ESFAS Flashcards
SI signals
- Manual, 1/2 switches
- Pzr low pressure, 1829# 2/4
- Steamline low pressure, 640 psig 2/3 on 1/4 SGs
- Cont high pressure, 3.4 psig, 2/3
CVI signals
Manual phase A
Manual CS/phase B
Cnmt area high rad AR11/12J
FWI signals
P4 with low Tave 564F
Steamline isolation signals
Manual, 1/2 switches
Steamline low pressure, 640 psig, 2/3 on 1/4 SGs
Steamline high neg rate, >100 psig drop w/in 50 sec 2/3 1/4 SG
Cnmt hi-2 pressure, 8.2 psig, 2/3
CS/Phase B signals
Manual 2/2 switches
Cnmt hi pressure, 20 psig 2/4
CS/Phase B can/can not be reset with initiating signal still present
Which actuations can be reset with initiating signal still present?
Containment Phase A
Containment Phase B
Control room vent actuation (from SI)
CS actuation
P-4 with low Tave FW isolation
How to reset a FWI after a SI signal
- Reset SI
- Block Steamline and pzr low SI (<P-11)
- Cycle the rx trip breakers to clear P4 seal in
- Reset FWI main relays
- Reset the FWI auxiliary relays
How to reset a FWI after a P-14
- Clear P-14, all steam generator levels
- Cycle the rx trip breakers to clear the P4 seal in
- Reset FWI main relays
- Reset the FWI auxiliary relays
Once SI has been blocked, how can the block be removed?
Cycle reactor trip breakers to toggle P-4. This will unblock the SI
If a reactor trip breaker doesn’t open with a SI, __________ until _______.
SI cannot be reset on that train until that RTB is opened
Train A SSPS will de-energize ______ UV coils to open the breakers. Train B SSPS will de-energize _____ UV coils.
Train A, RTA and BYB UV coils
Train B, RTB and BYA UV coils
Reactor trip bypass breaker trips
- Rx trip switch to actuate
- Manual SI switch to actuate
- Bypass breaker CS to trip
- UV coil de-energized
- Opposite train bypass breaker racked in and closed
Reactor trip breaker trips
- Reactor trip switch to actuate
- Manual SI switch to actuate
- Shunt coil energized
- UV coil de-energized
Reactor trip bypass breaker trips when in test
Bypass breaker CS to trip
UV coil de-energized
Bypass breaker indication lights on PM05J lit only when _____.
Bypass breaker racked in with fuses installed.
SI recirc sump isol valve reset PB will _____ and if not reset will ______.
Remove the auto open signal to SI 8811a/b and remove an auto signal to CV8110/8111
Prevent closure of ACB 1411
AUTO SI BLOCKED light will be ______ if _______.
Fast flashing if one train wasnt blocked because of RT or bypass breaker not open
SI can be reset After a ______ second time delay,
60 second