Occipitofrontalis (Epicranius)
Anterior scalp: Frontalis (Frontal belly)
Origin : Epicranial aponeurosis
Insertion: Skin of eyebrow and root of nose
Action: Raises the eyebrow, wrinkles forehead
Nerve supply: Facial Nerve
Obicularis oculi
Origin: Frontal bone, maxilla, and medial palpebral
ligament; lacrimal bone
Insertion: Lateral palpebral raphe and superior and inferior
tarsi medial
Action: Blinks and closes eyelids
Nerve supply: Facial nerve (Cranial VII)Origin: Frontal bone, maxilla, and medial palpebral
ligament; lacrimal bone
Insertion: Lateral palpebral raphe and superior and inferior
tarsi medial
Action: Blinks and closes eyelids
Nerve supply: Facial nerve (Cranial VII)
Orbicularis oris
Origin: Mandible and maxilla
Insertion: spinchter-like muscle at the angle
of the mouth
Action: (superficial)closes, portrudes lips;
(deep) presses lip against teeth
Origin: Temporal fossa and temporal fascia
Insertion: Coronoid process, anterior ramus of
Action: Closes Jaw, Elevates and retracts the
mandible against maxilla with great force
Nerve supply: Trigeminal Nerve
Origin: Temporal bone
Insertion: Ramus of mandible
Action: Raises the mandible against the
maxilla with great force
Nerve Supply: Trigeminal nerve (Cranial
Nerve V)
Origin: molar region of maxilla and mandible
Insertion: Orbicularis oris
Action: Compresses cheek (as in whistling
and sucking,draws corner of mouth laterally
Nerve supply: Facial Nerve
Origin: Zygomatic Bone
Insertion: Skin and muscle at the corner of the
Action: Raises lateral corners of mouth upward
(smiling muscle)
Nerve supply: Facial Nerve
Origin: Lateral Fascia associated with
masseter muscle
Insertion: Skin at angle of mouth
Action: Draws corner of lip laterally; tenses
lips; synergist of zygomaticus
Nerve supply: Facial Nerve
Levator labii superioris
Origin: Zygomatic bone and infraorbital margin
of maxilla
Insertion: Skin and muscle of upper lip
Action: Opens lips; raises and furrows upper lip
Depressor labii inferioris
Origin: Body of mandible lateral to its
Insertion: Skin and muscle of lower lip
Action: Draws lower lip inferiorly (pout)
Depressor anguii oris
Origin: Body of mandible below incisors
Insertion: Skin and muscle at angle of
mouth below insertion of zygomaticus
Action: Draws corners of mouth down and
laterally (a “tragedy mask” grimace);
zygomaticus antagonist
Origin: fascia of chest (over pectoral muscles
and deltoid)
Insertion: Lower margin of mandible, and skin
and muscle at corner of mouth
Action: Tenses skin of neck (as during
shaving); helps depress mandible; pulls lower
lip back and down, producing downward sag
of mouth; “Sad Clown Face”
Origin: Sternum and clavicle
Insertion: Lateral surface of the
mastoid process; nuchal line of
occipital bone
Action: Draws head towards shoulder
of same side, rotates head to opposite
side, flexes cervical part, assist in
elevating the thorax
Origin: Transverse processes of
cervical vertebrae
Insertion: anterolaterally on first two
Action: Elevate first two ribs (aid in
inspiration); flex and rotate neck
Splenius capitis
Origin: Lower half of ligamentum nuchae
and spinous process of 7th cervical vertebra
– 3
rd or 4th thoracic vertebra
Insertion: Mastoid process of temporal bone
and occipital bone
* Supports head erection
* Draws head directly backwards
* Draws head to one side
* Slight rotation, turning face to same