Intro to Tech specs Flashcards
Channel check
A CHANNEL CHECK shall be the qualitative
assessment, by observation, of channel behavior
during operation. This determination shall
include, where possible, comparison of the channel
indication and status to other indications or
status derived from independent instrument
channels measuring the same parameter.
Core alteration
CORE ALTERATION shall be the movement of any fuel,
sources, or reactivity control components, within
the reactor vessel with the vessel head removed
and fuel in the vessel. Suspension of CORE
ALTERATIONS shall not preclude completion of
movement of a component to a safe position.
Dose equivalent I-131
DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 shall be that concentration
of I-131 (microcuries per gram) that alone would
produce the same dose when inhaled as the combined
activities of iodine isotopes I-131, I-132, I-133,
I-134, and I-135 actually present. The
determination of DOSE EQUIVALENT I-131 shall be
performed using the Committed Effective Dose
Equivalent (CEDE) dose conversion factors from
Table 2.1 of EPA Federal Guidance Report No. 11,
1988, “Limiting Values of Radionuclide Intake and
Air Concentration and Dose Conversion Factors for
Inhalation, Submersion, and Ingestion.”
Dose equivalent Xe-133
DOSE EQUIVALENT XE-133 shall be that concentration
of Xe-133 (microcuries per gram) that alone would
produce the same acute dose to the whole body as
the combined activities of noble gas nuclides
Kr-85m, Kr-85, Kr-87, Kr-88, Xe-131m, Xe-133m,
Xe-133, Xe-135m, Xe-135, and Xe-138 actually
present. If a specific noble gas nuclide is not
detected, it should be assumed to be present at
the minimum detectable activity. The
determination of DOSE EQUIVALENT XE-133 shall be
performed using effective dose conversion factors
for air submersion listed in Table III.1 of EPA
Federal Guidance Report No. 12, 1993, “External
Exposure to Radionuclides in Air, Water, and
LEAKAGE shall be:
a. Identified LEAKAGE
1. LEAKAGE, such as that from pump seals or
valve packing (except Reactor Coolant pump
(RCP) seal water injection or leakoff),
that is captured and conducted to
collection systems or a sump or collecting
2. LEAKAGE into the containment atmosphere
from sources that are both specifically
located and known to not interfere with
the operation of leakage detection
systems; or
3. Reactor Coolant System (RCS) LEAKAGE
through a Steam Generator to the Secondary
System (primary to secondary LEAKAGE);
b. Unidentified LEAKAGE
All LEAKAGE (except RCP seal water injection
or leakoff) that is not identified LEAKAGE;
c. Pressure Boundary LEAKAGE
LEAKAGE (except primary to secondary LEAKAGE)
through a fault in an RCS component body, pipe
wall, or vessel wall. LEAKAGE past seals,
packing, and gaskets is not pressure boundary
Operable; Operability
A system, subsystem, train, component, or device
shall be OPERABLE or have OPERABILITY when it is
capable of performing its specified safety
function(s) and when all necessary attendant
instrumentation, controls, normal or emergency
electrical power, cooling and seal water,
lubrication, and other auxiliary equipment that
are required for the system, subsystem, train,
component, or device to perform its specified
safety function(s) are also capable of performing
their related support function(s).
Recently irradiated fuel
Fuel that has occupied part of a critical reactor
core within the previous 48 hours. Note that all
fuel that has been in a critical reactor core is
referred to as irradiated fuel.
Shutdown margin
SDM shall be the instantaneous amount of
reactivity by which the reactor is subcritical or
would be subcritical from its present condition
a. All Rod Cluster Control Assemblies (RCCAs) are
fully inserted except for the single RCCA of
highest reactivity worth, which is assumed to
be fully withdrawn. With any RCCA not capable
of being fully inserted, the reactivity worth
of the RCCA must be accounted for in the
determination of SDM; and
b. In MODES 1 and 2, the fuel and moderator
temperatures are changed to the hot zero power
MODE TITLE REACTIVITY CONDITION (keff) % RATED THERMAL POWER(a) AVERAGE REACTOR COOLANT TEMPERATURE (F) 1 Power Operation 0.99 5 NA 2 Startup 0.99 5 NA 3 Hot Standby 0.99 NA 350 4 Hot Shutdown(b) 0.99 NA 350 Tavg 200 5 Cold Shutdown(b) 0.99 NA 200 6 Refueling(c) NA NA NA (a) Excluding decay heat. (b) All required reactor vessel head closure bolts fully tensioned. (c) One or more required reactor vessel head closure bolts less than fully tensioned.
Completion time extension
Can be extended by 24 hours if a second failure is found.
