Page 38 Flashcards
Tropic of Capricorn está dominado por la negrura; Mara, su heroína, es morena y está vestida de negro: a un tiempo es Circe, es Lilith, es América encarnada en una mujer erguida, alada y sexual, un demonio que lo mutila y anula.
Tropic of Cancer is dominated by blackness; Mara, its heroine, is dark [haired] and dressed in black: at one time she is Circe, Lilith, and America incarnate [embodied] in a proud, winged, and sexual woman, a demon who mutilates and annuls.
La rodean serpientes, monstruos y máquinas.
She [Mara] is surrounded by serpents, monsters, and machines.
Miller se arroja a ese río de destrucción, urgido por la esperanza de renacer.
Miller throws himself into that river of destruction, urged by the hope of rebirth.
En The Air Conditioned Nightmare, América es una pesadilla provista de aire acondicionado; el autor está enamorado de su reverso, París, y de las regiones del Mediterráneo.
In The Air Conditioned Nightmare, America is a nightmare with air conditioning; the author is enamored with its reverse [opposite], Paris, and the Mediterranean regions.
La trilogía The rosy Crucifixation (Sexus, Plexus, Nexus) consta de cinco tomos a la vez mesiánicos y sardónicos; el tema general es la alegría y la redención por el sufrimiento; el judaísmo es una de las muchas obsesiones que pueblan sus volúmenes.
The trilogy The Rosy Crucifixion (Sexus, Plexus, and Nexus) consists of five tomes at the same time messianic and sardonic; the general theme is happiness and redemption through suffering; Judaism is one of the many obsessions that populates [occupies, peoples] his volumes.
La obra entera de Miller constituye una vasta autobiografía fantasmagórica, no exenta de voluntarias trivialidades y fealdades, entre las que se traslucen, a veces, destellos mágicos.
The entire work of Miller constitutes a vast phantasmagorical autobiography, not exempt from volunteered [willful] trivialities and ugliness, among which there are, at times, magical flashes.
Miller fue anarquista, pacifista e incrédulo de toda política.
Miller was an anarchist, a pacifist, and an unbeliever of all politics.
?Seguirá siendolo?
Will he continue to be so?
En 1855, Whitman había declarado que su obra no era otra cosa que un conjunto de sugestiones y de apuntes y que los poetas venideros la justificarían y cumplirían.
In 1855, Whitman had declared that his work was not anything other than a collection of suggestions and notes and that the next poets would justify it and complete [fulfill] it.
Medio siglo tardaría su patria arrebatada por la delicada música de Tennyson y de Swinburne en recoger la herencia de Leaves of Grass.
Half a century later would his country wait, captivated [as they were] by the delicate music of Tennyson and Swinburne, before taking up the heritage [inheritance] of Leaves of Grass.
Uno de los primeros innovadores fue Edgar Lee Masters (1868 – 1950).
One of the first innovators was Edgar Lee Masters (1868 – 1950).
Nació en Garnett, Kansas, ejerció la abogacía en Chicago y a partir de 1898 publicó libros poéticos y dramáticos, sin mayor resonancia.
He [Masters] was born in Garnett, Kansas, exercised [practiced] law in Chicago and starting in 1898 published poetic and dramatic books, without [attracting] great resonance [impact].
En 1915 lo hizo bruscamente famoso la Spoon River Anthology, que le fue sugerida por una lectura casual de la Antología griega.
In 1915 he [Masters] was suddenly made famous by The Spoon River Anthology, which was suggested to him by a causal reading of the Greek Anthology.
Integran este libro, que es una suerte de comedia humana, doscientos cincuenta epitafios o, mejor dicho, confesiones de otros tantos muertos de un obscuro pueblo de provincial, que nos revelan su intimidad.
Integrated [into] this book, which is a sort of human comedy, are 250 epitaphs or, rather, confessions of many other dead [people] of an obscure provincial [country] town, who reveal their intimacy [intimate lives] to us.
Ahí está Anne Rutledge, “adorada en vida por Abraham Lincoln, desposada con él no por la union por la separación”; ahí está el poeta Petit, que, insensible a la vida que lo rodea, fabrica polvorientos triolets, “mientras Homero y Whitman rugían en los pinos”; ahí está Benjamín Pantier, a quien ha sostenido siempre el amor de su mujer, que no lo quería.
There is Anne Rutledge, “adored in life by Abraham Lincoln, chained [joined] with him not through union but through separation”; there is the poet Petit, who, insensible to the life that surrounds him, fabricates [makes up] dusty triolets, “while Homer and Whitman roared in the pines”; there is Benjamin Pantier, who has always sustained himself by the love of his wife, who never loved him.