) Definition: forasmuch as, if, that Usage: if. HELPS Word-studies 1487 ei (a conditional conjunction) – if. 1487 /ei (followed by any verb) expresses "a condition, thought of as real, or to denote assumptions" (i.e. viewed as factual. for the sake of argument) (BAGD). Accordingly, 1487 (ei) should not be translated "since," but rather always "if" – since the assumption may only be portrayed as valid (true, factual). ``` a prim. particle; if, whether (a cond. part. introducing circumstances nec. for a given proposition to be true. ``` -πώς Transliteration: pós Phonetic Spelling: (poce) Definition: at all HELPS Word-studies 4458= ??? ``` 4458 pōs – properly, how (conveying "indefiniteness of manner," S. Zodhiates, Dict); a particle meaning, "if (somehow)" or "if possibly," when used with the Gk conjunction, ei (J. Thayer) – or meaning "lest by any means" when it is used with the Gk negative, mē. See also 1513 (eí pōs) and 3381 (mḗpōs). [4458 (-pṓs) is an enclitic, and therefore distinguished from the interrogative adverb 4459 /pṓs ("how") that uses a circumflex accent.] —————————————————————— LEST Lest with the intention of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid the risk of. "he spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturb anyone" (after a clause indicating fear) because of the possibility of something undesirable happening; in case. "she sat up late worrying lest he be held up on the way home" ``` μήπως Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: mé pós Phonetic Spelling: (may'-pos) Definition: lest perhaps, whether perhaps Usage: lest in any way, lest perhaps. ``` ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.]
για να μη
FOR NOT AS MUCH SHOULD BE DESIRABLE - LEST Lest with the intention of preventing (something undesirable); to avoid the risk of. "he spent whole days in his room, headphones on lest he disturb anyone" (after a clause indicating fear) because of the possibility of something undesirable happening; in case. "she sat up late worrying lest he be held up on the way home"
πότε | Do not confuse with (ποτέ) [formerly, sometime ago]
WHEN - AT WHAT TIME ``` πότε Part of Speech: Particle, Interrogative Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot'-eh) Definition: when? Usage: when, at what time. ``` ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin enclitic particle from the same as posos and te
THIS THING HERE - STATE OF AFFAIRS HERE ``` ὧδε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hóde Phonetic Spelling: (ho'-deh) Definition: so, to here, here Usage: here, the things here, what is here, what is going on here, the state of affairs here. ```
διά του οποίου με τι
WHEREBY ``` τίς, τί Part of Speech: Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: who? which? what? Usage: who, which, what, why. ``` an interrog. pronoun related to τις τις: a certain one, someone, anyone Original Word: τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing. Pronoun οποίος • (opoíos) m (feminine οποία, neuter οποίο) relative pronoun who, which, that το βιβλίο το οποίο έχετε διαβάσει to vivlío to opoío échete diavásei the book which you have read τα άτομα τα οποία μισούν τη βία ta átoma ta opoía misoún ti vía people who hate violence (interjection, without article) what, such Οποία έκπληξη! Opoía ékplixi! What a surprise! (compare with) όποιος (ópoios, “whoever, whichever”) ``` Determiner όποιος • (ópoios) m (feminine όποια, neuter όποιο) whoever, whichever, whatever χρωμάτισε με όποιο χρώμα θέλεις chromátise me ópoio chróma théleis painted in whichever colour you wish ``` Pronoun όποιος • (ópoios) m (feminine όποια, neuter όποιο) relative pronoun whoever, whichever, whatever, any όποιος θέλει, μπορεί να διαβάσει το βιβλίο ópoios thélei, boreí na diavásei to vivlío whoever wants to may read the book
WHEREFORE - BECAUSE ``` διατί Transliteration: diati Phonetic Spelling: (dee-at-ee') Definition: wherefore, why NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin another reading for dia and tis, q.v. ``` From dia and tis; through what cause ?, i.e. Why? -- wherefore, why. see GREEK dia see GREEK tis ``` τίς, τί Part of Speech: Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: who? which? what? Usage: who, which, what, why. ``` an interrog. pronoun related to τις τις: a certain one, someone, anyone Original Word: τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing.
WHOSOEVER - WHATSOEVER ὁποῖος (hopoîos, “of what kind”) + δήποτε (dḗpote, “soever”) Pronoun οποιοσδήποτε • (opoiosdípote) m indefinite or universal pronoun whoever, whatever whosoever, whatsoever (dated) From Koine Greek ὁποιοσδήποτε (hopoiosdḗpote, “whoever”), in turn from the pronoun ὁποῖος (hopoîos, “of what kind”) and the particle δήποτε (dḗpote, “soever”). ``` ὁποῖος, οία, οῖον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: hopoios Phonetic Spelling: (hop-oy'-os) Definition: of what sort Usage: of what kind or manner, of what sort. ``` from hos, and poios ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` ``` ποῖος, α, ον Part of Speech: Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: poios Phonetic Spelling: (poy'-os) Definition: of what sort? Usage: of what sort. ``` from the same as posos ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ```
SOEVER - WHENEVER Suffix -δήποτε • (-dípote) Forms indefinite pronouns; -ever, -soever, any- ``` δήποτε Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dépote Phonetic Spelling: (day'-pot-eh) Definition: sometime Usage: even at that time, whenever. ``` δή Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dé Phonetic Spelling: (day) Definition: indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) Usage: (a) in a clause expressing demand: so, then, (b) indeed, (c) truly. ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly.
CONSEQUENTLY Conjunction οπότε • (opóte) so therefore, consequently Adverb ὁπότε • (hopóte) (relative) when (mostly in reference to the past) From ὅς (hós, “who, which”) + πότε (póte, “when”).
IF YES, THEN AT WHAT TIME? - WHEN WILL IT BE POSSIBLE? Conjunction ὁπότᾰν • (hopótan) See ὁπότε (hopóte) and ᾰ̓́ν (án). Adverb ὁπότε • (hopóte) (relative) when (mostly in reference to the past) From ὅς (hós, “who, which”) + πότε (póte, “when”). Univerbation of ὁπότ’ ᾰ̓́ν (hopót’ án). Particle ᾰ̓́ν • (án) (modal particle) Expresses potentiality or conditionality (only Epic, with subjunctive in main clauses) in that case and future tense (with optative) Expresses future potentiality: would or could do or be doing (with imperfect indicative) Expresses present or rarely past potentiality: were doing, would be doing (with aorist indicative) Expresses past potentiality (with past indicative) Expresses unreality (with aorist) Past or rarely present unreality: would have done, would do (with imperfect) Present or past unreality: would do, would be doing; would have been doing (with pluperfect) Present or less commonly past unreality: (with past indicative) Expresses iteration or habituality: had done, had been doing; would have done, would have been doing; used to do (with Ionic past iterative) (with subjunctive in subordinate clauses) Expresses generality, and often translatable with present or future tense in English With εἰ (ei), contracted to ἐάν (eán), expresses a general condition that is likely to occur When combined with infinitive or participle in indirect speech, represents a finite verb with ἄν (án) in direct speech Conjunction ὅτᾰν • (hótan) (with a conditional force, about events likely to recur) whenever, when Univerbation of ὅτ’ (hót’, “when”) + ἄν (conditional modal particle) Adverb πότε • (póte) (interrogative adverb) when? at what time? ``` Conjunction τε • (te) and, also or untranslatable (after each item in a list) and (combined with καί (kaí), untranslatable) ```
WHEN IF POSSIBLE Conjunction ὅτᾰν • (hótan) (with a conditional force, about events likely to recur) whenever, when Univerbation of ὅτ’ (hót’, “when”) + ἄν (conditional modal particle)
οἷός τ’ εἰμί οἷος τε
ARE YOU ABLE? (Lit: able and are you?) οἷός τ’ εἰμί (hoîós t’ eimí, “be able”) οἷος τε Expresses a fitness or ability to do a thing. Conjunction τε • (te) and, also τε is usually considered to denote a weaker connection than καί (“and”). As an enclitic, it is placed after the word that it connects, or after the first word of a phrase that it connects: Determiner οἷος • (hoîos) (feminine οἵᾱ, neuter οἷον) relative adjective of quality such as; what sort, manner, kind of introducing an exclamation (in an independent clause) what a (great, terrible) ...! (in a subordinate clause) the (great, terrible) sort that containing a comparison, and sometimes an inference in many Homeric expressions the omission of the antecedent clause is to be noticed especially in Attic often stands for ὅτι τοῖος/τοία/τοῖον (hóti toîos/toía/toîon), so that the relative introduces the reason for the preceding statement if it is to be intimated that the reason is self-evident, and the assertion is beyond doubt, then δή (dḗ) is added but if the comparison or inference only denotes a general or doubtful resemblance, then Homer uses οἷός τε (hoîós te) when a comparison involves a definition of time οἷος ὅτε (hoîos hóte) is used many brief Attic expressions are also explained by the omission of the demonstrative pronoun before οἷος (hoîos) never used like the adverb οἷον (hoîon) with a positive adjective οἷος (hoîos) with an infinitive implies fitness or ability in or for a thing but this sense is commonly expressed by οἷος τε (hoîos te) (without infinitive) the relative is in Attic often repeated in the same clause
MOREOVER moreover ( opposite link ) Moreover , besides this άλλος • (állos) m (feminine άλλη, neuter άλλο) indefinite, contrastive other Τρώω τα μήλα, τα άλλα φρούτα δεν τα τρώω. Tróo ta míla, ta álla froúta den ta tróo. I eat apples, I don't like other fruit. else Θέλετε κάτι άλλο; Thélete káti állo? Do you want anything else? someone else Όχι, αυτός που ήρθε ήταν άλλος. Óchi, aftós pou írthe ítan állos. No, the one who came was someone else. more άλλη μια φορά ― álli mia forá ― one more time, another time τιποτ’ άλλο; ― tipot’ állo? ― any more? next ο άλλος κόσμος ― o állos kósmos ― the next world την άλλη Παρασκευή ― tin álli Paraskeví ― next Friday (without article) dissimilar, different άλλος κόσμος ― állos kósmos ― a different world άλλος κόσμος m (állos kósmos, “the next world”) κ.ά. (k.á., “et al.”) και άλλα pl (n, “and others”) και άλλοι pl (m-f, “and others”) Adjective ἄλλος • (állos) m (feminine ἄλλη, neuter ἄλλο); first/second declension other, another, different, else (with article) all others, all besides, the rest (with numerals) yet, still (in lists) as well, besides, too equivalent to ἀλλοῖος (alloîos) of another sort than (with genitive) (in phrases) in combination with τις (tis) any other; anyone else, anything else in the phrase ἄλλος τε καὶ (állos te kaì) especially, most of all in the phrase εἴ τις καὶ ἄλλος (eí tis kaì állos) or εἴ τι καὶ ἄλλο (eí ti kaì állo) if anyone, whoever else; if anything, whatever else —————————————————— FRENCH ``` of others (Redirection from d'ailleurs ) Go to navigationJump in search French (fr) Etymology ailleurs d' < de + ailleurs Adverb [ edit ] of ills (fr) Moreover ``` de (fr) from French ailleurs Elsewhere, by others
SO - THUS Adverb έτσι so, thus Adverb έτσι • (étsi) thus; like this; like that. (colloquial) for no reason or for no money έτσι και (étsi kai, “if”) έτσι και έτσι (étsi kai étsi), έτσι κέτσι (étsi kétsi, “so-so”) είτε έτσι είτε αλλιώς (eíte étsi eíte alliós, “one way or another”) έτσι κι αλλιώς (étsi ki alliós, “anyway”) έτσι που λες! (étsi pou les!, “so you say!”) όχι και έτσι (óchi kai étsi, “enough”) έτσι δεν είναι; (étsi den eínai?, “Isn't that right?”) ώστε έτσι; (óste étsi?, “is it?”) έτσι το 'πα (étsi to 'pa, “that's how I said it!”) —————————————————————— λοιπόν then, so, now ούτω so, sic Conjunction ώστε that, so επομένως so όθεν ergo, so 1. ADVERB [ADV after v] You use so to refer back to something that has just been mentioned. "Do you think that made much of a difference to the family?"—"I think so." If you can't play straight, then say so. 2. ADVERB [ADV cl] You use so when you are saying that something which has just been said about one person or thing is also true of another one. I enjoy Ann's company and so does Martin. They had a wonderful time and so did I. 3. CONJUNCTION You use the structures and just when you want to indicate that two events or situations are similar in some way. As computer systems become even more sophisticated, so too do the methods of those who exploit the technology. Just as John has changed, so has his wife. 4. ADVERB [v-link ADV] If you say that a state of affairs is so, you mean that it is the way it has been described. In those days English dances as well as songs were taught at school, but that seems no longer to be so. It is strange to think that he held strong views on many things, but it must have been so. 5. ADVERB [ADV after v] You can use so with actions and gestures to show a person how to do something, or to indicate the size, height, or length of something. Clasp the chain like so. 6. CONJUNCTION You use so and so that to introduce the result of the situation you have just mentioned. I am not an emotional type and so cannot bring myself to tell him I love him. People are living longer than ever before, so even people who are 65 or 70 have a surprising amount of time left. 7. CONJUNCTION You use so, so that, and so as to introduce the reason for doing the thing that you have just mentioned. Come to my suite so I can tell you all about this wonderful play I saw in Boston. He took her arm and hurried her upstairs so that they wouldn't be overheard. 8. ADVERB [ADV cl] You can use so in conversations to introduce a new topic, or to introduce a question or comment about something that has been said. So how was your day? So you're a runner, huh? So as for your question, Miles, the answer still has to be no. 9. ADVERB [ADV cl] You can use so in conversations to show that you are accepting what someone has just said. "It makes me feel, well, important."—"And so you are." "You can't possibly use this word."—"So I won't." 10. CONVENTION You say 'So?' and 'So what?' to indicate that you think that something that someone has said is unimportant. [informal] "My name's Bruno."—"So?" 11. ADVERB [ADV adj/adv] You can use so in front of adjectives and adverbs to emphasize the quality that they are describing. [emphasis] He was surprised they had married – they had seemed so different. 12. ADVERB You can use so...that and to emphasize the degree of something by mentioning the result or consequence of it. [emphasis] The tears were streaming so fast she could not see. He's not so stupid as to listen to rumors. 13. See also insofar as 14. See and so on 15. See so much/so many 16. See not so much 17. See or so 18. so much the better 19. so far so good 20. so long 21. so much so 22. every so often 23. so there
LIKE THIS - LIKE THAT - THUS Adverb ούτω • (oúto) (formal, archaic, Katharevousa, mainly in set phrases) Alternative form of ούτως (oútos) (used before a consonant): thus, like this, like that Synonyms (like that, thus): έτσι (étsi)
IN THIS WAY - SO THUS - THEREBY From τοιουτο (of this kind) + τρόπος (mode, manner, style) τοιουτοτροπώς thus in this way, so Pronoun τοιοῦτος • (toioûtos) (feminine τοιαύτη, neuter τοιοῦτο or τοιοῦτον) (demonstrative, medial, of quality) of this sort or kind, such such a proceeding (in prose narrative) what goes before (absolute) such-like (referring to a previously mentioned adjective or adjectives) From τοῖος (toîos, “of this sort”) +‎ οὗτος (hoûtos, “this”). τρόπος • (trópos) m (genitive τρόπου); second declension a turn, way, manner, style a trope or figure of speech a mode in music a mode or mood in logic the time and space on the battlefield when one side's belief turns from victory to defeat, the turning point of the battle
OF THIS SORT Determiner τοῖος • (toîos) m (feminine τοίᾱ, neuter τοῖον) (demonstrative determiner, chiefly poetic) of this sort, such (correlative, τοῖος ... οἷος ...) such ... as ... (referring to something mentioned earlier) (like οἷος (hoîos)) such as to do, able or capable to do (with infinitive) (emphasizing an adjective of same gender and case) just, very, so The base of the Proto-Indo-European demonstrative *tód + the adjective suffix *-yós, equivalent to τό (tó, “this”) +‎ -ιος (-ios, adjective suffix). Pronoun *só this that Determiner τόσος • (tósos) so much, so very, so great Synonym of ὅσος (hósos) ``` Determiner τόσον • (tóson) inflection of τόσος (tósos): masculine accusative singular neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular ``` Pronoun τόσος • (tósos) m demonstrative so, so much, such τόσο (tóso, “so much”) (adverb) τοσοδά (tosodá, “that small, that tiny”) τοσοδούλης (tosodoúlis, “that small, that tiny”) τοσούλης (tosoúlis, “that small, that tiny”) From Ancient Greek τόσον (tóson) neuter form of τόσος (tósos, “so much”). Hyphenation: τό‧σο Adverb τόσο • (tóso) so, such, so much Ήταν τόσο μακριά που δεν το είδα. Ítan tóso makriá pou den to eída. It was so far away that I didn't see it. Ήταν ένας τόσο ψηλός με ξανθά μαλλιά. Ítan énas tóso psilós me xanthá malliá. He was a guy about so tall with blond hair. Τόσο μεγάλη βλακεία δεν έχω ακούσει ποτέ μου! Tóso megáli vlakeía den écho akoúsei poté mou! I have never heard of such stupidity! Pronoun[edit] τόσο • (tóso) Accusative singular masculine form of τόσος (tósos). Nominative, accusative and vocative singular neuter form of τόσος (tósos).
THEREUPON - THEN Adverb τῆμος • (têmos) then, thereupon Synonym: τότε (tóte) ``` Adverb τότε • (tóte) at that time, then (joined with other particles) (with the article) (εἰς τότε) until then (in apodoses, answering to ὅτε) (used in late poets for ὅτε) ``` Adverb τότε • (tóte) then therefore Alternative forms τόκα (tóka) – Doric τόθ’ (tóth’) – apocopic, before a rough breathing τότ’ (tót’) – apocopic, before a smooth breathing Adverb ὅτε • (hóte) (relative adverb) (of time) when (with indicative, to denote single events) when (with present, of a thing now happening) (rarely with future) (with optative, to denote repeated events or actions in past time) (of future events which are represented as uncertain, in clauses dependent on a verb in optative or subjunctive) (only in Epic and Lyric poets, with subjunctive) (in Homer, to introduce a simile) (with other particles) (causal sense) whereas (absolute) sometimes, now and then Adverb ὅτεπερ • (hóteper) even when
EVEN WHEN Adverb ὅτεπερ • (hóteper) even when Particle περ • (per) (most common in Epic and Lyric) Enclitic particle that follows the word it modifies and adds force to it. ``` εἴπερ (eíper) ἔνθαπερ (énthaper) ἐπειδήπερ (epeidḗper) ἐπείπερ (epeíper) ἠέπερ (ēéper) ἤπερ (ḗper) καίπερ (kaíper) ὅθιπερ (hóthiper) ὅσοσπερ (hósosper) ὅσπερ (hósper) ὅτεπερ (hóteper) οὗπερ (hoûper) ὥσπερ (hṓsper) ᾗπερ (hêiper) ```
IF INDEED - IF REALLY - EVEN IF Conjunction εἴπερ • (eíper) if really, if indeed, even if, even though (in Attic, to imply that the supposition agrees with the fact, with the imperfect it implies that it is contrary to the fact) Strengthened form of εἰ (ei, “if”) Particle περ • (per) (most common in Epic and Lyric) Enclitic particle that follows the word it modifies and adds force to it. Particle εἴθε • (eíthe) if only (signifies a wish), would that
ALTHOUGH Conjunction καίπερ • (kaíper) although, albeit Particle περ • (per) (most common in Epic and Lyric) Enclitic particle that follows the word it modifies and adds force to it.
ὅσπερ οὗπερ
WHEREFORE ``` Pronoun ὅσπερ • (hósper) the very man who, the very thing which (used after adjectives of resemblance) (several cases are used absolutely) (ὅπερ) wherefore (ἅπερ) as, like (οὗπερ) (ᾗπερ) which way, where, whither (logic, ὅπερ ἐστί, ὅπερ ἦν, used to denote the essence) ``` Pronoun οὗπερ • (hoûper) masculine/neuter genitive singular of ὅσπερ (hósper) Particle περ • (per) (most common in Epic and Lyric) Enclitic particle that follows the word it modifies and adds force to it.
JUST AS ``` Adverb ὥσπερ • (hṓsper) like, as, even as, just as (to limit or modify an assertion) as it were (rarely of time) so long as, however long as soon as (after a comparative) ``` From ὡς (hōs, “as”) + περ (per, enclitic). Pronoun ᾗπερ • (hêiper) feminine dative singular of ὅσπερ (hósper) Particle περ • (per) (most common in Epic and Lyric) Enclitic particle that follows the word it modifies and adds force to it.
ENCLITICS The following words are enclitics: Oblique (usually singular) forms of the personal pronouns: μοῦ (moû), μοί (moí), μέ (mé), σοῦ (soû), σοί (soí), σέ (sé), οὗ (hoû), οἵ (hoí), ἕ (hé). For other (non-Attic) forms see ἐγώ, σύ, οὗ. The indefinite pronoun τίς (tís), in all cases: τίς (tís), τί (tí), τινός (tinós), τοῦ (toû), τινί (tiní), τῷ (tôi), τινά (tiná), τινέ (tiné), τινοῖν (tinoîn), τινές (tinés), τινῶν (tinôn), τισί (tisí), τινάς (tinás). The indefinite adverbs πού (poú), ποθί (pothí), πῄ (pḗi), ποί (poí), ποθέν (pothén), ποτέ (poté), πώ (pṓ), πώς (pṓs). All disyllabic forms of the present indicative of εἰμί (eimí) and φημί (phēmí): εἰμί (eimí), ἐστί (estí), ἐστόν (estón), ἐσμέν (esmén), ἐστέ (esté), εἰσί (eisí), φημί (phēmí), φησί (phēsí), φατόν (phatón), φαμέν (phamén), φατέ (phaté), φασί (phasí). For dialectal forms see εἰμί, φημί. The particles γέ (gé), τέ (té), τοί (toí), πέρ (pér). Dialectal particles include κέ (ké), θήν (thḗn), ῥά (rhá), νύ (nú) or νύν (nún) (but never νῦν (nûn)).
IF THEN - AND THEN - ACCORDINGLY Adverb εἶτα • (eîta) (of mere sequence) then, next (often stands with the finite verb after a participle, where the participle may be resolved into a finite verb and εἶτα rendered "and then", "and yet", expressing surprise or incongruity) (to denote consequence) and so, so then, therefore, accordingly From εἰ (ei, “if”) and root of τά (who, what). Article τά • (tá) neuter nominative/accusative plural of ὁ (ho) Article ὁ • (ho) m, ἡ f (hē), τό n (tó) (rarely in Epic, often in later Greek) the Pronoun ὁ • (ho) m, ἡ f (hē), τό n (tó) (Epic, demonstrative) that (Epic, third person personal pronoun) he, she, it, they (relative, Epic, Ionic, poetic Attic) who, which, that Usage notes The article undergoes crasis with nouns and adjectives that start with a vowel: τὸ ὄνομα → τοὔνομα "the name" τὰ ἐμά → τᾱ̓μά "my (affairs)" τὸ ἐναντίον → τοὐναντίον "on the contrary" τὸ αὐτό → ταὐτό "the same"
THERE UPON - WHAT FOLLOWS Adverb ἔπειτα • (épeita) (of mere sequence, without any notion of cause) thereupon, thereafter, then (with the article) what follows (like εἶτα, with a finite verb after a participle) (in apodoses, though never at the beginning of the clause, in Homer often strengthened) (after a temporal conjunction) then, thereafter (after a conditional conjunction) then, surely (of sequence in thought, i.e. consequence or inference) then, therefore (to begin a story) (in Attic often to introduce emphatic questions)
κᾷτᾰ καὶ εἶτᾰ
AND THEN Conjunction κᾷτᾰ • (kâita) Contraction of καὶ εἶτᾰ (kaì eîta, “and then”).
EXCEPT - BESIDES εκτός except, out, besides, save, but, beside. Adverb εκτός • (ektós) except out, outside ``` Adverb ἐκτός • (ektós) without, outside, out (absolute) external, strange, vulgar out ``` Preposition ἐκτός • (ektós) (governs the genitive) out of, far from From ἐκ (ek, “out”). Cognate with Old Irish acht (“but, provided that”).
BUT - ON THE OTHER HAND αλλά Originally the neuter accusative plural of ἄλλος (állos) with shifted accent in an adverbial sense, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂élyos. Cognates include Latin alius, Old Irish aile, Old Armenian այլ (ayl), and Old English elles (English else). ``` Conjunction but • ( allá ) but He is smart but lazy. Eínai éxypnos allá tempélis. He is clever but lazy. ```
BUT - ON THE CONTRARY Conjunction μα • ( ma ) but Θέλω να βγω απόψε μα δεν μπορώ. Thélo na vgo apópse ma den boró. I want to go out tonight, but I can't. ``` Particle μα • ( ma ) by But God! - Ma to Theó! - By God! But the truth! - Ma tin alítheia! - Honestly! (literally, “ By the truth! ”) ```
OR THAN ἢ than Conj ``` ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ```
τέτοια ώστε
SUCH THAT τέτοια ώστε such that phrase of such to the extent that. "the linking of sentences such that they constitute a narrative" Conjunction such that Which satisfies (the condition that). (indicating degree) To the extent that; (indicating manner) in a way that entails that. The assault was fierce, such that he passed out and remembers nothing further of the attack. Usage notes[edit] In general, X such that Y specifies or indicates that X is true to such a degree or in such a way as to entail Y.
έτσι ώστε
SO THAT Translations of so that Adverb ώστε so that Conjunction ούτως ώστε so that Conjunction so that Indicates purpose; in order that, with the result that. He must die so that others might live. Indicates purpose; in such a way that, with the intent that. He tied a complex knot so that others would find it hard to undo. Usage notes[edit] “So that” prefaces a subordinate clause to show purpose or to give an explanation. It demonstrates a correlation between an antecedent action and an intended consequent. In a clause 1 “so that” clause2 format, the first clause represents an antecedent proposition and the second clause constitutes a consequence/effect. In a “So that” clause 1 [comma], clause 2 format, the first clause is the intended consequent and the second clause is the antecedent proposition.
IN ORDER From ὡς (hōs, “as”) + τε (te, “and”) Adverb ὥστε • (hṓste) (chiefly Epic, used in similes, similarly to ὡς (hōs)) (to mark the power or virtue by which one does a thing) as Conjunction[edit] ὥστε • (hṓste) (to express the actual or intended result, the effect) (mostly with the infinitive) (after comparatives with ἤ (ḗ), when the possibility of consequence is denied) (used with infinitive, of contingencies which may be more or less improbable) (sometimes) on the condition that (with the indicative, to express the actual result with emphasis) (at the beginning of a sentence, to mark a strong conclusion) therefore, consequently (with the optative, to express a supposed consequence) (with the participle instead of the infinitive, by a sort of attraction, after a participle in the principal clause) Adjective in order (comparative more in order, superlative most in order) In a sequence. Antonym: out of order Place the cards in order by color, then by number. Ready, prepared; orderly; tidy. Some teachers find it hard to keep their classes in order. I wish I could get my desk in order. His material is in order for the presentation. (idiomatic, formal) In accordance with the procedural rules governing formal meetings of a deliberative body. (idiomatic) Appropriate, worthwhile. Now that we have finally finished, I think a celebration is in order. Adverb in order (comparative more in order, superlative most in order) (not comparable, idiomatic, with to) Emphasizes that what follows immediately is the purpose of the preceding or the beyond. She stood in order to see over the crowd. / She stood to see over the crowd. (not comparable, idiomatic, US, with "for") Emphasizes that what follows immediately is the purpose of the preceding or the beyond. She stood in order for her husband to see her. / She stood for her husband to see her. (comparable) In sequence. They sang in order, ending with a basso profundo. Synonyms (in sequence): in order, step by step; see also Thesaurus:sequentially
IN ORDER THAT Conjunction in order that So that; used to indicate purpose I am always trying new recipes, in order that I may become a better cook.
ώστε να
IN ORDER TO Phrase in order to As a means of achieving the specified end; to. She stood in order to see over the crowd. / She stood to see over the crowd. Usage notes[edit] The words "in order" in this context are usually redundant, and can be removed to leave just "to" as an expression of purpose. On the other hand, the full expression is usually required in the negative ("in order not to", but note also the informal "to not") and occasionally to avoid ambiguity.
για να
FOR TO Conjunction for to (obsolete outside dialect or poetic use) Elaboration of to. Expressing purpose: in order to. As a general infinitive marker. (Can we verify(+) this sense?) (dialectal) for; to I got a car, for to drive.
