Mandarin 20,000 Sentences_8 Flashcards
你只要出示你的护照即可。 nǐ zhǐ yào chū shì nǐ de hù zhào jí kě。
You have only to show your passport.
他掏出一叠用旧了的纸币。 tā tāo chū yī dié yòng jiù le de zhǐ bì。
He pulled out a pile of used bank note.
探险人员消失在密林里了. tàn xiǎn rén yuán xiāo shī zài mì lín lǐ le.
The jungle swallowed up the explorers.
这项工程提前完工。 zhè xiàng gōng chéng tí qián wán gōng。
The project was completed ahead of the schedule.
她的死无疑和政治有关。 tā de sǐ wú yí Hé zhèng zhì yǒu guān。
No doubt her death is related to politics.
看著课文, 听我给你朗读. kàn著 kè wén, tìng wǒ jǐ nǐ lǎng dú.
Follow the text while I read it out to you.
据说我们的祖先是猴子。 jù shuō wǒ men de zǔ xiān shì hóu zi。
It is said that our progenitors are monkeys.
我是一名广播电台的听众。 wǒ shì yī míng guǎng bō diàn tái de tīng zhòng。
I am a broadcasting auditor.
这音乐的确使我非常激动. zhè yīn yuè dí què shǐ wǒ fēi cháng jī dòng.
The music really stirred my blood.
道路被一块大石头堵住了。 dào lù bèi yī kuài dà shí tou dǔ zhù le。
The road was blocked by a huge rock.
很多东西是由竹子做出的。 hěn duō dōng xi shì yóu zhú zi zuò chū de。
Many things are made out of bamboo.
那简直是浪费时间和精力. nà jiǎn zhí shì làng fèi shí jiān huò jīng lì.
It’s a waste of time and energy.
工人们装好了供水系统。 gōng rén men zhuāng hào le gōng shuǐ xì tǒng。
The workmen fixed the water system.
我向他们做了明白的解释。 wǒ xiàng tā men zuò le míng bai de jiě shì。
I made a lucid explanation to them.
他努力追求自己的奋斗目标. tā nǔ lì zhuī qiú zì jǐ de fèn dòu mù biāo.
He pursues his aims with diligence.
她的建议一再遭到拒绝。 tā de jiàn yì yī zài zāo dào jù jué。
Her proposal met with continual rejections.
这个东方传说很吸引人。 zhè gè dōng fāng chuán shuō hěn xī yǐn rén。
This oriental legend is fascinating.
我站在那里,害怕得直发抖。 wǒ zhàn zài nà li, hài pà de zhí fā dǒu。
I stood there quaking with fear.
她失败后感到非常痛心。 tā shī bài hòu gǎn dào fēi cháng tòng xīn。
She was badly cut up when she failed.
他完全不顾及自己的安全。 tā wán quán bù gù jí zì jǐ de ān quán。
He’s quite reckless of his own safety.
我站在那里,害怕得直发抖。 wǒ zhàn zài nà li, hài pà de zhí fā dǒu。
I stood there quaking with fear.
她拒绝接见工会代表团. tā jù jué jiē jiàn gōng huì dài biǎo tuán.
She refused to meet the union delegation.
我的要求遭到了断然拒绝。 wǒ de yāo qiú zāo dào le duàn rán jù jué。
My request was met with a flat refusal.
这个可怜的人是一个采煤工。 zhè gè kě lián de rén shì yī gè cǎi méi gōng。
The poor man is a coal digger.
他化装扮演一个老头儿。 tā huà zhuāng bàn yǎn yī gè lǎo tóu er。
He made up for the part of an old man.
我们用词句来表达思想。 wǒ men yòng cí jù lái biǎo dá sī xiǎng。
We express our thought by means of words.
犯人趁着天黑逃跑了。 fàn rén chèn zhuó tiān hēi táo pǎo le。
The criminal escaped under the cover of darkness.
部长忙于重要国务。 bù zhǎng máng yú zhòng yào guó wù。
The minister is busy with important affairs of state.
政策的条款是临时决定的. zhèng cè de tiáo kuǎn shì lín shí jué dìng de.
Points of policy are decided ad hoc.
人群慢慢从体育场散去. rén qún màn màn zòng tǐ yù chǎng sàn qù.
The crowds drifted away from the stadium.
我有点私事和你商量。 wǒ yǒu diǎn sī shì huò nǐ shāng liàng。
I have something personal to discuss with you.
每天晚上他都埋头读书. měi tiān wǎn shang tā dōu mái tóu dú shū.
In the evenings he buries himself in his books.
尽量更客观地对待此事吧。 jìn liàng gèng kè guān de duì dài cǐ shì ba。
Try to be more objective about it.
知你平安无事才放下心来 zhī nǐ píng ān wú shì cái fàng xia xīn lái
It’s a great relief to know you’re safe.
广大的地区均已变成沙漠. guǎng dà de dì qū jūn yǐ biàn chéng shā mò.
Vast areas of land have become desert.
这个月我们看了好几场戏。 zhèi gè yuè wǒ men kàn le hǎo jǐ chǎng xì。
We’ve been to several plays this month.
孩子们整整齐齐排好队。 hái zi men zhěng zhěng qí qí pǎi hào duì。
The children lined up in an orderly fashion.
工人正在一个大桶里染布。 gōng rén zhèng zài yī gè dà tǒng lǐ rǎn bù。
The worker is dyeing cloth in a vat.
大家以热烈的掌声欢迎她. dà jiā yǐ rè liè de zhǎng shēng huān yíng tā.
She was received with warm applause.
石墨是一种软而黑的物质。 shí mò shì yī zhòng ruǎn ér hēi de wù zhì。
Graphite is a soft black substance.
我在省钱买一台电冰箱。 wǒ zài xǐng qián mǎi yī tái diàn bīng xiāng。
I’m saving up for a refrigerator.
他的政治观点相当极端。 tā de zhèng zhì guān diǎn xiāng dāng jí duān。
His political views are rather extreme.
我们不能用肉眼看到细菌。 wǒ men bù néng yòng ròu yǎn kàn dào xì jūn。
We can not see bacillus with eyes.
这机构得到联合国的资助。 zhè jī gòu dé dào lián hé guó de zī zhù。
The organization is backed by the UN.
听众至少也有五千人。 tīng zhòng zhì shǎo yě yǒu wǔ qiān rén。
The audience was not less than five thousand.
他的外套和裤子不相配。 tā de wài tào huò kù zi bù xiāng pèi。
His coat is not in keeping with the trousers.
警察找回了被盗的珠宝。 jǐng chá zhǎo huí le bèi dào de zhū bǎo。
The police recovered the stolen jewellery.
批改试卷的确是个苦事。 pī gǎi shì juàn dí què shì gè kǔ shì。
Marking examination papers is a real grind.
他来到北京,想碰碰运气。 tā lái dào Běi jīng, xiǎng pèng pèng yùn qi。
He came to Beijing to try his luck.
我喜欢吃有黄瓜的三明治。 wǒ xǐ huan jí yǒu huáng guā de sān míng zhì。
I like to eat cucumber sandwiches.
我能很准确地预测某事。 wǒ néng hěn zhǔn què de yù cè mǒu shì。
I can predict something with great accuracy.
我的厨房里有好几个勺子。 wǒ de chú fáng lǐ yǒu hǎo jǐ gè sháo zi。
There are several scoops in my kitchen.
我的厨房里有好几个勺子。 wǒ de chú fáng lǐ yǒu hǎo jǐ gè sháo zi。
There are several scoops in my kitchen.
在这些高的地方很难呼吸. zài zhè xie gāo de dì fang hěn nàn hū xī.
It is difficult to breathe at these altitudes.
请问我该先买哪个品种。 qǐng wèn wǒ gāi xiān mǎi nǎ ge pǐn zhǒng。
Please advise me which item I should buy.
