Page 48 Flashcards
Hijo de un viajante de comercio, Thomas Lanier Williams, que se haría famoso bajo el nombre de Tennessee Williams, nació en 1912, en el estado de Mississippi.
[The] son of a traveling salesman, Thomas Lanier Williams, who would become famous under the name Tennessee Williams, was born in 1912, in the state of Mississippi.
Se educó en las universidades de Missouri y Iowa.
He [Williams] was educated at the Universities of Missouri and Iowa.
En 1940 recibió una beca de Rockfeller.
In 1940 he [Williams] received a Rockefeller scholarship.
Trabajó luego para una compañía cinematográfica de Hollywood.
He [Williams] then worked for a movie company in Hollywood.
Ahí escribiría sus primeras piezas de éxito, The Glass Menagerie (1945), A Street Car Called Desire (1947), y Summer and Smoke (1947).
There he [Williams] would write his first successful [theater] pieces, The Glass Menagerie (1945), A Streetcar Named Desire (1947), and Summer and Smoke (1947).
De su múltiple obra, que recurre a los temas de la decadencia, la pobreza, los instintos carnales, la codicia, la mutilación, el incest y la frustración que busca refugio en una vida imaginaria, solo recordaremos algunos títulos: The Rose Tattoo (1950), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), Sudeenly Last Summer (1959), Sweetbird of Youth (1959).
From his multifaceted work, which returns to themes of decadence, poverty, carnal instincts, greed, mutilation, incest, and frustration that seeks refuge in an imaginary life, we will recall only a few titles: The Rose Tattoo (1950), Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1955), Suddenly Last Summer (1959), and Sweet Bird of Youth (1959).
De todas ellas, en las que el materialism y la angustia conviven con el psicoanálisis, sin un hálito de esperanza, difiere o quiere diferir Camino Real (1953), ambiciosa tentativa alegórica cuyos personajes incluyen a Lord Byron, Casanova, Don Quijote, Sancho y la Dama de las Camelias.
From all these [plays], in which materialism and anxiety coexist with psychoanalysis, without a breath of hope, differs or tries to differ Camino Real (1953), an ambitious allegorical attempt whose characters include Lord Byron, Casanova, Don Quixote, Sancho, and the Lady of Camelias.
De estas obras, muchas han sido llevadas al cinematógrafo.
Of these works, many have been taken to [adapted for] the movies.
Arthur Miller, cuyo nombre suele asociarse al de Tennessee Williams, nació en 1915 en Nueva York.
Arthur Miller, whose name is usually associated with that of Tennessee Williams, was born in 1915 in New York.
A fines de 1938 se graduó en la Universidad de Michigan.
At the end of 1938 he [Miller] graduated from the University of Michigan.
Desde muy joven empezó a escribir para el teatro.
While [Miller was still] very young he started to write for the theater.
A diferencia de otros dramaturgos sociales, que todo lo atribuyen al medio, Miller cree en el libre albedrío.
Unlike other social dramatists, who attribute everything to environment, Miller believes in free will.
Logró su primer éxito en All My Sons, que data de 1947.
He [Miller] achieved his first success with All My Sons, which dates from 1947.
El protagonist debe su fortuna a la venta de aviones defectuosos.
The protagonist owes his fortune to the sale of defective airplanes.
Su hijo, que lo considera culpable de la muerte de muchos soldados, resuelve estrellar su avión en el último vuelo; el padre, al saberlo, elige también el suicidio.
His son, who considers him culpable [guilty] of the death of many soldiers, resolves to crash his airplane on the last flight; the father, knowing this, also elects for [to commit] suicide.