έτσι ώστε
SO AS TO Phrase so as to in order to; to. ``` έτσι Adverb Thus • ( étsi ) thus ; like this; like that. ( colloquial ) for no reason or for no money ``` Thus • ( étsi ) ( indeclinable ) ( colloquial ) ( always with article ) indicates a known person έτσι και (étsi kai, “if”) έτσι και έτσι (étsi kai étsi), έτσι κέτσι (étsi kétsi, “so-so”) είτε έτσι είτε αλλιώς (eíte étsi eíte alliós, “one way or another”) έτσι κι αλλιώς (étsi ki alliós, “anyway”) έτσι που λες! (étsi pou les!, “so you say!”) όχι και έτσι (óchi kai étsi, “enough”) έτσι δεν είναι; (étsi den eínai?, “Isn't that right?”) ώστε έτσι; (óste étsi?, “is it?”) έτσι το 'πα (étsi to 'pa, “that's how I said it!”) ———————————————————————- ὥστε From ὡς (hōs, “as”) + τε (te, “and”) ``` ὥστε Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hóste Phonetic Spelling: (hoce'-teh) Definition: so as to, so then, therefore Usage: so that, therefore, so then, so as to. HELPS Word-studies 5620 hṓste (a conjunction, derived from 5613 /hōs, "as" and 5037 /té, "both-and") – wherefore (with the result that both . . . ), connecting cause to necessary effect which emphasizes the result (the combined, end-accomplishment). The result involved then is the combination of both elements in the correlation, underscoring the inevitable effect of the paired elements. ``` [This common point ("fulcrum") of the correlation is the key link for yielding the result of the cause-and-effect relationship.] Adverb[edit] ὥστε • (hṓste) (chiefly Epic, used in similes, similarly to ὡς (hōs)) (to mark the power or virtue by which one does a thing) as Conjunction[edit] ὥστε • (hṓste) (to express the actual or intended result, the effect) (mostly with the infinitive) (after comparatives with ἤ (ḗ), when the possibility of consequence is denied) (used with infinitive, of contingencies which may be more or less improbable) (sometimes) on the condition that (with the indicative, to express the actual result with emphasis) (at the beginning of a sentence, to mark a strong conclusion) therefore, consequently (with the optative, to express a supposed consequence) (with the participle instead of the infinitive, by a sort of attraction, after a participle in the principal clause)
``` έτσι λοιπόν ούτω επομένως όθεν ```
SO Translations of so Adverb έτσι so, thus λοιπόν then, so, now ούτω so, sic Conjunction ώστε that, so επομένως so όθεν ergo, so —————————————————————- from Ancient Greek λοιπός (loipós, “remaining, the rest”). ``` Conjunction λοιπόν • (loipón) so, therefore, right, well, then (introduces a logical conclusion) Δεν έχουμε λεφτά· λοιπόν, δεν θα πάμε διακοπές φέτος. Den échoume leftá; loipón, den tha páme diakopés fétos. We have no money; so we won't go on holiday this year. so, anyway (changing the subject or introducing a new topic) Λοιπόν, ας περάσουμε στο επόμενο θέμα. Loipón, as perásoume sto epómeno théma. Anyway, let's move on to the next topic. (colloquial) so, then Λοιπόν; Loipón? So what? / Well then? Και λοιπόν; Kai loipón? So what? Άντε λοιπόν! Ánte loipón! Come on then! ``` Adjective λοιπός • (loipós) m (feminine λοιπή, neuter λοιπόν); first/second declension remaining, the rest (neuter, with infinitive) it remains to.. (of time) (neuter) the rest Adjective λοιπός • (loipós) m (feminine λοιπή, neuter λοιπό) remaining, the rest of, other και τα λοιπά ― kai ta loipá ― and the rest, etcetera ο δήμαρχος και οι λοιπές πολιτικές αρχές της περιοχής o dímarchos kai oi loipés politikés archés tis periochís the mayor and the other political authorities in the region και τα λοιπά (kai ta loipá, “etcetera, etc”) και λοιπά πολλά (kai loipá pollá, “and many more”) ``` Verb λείπω • (leípō) I leave, leave behind I leave alone, release (passive) I am left, remain, survive (intransitive) I leave, depart, disappear I desert, fail I lack, fall short, fail ``` Verb ἀπολείπω • (apoleípō) to leave (behind), desert (in passive) to remain ``` Verb ἐκλείπω • (ekleípō) I leave out, pass over I forsake, desert, abandon I leave off, cease I fail, am wanting, am inferior I fail (someone) I die I faint I depart I am left, remain (astronomy) I am eclipsed ``` ``` Verb κᾰτᾰλείπω • (kataleípō) to leave behind to leave as an inheritance (in middle voice) to leave in a certain state to forsake, abandon to leave remaining to leave alone ```
SO THEREFORE - WHAT REMAINS from Ancient Greek λοιπός (loipós, “remaining, the rest”). ``` Conjunction λοιπόν • (loipón) so, therefore, right, well, then (introduces a logical conclusion) Δεν έχουμε λεφτά· λοιπόν, δεν θα πάμε διακοπές φέτος. Den échoume leftá; loipón, den tha páme diakopés fétos. We have no money; so we won't go on holiday this year. so, anyway (changing the subject or introducing a new topic) Λοιπόν, ας περάσουμε στο επόμενο θέμα. Loipón, as perásoume sto epómeno théma. Anyway, let's move on to the next topic. (colloquial) so, then Λοιπόν; Loipón? So what? / Well then? Και λοιπόν; Kai loipón? So what? Άντε λοιπόν! Ánte loipón! Come on then! ``` Adjective λοιπός • (loipós) m (feminine λοιπή, neuter λοιπόν); first/second declension remaining, the rest (neuter, with infinitive) it remains to.. (of time) (neuter) the rest Adjective λοιπός • (loipós) m (feminine λοιπή, neuter λοιπό) remaining, the rest of, other και τα λοιπά ― kai ta loipá ― and the rest, etcetera ο δήμαρχος και οι λοιπές πολιτικές αρχές της περιοχής o dímarchos kai oi loipés politikés archés tis periochís the mayor and the other political authorities in the region και τα λοιπά (kai ta loipá, “etcetera, etc”) και λοιπά πολλά (kai loipá pollá, “and many more”) ``` Verb λείπω • (leípō) I leave, leave behind I leave alone, release (passive) I am left, remain, survive (intransitive) I leave, depart, disappear I desert, fail I lack, fall short, fail ``` Verb ἀπολείπω • (apoleípō) to leave (behind), desert (in passive) to remain ``` Verb ἐκλείπω • (ekleípō) I leave out, pass over I forsake, desert, abandon I leave off, cease I fail, am wanting, am inferior I fail (someone) I die I faint I depart I am left, remain (astronomy) I am eclipsed ``` ``` Verb κᾰτᾰλείπω • (kataleípō) to leave behind to leave as an inheritance (in middle voice) to leave in a certain state to forsake, abandon to leave remaining to leave alone ```
προκειμένου για
IN ORDER FOR Phrase in order for To indicate a possible consequence of an event or action. Usage notes The words "in order" in this context are usually redundant, and can be removed to leave just "for" as an expression of consequence. This is distinct from "in order to" as that phrase implies a design or purpose. προκειμένου να παρέχουμε υποστήριξη in order for us to provide support προκειμένου να έρθουν για επίσκεψη in order for them to come visit
ἤτοι μέντοι οὔτοι καίτοι
EITHER - OR (“either what you say is true, or it’s not”) From ἤ (either, or) +‎ τοι (discourse particle, “what you say is true”) From καί (and) +‎ τοι (“yet”) From μέν (on the one hand) +‎ τοι (“nevertheless, however”) From οὗ (not a fact) +‎ τοι (“certainly, indeed”) Particle τοι • (toi) (discourse particle) (discourse particle, assuring the listener that what the speaker says is true, or implying the listener knows it is true) let me tell you, you see, certainly Pronoun τοι • (toi) (weak personal) they (3rd person masculine plural, nominative) A variant form of σοι (soi, “to you”), dative of σύ (sú, “thou”). ————————————————————- Conjunction ἤτοι • (ḗtoi) either or ``` Conjunction ἤ • (ḗ) or than, as (in a comparative construction) Usage notes[edit] The pair ἤ... ἦ (ḗ... ê) means ‘either... or...’ or ‘whether... or...’. ``` Verb ἦ • (ê) first-person singular imperfect of εἰμί (eimí): I was third-person singular imperfect/aorist of ἠμί (ēmí): (s)he said Conjunction ἦ • (ê) or Conjunction ἦε • (êe) Epic form of ἦ (ê) ``` Conjunction ή • (í) or Θα φύγεις ή θα μείνεις; Tha fýgeis í tha meíneis? Will you stay or will you go? ``` ή either … or Ή θα μείνω ή θα φύγω. Δεν έχω αποφασίσει. Í tha meíno í tha fýgo. Den écho apofasísei. I will either stay or go. I haven't decided yet. Θα βάψω το δωμάτιο ή γαλάζιο ή ροζ. Tha vápso to domátio í galázio í roz. I shall paint the room either blue or pink. from Proto-Indo-European *-wē (“or”) ————————————————————— Particle καίτοι • (kaítoi) (discourse particle) and indeed, and further Used to introduce an objection by the speaker, often in rhetorical questions: and yet Univerbation of καί (kaí) and τοι (toi). —————————————————————— ``` Particle μέντοι • (méntoi) (with a conjunctive force) yet, however, nevertheless of course (as an adverb in strong protestations) (μέντοι γε) (καὶ μέντοι καί) (ἀλλὰ μέντοι) but as a matter of fact, but really ``` From μέν (mén) + τοι (toi). Particle μέν • (mén) (discourse particle) on the one hand, while, whereas (often left untranslated) (before other particles) accordingly, and so οὔτοι (oútoi) τοιγάρτοι (toigártoi) τοίνῡν (toínūn) οὔτοι Indeed not Never indeed Certainly not Determiner οὗτοι • (hoûtoi) masculine nominative plural of οὗτος (hoûtos) Determiner οὗτος • (hoûtos), f αὕτη (haútē), n τοῦτο (toûto) (medial demonstrative determiner and pronoun) this (of place) here in contrast with ὅδε (hóde): the preceding in contrast with ἐκεῖνος (ekeînos): the latter of someone or something famous or infamous ``` οὗτοι (houtoi) — 75 Occurrences Matthew 4:3 DPro-NMP GRK: οἱ λίθοι οὗτοι ἄρτοι γένωνται NAS: command that these stones KJV: command that these stones be made INT: the stones these loaves of bread might become ``` ``` Matthew 13:38 DPro-NMP GRK: καλὸν σπέρμα οὗτοί εἰσιν οἱ NAS: seed, these are the sons KJV: seed are the children INT: [the] good seed these are the ``` ``` Matthew 20:12 DPro-NMP GRK: λέγοντες Οὗτοι οἱ ἔσχατοι NAS: saying, 'These last men have worked KJV: Saying, These last have wrought INT: saying These the last ``` ``` Matthew 20:21 DPro-NMP GRK: ἵνα καθίσωσιν οὗτοι οἱ δύο NAS: that in Your kingdom these two KJV: Grant that these my two INT: that might sit these two ``` ``` Matthew 21:16 DPro-NMP GRK: Ἀκούεις τί οὗτοι λέγουσιν ὁ NAS: what these [children] are saying? KJV: Hearest thou what these say? And INT: Hear you what these say ``` ``` Matthew 25:46 DPro-NMP GRK: καὶ ἀπελεύσονται οὗτοι εἰς κόλασιν NAS: These will go away into eternal KJV: And these shall go away into INT: And will go away these into punishment ``` Matthew 26:62 DPro-NMP GRK: ἀποκρίνῃ τί οὗτοί σου καταμαρτυροῦσιν NAS: What is it that these men are testifying against KJV: what [is it which] these witness against INT: answer you What these you do witness against ``` Mark 4:15 DPro-NMP GRK: οὗτοι δέ εἰσιν NAS: These are the ones who are beside KJV: And these are they by INT: these moreover are ``` ``` Mark 4:16 DPro-NMP GRK: καὶ οὗτοί εἰσιν ὁμοίως NAS: In a similar way these are the ones on whom seed was sown KJV: And these are they likewise INT: And these are likewise ``` Mark 4:18 DPro-NMP GRK: ἀκάνθας σπειρόμενοι οὗτοί εἰσιν οἱ NAS: the thorns; these are the ones who have heard KJV: And these are they which are INT: thorns are sown these are the [ones] Mark 12:40 DPro-NMP GRK: μακρὰ προσευχόμενοι οὗτοι λήμψονται περισσότερον NAS: prayers; these will receive KJV: prayers: these shall receive INT: at great length pray These will receive greater Mark 14:60 DPro-NMP GRK: οὐδέν τί οὗτοί σου καταμαρτυροῦσιν NAS: What is it that these men are testifying against KJV: what [is it which] these witness INT: nothing What [is it] these you testify against ``` Luke 8:13 DPro-NMP GRK: λόγον καὶ οὗτοι ῥίζαν οὐκ NAS: the word with joy; and these have no KJV: joy; and these have no INT: word and these a root not ``` Luke 8:14 DPro-NMP GRK: ἀκάνθας πεσόν οὗτοί εἰσιν οἱ NAS: the thorns, these are the ones who have heard, KJV: are they, which, when they have heard, INT: thorns has fallen these are they who ``` Luke 8:15 DPro-NMP GRK: καλῇ γῇ οὗτοί εἰσιν οἵτινες NAS: soil, these are the ones who KJV: ground are they, which in INT: good soil these are they who ```
ὅστις ἥτις ὅτι
WHOSOEVER - ANYONE - WHATSOEVER from ὅς - (“who, which, this, that”), and τις (“anyone, someone”) ``` ὅστις, ἥτις, ὅτι Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hostis, hétis, ho ti Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-tis) Definition: whoever, anyone who Usage: whosoever, whichsoever, whatsoever. ``` from ὅς - (“who, which, this, that”), and τις (“anyone, someone”) ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing. ———————————————————————— Related to ``` ὅτι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hoti Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-ee) Definition: that, because Usage: that, since, because; may introduce direct discourse. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin conjunction from neut. of ὅστις ```
ALREADY - NOW, AFTER ALL THIS TIME? ``` ἤδη Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: édé Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-day) Definition: already Usage: already; now at length, now after all this waiting. ``` 2235 ḗdē (a temporal adverb) – already now, even now, referring to what is not yet strictly present but already (now) impacts the present (= "already now"). [2235 (ḗdē) is "a point of time preceding another point of time and implying completion – 'already'" (L & N, 1, 67.20). It often factors in something strictly future, but can include anything that is not strictly present.] NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. adverb of time already, even now, by this time. Apparently from e (or possibly e) and de; even now -- already, (even) now (already), by this time. see GREEK e see GREEK e see GREEK de ``` ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ``` ``` ἦ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: surely Usage: truly, surely. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin variant reading for ei, q.v. ``` ————————————————————- ``` εἰ Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ei Phonetic Spelling: (i) Definition: forasmuch as, if, that Usage: if. HELPS Word-studies 1487 ei (a conditional conjunction) – if. 1487 /ei (followed by any verb) expresses "a condition, thought of as real, or to denote assumptions" (i.e. viewed as factual. for the sake of argument) (BAGD). Accordingly, 1487 (ei) should not be translated "since," but rather always "if" – since the assumption may only be portrayed as valid (true, factual). ``` NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin a prim. particle; if, whether (a cond. part. introducing circumstances nec. for a given proposition to be true ————————————————————- δή Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dé Phonetic Spelling: (day) Definition: indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) Usage: (a) in a clause expressing demand: so, then, (b) indeed, (c) truly. HELPS Word-studies 1211 dḗ(an adverb) – really, with veracity ("in truth"). Unfortunately, 1211 (dḗ) is often not even translated even though it dramatically "gives precision and emphasis to a command – implying that it is for a special purpose, and to be obeyed at the time" (WS, 252). 1211 /dḗ ("certainly") strongly affirms what at last has "become clear and now may be assumed as true" (R, 1149), i.e. has passed through the needed process and can be fully relied upon. Thus 1211 (dḗ) conveys what is "surely the case . . . ".
AS - LIKE AS - EVEN AS - AS LONG AS - SINCE ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that.
επί τούτω
AD HOC - FOR THIS PURPOSE Adjective επί τούτω • (epí toúto) m ad hoc, for this particular purpose. Borrowed from New Latin ad hoc (“for this”). Adjective ad hoc (comparative more ad hoc, superlative most ad hoc) For a particular purpose. Created on the spur of the moment; impromptu. (sciences, of a hypothesis) Postulated solely to save a theory from being falsified, without making any new predictions. (networking) Independent of previously instated network structure, like routers or access points. Special. Adverb ad hoc (comparative more ad hoc, superlative most ad hoc) On the spur of the moment. For a particular purpose.
WHEN ὅταν when Conj ``` ὅταν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hotan Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an) Definition: whenever Usage: when, whenever. HELPS Word-studies 3752 hótan (from 3753 /hóte, "when" and 302 /án, "whenever a specified condition is fulfilled") – properly, "at the time when the condition is met," i.e. whenever that occurs, "at the time (it happens)" (J. Thayer). ``` from hote and an ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance ``` Word Origin from hos, and te ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
όθεν εντεύθεν ως εκ τούτου από τώρα
HENCE - FROM THIS MOMENT ONWARD hence (adv.) "(away) from here," late 13c., hennes, with adverbial genitive -s + Old English heonan "away, hence," from West Germanic *hin- (source also of Old Saxon hinan, Old High German hinnan, German hinnen), from PIE *ki-, variant of root *ko- "this," the stem of the demonstrative pronoun (see here). The modern spelling (mid-15c.) is phonetic, to retain the breathy -s- (compare twice, once, since). Original "away from this place;" of time, "from this moment onward," late 14c.; meaning "from this (fact or circumstance)" first recorded 1580s. Wyclif (1382) uses hennys & þennys for "from here and there, on both sides." henceforth (adv.) late 14c., earlier henne forth (late Old English); see hence + forth. forth (adv.) Old English forð "forward, onward, farther; continually;" as a preposition, "during," perfective of fore, from Proto-Germanic *furtha- "forward" (source also of Old Frisian, Old Saxon forth "forward, onward," Old Norse forð, Dutch voort, German fort), from extended form of PIE root *per- (1) "forward." The construction in and so forth was in Old English. Translations of hence Adverb όθεν hence, therefore εντεύθεν hence, thence από τώρα already, hence Adverb ὅθεν • (hóthen) (relative) whence, from where, from which (relative) wherefore, for which reason From ὅς (hós, “who”) +‎ -θεν (-then, “from”). -θεν • (-then) Added to nouns to form adverbs of place from which: from; also used, like genitive, with prepositions —————————————————————- ως εκ τούτου More meanings for ως εκ τούτου ``` from preposition common ek from , out of this adverb uncommon toútou thereof as a preposition, conjunction uncommon o ass as , concerning Similar Words hence adverb common when synapse consequently hence adverb common ek toútou therefore , thereby , thereof , therefrom , thereon then preposition, adverb common épeita afterward , then , next , thereafter , afterwards therefore conjunction, adverb uncommon epoméno̱s therefore , so , consequently , accordingly ergo conjunction, adverb uncommon henthen hence , therefore , ergo , so ``` ``` Adverb ὡς • (hōs) (relative adverb) the introduction to similes like as, as, just as according as (with adverbial clauses) (parenthetically) to qualify a general statement; as it seems (in elliptical phrases) so far as.... (attached to the object of a verb) as (to limit or augment the force of adverbs) ``` -ως (-ōs, adverbial suffix) Conjunction ὡς • (hōs) (subordinating conjunction or complementizer, introducing dependent or subordinate clause) (with noun clauses) introducing a clause expressing a fact: that (with indicative or optative) (final) introducing a clause expressing an end or purpose: that, so that, in order that, so (with subjunctive or optative) (consequential) introducing a clause expressing a result: so that (causal) as, since, because (temporal) when (modal) how (local) where ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. Pronoun τούτου • (toútou) Genitive singular masculine and neuter form of τούτος (toútos). Determiner οὗτος • (hoûtos), f αὕτη (haútē), n τοῦτο (toûto) (medial demonstrative determiner and pronoun) this (of place) here in contrast with ὅδε (hóde): the preceding in contrast with ἐκεῖνος (ekeînos): the latter of someone or something famous or infamous ``` Determiner τούτος • (toútos) m (demonstrative determiner, feminine τούτη, neuter τούτο) (formal) this, this one, that Τούτος εδώ είναι ο αδελφός μου. Toútos edó eínai o adelfós mou. This one here is my brother. Πέραν τούτου, η ιδέα δεν είχε νόημα. Péran toútou, i idéa den eíche nóima. Beyond that, the idea didn't make sense. Τούτο μόνο σου ζητώ και τίποτε άλλο. Toúto móno sou zitó kai típote állo. ``` Synonyms αυτός (aftós, “this”) (more colloquial) Derived terms[edit] άλλο πάλι και τούτο (állo páli kai toúto) άνευ τούτου (ánev toútou, “without it”) επί τούτω (epí toúto, “ad hoc”) επί τούτοις (epí toútois, “intentionally”) και τούτο και το άλλο (kai toúto kai to állo, “this and that”) καλό και τούτο (kaló kai toúto) προς τούτο (pros toúto) προς τούτοις (pros toútois, “moreover”) τούτου δοθέντος (toútou dothéntos, “therefore, ergo”) ως εκ τούτου (os ek toútou, “therefore, ergo”)
ALWAYS From πᾶν / πᾶς (all, every) + and τότε (then, at that time) From ὅς (which one) + τε (and, both) ``` πάντοτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pantote Phonetic Spelling: (pan'-tot-eh) Definition: at all times Usage: always, at all times, ever. ``` ``` πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of, including every side ``` ``` τότε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: tote Phonetic Spelling: (tot'-eh) Definition: then, at that time Usage: then, at that time. ``` from the neut. of ὁ ho, and hote ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` from ὅς hos (who, which one) + and τέ (and, both) ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. Adverb πάντοτε • (pántote) always ``` Adverb πάντα • (pánta) always για πάντα ― gia pánta ― for ever μια για πάντα ― mia gia pánta ― once and for all ``` From Ancient Greek πᾶν (pân, “whole”) neuter, nominative singular of πᾶς (pâs, “whole”) Noun[edit] μπάντα • (bánta) f (plural μπάντες) side (all location senses) Το πλοίο έγειρε από τη δεξιά μπάντα. To ploío égeire apó ti dexiá bánta. The ship leaned on its right side. Το χωριό δέχτηκε επιθέσεις από όλες τις μπάντες. To chorió déchtike epithéseis apó óles tis bántes. The village was subjected to attacks from all sides. (physics) band (part of the radio spectrum) Τα αεροπλάνα συνομιλούν στη μπάντα αεροναυτιλίας 118–136. Ta aeroplána synomiloún sti bánta aeronaftilías 118–136. The planes converse on the air navigation band of 118–136. (music) marching band (group of instrumental musicians in woodwind and brass families who generally perform outdoors) Η μπάντα θα παίξει στην εγκαίνια του δημάρχου. I bánta tha paíxei stin egkaínia tou dimárchou. The band will play at the inauguration of the mayor. στη μπάντα (sti bánta, “out of the way, move aside”) βάζω στη μπάντα (vázo sti bánta, “to put aside, to cast aside, to save”) κάθομαι στη μπάντα (káthomai sti bánta, “to sit on the sidelines, to not do anything”) μπαίνω με τις μπάντες (baíno me tis bántes, “to start with a bang, to come in with a bang”) πάντα • (pánta) f (plural πάντες) (anatomy) side (of body) (music) band ``` Noun πλευρά • (plevrá) f (plural πλευρές) side (especially a surface or an area) στη δυτική πλευρά του κτιρίου sti dytikí plevrá tou ktiríou on the west side of the building η αίθουσα είχε δύο πλευρές με καθίσματα i aíthousa eíche dýo plevrés me kathísmata the room has two sides with seats (mathematics) side Ένα τρίγωνο έχει τρεις κορυφές, τρεις πλευρές και τρεις γωνίες. Éna trígono échei treis koryfés, treis plevrés kai treis goníes. A triangle has three points, three sides and three angles. side η δεξιά πλευρά του αυτοκινήτου i dexiá plevrá tou aftokinítou the right-hand side of the car ``` Declension declension of πλευρά Derived terms αναλογία πλευρών f (analogía plevrón, “aspect ratio”) ανισόπλευρος (anisóplevros, “of unequal sides”, adjective) ισόπλευρος (isóplevros, “of equal sides, equilateral”, adjective) Noun πλευρᾱ́ • (pleurā́) f (genitive πλευρᾶς); first declension (anatomy, usually in the plural) A rib. Synonym: πλευρόν (pleurón) (usually in the plural) A side of a man or animal. A side of things and places. (geometry) A line that forms the side of a triangle or other two-dimensional figure. A side of a rectangle; (mathematics) one factor of any product. A side of a square of a cube; (mathematics) a root of a square of a cubic number. A generator of a cone or cylinder. ``` ᾰ̓μφῐ́πλευρος (amphípleuros) ᾰ̓νῐσόπλευρος (anisópleuros) ᾰ̓ντῐ́πλευρος (antípleuros) ᾰ̓́πλευρος (ápleuros) ᾰ̓ρτῐόπλευρος (artiópleuros) ᾰ̓τερόπλευρος (aterópleuros) βᾰθῠ́πλευρος (bathúpleuros) βούπλευρος (boúpleuros) δεκᾰ́πλευρος (dekápleuros) δῐᾰπλευρῐσμός (diapleurismós) δῐπλᾰσῐόπλευρος (diplasiópleuros) δῐ́πλευρος (dípleuros) δωδεκᾰ́πλευρον (dōdekápleuron) ἕκπλευρος (hékpleuros) ἔμπλευρος (émpleuros) ἑξᾰ́πλευρος (hexápleuros) ἐπῐ́πλευρᾰ (epípleura) ἑπτᾰ́πλευρος (heptápleuros) ἐρῐ́πλευρος (erípleuros) ἑτερόπλευρος (heterópleuros) ἡμῐ́πλευρος (hēmípleuros) ῐ̓σόπλευρος (isópleuros) ῐ̓σοπληθόπλευρος (isoplēthópleuros) λευκόπλευρος (leukópleuros) μονόπλευρος (monópleuros) πᾰρᾰπλευρῐ́δῐᾰ (parapleurídia) πᾰρᾰπλευρόω (parapleuróō) πεντᾰ́πλευρον (pentápleuron) περῐπλευρῐ́ζω (peripleurízō) περῐ́πλευρος (perípleuros) πλᾰτῠ́πλευρον (platúpleuron) πλευρῐ́ον (pleuríon) πλευρῐσμός (pleurismós) πλεύροθεν (pleúrothen) πλευροτῠπής (pleurotupḗs) πλεύρωμᾰ (pleúrōma) πολῠ́πλευρος (polúpleuros) στρογγῠλόπλευρος (strongulópleuros) σῠ́μπλευρος (súmpleuros) τᾰνῠ́πλευρος (tanúpleuros) τετρᾰ́πλευρος (tetrápleuros) τρῐ́πλευρος (trípleuros) χᾰλκόπλευρος (khalkópleuros) χρῡσόπλευρος (khrūsópleuros) ψῑλήπλευρᾰ (psīlḗpleura) ``` Noun πλευρό • (plevró) n (plural πλευρά) rib, flank, side of a torso side
εξής εφεξής καθεξής συνέχεια
HENCEFORTH - FROM NOW ON εφεξής henceforth ( Time adverb ) from now on, the following ( geometry ) hereinafter angles : two angles with common vertex and one common inner side εξής subsequently, following following to then , in what follows the terms of the contract are listed on pages 10 et seq in the following : from now on, in the future We are in the "we" and not in the "I". And from now on to learn knowledge, if we want to make a village, to live together (Makrygiannis, Memoirs) as follows : as mentioned below , as follows ( with article, as adjective or noun ) the following I agree with the following conditions ... καθεξής Onwards κατόπιν then after , after στη συνέχεια Adverb συνέχεια continued • ( synécheia ) continuously , nonstop ( without pause ) He got up and talked for three hours straight . Sikóthike kai miloúse treis óres synécheia . He got up and spoke nonstop for three hours. continuously , consecutively ( without break ) Their rooms are constantly next to each other. Ta domátiá tous eínai synécheia to éna sto állo. Their rooms are consecutively next to one another. From Ancient Greek συνέχεια (continuous). (continuously, nonstop): συνεχώς (synechós), διαρκώς (diarkós), αδιάκοπα (adiákopa), ολοένα (oloéna) Noun[edit] συνέχεια • (synécheia) f (plural συνέχειες) continuation, continuity, continuance (the quality of being continuous without interruption) η αδιάσπαστη συνέχεια της ελληνικής γλώσσας i adiáspasti synécheia tis ellinikís glóssas the unbroken continuity of the Greek language continuation, rest (that which extends, increases, supplements, or carries on) Ποτέ δε μάθαμε τη συνέχεια της ιστορίας. Poté de máthame ti synécheia tis istorías. We never found out the rest of the story. Η υπόθεση έχει τραγική συνέχεια. I ypóthesi échei tragikí synécheia. The case has a tragic continuation. (in the plural following σε (se)) bits and pieces, little by little, bit by bit (information or parts presented gradually but still making up a cohesive whole) Έμαθα την ιστορία σε συνέχειες, διότι διέκοπταν συνεχώς. Ématha tin istoría se synécheies, dióti diékoptan synechós. I learnt the story in bits and pieces because they were constantly interrupting. Το πρόγραμμα μεταδόθηκε σε συνέχειες. To prógramma metadóthike se synécheies. The programme was broadcast bit by bit. (typography) hyphen (The symbol "‐", typically used to join two or more words to form a compound term) (medicine) symphysis (cartilaginous material that adjoins and facilitates the junction of bones) ενδομητρική συνέχεια ― endomitrikí synécheia ― pubic symphysis
