is a systematic process of
dissemination of information which will serve its
purpose for inquiry, information, reservation, and
is considered as one of the basic
activities of human beings, which may be used for
varied purposes.
pertains to the
presentation of messages that are objective, truthful,
and unbiased.
Informative communication
takes place when people
express their positive and negative feelings about
people, circumstances, or events.
Affective communication
refers to the engagement of
people in expressing appreciation on fictional messages
from books, films, and conversation.
Imaginative communication
takes place when people
attempt to influence the beliefs or actions of others
Persuasive communication
is done when people are able
to meet social expectations (following a set pattern or
ritual in communication, often with specific phrases or
actions that are repeated).
Ritualistic communication
(has no prior
knowledge of the topic and must come up
with their speech on the spot)
Impromptu Speech
delivered with
little or no preparation (have some
knowledge or background on the topic)
Extemporaneous Speech
- a process of scientific thinking that leads to the discovery or
establishment of new knowledge or truth - continuous discovery and exploration of the unknown which
entails an investigation of facts new to you leading to a
discovery of new ideas, new methods, or new improvements - born of problems and of man’s determination to solve
- includes values such as avoidance of cheating or
plagiarism, maintenance of academic standards,
honesty and rigor in research and academic
Academic Integrity
any type of cheating that occurs in relation to formal
academic exercise
Academic Dishonesty
adoption or reproduction of ideas or
words or statements of another person
without due acknowledgment
- falsification of data, information, or
citations in any formal academic exercise
- any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a
formal academic exercise (like an examination)
without due acknowledgment
acting to prevent others from completing
their work; includes cutting pages out of library books
or disrupting the experiments of others
refers to creations of the mind, such as inventions,
literary and artistic works, designs and symbols,
names and images used in commerce
Intellectual Property
a legal term used to describe the rights that creators have over
their literary and artistic works
an exclusive right granted for an invention, which is a product
or a process that provides in general, a new way of doing
something, or offers a new technical solution to a problem
- is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods or services of one
enterprise from those of other enterprises; are protected by
intellectual property rights
- constitutes the ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an article;
may consist of three dimensional features such as the shape of
an article, or two dimensional features such as patterns, lines or
Industrial Design