Page 2 Flashcards
Un critic frances, Valery Larbaud, amigo de Guiraldes, obsevó que la literature latinoamericana ha influido, a partir Darío y de Lugones, en la de España, en tanto que la de los Estados Unidos ha influido, y sigue influyendo, en el orbe entero, más allá del vasto ámbito del ingles.
A French critic, Valery Larbaud, a friend of Guiraldes, observed [noted] that Latin American literature has influenced, starting with Dario and Lugones, that [literature] of Spain, while that [literature] of the United States has influenced, and still influences, the entire globe, beyond the vast domain of English [literature].
En efecto, es lícito declarer, a la manera bíblica, que Edgar Allan Poe engendró a Baudelaire, que engendró a los simbolistas, que engendraron a Valery, y que toda la llamada poesía civil o comprometida de nuestro tiempo procede de Walt Whitman, que se prolonga en Sandburg y en Neruda.
In effect, it is correct to declare, in the Biblical fashion, that Edgar Allan Poe created Baudelaire, who created the symbolists, who created Valery, and that all of what is called civil or committed poetry in our time proceeds from Walt Whitman, whose influence is prolonged in Sandburg and Neruda.
Bosquejar, siquiera ligeramente, la historia de esa literature es el fin de estas páginas.
To sketch, even slightly, the history of this literature is the end [aim] of these pages.
En el frontispicio grabaremos, a título de justo homenaje, el nombre del famoso filósofo irlandés George Berkeley, razonador del idealismo.
For the front piece we [shall] record [engrave], as a just tribute, the name of the famous Irish philosopher George Berkely, an idealist thinker.
A comienzos del siglo XVIII, Berkeley formula en un poema una teoría cíclica de la historia; sostuvo que los imperios, como el sol, van del oriente al occidente (Westward the course of Empire takes its way) y que el mayor y último imperio de la historia, concebida como una tragedia en cinco actos, sería el de América.
At the beginning of the 18th century, Berkeley formulated in a poem a cyclical [circular] theory of history; he [it?] held that empires, like the sun, go from east to west (Westward the course of Empire takes its way) and that the greatest and last empire of history, conceived as a tragedy in acts, would be that of America.
Lo atereó el proyecto de un seminario en las Bermudas, que adiestraría a los rudos colonos ingleses y a los pieles rojas del continente para ese espléndido y lejano destino.
He [Berkeley] busied himself with the project of a seminar [seminary] in Bermuda, that would train the rough English colonists and the redskins [Native Americans] of the continent for that splendid and distant destiny.
Mas adelante, al hablar de Jonathan Edwards, volveremos a Berkeley.
Much later, when speaking of Jonathan Edwards, we [shall] return to Berkeley.
Con un exceso perdonable diremos que la independencia de América empezó en aquella mañana de 1620 en que los ciento dos purintanos de la Mayflower desembarcaron en un punto de su costa oriental.
With a pardonable excess we [can] say that the independence of America began on that morning in 1620 in which the 102 Puritans of the Mayflower landed on a point of its eastern coast.
Eran, según se sabe, disconformes.
They were, as is known, nonconformists.
Teológicamente, eran calvinistas, adversos a la Iglesia Anglicana; políticamente, fueron partidarios del parlamento, no del derecho divino de los reyes.
Theologically, they were Calvinists, adverse to the Church of England; politically, they were followers of Parliament instead of the divine right of kings.
Quienes profesan la doctrina de la predestinación suelen creer, si no los abruma el terror; que Dios los ha predestinado a la Gloria, no a los infiernos; era inevitable que los colonos, fervorosos de la Escritura, se identificararn con los israelitas del Exodo y se vieran como un pueblo elegido.
Those who profess the doctrine of predestination usually do believe, without being overwhelmed by terror, that God has predestined them for Glory [Heaven] instead of Hell; it was inevitable that the colonists, fervent about the Bible [Scripture], would identify themselves with the Israelites of Exodus and would see themselves as a chosen people.
Los guiaba un fin mesiánico, que finalmente, en Massachussetts, los llevó a una teocracia.
They were guided by a messianic end [purpose] that finally, in Massachusetts, took [led] them to a theocracy.