NCM 107 1st week Flashcards
the possibility of pregnancy(amenorrhea, nausea,
breast enlargement and tenderness, food cravings)
he most likelihood of indicating pregnancy-
confirmation of pregnancy (increased frequency of
urination, abdominal bloating/enlargement, increased
skin pigmentation in the face, stomach, and/or areola)
confirmation of pregnancy(fetal heartbeat, visualization
of fetus (ultrasound), positive hCG urine or blood)
is a hormone normally produced by the placenta. If a
woman is pregnant, it can be detected in the urine
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
describes the total number of confirmed pregnancies
that a woman has had, regardless of the outcome # of
defined as the number of births that a woman has had
after 20 weeks gestation # of successful
defined as the number of times that a woman has been
pregnant regardless of the outcome (this includes
current pregnancy, miscarriages, abortions, stillbirths,
and *twins/triplets counted as 1
woman is in her first pregnancy.
has given birth once
Primiparous woman
woman who has been pregnant
more than once.
woman has given birth more than
is defined as the number of times that a woman has
given birth to a fetus with a gestational age of 20-24
weeks or whether the child was born alive or was
loss of the baby after 20 weeks
measure of the length of a pregnancy which is taken
from the beginning of the woman’s last menstrual
○ It is measured in weeks
AOG (Age of Gestation / Gestational Age)
also known as expected date of confinement, and
estimated due date or simply due date, is a term
describing the estimated delivery date for a pregnant
EDD/EDC (estimated date of delivery)
Last Menstrual Period
four specific steps in palpating the uterus through the
abdomen in order to determine the lie and presentation
of the fetus.
Leopold’s Maneuver
time period before childbirth
period from the onset of true labor through the delivery
of the placenta
time period after childbirth
Post – partum
given to a pregnant mother anytime during the first
healthcare facility visit = no protection given
4 weeks after TD = 3 yrs. protection
6 months after TD = 5 yrs. protection
1 year after TD = 10 yrs. protection
1 year after TD = lifetime protection
Initial Prenatal Physical Exam:
○ Vital signs
○ Height and weight measurement
○ Fundic height measurement
○ Leopold’s Maneuver
Post – partum
A medical instrument for listening to the action of
someone’s heart or breathing, typically having a small
disk-shaped resonator that is placed against the chest,
and two tubes connected to earpieces.
A structurally modified device which can amplify the
fetal heartbeat in the 20th week of pregnancy and
Fetoscope or fetal stethoscope:
A handheld ultrasound device using the Doppler effect
to create an audible simulation of the heartbeat via a
loudspeaker or earpiece.
Fetal Doppler:
A common and systematic way to determine the position of
a fetus inside the woman’s uterus
What week is leopold’s maneuver performed
24 weeks of gestation
First maneuver ( Fundal Grip)
Second Maneuver (Lateral Grip/Umbilical Grip)
Third Maneuver (Pawlik’s Grip)
Fourth Maneuver (Pelvic Grip)
This determines what part of the fetus is in the
Fundal Grip
to locate/identify the fetal back in relation to the
right and left sides of the mother.
■ to determine the fetal position (the relationship of
the presenting part to one of the quadrants of the
mother’s pelvis
Lateral Grip/Umbilical Grip
This maneuver confirms the fetal position
(engagement of presenting part) to find the heat at
the pelvis and to determine the mobility of the
presenting part.
Pawlik’s Grip
is a clear, slightly yellowish liquid that surrounds the unborn baby (fetus) during pregnancy.
Amniotic fluid
is a measure of
the size of the uterus used to assess fetal growth and
development during pregnancy.
Fundal height, or McDonald’s rule,
is when the baby’s legs are folded flat
up against his head and his bottom is closest to the
birth canal.
Frank Breech
is when both of the baby’s knees
are bent and his feet and bottom are closest to the birth
Complete Breech
is when one of the baby’s knees
is bent and his foot and bottom are closest to the birth
Incomplete Breech/footling breech
The process of giving birth.
The process of childbirth, especially the period from the
onset of uterine contractions and ends with delivery of
the newborn and expulsion of the placenta.
○ Occurring during labor or delivery.
○ 18 below and 36 and above is considered as high risk
after separation, placenta is delivered
by natural bearing down effort of mother of by gentle
pressure on contracted uterine fundus by physician or
nurse- midwife
Crede’s maneuver
a supine position of the body with the legs separated, flexed, and supported in raised stirrups, can used for childbirth.
Lithotomy position
technique for expressing the placenta from the uterus that
puts gentle traction on the cord while the other presses the
anterior surface of the uterus backward).
Brandt Andrews Maneuver
Applies for perineal support and does controlled delivery of
the head
Ritgen’s maneuver.
Mother is asked to take a
deep breath, hold the breath (closed glottis) and push
downward when the uterine contraction starts).
Valsalva Maneuver
refers to the enlargement or widening of the cervix
of the cervical canal from an opening a few millimeters wide to
one large enough to permit passage of fetus dilatation begins.
(contraction) is timed from when you first feel a
contraction until it is over. This time is usually measured in
(rest period) is timed from the end of 1 contraction
to beginning of next contraction
(duration plus interval) is timed from the start of
one contraction to the start of the next. It includes the contraction
as well as the rest period until the next contraction begins. This
time is measured in minutes.
(strength)The peak of the contraction less the
resting tone.
If the placenta separates first
at its center and last at its
edges, it tends to fold on itself
like an umbrella and will
present at the vaginal opening
with the fetal surface evident.
Schultze’s placenta.
the placenta
separates first at its edges, it
slides along the uterine
surface and presents at the
vagina with the maternal
surface evident
Dirty Duncan