πού και πού
NOW AND THEN (continuously, nonstop): ποτέ (poté, “never”) σπάνια (spánia, “rarely”) πού και πού (poú kai poú, “now and then”) πού και πού (poú kai poú, “occasionally, now and again”)
αραιά και πού
EVERY NOW AND THEN αραιά και πού (araiá kai poú, “every now and then”) Adverb αραιά • (araiá) sparsely, thinly Adverb πού • (poú) anywhere, somewhere ``` Adverb πού • (poú) (interrogative) where Πού είναι η γυναίκα μου; Poú eínai i gynaíka mou? Where is my wife? ``` που (pou, “that, which, where”, pronoun and conjunction) πού και πού (poú kai poú, “occasionally, now and again”)
στη συνέχεια
CONTINUOUSLY στη συνέχεια Adverb συνέχεια continued • ( synécheia ) continuously , nonstop ( without pause ) He got up and talked for three hours straight . Sikóthike kai miloúse treis óres synécheia . He got up and spoke nonstop for three hours. continuously , consecutively ( without break ) Their rooms are constantly next to each other. Ta domátiá tous eínai synécheia to éna sto állo. Their rooms are consecutively next to one another. From Ancient Greek συνέχεια (continuous). (continuously, nonstop): συνεχώς (synechós), διαρκώς (diarkós), αδιάκοπα (adiákopa), ολοένα (oloéna) Noun[edit] συνέχεια • (synécheia) f (plural συνέχειες) continuation, continuity, continuance (the quality of being continuous without interruption) η αδιάσπαστη συνέχεια της ελληνικής γλώσσας i adiáspasti synécheia tis ellinikís glóssas the unbroken continuity of the Greek language continuation, rest (that which extends, increases, supplements, or carries on) Ποτέ δε μάθαμε τη συνέχεια της ιστορίας. Poté de máthame ti synécheia tis istorías. We never found out the rest of the story. Η υπόθεση έχει τραγική συνέχεια. I ypóthesi échei tragikí synécheia. The case has a tragic continuation. (in the plural following σε (se)) bits and pieces, little by little, bit by bit (information or parts presented gradually but still making up a cohesive whole) Έμαθα την ιστορία σε συνέχειες, διότι διέκοπταν συνεχώς. Ématha tin istoría se synécheies, dióti diékoptan synechós. I learnt the story in bits and pieces because they were constantly interrupting. Το πρόγραμμα μεταδόθηκε σε συνέχειες. To prógramma metadóthike se synécheies. The programme was broadcast bit by bit. (typography) hyphen (The symbol "‐", typically used to join two or more words to form a compound term) (medicine) symphysis (cartilaginous material that adjoins and facilitates the junction of bones) ενδομητρική συνέχεια ― endomitrikí synécheia ― pubic symphysis ``` Contraction στη • (sti) Contraction of σε τη (se ti, “to the”). το οδοιπορικό στη Σύμη to odoiporikó sti Sými the journey to Symi ``` Ultimate origin is from Ancient Greek εἰς (eis, “to, in”) +‎ τήν (tḗn, “the”) ``` Related terms σε τον (se ton) → στον (ston) σε του (se tou) → στου (stou) σε τους (se tous) → στους (stous) σε των (se ton) → στων (ston) σε τη (se ti) → στη (sti) σε της (se tis) → στης (stis) σε την (se tin) → στην (stin) σε τις (se tis) → στις (stis) σε το (se to) → στο (sto) σε τα (se ta) → στα (sta) ``` Preposition σε • (se) to, at, by, in, on, unto, upon
``` εξίσου όπως επίσης σαν καθώς ```
AS ``` just as… ακριβώς όπως as such as … ως τέτοια όπως such as… όπως as it is like… όπως είναι as well… καθώς as well as his counter part… καθώς και αυτό as for instance… επίσης as in relation to… όπως σε σχέση με as it is similar to… καθώς μοιάζει με as equally with… το μοιράζεται εξίσου με the same as… μοιάζει as it shares the same as… as a… as an… as the… as is… as would… as should… as could… as will… as had… as had been… in such a manner as… strong as… (with a positive, comparative, superlative adjective) ``` εξίσου - equally όπως - as, in order that - From ὅς (“who, which”) + πῶς (“how”). He is as stubborn as an ox - είναι πεισματάρης σαν βόδι 1 : SIMILAR TO - like that, to the same degree or amount, comparative 2 : IN COMPARISON TO - list comparative properties shared by both a. You can compare properties such as the word “fast” with a car. b. as such… c. such as… d. for instance… e. like these… 3. IN RELATION TO “a contrasting object” a. He was a friend “just as” Sally was too. b. just as… 4. AS IS - AS IF - “it is like” something else. a. He was strong “as an” ox. b. as an… c. as a… d. as the… e. as would… f. as could… g. as should… 5. IN ACCORDANCE WITH - this “must be like” that a. He was bound by the “same laws as” the common people. b. He is bound “as is” the common man. 6. IN LIKE MANNER - this “behaves like” that - “looks like” that a. She was overjoyed by the news “as was” her best friend. 7. WHILE - “sharing the same time as the other” a. They were on the train “at the same time as” the conductor. 8. WITH - “sharing same space as the other” a. He was sharing “the same place as” his roommate. 9. MATCHING CHARACTERISTICS - “sharing characteristics” a. He had long blond hair “the same as” her friend. ``` Definition of “as” 1 : to the same degree or amount as soft as silk twice as long 2 : for instance : such as various trees, as oak or pine 3 : when considered in a specified form or relation —usually used before a preposition or a participle my opinion as distinguished from his as conjunction Definition of as (Entry 2 of 9) 1 : AS IF He looks as he had seen a ghost. — Samuel Taylor Coleridge 2 : in or to the same degree in which soft as silk —usually used as a correlative after an adjective or adverb modified by adverbial as or so as cool as a cucumber 3 : in the way or manner that Do as I do. 4 : in accordance with what or the way in which quite good as boys go 5 : WHILE, WHEN spilled the milk as she got up 6 : regardless of the degree to which : THOUGH Improbable as it seems, it's true. 7 : for the reason that : BECAUSE, SINCE stayed home as she had no car 8 : that the result is so clearly guilty as to leave no doubt as is : in the presently existing condition without modification bought the clock at an auction as is as it were : as if it were so : in a manner of speaking His retirement was, as it were, the beginning of his real career. as pronoun Definition of as (Entry 3 of 9) 1 : THAT, WHO, WHICH —used after same or such in the same building as my brother … tears such as angels weep … — John Milton and chiefly dialect after a substantive not modified by same or such … that kind of fruit as maids call medlars … — William Shakespeare 2 : a fact that is a foreigner, as is evident from his accent as preposition Definition of as (Entry 4 of 9) 1a : LIKE sense 2 They all rose as one man. b : LIKE sense 1a … his face was as a mask which revealed nothing. — Max Beerbohm 2 : in the capacity, character, condition, or role of works as an editor ```
IN WHAT MANER - HOW - IN WHAT WAY WHO DID WHAT HOW From ὅς (hós, “who, which”) + πῶς (pôs, “how”). Adverb ὅπως • (hópōs) (interrogative or relative adverb) (relative to ὥς (hṓs) or οὕτως (hoútōs)) in such a manner, as (with the ordinary regimen of the relative adverb) (with indicative) (with the future indicative) in what manner, how (with ἄν (án) and subjective in indefinite sentences) in whatever way, just as, however (with optative after historical tenses) (οὐκ ἔστιν) there is no way in which, it cannot be that (in Attic poets, like ὡς (hōs) in comparisons) (also like ὡς (hōs) or ὅτι (hóti), with superlative of adverbs) (with a genitive added) (of time) when (used to introduce the statement of a fact) (οὐχ ὅπως...ἀλλά) is not only not..but.. (rare, following another clause) (in indirect questions) how, in what way or manner (with indicative) (of past tenses) (future) (with subjunctive) (with optative) (with optative and ἄν (án), expressing a wich) (ὅπως ἄν with the subjunctive makes the manner or purpose indefinite) (Xenophon occasionally uses ὅπως somewhat like ὥστε (hṓste), with infinitive) (after verbs of fear and cuation) (with future indicative) (with aorist subjunctive) (with optative representing subjunctive after an historical tense) (this construction is most frequent in an imperative and prohibitive, in the original construction some verb implying caution or circumspection precedes) (with future indicative) (aorist subjunctive) (used as the echo to a preceding πῶς (pôs)) (with a genitive of manner) See also Greek: όπως (ópos) Conjunction[edit] ὅπως • (hópōs) that, in order that (with subjunctive) (after principal tenses, or after subjunctive or imperative) (after historical tenses, when there is no perfect form, or when the aorist represents the perfect) (with optative after historical tenses) (with indicative) (of historical tenses, to express a consequence which has not followed, or cannot follow) (of future) (used of will and endeavour, instead of the infinitive)
WHERE - WHITHER from ὅς (who, what) + πού (where) ὅπου where Adv ``` ὅπου Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hopou Phonetic Spelling: (hop'-oo) Definition: where Usage: where, whither, in what place. ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` ``` πού Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: somewhere Usage: where, somewhere, anywhere; with numerals: somewhere about. ``` whither (adv., conj.) Old English hwider, from Proto-Germanic *hwithre-, from *hwi- "who" (from PIE root *kwo-, stem of relative and interrogative pronouns) + ending as in hither and thither. Compare Gothic hvadre. hither (adv.) Old English hider, from Proto-Germanic *hithra- (source also of Old Norse heðra "here," Gothic hidre "hither"), from PIE *kitro-, suffixed variant form of root *ko-, the stem of demonstrative pronoun meaning "this" (compare here). Spelling change from -d- to -th- is the same evolution seen in father, etc. Relation to here is the same as that of thither to there. Thither Old English þider "to or toward that place," altered (by influence of its opposite hider) from earlier þæder "to that place," from Proto-Germanic *thadra- source also of Old Norse þaðra "there," Gothic þaþro "thence" from PIE pronominal root *to- (see that) + PIE suffix denoting motion toward (compare Gothic -dre, Sanskrit -tra). The medial -th- developed early 14c. but was rare before early 16c. (compare gather, murder, burden). ``` Mark 15:47 Adv GRK: Ἰωσῆτος ἐθεώρουν ποῦ τέθειται INT: of Joseph saw where he is laid John 1:39 Adv GRK: καὶ εἶδαν ποῦ μένει καὶ INT: and saw where he abides and ``` Acts 27:29 Adv GRK: τε μή που κατὰ τραχεῖς NAS: that we might run aground somewhere on the rocks, INT: moreover lest somewhere on rocky Romans 4:19 Adv GRK: νενεκρωμένον ἑκατονταετής που ὑπάρχων καὶ NAS: now as good as dead since he was about a hundred years old, KJV: when he was about an hundred years old, INT: become dead a hundred years old about being and ``` Hebrews 2:6 Adv GRK: διεμαρτύρατο δέ πού τις λέγων NAS: has testified somewhere, saying, KJV: one in a certain place testified, INT: fully testified moreover somewhere one saying ``` Hebrews 4:4 Adv GRK: εἴρηκεν γάρ που περὶ τῆς NAS: For He has said somewhere concerning KJV: he spake in a certain place of INT: he has said indeed somewhere concerning the 1 John 2:11 Adv GRK: οὐκ οἶδεν ποῦ ὑπάγει ὅτι INT: not knows where he goes because
πρέπω οφείλω χρεώ πρέπει έπρεπε όφειλα
MUST - OUGHT - SHOULD - OWE - OBLIGE - BENEFIT - USE FAVOR - GAIN - PROFIT - ADVANTAGE - DUTY Translations of debt Noun χρέος debt, duty, indebtedness, debit οφειλή debt, sum due ——————————————————————————- Frank’s Contradictions… You told me I am not ready, therefore I must study more… Then you subsequently told me it is not “mine to do” Start a controversy but don’t jump off a legal cliff… It has to be a complete, cohesive, coherent system, but we don’t have to have everything ready to launch. I can trade moneta for moneta at any time… But it can’t be exchanged for US dollars We have to wait to sell moneta to get paid in dollars… I can’t but groceries because no one is currently accepting moneta. ——————————————————————- Since Western Roman Law and Persons are invalid from the beginning. And since Ucadia is “not ready”. Therefore, we are in a state of liminality “Bardo or Purgatory” Therefore, this is an unresolved controversy, or a stalemate. Hence, charging, placing a lien or bonding any account is fraud. Conflict of Law. Under which Governing Instrument “Trust” do you claim standing? To which “Trust” will you be charging administrative fees? Upon which person do you claim jurisdiction? “Fiduciary” To which person has your administrative capacity joined? “Joinder” You presume I am your ward… You presume I am a beneficiary and you are the administrator… You presume I am unsanitary… You presume I am unsafe… You presume “that law” is “my will” and I am “the beneficiary” You presume I have no alternative will, hence freewill and choice… sanitary, healthy, safe, unsanitary, unhealthy, unsafe Either it is unnecessary or it is irrelevant. If the unvaccinated are a Health threat to the vaccinated, then that means the vaccine does not offer the vaccinated protection from anyone (vaccinated or unvaccinated) who sheds the virus that is the supposed cause of a disease it implies it protects the vaccinated from. If the vaccine does not offer protection, then it follows that the vaccine is not effectual to its intended purpose thus it is not necessary for health, safety and well being of its users. If it is the effectual cause of ones own health, safety and well being, then the individual who uses it is safe from Covid, therefore another’s vaccination status is irrelevant to them because they enjoy the benefit of protection fro the vaccine they used. Since there is no other with standing regarding this matter, Jude x you cannot rule on behalf of an unknown or phantom person… individual or common… Who is the Plaintiff? Who is my Accuser? Who is the Claimant? What is the harm? What is the cause of harm? What is the loss or injury caused by the harm? A vaccine is prescribed to unique individuals for their personal safety. A vaccinated body’s immune system cannot protect an unvaccinated body’s immune system. A vaccinated body has been shown [1] to shed and transmit virus despite its vaccination status. I currently trust and believe these scientific discoveries and findings to hold true. I acknowledge these finding may not be true. But normal scientific discourse over the last two hundred years along with personal experience and anecdotal evidence has lead me to the veracity of this conclusion. It is not my intent to cause harm to others in general within the common public sphere by refusing vaccination at this time. It is my belief I have been exposed and endured sickness as a result contact with Covid 19 as a result of the specific set of symptoms I displayed at that time in history. I recovered and now presume to enjoy the benefit of natural antibodies, but that does not preclude my body from continuing to shed the Covid 19 virus. I have not been shown convincing trustworthy evidence that the vaccination for Covid 19 will prevent my body shedding the virus. Therefore I have concluded I am not a statistically and significantly higher threat of health risk as a presumed Covid 19 virus shedder to the general public in common spaces than at anytime and for any other statistically nominal cause during the normal course of life events. That means, my Covid 19 infected body poses no greater danger to the public than any other health risk my body poses to the public at any given time. In addition, it has been shown that I cannot protect the unvaccinated by virtue of my being vaccinated. I can still acquire, carry, incubate, shed and transmit virus regardless of my vaccination status. Therefore, my unvaccinated status is no more nor less a threat to the safety and well being of others in common space in the public sphere. Therefore, you have no logical, scientific or rational basis to force me to take a vaccine against my persons will. Precedence can be and I am asserting in this case “is” morally repugnant, internally contradictory and unreasonable. Therefore, the “voter mandate” is false and not true. Therefore, this vaccine mandate is null and void from the beginning. If my “person” is derived from “my will”, and “my will” is demonstrably illogical, morally repugnant, unreasonable, internally contradictory unscientific and unnecessary, then my will is “insane” and therefore any repugnant judicial precedence is insane and therefore lacks strength and force at law. Therefore you cannot appeal to “my will” and any of its subsequent and derivative precedence as binding to this court. Since you lack a sane, healthy and reasonable “will” to affect your standing by way your joinder to my “insane person”, therefore you have no reasonable duty to act. You are relieved of duty and any and all liability for my safety in relation to this mandate as the subjective controversy of this case. Since I cannot speak for nor act on behalf of others, their Trust nor their Estate and the governing instrument from which their person is derived, they will have to take up this “covid 19 mandate” matter on behalf of their own personal safety. If another in the public sphere wants to hold you liable as a fiduciary for their safety, then by their own will in common, idiotic or otherwise, you must appeal to precedence for them on their behalf in their best interest; my case notwithstanding in relation to their case. I forgive you, relieve you of duty and hold you “judge x” harmless for any and all liability for any and all harm that may result from my “presumed to be valid common will or my idiosyncratic will” of my free will choice to nullify, invalidate or disavow the covid 19 vaccine mandate for my person and refuse vaccination. I hereby waive any and all presumed rights to sue you “judge x” for any harm I suffer as a result of choosing to not vaccinate myself against covid 19 which is the specific matter before this court. I am willing to take the risk on my own authority sui generis. You are now hereby relieved of liability concerning this specific matter. In addition, I do not consent to give you the authority to prevent, block or interdict my “will to work” and to earn a living for my own safety and well being as it may expose me to the Covid 19 virus. I am idiotically willing to take the risk in this instance and assume personal responsibility. Any other presumed rights or benefits my person is presumed to have regarding medical care for illness, I will address those beneficial claims at that time as the facts demonstrate to the best of scientific capacity to determine cause, with the medical providers who may choose to assume liability on my behalf to care for the health and well being of the flesh to which my Western Roman Person is bound. ``` Who owes what to whom? Who has a duty to whom? Who is the creditor, who is the debtor? Who owes the duty, who enjoys the benefit? Who is the obligor - obligee? Who is the trustor- trustee? Who is the fiduciary - beneficiary? ``` Verb πρέπει • (prépei) impersonal (imperfect έπρεπε) (found only in the 3rd person) (+ genitive personal pronoun, personal use) to be fit for, to be worthy of, deserve Του πρέπουν μεγάλες τιμές· πρέπει να πάρει βραβείο Νόμπελ. Tou prépoun megáles timés; prépei na párei vraveío Nómpel. Great honours are fitting for him; he must receive a Nobel prize. (singular only, impersonal use) must, have to, ought πρέπει να πω πως… ― prépei na po pos… ― I must say that… Δεν πρέπει να λες ψέματα. ― Den prépei na les psémata. ― Υou ought not to lie. έπρεπε - should, ought ``` Verb έπρεπε • (éprepe) 3rd person singular imperfect indicative active form of πρέπει (prépei). (personal) it was fitting (impersonal) had to, ought, should ``` Έπρεπε να τελειώσω την δουλειά. Éprepe na teleióso tin douleiá. I had to finish the job. Έπρεπε να φύγουμε αμέσως. Éprepe na fýgoume amésos. We had to leave immediately. Θα έπρεπε να είχα φύγει. Tha éprepe na eícha fýgei. I ought to have gone. Δεν θα έπρεπε οι πολίτες να έχουν αναρωτηθεί γιατί … Den tha éprepe oi polítes na échoun anarotitheí giatí … Should the people not have wondered why … Synonyms όφειλα (ófeila) (inflected according to person and number) Verb οφείλω • (ofeílo) (imperfect όφειλα, passive οφείλομαι) found only in the imperfective tenses (transitive) owe (intransitive) be obliged to ``` οφειλέτης m (ofeilétis, “debtor”) οφειλή f (ofeilí, “debt”) όφελος n (ófelos, “benefit”) ως μη ώφειλε (os mi ófeile, “which should not”) from the ancient aorist ὤφειλε (ṓpheile)(ν) (1st person: ὤφειλον (ṓpheilon)) and see: ωφελώ (ofeló, “benefit”) ``` Verb ωφελώ • (ofeló) (past ωφέλησα, passive ωφελούμαι, p‑past ωφελήθηκα, ppp ωφελημένος) benefit, be good for, profit Η μεσογειακή διατροφή ωφελεί την υγεία. I mesogeiakí diatrofí ofeleí tin ygeía. A Mediterranean diet benefits health. Derived terms δεν ωφελεί (den ofeleí, “it's no use”, expression) Noun όφελος • (ófelos) n (plural οφέλη) (finance) profit benefit Inherited from Ancient Greek ὄφελος (“advantage, benefit”). Synonyms: κέρδος n (kérdos) πλεονέκτημα n (pleonéktima) ωφέλεια f (oféleia) ``` Antonyms: ζημία f (zimía, “loss, damage”) Related terms[edit] οφειλέτης m (ofeilétis, “debtor”) οφείλω (ofeílo, “owe”) οφειλή f (ofeilí, “debt”) ``` Also: ωφελώ (ofeló, “to profit”) ωφελούμαι (ofeloúmai, “to gain, to make a profit”) Related terms ανωφέλευτος (anoféleftos, “futile”) (vernacular) ανωφελής (anofelís, “futile”) ανώφελος (anófelos, “futile”) εθνωφελής (ethnofelís, “beneficial for the nation”) επωφελής (epofelís, “beneficial”) επωφελούμαι (epofeloúmai) κοινωφελής (koinofelís) ωφέλεια f (oféleia, “benefit”) ωφέλημα n (ofélima) ωφελιμισμός m (ofelimismós, “utilitarianism”) ωφελιμιστής m (ofelimistís, “utilitarianist”) ωφελιμιστικός (ofelimistikós) ωφέλιμος (ofélimos, “beneficial”) ωφελιμότητα f (ofelimótita) and see: όφελος n (ófelos, “profit”) διαπρέπω (diaprépo, “distinguish”) ευπρεπίζω (efprepízo, “to tidy up”) καθωσπρέπει (kathosprépei, “seemly”, adverb) καθωσπρεπισμός m (kathosprepismós, “priggishness”) -πρέπεια f (-prépeia) -πρεπής (-prepís) -πρεπος (-prepos) πρεπούμενος (prepoúmenos, “fitting”) (vernacular) πρέπων (prépon, “fitting, suitable”, participle) (formal) πρέπουσα (prépousa), πρέπον (prépon) Verb πρέπω • (prépō) to be clearly seen, to be visible or conspicuous among a number to be heard to smell strong to be conspicuously like, to be like, to resemble to be conspicuously fit, to become, beseem, suit (in participle) (neuter participle) that which is seemly, fitness, propriety, decorum (rarely with a person as the subject) fit (mostly impersonal) it is fitting, it beseems, suits, becomes (with personal accusative and infinitive) (with infinitive only) when an accusative alone follows, an infinitive must be supplied (transitive) to liken ``` Derived terms θεοπρόπος (theoprópos) -πρέπεια f (-prépeia) -πρεπής (-prepḗs) ἀξιοπρεπής (axioprepḗs) -πρεπόντως (-prepóntōs, adverbs) -πρεπῶς (-prepôs, adverbs) ``` ``` Compounds of the verb: δῐᾰπρέπω (diaprépō, “be prominent”) ἐκπρέπω (ekprépō, “be excellent”) ἐμπρέπω (emprépō, “be conspicuous in”) ἐνδῐᾰπρέπω (endiaprépō, “be distinguished in”) ἐπῐπρέπω (epiprépō, “be conspicuous”) εὐπρεπέω (euprepéō, “be acceptable”) εὐπρεπῐ́ζω (euprepízō, “be acceptable”) μετᾰπρέπω (metaprépō, “distinguish oneself”) σῠμπρέπω (sumprépō, “befit”) ``` Adjective ἀξιοπρεπής • (axioprepḗs) m or f (neuter ἀξιοπρεπές); third declension proper, becoming 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Symposium 8.40: καὶ σῶμα ἀξιοπρεπέστατον μὲν ἰδεῖν τῆς πόλεως ἔχεις, ἱκανὸν δὲ μόχθους ὑποφέρειν. kaì sôma axioprepéstaton mèn ideîn tês póleōs ékheis, hikanòn dè mókhthous hupophérein. and you possess a person more goodly to the eye than any other in the city and one at the same time able to withstand effort and hardship. From ἄξιος (worthy) +‎ πρέπω (to be appropriate for) +‎ -ής (adjective) Adjective αξιοπρεπής • (axioprepís) m (feminine αξιοπρεπής, neuter αξιοπρεπές) dignified, correct, respectable see: αξιοπρέπεια f (axioprépeia, “dignity, pride”) αναξιοπρέπεια f (anaxioprépeia, “lack of dignity”) αναξιοπρεπής (anaxioprepís, “undignified”, adjective) αξιοπρεπής (axioprepís, “dignified”, adjective) ————————————————————————- Noun κέρδος • (kérdos) n (plural κέρδη) profit, gain (material or financial) Synonyms όφελος n (ófelos) πλεονέκτημα n (pleonéktima) ωφέλεια f (oféleia) Antonyms ζημία f (zimía, “loss, damage”) Coordinate terms ωφελώ (ofeló, “to profit”) ωφελούμαι (ofeloúmai, “to gain, to make a profit”) Related terms αισχροκέρδεια f (aischrokérdeia, “profiteering”) αισχροκερδής (aischrokerdís, “profiteering”) αισχροκερδώ (aischrokerdó, “profiteer”) ακερδής (akerdís, “profitless”) ανεπικερδής (anepikerdís, “unprofitable”) αφιλοκερδής (afilokerdís, “unselfish, not greedy of wealth”) κερδίζω (kerdízo, “I gain, I win”) κερδοσκοπία f (kerdoskopía, “speculation”) κερδοσκοπικός (kerdoskopikós, “speculative”) κερδοσκόπος m (kerdoskópos, “speculator”) κερδοσκοπώ (kerdoskopó, “speculate”) κερδοφορία f (kerdoforía, “profitability”) κερδοφόρος (kerdofóros, “profitable”) κερδώος (kerdóos, “epithet of Hermes; expression for speculative activity”) ξανακερδίζω (xanakerdízo, “win again, regain”) υπερκέρδος n (yperkérdos, “superprofit”) φιλοκέρδεια f (filokérdeia, “graspingness”) φιλοκερδής (filokerdís, “grasping, greedy of wealth”) ——————————————————————— ANTONYM (πρέπω, οφείλω - of debt, obligation, duty) ``` Noun ζημῐ́ᾱ • (zēmíā) f (genitive ζημῐ́ᾱς); first declension loss, damage Antonym: κέρδος (kérdos) penalty in money, fine Synonyms: θωή (thōḗ), ποινή (poinḗ) (in general) penalty expense, expenditure dead loss, bad bargain ``` Noun ζῆλος • (zêlos) m (genitive ζήλου); second declension eager rivalry, zealous imitation, emulation, a noble passion (with genitive) zeal for one (with genitive) (passive) the object of emulation or desire, happiness, bliss, honour, glory (of the style of Asiatic Orators) extravagance, fierceness From ζηλότῠπος (zēlótupos, “jealous”) +‎ -ῐ́ᾱ (-íā). Noun ζηλοτῠπῐ́ᾱ • (zēlotupíā) f (genitive ζηλοτῠπῐ́ᾱς); first declension jealousy, rivalry, envy Adjective ζηλότῠπος • (zēlótupos) m or f (neuter ζηλότῠπον); second declension jealous eager From ζῆλος (zêlos, “jealous”) +‎ τῠ́πος (túpos, “blow”) ``` Noun τῠ́πος • (túpos) m (genitive τῠ́που); second declension A blow, pressing The results of a blow: mark, impression mark, figure, image, outline General character of a thing: sort, type text, content pattern, example, model summoning ``` From τῠ́πτω (túptō, “I poke, beat”). ``` Verb τύπτω • (túptō) (literally or figuratively) to beat, strike, smite (middle) to beat, strike oneself to beat one's breast in grief: to mourn ``` Cognates Latin: stupeō Verb stupeō (present infinitive stupēre, perfect active stupuī); second conjugation, no passive, no supine stem (intransitive) I am stunned, stiffened or benumbed, stop, hesitate. (intransitive) I am dazed, speechless or silenced; I am astounded, confounded, aghast or amazed. (transitive) I am astonished or amazed at, wonder at. Noun stupor m (genitive stupōris); third declension Numbness; dullness, insensibility, stupidity, stupefaction; astonishment, wonder, amazement. Synonym: torpor (especially) Dullness, stupidity, stolidity. From stupeō (“to be struck senseless, be stunned, be astonished”) +‎ -or (nominal suffix). Adjective stupidus (feminine stupida, neuter