Page 44 Flashcards
Circus in the Attic (1948) es una colección de cuentos.
Circus in the Attic (1948) is a collection of stories.
El novelista negro Richard Wright nació en una plantación cerca de Natchez, en el estado de Mississippi, en 1908.
The Negro novelist Richard Wright was born on a plantation near Natchez, in the state of Mississippi, in 1908.
El padre había abandonado a la familia; la educación de Richard Wright se debió parcialmente a un asilo de huérfanos, parcialmente a parientes.
[His] father had abandoned the family; Richard Wright’s education [upbringing] owed partly to an orphan asylum, partly to relatives.
A los quince años fue empleado de correos en Menfis.
At fifteen he [Wright] was a postal employee in Memphis.
Luego vive en Chicago, en Nueva York, y desde 1946 en París.
Afterwards he lived in Chicago, New York, and since 1946 Paris.
En 1938 había publicado una serie de cuentos, Uncle Tom’s Children, que le valió un premio de quinientos dólares.
In 1938 he [Wright] had published a series of stories, Uncle Tom’s Children, which won him a prize of fifty dollars.
Sus mayors éxitos fueron acaso Native Son (1940), relato de un crimen involuntario y de sus consecuencias tremendas, la autobiografía Black Boy publicada en 1945 y Twelve Million Black Voices (1941), que corresponden a la técnica naturalista y a conflictos raciales.
His [Wright] greatest successes were perhaps Native Son (1940), the story of an involuntary crime and its tremendous consequences, the autobiography Black Boy published in 1945 and Twelve Million Black Voices (1941), which corresponds to naturalistic technique and racial conflict.
En 1940 recibió la medalla Spingarn, la mayor recompensa que se otorga a una obra ejecutada a favor de los negros.
In 1940 he [Wright] received the Spingarn Medal, the greatest reward granted to a work executed on behalf of the Negros.
En París publicó, entre otros libros, How I Tried to Be a Communist y The Outsider, de 1952, donde bajo el influjo de Sartre pasa del problema específico de ser negro al problema fundamental de ser hombre.
In Paris he [Wright] published, among other books, How I Tried to Be a Communist and The Outside, from 1952, where under Sartre’s influence he passed [moved] from the specific problem of being black to the fundamental problem of being a man.
Este tránsito no significa una ruptura con su obra anterior; en ambas etapas, el tema sigue siendo el hombre acosado por una sociedad hostil.
This transition does not signify a rupture with his [Wright] previous work; in both stages, the theme is still the man harassed by a hostile society.
Fue marxista en Chicago; su labor actual corresponde a la desilusión de su esperanza de fraternidad universal, que creyó encontrar en el comunismo, y a la busca de otros ideales.
He [Wright] was a Marxist in Chicago; his present labor corresponds to [his] disillusionment with his hope for universal brotherhood, which he thought to find in Communism, and his search for other ideals.
La novela Native Son ha sido llevada a la escena.
The novel Native Son has been taken to [adapted for] the stage.
Truman Streckfus Persons (1925), famoso bajo el nombre de Truman Capote, nació en Nueva Orleans, Luisiana.
Truman Streckfus Persons (1925 – ), famous under the name of Truman Capote, was born in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Estudió en Connecticut.
He [Capote] studied in Connecticut.
Fue sucesivamente libretista de cinematógrafo, bailarín en un barco fluvial y cadete de la revista New Yorker.
He [Capote] was successively a screenwriter, dancer on a river boat and a writer for the magazine New Yorker.