Page 43 Flashcards
Algunos inspiraron filmes famosos.
Some [of these books] inspired famous films.
El escenario de casi todos sus libros es California; el ambiente humilde refleja las consecuencias de la depression del año 30.
The scene [setting] of almost all his [Steinbeck’s] books is California; the humble atmosphere [environment] reflects the consequences of the Depression of the year [19]30.
Steinbeck sobresale en el diálogo, en la descripción de la vida que ha conocido y en el relato; es menos feliz cuando aborda consideraciones filosóficas o sociales.
Steinbeck stands out in dialogue, in the description of the life he has known and in story; he is less happy [satisfactory] when he approaches philosophical or social considerations.
De la novela picaresca se ha dicho que es una literatura del hambre; lo mismo, con mayor intensidad, cabría decir de la obra de Erskin Caldwell, salvo que en ésta se unen el hambre, un frenesí erótico y una suerte de inocencia animal, que excluye todo sentimiento de culpa.
Of the picaresque novel it has been said that it is a literature of hunger; the same thing, with greater intensity, could be said of the work of Erskin Caldwell, except that in this [work] unites [joins together] hunger, an erotic frenzy and a kind of animal innocence, which excludes every feeling of culpability [guilt].
Caldwell describe, como Faulkner, la decadencia del Sur, después de la guerra de Secesión, pero sus personajes no son aristócratas venidos a menos, sino poor whites, condenados al cultivo del tabaco o del algodón, en una tierra exhausta.
Caldwell describes, like Faulkner, the decadence of the South after the War of Secession, but his characters are not vain aristocrats [who have] come to less, but poor whites condemned to the cultivation of tobacco or cotton in exhausted land.
Hijo de un pastor presbiteriano, Erskine Preston Caldwell (1903) nació en White Oaks, Georgia.
The son of a Presbyterian minister, Erskine Preston Caldwell (1903 – ) was born in White Oak, Georgia.
Estudió en las universidades de Virginia y Pennsylvania y ejerció diversos oficios, como tantos otros escritores norteamericanos.
He [Caldwell] studied at the Universities of Virginia and Pennsylvania and exercised [practiced] various jobs, like so many other American writers.
En 1926 se retiró a una granja abandonada, para aprender el arte de escribir.
In 1926 he [Caldwell] retired to an abandoned farm, in order to learn the art of writing.
Ahí compuso su famosa novela Tobacco Road (1932), que fue llevada al teatro y representada durante varios años.
There he [Caldwell] composed his famous novel, Tobacco Road (1932), which was taken to [adapted for] the theater and represented [there] during several years.
Esta obra nos muestra seres reducidos a necesidades elementales: comer, cohabitar, trabajar la tierra.
This work shows us [human] beings reduced to elementary necessities: eating, cohabitating, working the land.
Lo atroz se mezcla con lo cómico y lo grotesco.
The atrocious is mixed with the comic and the grotesque.
God’s Little Acre ha sido juzgada la mejor novela de Caldwell; el lector puede simpatizar con sus personajes.
God’s Little Acre has been judged Caldwell’s best novel; the reader can sympathize with his characters.
En su libro de cuentos We are the living, el arte del autor se muestra más indirecto y sobrio, menos desenfrenado.
In his [Caldwell’s] book of stories We Are the Living, the author’s art shows itself as more indirect and sober, less wild [uninhibited].
Harto más complejo que los autores que hemos considerado anteriormente es Robert Penn Warren (1905), novelista, poeta, catedrático, crítico y narrador.
Far more complex than the authors that we have previously [thus far] considered is Robert Penn Warren (1905 – ), novelist, poet, professor, critic, and narrator.
Nació en Guthrie, Kentucky; estudió en la Universidad de Yale y después en Oxford.
He [Warren] was born in Guthrie, Kentucky; he studied at Yale University and later at Oxford.