他对人生抱有崇高的理想。 tā duì rén shēng bào yǒu chóng gāo de lǐ xiǎng。
He has lofty ideals about life.
小时是时间的一个量度单位。 xiǎo shí shì shí jiān de yī gè liáng dù dān wèi。
An hour is a measure of time.
他的计划遭到强烈的反对。 tā de jì huà zāo dào qiáng liè de fǎn duì。
His plan was opposed with fierceness.
她的眼睛扫视了一下那个房间。 tā de yǎn jīng sào shì le yī xià nèi gè fáng jiān。
Her eyes swept the room.
他在口袋里摸著, 想找些钱. tā zài kǒu dài lǐ mó著, xiǎng zhǎo xiē qián.
He felt in his pocket for some money.
我儿子抓住我的手不撒开。 wǒ ér zi zhuā zhù wǒ de shǒu bù sǎ kāi。
My son grabbed my hand and wouldn’t let go.
数小时后, 他清醒过来。 shuò xiǎo shí hòu, tā qīng xǐng guò lai。
It was many hours before he came back to life.
他在面包上涂上苹果酱。 tā zài miàn bāo shàng tú shàng píng guǒ jiàng。
He spread some apple jam on the bread.
他对人生抱有崇高的理想。 tā duì rén shēng bào yǒu chóng gāo de lǐ xiǎng。
He has lofty ideals about life.
她虽疲劳但仍继续工作。 tā suī pí láo dàn réng jì xù gōng zuò。
She kept on working although she was tired.
碎骨是最好的肥料之一。 suì gǔ shì zuì hǎo de féi liào zhī yī。
Crushed bones make one of the best fertilizers.
这部著作已是第三次重印了. zhè bù著 zuò yǐ shì dì sān cì zhòng yìn le.
The work is into its third reprint.
后面那辆车想超过我们。 hòu mian nà liàng jū xiǎng chāo guò wǒ men。
The car behind wants to get ahead of us.
小时是时间的一个量度单位。 xiǎo shí shì shí jiān de yī gè liáng dù dān wèi。
An hour is a measure of time.
队伍就在我家门前经过. duì wǔ jiù zài wǒ jiā mén qián jīng guò.
The procession passed right by my front door.
他的新房子侵占了我的土地。 tā de xīn fáng zi qīn zhàn le wǒ de tǔ dì。
His new house encroached on my land.
他的上司奖给他一笔现金。 tā de shàng si jiǎng jǐ tā yī bǐ xiàn jīn。
He was awarded a cash bounty by his boss.
他是一个成功的性格演员。 tā shì yī gè chéng gōng de xìng gé yǎn yuán。
He is a successful character actor.
有的化学家研究气体的性质. yǒu de huà xué jiā yán jiū qì tǐ de xìng zhì.
Chemists study the nature of gases.
正义一定会战胜非正义。 zhèng yì yī dìng kuài zhàn shèng fēi zhèng yì。
Justice will prevail over injustice.
她把那小鸟握在掌心里. tā bǎ nà xiǎo niǎo wò zài zhǎng xīn lǐ.
She held the small bird in the hollow of her hand.
我们出去吸口新鲜空气吧。 wǒ men chū qù xī kǒu xīn xiān kōng qì ba。
Let’s go out for a breath of fresh air.
无数想法划过她的心头。 wú shù xiǎng fǎ huà guò tā de xīn tóu。
A myriad of thoughts passed through her mind.
他梦想着过体面的生活。 tā mèng xiǎng zhuó guò tǐ miàn de shēng huó。
He dreamed of living in decent conditions.
她发现和他们的争论没用。 tā fā xiàn huò tā men de zhēng lùn méi yòng。
She find it useless argue with them.
我部队已深入到敌占区. wǒ bù duì yǐ shēn rù dào dí zhàn qū.
Our troops have penetrated (into) enemy territory.
她用功的程度是我的三倍。 tā yòng gōng de chéng dù shì wǒ de sān bèi。
She studies three times as hard as I.
他们正在把小麦磨成面粉。 tā men zhèng zài bǎ xiǎo mài mò chéng miàn fěn。
They are grinding wheat into flour.
他稍微会一点儿日语. tā shāo wēi kuài yī diǎnr rì yǔ.
He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language.
战士们为取得胜利而欢跃。 zhàn shì men wèi qǔ dé shèng lì ér huān yuè。
The soldiers exulted at their victory.
她用挖苦的语调和他说话。 tā yòng wā kǔ de yǔ diào huò tā shuō huà。
She talked with him with sarcastic tones.
我在假日愿意轻松一些. wǒ zài jià rì yuàn yì qīng sōng yī xiē.
I like to take things easy when I’m on holiday.
紧急情况紧急或迫切的情况 jǐn jí qíng kuàng jǐn jí huò pò qiè de qíng kuàng
A pressing or urgent situation.
晚饭前,他吃了一些饼干。 wǎn fàn qián, tā jí le yī xiē bǐng gān。
He had some biscuits before the dinner.
中餐常有米饭或面条. Zhōng cān cháng yǒu mǐ fàn huò miàn tiáo.
Chinese food is often served with rice or noodles.
出门之前把窗户关严。 chū mén zhī qián bǎ chuāng hu guān yán。
Make the windows secure before leaving the house.
这种错误会有损你的事业。 zhè zhǒng cuò wù kuài yǒu sǔn nǐ de shì yè。
Such a mistake would mar your career.
他全面完成了分配的任务。 tā quán miàn wán chéng le fēn pèi de rèn wu。
He finished the assignment completely.
发现她在那,我感到很吃惊。 fā xiàn tā zài nà, wǒ gǎn dào hěn chī jīng。
I was amazed to find her there.
他来自于一个大型海港城市。 tā lái zì yú yī gè dà xíng hǎi gǎng chéng shì。
He came from a large seaport.
总有一天我会回到家乡。 zǒng yǒu yī tiān wǒ kuài huí dào jiā xiāng。
I can come back to my hometown some day.
你故意和我的想法对著干. nǐ gù yì huò wǒ de xiǎng fǎ duì著 gàn.
You have deliberately acted against my wishes.
他似乎把正号误作负号了。 tā sì hu bǎ zhèng hào wù zuò fù hào le。
He seems to have mistaken a plus for a minus.
沉默不能总理解为同意。 chén mò bù néng zǒng lǐ xiè wèi tóng yì。
Silence must not always be read as consent.
她把头紧靠在我的肩膀上。 tā bǎ tóu jǐn kào zài wǒ de jiān bǎng shàng。
She burrowed her head into my shoulder.
他们兴高采烈地庆祝胜利。 tā men xìng gāo cài liè de qìng zhù shèng lì。
They celebrated their victory cheerily.
那辆汽车一加速就超越了我. nà liàng qì chē yī jiā sù jiù chāo yuè le wǒ.
The car accelerated as it overtook me.
比较一下这些三角形的面积. bǐ jiào yī xià zhè xie sān jiǎo xíng de miàn ji.
Compare the areas of these triangles.
这个错误是由印刷工造成的。 zhè gè cuò wù shì yóu yìn shuà gōng zào chéng de。
This error is made by printer.
他们最需要的是管理人才。 tā men zuì xū yào de shì guǎn lǐ rén cái。
What they need most is managerial talent.
她是一位年仅二十岁的教师。 tā shì yī wèi nián jǐn èr shí suì de jiào shī。
She is a teacher aged only twenty.
这一法律古老但仍然有效。 zhè yī fǎ lu:4 gǔ lǎo dàn réng rán yǒu xiào。
This law is ancient but still extant.
这封信是用正式文体写的。 zhè fēng xìn shì yòng zhèng shì wén tǐ xiě de。
The letter is written in formal style.
这一法律古老但仍然有效。 zhè yī fǎ lu:4 gǔ lǎo dàn réng rán yǒu xiào。
This law is ancient but still extant.
耐力忍受困难和痛苦的能力 nài lì rěn shòu kùn nan huò tòng kǔ de néng lì
The capacity to endure hardship or pain.
