Reactor Coolant Pumps Flashcards
RCP starting limitations (initial conditions that must be met to start)
- CC is operating
- Seal injection water has been established
- LSIV interlock satisfied
- Loop hot leg and cold leg valves open -or-
- Loop cold leg valve closed and bypass open
- RCP bearing temps trending on the computer
- Minimum 1 RCFC running (Cntmt temps and RCP cooling)
- > 200 psid across #1 seal
- Should have >300 psig - running (min NPSH); >325 psig starting requirement w/loop not fully filled and vented for 1st RCP.
- Loose parts monitoring system is operating
What is the preferred starting sequence for the RCPs? And why?
Preferred starting sequence: D (Spray surge) C (Spray) B, A
RCS DNB parameters:
P >= 2209 psig
T ave <=593.1F
RCS total flow >=386,000 gpm
RCP lift oil pump interlock
> = 600 psig oil pressure (light on PM05J)
ADMIN: Oil pump @ pressure for at least 2 minutes
- CC flow through thermal barriers must be maintained with RCS>150F if seal injection flow is lost.
- Seal injection flow must be 6-13 gpm for each RCP
- RCP must not be started if one or more Tc <350F and SG temp >50F above Tc (TS 3.4.7)
RCP shaft seizure limiting fault
Loop flow drops rapidly, up to 2% fuel damage
RCP starting duties
30 minutes idle period after any run or attempted start
Max of 3 starts within a 2 hour period (30 min idle between), the 4th start should not be made until idle for 1 hour
RCP breaker interlocks (to close)
- LSIV interlock
- Lift oil pressure >600 psig
- Lift oil pump running
- ‘M’ coil energized
- No shaft rotation w/in 2 seconds
- RCS Pressure <300 psig (should not be run)
- <200 psid across #1 seal
- # 1 seal leakoff less than normal op range BOP RC-1A1
- Motor bearing (thrust or radial) temp >195F w/o CC
- Pump lower radial bearing temp >225F if CC is lost
- # 1 seal leakoff temp>235F
- > 700 amps for >35 seconds (678 amps 1B)
- RCP motor vibes exceed 5 mils
(SED to monitor if >3 mils) - BEP required trips if rx tripped
Trip coil #1:
Div 11 A/D, Div 12 B/C
Power sources are ESF 125VDC
- C/S to trip
- P/B on RSP
- OC relay
- UV on bus 4920VAC (5268 VAC starts AF and generates RX trip)
- Degraded frequency (<57Hz 2/4)
- Impedance relay
Trip coil #2
Div 12 A/D Div 11 B/C
Power supply is ESF 125VDC
Degraded frequency <57Hz 2/4 buses
Phase A or C overcurrent
How does Phase A initiation affect the flowpaths of the RCP seals:
- Isolates 8100 and 8112 (seal return)
- Seal water relieves to PRT (CV8121)
- Seal flow through #2 seal increases
- RY8208 closes (PW to standpipes)
How does Phase B initiation impact the RCPs:
- CC supply and return to RCPs isolate (upper and lower RCP bearings and thermal barrier HX)
- RCPs must be secured
- FSAR says that motor good for 10 minutes without CC
Lower radial bearing is normally cooled by_____ and on a loss of _______, it is cooled by _________.
Seal injection flow, ~3gpm
Seal injection flow
RCS cooled by CC in the thermal barrier
No. 1 Seal is a ________type of seal
No.2 Seal is a ________type of seal
No. 3 seal is a ________type of seal
1= Controlled leakage film riding seal
2=Face rubbing seal
3=Double dam face rubbing seal
What does CC cool in the RCP?
Thermal barrier -and-
RCP motor oil cooler
Seal rings are _____moving to maintain seal clearances.
Trip setpoint based on high bearing temperatures (with a loss of CC) are ______ for all motor bearings, _____for pump lower radial bearing and_____ for #1 seal leakoff temp.
Purpose of number 3 seal
Allows injection of sealing water to prevent dissolved radioactive gases from #2 seal leakoff, from leaking into containment.
Purpose of standpipe:
Driving head force for number 3 seal to keep radioactive gases inside seal going to RCDT.
Anti rotation device prevents reverse rotation to limit _______
Starting current
Purpose of the RCP flywheel
Provides coastdown time to ensure DNBR is not exceeded on a reactor trip with a loop.
Seal injection flow low alarm at _____
6.6 GPM
CV-182 and CV-121 work together to balance ______ and _____
Pressurizer level and seal injection flow. When CV-121 is throttled open further, both pzr level and seal injection flow rise. When CV-182 is throttled open further, more flow goes to RCS and seal injection flow lowers.
LCO 3.5.5 Seal injection flows
3.5.5 Seal Injection Flow
LCO 3.5.5 Reactor coolant pump seal injection flow shall be within the
limits of Figure 3.5.5-1.
