SGWLC Flashcards
Worst case faulted steam generator accident would occur at _____ power near ______ of core life.
This is because mass in steam generator would be greater at low power and MTC would be more negative at end of core life.
How many FW inlet temp instruments? Validation method?
4 signal validation, 2nd highest
How many NR SG level instruments? Validation method?
3 signal validation level, median
How many steam flow instruments? Validation method?
2 signal validation w/arbitrator, average. Arbitrator is validated delta T signal.
How many WR SG level instruments? Validation method?
1 signal validation
How many feedwater flow instruments? Validation method?
2 signal validation, no arbitrator- average
Placing one ____ in manual causes the associated _______ to control SGWL if it is in Auto and vice versa.
1B/1C speed setpoint is determined by ______.
the greatest SG FW demand
What are the purposes of the SGWLC system?
Auto and manual SG level control with FW isolation capability.
What are the purposes of the main feed pump control system?
Maintain SG levels by controlling TDFWP speed and the position of the _FW016 for the MDFWP.
What is the max. power level supported by the FRBVs?
What 3 considerations helped determine programmed S/G level?
Containment Pressure, RCS cooldown, and SG shrink/swell accommodation.
What 3 signals “override” the MFRVs and bypass valves?
SI, P-14, and P-4 with Low Tavg
If all MFRVs and FRBVs are take to manual, then the__________.
FW pumps will also swap to manual
1FW009 is opened _____ whereas 2FW009 is not opened until____.
Prior to heatup
approximately 25% power after interlocks met
LT501 with NR___
LT502 with NR___
LT503 with NR___
LT504 with NR___