stupidum); first/second-declension adjective senseless, stunned, amazed stupid; dull From stup(eō) (“I am stunned, benumbed”) +‎ -idus (suffix denoting tendence). -idus (feminine -ida, neuter -idum); first/second-declension suffix (suffix forming adjectives) tending to english: -id ``` SYNONYM (ζημῐ́ᾱ) Noun θωή • (thōḗ) f (genitive θωῆς); first declension fine, penalty Synonyms: ζημῐ́ᾱ (zēmíā), ποινή (poinḗ) ``` Traditionally derived from Proto-Indo-European *dʰeh₁- (“to put”) the same root of τίθημι (títhēmi, “to put, place, set”), as "the settled penalty". ``` SYNONYM (ζημῐ́ᾱ) Noun ποινή • (poinḗ) f (genitive ποινῆς); first declension blood money, wergeld fine, ransom, penalty, penance, satisfaction Synonyms: ζημῐ́ᾱ (zēmíā), θωή (thōḗ) compensation redemption, release ``` ποινή • (poiní) f (plural ποινές) (law) punishment, sentence, penalty αξιόποινος (axiópoinos, “punishable, criminal”) ποινικολόγος (poinikológos, “criminal lawyer”) ποινικοποίηση (poinikopoíisi, “penalisation”) ποινικοποιώ (poinikopoió, “to penalise”) ποινικός (poinikós, “criminal, penal”) ποινολόγιο (poinológio, “crime sheet”) —————————————————————— ``` Noun χρέος • (khréos) n (genitive χρέους); third declension want, need affair, business debt ``` From Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰer- (“to yearn”) From the root of χράομαι (khráomai) From χρεώ (khreṓ, “to need”) and χρή (khrḗ, “have to, ought”). Noun χρεώ • (khreṓ) f (genitive χρεοῦς); third declension (chiefly Epic) want, need, necessity Verb χρή • (khrḗ) (impersonal, expressing necessity) have to, ought, should (with accusative of person and present or aorist infinitive) Verb χράω • (khráō) (with dative of person) to fall upon, attack, assail (with dative of object) to inflict upon a person (with infinitive) to be bent on doing, to be eager to do Verb[edit] χράω • (khráō) (active, of the gods and their oracles) to furnish the needful answer, to declare, pronounce, proclaim (passive) to be declared, proclaimed, delivered (middle, of the person to whom the response is given) to consult a god or oracle, to inquire of a god or oracle, consult them (of applicants seeking something of the great king) (in perfect passive) to receive an oracular response to furnish with a thing (deponent) to use to bring into action some feeling, faculty, passion, state of mind; to exercise, indulge (of external things) to experience, be subject to (paraphrases the verb cognate to its dative) (with duplicate dative) to use as such and such to use for an end or purpose (of persons, with an adverb of manner) to treat them in such a manner to be intimate with, to deal with, make use of, employ (especially of sexual intercourse) to make use of oneself or one's powers (absolute or with an adverb) to be wont to do (with accusative of object) (perfect with a present sense) to be in need or want of, to yearn after (perfect as a strengthened present) to have in use, to have, posses From the root of χράω (khráō, “to declare”). Noun χρησμός • (khrēsmós) m (genitive χρησμοῦ); second declension oracle, prophecy oracle (plural oracles) A shrine dedicated to some prophetic deity. A person such as a priest through whom the deity is supposed to respond with prophecy or advice. Synonym: prophet A prophetic response, often enigmatic or allegorical, so given. A person considered to be a source of wisdom. Synonym: expert a literary oracle A wise sentence or decision of great authority. One who communicates a divine command; an angel; a prophet. (Jewish antiquity) The sanctuary, or most holy place in the temple; also, the temple itself. (computing theory) A theoretical entity capable of answering some collection of questions. (cryptocurrencies) A third-party service that provides smart contracts with information from the outside world. Noun ōrāculum n (genitive ōrāculī); second declension A divine announcement, oracle. A prophetic declaration; prophecy. A place where oracular responses were given; oracle. An oracular saying, maxim. An imperial rescript. From ōrō (“plead, beg; pray, entreat”) +‎ -culum. ``` Verb ōrō (present infinitive ōrāre, perfect active ōrāvī, supine ōrātum); first conjugation I orate, deliver a speech. I plead, beg. I pray, entreat. ``` Attic Greek ἀρά (ará, “prayer”) From ōs, ōris (“mouth”) Or from Proto-Indo-European *h₂er- (“to pronounce a ritual”) see also Hittite 𒅈𒌋𒉿𒄿 (“to worship, revere”) 𒅈𒄿𒄿𒀀𒄿 (“to consult an oracle”) ``` ōs n (genitive ōris); third declension mouth SYNONYM : bucca Hyponyms: buccula, ōsculum (transferred sense) (in general) face, countenance SYNONYM : (Vulgar Latin) cara, faciēs, frōns, vultus head SYNONYM : caput (poetic) speech mouth, opening, entrance, aperture, orifice beak of a ship edge of a sword ``` Noun countenance (countable and uncountable, plural countenances) Appearance, especially the features and expression of the face. Favour; support; encouragement. (obsolete) Superficial appearance; show; pretense. Calm facial expression, composure, self-control. Noun continentia f (genitive continentiae); first declension restraint, self-control abstinence, continence Face The public image; outward appearance. An aspect of the character or nature of someone or something. Good reputation; standing in the eyes of others; dignity; prestige. (figuratively) Presence; sight; front. to fly in the face of danger to speak before the face of God
σχετικά με
ABOUT Adjective σχετικά • (schetiká) Nominative plural neuter form of σχετικός (schetikós). Accusative plural neuter form of σχετικός (schetikós). Vocative plural neuter form of σχετικός (schetikós). Adverb σχετικά • (schetiká) relatively (proportionally, in relation to some larger scale thing) Το πλοίο μας ήταν σχετικά μικρό σε σύγκριση με τα αλλά. To ploío mas ítan schetiká mikró se sýgkrisi me ta allá. Our boat was relatively small compared with the others. (when used with με) about, concerning, regarding (on the subject of) Θα ήθελα να σας μιλήσω σχετικά με τον λογαριασμό σας. Tha íthela na sas milíso schetiká me ton logariasmó sas. I'd like to speak to you regarding your account. ``` Adjective σχετικός • (schetikós) m (feminine σχετική, neuter σχετικό) related relative proportional ``` με • (me) (+ accusative) with μίλησε με την Ελένη ― mílise me tin Eléni ― he talked with Eleni by πουλάει με το κιλό ― pouláei me to kiló ― she sells by the kilo by, on με το αυτοκίνητο ― me to aftokínito ― by car με τα πόδια ― me ta pódia ― on foot άσχετα • (áscheta) Nominative, accusative and vocative plural neuter form of άσχετος (áschetos). Adjective άσχετος • (áschetos) m (feminine άσχετη, neuter άσχετο) irrelevant, unrelated ignorant
About List
ABOUT “list” Translations of about Preposition για for, to, about, about to, unto σχετικά με about, concerning, re, respecting περί for, about, re, toward, towards γύρω από about, about to do επάνω up, on, about Adverb περίπου about, approximately, some, pretty much, opus so γύρω around, about, round κοντά close, about κατά προσέγγιση about ολόγυρα all around, round, about, on all sides παντού everywhere, throughout, all over, about πλησίον near, close, nearby, beside, nearly, about εδώ και εκεί about ανάποδα upside down, backwards, about, topsyturvy, by contraries στην αντίθετη κατεύθυνση about μπρος και πίσω about εις τη διάθεση about εις την υπηρεσία about αντιθέτως contrariwise, about πάνω-κάτω about, much about
OTHERWISE - ON THE OTHER HAND - BUT ``` ἀλλά Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: alla Phonetic Spelling: (al-lah') Definition: otherwise, on the other hand, but Usage: but, except, however. ``` 235 allá (typically a strong adversative conjunction) – but (but instead), nevertheless, on the contrary. 235 (allá), the neuter plural of 243 /állos ("other"), literally means "otherwise" or "on the other hand" (Abbott-Smith). adversative particle from allos ``` ————————————————————————— ἄλλος, η, ον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: allos Phonetic Spelling: (al'-los) Definition: other, another Usage: other, another (of more than two), different. HELPS Word-studies 243 állos (a primitive word) – another of the same kind; another of a similar type. ``` ———————————————————————
ἀλλ' οὐδέ
THIS EQUALS THAT (= equals sign) ``` Adjective ῐ̓́σον • (íson) inflection of ῐ̓́σος (ísos): neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular masculine accusative singular ``` Adjective[edit] ῐ̓́σος • (ísos) m (feminine ῐ̓́ση, neuter ῐ̓́σον); first/second declension (of size, strength, or number) equal (to), equivalent (to), the same as [+dative = something, someone] (of appearance) like [+dative = something, someone] (with implied reference point) like, similar (with pronoun) like someone's x repeated to denote relationship between equal persons or things ἴσα πρὸς ἴσα ísa pròs ísa tit for tat (not comparable, mathematics) equal to [+dative = a number]; (in the plural) equal (to each other) (not comparable, geometry, of lines) of equal length; (of shapes) congruent; of equal area just, fair (comparable, politics) equal in rights, based on equality of rights (of persons) impartial neuter plural τὰ ἴσα (tà ísa) as substantive: equal rights, equality (rare) adequate (of land) even, level, flat neuter singular (τὸ) ἴσον ((tò) íson) as substantive: level ground εἰς τὸ ἴσον eis tò íson (on)to level ground ὡς ἰσαίτατα (hōs isaítata): as equally as possible Synonyms (same): αὐτός (autós), ὁμός (homós) ``` Derived terms ἄνισος (ánisos) Ἰσαγόρας (Isagóras) ἰσοδίαιτος (isodíaitos) ἰσόθεος (isótheos) ἰσοκρᾰτής (isokratḗs) Ἰσοκράτης (Isokrátēs) ἰσόπῠρον (isópuron) ἰσότης (isótēs) ``` Adjective ἰσόθεος • (isótheos) m or f (neuter ἰσόθεον); second declension equal to the gods; godlike ἴσος (ísos, “equal”) +‎ θεός (theós, “god”) Proper noun Ἰσοκρᾰ́της • (Isokrátēs) m (genitive Ἰσοκρᾰ́τους); third declension A male given name In particular, the Ancient Greek rhetorician Isocrates From ἰσοκρᾰτής (isokratḗs, “of equal power”), from ἴσος (ísos) +‎ κράτος (krátos) +‎ -ης (-ēs).
TO WHERE - HOW, IN WHAT STATE Adverb οἷ • (hoî) to where, whither how, in what state Article οἱ • (hoi) masculine nominative plural of ὁ (ho)
TRULY - EXACTLY (emphasis particle) ``` Particle δή • (dḗ) (discourse particle) Adds temporal specificity: now, already Adds emphasis: truly, ! Adds specificity: exactly With pronouns: of all people ``` δέ is a postpositive word: it is never the first word in a sentence. It is usually the second but sometimes also the third or fourth. It is often used together with μέν (mén). Particle μέν • (mén) (discourse particle) on the one hand, while, whereas (often left untranslated) (before other particles) accordingly, and so The main instance of the word is used to show that the word or clause with which it is attached answers to a following word or clause introduced by δέ or another equivalent particle (the particle may often be implied).
HMMM?! δαί (daí) – after interrogatives, to express wonder or curiosity Particle δαί • (daí) (discourse particle) Alternative form of δή (dḗ)
VERY MUCH - VEHEMENT Adverb σφόδρα • (sphódra) Very, very much: modifies verbs, adjectives, or nouns σφόδρα γε (sphódra ge), καὶ σφόδρα γε (kaì sphódra ge), or πάνυ γε σφόδρα (pánu ge sphódra) in answer to a question: very much so, definitely Adjective σφοδρός • (sphodrós) m (feminine σφοδρᾱ́, neuter σφοδρόν); first/second declension vehement, violent, excessive Synonyms: ἐπῐζᾰ́φελος (epizáphelos), σφεδᾰνός (sphedanós) violent, impetuous (of men) active, zealous strong, robust Adjective σφοδρός • (sfodrós) m (feminine σφοδρή, neuter σφοδρό) vehement violent, fierce ``` Synonyms (violent): βίαιος (víaios) (vehement, violent):ορμητικός (ormitikós) (vehement): παράφορος (paráforos) (vehement): φλογερός (flogerós) ``` ``` σφόδρα Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: sphodra Phonetic Spelling: (sfod'-rah) Definition: very much Usage: exceedingly, greatly, very much. HELPS Word-studies 4970 sphódra (from sphodros, "all-out, exceeding; very much", L-S) – properly, "done to the max," going all-out ("wide-open") with total effort – like doing something "with a vengeance!" ``` [4970 /sphódra ("exceedingly") is "properly the neuter plural of sphodros ('vehement, violent') and means 'exceedingly, greatly,' and is placed after adjectives" (J. Thayer).]
AT LEAST - AT ANY RATE - IN FACT (mild intensifier) ``` Particle γε • (ge) (discourse particle) often translatable with italics or stress (limiting) at least, at any rate, only (intensifying) in fact ``` As an enclitic, γε follows the single word that it affects, or if it affects a phrase or clause, follows the first word in the phrase or clause. Hence, when it modifies a substantive that has the article, it usually follows the article. In the following examples, phrases are enclosed in square brackets: 386 BCE – 367 BCE, Plato, Meno 80e: Σωκράτης […] οὔτε γὰρ ἂν [ὅ γε οἶδεν] ζητοῖ—οἶδεν γάρ, καὶ οὐδὲν δεῖ [τῷ γε τοιούτῳ] ζητήσεως […] . Sōkrátēs […] oúte gàr àn [hó ge oîden] zētoî—oîden gár, kaì oudèn deî [tôi ge toioútōi] zētḗseōs […] . Socrates: […] For he can neither inquire into [what he knows] — since he knows it, and [in a case like that] there is no need for inquiry […] . Because δέ (dé) must always follow the first word in a clause, γε always follows δέ when it modifies the first phrase in the clause. 366 BCE – 348 BCE, Plato, Theaetetus 164a: Σωκράτης [ὁ δέ γε ὁρῶν] καὶ ἐπιστήμων γεγονὼς οὗ ἑώρα, ἐὰν μύσῃ, μέμνηται μέν, οὐχ ὁρᾷ δὲ αὐτό. Sōkrátēs [ho dé ge horôn] kaì epistḗmōn gegonṑs hoû heṓra, eàn músēi, mémnētai mén, oukh horâi dè autó. Socrates: [But the one who sees] and has become knowledgeable about what he saw, if he closes his eyes, he still remembers it, though he no longer sees it. It may also attach to other particles, with a mild intensifying effect.
AND (weak conjunction) ``` Conjunction τε • (te) and, also or untranslatable (after each item in a list) and (combined with καί (kaí), untranslatable) ``` 386 BCE – 367 BCE, Plato, Meno 75d: εἰ δὲ ὥσπερ ἐγώ τε καὶ σὺ νυνὶ φίλοι ὄντες βούλοιντο ἀλλήλοις διαλέγεσθαι, δεῖ δὴ πρᾳότερόν πως καὶ διαλεκτικώτερον ἀποκρίνεσθαι. ei dè hṓsper egṓ te kaì sù nunì phíloi óntes boúlointo allḗlois dialégesthai, deî dḕ prāióterón pōs kaì dialektikṓteron apokrínesthai. But if, like you and I now, they were friends and chose to converse together, it is appropriate to answer in a somewhat more easygoing and conversational manner. 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Anabasis 1.2.7: ἐνταῦθα Κύρῳ βασίλεια ἦν καὶ παράδεισος μέγας ἀγρίων θηρίων πλήρης, ἃ ἐκεῖνος ἐθήρευεν ἀπὸ ἵππου, ὁπότε γυμνάσαι βούλοιτο ἑαυτόν τε καὶ τοὺς ἵππους. entaûtha Kúrōi basíleia ên kaì parádeisos mégas agríōn thēríōn plḗrēs, hà ekeînos ethḗreuen apò híppou, hopóte gumnásai boúloito heautón te kaì toùs híppous. There Cyrus had a palace and a large garden full of wild animals, which he would hunt from a horse, whenever he wanted to exercise himself and his horses. Usage notes τε is usually considered to denote a weaker connection than καί (kaí). As an enclitic, it is placed after the word that it connects, or after the first word of a phrase that it connects: 800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Iliad 1.7: [Ἀτρεΐδης τε ἄναξ ἀνδρῶν] καὶ [δῖος Ἀχιλλεύς] [Atreḯdēs te ánax andrôn] kaì [dîos Akhilleús] [the son of Atreus, lord of men,] and [noble Achilles] Derived terms οἷός τ’ εἰμι (hoîós t’ eimi, “be able”)
HERE ON THIS SPOT - ON THUS ACCOUNT - HITHER τῇδε (of place) here, on the spot (of the way or manner) (accusative neuter, τόδε) hither, to this spot therefore, on this account (dative neuter plural, τοῖσδε, τοισίδε) in or with these words τῇδε • (têide) feminine dative singular of ὅδε (hóde) ὅδε From ὁ (ho) +‎ -δε (-de) Pronoun ὅδε • (hóde) (demonstrative pronoun, proximal) this (of place) here (with verbs of action) here; (possibly) there, yonder (modifying a personal pronoun) (with τίς) (adds precision to adverbs of place and time), just, very (in Attic dialogue, the masculine and feminine pronouns often refer to the speaker) (in Aristotle, neuter designates some particular thing) (of time, to indicate the immediate present) this present these (elliptic with genitive) (to indicate something before one) (to indicate something immediately to come) the following (followed by a relative pronoun) (adverbial)
OF THIS SORT Pronoun τοιοῦτος • (toioûtos) (feminine τοιαύτη, neuter τοιοῦτο or τοιοῦτον) (demonstrative, medial, of quality) of this sort or kind, such such a proceeding (in prose narrative) what goes before (absolute) such-like (referring to a previously mentioned adjective or adjectives) From τοῖος (toîos, “of this sort”) +‎ οὗτος (hoûtos, “this”). Pronoun τοιαῦτᾰ • (toiaûta) nominative/accusative plural neuter of τοιοῦτος (toioûtos) Adverb τοιαῦτᾰ • (toiaûta) in such wise, in such a manner
IN SUCH A MANNER - IN THIS WAY Adverb τοιαῦτᾰ • (toiaûta) in such wise, in such a manner
τοιοῦτος τῐς
SUCH A ONE Pronoun τοιοῦτος τῐς • (toioûtos tis) such a one
SUCH - OF THIS SORT Determiner τοῖος • (toîos) m (feminine τοίᾱ, neuter τοῖον) (demonstrative determiner, chiefly poetic) of this sort, such (correlative, τοῖος ... οἷος ...) such ... as ... (referring to something mentioned earlier) (like οἷος (hoîos)) such as to do, able or capable to do (with infinitive) (emphasizing an adjective of same gender and case) just, very, so The base of the Proto-Indo-European demonstrative *tód + the adjective suffix *-yós, equivalent to τό (tó, “this”) +‎ -ιος (-ios, adjective suffix). Pronoun *só this that
SO MUCH SO - SO VERY MUCH Determiner τόσος • (tósos) so much, so very, so great Synonym of ὅσος (hósos) ``` Determiner τόσον • (tóson) inflection of τόσος (tósos): masculine accusative singular neuter nominative/accusative/vocative singular ``` Pronoun τόσος • (tósos) m demonstrative so, so much, such τόσο (tóso, “so much”) (adverb) τοσοδά (tosodá, “that small, that tiny”) τοσοδούλης (tosodoúlis, “that small, that tiny”) τοσούλης (tosoúlis, “that small, that tiny”)
AS MUCH AS - NO GREATER THAN - AS MANY AS Pronoun όσος • (ósos) m relative as many as, as much as Adjective ὅσος • (hósos) (relative adjective) often as anaphor to τόσος, or πᾶς, ἅπας as much as, how much (in plural the noun may be in nominative or partitive genitive) (in Attic, of time) (with τις) (with accusative absolute) (with adjectives expressing quantity) (with superlative) (with infinitive) so much as is enough for (for ὅτι τοσοῦτος) (followed by particles) (ὅσος ἄν) how ever great (ὅσος δή) how great, how ever many (ὁσοσοῦν) ever so small (ὅσοσπερ) even so great as, no greater than (ὅσῳ, ὅσῳ περ, often with comparative) by how much (with comparative, when followed by another comparative with τοσούτῳ) the more.., so much the more.. (ἐν ὅσῳ) while
THAT SMALL? THAT TINY? τόσο (tóso, “so much”) (adverb) τοσοδά (tosodá, “that small, that tiny”) τοσοδούλης (tosodoúlis, “that small, that tiny”) τοσούλης (tosoúlis, “that small, that tiny”)
AGAIN - ANEW - AFRESH Adverb αὖ • (aû) Again, anew, afresh, in turn; often after ordinal numerals; in a question, expressing impatience Further, moreover On the other hand after δέ (dé) in μέν ... δέ ... (mén ... dé ...) ``` Related terms αὖθις (aûthis) αὐτάρ (autár) αὖτε (aûte) αὖτις (aûtis) αὐτός (autós) ```
BACK AGAIN ``` Adverb αὖθις • (aûthis) (of place) back, back again (of time) again, afresh, anew, in turn (of sequence) moreover, in turn, on the other hand ```
ON THE CONTRARY Either from αὖ (again, renew) +‎ τε (and both) Adverb αὖτε • (aûte) (Epic) again; furthermore; on the contrary (following μέν (mén))
HOWEVER - BESIDES - MOREOVER Conjunction αὐτάρ • (autár) (Epic) (marking contrast or transition, sometimes paired with μέν (mén)) But, however, besides, moreover
BUT - NEVERTHELESS Conjunction ἀτάρ • (atár) but, nevertheless
THEREFORE, ON THIS ACCOUNT - NEARER - HITHER, HERE ON THIS SPOT Adverb τόδε • (tóde) hither, to this spot therefore, on this account Adverb hither (not comparable) (literary or archaic) To this place, to here. He went hither and thither. Adjective hither (not comparable) (archaic) On this side; the nearer. Latin: citerior Adjective citerior (not comparable) (literary) Chiefly in place names: situated on the nearer side. Adjective citerior (neuter citerius, positive citer); third declension nearer sooner Borrowed from Latin citerior (“(particularly in province names) nearer”), comparative of citer (“on this side; near”) (from cis (“on or to this or the near side of; short of; before”), from Proto-Indo-European *ḱe (“here”)) + -ior (suffix forming comparatives). Antonyms ulterior Adjective ulterior (neuter ulterius, positive ulter); third declension further away Synonyms: (archaic) hither, proximate over here
NOT YET ``` μήπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: mepo Phonetic Spelling: (may'-po) Definition: lest anywhere, lest perhaps Usage: not yet. ```
WHEREAS - ON THE ONE HAND - ACCORDINGLY Particle μέν • (mén) (discourse particle) on the one hand, while, whereas (often left untranslated) (before other particles) accordingly, and so
WHENEVER - THEN AT THAT TIME δήποτε at the time Prtcl ``` δήποτε Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dépote Phonetic Spelling: (day'-pot-eh) Definition: sometime Usage: even at that time, whenever. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from dé and pote ``` δή Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dé Phonetic Spelling: (day) Definition: indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) Usage: (a) in a clause expressing demand: so, then, (b) indeed, (c) truly. HELPS Word-studies 1211 dḗ(an adverb) – really, with veracity ("in truth"). Unfortunately, 1211 (dḗ) is often not even translated even though it dramatically "gives precision and emphasis to a command – implying that it is for a special purpose, and to be obeyed at the time" (WS, 252). 1211 /dḗ ("certainly") strongly affirms what at last has "become clear and now may be assumed as true" (R, 1149), i.e. has passed through the needed process and can be fully relied upon. Thus 1211 (dḗ) conveys what is "surely the case . . . ". ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` τέ and (denotes addition or connection) Original Word: τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both.
AS FAR AS Adverb ὅσᾰ • (hósa) as far as Synonym of ὡς (hōs)
OUTSIDE - WITHOUT ``` ἔξω Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: exó Phonetic Spelling: (ex'-o) Definition: outside, without Usage: without, outside. ``` ``` ἐκ, ἐξ Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: ek or ex Phonetic Spelling: (ek) Definition: from, from out of Usage: from out, out from among, from, suggesting from the interior outwards. HELPS Word-studies 1537 ek (a preposition, written eks before a vowel) – properly, "out from and to" (the outcome); out from within. 1537 /ek ("out of") is one of the most under-translated (and therefore mis-translated) Greek propositions – often being confined to the meaning "by." 1537 (ek) has a two-layered meaning ("out from and to") which makes it out-come oriented (out of the depths of the source and extending to its impact on the object). ```
FROM OUTSIDE ``` ἔξωθεν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: exóthen Phonetic Spelling: (ex'-o-then) Definition: from without Usage: (a) from outside, from without, (b) outside, both as adj. and prep; with article: the outside. ```
OR - THAN ``` ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ``` after an interrogative or a declarative sentence, before a question designed to prove the same thing in another way before a sentence contrary to the one just preceding, to indicate that if one be denied or refuted the other must stand as a comparative conjunction, than and, but, either, rather A primary particle of distinction between two connected terms; disjunctive, or; comparative, than -- and, but (either), (n-)either, except it be, (n-)or (else), rather, save, than, that, what, yea. Often used in connection with other particles.
ALREADY - NOW AFTER ALL - BY THIS TIME ``` ἤδη Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: édé Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-day) Definition: already Usage: already; now at length, now after all this waiting. ``` 2235 ḗdē (a temporal adverb) – already now, even now, referring to what is not yet strictly present but already (now) impacts the present (= "already now"). already, even now, by this time. Apparently from e (or possibly e) and de; even now -- already, (even) now (already), by this time. [2235 (ḗdē) is "a point of time preceding another point of time and implying completion – 'already'" (L & N, 1, 67.20). It often factors in something strictly future, but can include anything that is not strictly present.]
THAN ``` ἤπερ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: éper Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-per) Definition: than Usage: than. ``` ``` ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ``` περ Transliteration: per Phonetic Spelling: (per) Definition: indeed (adds force to the preceding word) however much, very much, altogether, indeed whosoever. From the base of peran; an enclitic particle significant of abundance (thoroughness), i.e. Emphasis; much, very or ever -- (whom-)soever. see GREEK peran ``` πέραν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: peran Phonetic Spelling: (per'-an) Definition: on the other side Usage: over, on the other side, beyond. ``` see διόπερ, ἐάνπερ, εἴπερ, ἐπείπερ, ἐπειδήπερ, ἤπερ, καθάπερ, καίπερ, ὅσπερ, ὥσπερ
VERY MUCH (intensifier) περ Transliteration: per Phonetic Spelling: (per) Definition: indeed (adds force to the preceding word) however much, very much, altogether, indeed whosoever. From the base of peran; an enclitic particle significant of abundance (thoroughness), i.e. Emphasis; much, very or ever -- (whom-)soever. see GREEK peran ``` πέραν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: peran Phonetic Spelling: (per'-an) Definition: on the other side Usage: over, on the other side, beyond. ``` see διόπερ, ἐάνπερ, εἴπερ, ἐπείπερ, ἐπειδήπερ, ἤπερ, καθάπερ, καίπερ, ὅσπερ, ὥσπερ
INDEED, WHETHER OR NOT ``` ἤτοι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: étoi Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-toy) Definition: whether Usage: whether. ``` ``` ἤ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: é Phonetic Spelling: (ay) Definition: or, than Usage: or, than. ``` τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T HELPS Word-studies 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). Asseverate definition is - to affirm or declare positively or earnestly. The solemn or emphatic declaration or statement of something. "I fear that you offer only unsupported asseveration" τοί ethical dat. of su ``` σύ, σοῦ, σοί, σέ Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun Transliteration: su Phonetic Spelling: (soo) Definition: you (early mod. Eng. thou) Usage: you. ```
THROUGH διὰ through Prep διά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: dia Phonetic Spelling: (dee-ah') Definition: through, on account of, because of Usage: (a) gen: through, throughout, by the instrumentality of, (b) acc: through, on account of, by reason of, for the sake of, because of. HELPS Word-studies 1223 diá (a preposition) – properly, across (to the other side), back-and-forth to go all the way through, "successfully across" ("thoroughly"). 1223 (diá) is also commonly used as a prefix and lend the same idea ("thoroughly," literally, "successfully" across to the other side). [1223 (diá) is a root of the English term diameter ("across to the other side, through"). Before a vowel, dia is simply written di̓.]