If not in limits, Adjust manual seal injection throttle valves to give a flow within the limits of Figure 3.5.5-1. within 4 hours -or- Mode 3 6 hours, Mode 4 within 12 hours
Conditions that must be met to use the #1 seal bypass:
All of the following must be met: Seal injection flow 8-13 gpm _CV8141A/B/C/D, Seal Leakoff Isolation Valve, OPEN #1 seal leakoff < 1 gpm RCS press between 100 and 1000 psig
Effect on affected/unaffected S/G when an RCP trips off
Th goes to Tc in the afffected loop. Steam flow from that SG drops to zero. Other RCPs pick up flow and other SGs pick up additional steam load.
However, if reactor doesn’t auto trip, operator should trip the reactor.
Above P-7 the following will trip the reactor (related to RCPs, 4 of them)
2/4 RCP breakers open
2/4 RCP bus UV, 5268VAC, also actuates AF
2/4 RCP bus UF 57Hz 2/4 buses
2/4 RCS low flows, 2/3 90% inany loop
What is the normal rcp seal water injection flow rate per pump?
8-13 gpm
5 into RCS
3 out #1 seal
3gph leaks out #2 seal to RCDT pump suction
800 cc/hr flow through #3 seal, 400 cc/hr to RCDT pump suct
400 cc/hr to containment floor sump
What is the purpose of the head tank on the number 3 seal?
Provide a volume of water at sufficient pressure to inject 800 cc/hr to #3 seal.
LCO 3.4.4 Mode 1 and 2
3.4.4 RCS Loops-MODES 1 and 2
LCO 3.4.4 Four RCS loops shall be OPERABLE and in operation.
LCO 3.4.5 Mode 3
3.4.5 RCS Loops-MODE 3
LCO 3.4.5 Two RCS loops shall be OPERABLE, and either:
a. Two OPERABLE RCS loops shall be in operation when the
Rod Control System is capable of rod withdrawal; or
b. One OPERABLE RCS loop shall be in operation when the Rod
Control System is not capable of rod withdrawal.
All reactor coolant pumps may be removed from operation for
<=1 hour per 8 hour period provided:
a. No operations are permitted that would cause reduction
of the RCS boron concentration; and
b. Core outlet temperature is maintained <= 10F below
saturation temperature.
LCO 3.4.6 Mode 4
3.4.6 RCS Loops-MODE 4
LCO 3.4.6 Two loops consisting of any combination of RCS loops and
Residual Heat Removal (RHR) loops shall be OPERABLE, and one
OPERABLE loop shall be in operation.
1. All Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs) and RHR pumps may be
removed from operation for 1 hour per 8 hour period
a. No operations are permitted that would cause
reduction of the RCS boron concentration; and
b. Core outlet temperature is maintained 10F below
saturation temperature.
2. No RCP shall be started with any RCS cold leg
temperature 350F unless the secondary side water
temperature of each Steam Generator (SG) is 50F above
each of the RCS cold leg temperatures.
LCO 3.4.7 Mode 5, loops filled
3.4.7 RCS Loops-MODE 5, Loops Filled
LCO 3.4.7 One Residual Heat Removal (RHR) loop shall be OPERABLE and
in operation, and either:
a. One additional RHR loop shall be OPERABLE; or
b. The secondary side water level of at least two Steam
Generators (SGs) shall be>= 18%.
1. The RHR pump may be removed from operation for >=1 hour
per 8 hour period provided:
a. No operations are permitted that would cause
reduction of the RCS boron concentration; and
b. Core outlet temperature is maintained >= 10F below
saturation temperature.
2. One required RHR loop may be inoperable for 2 hours
for surveillance testing provided that the other RHR
loop is OPERABLE and in operation.
3. No reactor coolant pump shall be started with any RCS
cold leg temperature <= 350F unless the secondary side
water temperature of each SG is <=50F above each of the
RCS cold leg temperatures.
4. All RHR loops may be removed from operation during
planned heatup to MODE 4 when at least one RCS loop is
in operation.
LCO 3.4.8 Mode 5, loops drained
3.4.8 RCS Loops-MODE 5, Loops Not Filled
LCO 3.4.8 Two Residual Heat Removal (RHR) loops shall be OPERABLE and
one OPERABLE RHR loop shall be in operation.
1. All RHR pumps may be removed from operation for <= 1 hour
a. No operations are permitted that would cause a
reduction of the RCS boron concentration;
b. The core outlet temperature is maintained <= 10F
below saturation temperature; and
c. No draining operations are permitted that would
further reduce the RCS water volume.
2. One RHR loop may be inoperable for <= 2 hours for
surveillance testing provided that the other RHR loop is
OPERABLE and in operation.
What is the required VCT pressure band for proper seal operation?
> 15 psig in VCT (ensures minimum backpressure on the #1 seal)
<65 psig in VCT, doesnt restrict seal flow, doesn’t lift VCT relief
CC shall be established to RCP thermal barriers if RCS temp_____.
> 200F