他设法克制住了阵阵愤怒。 tā shè fǎ kè zhì zhù le zhèn zhèn fèn nù。
He managed to subdue his mounting anger.
货物已由铁路托运到你处。 huò wù yǐ yóu tiě lù tuō yùn dào nǐ chù。
The goods were consigned to you by railway.
主席敲击桌子以维持秩序。 zhǔ xí qiāo jī zhuō zi yǐ wéi chí zhì xù。
The chairman rapped on the table for order.
碎骨是最好的肥料之一。 suì gǔ shì zuì hǎo de féi liào zhī yī。
Crushed bones make one of the best fertilizers.
要满足每一个人绝非易事。 yào mǎn zú měi yī gè rén jué fēi yì shì。
It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone.
他的痛苦引起了我们的同情。 tā de tòng kǔ yǐn qǐ le wǒ men de tóng qíng。
His sufferings aroused our sympathy.
我不和我的老板谈私事。 wǒ bù hé wǒ de lǎo bǎn tán sī shì。
I don’t talk with my boss about my private matters.
这种布料十分耐用. zhè zhǒng bù liào shí fēn nài yòng.
This cloth is designed to stand up to a lot of wear and tear.
超级市场的门是自动关的. chāo jí shì chǎng de mén shì zì dòng guān de.
The supermarket doors shut automatically.
我完全赞成酒馆整日营业. wǒ wán quán zàn chéng jiǔ guǎn zhěng rì yíng yè.
I’m all for pubs being open all day.
我们应该依照规定行事。 wǒ men yīng gāi yī zhào guī dìng xìng shì。
We should act in conformity with the rules.
我没有这匹马的情况记录。 wǒ méi yǒu zhè pǐ mǎ de qíng kuàng jì lù。
I’ve got no record of this horse’s form.
我发觉她态度上有所转变。 wǒ fā jué tā tài du shàng yǒu suǒ zhuǎn biàn。
I detected a change in her attitude.
我们对道德标准看法不一致。 wǒ men duì dào dé biāo zhǔn kàn fǎ bù yī zhì。
We differ about moral standards.
警察局长命令警察集合。 jǐng chá jú zhǎng mìng lìng jǐng chá jí hé。
The sheriff ordered the policemen to gather.
我要吃面条而不要吃馒头。 wǒ yào jí miàn tiáo ér bù yào jí mán tou。
I’ll plump for noodles rather than buns.
不管穷还是富,他都快活。 bù guǎn qióng hái shì fù, tā dōu kuài huo。
He is always happy whether rich or not.
这位护士非常亲切。 zhè wèi hù shi fēi cháng qīn qiè。
The nurse was all kindness. (=The nurse was kindness itself.)
他的不幸激起了我们的同情。 tā de bù xìng jī qǐ le wǒ men de tóng qíng。
His wretchedness aroused our sympathy.
西海岸公司是个大型公司。 xī hǎi àn gōng sī shì gè dà xíng gōng sī。
West Coast Corps is a large corporation.
他们正在把小麦磨成面粉。 tā men zhèng zài bǎ xiǎo mài mò chéng miàn fěn。
They are grinding wheat into flour.
政府已宣布要冻结工资。 zhèng fǔ yǐ xuān bù yào dòng jié gōng zī。
The government has introduced a wage freeze.
道路有个急转弯拐向右边。 dào lù yǒu gè jí zhuǎn wān guǎi xiàng yòu biān。
The road curved sharply to the right.
总统宣布了议会解散。 zǒng tǒng xuān bù le yì huì jiě sàn。
The President announced the dissolution of Parliament.
他是四月份搬进这所房子的。 tā shì sì yuè fèn bān jìn zhè suǒ fáng zi de。
He moved into this house in April.
她打扮停当准备去参加晚会。 tā dǎ bàn tíng dàng zhǔn bèi qù cān jiā wǎn huì。
She dressed up for the party.
沿海鱼的数量已减少了. yán hǎi yú de shù liàng yǐ jiǎn shǎo le.
The number of fish in coastal waters has decreased.
我已经把颜料和油混合起来了。 wǒ yǐ jīng bǎ yán liào huò yóu hùn hé qǐ lai le。
I have mixed pigment with oil.
这故事的确令我非常激动。 zhè gù shì dí què lìng wǒ fēi cháng jī dòng。
I’m really very excited by the story.
我吃了两片烤面包当早餐。 wǒ jí le liǎng piàn kǎo miàn bāo dàng zǎo cān。
I had two slices of toast as breakfast.
她是电视台的一名主持人。 tā shì diàn shì tái de yī míng zhǔ chí rén。
She is an announcer in TV broadcast.
那个女孩喜欢穿紫色的衣服。 nèi gè nu:3 hái xǐ huan chuān zǐ sè de yī fu。
That girl likes to wear purple dresses.
密林深处有群猴子。 mì lín shēn chù yǒu qún hóu zi。
There is a group of monkeys in the innermost depths of the forest.
医生说肝脏稍有些毛病。 yī shēng shuō gān zàng shāo yǒu xiē máo bìng。
The doctor says it’s just a touch of liver.
他的行为招致尖锐的批评。 tā de xíng wéi zhāo zhì jiān ruì de pī píng。
His behavior called forth sharp criticism.
她用挖苦的语调和他说话。 tā yòng wā kǔ de yǔ diào huò tā shuō huà。
She talked with him with sarcastic tones.
我是这份报纸的长期读者。 wǒ shì zhè fèn bào zhǐ de cháng qī dú zhě。
I am a regular reader of this newspaper.
我代表总统前来迎接您。 wǒ dài biǎo zǒng tǒng qián lái yíng jiē nín。
I greet you in the name of the President.
他把醋洒在鱼和土豆片上。 tā bǎ cù sǎ zài yú huò tǔ dòu piàn shàng。
He sprinkled vinegar on his fish and chips.
那只船划出到了河中央. nà zhǐ chuán huà chū dào le hé zhōng yāng.
The boat pulled out into the middle of the river.
我从未用过人民币付款。 wǒ zòng wèi yòng guò rén mín bì fù kuǎn。
I’ve never made payment in Renminbi before.
这座剧场一天演出两场。 zhè zuò jù chǎng yī tiān yǎn chū liǎng chǎng。
The theater gives two performances a day.
那孩子正经历困难的阶段。 nà hái zi zhèng jing lì kùn nan de jiē duàn。
The child is going through a difficult phase.
现在的妇女不再穿紧身衣了。 xiàn zài de fù nu:3 bù zài chuān jǐn shēn yì le。
Women don’t wear corset nowadays.
他皮笑肉不笑地和我打了招呼. tā pí xiào ròu bù xiào de huò wǒ dǎ le zhāo hu.
He greeted me with a greasy smile.
小孩们在沙堆里挖了一个地道。 xiǎo hái men zài shā duī lǐ wā le yī gè dì dao。
The kid dug a tunnel in the sand.
是把这面红旗打开的时候了。 shì bǎ zhè miàn hóng qí dǎ kāi de shí hou le。
It’s time to shake out the red flag.
老虎是猫科动物的典型。 lǎo hǔ shì māo kē dòng wù de diǎn xíng。
The tiger is a representative of the cat family.
比较一下这些三角形的面积. bǐ jiào yī xià zhè xie sān jiǎo xíng de miàn ji.
Compare the areas of these triangles.
她的教学工作受到高度赞扬. tā de jiào xué gōng zuò shòu dào gāo dù zàn yáng.
Her teaching was highly commended.
质量虽差,但仍能接受。 zhì liàng suī cī, dàn réng néng jiē shòu。
The quality is not so poor but it is acceptable.
他把汽车送到修车厂修理。 tā bǎ qì chē sòng dào xiū jū chǎng xiū lǐ。
He sent his car to the garage for repair.