YET - STILL Translations of yet Adverb ακόμη yet, still, more, further όμως yet, still, now εν τούτοις however, yet Adverb ακόμα • (akóma) yet, still όχι ακόμα (óchi akóma, “not yet”) Είναι ακόμα ζωντανός. Eínai akóma zontanós. He's still alive. more, remaining, other Χρειάζομαι ακόμα δύο μέρες. Chreiázomai akóma dýo méres. I need two more days. even + και (kai) Ακόμα και η Ελένη είπε ναι! Akóma kai i Eléni eípe nai! Even Helen said yes! Στη χώρα του, ακόμη και το Νοέμβριο κάνει ζέστη. Sti chóra tou, akómi kai to Noémvrio kánei zésti. In his country, it's hot even in November. Μετά τη δολοφονία, φοβάται ακόμη και να βγει έξω από το σπίτι του Metá ti dolofonía, fovátai akómi kai na vgei éxo apó to spíti tou After the killing, he's afraid even to get out of his house. even if + και αν (kai an), και να (kai na) or και όταν (kai ótan); when followed by a concessive clause Ακόμη και αν συμφωνούν μεταξύ τους, συμπεριφέρονται άσχημα. Akómi kai an symfonoún metaxý tous, symperiférontai áschima. Even if they agree with each other, they behave badly. Δε θα την επιτρέψω να χρησιμοποιήσει το αυτοκίνητό μου, ακόμη και να μου το ζητήσει παρακαλώντας. De tha tin epitrépso na chrisimopoiísei to aftokínitó mou, akómi kai na mou to zitísei parakalóntas. I will not allow her to use my car, even if she begs me to.
LIKEWISE - HOWEVER - BUT NEVER THE LESS - ALL THE SAME Conjunction όμως • (ómos) however, but Adverb ὅμως • (hómōs) nevertheless, yet, all the same From ὁμῶς (homôs, “together; equally, alike”), with stress shift. Adverb ὁμῶς • (homôs) together equally, alike ὁμός (homós - same) +‎ -ως (-ōs) Adjective ὁμός • (homós) m (feminine ὁμή, neuter ὁμόν); first/second declension same, common, joint Adjective[edit] ὅμοιος • (hómoios) m (feminine ὁμοία, neuter ὅμοιον); first/second declension Like, resembling [+dative = someone, something], similar [+dative = to someone, something] Shared, common, mutual Suited to, appropriate for Equal The same ὁμός (homós, “same”) +‎ -ιος (-ios, adjectival suffix) Verb ὁμοιόω • (homoióō) I make similar, assimilate I compare, liken From ὅμοιος (hómoios, “like, similar”) +‎ -όω (-to make) -όω • (-óō) Added to a noun or adjective to make a verb with a causative or factitive meaning: to make someone do or be something. Noun ὁμοίωσῐς • (homoíōsis) f (genitive ὁμοιώσεως); third declension likeness, resemblance From ὁμοιόω (homoióō, “to make like, to be like”) +‎ -σῐς (-sis). Adjective ὁμοιότροπος • (homoiótropos) m or f (neuter ὁμοιότροπον); second declension of like manners and life similar τρόπος • (trópos) m (genitive τρόπου); second declension a turn, way, manner, style a trope or figure of speech a mode in music a mode or mood in logic the time and space on the battlefield when one side's belief turns from victory to defeat, the turning point of the battle. Adverb ὁμοίως • (homoíōs) In like manner. -ως • (-ōs) Added to the stem of adjectives or pronouns to form adverbs
εν τούτοις
IN THE MEANTIME - HOWEVER YET znevertheless εν τούτοις however, yet Adverb ἐν τούτοις • (en toútois) (Byzantine) (Byzantine) Alternative form of ἐντούτοις (entoútois) Adverb ἐντούτοις • (entoútois) (Byzantine) in the meantime εντούτοις (“nevertheless”) ἐν τούτοις (“in the meantime”) Determiner οὗτος • (hoûtos), f αὕτη (haútē), n τοῦτο (toûto) (medial demonstrative determiner and pronoun) this (of place) here in contrast with ὅδε (hóde): the preceding in contrast with ἐκεῖνος (ekeînos): the latter of someone or something famous or infamous
μηδέποτε (from μη + δέ + πόσος + τε)
THEN NOT LIKELY AT ANY TIME ``` μηδέποτε Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: médepote Phonetic Spelling: (may-dep'-ot-eh) Definition: never Usage: not at any time, never. ``` ``` μηδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: méde Phonetic Spelling: (may-deh') Definition: but not, and not Usage: and not, not even, neither…nor. ``` μή negates any possible implications or implied suggestions from the facts. μή No, that’s not likely to occur as a result of this. ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. HELPS Word-studies 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) ποτέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: pote Phonetic Spelling: (pot-eh') Definition: once, ever Usage: at one time or other, at some time, formerly. ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] and (denotes addition or connection)
μηκέτῐ (μη + έτῐ)
NOT POSSIBLE YET - NO MORE - NO LONGER - NO FURTHER Adverb μηκέτῐ • (mēkéti) no more, no longer, no further From μή (mḗ, “not”) + ἔτι (éti, “yet”) ``` Adverb ἔτῐ • (éti) (of time) yet, still (of the present) (of the past, mostly with imperfect) (of the future) (with a negative) no more, no longer (of degree) yet, still, besides, further, moreover (often to strengthen a comparative) (with the positive) ```
οὐκέτῐ (from οὐκ + έτῐ)
STILL NOT A FACT - NOT YET - NOT YET A FACT NOT NOW OR ANY FURTHER Adverb οὐκέτῐ • (oukéti) no more, no longer, no further, not now From οὐκ (ouk, “not”) +‎ ἔτι (éti, “yet, longer”) ἔτι still, yet ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. ```
NOT A FACT YET - NOT UP ‘TIL NOW Adverb οὔπω • (oúpō) not yet not, not at all From οὐ (ou, “not”) +‎ πω (pō, “yet”) ``` πω Transliteration: Phonetic Spelling: (po) Definition: yet, even NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin enclitic particle used as suffix or prefix, see médepó, mépó, oudepó, oupó, and pópote. ``` Particle πω • (pō) up to this time, yet (as a negative polarity item) at all, ever (as a negative polarity item)
NOT POSSIBLE YET ``` μήπω Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: mepo Phonetic Spelling: (may'-po) Definition: lest anywhere, lest perhaps Usage: not yet. ``` ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] ``` πω Transliteration: Phonetic Spelling: (po) Definition: yet, even NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin enclitic particle used as suffix or prefix, see médepó, mépó, oudepó, oupó, and pópote. ``` Particle πω • (pō) up to this time, yet (as a negative polarity item) at all, ever (as a negative polarity item)
AS FAR AS - UP TO THIS POINT Adverb ἄχρῐ • (ákhri) to the very bottom, to the uttermost, utterly (after Homer, before prepositions) ``` Preposition ἄχρῐ • (ákhri) (governs the genitive) even to, as far as (of time) until (of space) as far as, even to (of measure or degree) up to this point ``` Conjunction ἄχρῐ • (ákhri) (of time) until, so long as (of space) so far as ``` Translations of until Part of speech Translation Reverse translations Frequency help_outline Preposition μέχρι until, to, unto ``` έως until ίσαμε until, up to Conjunction ώσπου until, till ότου until
UNTIL Adverb μέχρῐ • (mékhri) until Conjunction μέχρῐ • (mékhri) until ``` Preposition μέχρι • (mékhri) (governs the genitive) Marker of spatial extension: as far as Marker of temporal extension: until Marker of general extent: to the point of, so far as ``` From Proto-Indo-European *méǵʰ(s)ri (locative), from *me (“with”) – cf. μετά (metá) – and *ǵʰes- (“hand”), whence χείρ (kheír). Cognate with its zero-grade ἄχρι (ákhri), Old Armenian մերձ (merj) and Albanian ndjerë. Proto-Indo-European / *me Adverb *me in the middle of, near, by, around, with ``` Noun χείρ • (kheír) f (genitive χειρός); third declension hand arm (or hand and arm taken together) paw of an animal finger ``` ``` Translations of until Part of speech Translation Reverse translations Frequency help_outline Preposition μέχρι until, to, unto ``` έως until ίσαμε until, up to Conjunction ώσπου until, till ότου until
ABOUT - UNTIL Preposition ίσαμε • (ísame) until, till, til, 'til about until Declares: (+ accusative) place walking talking till the sea (+ adverb) time, limit I will wait until tonight He was huge, till up there (+ arithmetic) quantity, approximately so It takes till 1,600 euro pension It was till 50 years (more or less, about 50, probably not above)
ώσπου (from ώσ + που)
BY THE TIME (this happens, that will have happened) consisting of ὥς (hṓs, “as”) πού (poú, “where”). Adverb ώσπου • (óspou) by the time, when ώσπου να πεις αμήν ― óspou na peis amín ― before you could say amen Ώσπου να του μιλήσω, είχε εξαφανιστεί. Óspou na tou milíso, eíche exafanisteí. By the time I spoke to him, he had vanished. Conjunction ώσπου • (óspou) until (up to the time of) Ήμουν άνεργος, ώσπου με προσέλαβαν στο αεροδρόμιο. Ímoun ánergos, óspou me prosélavan sto aerodrómio. I was unemployed, until they hired me at the airport. ``` Adverb ὡς • (hōs) (relative adverb) the introduction to similes like as, as, just as according as (with adverbial clauses) (parenthetically) to qualify a general statement; as it seems (in elliptical phrases) so far as.... (attached to the object of a verb) as (to limit or augment the force of adverbs) ``` Conjunction ὡς • (hōs) (subordinating conjunction or complementizer, introducing dependent or subordinate clause) (with noun clauses) introducing a clause expressing a fact: that (with indicative or optative) (final) introducing a clause expressing an end or purpose: that, so that, in order that, so (with subjunctive or optative) (consequential) introducing a clause expressing a result: so that (causal) as, since, because (temporal) when (modal) how (local) where PIE word *só From the demonstrative pronoun ὁ (ho) +‎ -ως (-ōs, adverbial suffix). Adverb ὡς • (hōs) (demonstrative adverb) in καὶ ὧς: even so, nevertheless in comparisons, ὥς (hṓs)... ὡς (hōs) or ὡς (hōs)... ὣς (hṑs): so... as... thus, for instance
TRUE BY CONTRAST AS A CONSEQUENCE TRUE BY CONTRAST TO SOMETHING ELSE ASSERTED TO BE TRUE τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T HELPS Word-studies 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). (asseveration) Asseverate definition is - to affirm or declare positively or earnestly. act of recognizing authority or truth of something the solemn or emphatic declaration or statement of something. "I fear that you offer only unsupported asseveration"
τοίνυν (from τοί + νυν)
INDEED NOW! τοίνυν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: toinun Phonetic Spelling: (toy'-noon) Definition: accordingly, therefore Usage: indeed now, therefore, accordingly, well then. HELPS Word-studies 5106 toínyn (from 5104 /toí, "indeed," strengthening 3568 /nýn, "now in light of what precedes") – now indeed (indeed now), especially now; introducing what is "now logically necessary" in light of what is (already) established. ``` νῦν Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: nun Phonetic Spelling: (noon) Definition: now, the present Usage: adv. (a) of time: just now, even now; just at hand, immediately, (b) of logical connection: now then, (c) in commands and appeals: at this instant. HELPS Word-studies 3568 nýn (an adverb) – now, as the logical result of what precedes; now, in light of what has gone before. ```
καίτοιγε (from καί + τοι + γε)
AND TRULY INDEED! ``` καίτοιγε Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kaitoige Phonetic Spelling: (kah'-ee-toyg-eh) Definition: and yet, indeed Usage: and yet, although, indeed. HELPS Word-studies 2544 kaítoige (from 2543 /kaítoi, "even so, indeed" and 1065 /gé, "indeed, really") – although – literally, "even so indeed" (= really!). ``` ``` καίτοι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kaitoi Phonetic Spelling: (kah'-ee-toy) Definition: and yet Usage: and yet, although, though. HELPS Word-studies 2543 kaítoi (a compound particle from 2532 /kaí, "and, even" and 5104 /toí, "indeed") – even yet, though indeed. 2543 (kaítoi) focuses on the first part of a comparison. ``` τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T HELPS Word-studies 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). γε Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: ge Phonetic Spelling: (gheh) Definition: emphasizes the word to which it is joined Usage: an enclitic, emphasizing particle: at least, indeed, really, but generally too subtle to be represented in English. HELPS Word-studies 1065 gé – an emphatic particle meaning at least, indeed. 1065 (gé) adds the idea "assuredly (really)" which stresses the salient part of a comparison (a two-part statement). 1065 (gé) emphasizes "the key idea/word that follows it" (R, 1148; Bäumlein, 54).
μέντοι (from μέν + τοι)
TRULY AS A CONTRASTING CONSEQUENCE HOWEVER, IN CONTRAST, IT IS QUITE POSSIBLE INDEED THAT…! from μέν (I concede, affirm) + τοι (therefore asserted to be true) ``` μέντοι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: mentoi Phonetic Spelling: (men'-toy) Definition: yet, however Usage: (a) indeed, really, (b) yet, however, nevertheless. ``` μέν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: men Phonetic Spelling: (men) Definition: shows affirmation or concession Usage: an untranslatable particle, generally answered by de, each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other. HELPS Word-studies 3303 mén (a conjunction) – indeed, verily (truly). μέν, a weakened form of μήν, and hence, properly a particle of affirmation: truly, certainly, surely, indeed — its affirmative force being weakened, yet retained most in Ionic. μέν truly, I concede your point… those in which μέν has a concessive force, and δέ (or ἀλλά) introduces a restriction, correction, or amplification of what has been said in the former member, indeed ... but, yet, on the other hand. δέ indeed ... but, yet, on the other hand… those in which μέν loses its concessive force and serves only to distinguish, but δέ retains its adversative power μέν ... δέ serve only to distribute a sentence into clauses: both ... and; not only ... but also; as well ... as τοί this truly, as a result, by contrast to that τοί consequently indeed… therefore, thereupon, whereupon an enclitic particle of asseveration by way of contrast τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T HELPS Word-studies 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). an enclitic particle of asseveration by way of contrast; in sooth -- (used only with other particles in the comparative
τοιγαροῦν (from τοι + γαρ + οῦν)
SO THEN IN INDEED, BY CONTRAST THIS FOLLOWS THAT…! τοί + γάρ (= ᾰ̓́ρᾰ + γε) + οὖν τοιγαροῦν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: toigaroun Phonetic Spelling: (toy-gar-oon') Definition: wherefore then, so therefore Usage: consequently, therefore, well then, so then. HELPS Word-studies 5105 toigaroún (from 5104 /toí, "indeed"; 1063 /gár, "for"; and 3767 /oún, "therefore") – properly, for-indeed-therefore, i.e. "for that very reason therefore." 5105 (toigaroún) is an emphatic way to introduce "what must follow" – in light of what precedes. That is, extending the same idea which precedes (as the basis). τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T HELPS Word-studies 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). γάρ: for, indeed (a conjunc. used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation) ``` Original Word: γάρ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: gar Phonetic Spelling: (gar) Definition: for, indeed (a conjunction used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation) Usage: for. HELPS Word-studies 1063 gár (a conjunction) – for. While "for" is usually the best translation of 1063 (gár), its sense is shaped by the preceding statement – the "A" statement which precedes the 1063 (gár) statement in the "A-B" unit. ``` (verily then) for indeed (a conjunc. used to express cause, explanation, inference or continuation) γάρ, a conjunction, which according to its composition, γέ and ἄρα (equivalent to ἀρ), is properly a particle of affirmation and conclusion, denoting truly therefore, verily as the case stands, "the thing is first affirmed by the particle γέ, and then is referred to what precedes by the force of the particle ἄρα Conjunction ᾰ̓́ρᾰ • (ára) so, then, therefore, consequently ἄρα Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: ara Phonetic Spelling: (ar'-ah) Definition: therefore (an illative particle) Usage: then, therefore, since. HELPS Word-studies 686 ára (probably akin to arō, "to join, be fitting," see J. Thayer, Curtius) – an inferential particle meaning "it follows that . . . ". [J. Thayer, "686 (ára) intimates that 'under these circumstances, something either is so, or becomes so' " (so also Klotz, 167).] γε Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: ge Phonetic Spelling: (gheh) Definition: emphasizes the word to which it is joined Usage: an enclitic, emphasizing particle: at least, indeed, really, but generally too subtle to be represented in English. HELPS Word-studies 1065 gé – an emphatic particle meaning at least, indeed. 1065 (gé) adds the idea "assuredly (really)" which stresses the salient part of a comparison (a two-part statement). 1065 (gé) emphasizes "the key idea/word that follows it" (R, 1148; Bäumlein, 54). ``` οὖν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: oun Phonetic Spelling: (oon) Definition: therefore, then, (and) so Usage: therefore, then. HELPS Word-studies 3767 oún (a conjunction) – therefore, now then, accordingly so. 3767 (oún) occurs 526 times in the NT and is typically translated "therefore" which means, "By extension, here's how the dots connect." ``` Hence, it is used in drawing a conclusion and in connecting sentences together logically, then, therefore, accordingly, consequently, these things being so οὖν stands a. in exhortations (to show what ought now to be done by reason of what has been said), equivalent to wherefore (our transitional therefore) in questions, then, therefore (Latinigitur); α. when the question is, what follows or seems to follow from what has been said: τί οὖν what then? i. e. how then does the matter stand? τί οὖν ἐστιν what is it then?
τοιούτους (from τοι + ούτους)
IN DEED AS SUCH IT IS LIKE… Indeed, having the same characteristics as the preceding… Truly, like the other type, it has… Certainly, to the same degree it also has… τοιούτους such DPro-AMP τοί ASSERTED TO BE TRUE τοί Transliteration: toi Phonetic Spelling: (toy) Definition: an enclitic particle of asseveration used as a prefix or suff. in the N.T HELPS Word-studies 5104 toí – indeed-consequently (often translated therefore, thereupon, whereupon). "In the NT, 5102 (títlos) is only used in composition" (Zodhiates, Dictionary), i.e. in a compound term like 2544 (kaítoige) or 5106 (toínyn). (asseveration) Asseverate definition is - to affirm or declare positively or earnestly. act of recognizing authority or truth of something the solemn or emphatic declaration or statement of something. "I fear that you offer only unsupported asseveration" ———————————————————————— SUCH ``` Definition of “SUCH” 1a : of a kind or character to be indicated or suggested a bag such as a doctor carries b : having a quality to a degree to be indicated his excitement was such that he shouted 2 : of the character, quality, or extent previously indicated or implied in the past few years many such women have shifted to full-time jobs 3 : of so extreme a degree or quality never heard such a hubbub 4 : of the same class, type, or sort other such clinics throughout the state 5 : not specified such pronoun Definition of such (Entry 2 of 3) 1 : such a person or thing 2 : someone or something stated, implied, or exemplified such was the result 3 : someone or something similar : similar persons or things tin and glass and such as such : intrinsically considered : in itself as such the gift was worth little such adverb Definition of such (Entry 3 of 3) 1a : to such a degree : SO such tall buildings such a fine person b : VERY, ESPECIALLY hasn't been in such good spirits lately 2 : in such a way related such that each excludes the other ``` Synonyms & Antonyms for such Synonyms: Adjective akin, alike, analogous, cognate, comparable, connate, correspondent, corresponding, ditto, like, matching, parallel, resemblant, resembling, similar, suchlike Synonyms: Adverb achingly, almighty, archly, awful, awfully, badly, beastly, blisteringly, bone, colossally, corking, cracking, damn, damned, dang, deadly, desperately, eminently, enormously, especially, ever, exceedingly (also exceeding), extra, extremely, fabulously, fantastically, far, fiercely, filthy, frightfully, full, greatly, heavily, highly, hugely, immensely, incredibly, intensely, jolly, majorly, mightily, mighty, monstrous [chiefly dialect], mortally, most, much, particularly, passing, rattling, real, really, right, roaring, roaringly, seriously, severely, so, sore, sorely, spanking, specially, stinking, super, supremely, surpassingly, terribly, that, thumping, too, unco, uncommonly, vastly, very, vitally, way, whacking, wicked, wildly Such - Antonyms Antonyms: Adjective different, dissimilar, diverse, unakin, unlike Antonyms: Adverb little, negligibly, nominally, slightly, somewhat
ὅτι (from ὅς + τις)
THE REASON BEING - THIS IS TRUE BECAUSE OF THAT ὅτι simply introduces the reason, because οὐχ ὅτι ... ἀλλ' ὅτι, not because ... but because it is added to a speaker's words to show what ground he gives for his opinion the reason why anything is said to be or to be done, because, since, for that, for causative, because -- as concerning that, as though, because (that), for (that), how (that), (in) that, though, why. ``` ὅστις, ἥτις, ὅτι Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hostis, hétis, ho ti Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-tis) Definition: whoever, anyone who Usage: whosoever, whichsoever, whatsoever. ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing.
ὅτε (from ὅς + τέ)
WHAT IN ADDITION TO THAT? - WHEN, AT WHICH TIME… WHEN ADDITIONALLY… ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ - properly, “as” τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
ὅταν (from ὅς + τέ + ἄν)
WHEN, AND ON WHAT CONDITION MAY IT POSSIBLY COME TO BE? From ὅς + τέ + ἄν ``` ὅταν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hotan Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an) Definition: whenever Usage: when, whenever. HELPS Word-studies 3752 hótan (from 3753 /hóte, "when" and 302 /án, "whenever a specified condition is fulfilled") – properly, "at the time when the condition is met," i.e. whenever that occurs, "at the time (it happens)" (J. Thayer). ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]
TOGETHER - AT THE SAME PLACE AND TIME ``` ὁμοῦ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: homou Phonetic Spelling: (hom-oo') Definition: together Usage: together, at the same place and time. ```
AS - (as to the, as in the, as about the) from the adverb τῇ, properly, as; τῇ adverb in the, about the τέ (as δέ comes from δή, μέν from μήν, so τέ from the adverb τῇ, properly, as; (others ally it with καί) ``` Also: As an Article τῇ • (têi) (Attic, Epic, Ionic) feminine dative singular of ὁ (ho) Dative feminine singular form of ὁ. ``` Pronoun ὁ • (ho) m, ἡ f (hē), τό n (tó) (rarely in Epic, often in later Greek) (“the”) (Epic, demonstrative) that (Epic, third person personal pronoun) he, she, it, they (relative, Epic, Ionic, poetic Attic) who, which, that τῇ πίστει. {by faith, to faith, for faith, in faith, in the faith, ...}
AND (adjunctive conjunction connects what precedes it) τέ differs from the particle καί in that the latter is conjunctive, τέ adjunctive. καί introduces something new under the same aspect yet as an external addition, whereas τέ marks it as having an inner connection with what precedes; hence, καί is the more general particle, τέ the more special and precise; καί may often stand for τέ, but not τέ for καί.
YES INDEED! TRULY! EMPHATICALLY! SETTLED! δή: indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) Original Word: δή Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: dé Phonetic Spelling: (day) Definition: indeed, now (used to give emphasis or urgency to a statement) Usage: (a) in a clause expressing demand: so, then, (b) indeed, (c) truly. HELPS Word-studies 1211 dḗ(an adverb) – really, with veracity ("in truth"). Unfortunately, 1211 (dḗ) is often not even translated even though it dramatically "gives precision and emphasis to a command – implying that it is for a special purpose, and to be obeyed at the time" (WS, 252). 1211 /dḗ ("certainly") strongly affirms what at last has "become clear and now may be assumed as true" (R, 1149), i.e. has passed through the needed process and can be fully relied upon. Thus 1211 (dḗ) conveys what is "surely the case . . . ". δή (shortened from ἤδη (others besides)), a particle which, the epic phrases δή τότε, δή γάρ excepted, is never placed at the beginning of a sentence, but is joined to some preceding word, and indicates that what it introduces can be taken as something settled, laid down in deed and in truth (Klotz ad Devar. ii. 2, p. 392): now therefore, then, verily, in truth ———————————————- ``` ἤδη Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: édé Phonetic Spelling: (ay'-day) Definition: already Usage: already; now at length, now after all this waiting. HELPS Word-studies 2235 ḗdē (a temporal adverb) – already now, even now, referring to what is not yet strictly present but already (now) impacts the present (= "already now"). ``` [2235 (ḗdē) is "a point of time preceding another point of time and implying completion – 'already'" (L & N, 1, 67.20). It often factors in something strictly future, but can include anything that is not strictly present.]
ἐνθάδε - (from ἔν + -θεν + δε)
HERE - COME HERE - COME HITHER From ἔν (in) + -θεν (from) + δε (but, and, now, then) ἐνθάδε, adverb from ἔνθα and the enclitic δέ here, hither. From a prolonged form of en; properly, within, i.e. (of place) here, hither -- (t-)here, hither. ``` ἐν Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: en Phonetic Spelling: (en) Definition: in, on, at, by, with Usage: in, on, among. HELPS Word-studies 1722 en (a preposition) – properly, in (inside, within); (figuratively) "in the realm (sphere) of," as in the condition (state) in which something operates from the inside (within). ``` a prim. preposition denoting position and by impl. instrumentality Definition in, on, at, by, with Suffix -θεν • (-then) Added to nouns to form adverbs of place from which: from; also used, like genitive, with prepositions from ἐν and the syllable -θεν —————————————————- Conjunction δέ • (dé) but, and Particle δέ • (dé) (discourse particle) but, and Proto-Indo-European Particle *de ~ *do or *-de ~ *-do Emphatic or contrastive particle, (“and, but”) Postpositive demonstrative particle, towards. ``` Particle δή • (dḗ) (discourse particle) Adds temporal specificity: now, already Adds emphasis: truly, ! Adds specificity: exactly With pronouns: of all people ``` Usage notes δή (dḗ) is a post-positive word, meaning that it will usually (but not always) be the second word in a clause. Alternative forms δαί (daí) – after interrogatives, to express wonder or curiosity. ``` Coptic Particle ⲇⲉ • (de) indicates a shift in topic, sometimes translated (“as: but, and”) now but often left untranslated. ``` ``` Classical Syriac Etymology Borrowed from Ancient Greek δέ (dé). Pronunciation IPA(key): /dɛn/ Particle ܕܝܢ • (den) indicates a shift in topic, sometimes translated (“as: but, and, now, however”) but often left untranslated. ``` ————————————————— ``` Englishman's Concordance Matthew 17:20 Adv GRK: τούτῳ Μετάβα ἔνθεν ἐκεῖ καὶ NAS: Move from here to there,' INT: to this Remove from here to there and Luke 16:26 Adv GRK: θέλοντες διαβῆναι ἔνθεν πρὸς ὑμᾶς NAS: to come over from here to you will not be able, INT: desire to pass from here to you ``` ``` Luke 24:41 Adv GRK: τι βρώσιμον ἐνθάδε NAS: you anything here to eat? KJV: unto them, Have ye here any meat? INT: anything eatable here ``` ``` John 4:15 Adv GRK: μηδὲ διέρχωμαι ἐνθάδε ἀντλεῖν NAS: nor come all the way here to draw. KJV: neither come hither to draw. INT: nor come here to draw ``` ``` John 4:16 Adv GRK: καὶ ἐλθὲ ἐνθάδε NAS: your husband and come here. KJV: and come hither. INT: and come here ``` ``` Acts 10:18 Adv GRK: ἐπικαλούμενος Πέτρος ἐνθάδε ξενίζεται NAS: Peter, was staying there. KJV: Peter, were lodged there. INT: called Peter here is lodged ```
NO, NOT LIKELY μή No, that’s not likely to occur as a result of this
NEITHER / NOR οὔτε neither Conj ``` οὔτε Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: oute Phonetic Spelling: (oo'-teh) Definition: and not, neither Usage: and not, neither, nor. HELPS Word-studies 3777 oúte (a conjunction derived from 3756 /ou, "not, denying as a fact" and 5037 /té, "also") – properly, nor (both not), neither also. ``` [3777 /oúte ("neither, nor") occurs 87 times in the critical text and 94 times in the Textus Receptus.]
