Essential Service Water Flashcards
SX cooling loads:
- A, B, C, D RCFC coils
- Containment chiller
- A/B EDGs
- A/B train misc loads
- A/B SX pump cubicle and oil coolers
- Unit specific and common CC HXs
- 1A AF pump oil cooler
- AF pumps emergency suction supply
SX pump suctions are from the ___ and ____ tower sections.
A and E (a train from A, B train from E)
SX cooling tower high level alarm at ____ and low level alarm at _____.
Purposes of SX system (4)
- Cool safety related equipment under both normal and emergency.
- Emergency source for AF suction when CST is unavailable.
- Emergency source for fire protection.
- Emergency sources of water to supply makeup to CC
SX pump specs
1129 KW at 174 amps
24,000 GPM
100 psi
Auto starts of SX pumps
Loss of power via sequencer (25 seconds)
- Suction valve must be open for each auto start
Pump trips
<5 psig suction pressure, 15 sec TD Overcurrent on phase A or C Ground overcurrent Undervoltage Manual
SX system interlocks: To start pump, _____ must be open. RCFC _____ and _______ must be ______. This provides minimum flow for SX pumps. (Does not apply on a SI auto start)
Lube oil pressure ______. Can not shut SX 16 or SX 27 when ______.
SX001 suction valve must be open
Inlet and outlet must be open
> 5 psig
associated pump running, pump closed circuit
SX makeup pump specs:
1500 GPM
150 psi
228 HP at 1800 RPM V8 detroit diesel
Starts of SX makeup pumps:
3 manual
1 auto
Manually from MCB 0PM01J
Manually from RSP (U1 only)
Manually from local panel at RSH
Automatically on low basin level of 62%
Trips of SX makeup pumps:
- Overcrank <350 RPM after 55 seconds (PB to reset)
- Overspeed 1900 RPM (trips air box closed and engine)
- Low oil pressure 10 psig
- High jacket water temperature 205F
SX makeup pump related alarms: (6)
- Restricted lube oil filter 14 psid, auto bypass at 15 psid
- High water temp 195F
- Low oil pressure 20 psig
- Restricted fuel oil filter 5 psid primary and 25 psid secondary
- High crankcase pressure 2.5” water
- Airbox trip (happens with overspeed)
SX makeup pump fuel oil supply: \_\_\_\_gal tank TS level \_\_\_\_ Admin level limit\_\_\_\_ and purpose\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_hours of operation without refueling at \_\_\_\_\_ burn
- 2000 gal tank
- TS level 47%
- Admin limit of 50% to prevent air entrainment
- 72 hours operation without refueling at 12 gph burn
SX towers and basin specs. _____ provides ultimate heat sink. Designed for max temperature of _____ under worst conditions, TS requires temp to remain ______. Each basin holds approximately ______ gallons.
SX cooling towers
1,000,000 gallons
SX basin level program High level\_\_\_\_\_ Normal\_\_\_\_\_ Low level\_\_\_\_\_ Overflow between basins\_\_\_\_\_ Diesel M/U pump auto start\_\_\_\_\_ TS limit\_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_ gallons for AF, and \_\_\_\_\_ gallons for other loads
100% 90% 80% 64% 62% 60% 212,000 gallons for AF, 94,000 gallons other loads (306,000 total)
Basin level makeup.
Normal- CW makeup via 0CW100a/b (Fail closed)
Manual - Deepwell pumps via 0WW019A/B (Fail closed)
Emergency - SX makeup pumps, auto start at 62%
Deepwell pumps will trip on _____ with _____.
SI; undervoltage
To start a CT fan, the _____ must be _____. If the riser valve is then ______ the fan (will or will not) trip off.
Riser valve; Open
Subsequently shut; Will not
Tower bypass valves will _____ at _____ and will _____ at _____. If associated pump on and temp switch in auto.
open 52F
Close 70F
SX system response on ESF (direct effects)
- SX and oil pump start on SI -25 seconds on UV
- RCFCs running in fast speed trip; 20 seconds later all four start in slow speed.
- Cntmt chill inlet and outlet close
- Cntmt chiller bypass opens
- RCFC inlet valves SX016s open
SX system response to ESF (indirect effects)
- RCFC outlet valves sx027s open, if closed, when RCFC slow speed breakers close.
- DG SX outlet valves (SX169s) open when DG speed is >280 RPM
LCO 3.7.9 ultimate heat sink
3.7.9 Ultimate Heat Sink (UHS)
LCO 3.7.9 The UHS shall be OPERABLE and the required SX cooling tower
(SXCT) fans shall be OPERABLE and operating as specified in
Table 3.7.9-1 or Table 3.7.9-2.
APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.
LCO 3.7.8 SX
3.7.8 Essential Service Water (SX) System
LCO 3.7.8 The following SX trains shall be OPERABLE:
a. Two unit-specific SX trains; and
b. One opposite-unit SX train for unit-specific support.
APPLICABILITY: MODES 1, 2, 3, and 4.
If one unit specific SX train is inoperable, additional LCO entries by procedure ….
1. Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO 3.8.1, "AC SourcesOperating," for Emergency Diesel Generator made inoperable by SX. 2. Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO 3.4.6, "RCS LoopsMODE 4," for Residual Heat Removal loops made inoperable by SX. ----------------
The maximum SX water temperature is _______ and the minimum basin level is ______.
On a local manual start _____ is started first. On an auto pump start _______.
Auxiliary oil pump
Both pumps start at the same time
Cubicle room cooler designed to maintain ______ room temperature
SX 027A/B must be _____to start a SX pump. SX027A/B will auto _____ if their associated ______.
RCFC breakers close
Both of the ____ and ____ fail open on loss of IA. Both the _____ and the ____ fail closed on loss of IA.
Think diesels and containment chillers.
SX169s and 147s Diesels and cont chiller bypass
112s and 114s Containment chiller inlet and outlets
SX strainer DP high at _____ and hi hi at ____.
6 psid
9 psid
AF006 and AF 0017 will auto open if _____ and _____.
Low suction pressure 18.1 psia 4 sec time delay, A train only
Auto AFW actuation
When emergency auto makeup of AF from SX valves open, ______ closes and _____opens.
Recirc to the CST closes
Recirc to the SX CT opens
Rock river level must be ______ and ________ per TS 3.7.9.
> 670.6 feet
<=698.68 feet
If One Essential Service
Water (SX) makeup pump
inoperable, ________ every ______ and once per ______.
Verify basin level
for each tower is
>= 90% level every 72 hours and once per 2 hours after
A______ second time delay is required to be met whenever switching SX CT fans from high to low speed.
60 seconds