光线太暗,我看书有困难。 guāng xiàn tài àn, wǒ kàn shū yǒu kùn nan。
The light was too dim for me to read easily.
这份文件上盖有王室印章。 zhè fèn wén jiàn shàng gě yǒu wáng shì yìn zhāng。
This document carries the royal seal.
我自觉无资格就此问题发言. wǒ zì jué wú zī gé jiù cǐ wèn tí fā yán.
I feel unqualified to speak on the subject.
太阳从云层后面露出来了。 tài yáng zòng yún céng hòu mian lù chū lái le。
The sun emerged from behind the clouds.
外面的高温真让人难以忍受。 wài mian de gāo wēn zhēn ràng rén nán yǐ rěn shòu。
The heat outside is unbearable.
她的耳朵上吊着巨大的耳环。 tā de ěr duo shàng diào zhuó jù dà de ěr huán。
Huge earrings dangled from her ears.
别到处胡闹了, 干活儿去吧. biè dào chù hú nào le, gàn huó r qù ba.
Stop larking about and get on with your work.
我把手套落在公共汽车上了。 wǒ bǎ shǒu tào luò zài gōng gòng qì chē shàng le。
I’ve left my gloves on the bus.
我的支出受我的收入限制。 wǒ de zhī chū shòu wǒ de shōu rù xiàn zhì。
My expenditure is conditioned by my income.
我依恋故乡的一草一木。 wǒ yī liàn gù xiàng de yī cǎo yī mù。
I am attached to every tree and bush in my hometown.
我们的国家森林分布很广。 wǒ men de guó jiā sēn lín fēn bù hěn guǎng。
The forests are widespread in our country.
让我们深入考虑一下这件事。 ràng wǒ men shēn rù kǎo lu:4 yī xià zhè jiàn shì。
Let’s pore deeply on the matter.
你必须熟悉自己的新职务。 nǐ bì xū shú xī zì jǐ de xīn zhí wù。
You must acquaint yourself with your new duties.
她乘电梯迅速到达顶层. tā chéng diàn tī xùn sù dào dá dǐng céng.
She (was) whisked up to the top floor in the lift.
他当初的积极性已淡下去了. tā dāng chū de jī jí xìng yǐ dàn xià qu le.
His original enthusiasm has turned sour.
这台机器由二十个零件组成。 zhè tái jī qì yóu èr shí gè líng jiàn zǔ chéng。
This engine is made up of 20 parts.
以下是最新的新闻综合报道. yǐ xià shì zuì xīn de xīn wén zōng hé bào dào.
Here is a round-up of the latest news.
他发脾气时让人无法忍受。 tā fà pí qì shí ràng rén wú fǎ rěn shòu。
He is unbearable when he’s in a bad temper.
我们的身体需要充足的营养。 wǒ men de shēn tǐ xū yào chōng zú de yíng yǎng。
Our bodies need adequate nutrition.
不单是树叶, 连个虫子都不动. bù dān shì shù yè, lián gè chóng zi dōu bù dòng.
Not a leaf nor an insect stirred.
她给私人授课以贴补收入. tā jǐ sī rén shòu kè yǐ tiē bǔ shōu rù.
She gives private lessons to supplement her income.
她的裙子有非常精致的花边。 tā de qún zi yǒu fēi cháng jīng zhì de huā biān。
Her skirt has very exquisite lace.
我知道他们和你在议论我。 wǒ zhī dào tā men huò nǐ zài yì lùn wǒ。
I know they have been discussing me with you.
把标签粘贴在你的手提箱上。 bǎ biāo qiān nián tiē zài nǐ de shǒu tí xiāng shàng。
Stick a label on your suitcase.
我还认识到了集体的力量。 wǒ huán rèn shi dào le jí tǐ de lì liang。
I also learned the strength of the collective.
政府已经批准了这个项目。 zhèng fǔ yǐ jīng pī zhǔn le zhè gè xiàng mù。
The government has ratified the project.
买房者下星期付定金。 mǎi fáng zhě xià xīng qī fù dìng jīn。
The purchaser of the house will pay the deposit next week.
这些画保存的非常好。 zhè xie huà bǎo cún de fēi cháng hào。
The paintings were in an excellent state of preservation.
凡有文化的人都该一读此书. fán yǒu wén huà de rén dōu gāi yī dú cǐ shū.
Every literate person should read this book.
她已刻苦攻读法语数月. tā yǐ kè kǔ gōng dú fǎ yǔ shù yuè.
She’s been plugging away at her French lessons for months.
县城离这有百儿八十里。 xiàn chéng lí zhè yǒu bǎi er bā shí lǐ。
The county town is a hundred li or so away from here.
要用功,那么你才会考及格。 yào yòng gōng, nà me nǐ cái kuài kǎo jí gé。
Study hard, and you’ll pass the exam.
他的想法获得热烈的响应。 tā de xiǎng fǎ huò dé rè liè de xiǎng yìng。
His idea received an enthusiastic response.
七十年代是超短裙时代。 qī shí nián dài shì chāo duǎn qún shí dài。
It’s an era of the miniskirt in the seventies.
所有的条约都由参议院批准。 suǒ yǒu de tiáo yuē dōu yóu cān yì yuàn pī zhǔn。
The Senate confirms all treaties.
护士抽了我的血样去化验。 hù shi chōu le wǒ de xuè yàng qù huà yàn。
The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests.
他不远万里来中国度暑假。 tā bù yuǎn Wàn Lǐ lái Zhōng guó dù shǔ jià。
He has come over to China for the summer.
有些水果根本就不能冷藏。 yǒu xiē shuǐ guǒ gēn běn jiù bù néng lěng cáng。
Some fruits don’t freeze well at all.
他们紧急请求国际援助。 tā men jǐn jí qǐng qiú guó jì yuán zhù。
They’ve made an urgent request for international aid.
我的儿子每晚都去上补习班。 wǒ de ér zi měi wǎn dōu qù shàng bǔ xí bān。
My son go to cram school every evening.
道路有个急转弯拐向右边。 dào lù yǒu gè jí zhuǎn wān guǎi xiàng yòu biān。
The road curved sharply to the right.
现在付一半, 剩下的以后再付。 xiàn zài fù yī bàn, shèng xià de yǐ hòu zài fù。
Pay half now and the rest later.
他们正争论神学上的问题。 tā men zhèng zhēng lùn shén xué shàng de wèn tí。
They are having a theological argument.
这本书出版社已印了10000册. zhè běn shū chū bǎn shè yǐ yìn lē0000 cè.
The publisher has printed10000 copies of the book.
他下定决心争取成功。 tā xià dìng jué xīn zhēng qǔ chéng gōng。
He was utterly ruthless in his determination to succeed.
部队向前进, 赶跑了敌人. bù duì xiàng qián jìn, gǎn pǎo le dí rén.
The enemy was put to flight by the advancing army.
我不好意思告诉她我不及格。 wǒ bù hǎo yì si gào su tā wǒ bù jí gé。
I was too ashamed to tell her that I had failed.
我们有时候吃大米, 不吃土豆. wǒ men yǒu shí hou jí dà mǐ, bù jí tǔ dòu.
We sometimes eat rice instead of potatoes.
我尽量找些东西给你穿。 wǒ jìn liàng zhǎo xiē dōng xi jǐ nǐ chuān。
I’ll try and rake out something for you to wear.
大家的反应如何难以估计。 dà jiā de fǎn yìng rú hé nán yǐ gū jì。
It was difficult to gauge how people would respond.
小猫把那个盒子当做它的床。 xiǎo māo bǎ nèi gè hé zi dàng zuò tā de chuáng。
The kitten uses that box as its bed.
现代战争并不是好玩的事。 xiàn dài zhàn zhēng bìng bù shì hào wàn de shì。
There is not much comedy in modern war.
他承认以前从未见过她。 tā chéng rèn yǐ qián zòng wèi xiàn guò tā。
He confessed that he had never seen her before.
