reviewer on jit

This class was created by Brainscape user Yuan Bundoc. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

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Decks in this class (104)

Generally defined as the sum of a...,
Generally defined as an organized...,
Refers to the theory and practice...
12  cards
Gen Bio 2
First stage of cell division 1,
Called reduction division because...,
Makes identical body cells like s...
33  cards
An exercise especially targets th...,
Classic abdominal exercise perfor...,
Performed from a plank position y...
10  cards
Having _____ from bearing uncerta...,
________ bearing coordination of ...,
______ activity to initiate and d...
34  cards
UCSP updated
It is the legal relationship that...,
The system of rules which a parti...,
This refers to the theory art and...
43  cards
A sub atomic particle t is negati...,
Positive charge 2,
No charge 3
39  cards
Quiz bio 2 review
Is the change in the characterist...,
Is any net directional change or ...,
Was an english naturalist geologi...
8  cards
PE 2nd sem
Refers to all those activities th...,
It is an activity requiring or im...,
Any body movement produced by ske...
11  cards
Entrepreneurship 2nd sem
Noted to be one of the friendlies...,
This emerging country is home to ...,
This is literally a small country...
13  cards
Biology 2nd sem
The development of a new species ...,
There is a geographic barrier tha...,
The speciation happens in the sam...
23  cards
Physics 2nd sem
Q 1,
Q 2,
E 3
12  cards
PE 4th mastery
We choose to eat foods with nutri...,
This are finger foods fries popco...,
Unconscious what you are eating p...
18  cards
ENTRE 4th maste
The merchant from venice who trav...,
Based on this period entreprenuer...,
Based on this period the term ent...
12  cards
GEN BIO 4th maste
Taxonomy ranking 1,
Most primitive organisms bigger s...,
Doesn t have cell wall but have f...
28  cards
UCSP 4th
Refers to a group of people shari...,
Characterized by a territorially ...,
Is the complex whole which encomp...
17  cards
Biology Lymphatic-Blood systems finals
Is a fluid consisting of formed e...,
What is the function of blood 2,
Is the fluid part of the blood it...
17  cards
Biology Circulatory system finals
System consists of a network of v...,
Is the largest vein of the body i...,
Is above the heart and carries de...
5  cards
Biology Respiratory System Finals
The primary function of this syst...,
What does the respiratory system ...,
Is the process of inhaling oxygen...
17  cards
Biology Skeletal System FINALS
Is composed of 206 bones that alo...,
Consists of 80 bones the primary ...,
Means front 3
35  cards
Biology Integumentary system Finals
Consists of the skin and its acce...,
Is the exterior covering of the b...,
Is the outermost strata of the ep...
15  cards
Biology Endocrine System Finals
Is made up of glands and the horm...,
Is a chemical transmitter it is r...,
Essential for the growth and deve...
20  cards
Biology Nervous system
Are the nerve cells the structura...,
Are located entirely within the c...,
Do not have true dendrites they a...
33  cards
Biology Urinary system
It is an excretory system for uri...,
Are bean shaped organs located at...,
The notch in the concave area of ...
3  cards
Focuses on the formation of new s...,
Is often defined as a population ...,
Evolution of skull 3
40  cards
College LOGIC
It means love 1,
It means wisdom 2,
Remarked the unexamined life is n...
18  cards
Is a branch of chemistry that stu...,
This word was used by eighteenth ...,
Is the central atom of organic co...
7  cards
Knowing others is intelligence but 1,
We live in a world of loneliness 2,
Can be shed can change and it s h...
17  cards
Is the basic structural and funct...,
Is a fragile transparent barrier ...,
Is often called the headquarters ...
25  cards
Transport oxygen and carbon dioxi...,
Phagocytizes microorganisms and o...,
Releases histamine which promotes...
7  cards
Is the study of the structure and...,
Is the study of how the body and ...,
Tiny building blocks of matter co...
26  cards
College: ART APPRECIATION quiz reviewer
Four common essentials of art 1,
Art is that which brings life in ...,
Art is an attitude of spirit a st...
38  cards
Art app lesson 2
Is the matter to be described or ...,
They are those arts that depict o...,
They are those arts without any r...
27  cards
art app lesson 3
Defines as art practitioner 1,
Defines as craftsman 2,
Also known as national living tre...
11  cards
Is the lining covering and glandu...,
What are the epithelial functions 2,
One layer of cells 3
