Master Deed Flashcards
Ab Initio
- From the beginning.
(Lat.) means from the beginning; and
- Complete and final.
- Without encumbrances.
- Not liable to change.
means any Instrument, Rule, Decree or Record issued under the proper Rule of Law that is complete and final, without encumbrances or liable to change or cancellation; and
Absolute Owner
- The person capable of disposing.
- Right to hold or dispossess…
- Fee Simple or Dominium Utile rights.
- The whole interest in land…
- Although the interest is encumbered.
means the owner or person capable of disposing, by disposition or otherwise of the fee simple, or dominium utile, of the whole interest of or in land, although the land or his interest therein is burdened, charged or encumbered; and
Dominium Utile
Dominium Utile. In the civil law. Equitable or prætorian ownership; that which was founded on equity. Mackeld. Rom. Law, § 327, note. In later law. Use without property; the right of a tenant. Tayl. Civil Law, 478. In feudal law. Useful or beneficial ownership; the usufruct, or right to the use and profits of the soil, as distinguished from the dominium directum (q. v.) or ownership of the soil itself; the right of a vassal or tenant. 2 Bl.Comm. 105.
Black´sLawDictionary, 4th Revised Edition, 1968, p. 574.
Dominium directum et utile is a Latin legal term referring to the “complete and absolute dominion [in property]”; i.e. the union of the title and the exclusive use.
Dominium directum et utile is a Latin legal term referring to the “complete and absolute dominion [in property]”; i.e. the union of the title and the exclusive use.[1]
Dominium directum (Feudal): the right of the lord (i.e., the right to direct) in the disposition of an asset (typically land).Dominium utile (Feudal): the right of use and utility of an asset, and to keep the benefits (such as the right to live on the land, and to keep the profits from agriculture).
The terms derive from Latin dominium (domain, dominion), directum (direction, in the sense of leadership), and utile (use, utility).
An asset is defined to mean itself and those things that naturally go with it. For land, that would include buildings, trees, underground resources, etc. It would not include “movable” property, such as wagons or livestock.
The holder of the dominium directum is considered the superior (i.e., the lord); the holder of the dominium utile is considered the inferior (i.e., the vassal).
Dominium utile includes the right of the holder to keep any income or profit derived from the asset.
The transfer of the dominium directum does not affect the rights of any holders of dominium utile. The holder of a dominium utile has no right of transfer (however, there were usually conditions allowed for, such as transfer to a son in the event of death).
The definition was constructed from the sources. [2][3][4][5][6]
Additional explanations
The “lord” holding dominium directum may be anyone with sovereign power over the asset, such as a monarch or other nobility, or an established Christian Church.
- Summary of pertinent facts.
- From larger instrument.
- Distilled Representation of facts from a record.
means a summary of pertinent facts of a larger Instrument (such as a Memorandum or Testimony), or a representation of facts contained within a particular Record, usually for the purpose of certification; and
Accounting Period
- A 365 day period as a standard measure…
- For the preparation of accounts.
means the standard measure and period for the preparation of Accounts expressed as a Ucadian Sun Year consisting of 365 days; or expressed as Gregorian Time being 365 days; and
- Transmission of energy or awareness.
- Into a created form, record or thing.
- The relation of transformed awareness…
- Associated with a form or thing.
- A statute of a legislative body.
means (a) an event in time and dimension based on reason, involving the transmission of energy and awareness relating to some form or thing; and
(b) a statute of a proper legislative body that is not otherwise morally repugnant, perfidious, treasonous, blasphemous or heretical; and
- Recoupment.
- Claim or counterclaim.
- Setoff.
- Proceeding.
- The rights determined by a competent forum.
- Agreed jurisdiction.
means recoupment, Claim, counterclaim, setoff, suit and any other proceeding in that; Rights are determined in a competent forum and agreed Jurisdiction; and
Accept, also Acceptance
- Evidence exists by express consent
- there exists an agreement.
- Or by implied consent a contract.
- Mutual offers were accepted by all parties.
- In the absence of consent, no agreement.
means evidence exists by express Consent in the case of an Agreement or implied Consent in the case of a Contract that an Offer was accepted by all parties. In the absence of any reasonable argument for Consent, an Agreement or Contract cannot be argued as being in legal or lawful effect; and
Acceptance period
- Period commences upon notice given.
- Ending on 10th business day by 5:00 PM.
- Agreed between recipient and sender.
means the period commencing on the date a Notice is given or deemed to have been given and ending at 5.00pm on the 10th Business Day after that date, or that another date as agreed between the Recipient and the Sender in “writing”; and
- The Drawee that accepts a draft.
- A Person who accepts an instrument.
means a Drawee or Person who has accepted a Draft or other instrument; and
Account, also accounts
- A collection of financial books and records.
- Fiduciary relation formed in trust.
- Concerning one or more rights.
- Purpose of banking, commerce and taxes.
- The original record of an event.
- Subsequent statements or summaries.
- The Master Accounts.
- Prepared summaries of the accounts.
A) A collection of financial documents, books and records relating to a distinct fiduciary relation formed in trust between the Body Corporate and other parties concerning one or more rights, use of property for the purpose of banking, commerce, taxation or governance; and
(b) The original record of event as to its creation and validity entered into some formal register of similar types of accounts; and
(c) Any subsequent statement or summary or report from time to time referencing key information concerning its function and performance; and
(d) The summary of all Accounts and Account Relations, also known as the “Master Accounts” of the Body Corporate, Production or Project and prepared and presented in statements, summary and reports consistent with Accounting Standards; and
Accounting standards
- Accounting standards under Ucadian law.