WHERE - IN WHAT PLACE? ``` ὅπου Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hopou Phonetic Spelling: (hop'-oo) Definition: where Usage: where, whither, in what place. NAS Exhaustive Concordance ``` Word Origin from hos, and pou ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` ``` πού Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pou Phonetic Spelling: (poo) Definition: somewhere Usage: where, somewhere, anywhere; with numerals: somewhere about. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin enclitic particle from the same as posos Definition somewhere ``` ``` πόσος, η, ον Part of Speech: Correlative Or Interrogative Pronoun Transliteration: posos Phonetic Spelling: (pos'-os) Definition: how much? how great? Usage: how much, how great, how many. ```
ὅτι / ὅτε
THAT (conjunction) / WHEN (adverb) ὅτι that Conj ὅτε when Adv ``` ὅτι Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hoti Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-ee) Definition: that, because Usage: that, since, because; may introduce direct discourse. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin conjunction from neut. of hostis, ``` ``` ὅστις, ἥτις, ὅτι Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hostis, hétis, ho ti Phonetic Spelling: (hos'-tis) Definition: whoever, anyone who Usage: whosoever, whichsoever, whatsoever. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hos, and tis ``` τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing. ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance ``` Word Origin from hos, and te ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
ὅταν (from ὅς + τέ + ἄν)
WHENEVER - WHICHEVER ``` ὅταν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hotan Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an) Definition: whenever Usage: when, whenever. HELPS Word-studies 3752 hótan (from 3753 /hóte, "when" and 302 /án, "whenever a specified condition is fulfilled") – properly, "at the time when the condition is met," i.e. whenever that occurs, "at the time (it happens)" (J. Thayer). ``` NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hote and an ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hos, and te ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]
μήτι (from μή + τις, τι)
YOU DON’T MEAN TO SAY THAT - CAN IT BE THAT μήτι Can it be [that] IntPrtcl ``` μήτι Part of Speech: Particle, Interrogative Transliteration: méti Phonetic Spelling: (may'-tee) Definition: can this be? (interrogative particle expecting a negative answer) Usage: if not, unless, whether at all. HELPS Word-studies 3385 mḗti (from 3361 /mḗ, "not" and 5101 /tís, "anything") – properly, not perhaps, "no on first blush (reaction)" – while still keeping "the possibility open" to elicit the desired reaction from the listener (reader). 3385 (mḗti) then draws out an immediate "no," while still conjuring the idea, "unless . . . ". ``` Example: Jn 4:29: "Come, see a man who told me all the things that I have done; this is not (3385 /mḗti) the Christ, is it?" (NASU). A. T. Robertson, "Is not this the Christ (3385 /mḗti) . . . " elicits "the negative answer ('this cannot be') . . . 'unless He really is the Christ!' (holding out the 'diplomatic possibility') and thus heightening their interest" (WS, 429,30). ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] τις, τι Part of Speech: Indefinite Pronoun Transliteration: tis Phonetic Spelling: (tis) Definition: a certain one, someone, anyone Usage: any one, some one, a certain one or thing.
μεταξύ (from μετά + ξύν, see σύν)
IN THE MEANTIME - MEANWHILE ``` μεταξύ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: metaxu Phonetic Spelling: (met-ax-oo') Definition: between, after Usage: meanwhile, afterwards, between. ``` from μετά and ξύν (see σύν) ``` μετά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: meta Phonetic Spelling: (met-ah') Definition: with, among, after Usage: (a) gen: with, in company with, (b) acc: (1) behind, beyond, after, of place, (2) after, of time, with nouns, neut. of adjectives. HELPS Word-studies 3326 metá (a preposition) – properly, with ("after with"), implying "change afterward" (i.e. what results after the activity). As an active "with," 3326 (metá) looks towards the after-effect (change, result) which is only defined by the context. ``` [3326 (metá) before a vowel is written met (meth).] ``` σύν / ξύν Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: sun Phonetic Spelling: (soon) Definition: with, together with (expresses association with) Usage: with. HELPS Word-studies 4862 sýn (a primitive preposition, having no known etymology) – properly, identified with, joined close-together in tight identification; with (= closely identified together). ``` As to its Form, σύν, in composition before beta β', mu μ', pi π, phi Φ, psi Ψ, passes into συμ(, before lambda λ' into συλ(, before gamma γ', kappa κ', chi Χ into συγ(; before zeta ζ' (and sigma ς' followed by a consonant) it is elided, hence, συζῆν, συζητέω, συσταυρόω, συστέλλω. STRONGS NT 4862: συνβ(συνβ(, see συμβ( and σύν, II, at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνγ(συνγ(, see συγγ( and σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνζ(συνζ(, see συζ(, and σύν, II. under the end STRONGS NT 4862: συνκ(συνκ(, see συγκ( cf. σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνλ(συνλ(, see συλλ( cf. σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνμ(συνμ(, see συμμ( cf. σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνπ(συνπ(, see συμπ( cf. σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνς( [συνς(, see συς( and συσς(] cf. σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνστ(συνστ(, see συστ( cf. σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνφ(συνφ(, see συμφ( cf. σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνχ(συνχ(, see συγχ( cf. σύν, II. at the end. STRONGS NT 4862: συνψ(συνψ(, see συμψ( cf. σύν, II. at the end.
Τότε - (from [ὁ, ἡ, τό] + ὅτε + [ὅς, ἥ, ὅ] + τέ)
THEN, AT THAT TIME Τότε Then Adv ``` τότε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: tote Phonetic Spelling: (tot'-eh) Definition: then, at that time Usage: then, at that time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance ``` Word Origin from the neut. of ho, and hote ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance ``` Word Origin from hos, and te ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
κάτι - κατιτί - (from καί (and) + ἄν (possibility) + τι (it)
SOMETHING Alternative forms κατιτί (katití) (a stylistic alternative) Etymology From Ancient Greek καί (kaí) + ἄν (án) + τι (ti). from καί (and) + ἄν (possibility) + τι (it) Pronoun κάτι • (káti) (indeclinable) something Pronoun κατιτί • (katití) (indeclinable) Alternative form of κάτι (káti) (used for stylistic purposes)
τίποτα • τίποτε
NOTHING Pronoun τίποτα • (típota) m Alternative form of τίποτε (típote) From Ancient Greek τί ποτε (tí pote) Nothing τίποτα From Ancient Greek τί ποτε (tí pote) Pronoun τίποτε • (típote) m nothing Δεν κάνει τίποτε. ― Den kánei típote. ― it's nothing, you're welcome. Δε ζητώ τίποτε. ― De zitó típote. ― I ask for nothing. (in a negative clause or question) something, any, anything Σου περισσεύουν τίποτε χρήματα; ― Sou perissévoun típote chrímata? ― Do you have any money left over? Δε θέλω τίποτε. ― De thélo típote. ― I don't want anything. Τίποτε should only be translated as the word anything in a negative clause, for example in the sentence: Όχι, δε θέλω τίποτε. ― Óchi, de thélo típote. ― No, I don't want anything. or in questions: Θέλεις τίποτε; ― Théleis típote? ― Do you want anything? Pronoun τί • (tí) neuter nominative/accusative singular of τίς (tís), what? oxytone form of τι before an enclitic, neuter nominative/accusative singular of τις Adverbial accusative of τίς (tís, “what”). Adverb τί • (tí) why? Adverb ποτε • (pote) at some time (or other), at one time ποθ’ (poth’) – apocopic (before a rough breathing) ποτ’ (pot’) – apocopic (before a smooth breathing) ``` Adverb ποτέ • (poté) at some time, once, ever presumably, possibly whatever, whoever ``` Indefinite form of interrogative πότε (póte, “when?”). ``` Adverb ποτέ • (poté) ever, at any time (emphatic) Θα σταματήσεις ποτέ αυτή τη φασαρία; Tha stamatíseis poté aftí ti fasaría? Will you ever stop this trouble? Γύρισε και είναι καλύτερα από ποτέ. Gýrise kai eínai kalýtera apó poté. He is back and better than ever. not ever, never (when used with the negative) Δεν τρώει ποτέ κρέας. Den tróei poté kréas. He never eats meat. Η Ελένη δεν είναι ποτέ στην ώρα της. I Eléni den eínai poté stin óra tis. Eleni is never on time. ``` Synonym (something, any): καθόλου (kathólou) Derived terms με τίποτε (“no way”, - lit. “No nothing”) τιποτένιος (tipoténios) ``` Synonym Adverb καθόλου • (kathólou) at all Τίποτε καθόλου (it’s nothing at all) by no means Δεν είναι καθόλου αστείο! Den eínai kathólou asteío! That is not at all funny! From Ancient Greek καθ’ (down from) + ὅλου (all), genitive of ὅλος (“whole, all”) ```
EVER, AT ANY TIME - WHENEVER Adverb ποτε • (pote) at some time (or other), at one time ποθ’ (poth’) – apocopic (before a rough breathing) ποτ’ (pot’) – apocopic (before a smooth breathing) ``` Adverb ποτέ • (poté) at some time, once, ever presumably, possibly whatever, whoever ``` Indefinite form of interrogative πότε (póte, “when?”). ``` Adverb ποτέ • (poté) ever, at any time (emphatic) Θα σταματήσεις ποτέ αυτή τη φασαρία; Tha stamatíseis poté aftí ti fasaría? Will you ever stop this trouble? Γύρισε και είναι καλύτερα από ποτέ. Gýrise kai eínai kalýtera apó poté. He is back and better than ever. not ever, never (when used with the negative) Δεν τρώει ποτέ κρέας. Den tróei poté kréas. He never eats meat. Η Ελένη δεν είναι ποτέ στην ώρα της. I Eléni den eínai poté stin óra tis. Eleni is never on time. ``` Derived terms με τίποτε (“no way”, - lit. “No nothing”) τιποτένιος (tipoténios)
FRANKLY Adverb ειλικρινά • (eilikriná) frankly, honestly, sincerely ειλικρινά TRANSLATION ειλικρινά sincerely, honestly, genuinely Πιστεύεις ειλικρινά ότι αυτός μπορεί να το κάνει; Do you honestly believe that he can do it? Δεν μπορείς απλώς να απαντήσεις ειλικρινά; Can't you just answer honestly? Ειλικρινά, νιώθω απαίσια! Honestly, I feel awful! οὐδενός none general singular of the indefinite pronoun none and of the neuter gender none οὐδείς - οὐδεμία - οὐδέν nobody / nobody insignificant , unworthy of speech It is inclined like εἷς . The plural nodes (general nonsense , causal node ) is rare and is answered mainly with the second meaning ( negligible ) οὐδεὶς ὅστις οὐ : there is no one who ..., all οὐδένες none, no one nominative plural of indefinite pronoun no one
ON ACCOUNT OF - FOR THE SAKE OF ``` ἕνεκεν Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: heneka Phonetic Spelling: (hen'-ek-ah) Definition: on account of, because of Usage: for the sake of, on account of, on account of which, wherefore, on account of what, why. HELPS Word-studies 1752 héneka (a preposition/adverb followed by the genitive case; alternate spelling, heneken, etymology uncertain) – for this cause, by reason of. 1752 (héneka) introduces the basis (root-cause) which shapes (determines) the end-outcome of the verbal idea. ```
AND THERE ``` κἀκεῖ Part of Speech: Adverb, Correlative Transliteration: kakei Phonetic Spelling: (kak-i') Definition: and there Usage: and there, and yonder, there also. NAS Exhaustive Concordance ``` Word Origin from kai and ekei ``` καί Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: kai Phonetic Spelling: (kahee) Definition: and, even, also Usage: and, even, also, namely. HELPS Word-studies 2532 kaí (the most common NT conjunction, used over 9,000 times) – and (also), very often, moreover, even, indeed (the context determines the exact sense). ``` [After 2532 (kaí), the most common word in the Greek NT is the definite article ("the"). 2532 (kaí) is never adversative, i.e. it never means "however" ("but") – unlike the principal conjunction (waw) in OT Hebrew (G. Archer).] ``` ἐκεῖ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: ekei Phonetic Spelling: (ek-i') Definition: there, to there Usage: (a) there, yonder, in that place, (b) thither, there. ```
τῷ ὄντι
IN FACT - ACTUALLY Phrase τῷ ὄντι • (tôi ónti) in fact, in reality, actually Participle ὄν • (ón) nominative/vocative/accusative neuter singular of ὤν (ṓn) Noun ὄν • (ón) n (genitive ὄντος); third declension reality Participle όντας • (óntas) (indeclinable) Present participle of είμαι (eímai): being Όντας απαισιόδοξος, δεν ελπίζει σε τίποτα! Óntas apaisiódoxos, den elpízei se típota! Being pessimistic, he/she/it hopes for nothing! Noun ὄντα • (ónta) n pl (genitive ὄντων); second declension things which actually exist, opposed to past and future reality, truth, actual objects that which one has, property, fortune ``` Participle ὄντα • (ónta) inflection of ὤν (ṓn): accusative singular masculine nominative/accusative/vocative plural neuter ``` Participle ὤν • (ṓn) present participle of εἰμί (eimí) actual, real Article τῷ • (tôi) masculine/neuter dative singular of ὁ (ho) Conjunction τῷ • (tôi) then, thereupon
THEN - THEREUPON Conjunction τῷ • (tôi) then, thereupon
PLACE τόπῳ place N-DMS
ONLY ``` μόνον Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: monon Phonetic Spelling: (mon'-on) Definition: merely Usage: alone, but, only. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin adverb from monos ```
ἕως ἄρτι
UNTIL NOW ἕως until Prep ἄρτι now Adv ``` ἕως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: heós Phonetic Spelling: (heh'-oce) Definition: till, until Usage: (a) conj: until, (b) prep: as far as, up to, as much as, until. ``` ``` ἄρτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: arti Phonetic Spelling: (ar'-tee) Definition: just now Usage: now, just now, at this moment. HELPS Word-studies 737 árti (an adverb) – now (this instant); here-and-now; exactly now, in the immediate present. ``` 737 /árti ("now") refers to the present as the time to act – i.e. to live "in the now" (= "being alive unto God" now, cf. Ro 6:11).
ἐὰν μή τι
IF NOT ANYTHING ἐὰν* if Conj μή not Adv τι anything IPro-ANS
DURING κατὰ during Prep
AFTER μετὰ after Prep
ENTERED ἐμβὰς entered V-APA-NMS
AT THE TIME δήποτε at the time Prtcl
ὅταν (from ὅς + τέ + ἄν)
WHEN ὅταν when Conj ``` ὅταν Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: hotan Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an) Definition: whenever Usage: when, whenever. HELPS Word-studies 3752 hótan (from 3753 /hóte, "when" and 302 /án, "whenever a specified condition is fulfilled") – properly, "at the time when the condition is met," i.e. whenever that occurs, "at the time (it happens)" (J. Thayer). ``` NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hote and an ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from hos, and te\ ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] ἄν Conditional particle ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]
IMMEDIATELY ``` εὐθέως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eutheós Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-theh'-oce) Definition: at once, directly Usage: immediately, soon, at once. ``` ``` εὐθύς, εῖα, ύ Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: euthus Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-thoos') Definition: straight, straightway Usage: adj: (a) straight of direction, as opposed to crooked, (b) upright; adv: immediately. HELPS Word-studies 2117 euthýs – properly, straight, without unnecessary zig-zags (detours); upright (not crooked, bent); (figuratively) without delay; acting immediately, "straightway," taking a direct path from "God's point A" to "God's point B" which avoids unnecessary delays (deviations). ``` [This root (euthy-) often correlates in the LXX to the OT term, yāsar.]
Ὥσπερ - ὥσπερ
EVEN AS - JUST AS - JUST LIKE Ὥσπερ Even as Adv ὥσπερ As Adv ``` ὥσπερ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hósper Phonetic Spelling: (hoce'-per) Definition: just as, even as Usage: just as, as, even as. HELPS Word-studies 5618 hṓsper (an emphatic adverb, derived from 4007 /per, "indeed" intensifying 5613 /hōs, "as") – "indeed just as," "just exactly like." ``` from hós and per ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` περ Transliteration: per Phonetic Spelling: (per) Definition: indeed (adds force to the preceding word) HELPS Word-studies 4007 per (an emphatic particle derived from 4012 /perí, "concerning, all about") – fully concerning; wholly, very, really – literally "all-around" the whole perimeter; (figuratively) to the limit, beyond what is expected (usual).
NO ONE οὐδένα no one Adj-AMS ``` οὐδείς, οὐδεμία, οὐδέν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: oudeis and outheis, oudemia, ouden and outhen Phonetic Spelling: (oo-dice') Definition: no one, none Usage: no one, none, nothing. HELPS Word-studies 3762 oudeís (from 3756 /ou "no, not" and 1520 /heís, "one") – properly, not one; no one, nothing. ``` 3762 /oudeís ("no one, nothing at all") is a powerful negating conjunction. It rules out by definition, i.e. "shuts the door" objectively and leaves no exceptions. 3762 (oudeís) is deductive in force so it excludes every (any) example that is included withing the premise (supposition). [3762 /oudeís ("not one, none") categorically excludes, declaring as a fact that no valid example exists.] ``` οὐδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: oude Phonetic Spelling: (oo-deh') Definition: and not, neither Usage: neither, nor, not even, and not. HELPS Word-studies 3761 oudé (from 3756 /ou, "not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover") – properly, moreover not, neither indeed, not even, nor even. ``` 3761 /oudé ("neither indeed," "nor indeed") introduces a statement that is negated factually and deductively (it occurs 137 times in the NT). That is, the negation rules out (invalidates) the statement that precedes it, and what naturally extends from it. This is analogous to the following: Because 100 is not enough, then neither are 90, 80, or 70 because they are all included in 100. Thus if "A" (100 in the previous example) is invalid, so is what necessarily follows (statement "B" – 90, 80, 70). [Regardless of how 3761 (oudé) is translated, it means: If "A" (the preceding statement) isn't true (valid) – then "B" (which extends from it) is also not valid. As in the previous example: If 100 is not enough (valid), then automatically neither are 90, 80, 70, etc.] ``` εἷς, μία, ἕν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: heis Phonetic Spelling: (hice) Definition: one Usage: one. ``` ``` οὐ Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: ou, ouk, ouch Phonetic Spelling: (oo) Definition: not, no Usage: no, not. HELPS Word-studies 3756 ou – no ("not"). 3756 (ou) objectively negates a statement, "ruling it out as fact." ``` [3756 (ou) is written ouk before smooth breathings and oux before a rough breathing.] δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. HELPS Word-studies 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . .
οὕτως (οὗτος (“this”) +‎ -ως (“adverb” -ly )
THUS - IN THIS MANNER - SO - IN KEEPING WITH οὕτως thus Adv οὕτως so Adv ``` οὕτως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: houtó and houtós Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-to) Definition: in this way, thus Usage: thus, so, in this manner. HELPS Word-studies 3779 hoútō (an adverb, derived from the demonstrative pronoun, 3778 /hoútos, "this") – like this . . .; in this manner, in this way (fashion), in accordance with this description (i.e. corresponding to what follows); in keeping with; along this line, in the manner spoken. ``` adverb from houtos ``` οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: houtos, hauté, touto Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-tos) Definition: this Usage: this; he, she, it. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin probably from a redupl. of ho,, used as a demonstrative pronoun ``` ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` Adverb οὕτως • (hoútōs) (demonstrative adverb) in this manner, thus, so even so, just so (with imperative, added emphasis) (the introduction of the apodosis after a protasis) (in a really inferential sense) so, therefore (with an adjective or adverb) so, so much, so excessively (sometimes used like αὔτως (aútōs)) so, merely, simply. Adverb from οὗτος (“this”) +‎ -ως (adverbial ending). Determiner οὗτος • (hoûtos), f αὕτη (haútē), n τοῦτο (toûto) (medial demonstrative determiner and pronoun) this (of place) here in contrast with ὅδε (hóde): the preceding in contrast with ἐκεῖνος (ekeînos): the latter of someone or something famous or infamous. "οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο prob[ably] arose from a reduplication of the demonstr. ὁ, ἡ, τό with insertion of -υ-" Article ὁ • (ho) m, ἡ f (hē), τό n (tó) (rarely in Epic, often in later Greek) the —————————— OLD ENGLISH Old English sē, sēo, þæt (English the, that) ``` Article sē the sē mōna ― the moon sēo sunne ― the sun þæt seofonstierre ― the Pleiades þā steorran ― the stars ``` ``` Determiner sē that Sele mē þone hamer. Give me that hammer. Pronoun[edit] sē that Hē fōr hām, and æfter þām ne ġeseah iċ hine nǣfre mā. He went home, and after that I never saw him again. the one / that one Iċ eom sē þe cnocaþ. I am the one who knocks. Hēo nis sēo þe þū oferreċċan þearft. She's not the one you need to convince. Rǣtst þū nū þās bōc oþþe þā? Are you reading this book right now or that one? Hwæðer is þīn, þē þæt swearte hors þē þæt hwīte? Which one is yours, the black horse or the white one? (relative) that, who, what Ne biþ eall þæt glitnaþ nā gold. Not everything that glitters is gold. ``` Article sēo f nominative feminine singular of se: the sēo cwēn ― the queen Determiner sēo f nominative feminine singular of sē: that (agreeing with feminine nouns) Pronoun sēo f nominative feminine singular of sē: she, that one Article þæt n nominative/accusative neuter singular of sē: the Determiner þæt n nominative/accusative neuter singular of sē: that Pronoun þæt n nominative/accusative neuter singular of sē: that, that one Conjunction þæt that so (so that) without (followed by a negative phrase with a subjunctive verb) Hū meaht þū swā swīðe þenċan þæt þū ne beġiete hēafodeċe? How can you think so much without getting a headache?
πᾶς - πᾶσα - πᾶν - πᾶσαν - πάντες
EVERY - ALL πάντες all Adj-NMP πᾶσαν all Adj-AFS ``` πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of. HELPS Word-studies 3956 pás – each, every; each "part(s) of a totality" (L & N, 1, 59.24). ``` 3956 /pás ("each, every") means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time." 365 (ananeóō) then focuses on the part(s) making up the whole – viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts. [When 3956 (pás) modifies a word with the definite article it has "extensive-intensive" force – and is straightforward intensive when the Greek definite article is lacking.]
ὅταν (from ὅς + τέ + ἄν)
WHO POTENTIALLY IN ADDITION ὅταν when Conj ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] ἄν: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Original Word: ἄν Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: an Phonetic Spelling: (an) Definition: usually untranslatable, but generally denoting supposition, wish, possibility or uncertainty Usage: an untranslatable word (under the circumstances, in that case, anyhow), the general effect of which is to make a statement contingent, which would otherwise be definite: it is thus regularly used with the subjunctive mood. HELPS Word-studies 302 án – a conditional particle expressing possibility, based on a preexisting condition (stipulation, prerequisite). This adds an important theoretical (hypothetical) sense to a statement which narrows down the sense of that statement. 302 (an) "indicates what can (could) occur – but only on certain conditions, or by the combination of certain fortuitous causes" (J. Thayer). Only the context determines how 302 (án) "limits" ("conditions") the statement by the possibility (condition) involved. Accordingly, 302 (án) is often called the "untranslatable particle." However, it always influences ("conditions") its sentence and is key to properly understanding the verse (passage) in which it occurs. [Though 302 (án) is not easily "translatable," it always conveys important meaning. (The KJV sometimes translates an as "perchance," "haply.") 302 (an) is used about 300 times in the NT, introducing statements that have conditional or hypothetical meaning.]
NO ONE οὐδένα no one Adj-AMS οὐδὲ γὰρ Not even for Adv Conj oudeis and outheis, oudemia, ouden and outhen: (“no one, none”) ``` Original Word: οὐδείς, οὐδεμία, οὐδέν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: oudeis and outheis, oudemia, ouden and outhen Phonetic Spelling: (oo-dice') Definition: no one, none Usage: no one, none, nothing. HELPS Word-studies 3762 oudeís (from 3756 /ou "no, not" and 1520 /heís, "one") – properly, not one; no one, nothing. ``` 3762 /oudeís ("no one, nothing at all") is a powerful negating conjunction. It rules out by definition, i.e. "shuts the door" objectively and leaves no exceptions. 3762 (oudeís) is deductive in force so it excludes every (any) example that is included withing the premise (supposition). [3762 /oudeís ("not one, none") categorically excludes, declaring as a fact that no valid example exists.] ``` oude: and not, neither Original Word: οὐδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: oude Phonetic Spelling: (oo-deh') Definition: and not, neither Usage: neither, nor, not even, and not. HELPS Word-studies 3761 oudé (from 3756 /ou, "not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover") – properly, moreover not, neither indeed, not even, nor even. ``` 3761 /oudé ("neither indeed," "nor indeed") introduces a statement that is negated factually and deductively (it occurs 137 times in the NT). That is, the negation rules out (invalidates) the statement that precedes it, and what naturally extends from it. This is analogous to the following: Because 100 is not enough, then neither are 90, 80, or 70 because they are all included in 100. Thus if "A" (100 in the previous example) is invalid, so is what necessarily follows (statement "B" – 90, 80, 70). [Regardless of how 3761 (oudé) is translated, it means: If "A" (the preceding statement) isn't true (valid) – then "B" (which extends from it) is also not valid. As in the previous example: If 100 is not enough (valid), then automatically neither are 90, 80, 70, etc.] οὐδέ (from Homer down), a neg. disjunctive conjunction, compounded of οὐ and δέ, and therefore properly, equivalent to but not; generally, however, its oppositive force being lost, it serves to continue a negation. and not, continuing a negation, yet differently from οὔτε; for the latter connects parts or members of the same thing, since τέ is adjunctive like the Latinque; but οὐδέ places side by side things that are equal and mutually exclude each other ((?). There appears to be some mistake here in what is said about 'mutual exclusion' (cf. Winer's Grammar, § 55, 6): οὐδέ, like δέ, always makes reference to something preceding; οὔτε to what follows also; the connection of clauses made negative by οὔτε is close and internal, so that they are mutually complementary and combine into a unity, whereas clauses negatived by οὐδέ follow one another much more loosely, often almost by accident as it were; οὐ Not a fact Adv ἔτι any more Adv οὐδὲ neither Conj οὐδὲ nor Conj μὴ at all Adv δέ Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: de Phonetic Spelling: (deh) Definition: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle) Usage: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand, and. HELPS Word-studies 1161 dé (a conjunction) – moreover, indeed now . . . , on top of this . . . , next . . . universally, by way of opposition and distinction; it is added to statements opposed to a preceding statement… after negative sentences, but, but rather… it is joined to terms which are repeated with a certain emphasis, and with such additions as tend to explain and establish them more exactly; in this use of the particle we may supply a suppressed negative clause and give its force in English by inserting I say, and that, so then, etc.) it serves to mark a transition to something new (δέ metabatic); by this use of the particle, the new addition is distinguished from and, as it were, opposed to what goes before it introduces explanations and separates them from the things to be explained: it introduces the apodosis and, as it were, opposes it to the protasis: καί ... δέ, but ... also, yea and, moreover also: δέ never stands as the first word in the sentence, but generally second; and when the words to which it is added cannot be separated, it stands third also, and, but, moreover, now. A primary particle (adversative or continuative); but, and, etc. -- also, and, but, moreover, now (often unexpressed in English).
JUST AS - EVEN AS καθώς: just as, as ``` Original Word: καθώς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: kathos Phonetic Spelling: (kath-oce') Definition: according as, just as Usage: according to the manner in which, in the degree that, just as, as. HELPS Word-studies 2531 kathṓs (an adverb derived from 2596 /katá, "according to" and 5613 /hōs, "as compared to, to the extent of") – properly, "in proportion, to the degree that" (J. Thayer); just as (in direct proportion), corresponding to fully (exactly). ``` ``` κατά Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: kata Phonetic Spelling: (kat-ah') Definition: down, against, according to Usage: gen: against, down from, throughout, by; acc: over against, among, daily, day-by-day, each day, according to, by way of. HELPS Word-studies 2596 katá (a preposition, governing two grammatical cases) – properly, "down from, i.e. from a higher to a lower plane, with special reference to the terminus (end-point)" (J. Thayer). ``` [2596 (katá) is written 'kat' or 'kath' before a vowel. So too, kata loses the final a before an initial diphthong (cf. BDF § 17; MH 61-62; R 206-208). 2596 /katá ("bring down exactly, complete") is "opposite" to 303 /aná ("bring up to completion").] hós: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Original Word: ὡς Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hós Phonetic Spelling: (hoce) Definition: as, like as, even as, when, since, as long as Usage: as, like as, about, as it were, according as, how, when, while, as soon as, so that. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin adverb from hos, hos, hé, ho: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Original Word: ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that.
