is the sum of all the interactions between an organism and the food it consumes. In
other words, nutrition is what the person eats and how the body uses it.
are organic and inorganic substances found in foods and are required for body
functioning. People require the essential nutrients in food for the maintenance of all body tissues and
the normal functioning of all body process.
– people in rapid periods of growth have increased needs for nutrients.
Older people need fewer calories and dietary changes in view of the risk of coronary heart
disease, osteoporosis, and hypertension.
nutrient requirements are different for men and women because of body composition
and reproductive functions.
often determines food preferences. Traditional foods like rice
for Asians, pasta for Italians and curry for Indians.
Ethnicity and culture
– many people acquire their beliefs about food from television, magazines
and other media.
- some people are reducing their intake of animal fats in response to published evidence that
excessive consumption of animal fats is a major risk factor in cardiovascular disease
Beliefs about food
– people develop likes and dislikes based on associations with a typical
food. Individual likes and dislikes can also be related to familiarity.
Personal preferences
– religious practice affects diet. Some Roman Catholics avoid meat on certain
days and some Protestant faiths prohibit meat, tea, coffee or alcohol.
Religious practices
certain lifestyles are linked to food-related behaviors. People who are always in a
hurry probably buy convenience grocery items or eat restaurant meals
– the effects of drugs on nutrition vary considerably. They may alter
appetite, disturb taste perception, or interfere with nutrient absorption or excretion.
Medications and therapy
an individual’s health status greatly affects eating habits and nutritional status. The lack
of teeth, ill-fitting teeth, or a sore mouth makes chewing food difficult.
– drinking alcohol can lead to weight gain through the addition of the
calories contained in alcoholic drinks.
- excessive alcohol use contributes to nutritional deficiencies in a number of ways. Alcohol may
replace food in person’s diet, and it can depress the appetite.
. Alcohol consumption
– food producers try to persuade people to change from the product they currently
use to the brand of the producer.
– although some people overeat when stressed, depressed or lonely, others
eat very little under the same conditions
. Psychologic factors
are modified in consistency are often given to clients before and after surgery or to
promote healing in clients with gastrointestinal distress
This diet is limited to water, tea or coffee, clear broths, ginger ale, or other
carbonated beverages, strained and clear juices, and plain gelatin.
Clear Liquid Diet
This diet contains only liquids or foods that turn into liquid at body temperature, such
as ice cream.
Full Liquid Diets
The soft diet is easily chewed and digested. It is often ordered for clients who have difficulty
of chewing and swallowing.
Soft Diet
is ordered when the client’s appetite, ability to eat, and tolerance to certain foods
may change.
Diet as Tolerated
is provided when the client is unable to ingest foods or the upper gastrointestinal tract is impaired and
the transport of food to the small intestine is interrupted.
Enteral nutrition (EN) or total enteral nutrition (TEN)
is achieved by means of nasogastric or nasointestinal (nasoenteric) tubes, or
gastrostomy or jejunostomy tubes
Enteral access