Biology Respiratory System Finals Flashcards
The primary function of this system is to furnish oxygen for individual tissue cells, and to take away the waste products and carbon dioxide produced by those same cells.
Respiratory system
What does the respiratory system consists of?
is the process of inhaling oxygen into the lungs, and exhaling carbon dioxide. That process includes the ventilation of the lungs and the exchange of air in the lungs and blood within the capillaries of the alveoli of the lungs.
External respiration
is the metabolic process by which living cells use blood flowing through the capillaries, absorbing the oxygen (O2 )they need and releasing the carbon dioxide (CO2)they create.
Internal respiration
The dividing partition between the nostrils is the
nasal septum
The external opening of the nose
nostrils or anterior nares
nose has 5 functions
1.It serves as an air passageway.
2.It warms and moistens inhaled air.
3.Its cilia and mucous membrane trap dust, pollen, bacteria, and foreign matter.
4.It contains olfactory receptors, which smell odors.
5.It aids in phonation and the quality of voice.
It is a muscular and membranous tube that is about 5 inches long, extending downward from the base of the skull. It eventually becomes the esophagus.
behind the nose
is behind the mouth
is behind the larynx.
commonly called the voicebox, is located at the upper end of the trachea, below the root of the tongue and hyoid bone. It is lined with mucous membrane. contains vocal cords, which produce sound
is a smooth, muscular tube leading from the larynx to the main bronchi.
is the passageway for air to and from the lungs
are the two main branches at the bottom of the trachea, providing passageway for air to the lungs.
two spongy organs located in the thorax. They consist of elastic tissue, filled with an interlacing network of tubes and sacs that carry air and blood vessels that carry blood.
a muscular wall separating the thorax from the abdominal cavity.