我们生活在舒适的环境中。 wǒ men shēng huó zài shū shì de huán jìng zhòng。
We are living in pleasant surroundings.
他从盒子里偷拿了一块巧克力。 tā zòng hé zi lǐ tōu ná le yī kuài qiǎo kè lì。
He sneaked a chocolate from the box.
老师们异口同声地称赞他。 lǎo shī men yì kǒu tóng shēng de chēng zàn tā。
The teachers praised him with one accord.
他统治了这个国家四十年。 tā tǒng zhì le zhè gè guó jiā sì shí nián。
He reigned over the country for forty years.
我们生活在舒适的环境中。 wǒ men shēng huó zài shū shì de huán jìng zhòng。
We are living in pleasant surroundings.
请让我趁此机会讲几句话. qǐng ràng wǒ chèn cǐ jī huì jiǎng jǐ jù huà.
Let me take this opportunity to say a few words.
我们在地图上画出我们的路线. wǒ men zài dì tú shàng huà chū wǒ men de lù xiàn.
We traced out our route on the map.
他把钱包放在里面的口袋里. tā bǎ qián bāo fàng zài lǐ miàn de kǒu dài lǐ.
He kept his wallet in an ,inside pocket.
那孩子正经历困难的阶段。 nà hái zi zhèng jing lì kùn nan de jiē duàn。
The child is going through a difficult phase.
他用一张小的王牌吃了我的A牌。 tā yòng yī zhāng xiǎo de wáng pái jí le wǒ deA pái。
He took my ace with a low trump.
他把桌子移到房间中心。 tā bǎ zhuō zi yí dào fáng jiān zhōng xīn。
He moved the table over to the center of the room.
网球俱乐部组织了一次舞会。 wǎng qiú jù yuè bù zǔ zhī le yī cì wǔ huì。
The tennis club has organized a dance.
争论演变成了公开的论战。 zhēng lùn yǎn biàn chéng le gōng kāi de lùn zhàn。
The argument boiled over into open war.
她觉得她的创造力难以发挥. tā jué de tā de chuàng zào lì nán yǐ fā huī.
She felt her creativity was being strangled.
不知什么原因,她自杀了。 bù zhī shén me yuán yīn, tā zì shā le。
For one reason or another, she committed suicide.
我们对我们的新老师很失望。 wǒ men duì wǒ men de xīn lǎo shī hěn shī wàng。
We are disappointed in our new teacher.
她的新剧作获得广泛宣传. tā de xīn jù zuò huò dé guǎng fàn xuān chuán.
Her new play has attracted a lot of publicity.
大多数戏剧都是用对话体写的. dà duō shù xì jù dōu shì yòng duì huà tǐ xiě de.
Most plays are written in dialogue.
无可否认, 他当时并不知道. wú kě fǒu rèn, tā dāng shí bìng bù zhī dào.
Admittedly, he didn’t know that at the time.
这种声明具有政治性质。 zhè zhǒng shēng míng jù yǒu zhèng zhì xìng zhì。
The statements were of political character.
天在下雪,所以我无法外出。 tiān zài xià xuě, suǒ yǐ wǒ wú fǎ wài chū。
It was snowing, and so I could not go out.
太阳把这本书的书皮晒弯了. tài yáng bǎ zhè běn shū de shū pí shài wān le.
The hot sun had warped the cover of the book.
在网球赛中,他们是对手。 zài wǎng qiú sài zhòng, tā men shì duì shǒu。
They were adversaries in the tennis match.
他太胖了,以致于弯不下腰。 tā tài pàng le, yǐ zhì yú wān bù xià yāo。
His fatness renders him unable to bend down.
她把两手插在上衣口袋里。 tā bǎ liǎng shǒu chā zài shàng yī kǒu dài lǐ。
She plunged her hands into her coat pockets.
我们与警方配合进行工作. wǒ men yù jǐng fāng pèi hé jìn xíng gōng zuò.
We are working in conjunction with the police.
他当了五年的足球队长. tā dàng le wǔ nián de zú qiú duì zhǎng.
He was (the) captain of the football team for five years.
工人们正去除银中的杂质。 gōng rén men zhèng qù chú yín zhòng dì zá zhì。
Workers are removing impurities from silver.
他们为促进世界和平而努力. tā men wèi cù jìn shì jiè hé píng ér nǔ lì.
They worked for the promotion of world peace.
我不喜欢我那单调乏味的工作。 wǒ bù xǐ huan wǒ nà dān diào fá wèi de gōng zuò。
I do not like my monotonous work.
采取任何你认为最好的措施。 cǎi qǔ rèn hé nǐ rèn wéi zuì hǎo de cuò shī。
Take whatsoever measures you consider best.
关于此事对他已免于处分。 guān yú cǐ shì duì tā yǐ miǎn yú chǔ fēn。
He is exempt from punishment about this thing.
她意外地发现了他的真实身份。 tā yì wài de fā xiàn le tā de zhēn shí shēn fèn。
She stumbled on his true identity.
我姑姑有时候还真有点讨人厌. wǒ gū gu yǒu shí hou huán zhēn yǒu diǎn tǎo rén yàn.
My aunt can be a bit of a terror.
我迫不及待地想听到这个消息。 wǒ pò bù jí dài de xiǎng tīng dào zhè gè xiāo xi。
I can hardly wait to hear the news.
临睡前请拔下电视机的插头. lín shuì qián qǐng bá xià diàn shì jī de chā tóu.
Please unplug the TV before you go to bed.
警方正在忙着捕捉逃犯。 jǐng fāng zhèng zài máng zhuó bǔ zhuō táo fàn。
The police are on the run to catch the murderer.
太阳是能量的最基本来源。 tài yáng shì néng liàng de zuì jī běn lái yuán。
The sun is the ultimate source of energy.
他们的新房子真像梦一般美好。 tā men de xīn fáng zi zhēn xiàng mèng yì bān měi hǎo。
Their new house is a real dream.
我们将按月分期付款买房。 wǒ men jiàng àn yuè fēn qī fù kuǎn mǎi fáng。
We will pay for houses by monthly installments.
气象学者画了一张天气图。 qì xiàng xué zhě huà le yī zhāng tiān qì tú。
The Meteorologist drew a picture of weather.
在夏天一个温暖的夜晚… zài xià tiān yī gè wēn nuǎn de yè wǎn…
One warm summer evening…/On a warm summer evening…
警方正在忙着捕捉逃犯。 jǐng fāng zhèng zài máng zhuó bǔ zhuō táo fàn。
The police are on the run to catch the murderer.
要求和她定个约会也没有用。 yāo qiú huò tā dìng gè yuē huì yě méi yǒu yòng。
It is no good asking her for a date.
真羡慕麦克,他的车子真漂亮。 zhēn xiàn mù mài kè, tā de jū zi zhēn piào liang。
I envy Mike, whose car is fancy.
医院进口了一些外科器械。 yī yuàn jìn kǒu le yī xiē wài kē qì xiè。
The hospital imported some surgical instruments.
我认为这样的集会毫无价值。 wǒ rèn wéi zhè yàng de jí huì háo wú jià zhí。
I feel that such gatherings are worthless.
那项发明是集体努力的成果。 nà xiàng fā míng shì jí tǐ nǔ lì de chéng guǒ。
The invention was a collective effort.
虽然他严格,却富有同情心。 suī rán tā yán gé, què fù yǒu tóng qíng xīn。
Stern as he is, he is full of sympathy.
这所房子处于一个很好的位置。 zhè suǒ fáng zi chǔ yú yī gè hěn hǎo de wèi zhi。
The house has a very good position.
压路机是用来修筑道路的。 yà lù jī shì yòng lái xiū zhù dào lù de。
A road roller is used in making and repairing roads.
他下定决心争取成功。 tā xià dìng jué xīn zhēng qǔ chéng gōng。
He was utterly ruthless in his determination to succeed.
