Page 47 Flashcards
The skin of our teeth (1943), cifra en un solo plano acontecimientos prehistóricos y contemporaneous.
The Skin of Our Teeth (1943), codes on a single plane prehistoric and contemporaneous events.
El dinosaurio y el mamut recorren la escena quejándose del frío y la familia Antrobus quema sus muebles y papeles para calentar a los niños.
The dinosaur and the mammoth travel across the scene [stage] complaining of the cold and the Antrobus family burns its furniture and papers to warm the children.
Thornton Wilder observa que la novela corresponde a un tiempo que pasó y el teatro a un tiempo presente.
Thornton Wilder observed that the novel corresponds to a time that is past and the theater to present time.
En el teatro “siempre es ahora.”
In the theater it [the time] “is always now.”
De estirpe armenia, William Saroyan nació en Fresno, California, en 1908.
Of Armenian stock [descent], William Saroyan was born in Fresno, California, in 1908.
Llevó esa vida heterogénea que parece una tradición de los escritores norteamericanos.
He [Saroyan] led that varied [many-sided] life which seems [to be] a tradition of American writers.
Fue mensajero de correos, mandadero de una oficina y peon de chakra.
He [Saroyan] was a postal clerk, an office boy, and a laborer.
Leugo se instaló en San Francisco.
Then he [Saroyan] installed himself [settled] in San Francisco.
Repartió su actividad literaria entre la novela, el relato breve y el teatro, al que debe principalmente su fama.
He divided his [Saroyan’s] literary activity between the novel, the short tale, and the theater, to which he principally owes his fame.
Los protagonistas de sus comedias – citemos My Heart is in the Highlands y The Time of your Life, ambas de 1939 – son vagabundos, prostitutas, borrachos, desposeídos.
The protagonists of his [Saroyan’s] comedies – we cite My Heart’s in the Highlands and The Time of Your Life, both from 1939 – are vagabonds, prostitutes, drunks, dispossessed [ones].
A Saroyan, como a Dickens, le interesa menos la desventura de la gente pobre, que su valentía, su bondad, su esperanza y sus pasajeras felicidades.
Saroyan, like Dickens, is less interested in the misfortunes of poor people, than their courage, their goodness, their hope, and their fleeting happiness.
The Time of Your Life le vale el premio Pulitzer.
The Time of Your Life won him [Saroyan] the Pulitzer Prize.
No menos famosa es la comedia The Beautiful People, que estrenó dos años después.
No less famous is the comedy The Beautiful People, which premiered two years later.
Todos ellos fueron concebidos como poemas o como música.
All these were conceived as poems or as music.
Casi no hay argumento; lo esencial son los estados de ánimo, el romanticism anárquico y generoso.
There is almost no plot; the essential [things, what is essential] are states of mind, [an] anarchic and generous romanticism.