Aux building ventilation Flashcards
Power supplies for non-accessible charcoal booster fans.
0A 131X
0B 132X
0C 231X
0D 232X
0E 132X
0F 231X
Deluge for charcoal filters is actuated (manually/auto)
AB supply and exhaust fan power supplies
0A 141
0B 142
0C 241
0D 242
AR 55J and 56J auto start FHB charcoal booster fan (15 sec TD on 0A) at ____ mrem.
5 mrem
AB charcoal booster fans auto start _____. Starts ____, _____, and ____.
SI signal
0B, 0D, and 0F
after 15 sec TD
0A, 0C, and 0E
AR55J is associated with ____ train and AR56J with ____ train.
For auto start of a aux bldg charcoal booster fan, the _____ must be open.
Suction supply damper
Which areas have cubicle coolers?
SX pump
CV pump
SI pump
RHR pump
PDP pump
CS pump
SFP pump
B AFW pump
Pump cubicle cooler fan auto stops if CS in ____ and _____ or if pump is ____.
Temp< low temp setpoint
Pump is shutdown
Power supplies for FHB non charcoal booster fans
A 131X5
B 132X5
Explain how each major system fan is affected during a SI actuation with a loss of offsite power.
a.. Supply fan auto trip
b. Exhaust fan auto trip
c. Auxiliary Building Charcoal Booster Fan auto start on 2/3 fans
d. Fuel Handling Building Charcoal Booster Fan auto start on 1/2 fans
List 6 alarms received in the Control Room from the Auxiliary Building HVAC System.
a. Auxiliary Building Supply Fan Trip P High/Low
b. Auxiliary Building Supply Air Temp. Low
c. Auxiliary Building Pressure High/Low
d. Auxiliary Building Pump Cubicle Temp. High
e. Auxiliary Building Hot Water Coil Temp. Low
f. Auxiliary Building Exhaust Fan Trip P High/Low
g. Auxiliary Building Exhaust Air Temp. High
h. Accessible Filter Plenum P High
i. Non accessible Filter Plenum P High
j. Fuel Handling Building Filter Plenum P High
k. Fuel Handling Building Filter Plenum Humidity High
l. Auxiliary Building Charcoal Filter Temp. High
m. Fuel Handling Building Charcoal Booster Fan Trip Flow High/Low
n. Charcoal Booster Fan Trip Flow High/Low
What will trip AB supply or exhaust fan?
SI w/DG breaker closed
What will trip FHB or AB charcoal booster fan?
Deluge valve not closed
Plenum supply damper not open
Heating coils are (before/after) cooling coils and to prevent cooling coils from freezing, _____.
minimum 300 GPM flow rate
TS 3.3.8 fuel handling vent instrumentation
During fuel moves
2 rad monitors <=5MR/hr
SI instrumentation
3.7.12 Non-accessible Area Exhaust Filter Plenum Ventilation System
Three Nonaccessible Area Exhaust Filter Plenum Ventilation
System trains shall be OPERABLE, with two trains aligned for
operation and one train aligned in standby.
3.7.13 Fuel Handling Building Exhaust Filter Plenum (FHB) Ventilation System
Two FHB Ventilation System trains shall be OPERABLE.
What radiation monitors are required by the TRM?
High Range (1RE-PR028D)
Low Range (1RE-PR028B)
Iodine Sampler (1RE-PR028C)
Particulate Sampler (1RE-PR028A)
Effluent System Flow Rate Measuring
Device (LOOP-VA019)
Sampler Flow Rate Measuring Devices (1FT-PR165)