Page 3 Flashcards
Un continente bárbaro los cercaba; tuvieron que luchar con la soledad, con el indio y el bosque, y ulteriormente con los ejércitos de Francia y de Inglaterra.
A barbaric continent surrounded them; they had to fight with the loneliness, with the Indians and the forest, and ultimately with the armies of France and England.
Eran, como los primeros cristianos, hostiles a las artes, que desvían al hombre del negocio fundamental de su salvación.
They were, like the first Christians, hostile to the arts, that diverted man from the fundamental business of his salvation.
En Londres, al promediar el siglo XVII, los puritanos demolieron los teatros; por eso hay una paradoja en el título Tres comedias para puritanos de Bernard Shaw.
In London, in the middle of the 17th century, the Puritans demolished the theaters; that is why there is a paradox in the title Three Comedies for Puritans by Bernard Shaw.
Milton pudo reprochar a Carlos I la extraña culpa de haber dedicado algunos de los días que precedieron a su ejecución a la profana lectura de Shakespeare.
Milton could reproach [King] Charles I for the strange fault of having dedicated some of the days that preceded his execution to the profane reading of Shakespeare.
En Salem los puritanos acusaron de hechicería a muchas personas, ya que en la Biblia se habla hechiceros.
In Salem the Puritans accused many people of witchcraft, since the Bible talks about witches.
Es curioso observer que bastaba reconocerse culpable para ser declarado inocente, pues el demonio no iba a permitir que sus poseídos confesaran su crimen.
It is curious to observe that it was enough to admit guilt in order to be declared innocent since the devil would not permit those that he possessed to confess their crimes.
Los insensatos que se obstinaban en defenderse eran ajusticiados.
The fools that persisted to defend themselves were executed.
Veamos ahora algunos nombres.
Now we shall look at some names.
Los primeros historiadores de América habían nacido en Inglaterra: John Winthrop (1588 – 1649), que fue gobernardor de Massachussetts, redactó su constitución, que sirvió de modelo a otras colonias; William Bradford (1590 – 1657), que arribó en la Mayflower y fue reelegido gobernador durante treinta años.
The first historians of America had been born in England: John Winthrop (1588 – 1649), who was governor of Massachusetts, wrote its constitution, which served as a model to the other colonies; William Bradford (1590 – 1657), who arrived on the Mayflower and was reelected governor during [a period of] thirty years.
Hijo de Increase Mather, president de la Universidad de Harvard, Cotton Mather (1663 – 1728), nacido en Boston, nos propone el singular ejemplo de un calvinista tolerante y a veces inclinado al deísmo.
Son of Increase Mather, president of Harvard University, Cotton Mather (1663 – 1728), was born in Boston, presents to us the singular example of a tolerant [moderate] Calvinist and a times he was inclined toward Deism.
La historia lo vincula a los procesos de hechicería de Salem y no se opuso a las sentencias de muerte dictadas por los tribunals, pero creyó que los poseídos podían salvarse mediante la oración y el ayuno.
History links him [Mather] to the Salem Witchcraft Trials and he did not oppose the death sentences dictated by the tribunals but believed that the possessed could save themselves through prayer and fasting.
Su libro The wonders of the invisible world refiere y analiza casos individuals de posesión diabólica.
His [Mather’s] book The Wonders of the Invisible World recounts and analyzed individual cases of demonic possession.
Dominó siete idiomas.
He [Mather] mastered seven languages.
Lector y autor infatigable, legó a sus hijos una biblioteca de unos dos mil volúmenes y escribió más de cuatrocientos cincuenta tratados, entre ellos, uno en español: La fe del cristiano.
A tireless reader and author, he [Mather] left to his children a library of some two thousand volumes and wrote more than four hundred and fifty treatises, among them one in Spanish: The Christian Faith.
Quería que Nueva Inglaterra fuera lo que Ginebra y Edimburgo no alcanzaron a ser: la cabeza de un mundo convertido a la doctrina de Calvino.
He [Mather] wanted New England to be what Geneva and Edinburg had failed to become: a world leader converted to the Calvinist doctrine.