Page 22 Flashcards
En sus páginas aparecieron esas breves y patéticas obras maestros The Luck of Roaring Camp, The out Cast of Poker Flat, Tennessee’s Partner, que el autor reuniría bajo el título de The Californians Sketches y que fueron, acaso, una primera revelación del Oeste.
In its pages there appeared those brief and pathetic masterworks “The Luck of Roaring Camp,” “The Outcast of Poker Flat,” “Tennessee’s Partner,” which the author would reunite [collect] under the title The California Sketches and which were, perhaps, a first revelation of the West.
Un poema humorístico, The Heathen Chinee, lo hizo famoso desde el Pacífico al Atlántico.
A humorous poem, “The Heathen Chinee,” made him [Harte] famous from the Pacific to the Atlantic.
En 1878, a pedido suyo, fue nombrado cónsul en la ciudad de Crefeld, en Prusia, y luego en Glasgow.
In 1878, at his order [request], he [Harte] was named consul in the city of Crefeld, in Prussia, and then in Glasgow.
Sus últimos años los pasó en Londres.
His [Harte’s] final years passed in London.
Brett Harte y Mark Twain, típicos escritores del Oeste, procedían de otras regiones; John Griffith London (1876 – 1916), que tomó el nombre de Jack London, nació en San Francisco de California.
Bret Harte and Mark Twain, typical writers of the West, proceeded [came] from other regions; John Griffith London (1876 – 1916), who took the name Jack London, was born in San Francisco, California.
Su destino no fue menos heterogéneo que el de los anteriores; conoció la pobreza, fue peon de granja, peon de estancia, vendedor de diarios, vagabundo, jefe de una pandilla y marinero.
His destiny was no less heterogeneous [irregular] than that of his predecessors; he [London] knew poverty, he was a farmhand, a ranch hand, a newspaper vendor [seller], a vagabond, a gang leader and a mariner [sailor].
No fueron extrañas a su experiencia la mendicidad y la cárcel.
Begging and prison were not strange to his [London’s] experience.
Resolvió educarse; en tres meses dio las materias de dos años de estudio y entró en la Universidad de California.
He [London] decided to educate himself; in three months he completed the materials of two years of study [two-year course of study] and entered the University of California.
En 1897 ocurrió el descubrimiento de oro en Alaska.
In 1897 there occurred the discovery of gold in Alaska.
London se lanzó a la aventura y, en pleno invierno, atravesó el paso de Chilkoot.
London embarked upon the adventure and, in full winter, crossed the Chilkoot Pass.
No halló el tesoro que buscaba y emprendió con dos compañeros la travesía del canal de Behring, en un bote abierto.
He [London] did not find the treasure that he was looking for and he undertook with two companions the traversing [crossing] of the Bering Strait in an open boat.
Publicó en 1903 su novela The Call of the Wild, de la que vendió un millón y medio de ejemplares.
He [London] published in 1903 his novel The Call of the Wild, which sold 1.5 million copies.
Es la historia de un perro que ha sido lobo y vuelve al fin a serlo.
It [The Call of the Wild] is the story of a dog that had been a wolf and returns at the end to being one.
Un libro anterior, The God of his Fathers, no había logrado un éxito igual.
An earlier book, The God of His Fathers, had not achieved equal success.
Durante la Guerra ruso-japonesa en 1904 fue enviado como corresponsal.
During the Russo-Japanese War in 1904, he [London] was sent as a correspondent.