chn rle exam monday Flashcards
A state of a complete physical, mental,
and social well-being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity.
A group of people who share something
in common and interact with one another,
who may exhibit a commitment with one
another and may share geographic
Science and art of preventing disease,
prolonging life, and promoting health and
efficiency through organized community
- Focus on the prevention and promotion
of population health at the national and
local levels.
- promotes and protects the health of the
people in the community where they live
Public Health
Extends the realms of public health to
include organized health efforts at the
community level through both
government and private efforts.
Community Health
focused, with the goals of promoting
health and preventing disease and
disability for all people through the
creation of conditions in which people
can be healthy”
Public Health Nurse
The synthesis of nursing practice and
public health practice applied to
promoting and preserving the health of
Community Health Nurse
a Franciscan Friar opened
a medical dispensary in Intramuros for the
Juan Clemente
Dominican Father Whom worked
toward installing a water system in San
Juan del Monte and Manila.
Ivan de Pergero
Smallpox vaccination was introduced by
Francisco de Balmis
were appointed by
the Spanish government. They worked as
provincial health officers.
First medicos titulares
was the first
center dedicated to the service of mothers
and babies
La Gota de Leche
Assisting clients in making appropriate
health care service decisions and
achieving service delivery integration
and coordination.
- Helping their patients to understand their
options concerning the specific situation
they are dealing with.
Case Manager
Clients in the community health nursing
setting are frequently unable to negotiate
healthcare system change. Therefore,
the nurse’s goal is to increase
understanding of health issues, advocate
for public policy, and empower
supportive community action for health.
- nurse’s works on behalf of the patients to
maintain quality of care and protect
patients’ rights.
Application of teaching- learning
principles to facilitate behavioral changes
among clients is a basic intervention
strategy in community health.
- Nursing is not just about dispensing
medication or administering treatments.
Nurses also are responsible for teaching
patients about preventing and managing
medical conditions.
The aim of partnership and collaboration
is to get people to work together in order
to address problems or concerns that
affect them.
- Being a partner and collaborator will
make people work together to solve
problems and other concerns that may
affect them
Partner and Collaborator
dentifies needs, priorities and problems
of individuals, families and communities
● Formulates nursing component of health
● Interprets and implements the nursing
plan, program policies, memoranda and
circulars for the concerned
● Provides technical assistance to rural
health midwives in health matters
Health Planner/Programmer
Formulates individual, family and
aggregates centered care plan
● Interprets and implements program
● Organizes work force, resources,
equipment and supplies and delivery of
health care at local levels
● Provides technical and administrative
support to Rural Health Midwife (RHM).
Conducts regular supervisory visits and
meetings to different RHMs and gives
feedback on
Responsible for motivating and
enhancing community participation in
terms of planning, organizing,
implementing and evaluating of health
● Initiates and participates in community
development activities
- Promotes self- reliance of community
and emphasizes their involvement and
participation in planning, organizing,
implementing and evaluating health
services. They also initiate and
implement community development
Community Organizer
Identifies and interprets training needs of
RHMs, Barangay Health
Workers/Volunteers (BHW/BHV) and
● Formulates appropriate training program
● Provides and arranges training and
learning experiences of nursing and
midwife affiliates
● Conducts trainings for health personnel
● Acts as resource speaker on health and
health related services as the need
● Participates in the development and
distribution of Information Education and
Communication (IEC)materials
Health Educator/Trainer
Because of the proximity to families and
aggregates in the community, case
finding has been a strategic role for many
The nurse uses the epidemiological
method to study disease and health
among population groups and to deal
with community-wide health problems
Prepares and submits required records
and reports
● Review, validates, consolidates,
analyzes, and interprets all records and
● Maintains adequate, accurate and
complete recording and reporting
The CHN, being a leader, a role model
and respected in the community is in a
better position to empower others
Community Leader
family of marriage, parenthood
or procreation; composed of a husband, wife
and their immediate children
Nuclear family
consisting only of husband and
Dyad family-
which results from a union
where one or both spouses bring a child or
children from a previous marriage into a new
living arrangement.
Blended family
where a man has more than
one spouse
Compound family
commonly described as a
“live-in” arrangement between an unmarried
couple who are called common-law spouses and
their child or children from such an arrangement.