我与他合伙做出口生意。 wǒ yù tā hé huǒ zuò chū kǒu shēng yi。
I enter into partnership with him to do export business.
他留着劲在比赛结束时用。 tā liú zhuó jìng zài bǐ sài jié shù shí yòng。
He saved his strength for the end of the race.
这里年平均降雪量为10厘米. zhè lǐ nián píng jūn xiáng xuě liàng wèī0 lí mǐ.
The average snowfall here is 10cm a year.
没有人敢把视线离开地面。 méi yǒu rén gǎn bǎ shì xiàn lí kāi dì miàn。
Nobody dared lift their eyes from the ground.
运动对于各年龄段都很有利。 yùn dòng duì yú gè nián líng duàn dōu hěn yǒu lì。
Exercise is profitable in all ages.
牙被拔掉时,他疼得大叫。 yá bèi bá diào shí, tā téng de dà jiào。
He bellowed with pain when the tooth was pulled out.
这儿的气候和台北非常相似。 zhèr de qì hòu huò Tái běi fēi cháng xiāng sì。
The climate here is like that of Taipei.
那一切意味看大量艰苦工作。 nà yī qiè yì wèi kàn dà liàng jiān kù gōng zuò。
It all amounts to a lot of hard work.
她委托邻居照顾她的孩子。 tā wěi tuō lín jū zhào gu tā de hái zi。
She resigned her children to the care of a neighbor.
如今,银行业面临许多竞争。 rú jīn, yín háng yè miàn lín xǔ duō jìng zhēng。
Banking faces much competition nowadays.
我们应该发扬革命传统。 wǒ men yīng gāi fā yáng gé mìng chuán tǒng。
We shall carry forward the revolutionary tradition.
这名士兵胸部受了重伤。 zhè míng shì bīng xiōng bù shòu le zhòng shāng。
The soldier received a serious wound on the chest.
她参加初级饭店经理课程。 tā cān jiā chū jí fàn diàn jīng lǐ kè chéng。
She attend a course for junior hotel manager.
你对那段距离的判断十分精确. nǐ duì nà duàn jù lí de pàn duàn shí fēn jīng què.
You judged the distance to a nicety.
我们应该发扬革命传统。 wǒ men yīng gāi fā yáng gé mìng chuán tǒng。
We shall carry forward the revolutionary tradition.
他一字不差地复述了您说的话。 tā yī zì bù cī de fù shù le nín shuō de huà。
He repeated what you said word for word.
冷天出门时要披上披肩。 lěng tiān chū mén shí yào pī shàng pī jiān。
You should put a robe on if you go out in a cold day.
无论发生什么事都要保持冷静。 wú lùn fā shēng shén me shì dōu yào bǎo chí lěng jìng。
Keep calm, whatever happens.
我只在特殊场合穿高跟鞋。 wǒ zhǐ zài tè shū chǎng hé chuān gāo gēn xié。
I only wear high heels on special occasions.
这种理论与已知事实不符。 zhè zhǒng lǐ lùn yù yǐ zhī shì shí bù fú。
This theory is at variance with the known facts.
两块田之间有一条树木带。 liǎng kuài tián zhī jiān yǒu yī tiáo shù mù dài。
A belt of trees grew between the two fields.
他的传记就是一部科研记实. tā de zhuàn jì jiù shì yī bù kē yán jì shí.
His biography is a saga of scientific research.
我决定不再追查那事. wǒ jué dìng bù zài zhuī chá nà shì.
I have decided not to pursue (ie investigate) the matter any further.
预料今天下午有零星阵雨。 yù liào jīn tiān xià wǔ yǒu líng xīng zhèn yǔ。
Scattered showers are expected this afternoon.
我喜欢风景画,不喜欢静物画。 wǒ xǐ huan fēng jǐng huà, bù xǐ huan jìng wù huà。
I prefer landscape to still life.
只有人类才具有说话的能力。 zhǐ yǒu rén lèi cái jù yǒu shuō huà de néng lì。
Only human beings are capable of speech.
他生病以来胃口就不大好。 tā shēng bìng yǐ lái wèi kǒu jiù bú dà hào。
He’s been a bit off his oats since his illness.
他伯伯特别喜爱他. tā bó bo tè bié xǐ ài tā.
He is a favourite with his uncle/a favourite of his uncle’s/his uncle’s favourite.
我们国家有充足的食物供应。 wǒ men guó jiā yǒu chōng zú de shí wù gōng yìng。
Our country has a bountiful supply of food.
他们充分利用旅馆的设备. tā men chōng fèn lì yòng lu:3 guǎn de shè bèi.
They took full advantage of the hotel’s facilities.
卫生当局正调查这件事. wèi shēng dāng jú zhèng diào chá zhè jiàn shì.
The health authorities are investigating the matter.
听相同的故事是令人厌烦的。 tìng xiāng tóng de gù shì shì lìng rén yàn fán de。
It is boring to listen to the same story.
大多数国家使用十进制货币。 dà duō shù guó jiā shǐ yòng shí jìn zhì huò bì。
Most countries have a decimal currency.
该领事馆已升格为大使馆. gāi lǐng shì guǎn yǐ shēng gé wèi dà shǐ guǎn.
The consulate was upgraded to embassy status.
他再试一次,竟然还是失败。 tā zài shì yī cì, jìng rán hái shì shī bài。
He tried a second time only to fail again.
我们应当采取措施制止战争。 wǒ men yīng dāng cǎi qǔ cuò shī zhì zhǐ zhàn zhēng。
We should take steps to prevent war.
这首诗表现出强烈的激情。 zhè shǒu shī biǎo xiàn chū qiáng liè de jī qíng。
The poem showed great intensity of feeling.
抓紧绳子, 否则你会跌下来的。 zhuā jǐn shéng zi, fǒu zé nǐ kuài diē xia lai de。
Get hold of the rope or you will fall.
她远远地离开故乡在外地生活。 tā yuǎn yuǎn de lí kāi gù xiàng zài wài de shēng huó。
She lives a long way from home.
他们使用紫外线灯杀死害虫。 tā men shǐ yòng zǐ wài xiàn dēng shā sǐ hài chóng。
They use ultraviolet lamp to kill pests.
我痛恨铺张浪费的行政机关。 wǒ tòng hèn pù zhāng làng fèi de xíng zhèng jī guān。
I hate the prodigal administration.
他用无线电报把消息告诉我。 tā yòng wú xiàn diàn bào bǎ xiāo xi gào su wǒ。
He sent me the news by wireless telegraph.
首都在这个国家的最南端。 shǒu dū zài zhè gè guó jiā de zuì nán duān。
The capital is in the extreme south of the country.
蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉. mì fēng cài mì shí cháng shǐ huā shòu fěn.
Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.
主要重点放在法律和秩序上。 zhǔ yào zhòng diǎn fàng zài fǎ lu:4 huò zhì xù shàng。
Lay heavy stress on law and order.
他是大学足球代表队的球员。 tā shì dà xué zú qiú dài biǎo duì de qiú yuán。
He is a member of the varsity football team.
骄傲自大是他的一个缺点. jiāo ào zì dà shì tā de yī gè quē diǎn.
Arrogance is one of his less attractive characteristics.
黄油从冰箱中取出会变软. huáng yóu zòng bīng xiāng zhòng qǔ chū huì biàn ruǎn.
The butter will soften out of the fridge.
要乘飞机必须提前定位子。 yào chéng fēi jī bì xū tí qián dìng wèi zi。
To ride in an aeroplane you have to book in advance.
那两个情人只是偷偷地会面。 nà liǎng gè qíng rén zhǐ shì tōu tōu de huì miàn。
The two lovers had met only by stealth.
我党在南方有一大批拥护者. wǒ dǎng zài nán fāng yǒu yī dà pī yōng hù zhě.
Our party has a large following in the south.
有一次他大胆提出了自己的看法。 yǒu yī cì tā dà dǎn tí chū le zì jǐ de kàn fǎ。
Once he made bold to air his views.
