Page 32 Flashcards
A diferencia de Emerson y de Whitman, James opinaba, bajo el influjo de Flaubert, que una civilización antigua y compleja es indispensable para el ejercicio del arte.
Unlike [In contrast to] Emerson and Whitman, James opined [maintained], under the influence of Flaubert, that an old and complex civilization is indispensible for the exercise [practice] of art.
Creía que el americano era moralmente superior al europeo, pero intelectualmente más simple.
He [James] believed that the American was morally superior to the European, but intellectually much simpler.
El tema de sus primeras obras (a una de las cuales nos hemos referido) es el contraste de ambos tipos humanos.
The theme of his first works (to one of which we have referred) is the contrast of both human types.
Lambert Strether, protagonista puritano de la novela The Ambassadors (1903), emprende un viaje a París para salvar de su corrupción al joven Chad, a pedido de su madre viuda, Mrs. Newsome, a quien discretamente festeja.
Lambert Strether, Puritan protagonist of the novel The Ambassadors (1903), undertakes a trip to Paris to save young Chad from his corruption, at the request of his widowed mother, Mrs. Newsome, whom he discreetely courts.
Acaba por rendirse al encanto de aquella ciudad y por comprender que ha vivido en vano.
He ends by surrendering himself to the enchantment of that city and by understanding [recognizing] that he has lived in vain.
Vuelve a América sin embargo, incapaz de vivir plenamente y olvidar su pasado.
He returns to America, however, incapable of living completely [fully] and of forgetting his past.
Harto distinta es la novela What Maisie Knew, de 1897, que nos deja entrever un conjunto de hechos abominables a través de la mente de una niñita que los refiere y no los sospecha.
Quite distinct is the novel What Maisie Knew, from 1897, which leaves us to glimpse a series of abominable [awful] deeds through the mind of a young girl who relates them and does not suspect them [their true nature].
Los relatos de James son no menos densos que las novelas y de harto más interesante lectura.
James’s tales are no less dense than the novels and much more interesting reading.
El más famoso, The Turn of the Screw, es deliberadamente ambiguo y está lleno de horror sutil; ha suscitado tres interpretaciones, todas justificadas por el texto.
The most famous, The Turn of the Screw, is deliberately ambiguous and full of subtle horror; it has provoked three interpretations, all [of them] justified by the text.
The Jolly Corner es la historia de un americano que vuelve al cabo de los años a su casa de Nueva York.
“The Jolly Corner” is the story of an American who returns at the end of [after] years [of absence] to his house in New York.
La recorre y persigue en la penumbra a una forma humana que huye.
He walks through it and pursues through the darkness a human form which flees.
Esa forma doliente y mutilada y parecida a él es el hombre que él mismo hubiera sido, de haber permanecido en América.
This suffering and mutilated form and [which] resembles him is the man he would have been if he had stayed in America.
The Figure in the Carpet refiere el caso de un novelista en cuya vasta obra hay un propósito central, invisible al principio, como el dibujo de una intrincada alfombra persa; el escritor muere y un grupo de críticos dedican su vida a descubrir esa forma secreta que nunca encontrarán.
“The Figure in the Carpet” relates the case of a novelist in whose vast work there is a central purpose, invisible at the beginning, like the drawing [design] in an intricate Persian carpet; the writer dies and a group of critics dedicate their lives to discovering this secret form that they will never encounter [find].
En The Lesson of the Master aparece también un gran novelista; éste disuade a su secretario de casarse con una joven heredera australiana porque esa unión puede alejarlo de la obra que debe realizar.
In “The Lesson of the Master” there also appears a great novelist; this [one] dissuades his secretary from marrying a young Australian heiress because that union could keep him from work that he must realize [do].
El secretario asiente; el maestro se casa con la australiana y no se sabe si el consejo ha sido o no sincero.
The secretary agrees; the master marries the Australian and it is not known if the advice has been sincere or not.