Cohabiting family
results from the death of a
spouse, separation or pregnancy outside of
Single parent
made up of
cohabiting couple of the same sex in a sexual
The gay or lesbian family
full authority on the father or
any male member of the family e.g. eldest son,
full authority of the mother
or any female member of the family,
husband and wife exercise a
more or less amount of authority, father and
mother decide.
the mother decides/takes
charge in absence of the father
affected by any disrupting
force acting on a system outside the family-
supra system
universally accepted institution for
reproductive function and child rearing
it involves
transmission of the culture of a social group.
Socialization of family members
the family confers its
societal rank on the children. Depending on the
degree of social mobility in a society, the family
and the children’s future families may move from
one social class to another
Status placement
allows the family to
acquire and allocate adequate financial
resources to meet their needs.
Economic function
the family provides for
survival needs of its dependent members.
Physical maintenance
the family supports
spouses or partners by providing companionship
and meeting affective, sexual and socio-
economic needs as well as developing a sense of
love and belonging which gives children
emotional gratification and psychological security
Welfare and protection
a process whereby existing & potential
health problems of the family are
determined. These health conditions or
problems of the family are categorized
● Wellness state/s
● Health threats
● Stress points or foreseeable crisis
First – level assessment
defines the nature or type of nursing
problems that the family encounters in
performing the health tasks with respect
to a given health condition or problem, &
the etiology or barriers to the family’s
assumption of these tasks.
Second-level assessment
include the composition and
demographic data of the members of the
family/ household, their relationship to
the head and place of residence; the type
of, and family interaction/ communication
and decision-making patterns and
Family structure, characteristics and
include occupation, place of work, and
income of each working member,
educational attainment of each family
member, ethnic background and
religious affiliation, significant others and
the other(s) they play in the family’s life,
and the relationship of the family to the
larger community.
Socio-economic and cultural characteristics
include information on housing and
sanitation facilities, kind of neighborhood
and availability of social, health,
communication and transportation
facilities in the community.
Home and Environment
includes current and past significant
illness, beliefs and practices conducive to
health and illness, nutritional and
developmental status, physical
assessment findings and significant
results of laboratory/ diagnostic test/
screening procedures.
Health status of each member
include use of preventive services,
adequacy of rest /sleep, exercise,
relaxation activities, stress management
or other healthy lifestyle activities, and
immunization status of at-risk family
Values and practices on health promotion/
maintenance and disease prevention
use of the sensory capacities- sight, hearing,
smell and touch. Through direct observation the
nurse gathers information about the family’s state
of being and behavioral responses.
direct examination and is done through
inspection, palpation, percussion, auscultation/
head to toe or cephalo- caudal. Data from a
substantive part of First Level Assessment may
indicate presence of health deficits
Physical Examination
face to face contact. Completing a health history
for each family member- past health history, e.g.,
develop accomplishments, illnesses, allergies,
restorative treatment, and residence in endemic
areas for certain diseases or exposure to
communicable diseases, family history, e.g.
genetic, and social history.
reviewing existing records/ reports pertinent to
the client which include individual clinical records
of family members, laboratory reports diagnostic
report, immunization records, report about home
and environmental conditions.
Record Review
performing laboratory tests, diagnostic
procedures or other tests of integrity & functions
carried out by the nurse herself & other health
Laboratory/Diagnostic Tests
is a nursing
judgment related to the client’s capability
for wellness.
wellness condition
is a
situation which interferes with the
promotion and /or maintenance of health
and recovery from illness or injury
health condition or problem
is dealing with problems associated with
health care with reasonable success.
is when the family is unable to
cope with one or another aspect of health care
Coping deficit
refers to the family
members’ mobility and ability to perform activities
of daily living, such as feeding themselves and
performing activities necessary for personal
Physical Independence
is the family’s ability to
comply with prescribed or recommended
procedures and treatments to be done at home,
which include medications, dietary
recommendations, exercises, application of
wound dressings and prosthetic devices.
therapeutic Competence
understanding of
the health condition or essentials of care
according to the developmental stages of family
Knowledge of Health Condition
health promotion and recommended
preventive measures such maintaining family
nutrition, securing adequate rest & relaxation,
carrying out preventive measures such as
Application of Principles of Personal and General
refers to the family’s
perception of health care in general. This is
observed in the family’s degree of
responsiveness to promotive, preventive and
curative efforts of health workers
Health Care Attitudes
is concerned with the
degree of emotional maturity of family members
according to their developmental stage.
Emotional Competence
refer to interpersonal
relationships among family members,
management of family finances, and the type of
discipline in the home.
Family Living Patterns
includes home, school,
work, and community environment that may
influence the health of family members.
Physical Environment
is the ability of the
family to seek and utilize the community facilities
for health, education, and welfare
Use of Community Facilities