suspended na ulet to chn rle family nursing process Flashcards
is the systematic collection of data to
determine the family’s status and to identify any
actual or potential health problems. It includes the
analysis of data to serve as a basis for planning
and delivering nursing care to the whole family.
A dynamic changing relative state of well-being
which includes the biological, psychological,
spiritual, sociological, and cultural factors of the
family system
Family Health
It is the first major phase of the nursing process.
a process whereby existing & potential
health problems of the family are
First – level assessment
defines the nature or type of nursing
problems that the family encounters in
performing the health tasks with respect
to a given health condition or problem, &
the etiology or barriers to the family’s
assumption of these tasks.
Second-level assessment
include the composition and
demographic data of the members of the
family/ household, their relationship to
the head and place of residence; the type
of, and family interaction/ communication
and decision-making patterns and
Family structure, characteristics and
include occupation, place of work, and
income of each working member,
educational attainment of each family
member, ethnic background and
religious affiliation, significant others and
the other(s) they play in the family’s life,
and the relationship of the family to the
larger community.
Socio-economic and cultural characteristics
include information on housing and
sanitation facilities, kind of neighborhood
and availability of social, health,
communication and transportation
facilities in the community.
Home and Environment
include use of preventive services,
adequacy of rest /sleep, exercise,
relaxation activities, stress management
or other healthy lifestyle activities, and
immunization status of at-risk family
Values and practices on health promotion/
maintenance and disease prevention
includes current and past significant
illness, beliefs and practices conducive to
health and illness, nutritional and
developmental status, physical
assessment findings and significant
results of laboratory/ diagnostic test/
screening procedures.
Health status of each member
use of the sensory capacities- sight, hearing,
smell and touch. Through direct observation the
nurse gathers information about the family’s state
of being and behavioral responses.
direct examination and is done through
inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation/
head to toe or cephalo- caudal
Physical Examination
face to face contact. Completing a health history
for each family member- past health history, e.g.,
develop accomplishments, illnesses, allergies,
restorative treatment, and residence in endemic
areas for certain diseases or exposure to
communicable diseases, family history
reviewing existing records/ reports pertinent to
the client which include individual clinical records
of family members, laboratory reports diagnostic
report, immunization records, report about home
and environmental conditions
Record Review
performing laboratory tests, diagnostic
procedures or other tests of integrity & functions
carried out by the nurse herself & other health
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
is dealing with problems associated with
health care with reasonable success
is when the family is unable to
cope with one or another aspect of health care
Coping deficit