- Consistently applied standards.
- Within agreed Ucadian Jurisdiction.
- Equivalent standards outside Ucadia.
(a) The accounting standards approved under the Ucadian Law and the requirements of that law about the preparation and content of accounts; and
(b) Generally accepted and consistently applied principles and practices within the Jurisdiction of Ucadian Law; and
(c) In relation to a company incorporated outside the Jurisdiction of Ucadian Law, the equivalent accounting standards, principles and practices in the jurisdiction of incorporation; and
Accounting period, also Fiscal Year
- A period of twelve months.
- ending December 31st.
- Jurisdiction of Ucadian Law.
means the period from the time of the formation of the Body Corporate to the following 31 December and then each period of 12 months ending on 31 December in each year in accord with the Jurisdiction of Ucadian Law; and
- Payment of money
- before consideration or performance
- is due to be returned.
- Per terms of the agreement.
- May be recoupable or non recoupable.
means a payment of money before it is due. An Advance may be recoupable or nonrecoupable; and
Adverse claim
- Lawful action to nullify a claimed interest
- in property possessed or occupied
- by an owner, holder or someone in control
- of the property or asset
- Claimant must establish their rights are violated
- That the holder does not have the right to
- occupy, possess or hold the property or asset.
means that by an Action is commenced to nullify a claimant’s property interest in an Asset and that the claimant must establish that it is a violation of the rights of the claimant for another person to hold, transfer, or deal with the Asset; and
- A legal assistant appointed to help
- Who is suitably qualified and competent
- to argue law and administer the affairs
- of the donor who conveyed rights to them.
means a person suitably qualified, competent and capable in proper law, in respect of the Golden Rule of Law, Justice and Due Process; and
- Any legal action, suit, claim, proceeding
- Any act, fact, will and testament, oath, office
- Any interest, claim, obligation, duty, right
- Any effort, work, or exertion producing value
- Any matter or business - of any kind; and
- Any binding ritual performed.
- One person in relation to another person
- A donor of rights in relation to a donee
- A delegator of rights in relation to a delegate
- A person, body or association
- etc, etc, etc,
- Directly under the derived control of a superior
means a person, or body or association that is related to another party and is considered to be directly or indirectly controlled or under the control of that party; and
- One who acts for or in place of another
- One who acts under the authority of…
- the Principle as his Agent
- One who is appointed or vested in office…
- by an owner capable of disposing a right
- Recognized and acknowledged
- As a named beneficiary under
- Ucadian Law and these bylaws
- Possessing non-durable powers of Attorney
- individual authorised to make decisions
- or act with temporary powers of another
- in accord with terms and conditions
- One entrusted with the business of another.
a) Any man, woman or person duly appointed, acknowledged or recognised under these Bylaws as a named Beneficiary, including any Person possessing a nondurable Power of Attorney, or an individual authorised to make decisions or act with temporary powers of another in accord with these terms and conditions; or
(b) One who acts for, or in the place of, another (the Principal), by authority from him in accord with Ucadian Law; or one entrusted with the business of another such as a substitute; or a deputy; or one known as a factor; and
Agentis Juris
- 2nd Person
- An Agent under the control of a Principle
- You, your, yourself.
- An artificial person as a legal fiction.
- A statutory person born of a body of law.
(Lat.) means one having the capacity of a 2nd Person (you, ye, yours, yourself or yourselves) as an artificial Person and Agent of the Principal; and
Alieni Juris
- 3rd Person
- An incompetent at Law. ( Ucadian )
- He, She, It, They, Them, Their(s),
- Themselves
- Without the knowledge, capacity, or skill
- To properly manage their own affairs.
- A legal person as ( In Personum )
- A Ward, Infant, Lunatic…
- Under the control of a…
- Fiduciary or competent administrator.
(Lat.) means one having the capacity of a 3rd Person (he, she, it, they, them, their, theirs or themselves) as a Legal Person “In Personum” and as a Ward, or Lunatic, or Infant under the control of another; and
“Amend” means to change or modify; and
Name the six (6) minimum requirements.
- A Bi-Lateral Consensus in writing
- Between two of equal standing
- Of higher mind ( Conceptual Model )
- and lower mind ( Flesh & Instincts )
- demonstrating 6 minimum requirements…
- Consent is expressed, not implied
- Offer
- Valuable Consideration
- Sufficiency
- Terms and conditions
- Full Disclosure
- Acceptance
is a Bilateral Consensus in Writing between two (2) men or women of equal standing clearly demonstrating the minimum requirements of Offer, Valuable Consideration, Sufficiency, Terms, Full Disclosure and Acceptance whereby consent is expressed and not implied.
- A Contract is a Unilateral Consensus
- between two (2) unequal parties “persons”,
- that cannot be considered an Agreement.
- A contract can be the resulting product
- of legal entanglements & codependencies.
Annul, also Annulment
- deprive a Thing of its operation
- either retrospectively or
- only as to the future
- upon some Ecclesiastical Authority
- and competent Capacity; and
- A written request to form an agreement.
- A written offer requesting consideration.
- means a written request in Good Faith
- to an Officer or Agent of either party
- to form an Agreement with another party; and