我当时正把机密文件切碎。 wǒ dāng shí zhèng bǎ jī mì wén jiàn qiè suì。
I was shredding top-secret documents at that time.
她指导实习护士练习注射. tā zhǐ dǎo shí xí hù shi liàn xí zhù shè.
She instructed the trainee nurses in giving injections.
我们必须提高产量满足需求。 wǒ men bì xū tí gāo chǎn liàng mǎn zú xū qiú。
We must increase our output to meet demand.
今年物价没显出多大变化。 jīn nián wù jià mò xiǎn chū duō dà biàn huà。
Prices have not shown much variation this year.
他的健康状况时好时坏。 tā de jiàn kāng zhuàng kuàng shí hào shí huài。
There are fluctuations in the state of his health.
我不完全理解他离开的理由。 wǒ bù wán quán lǐ jiě tā lí kāi de lǐ yóu。
I don’t fully understand his reasons for leaving.
她的秘书处理她的一切约会。 tā de mì shū chǔ lǐ tā de yī qiè yuē huì。
Her secretary took care of all her appointments.
在美国存在长期失业问题。 zài Měi guó cún zài cháng qī shī yè wèn tí。
There is a chronic unemployment problem in America.
我们在花园里种了许多蔬菜。 wǒ men zài huā yuán lǐ zhòng le xǔ duō shū cài。
We’ve grown many vegetables in our garden.
他把箱子放在行李寄存处。 tā bǎ xiāng zǐ fàng zài xíng li jì cún chù。
He deposited the case in the left luggage office.
她在针织品部买了很多袜子。 tā zài zhēn zhī pǐn bù mǎi le hěn duō wà zi。
She bought many socks in the hosiery department.
海外贸易成为主要的项目。 hǎi wài mào yì chéng wéi zhǔ yào de xiàng mù。
The overseas trade has become the main project.
小船稳稳地顺著运河突突地航行. xiǎo chuán wěn wěn de shùn著 yùn hé tū tū de háng xíng.
The boat chugged along the canal.
他叫秘书把文件复制一份。 tā jiào mì shū bǎ wén jiàn fù zhì yī fèn。
He asked his secretary to make a copy of the document.
我们必须促进与邻国的贸易. wǒ men bì xū cù jìn yù lín guó de mào yì.
We must promote commerce with neighbouring countries.
我们的公司实行共同责任制. wǒ men de gōng sī shí xíng gòng tóng zé rèn zhì.
Our business is a joint/shared responsibility.
我被这个惊人的想法吸引住了。 wǒ bèi zhè gè jīng rén de xiǎng fǎ xī yǐn zhù le。
I was attracted by the striking idea.
今天早上我太太对我发脾气。 jīn tiān zǎo shang wǒ tài tai duì wǒ fà pí qì。
My wife was disagreeable to me this morning.
我奶奶对外国人抱有偏见。 wǒ nǎi nai duì wài guó rén bào yǒu piān jiàn。
My grandmother has a complex against foreigners.
只有少数人在这个岛上居住。 zhǐ yǒu shǎo shù rén zài zhè gè dǎo shàng jū zhù。
Only a few people inhabited the island.
资方和工会的谈判失败了。 zī fāng huò gōng huì de tán pàn shī bài le。
Talks between management and unions have collapsed.
市议会批准了这项建筑计划。 shì yì huì pī zhǔn le zhè xiàng jiàn zhù jì huà。
The city council approved the building plan.
我们需要有人来修理录音机。 wǒ men xū yào yǒu rén lái xiū lǐ lù yīn jī。
We needed someone to fix the tape recorder.
你的发音毛病是可以纠正的。 nǐ de fā yīn máo bìng shì kě yǐ jiū zhèng de。
Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied.
你的发音毛病是可以纠正的。 nǐ de fā yīn máo bìng shì kě yǐ jiū zhèng de。
Your faults of pronunciation can be remedied.
我最讨厌的是得参加这些会议. wǒ zuì tǎo yàn de shì de cān jiā zhè xie huì yì.
I loathe having to go to these conferences.
我证明他已经收到了你的钱。 wǒ zhèng míng tā yǐ jīng shōu dào le nǐ de qián。
I certify that he has received your money.
这件古老的家具是1700年制造的。 zhè jiàn gǔ lǎo de jiā jù shì1700 nián zhì zào de。
The antique furniture was made in 1700.
他们使用紫外线灯杀死害虫。 tā men shǐ yòng zǐ wài xiàn dēng shā sǐ hài chóng。
They use ultraviolet lamp to kill pests.
他把东西装进箱子里就动身了。 tā bǎ dōng xi zhuāng jìn xiāng zǐ lǐ jiù dòng shēn le。
He packed up his things and left.
公司想把总部设在北方. gōng sī xiǎng bǎ zǒng bù shè zài běi fāng.
The company wants to situate its headquarters in the north.
这一事故把汽车损坏得很厉害. zhè yī shì gù bǎ qì chē sǔn huài de hěn lì hai.
The accident did a lot of damage to the car.
我们关闭发动机开始滑行. wǒ men guān bì fā dòng jī kāi shǐ huá xíng.
We switched off the motor and started to drift (along).
不幸的小伙子啊, 他刚刚死了妻子. bù xìng de xiǎo huǒ zi a, tā gāng gang sǐ le qī zi.
Poor chap, his wife has just died.
老是唱反调的人批判地不同意的人 lǎo shi chàng fǎn tiáo de rén pī pàn de bù tóng yì de rén
One who critically disagrees.
艺术家巧妙地捕捉住她的笑容. yì shù jiā qiǎo miào de bǔ zhuō zhù tā de xiào róng.
The artist has caught her smile perfectly.
他非常疲劳, 很快就睡着了。 tā fēi cháng pí láo, hěn kuài jiù shuì zhāo le。
He was so tired that he fell asleep quickly.
我们可以把动物分成很多种类。 wǒ men kě yǐ bǎ dòng wù fèn chéng hěn duō zhǒng lèi。
We can group animals into many types.
图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 tú shū guǎn de shū shì àn kē mù fēn lèi de。
The books in the library are classified by subject.
编词典是一种极其吃力的苦差。 biān cí diǎn shì yī zhòng jí qí chī lì de kǔ cī。
Compiling a dictionary is an awful sweat.
蜜蜂采蜜时常使花受粉. mì fēng cài mì shí cháng shǐ huā shòu fěn.
Flowers are often fertilized by bees as they gather nectar.
她喜欢议论邻居们的是非长短。 tā xǐ huan yì lùn lín jū men de shì fēi cháng duǎn。
She loves to gossip to her neighbors.
这一误会引发了激烈的争论. zhè yī wù huì yǐn fā le jī liè de zhēng lùn.
Bitter arguments ensued from this misunderstanding.
风景优美,非文字所能形容。 fēng jǐng yōu měi, fēi wén zì suǒ néng xíng róng。
The scenery is too beautiful for words.
他在马路对面向我招手致意。 tā zài mǎ lù duì miàn xiàng wǒ zhāo shǒu zhì yì。
He beckoned to me from across the street.
我不好意思告诉她我不及格。 wǒ bù hǎo yì si gào su tā wǒ bù jí gé。
I was too ashamed to tell her that I had failed.
政府的政策开始发挥作用了. zhèng fǔ de zhèng cè kāi shǐ fā huī zuò yòng le.
The government’s policies are beginning to tell.
他尽管有病,还是可以上课。 tā jǐn guǎn yǒu bìng, hái shì kě yǐ shàng kè。
He is not so sick but he can attend a class.
他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。 tā de ér zi shì qí bīng tuán de yī míng zhàn shì。
His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment.
这所中学大约有300个学生。 zhè suǒ zhōng xué dà yuē yǒǔ00 gè xué sheng。
There are 300 students or so in this middle school.
