Is the lining, covering, and glandular tissue of the body.
Epithelial tissue or epithelium
What are the epithelial functions
Protection, absorption, filtration, secretion
One layer of cells
Simple epithelium
more than one cell layer
stratified epithelium
Squamous cells
Flattened like fish scales
Cube shaped like dice
is a single layer of thin squamous cells resting on a basement membrane. The cells fit closely together, much like floor tiles.
Simple squamous epithelium
It is the slick membranes that line the ventral body cavity and cover the organs in that cavity
Serous membranes or serosae
one layer of cuboidal cells resting on a basement membrane, is common in glands and their associated small tubes called ducts ( Eg. salivary glands and pancreas). It also forms the walls of the kidney tubules and covers the surface of the ovaries
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Is made up of a single layer of tall cells that fit closely together and whose nuclei appear to form a straight line
Simple columnar epithelium
Produce a lubricating mucus, are often seen in this type of epithelium
Goblet cells
Consist of two or more cell layers. Being considerably more durable than the simple epithelia, these epithelia function primarily in protection.
Stratified epithelia
Found in sites that receive a good deal of abuse or friction, such as the surface of the skin, the mouth, and the esophagus. Most common stratified epithelium in the body
Stratified squamous epithelium
consist of one or more cells that make and secrete a particular product
function of connective tissues
Protecting, supporting, cushioning, and insulating
Connects body parts. It is found everywhere in the body. It is most abundant and widely distributed of the tissue types
Connective tissue
sometimes called asseous tissue, is composed of osteocytes sitting in cavities called lacunae. These pits are surrounded by layers of a very hard matrix that contains calcium salts in addition to large numbers of collagen fibers. Has an exceptional ability to protect and support other body organs
Is less hard and flexible than bone