18  cards
Can be shed can change it s healt...,
It s immovable take longer to dev...,
The physical structure of a perso...
27  cards
TFN 1st and 2nd Lesson
Drilling a hole in the skull with...,
Nursing care was performed withou...,
What went down when nursing was a...
47  cards
TFN First lesson
Drilling a hole in the skull with...,
Blank 2
2  cards
It aims to develop students physi...,
Is a combination of learning expe...,
State of health and well being 3
57  cards
Finals anaphy
Bumps and cuts 1,
Acids and bases 2,
Heat and cold 3
25  cards
uself midterm
Believed that if beauty gave deli...,
Connected beauty as a response to...,
Is the material stuff we see and ...
26  cards
art app mid term quiz 1
The most expressive element and a...,
Are only seen when light surround...,
Discovered this when a beam of 3
44  cards
Occipitofrontalis epicranius 1,
Obicularis oculi 2,
Orbicularis oris 3
26  cards
art app lesson 2 mt
It is one of the principles of de...,
Also known as formal balance as t...,
Also known as informal balance wh...
21  cards
art app lesson 3 mt
Refers to all artworks produced by 1,
Refers to any parietal 2,
Refers to an engraved drawing tha...
18  cards
tfn 22222
This would be a nursing student i...,
Shows acceptable performance 2,
At nurse generally has two or thr...
19  cards
ANAPHY asdaasdasdasdsadasdasxdasdasdasdfasddasdfasf
Locate on the lateral or thumb si...,
The longer of the two forearm bon...,
These bones allow the upper limb ...
24  cards
arts finals lesson 9
Pertains to the general right of a 1,
That is the person created 2,
Is the art and act of improvising...
22  cards
To re formulate the ideal human b...,
Computers and gadgets that enhanc...,
Meeting the demands of nursing ca...
18  cards
tfb final theories
Transcultural nursing theory 1,
Theoryof health as expanding cons...,
Theory of human becoming 3
15  cards
Medical term for heart 1,
The largest lymphatic vessel is 2,
The human circulatory system comp...
25  cards
The study of microorganisms and a...,
Study of algae simple aquatic org...,
Study of bacteria 3
53  cards
Is the absence of microorganisms ...,
Practices to reduce the number gr...,
Practices that eliminate all micr...
47  cards
funda week 2
A state of complete physical ment...,
The unique response of a person t...,
An active state oriented toward m...
20  cards
Health education
Is defined as a relatively perman...,
Is a coherent framework of integr...,
Provides alternative theories and...
39  cards
funda week 3
Has been defined as an occupation...,
Refers to professional character ...,
Is the process of becoming profes...
50  cards
Funda 4-5 weeks
Is the interpersonal relationship...,
Is a simple and useful tool for i...,
It involves connection mutual rec...
29  cards
Health education topic-4-5
Influence related to chronologica...,
Influence common to people in cer...,
Unusual circumstances positive or...
28  cards
pathfit 2 prelim
Is a type of disease or an outbre...,
Is something that belongs to a pa...,
A disease has a affected a large ...
43  cards
P comm pre lim
Is a human act of sending verbal ...,
Communis 2,
Communicare 3
29  cards
Health economics
Who said the greatest wealth is h...,
Who said it is health that is rea...,
Who said the first wealth is heal...
45  cards
HEALTH EDUC mid term reviewer kasi trip lng
Is a systematic sequential scient...,
Focus on the planning and impleme...,
Focuses on the planning and imple...
20  cards
Health assessment quiz mid term
Misalignment of the eyes that only 1,
Eyes do not properly align with e...,
Drooping or falling of the upper ...
16  cards
Funda week 7 8 9 10
Is the pivotal step of the nursin...,
Is a clinical judgment concerning...,
Are developed based on data obtai...
25  cards
health educ week 8 to 9
Are used to identify the intended...,
Describes the teaching activities...,
Is action oriented describes prec...
31  cards
pcomm midterm
A network of pathways in the 1,
Connected manila and acapulco in ...,
This marked the beginnings of 3
31  cards
Path fit 2nd sem midterms
The ability of an individual to s...,
Is the ability of an individual t...,
The harmonious relationship of mo...
40  cards
week 11 funda
Provides efficient and effective ...,
Provide data which the entire hea...,
Monitors the quality of care rece...
16  cards
pcomm quiz 2 midterm
Is understood as the context spec...,
May be analyzed in terms of the s...,
May be described in terms of the ...
12  cards
An unpleasant sensory and emotion...,
Classification of pain based on w...,
Is pain that is perceived in an a...
37  cards
