Entrepreneurship 2nd sem Flashcards
Noted to be one of the friendliest countries for entrepreneurs in the world, the _________ is home to thousands of successful entrepreneurs as shown by companies like Apple, Google, Starbucks, Walmart, and Walt Disney.
This emerging country is home to budding entrepreneurs who manufacture different products that range from toys, gadgets, electronics, and cars. Most of the new businesses in this country are homegrown because of a new breed of entrepreneurs who realize the potential in their country.
However, a lot of products in ______ have generic brand names though.
This is literally a small country that controls a significant portion of the economy in Asia.
Many of their entrepreneurs innovate on existing services for local and international use.
Entrepreneurs in _______ are exploring opportunities over the internet. For example, people from a region called Sanikiluag are known for their wood carving skills and entrepreneurs are selling their products online.
Entrepreneurship plays a dominant role in the country’s economic landscape, with the government providing a venue, called the Delhi Huts, to start-up entrepreneurs which promote local handicrafts. The Cottage Industries compound is another venue put up by the Indian government for the development of local products manufactured and retailed by start-up entrepreneurs. In fact, India is one of the countries in the Asia-Pacific rim with a strong base of entrepreneur organizations led by the youth and women.
Entrepreneurship is encouraged here through the small and medium enterprise incubation centers for the purpose of nurturing young firms, new products and technologies. These incubators provide space, facilities, hands-on management assistance and access to technologies and financing to clients, helping them to survive and grow during the start-up period. There are hundreds of incubators that have been sponsored by the ________ SME
Development Fund.
With a knowledge-based economy, _______ utilizes its human resources to make its economy the best possible through entrepreneurship. There are many entrepreneurial endeavors that flourish from the real estate enterprises, to the retail and food businesses. Entrepreneurial activities related to tourism and agricultural exports have likewise continually received strong support both from the government and private sectors. _______ is known as a “shopping haven.”
The extent of government support to entrepreneurs is very evident in, for example, in its international airport in _______, where a huge section is subsidized by the Bureau of Small and Medium Enterprises for the promotion of local products marketed by entrepreneurs. Tourism for the international markets and agricultural exports are two major sources of income generated by Thai entrepreneurs.
This country is becoming friendlier to entrepreneurs and this is apparent in the number of businesses, both international and local, which decided to locate in _______. Its current emphasis on tourism as a business venture for entrepreneurs is gaining popularity.
_____ emerged from the Asian financial crisis better than any other country in the region.
The enterprising spirit is quite obvious in such companies as Samsung and Kia that have now become well-known even outside the country.
is an entrepreneurial country, where 99.7% of all firms operating in the country are small and medium enterprises employing 69% of the labor force; and 47% of the 803,476 registered establishments are SMEs owned by women. SMEs and large enterprises are predominantly found in and around Metro Manila, while micro enterprises are relatively less geographically concentrated.
- Innovation
- Opportunity seeking and exploitation
- Resource mobilizing
- Encountering risks and uncertainties
- Economic and personal rewards
THE 2004 - 2010 SME
1) Provision of Business Opportunities;
(2) Strategic Business Planning, Training and Self-help Packages to Develop Strategic Business Plans;
(3) Product Development and Design Services;
(4) Support to Start-up Enterprises in Selected Areas;
(5) Business Opportunity and Enterprise-Creation
(6) Entrepreneurship Training Camps and Enterprise
Development Programs;
(7) Business Opportunity Development and Investment
Promotion for Innovative Ideas;
(8) Institutionalization of the SME Opportunities
(9) Franchising Seminars;
(10) Cooperatives Business Development Program.