FOR AS MUCH AS - IF THAT εἰ: forasmuch as, if, that ``` Original Word: εἰ Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ei Phonetic Spelling: (i) Definition: forasmuch as, if, that Usage: if. HELPS Word-studies 1487 ei (a conditional conjunction) – if. 1487 /ei (followed by any verb) expresses "a condition, thought of as real, or to denote assumptions" (i.e. viewed as factual. for the sake of argument) (BAGD). Accordingly, 1487 (ei) should not be translated "since," but rather always "if" – since the assumption may only be portrayed as valid (true, factual). ``` A primary particle (“if, whether”) - (or a conditional particle introducing circumstances necessary for a given proposition to be true) εἰ, ἰ: εἰ and ἰ are frequent interchanged in N. T. spelling. This is due partly to itacism, partly to the endeavor to mark the iota sound as long or short. εἰ Conditional (on the difference between it and ἐάν, see ἐάν, I. 1 b.) is connected, according to the variety of conditions, with various tenses and moods) ε. followed by the imperfect, either with or without ἄν, where in the protasis something is simply assumed to be, but the apodosis shows that what has been assumed cannot be the case. Not infrequently, when a conclusion is drawn from something that is quite certain, εἰ with the indicative is used argumentatively so as to be equivalent in sense to ἐπεί. ``` Matthew 4:3 Conj GRK: εἶπεν αὐτῷ Εἰ υἱὸς εἶ NAS: and said to Him, If You are the Son KJV: to him, he said, If thou be the Son INT: said to him If Son you are Matthew 4:6 Conj GRK: λέγει αὐτῷ Εἰ υἱὸς εἶ NAS: and said to Him, If You are the Son KJV: saith unto him, If thou be the Son INT: says to him If Son you are ``` Matthew 5:13 Conj GRK: ἰσχύει ἔτι εἰ μὴ βληθὲν INT: it is potent any longer if not having been cast ``` Matthew 5:29 Conj GRK: εἰ δὲ ὁ NAS: If your right eye KJV: And if thy right INT: if moreover the ``` ``` Matthew 5:30 Conj GRK: καὶ εἰ ἡ δεξιά NAS: If your right hand KJV: And if thy right INT: And if the right ```
ἐπεί (from ἐπί (“on”) + εἰ (“if”)
AFTER THAT - SINCE THAT From ἐπί (epí, “on”) + εἰ (ei, “if”). Conjunction ἐπεί • (epeí) (of time) after, after that, since, when (with indicative) (of a definite occurrence in past time, mostly with aorist) (with implied reference to some later time) (with subjunctive, ἄν (án) often being added) (referring to future time) (referring generally to any one of a number of instances, with a present apodosis of repeated action) whenever, when once (with optative, without ἄν (án)) (referring to future time) (more frequently, referring generally to any one of a number of past instances, with a past apodosis of repeated action) (in indirect speech after past tenses, representing a subjunctive in direct speech) (with infinitive, only be assimilation in indirect speech) (with other words) (with τάχιστα (tákhista)) (with various emphatic particles) (causal) since, seeing that (with indicative) (in most of the constructions which are found in independent sentences) (with infinitive in indirect speech) (in various elliptical expressions) (sometimes epexegetic, introducing a narrative) (with other particles) ἐπεί: when, because ``` Original Word: ἐπεί Part of Speech: Conjunction Transliteration: epei Phonetic Spelling: (ep-i') Definition: when, because Usage: of time: when, after; of cause: since, because; otherwise: else. HELPS Word-studies 1893 epeí (a conjunction composed of 1909, "on, fitting" and 1487 /ei, "if, which assumes the premise is factual") – properly, aptly if, introducing something assumed to be factual and fitting, i.e. as appropriate to what is assumed. Its sense is, "Assume what precedes is true, and understand what follows to be appropriate and applicable" (i.e. true as well). ``` ``` ἐπί Part of Speech: Preposition Transliteration: epi Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ee') Definition: on, upon Usage: on, to, against, on the basis of, at. HELPS Word-studies 1909 epí (a preposition) – properly, on (upon), implying what "fits" given the "apt contact," building on the verbal idea. 1909 /epí ("upon") naturally looks to the response (effect) that goes with the envisioned contact, i.e. its apt result ("spin-offs," effects). The precise nuance of 1909 (epí) is only determined by the context, and by the grammatical case following it – i.e. genitive, dative, or accusative case. ``` ``` ei: forasmuch as, if, that Original Word: εἰ Part of Speech: Conditional Particle Or Conjunction Transliteration: ei Phonetic Spelling: (i) Definition: forasmuch as, if, that Usage: if. HELPS Word-studies 1487 ei (a conditional conjunction) – if. 1487 /ei (followed by any verb) expresses "a condition, thought of as real, or to denote assumptions" (i.e. viewed as factual. for the sake of argument) (BAGD). Accordingly, 1487 (ei) should not be translated "since," but rather always "if" – since the assumption may only be portrayed as valid (true, factual). ``` a prim. particle; if, whether (a cond. part. introducing circumstances nec. for a given proposition to be true
AFTER - SINCE From ἐπεί (epeí, “after, since”) + δή (dḗ, “emphatic particle”) Conjunction ἐπειδή • (epeidḗ) (strengthened form of ἐπεί (epeí)) after, since Conjunction επειδή • (epeidí) for, because Synonyms γιατί (giatí, “because”) (and "why") διότι (dióti, “because”) See also καθώς (kathós, “because”) (and "as") εξαιτίας (exaitías) λόγω (lógo)
FOR WHAT? From για (gia, “for”) + τί (tí, “what”) Adverb γιατί • (giatí) (interrogative) why Γιατί είσαι εδώ; Giatí eísai edó? Why are you here? Ξέρεις γιατί δεν ήρθαν; Xéreis giatí den írthan? Do you know why they did not come? Conjunction γιατί • (giatí) because Δεν πήγα, γιατί είμαι άρρωστος. Den píga, giatí eímai árrostos. I did not go, because I was sick. Noun γιατί • (giatí) n (indeclinable) why, the reason why Θέλω να μάθω το γιατί. Thélo na mátho to giatí. I want to discover why. Preposition για • (gia) (time, duration, takes accusative): for για στάσου ― gia stásou ― wait a minute… Φυλακίστηκε για πέντε χρόνια. ― Fylakístike gia pénte chrónia. ― He was imprisoned for five years. Synonym: δια (dia) (cause, reason, takes accusative): for Φυλακίστηκε για κλοπή. ― Fylakístike gia klopí. ― He was imprisoned for theft. (use): for, by Αυτός ο δρόμος δεν είναι για μηχανάκια. ― Aftós o drómos den eínai gia michanákia. ― This road is not for motorcycles. (end, intention, destination, takes accusative or genitive): for για σένα ― gia séna ― for you πάω για ψώνια ― páo gia psónia ― go shopping Το τρένο φεύγει για Θεσσαλονίκη. ― To tréno févgei gia Thessaloníki. ― The train leaves for Thessaloniki. (about, takes accusative): about Μου μίλησε για ότι συνέβη. ― Mou mílise gia óti synévi. ― He told me about what happened. Inherited from Ancient Greek διά (diá, “during; because of”). Doublet of διά (diá). Alternative forms γι' (gi') γι (gi)
BECAUSE OF THAT Univerbation of δι’ (di’), apocopic form of διά (diá, “because of”), and ὅτι (hóti, “that”, conjunction). Conjunction δῐότῐ • (dióti) because Conjunction διότι • (dióti) because, for ``` Preposition[edit] δῐᾰ́ • (diá) (governs the genitive and accusative) (+ genitive) (of a place) in a line through in the midst of, between along at intervals of, at every (time) between after every (interval of time) (causality) through, by (attested from 1st century B.C.E.) out of (materials from which something is made) (+ accusative) (of a place, poetic) through, among (time) during (causality) thanks to, by aid of because of for the sake of ``` Adverb δῐᾰ́ • (diá) throughout
OUT THROUGH From διά (through, across) +‎ ἐκ (out from) Preposition δῐέκ • (diék) (governs the genitive) (Epic) out through Preposition[edit] ἐκ • (ek) (governs the genitive) (of place) (of motion) Out of, from from, with the source of to denote change from one place or condition to another to express separation of distinction from a number (of position) outside, beyond (of time) from, since (of particular points of time) just, after during, in (of origin) (of materials) made out of something (of descent, parentage) descended from (of causation) done by someone, something of the cause, instrument, or means by which a thing is done from, according to turns a following noun into a periphrastic adverb (with numerals) in such an order ``` Preposition[edit] δῐᾰ́ • (diá) (governs the genitive and accusative) (+ genitive) (of a place) in a line through in the midst of, between along at intervals of, at every (time) between after every (interval of time) (causality) through, by (attested from 1st century B.C.E.) out of (materials from which something is made) (+ accusative) (of a place, poetic) through, among (time) during (causality) thanks to, by aid of because of for the sake of ```
EXPRESSES A DURATION OF TIME Preposition για • (gia) (time, duration, takes accusative): for για στάσου ― gia stásou ― wait a minute… Φυλακίστηκε για πέντε χρόνια. ― Fylakístike gia pénte chrónia. ― He was imprisoned for five years. Synonym: δια (dia) (cause, reason, takes accusative): for Φυλακίστηκε για κλοπή. ― Fylakístike gia klopí. ― He was imprisoned for theft. (use): for, by Αυτός ο δρόμος δεν είναι για μηχανάκια. ― Aftós o drómos den eínai gia michanákia. ― This road is not for motorcycles. (end, intention, destination, takes accusative or genitive): for για σένα ― gia séna ― for you πάω για ψώνια ― páo gia psónia ― go shopping Το τρένο φεύγει για Θεσσαλονίκη. ― To tréno févgei gia Thessaloníki. ― The train leaves for Thessaloniki. (about, takes accusative): about Μου μίλησε για ότι συνέβη. ― Mou mílise gia óti synévi. ― He told me about what happened. Inherited from Ancient Greek διά (diá, “during; because of”). Doublet of διά (diá). Alternative forms γι' (gi') γι (gi)
για καλά - (για “duration” + καλά “good”)
ONCE AND FOR ALL - FOR GOOD Phrase για τα καλά • (gia ta kalá) for good, once and for all Phrase για καλά • (gia kalá) for good, once and for all Adjective καλᾰ́ • (kalá) nominative/accusative/vocative plural neuter of καλός (kalós) Adverb καλά • (kalá) (comparative καλύτερα, absolute superlative κάλλιστα) or άριστα (árista) well Synonym: καλώς (kalós) Adverb καλώς • (kalós) well, all right, alright Synonym: καλά (kalá) έχει καλώς ― échei kalós ― all is well καλώς ή κακώς ― kalós í kakós ― for better or for worse Derived terms[edit] καλώς ήρθατε (kalós írthate, “welcome”, second person plural)† καλώς ήρθες (kalós írthes, “welcome”, second person singular) καλώς ορίσατε (kalós orísate, “welcome”, second person plural) καλώς όρισες (kalós órises, “welcome”, second person singular)
άπαξ δια παντός - απαξάπαντες
ONCE AND FOR ALL Phrase άπαξ δια παντός • (ápax dia pantós) once and for all, for good Synonym: για τα καλά (gia ta kalá) See also απαξάπαντες m pl (apaxápantes, “one and all, everyone”)
BECAUSE OF - ON ACCOUNT OF Univerbation of εξ (ex, “from, of, by”) +‎ αιτίας (aitías, “cause”) Preposition εξαιτίας • (exaitías) (+ genitive) because of, on account of (implies something negative) Χάσαμε την πτήση μας εξαιτίας σου! Chásame tin ptísi mas exaitías sou! We missed our flight because of you! Το ταξίδι αναβλήθηκε εξαιτίας της κακοκαιρίας. To taxídi anavlíthike exaitías tis kakokairías. The trip was postponed due to bad weather. Antonyms: χάρη σε (chári se), χάριν (chárin), χάρις σε (cháris se) Noun αιτία • (aitía) f (plural αιτίες) cause, reason χωρίς αιτία ― chorís aitía ― for no reason γενική της αιτίας ― genikí tis aitías ― genitive of cause αιτιοκρατία f (aitiokratía, “determinism”) αίτιο και αιτιατό f (aítio kai aitiató, “cause and effect”) ``` Noun αἰτῐ́ᾱ • (aitíā) f (genitive αἰτῐ́ᾱς); first declension charge, accusation, imputation, blame, guilt, fault (in a good sense) credit expostulation, admonition (philosophy) cause occasion, opportunity, motive category ``` English: aetiology, etiology From αἰτέω (aitéō, “to ask”) +‎ -ῐ́ᾱ (-íā, abstract noun suffix) Verb αἰτέω • (aitéō) (usually transitive) to ask for, crave, demand, beg [+accusative = something], [+two accusatives = something from someone]; or with object omitted (transitive) to ask for [+accusative and infinitive = someone to do something] (logic, transitive) to postulate, assume (middle, transitive) to ask for oneself, for one's own use or purpose, to claim (passive, of persons) to have a thing begged of one (of things) to be asked for Verb αἰτίζω • (aitízō) to beg (for), importune From the root of αἰτέω (aitéō) +‎ -ίζω (-ize) Verb αἴνῠμαι • (aínumai) (poetic, chiefly Epic) to take, take off, take hold of Verb ἀποαίνῠμαι • (apoaínumai) (Epic) to strip off, remove, deprive of ἀπο- (apo-) +‎ αἴνυμαι (aínumai) Verb διαιτάω • (diaitáō) to treat (handle, deal with or behave towards in a specific way) (in the mediopassive) to lead one’s life, live to arbitrate, regulate to reconcile δια- (dia-) + *αἰτάω (*aitáō), frequentative of αἴνυμαι (aínumai, “to take”); compare αἰτέω (aitéō, “to ask for”). Noun δῐ́αιτᾰ • (díaita) f (genitive δῐαίτης); first declension way of living, way of life, mode of life, lifestyle accommodation, residence dwelling, abode refuge, retreat, lair of an animal a room (separate part of a building, enclosed by walls, a floor, and a ceiling) (medicine) prescribed manner of life, health regimen state, condition, situation sustenance, food (at Athens and elsewhere) arbitration the office of arbiter discussion, investigation, enquiry, research
αίτιο και αιτιατό
CAUSE AND EFFECT αίτιο και αιτιατό f (aítio kai aitiató, “cause and effect”)
υπό όρους
UNDER CONDITIONS - UNDER TERMS (Conditionally) ``` όρους terms conditions demand contract ``` υπό under ``` Verb ὄρνῡμῐ • (órnūmi) to set upon, let loose upon, move on to awaken, arouse to raise, excite to stir up, encourage, exhort, cheer on ``` Verb ऋणोति • (ṛṇóti) (root ऋ, class 5, type P) to go, move to rise, tend upwards from Proto-Indo-European *h₃r̥-néw-ti from *h₃er- (“to move, rise, spring”). From Proto-Indo-European *h₃er- (“to move, stir, spring”) ``` Latin: orior Verb orior (present infinitive orīrī, perfect active ortus sum); third conjugation iō-variant, deponent I rise, get up. I appear, become visible. I am born, come to exist, originate. ``` ``` Participle oriēns (genitive orientis); third-declension one-termination participle rising appearing originating ``` Noun oriēns m (genitive orientis); third declension daybreak, dawn, sunrise east Antonyms (west): occidēns ``` Noun occidēns m (genitive occidentis); third declension sunset west Antonym: oriēns ``` ``` Participle occidēns (genitive occidentis); third-declension one-termination participle falling down (of heavenly bodies) going down, setting perishing, dying, passing away being lost, being undone, being ruined ``` Present active participle of occidō (“I fall down; pass away”). ``` Noun όρος • (óros) m (plural όροι) term (word, phrase; limitation, restriction) definition, stipulation clause (law) article ``` From Ancient Greek ὄρος (óros, “mountain”) Noun όρος • (óros) n (plural όρη) mount, mountain Το όρος Έβερεστ είναι το ψηλότερο βουνό της οροσειράς των Ιμαλαΐων. To óros Éverest eínai to psilótero vounó tis oroseirás ton Imalaḯon. Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the Himalayan massif. ``` Noun ὄρος • (óros) n (genitive ὄρεος or ὄρους or οὔρεος); third declension a mountain, hill mountain chain district, sector, precinct, parish (Egypt) desert ``` Proper noun Ὀρέστης • (Oréstēs) m (genitive Ὀρέστου); first declension Orestes From ὄρος (óros, “mountain”) +ἵστημι (hístēmi, “stand”) + -ής (-ḗs, “proper name suffix”), literally, "one who stands on a mountain". condition (n.) mid-14c., condicioun, "particular mode of being of a person or thing," also "a requisite or prerequisite, a stipulation," from Old French condicion "stipulation; state; behavior; social status" (12c., Modern French condition), from Medieval Latin conditionem (nominative conditio), properly condicio "agreement; stipulation; the external position, situation, rank, place, circumstances" of persons, "situation, condition, nature, manner" of things, from condicere "to speak with, talk together, agree upon," in Late Latin "consent, assent," from assimilated form of com "together" (see con-) + dicere "to speak" (from PIE root *deik- "to show," also "pronounce solemnly"). Classical Latin condicio was confused in Late Latin with conditio "a making," from conditus, past participle of condere "to put together." The sense evolution in Latin apparently was from "stipulation" to "situation, mode of being." Meaning "rank or state with respect to ordered society" is from late 14c. in English. From the notion of "prerequisite" comes the sense of "a restricting or limiting circumstance" (late 14c.). Also in Middle English "personal character, disposition" (mid-14c.). late 15c., "to make conditions, stipulate," from condition (n.). Meaning "subject to something as a condition" is from 1520s; sense of "form a prerequisite of" is from 1868. Meaning "to bring to a desired condition" is from 1844; psychological sense of "teach or accustom (a person or animal) to certain habits or responses" is from 1909.
αν αυτό τότε αυτό
IF THIS THEN THAT αν αυτό τότε αυτό From ὅς (who, what?) and τε (additionally) ``` Adverb τότε • (tóte) at that time, then (joined with other particles) (with the article) (εἰς τότε) until then (in apodoses, answering to ὅτε) ``` Adverb τότε • (tóte) then therefore Adverb ὅτε • (hóte) (relative adverb) (of time) when (with indicative, to denote single events) when (with present, of a thing now happening) (rarely with future) (with optative, to denote repeated events or actions in past time) (of future events which are represented as uncertain, in clauses dependent on a verb in optative or subjunctive) (only in Epic and Lyric poets, with subjunctive) (in Homer, to introduce a simile) (with other particles) (causal sense) whereas (absolute) sometimes, now and then (used in late poets for ὅτε) From ὅς (who, what?) and τε (additionally) ``` Conjunction τε • (te) and, also or untranslatable (after each item in a list) and (combined with καί (kaí), untranslatable) ``` οἷός τέ εἰμι (hoîós té eimi, “be able”) Adverb πότε • (póte) (interrogative adverb) when? at what time? equivalent to πο- (po-) + τε (te) ``` Adverb πότε • (póte) when Πότε πάτε στην Αγγλία; Póte páte stin Anglía? When are you going to England? ``` Synonyms όταν (ótan, “when, while”) Related terms πότε-πότε (póte-póte, “sometimes, now and then”) See also ποτέ (poté, “never”) from Proto-Indo-European *kʷokʷe, from *kʷos + *-kʷe ``` Proto-Indo-European Etymology From *kʷ-. Determiner *kʷos See *kʷis. ``` Pronoun *kʷís who, what (interrogative) who, which, that (relative) Determiner *kʷós which, what Root *kʷ- The primary interrogative root. *kʷís (“who? what?”) from Proto-Indo-European *kʷos +‎ -θι (-thi, locative adverbial suffix). Suffix -θῐ • (-thi) (Epic, poetic) Added to nouns to form adverbs of location: at, in, on * kʷos (“which? what?”) * kʷóteros (“which of two?”) Adverb πόθῐ • (póthi) (Epic, Lyric, interrogative adverb) where? (later) whither?, to where? Synonyms (where?): ποῦ (poû) (whither?): ποῖ (poî) Adjective ποῖος • (poîos) m (feminine ποίᾱ, neuter ποῖον); first/second declension (interrogative adjective) of what kind?, of what nature?, which?, what? From Proto-Indo-European *kʷos +‎ -ῐος (-ios, adjective suffix). Ancient Greek: πηλί-κος (pēlí-kos, “how great?”) (with adjectival -κός (-kós) extension) ``` Conjunction όταν • (ótan) when, while, during, whenever, if Όταν είστε στην Αθήνα. Ótan eíste stin Athína. When you are in Athens. ``` Synonyms πότε (póte, “when”) αν (an, “if”) πότε-πότε (“sometimes, now and then”) See also ποτέ (poté, “never”) ``` Adverb ποτέ • (poté) ever, at any time (emphatic) Θα σταματήσεις ποτέ αυτή τη φασαρία; Tha stamatíseis poté aftí ti fasaría? Will you ever stop this trouble? Γύρισε και είναι καλύτερα από ποτέ. Gýrise kai eínai kalýtera apó poté. He is back and better than ever. not ever, never (when used with the negative) Δεν τρώει ποτέ κρέας. Den tróei poté kréas. He never eats meat. Η Ελένη δεν είναι ποτέ στην ώρα της. I Eléni den eínai poté stin óra tis. Eleni is never on time. ```
πότε - ποτέ
WHEN - NEVER Synonyms πότε (póte, “when”) αν (an, “if”) πότε-πότε (“sometimes, now and then”) See also ποτέ (poté, “never”) ``` Adverb ποτέ • (poté) ever, at any time (emphatic) Θα σταματήσεις ποτέ αυτή τη φασαρία; Tha stamatíseis poté aftí ti fasaría? Will you ever stop this trouble? Γύρισε και είναι καλύτερα από ποτέ. Gýrise kai eínai kalýtera apó poté. He is back and better than ever. not ever, never (when used with the negative) Δεν τρώει ποτέ κρέας. Den tróei poté kréas. He never eats meat. Η Ελένη δεν είναι ποτέ στην ώρα της. I Eléni den eínai poté stin óra tis. Eleni is never on time. ``` Adverb πότε • (póte) (interrogative adverb) when? at what time? ``` Conjunction τε • (te) and, also or untranslatable (after each item in a list) and (combined with καί (kaí), untranslatable) ``` τέ: and (denotes addition or connection) τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."] τέ (as δέ comes from δή, μέν from μήν, so τέ from the adverb τῇ, properly, (“as”) τέ, standing alone (i. e. not followed by another τέ, or by καί, or other particle), joins a. parts of one and the same sentence, (“as”) τέ ... καί, and τέ καί, not only ... but also, as well ... as, both ... and; things are thus connected which are akin, or which are united to each other by some inner bond, whether logical or real. τέ ... καί connect whole sentences (each of which has its own finite verb, or its own subject) τέ ... δέ are so combined that τέ adds a sentence to what has been previously said, and δέ introduces something opposed to this added sentence. τέ ... τέ presents as parallel (or coordinate) the ideas or sentences which it connects, (“as ... so”) τέ γάρ (for also) - (for indeed) τέ γάρ are so used that the former particle connects, the latter gives the reason: For whether For although
τέ ... δέ
ADDITIONALLY - OPPOSED τέ, standing alone (i. e. not followed by another τέ, or by καί, or other particle), joins a. parts of one and the same sentence, (“as”) τέ ... καί, and τέ καί, not only ... but also, as well ... as, both ... and; things are thus connected which are akin, or which are united to each other by some inner bond, whether logical or real. τέ ... καί connect whole sentences (each of which has its own finite verb, or its own subject) τέ ... δέ are so combined that τέ adds a sentence to what has been previously said, and δέ introduces something opposed to this added sentence. τέ ... τέ presents as parallel (or coordinate) the ideas or sentences which it connects, (“as ... so”) τέ γάρ (for also) - (for indeed) τέ γάρ are so used that the former particle connects, the latter gives the reason: For whether For although
αὐτός - αὖθις - αὐτάρ - αὖτε - αὖτις
THE NEW - THE SAME - THE AGAIN Pronoun αὐτός • (autós) m, αὐτή (autḗ) f, αὐτό (autó) n; first/second declension (without article) self (in nominative, emphasizing the subject) (reflexive pronoun, in oblique cases) himself, herself, itself, themselves (in philosophy, of an abstract idea) by or in itself (without article, in oblique cases, 3rd person personal pronoun) he, she, it, they (with definite article) same from a Proto-Indo-European *h₂ew (“again”) + *to- (“that”) From αὖ (aû, “back, again, other”) +‎ τόν (tón, “the”). αυτό Pronoun - Determiner it (3rd person neuter singular, nominative and accusative) Accusative singular masculine form of αυτός (aftós) ("this") Alternative form of αυτόν (aftón, “this”) Adverb αὖ • (aû) Again, anew, afresh, in turn; often after ordinal numerals; in a question, expressing impatience. Further, moreover On the other hand after δέ (dé) in μέν ... δέ ... (mén ... dé ...) ``` Related terms αὖθις (aûthis) αὐτάρ (autár) αὖτε (aûte) αὖτις (aûtis) αὐτός (autós) ``` From Proto-Indo-European *h₂ew (“again”) ``` Adverb αὖθις • (aûthis) (of place) back, back again (of time) again, afresh, anew, in turn (of sequence) moreover, in turn, on the other hand ``` Conjunction αὐτάρ • (autár) (Epic) (marking contrast or transition, sometimes paired with μέν (mén)) But, however, besides, moreover From αὖτε (aûte) +‎ ἄρα (ára). Adverb αὖτε • (aûte) (Epic) again; furthermore; on the contrary (following μέν (mén)) Either from αὖ (again, same) +‎ τε (addition) Conjunction ᾰ̓́ρᾰ • (ára) so, then, therefore, consequently ``` Adverb αὖτις • (aûtis) (Epic) back (to a previous place) again, anew in turn ``` Adverb ἐξαῦτῐς • (exaûtis) (Epic) again, anew
αὐτάρ (αὖτε “furthermore” +‎ ἄρα “contrary”)
FURTHERMORE - CONSEQUENTLY Pronoun αὐτός • (autós) m, αὐτή (autḗ) f, αὐτό (autó) n; first/second declension (without article) self (in nominative, emphasizing the subject) (reflexive pronoun, in oblique cases) himself, herself, itself, themselves (in philosophy, of an abstract idea) by or in itself (without article, in oblique cases, 3rd person personal pronoun) he, she, it, they (with definite article) same from a Proto-Indo-European *h₂ew (“again”) + *to- (“that”) From αὖ (aû, “back, again, other”) +‎ τόν (tón, “the”). αυτό Pronoun - Determiner it (3rd person neuter singular, nominative and accusative) Accusative singular masculine form of αυτός (aftós) ("this") Alternative form of αυτόν (aftón, “this”) Adverb αὖ • (aû) Again, anew, afresh, in turn; often after ordinal numerals; in a question, expressing impatience. Further, moreover On the other hand after δέ (dé) in μέν ... δέ ... (mén ... dé ...) ``` Related terms αὖθις (aûthis) αὐτάρ (autár) αὖτε (aûte) αὖτις (aûtis) αὐτός (autós) ``` From Proto-Indo-European *h₂ew (“again”) ``` Adverb αὖθις • (aûthis) (of place) back, back again (of time) again, afresh, anew, in turn (of sequence) moreover, in turn, on the other hand ``` Conjunction αὐτάρ • (autár) (Epic) (marking contrast or transition, sometimes paired with μέν (mén)) But, however, besides, moreover From αὖτε (aûte) +‎ ἄρα (ára). Adverb αὖτε • (aûte) (Epic) again; furthermore; on the contrary (following μέν (mén)) Either from αὖ (again, same) +‎ τε (addition) Conjunction ᾰ̓́ρᾰ • (ára) so, then, therefore, consequently