Safety limits (section 2.0)
2.1 SLs
2.1.1 Reactor Core SLs
In MODES 1 and 2, the combination of THERMAL POWER, Reactor
Coolant System (RCS) highest loop average temperature, and
pressurizer pressure shall not exceed the limits specified in the
COLR; and the following SLs shall not be exceeded. In MODE 1, the Departure from Nucleate Boiling Ratio
(DNBR) shall be maintained 1.24 for the WRB-2 DNB
correlation for a thimble cell, 1.25 for the WRB-2 DNB
correlation for a typical cell and 1.19 for the ABB-NV
DNB correlation for a thimble cell and a typical cell. In MODE 2, the DNBR shall be maintained 1.17 for the
WRB-2 DNB correlation, and 1.13 for the ABB-NV DNB
correlation and 1.18 for the WLOP DNB correlation. In MODES 1 and 2, the peak fuel centerline temperature
shall be maintained 5080F, decreasing by 58F per
10,000 MWD/MTU burnup.
2.1.2 RCS Pressure SL
In MODES 1, 2, 3,4 , 5<=2735 psig
Safety limit violations
2.2 SL Violations
2.2.1 If SL 2.1.1 is violated, restore compliance and be in MODE 3
within 1 hour.
2.2.2 If SL 2.1.2 is violated: In MODE 1 or 2, restore compliance and be in MODE 3
within 1 hour. In MODE 3, 4, or 5, restore compliance within 5 minutes.
LCO sections
- 1 Reactivity
- 2 Core limits
- 3 Instrumentation
- 4 RCS
- 5 ECCS
- 6 Containment
- 7 Misc systems
- 8 Elec distribution
- 9 Refueling
LCO 3.0.2
within 24 hours or surv freq, whichever greater
LCO 3.0.3
When an LCO is not met and the associated ACTIONS are not
met, an associated ACTION is not provided, or if directed by
the associated ACTIONS, the unit shall be placed in a MODE
or other specified condition in which the LCO is not
applicable. Action shall be initiated within 1 hour to
place the unit, as applicable, in:
a. MODE 3 within 7 hours;
b. MODE 4 within 13 hours; and
c. MODE 5 within 37 hours.
SR 3.0.2 frequency
The specified Frequency for each SR is met if the
Surveillance is performed within 1.25 times the interval
specified in the Frequency, as measured from the previous
performance or as measured from the time a specified
condition of the Frequency is met.
LCO 3.0.1
LCO 3.0.1 LCOs shall be met during the MODES or other specified
conditions in the Applicability, except as provided in
LCO 3.0.2, LCO 3.0.7, LCO 3.0.9, and LCO 3.0.10.
LCO 3.0.4
LCO 3.0.4 When an LCO is not met, entry into a MODE or other specified
condition in the Applicability shall only be made:
a. When the associated ACTIONS to be entered permit
continued operation in the MODE or other specified
condition in the Applicability for an unlimited period
of time;
b. After performance of a risk assessment addressing
inoperable systems and components, consideration of the
results, determination of the acceptability of entering
the MODE or other specified condition in the
Applicability, and establishment of risk management
actions, if appropriate (exceptions to this
Specification are stated in the individual
Specifications); or
c. When an allowance is stated in the individual value,
parameter, or other Specification.
This Specification shall not prevent changes in MODES or
other specified conditions in the Applicability that are
required to comply with ACTIONS or that are part of a
shutdown of the unit.
LCO 3.0.5
LCO 3.0.5 Equipment removed from service or declared inoperable to
comply with ACTIONS may be returned to service under
administrative control solely to perform testing required to
demonstrate its OPERABILITY or the OPERABILITY of other
equipment. This is an exception to LCO 3.0.2 for the system
returned to service under administrative control to perform
the required testing to demonstrate OPERABILITY.
LCO 3.0.6
LCO 3.0.6 When a supported system LCO is not met solely due to a
support system LCO not being met, the Conditions and
Required Actions associated with this supported system are
not required to be entered. Only the support system LCO
ACTIONS are required to be entered. This is an exception to
LCO 3.0.2 for the supported system. In this event, an
evaluation shall be performed in accordance with
Specification 5.5.15, “Safety Function Determination Program
(SFDP).” If a loss of safety function is determined to
exist by this program, the appropriate Conditions and
Required Actions of the LCO in which the loss of safety
function exists are required to be entered.
When a support system’s Required Action directs a supported
system to be declared inoperable or directs entry into
Conditions and Required Actions for a supported system, the
applicable Conditions and Required Actions shall be entered
in accordance with LCO 3.0.2.
SR 3.0.3
SR 3.0.3 If it is discovered that a Surveillance was not performed
within its specified Frequency, then compliance with the
requirement to declare the LCO not met may be delayed, from
the time of discovery, up to 24 hours or up to the limit of
the specified Frequency, whichever is greater. This delay
period is permitted to allow performance of the
Surveillance. The delay period is only applicable when
there is a reasonable expectation the surveillance will be
met when performed. A risk evaluation shall be performed
for any Surveillance delayed greater than 24 hours and the
risk impact shall be managed.
If the Surveillance is not performed within the delay
period, the LCO must immediately be declared not met, and
the applicable Condition(s) must be entered.
When the Surveillance is performed within the delay period
and the Surveillance is not met, the LCO must immediately be
declared not met, and the applicable Condition(s) must be