is the absence of microorganisms. It refers to the absence of septic matter, the freedom from infection or infectious matter, and also includes general cleanliness.
Practices to reduce the number, growth, and spread of microorganisms
The most common cause of nosocomial infections is contaminated hands of health care providers.
Wash hands before and after every client contact.
Medical Asepsis (Clean Technique)
Practices that eliminate all microorganisms and spores from an object or area
Surgical Asepsis (Sterile Technique)
a. Destroys organism after they leave the body
b. It protects the giver of care
c. It is used in caring for patients with infectious diseases.
It aims to prevent the patient from becoming reinfected and the infection from spreading to other person
d. It prevents the spread of infection by means of:
- Isolating the objects in the patient’s environment from contamination
- Disinfecting objects as soon as possible after contamination
Medical asepsis
a. Destroys organism before they enter the body
b. It protects the patient
c. It is used in caring for open wounds in surgical procedures
d. It includes the complete sterilization of all instruments, linen or other object that may come in contact with the surgical wound
Surgical asepsis
Is a state caused by the entry and multiplication of pathogenic microorganism within the body.
are microscopic organism, maybe rod shape, round or spiral. It is the most common cause of infections. Ex. Escherichia coli
are microorganisms consisting primarily of nucleic acid (protein) and therefore must enter living cells in order to reproduce.
obtains food by absorbing dissolved organic matter/decaying organic matter and parasite organisms that has no chlorophyll. Ex. Yeast and molds, candida albicans
are organism that live in/on other organism. It includes protozoa like plasmodium which causes malaria, helminthes (worms) and arthopods (mites, ticks and fleas).
refers to transmission by direct contact with body discharges such as urine, feces, mucus or with drainage from an open sore, ulcer, or wound, or by droplet spread (sneezing, coughing, spitting, talking), placental transmission or via blood transfusion.
refers to vector, vehicle or airborne transmission such as inanimate objects as bed linen, bedpans, drinking glasses, cooking utensils, etc.
are rats, mosquitoes, flies or other insects capable of harboring and spreading the infectious agents.
– any substance that serves as an intermediate means to transport and introduce an infectious agent into a susceptible of disease host through a suitable portal of entry.
(droplet or dust) transmission of disease by droplets of saliva or mucus is called “DROPLET INFECTION”.
classified as infection that are associated with the delivery of health care services in a health care facility.
Nosocomial Infection
are the direct result of diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. Ex. IV line which may result to bacteremia
Iatrogenic infections
a condition wherein there is a detectable alteration in normal tissue function.