LIKEWISE ὁμοίως likewise Adv ὁμοίως: likewise, in like manner. ``` Original Word: ὁμοίως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: homoiós Phonetic Spelling: (hom-oy'-oce) Definition: likewise, in like manner Usage: in like manner, similarly, in the same way, equally. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin adverb from homoios Definition likewise, in like manner. ``` ὁμοίως (ὅμοιος), adverb (from Pindar, Herodotus down), likewise, equally, in the same way: ὅμοιος: like, resembling, the same as ``` Original Word: ὅμοιος, οία, οιον Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: homoios Phonetic Spelling: (hom'-oy-os) Definition: like, resembling, the same as Usage: like, similar to, resembling, of equal rank. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from the same as homou ``` ``` Matthew 22:26 Adv GRK: ὁμοίως καὶ ὁ NAS: so also the second, KJV: Likewise the second also, INT: likewise also the Matthew 26:35 Adv GRK: σε ἀπαρνήσομαι ὁμοίως καὶ πάντες NAS: the disciples said the same thing too. KJV: deny thee. Likewise also said INT: you will I deny Likewise also all ``` ``` Matthew 27:41 Adv GRK: ὁμοίως καὶ οἱ NAS: In the same way the chief priests KJV: Likewise also the chief priests INT: likewise also the ``` ``` Mark 4:16 Adv GRK: οὗτοί εἰσιν ὁμοίως οἱ ἐπὶ NAS: In a similar way these KJV: are they likewise which are sown INT: these are likewise they who upon ``` ``` ὁμοῦ Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: homou Phonetic Spelling: (hom-oo') Definition: together Usage: together, at the same place and time. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin adverb from gen. of homos (the same) ``` together. Genitive case of homos (the same; akin to hama) as adverb; at the same place or time -- together. ``` ἅμα Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hama Phonetic Spelling: (ham'-ah) Definition: at once Usage: at the same time, therewith, along with, together with. ``` Matthew 13:29 Adv GRK: ζιζάνια ἐκριζώσητε ἅμα αὐτοῖς τὸν KJV: ye root up also the wheat with them. INT: weeds you should uproot with them the Matthew 20:1 Adv GRK: ὅστις ἐξῆλθεν ἅμα πρωὶ μισθώσασθαι NAS: went out early in the morning KJV: went out early in the morning to hire INT: who went out in [the] morning to hire ``` Acts 24:26 Adv GRK: ἅμα καὶ ἐλπίζων NAS: At the same time too, he was hoping KJV: He hoped also that money INT: at the same time also hoping ``` Acts 27:40 Adv GRK: τὴν θάλασσαν ἅμα ἀνέντες τὰς NAS: them in the sea while at the same time they were loosening KJV: the sea, and loosed INT: the sea at the same time having loosened the Romans 3:12 Adv GRK: πάντες ἐξέκλιναν ἅμα ἠχρεώθησαν οὐκ NAS: HAVE TURNED ASIDE, TOGETHER THEY HAVE BECOME USELESS; KJV: they are together become unprofitable; INT: All turned away together they became worthless none John 4:36 Adv GRK: ὁ σπείρων ὁμοῦ χαίρῃ καὶ NAS: and he who reaps may rejoice together. KJV: he that reapeth may rejoice together. INT: he that sows together might rejoice and John 20:4 Adv GRK: οἱ δύο ὁμοῦ καὶ ὁ NAS: were running together; and the other KJV: they ran both together: and the other INT: the two together and the ``` John 21:2 Adv GRK: Ἦσαν ὁμοῦ Σίμων Πέτρος NAS: others of His disciples were together. KJV: There were together Simon INT: They were together Simon Peter ``` Acts 2:1 Adv GRK: ἦσαν πάντες ὁμοῦ ἐπὶ τὸ NAS: they were all together in one INT: they were all with one accord in the
SO οὕτως so Adv οὕτως and houtós: in this way, thus ``` Original Word: οὕτως Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: houtó and houtós Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-to) Definition: in this way, thus Usage: thus, so, in this manner. HELPS Word-studies 3779 hoútō (an adverb, derived from the demonstrative pronoun, 3778 /hoútos, "this") – like this . . .; in this manner, in this way (fashion), in accordance with this description (i.e. corresponding to what follows); in keeping with; along this line, in the manner spoken. ``` adverb from houtos, ``` houtos, hauté, touto: this Original Word: οὗτος, αὕτη, τοῦτο Part of Speech: Demonstrative Pronoun Transliteration: houtos, hauté, touto Phonetic Spelling: (hoo'-tos) Definition: this Usage: this; he, she, it. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin probably from a redupl. of ho,, used as a demonstrative pronoun. ``` Matthew 1:18 Adv GRK: ἡ γένεσις οὕτως ἦν Μνηστευθείσης NAS: Christ was as follows: when His mother KJV: Christ was on this wise: When as his INT: the birth thus came about having been betrothed Matthew 2:5 Adv GRK: τῆς Ἰουδαίας οὕτως γὰρ γέγραπται NAS: of Judea; for this is what KJV: of Judaea: for thus it is written by INT: of Judea thus indeed it has been written Matthew 3:15 Adv GRK: Ἄφες ἄρτι οὕτως γὰρ πρέπον NAS: [it] at this time; for in this way it is fitting KJV: for thus it becometh INT: Permit [it] presently thus indeed fitting Matthew 5:12 Adv GRK: τοῖς οὐρανοῖς οὕτως γὰρ ἐδίωξαν NAS: is great; for in the same way they persecuted KJV: for so persecuted they INT: the heavens thus indeed they persecuted ``` Matthew 5:16 Adv GRK: οὕτως λαμψάτω τὸ NAS: men in such a way that they may see KJV: Let your light so shine before INT: Thus let shine the ``` ``` Matthew 5:19 Adv GRK: καὶ διδάξῃ οὕτως τοὺς ἀνθρώπους NAS: others [to do] the same, shall be called KJV: men so, he shall be called INT: and shall teach so the others ``` ``` Matthew 6:9 Adv GRK: Οὕτως οὖν προσεύχεσθε NAS: then, in this way: 'Our Father KJV: After this manner therefore pray INT: Thus therefore pray ``` ``` Matthew 6:30 Adv GRK: ὁ θεὸς οὕτως ἀμφιέννυσιν οὐ NAS: But if God so clothes the grass KJV: if God so clothe the grass INT: God thus clothes [will he] not ``` ``` Matthew 7:12 Adv GRK: οἱ ἄνθρωποι οὕτως καὶ ὑμεῖς NAS: people the same way you want KJV: ye even so to them: for INT: the men so also you ``` ``` Matthew 7:17 Adv GRK: οὕτως πᾶν δένδρον NAS: So every good KJV: Even so every good INT: So every tree ``` ``` Matthew 9:33 Adv GRK: Οὐδέποτε ἐφάνη οὕτως ἐν τῷ NAS: Nothing like this has ever KJV: It was never so seen in INT: Never was it seen thus in ``` Matthew 11:26 Adv GRK: πατήρ ὅτι οὕτως εὐδοκία ἐγένετο NAS: Father, for this way was well-pleasing KJV: Father: for so it seemed good INT: Father for thus well-pleasing it was ``` Matthew 12:40 Adv GRK: τρεῖς νύκτας οὕτως ἔσται ὁ NAS: OF THE SEA MONSTER, so will the Son KJV: belly; so shall the Son INT: three nights thus will be the ``` ``` Matthew 12:45 Adv GRK: τῶν πρώτων Οὕτως ἔσται καὶ NAS: than the first. That is the way it will also KJV: the first. Even so shall it be INT: than the first Thus it will be also ``` Matthew 13:40 Adv GRK: πυρὶ κατακαίεται οὕτως ἔσται ἐν NAS: So just as the tares KJV: burned in the fire; so shall it be in INT: in fire is consumed thus it will be in ``` Matthew 13:49 Adv GRK: οὕτως ἔσται ἐν NAS: So it will be at the end of the age; KJV: So shall it be at INT: Thus will it be in ``` ``` Matthew 17:12 Adv GRK: ὅσα ἠθέλησαν οὕτως καὶ ὁ NAS: they wished. So also KJV: they listed. Likewise shall INT: whatever they desired Thus also the ``` Matthew 18:14 Adv GRK: οὕτως οὐκ ἔστιν KJV: Even so it is not INT: So not it is
SUBJUNCTIVE PARTICLE Particle να • (na) added before the dependent or present verb forms to form the different subjunctive moods, serving a variety of different clausal functions and to express imperatives, wishes or hypotheticals: Μπορώ να έχω... Boró na écho... Can I have... Θέλω να φύγω. Thélo na fýgo. I want to leave. Να μείνω ή να φύγω; Na meíno í na fýgo? Should I stay or should I go? Δεν θέλω να τον βλέπω. Den thélo na ton vlépo. I don't want to be seeing him. Δεν έχω όρεξη να κάθομαι εκεί επί ώρες. Den écho órexi na káthomai ekeí epí óres. I’m not in the mood to be sitting there for hours. Να προσέχεις τον εαυτό σου. Na prosécheis ton eaftó sou. Take care of yourself. Να ’χεις το νου σου. Na ’cheis to nou sou. Be aware/be on the lookout. Να είχαμε πέντε λεπτά ακόμα. Na eíchame pénte leptá akóma. If only we had five more minutes. used after the neuter definite article and before the second person singular of the present tense, it converts the clause to a noun phrase with the function of gerund: Το να κλέβεις τις ιδέες ενός είναι «λογοκλοπή», το να κλέβεις τις ιδέες πολλών είναι «επιστημονική έρευνα». To na kléveis tis idées enós eínai «logoklopí», to na kléveis tis idées pollón eínai «epistimonikí érevna». Stealing ideas from one person is “plagiarism”, stealing from many is “research”. Related terms θα (tha, “would, will”) ας (as, “let; leave off”) ``` Etymology 2 From Byzantine Greek να (na) from Ancient Greek ἤν (ḗn). Particle να • (na) used to show or point out someone or something: there, here ``` Να τα προβλήματά μου. Na ta provlímatá mou. These are my problems. Να ’τος! (’τος here is a contraction of αυτός (aftós)) Na ’tos! There he is! Να ’μαστε πάλι εδώ Αντρέα! (’μαστε here is a contraction of είμαστε (eímaste)) Na ’maste páli edó Antréa! Here we are again, Andrea! when used with the hand gesture moutza, indicates of displeasure or anger: Να! Παρ’ τα! Na! Par’ ta! There! Take that! (vulgar) when used with a hand gesture pointing to own genitals, means "I don't give a shit": Κι εμένα, να! Ki eména, na! As for myself I don't give a shit! Synonyms (here's, there's): ιδού (idoú), ορίστε (oríste)
HERE YOU ARE! Interjection ορίστε • (oríste) (sometimes sarcastic) here's, there's, here you are, here you go, there you are, there you go (said when you hand something over to someone) Που είναι το παλτό μου; Ορίστε! Pou eínai to paltó mou? Oríste! Where's my coat? Here you are! Ορίστε το αμάξι σας, σαν καινούργιο! Oríste to amáxi sas, san kainoúrgio! Here's your car, it's like new! Ορίστε πώς κατάντησε αυτός. Oríste pós katántise aftós. There's how he ended up. yes? (said when someone is addressing you, to whom you owe respect) Κύριε Γιάννη; Ορίστε! Kýrie Giánni? Oríste! Mr Yianni? Yes? yes?, go ahead (said when asking someone to do something or say something) Ορίστε, σας ακούω. Oríste, sas akoúo. Go ahead, I can hear you. Ορίστε, τι θέλετε; Oríste, ti thélete? Yes, what do you want? hello?, hi (said on answering the telephone) Ορίστε, ποιος είναι; Oríste, poios eínai? Hello, who is it? pardon?, excuse me?, sorry? (said on requesting someone to repeat due to not having heard them) Ορίστε, τι είπατε; Oríste, ti eípate? Sorry, what was that? pardon?, excuse me?, sorry? (said on hearing something shocking or confusing) Ορίστε; Συμβαίνουν όντως τέτοια πράγματα; Oríste? Symvaínoun óntos tétoia prágmata? Excuse me? Do such things really happen?
τέτοιος - τέτοια - τάδε - ὅδε
SUCH - LIKE THAT - AS SUCH - SUCH THAT και τέτοια And such Pronoun τάδε • (táde) nominative/accusative plural neuter of ὅδε (hóde) ``` Pronoun τέτοιος • (tétoios) m demonstrative such, like, like that Γιάννης έχει τέτοιο αυτοκίνητο. Giánnis échei tétoio aftokínito. John has such a car. ``` Pronoun τέτοια • (tétoia) Nominative, accusative and vocative singular feminine form of τέτοιος (tétoios). Nominative, accusative and vocative plural neuter form of τέτοιος (tétoios). Pronoun τάδε • (táde) (indeclinable) such-and-such, so-and-so Δε θέλω να μου έρχεται ο κύριος τάδε να με ενοχλεί πάλι. De thélo na mou érchetai o kýrios táde na me enochleí páli. I don't want Mr So-and-so bothering me again. Θα συναντηθούμε την τάδε ημερομηνία. Tha synantithoúme tin táde imerominía. Pronoun ὅδε • (hóde) (demonstrative pronoun, proximal) this quotations ▼ (of place) here quotations ▼ (with verbs of action) here; (possibly) there, yonder quotations ▼ (modifying a personal pronoun) quotations ▼ (with τίς) quotations ▼ (adds precision to adverbs of place and time), just, very quotations ▼ (in Attic dialogue, the masculine and feminine pronouns often refer to the speaker) quotations ▼ (in Aristotle, neuter designates some particular thing) quotations ▼ (of time, to indicate the immediate present) quotations ▼ this present quotations ▼ these quotations ▼ (elliptic with genitive) (to indicate something before one) quotations ▼ (to indicate something immediately to come) the following quotations ▼ (followed by a relative pronoun) quotations ▼ (adverbial) (τῇδε) (of place) here, on the spot quotations ▼ (of the way or manner) quotations ▼ (accusative neuter, τόδε) hither, to this spot quotations ▼ therefore, on this account quotations ▼ (dative neuter plural, τοῖσδε, τοισίδε) in or with these words
εδώ - εκεί
HERE - THERE Adverb εδώ • (edó) here αυτό εδώ ― aftó edó ― this one (literally, “this here”) Adverb εκεί • (ekeí) there αυτό εκεί ― aftó ekeí ― that one (literally, “that there”) από εδώ και από εκεί (apó edó kai apó ekeí, “here and there”) εκείθεν (ekeíthen, “from there”) εκείνος (ekeínos, “that”) Adverb ἐκεῖ • (ekeî) demonstrative adverb there, in that place (in Tragic, euphemistic), "in Hades", i.e. dead. (with verbs of motion) thither (rarely) then, at that time
THEREUPON - WHITHER Adverb ἔνθᾰ • (éntha) (demonstrative) there, thither (location or movement) (demonstrative) thereupon, then (relative) where, whither (location or movement) (relative) when
HERE - THITHER ``` Adverb ἐνταῦθα • (entaûtha) here, there hither, thither at the very time, then, thereupon herein, in this position, in this circumstance. ``` ἐνταῦθά που (entaûthá pou, “hereabouts”) ``` Alternative forms ἐνθαῦτα (enthaûta) – Ionic ἐνταῦθ’ (entaûth’) – apocopic ἐνταῦτα (entaûta) – Elean ἐντοῦθα (entoûtha) – Ionic ```
THITHER (there) WHITHER (where) THEREUPON Adverb ἔνθᾰ • (éntha) (demonstrative) there, thither (location or movement) (demonstrative) thereupon, then (relative) where, whither (location or movement) (relative) when Synonyms (there) ἐκεῖ (ekeî), ἐνταῦθᾰ (entaûtha), τόθῐ (tóthi), ἐκεῖσε (ekeîse), αὐτοῦ (autoû) (then): τότε (tóte) ᾰ̓́ρᾰ (ára) ἔπειτᾰ (épeita) ``` (where): ὅθῐ (hóthi) ὅποι (hópoi) οἷ (hoî) ᾗ (hêi) ῐ̔́νᾰ (hína) ``` ``` (when): ὅτε (hóte) εὖτε (eûte) ὁπότε (hopóte) ἐπεί (epeí) ``` ``` Derived terms ἔνθᾰ καὶ ἔνθᾰ (éntha kaì éntha) ἐνθᾰ́δε (entháde, “here, there, now”) ἔνθᾰπερ (énthaper) ἐνταῦθα (entaûtha, “here, there, hither”) ``` Related terms ἔνθεν (énthen)
FROM THERE Adverb ἔνθεν • (énthen) thence, from there
A MANY AS - AS MUCH AS - HOWEVER GREAT - NO GREATER THAN ὅσος as much as, how much? so much as is enough for ``` (followed by particles) (ὅσος ἄν) how ever great (ὅσος δή) how great, how ever many (ὁσοσοῦν) ever so small (ὅσοσπερ) even so great as, no greater than (ὅσῳ, ὅσῳ περ) by how much (when followed by τοσούτῳ) the more.., so much the more.. (ἐν ὅσῳ) while ``` Adjective ὅσος • (hósos) (relative adjective) often as anaphor to τόσος, or πᾶς, ἅπας as much as, how much (in plural the noun may be in nominative or partitive genitive) (in Attic, of time) ``` (with τις) with accusative “absolute” with adjectives “expressing quantity” (with infinitive) “so much as is enough for” (for ὅτι τοσοῦτος) ``` Pronoun όσος • (ósos) m relative as many as, as much as
μηκέτι μή (not possible) + ἔτι (continue)
NO MORE μηκέτι no more Adv ``` μηκέτι Part of Speech: Adverb, Negative Transliteration: méketi Phonetic Spelling: (may-ket'-ee) Definition: no longer, not anymore Usage: no longer, no more. NAS Exhaustive Concordance Word Origin from mé and eti ``` ``` μή Part of Speech: Particle, Negative Transliteration: mé Phonetic Spelling: (may) Definition: not, that...not, lest (used for qualified negation) Usage: not, lest. HELPS Word-studies 3361 mḗ (a particle which functions as an adverb) – no, not. 3361 (mḗ) negates "subjectively," ruling out any implications ("suggestions") that could be involved with what should (could, would) apply. ``` 3361 /mḗ ("not") negates the underlying idea (concept) of a statement, ruling out its possibilities, i.e. all that it suggests on a conceptual or hypothetical plane. [3361 /mḗ ("not, no") then negates the implications (suggestions) that naturally spring from the negated statement.] ``` ἔτι Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: eti Phonetic Spelling: (et'-ee) Definition: still, yet Usage: (a) of time: still, yet, even now, (b) of degree: even, further, more, in addition. HELPS Word-studies 2089 éti (an adverb) – properly, continue (remain). ```
οὐδὲ - οὐδένα - οὐδείς - οὐδεμία - οὐδέν - εἷς - μία - ἕν
NOT ONE - NO ONE - NOTHING οὐδὲ Not even Adv οὐδένα no one Adj-AMS ``` οὐδείς, οὐδεμία, οὐδέν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: oudeis and outheis, oudemia, ouden and outhen Phonetic Spelling: (oo-dice') Definition: no one, none Usage: no one, none, nothing. HELPS Word-studies 3762 oudeís (from 3756 /ou "no, not" and 1520 /heís, "one") – properly, not one; no one, nothing. ``` 3762 /oudeís ("no one, nothing at all") is a powerful negating conjunction. It rules out by definition, i.e. "shuts the door" objectively and leaves no exceptions. 3762 (oudeís) is deductive in force so it excludes every (any) example that is included withing the premise (supposition). [3762 /oudeís ("not one, none") categorically excludes, declaring as a fact that no valid example exists.] ``` οὐδέ Part of Speech: Conjunction,Negative Transliteration: oude Phonetic Spelling: (oo-deh') Definition: and not, neither Usage: neither, nor, not even, and not. HELPS Word-studies 3761 oudé (from 3756 /ou, "not" and 1161 /dé, "moreover") – properly, moreover not, neither indeed, not even, nor even. ``` 3761 /oudé ("neither indeed," "nor indeed") introduces a statement that is negated factually and deductively (it occurs 137 times in the NT). That is, the negation rules out (invalidates) the statement that precedes it, and what naturally extends from it. This is analogous to the following: Because 100 is not enough, then neither are 90, 80, or 70 because they are all included in 100. Thus if "A" (100 in the previous example) is invalid, so is what necessarily follows (statement "B" – 90, 80, 70). [Regardless of how 3761 (oudé) is translated, it means: If "A" (the preceding statement) isn't true (valid) – then "B" (which extends from it) is also not valid. As in the previous example: If 100 is not enough (valid), then automatically neither are 90, 80, 70, etc.] ``` εἷς, μία, ἕν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: heis Phonetic Spelling: (hice) Definition: one Usage: one. ```
πάντοτε (from πᾶν + τότε + ὁ + ὅτε + ὅς + τέ)
ALWAYS πάντοτε always Adv ``` πάντοτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: pantote Phonetic Spelling: (pan'-tot-eh) Definition: at all times Usage: always, at all times, ever. ``` Word Origin from pas and tote ``` πᾶς, πᾶσα, πᾶν Part of Speech: Adjective Transliteration: pas Phonetic Spelling: (pas) Definition: all, every Usage: all, the whole, every kind of. HELPS Word-studies 3956 pás – each, every; each "part(s) of a totality" (L & N, 1, 59.24). ``` 3956 /pás ("each, every") means "all" in the sense of "each (every) part that applies." The emphasis of the total picture then is on "one piece at a time." 365 (ananeóō) then focuses on the part(s) making up the whole – viewing the whole in terms of the individual parts. [When 3956 (pás) modifies a word with the definite article it has "extensive-intensive" force – and is straightforward intensive when the Greek definite article is lacking.] ``` τότε: then, at that time Original Word: τότε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: tote Phonetic Spelling: (tot'-eh) Definition: then, at that time Usage: then, at that time. ``` ``` ὁ, ἡ, τό Part of Speech: Definite Article Transliteration: ho, hé, to Phonetic Spelling: (ho) Definition: the Usage: the, the definite article. ``` ``` ὅτε Part of Speech: Adverb Transliteration: hote Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-eh) Definition: when Usage: when, at which time. ``` ``` ὅς, ἥ, ὅ Part of Speech: Relative Pronoun Transliteration: hos, hé, ho Phonetic Spelling: (hos) Definition: usually rel. who, which, that, also demonstrative this, that Usage: who, which, what, that. ``` τέ Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle Transliteration: te Phonetic Spelling: (teh) Definition: and (denotes addition or connection) Usage: and, both. HELPS Word-studies 5037 té (a conjunction) – "and both" ("both and"). 5037 /té ("and both") occurs 204 times in the NT and unfortunately is often not translated. [When translated, 5037 (té) is usually rendered "and," "both and," or "and both."]
έτσι - ούτως - τοιουτοτροπώς
THUS Translations of thus Adverb έτσι so, thus ούτως thus τοιουτοτροπώς thus, in this way, like this Adverb έτσι • (étsi) thus; like this; like that. (colloquial) for no reason or for no money. Ultimately from Ancient Greek οὕτως (hoútōs). There is a strengthened form οὑτωσῑ́ (houtōsī́) in Attic Greek. Middle forms include Byzantine Greek έτις (étis), possibly via the variants *έτω (*étō) or *έτωσι (*étōsi). Derivation from Latin etsi should be ruled out for semantic reasons. έτσι και (étsi kai, “if”) έτσι και έτσι (étsi kai étsi), έτσι κέτσι (étsi kétsi, “so-so”) είτε έτσι είτε αλλιώς (eíte étsi eíte alliós, “one way or another”) έτσι κι αλλιώς (étsi ki alliós, “anyway”) έτσι που λες! (étsi pou les!, “so you say!”) όχι και έτσι (óchi kai étsi, “enough”) (lit. No! and thus — not that way!) έτσι δεν είναι; (étsi den eínai?, “Isn't that right?”) ώστε έτσι; (óste étsi?, “is it?”) έτσι το 'πα (étsi to 'pa, “that's how I said it!”) Noun έτσι • (étsi) (indeclinable) (colloquial) (always with article) indicates a known person ———————————————————- Adverb thus (not comparable) (manner) In this way or manner. If you throw the ball thus, as I’m showing you, you’ll have better luck hitting the target. (conjunctive) As a result. I have all the tools I need; thus, I will be able to fix the car without having to call a mechanic. Synonyms[edit] (in this way): as such, like so, like this, so, thusly; See also Thesaurus:thus (as a result): as such, before, consequently, hence, so, therefore; See also Thesaurus:therefore From Middle English thus, thous, thos, from Old English þus (“thus, in this way, as follows, in this manner, to this extent”), from Proto-West Germanic *þus (“so, thus”), perhaps originally from a variant of the instrumental form of this, related to Old English þȳs (“by this, with this”), Old Saxon thius (“by this, with this”). Cognate with Scots thus (“thus”), North Frisian aldoz (“thus”), West Frisian dus (“thus”), Dutch dus (“thus, so”), Low German sus (“thus, hence”). ``` Old English Etymology From Proto-West Germanic *þus. Pronunciation IPA(key): /θus/ Adverb Old English: þus in this way, like this Ġif þū þone beall þus wierpst, þū slihst þone mierċels. If you throw the ball like this, you'll hit the target. Þus wæs weorold ġesċeapen. This is how the world was created. (Literally: "Like this was the world created.") this (meaning "to this extent") Ġesāwe þū ǣfre þus miċel moses? Have you ever seen this much moss? Āscast þū simle þus fela āscunga? Do you always ask this many questions? ``` ``` Pronoun swā that, of that æt menn fīftīene penningas and æt horse healf swā. 15 pennies for a man, and half that for a horse. Adverb swā in that way, like that Hū meaht þū swā libban? How can you live like that? Nis hit nā swā. It is not so. to the extent stated; to a great extent, so, very Man meahte swā wīde ġesēon. ― You could see so far. Þēs sang nis swā gōd. ― This song isn't that good. Þū eart swā gōd hund! ― You're such a good dog! doubled (with an interrogative pronoun) to mean 'whatever', 'whoever', etc swā hwæt swā ― whatever swā hwā swā ― whoever swā hwǣr swā ― wherever swā hwæder swā ― to wherever swā hwanon swā ― from wherever swā hwelċ swā ― whichever swā hwænne swā ― whenever doubled as a correlative: the..., the.. swā māre, swā betere the more, the better Swā þū nēar þām lēohte cymst, swā þīn sċadu māre wierþ. The closer you get to the light, the greater your shadow becomes. doubled as a comparative: swā smēðe swā ǣġru as smooth as eggs used once as a comparative Conjunction[edit] swā like, as, the way (often doubled as "swā swā") Swā ġē witon, iċ āwēox on Wintanċeastre. As you know, I grew up in Winchester. swā swā iċ ǣr sæġde as I said before Iċ bēo simle swā iċ eom. I'll always be the way I am. (temporal) when, while, as so, with the result that on condition that ```
EVEN IF κἄν (kán, “if, even if”) Phrase κᾱ̓́ν • (kā́n) crasis of καὶ (kaì) and ᾰ̓́ν (án) crasis of καὶ (kaì) and ᾱ̓́ν (ā́n) Particle ᾰ̓́ν • (án) (modal particle) Expresses potentiality or conditionality (only Epic, with subjunctive in main clauses) in that case and future tense (with optative) Expresses future potentiality: would or could do or be doing (with imperfect indicative) Expresses present or rarely past potentiality: were doing, would be doing (with aorist indicative) Expresses past potentiality (with past indicative) Expresses unreality (with aorist) Past or rarely present unreality: would have done, would do (with imperfect) Present or past unreality: would do, would be doing; would have been doing (with pluperfect) Present or less commonly past unreality: (with past indicative) Expresses iteration or habituality: had done, had been doing; would have done, would have been doing; used to do (with Ionic past iterative) (with subjunctive in subordinate clauses) Expresses generality, and often translatable with present or future tense in English With εἰ (ei), contracted to ἐάν (eán), expresses a general condition that is likely to occur When combined with infinitive or participle in indirect speech, represents a finite verb with ἄν (án) in direct speech. Conjunction ἐᾱ́ν • (eā́n) if (for more depth see εἰ (ei) and ἄν (án) Particle ἐᾱ́ν • (eā́n) (modal particle) (New Testament Koine) Used in place of ἄν (án) after relative pronouns and conjunctions. (Classical Greek) Used instead of ἄν (án) for Future Open Conditionals (If X happens, Y will happen) Univerbation of εἰ (ei, “if”) and ἄν (án, subjunctive particle). Conjunction ἤν • (ḗn) Contracted form of of ἐᾱ́ν (eā́n) ``` Etymology 2 A contracted form of ἐάν (eán), from εἰ (ei, “if”) + ἄν (án, “modal particle”). Alternative forms ἐάν (eán) ἤν (ḗn) – Attic Pronunciation IPA(key): /ǎːn/ → /an/ → /an/ Conjunction ᾱ̓́ν • (ā́n) if (for more details, see εἰ (ei) and ἄν (án)) ``` Conjunction ὅτᾰν • (hótan) (with a conditional force, about events likely to recur) whenever, when Univerbation of ὅτ’ (hót’, “when”) + ἄν (án, modal particle) Adverb ὅτ’ • (hót’) Apocopic form of ὅτε (hóte) Adverb ὅτε • (hóte) (relative adverb) (of time) when (with indicative, to denote single events) when (with present, of a thing now happening) (rarely with future) (with optative, to denote repeated events or actions in past time) (of future events which are represented as uncertain, in clauses dependent on a verb in optative or subjunctive) (only in Epic and Lyric poets, with subjunctive) (in Homer, to introduce a simile) (with other particles) (causal sense) whereas (absolute) sometimes, now and then. Adverb ὅτεπερ • (hóteper) even when ὅτε (hóte) +‎ περ (per) Particle περ • (per) (most common in Epic and Lyric) Enclitic particle that follows the word it modifies and adds force to it. From περί (perí). Compare περικαλλής (perikallḗs, “very beautiful”), Latin permagnus (“very great”) etc. ``` Preposition περῐ́ • (perí) (governs the genitive, dative and accusative) (+ genitive) about, concerning, because of (+ dative) around, for, about (+ accusative) around (both in the circular sense and close proximity sense), near, about. ``` From Proto-Indo-European *peri. Cognates include Sanskrit परि (pári), Latin per, Lithuanian per, English for, and Albanian për. Noun περίζωμα • (perízōma) n (genitive περιζώματος); third declension A loincloth worn around the waist. Noun ζῶμᾰ • (zôma) n (genitive ζώμᾰτος); third declension loincloth, drawers, worn next the body in a boxing contest (surgery) band used in surgery woman's girdle. From ζώννυμι (zṓnnumi, “to gird”) +‎ -μα (-ma, result noun suffix). Noun δῐάζωμᾰ • (diázōma) n (genitive δῐαζώμᾰτος); third declension girdle, drawers, loincloth diaphragm Adjective[edit] περισσός • (perissós) m (feminine περισσή, neuter περισσόν); first/second declension beyond the regular number or size, prodigious out of the common way, extraordinary, uncommon, remarkable, strange (of persons) extraordinary, eminent, remarkable (with genitive) beyond others in more than sufficient, reserve, spare, surplus (in a bad sense) superfluous, redundant, useless excessive, extravagant (of persons) over-wise, over-curious (as a term of praise) subtle, acute (arithmetic) odd synonyms, antonyms Synonyms: ἀνᾰ́ρτῐος (anártios), σκαληνός (skalēnós) Antonyms: ἄρτιος (ártios), ἰσοσκελής (isoskelḗs) Adjective περιττός • (perittós) m (feminine περιττή, neuter περιττό) unnecessary, needless, superfluous (mathematics) odd