Is the sum of all the interaction...,
Are organic and inorganic substan...,
People in rapid periods of growth...
22  cards
health educ finals quiz 1
Is an ongoing and terminal proces...,
Is the individuals or groups who ...,
Includes the persons or groups fo...
15  cards
FUNDA QUIZ 2 finals
Moves urine from the upper to the...,
Refers to the production of abnor...,
Low urine output usually 500 ml a...
26  cards
Funda quiz 3 finals
Is one s mental image of oneself 1,
The knowledge that one has about ...,
What one expects of oneself maybe...
55  cards
Health educ finals quiz 2
In this theory the rightness and ...,
N approach to ethical decision 2,
Refers to the guiding principles ...
21  cards
Is a systematic process of 1,
Is considered as one of the basic 2,
Pertains to the presentation of m...
22  cards
Fundamental of N (concepts)
State of being a partner and an a...,
A collegial working relationship ...,
The ability to function effective...
16  cards
funda 1 finals
Is an ongoing and terminal proces...,
Purpose is to make necessary adju...,
Purpose is to determine the effec...
34  cards
funda finals 2
In this theory the rightness and ...,
An approach to ethical decision 2,
Refers to the guiding principles ...
21  cards
NCM 107 1st week
The possibility of pregnancy amen...,
He most likelihood of indicating ...,
Confirmation of pregnancy fetal h...
56  cards
A group of people who share somet...,
A state of complete physical ment...,
It is the science and art of prev...
26  cards
yaw ko na boi (CHN DATES)
Juan clemente a franciscan friar ...,
Dominican father ivan de pergero ...,
Smallpox vaccination was introduc...
15  cards
academic break pls (CHN SOMETHING COC)
A knowledge of health illness sta...,
A organization of workload 2,
A assessment of client s learning...
11  cards
Haerin begs for academic break (Pedia Quiz 1 prelims)
Assessment data must include a fa...,
The health of families depends on...,
Educating clients to be aware 3
10  cards
academic break for yunjin (CHN RLE quiz family)
One basic unit of our society 1,
Family of marriage parenthood 2,
Consisting only of husband and 3
23  cards
Is an antiseptic surgical scrub o...,
The state of being free from dise...,
Is the removal and prevention of ...
16  cards
suspended na ulet to chn rle family nursing process
Is the systematic collection of d...,
A dynamic changing relative state...,
It is the first major phase of th...
17  cards
chn rle exam monday
A state of a complete physical me...,
A group of people who share somet...,
Science and art of preventing dis...
66  cards
chn lec examn monday
0  cards
ncm 107 exam monday
Describes the total number of con...,
Defined as the number of births t...,
Woman is in her first pregnancy 3
31  cards
chn rle dates
Juan clemente a franciscan friar ...,
Dominican father ivan de pergero ...,
Smallpox vaccination was introduc...
15  cards
chn lec quiz midterm
A prepares the municipal health p...,
A conduct epidemiological studies 2,
1 manages the bhs and supervises ...
14  cards
tired af bruh maternal frfr midterm ghya;l chn lec
28  cards
Is any illness experienced by a p...,
Burden affecting persons with men...,
Burden relating to the impact of ...
13  cards
nutri vitamins
Vitamin a 1,
Vitamin d 2,
Vitamin e 3
10  cards
nutri midterms aojfjklashgjlhdfsajlghlsdfjhgjlsdfhgjldfhgjlsfdhgjldfhgfjlsdhgjlefhgjldfhgjldfgjldfhjlgedfhjlgdjf
Body tissue repair and maintenanc...,
Calcium and phosphorus metabolism...,
Aging retardation anticlotting fa...
30  cards
Any hollow muscular organ when st...,
As pregnancy nears term oxytocin 2,
Progesterone being the hormone 3
41  cards
Father of volleyball 1,
When where was the first game pla...,
What was the first name of volley...
24  cards
Spoken or written words 1,
Body language often tells more ab...,
Identified by its lack of structu...
8  cards
pedia 2nd sem winnerland
Is a newborn regardless of 1,
1000 to below infants whose birth...,
1000 25kg infant whose birth weig...
9  cards
nursing info lab quiz 1
It integrates nursing its informa...,
The integration of nursing comput...,
The application of research educa...
13  cards
Is a process of grouping 1,
Involves dividing data set into c...,
Single dataset cluster grouped in...
23  cards
PE EXAM 1111 prelim
What year did federation internat...,
1900 paris france olympics 2,
In 1873 john trudgen 3
13  cards
Nursing info lec exam
Are raw facts 1,
Refer to letters 2,
Refer to numbers 3
32  cards
Blank 1
1  cards

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reviewer on jit

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