Page 27 Flashcards
La soledad de cada soldado durante la batalla, su total ignorancia de la estrategia que dirige la acción, sus vaivenes de coraje y miedo, su estupor al comprobar el poco tiempo que ha durado una carga de infantería, que le ha parecido interminable, y el escaso terreno que ha conquistado, “el valiente sueño de hombres cansados,” son algunas de las muchas cosas que encierra este vívido libro.
The solitude [loneliness] of each soldier during battle, his total ignorance of the strategy that directs the action, his variation between courage and fear, his astonishment to confirm that an infantry charge, which had seemed to him interminable, has lasted a little time; and the little terrain [ground] that has been conquered, “the valiant dream of tired men,” [these] are some of the many things that enclose [are contained in] this vivid book.
Su único pecado es acaso algún exceso de metáforas.
Its only defect is perhaps some excess of metaphors.
Crane fue periodista en Méjico y corresponsal de guerra en Grecia y en Cuba.
Crane was a journalist in Mexico and a war correspondent in Greece and in Cuba.
Murió en Alemania, tuberculoso.
He [Crane] died in Germany, tubercular.
Los doce volúmenes de su obra incluyen dos de versos: Black riders y War is Kind.
The twelve volumes of his [Crane’s] work include two [books] of verse: Black Riders and War is Kind.
El influjo de Crane ha sido advertido en ciertos hábitos estilísticos de Theodore Dreiser (1871 – 1945), pero este influjo es accidental.
The influence of Crane has been noticed in certain stylistic habits of Theodore Dreiser (1871 – 1945), but this influence is accidental.
Crane es vívido y breve y propende a lo epigramático; Dreiser logra su efecto, que sin duda es considerable, por insistencia, por acumulación y volumen.
Crane is vivid and brief and tends toward the epigrammatic; Dreiser achieves his effect, which is without a doubt considerable, by insistence, accumulation, and volume.
El primero imaginó la realidad; el último nos deja la impression de haberla estudiado.
The first [Crane] imagined reality; the latter [Dreiser] leaves us the impression of having studied it.
Hijo de inmigrantes alemanes, austeramente religiosos, Dreiser nació en Terre Haute, Indiana.
Son of German immigrants, austerely religious, Dreiser was born in Terre Haute, Indiana.
La penuria de sus primeros años lo llevó a anhelar la opulencia y el poder que ésta da, anhelo que define al protagonista de las novelas The financier, The titan y The stoick.
The poverty of his [Dreiser’s] first years led him to crave the opulence and the power that it gives, a craving which defines the protagonist of the novels The Financier, The Titan, and The Stoic.
Ejerció el periodismo en diversas regiones del país.
He [Dreiser] practiced journalism in various regions of the country.
La lectura de Balzac, de Spencer y de Huxley lo hizo concebir la existencia como un dramático pero insensato conflicto de vastas energies.
The reading of Balzac, Spencer, and Huxley made him [Dreiser] imagine existence as a dramatic but insensate conflict between vast energies [forces].
En 1900 publicó la novela Sister Carrie, que fue retirada de la circulación.
In 1900 he published the novel Sister Carrie, which was retired from [taken out of] circulation.
Este ingrato episodio y la hostilidad e incomprensión de la crítica agriaron su carácter.
This unpleasant episode and the hostility and incomprehension of the critic[s] soured his [Dreiser’s] character.
Sus obras ulteriores – Jennie Gerhard, The genius, The bulwark, The american tragedy, acentúan el realismo de las primeras y manifiestan un creciente desdén por la belleza, y aun por la corrección del estilo.
His [Dreiser’s] later works – Jennie Gerhard, The Genius, The Bulwark, and An American Tragedy – accentuate the realism of the first [ones] and manifest [display] a growing disdain for beauty and even the correctness of style.