我觉得我没有受到公正的对待。 wǒ jué de wǒ méi yǒu shòu dào gōng zhèng de duì dài。
I felt I hadn’t been treated fairly.
这所小学附属于一所大学。 zhè suǒ xiǎo xué fù shǔ yú yī suǒ dà xué。
This elementary school is affiliated to a university.
我建议你打听一下这项工作。 wǒ jiàn yì nǐ dǎ ting yī xià zhè xiàng gōng zuò。
I recommend that you inquire about the job.
真抱歉给你添了这么多麻烦。 zhēn bào qiàn jǐ nǐ tiān le zhè me duō má fan。
I am so sorry to give you not a little trouble.
观点十分明确, 无须解释. guān diǎn shí fēn míng què, wú xū jiě shì.
The proposition is so clear that it needs no explanation.
他的建议遭到某种程度的反对。 tā de jiàn yì zāo dào mǒu zhǒng chéng dù de fǎn duì。
His suggestion met with some hostility.
他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。 tā bì yè yú yī suǒ gōng yì měi shù xué xiào。
He graduated from a school of crafts and arts.
通过这条很滑的路并不容易。 tōng guò zhè tiáo hěn huá de lù bìng bù róng yì。
Negotiation of the slippery road was not easy.
我不完全理解他离开的理由。 wǒ bù wán quán lǐ jiě tā lí kāi de lǐ yóu。
I don’t fully understand his reasons for leaving.
由于他的参与,我们赢了比赛。 yóu yú tā de cān yù, wǒ men yíng le bǐ sài。
We win the game because of his participation.
盆子和锅在厨房里碰击作响。 pén zi huò guō zài chú fáng lǐ pèng jī zuò xiǎng。
Pots and pans were clattering in the kitchen.
这种做法不符合我们的政策. zhè zhǒng zuò fǎ bù fú hé wǒ men de zhèng cè.
Such an act would not be in accord with our policy.
他毕业于一所工艺美术学校。 tā bì yè yú yī suǒ gōng yì měi shù xué xiào。
He graduated from a school of crafts and arts.
那个胖子经常大吃甜食。 nèi gè pàng zi jīng cháng dà chī tián sì。
The fat man gorged himself constantly with enormous desserts.
血液中有红和白两种血球。 xuè yè zhòng yǒu hóng huò bái liǎng zhòng xuè qiú。
There are red and white corpuscles in blood.
你能解答那个问题真是聪明。 nǐ néng jiě dá nèi gè wèn tí zhēn shì cōng míng。
It was clever of you to solve the problem.
她的书法有了明显的进步。 tā de shū fǎ yǒu le míng xiǎn de jìn bù。
There’s been a noticeable improvement in her handwriting.
看到动物受痛苦是很难受的。 kàn dào dòng wù shòu tòng kǔ shì hěn nán shòu de。
A suffering animal is a distressing sight.
我们全靠自己完成了这项工作。 wǒ men quán kào zì jǐ wán chéng le zhè xiàng gōng zuò。
We finished the job all by ourselves.
他大学时的专业是国际贸易。 tā dà xué shí de zhuān yè shì guó jì mào yì。
He majored in international commerce in college.
我一文不名,因此不能付钱给你。 wǒ yī wén bù míng, yīn cǐ bù néng fù qián jǐ nǐ。
I haven’t a bean, so I can’t pay you.
房间里发出一片兴奋的嚷嚷声。 fáng jiān lǐ fā chū yī piàn xīng fèn de rǎng rǎng shēng。
The room buzzed with excitement.
别把镜头弄脏了, 我刚刚擦过. biè bǎ jìng tóu nòng zāng le, wǒ gāng gang cā guò.
Don’t smear the lens; I’ve just polished it.
剧场的地板斜度太大了一点。 jù chǎng de dì bǎn xié dù tài dà le yī diǎn。
The rake of the theater floor is a bit too steep.
降低失业率应是头等大事。 jiàng dī shī yè lu:4 yìng shì tóu děng dà shì。
The reduction of unemployment should be paramount.
这件古老的家具是1700年制造的。 zhè jiàn gǔ lǎo de jiā jù shì1700 nián zhì zào de。
The antique furniture was made in 1700.
没有任何事能扰乱他平静的心绪. méi yǒu rèn hé shì néng rǎo luàn tā píng jìng de xīn xù.
Nothing disturbs his equanimity.
敌人以强大的军队围困城市。 dí rén yǐ qiáng dà de jūn duì wéi kùn chéng shì。
The enemy beset the city with a strong army.
当地人选举了六名立法委员。 dāng dì rén xuǎn jǔ le liù míng lì fǎ wěi yuán。
Six legislators were elected by local people.
把这句子的各个成分加以分析. bǎ zhè jù zi de gè ge chéng fèn jiā yǐ fēn xī.
Analyse the sentence into its constituent parts.
这些年他的性格已大大成熟。 zhè xie nián tā de xìng gé yǐ dà dà chéng shú。
His character has greatly matured in the years.
我不会把我的钱投资到他的公司。 wǒ bù huì bǎ wǒ de qián tóu zī dào tā de gōng sī。
I won’t invest my money in his company.
你的拒绝让我感到十分为难。 nǐ de jù jué ràng wǒ gǎn dào shí fēn wéi nán。
Your refusal puts me in an awkward predicament.
该领导人受到了首相的接见. gāi lǐng dǎo rén shòu dào le shǒu xiàng de jiē jiàn.
The chief was received by the Prime Minister.
明亮的灯光刺痛了我的眼睛。 míng liàng de dēng guāng cì tòng le wǒ de yǎn jīng。
The light hurt my eyes with its brightness.
这些票的有效期只有一个月。 zhè xie piào de yǒu xiào qī zhǐ yǒu yī gè yuè。
These tickets are available for one month only.
士兵已训练得绝对服从命令. shì bīng yǐ xùn liàn de jué duì fú cóng mìng lìng.
Soldiers are trained to obey without question.
自从他是小孩时,他就喜欢狗。 zì cóng tā shì xiǎo hái shí, tā jiù xǐ huan gǒu。
He has liked dogs since he was a child.
我跑过的最长的距离是十英里. wǒ pǎo guò de zuì cháng de jù lí shì shí yīng lǐ.
The farthest distance I’ve run is ten miles.
那次宴会很轻松, 随随便便. nà cì yàn huì hěn qīng sōng, suí suí biàn pián.
The dinner was a relaxed, unceremonious occasion.
我们必须遵守这个国家的法规。 wǒ men bì xū zūn shǒu zhè gè guó jiā de fǎ guī。
We must obey the statutes in this country.
人举不起这样的重量. rén jǔ bù qǐ zhè yàng de zhòng liàng.
It is not humanly possible (ie A human is not able) to lift the weight.
我累了就无法集中精力工作。 wǒ lèi le jiù wú fǎ jí zhōng jīng lì gōng zuò。
I can’t concentrate on my work when I’m tired.
士兵们背起行装,继续前进。 shì bīng men bèi qǐ xìng zhuāng, jì xù qián jìn。
The soldiers shouldered their kit and moved on.
我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。 wǒ yī kàn jiàn mào yān, jiù fā chū le jǐng bào。
I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.
这完全是你力所能及的工作。 zhè wán quán shì nǐ lì suǒ néng jí de gōng zuò。
This is a task well within your ability.
他指出地球是围绕太阳转的. tā zhǐ chū dì qiú shì wéi rǎo tài yáng zhuàn de.
He taught that the earth revolves around the sun.
通电时线圈就会有磁性。 tōng diàn shí xiàn quān jiù kuài yǒu cí xìng。
The loop becomes magnetic when the current is switched on.
马感觉到了危险,于是停了下来。 mǎ gǎn jué dào le wēi xiǎn, yú shì tíng le xia lai。
The horse sensed danger and stopped.
现在激光可以用来做手术。 xiàn zài jī guāng kě yǐ yòng lái zuò shǒu shù。
Lasers can be used to perform operations nowadays.
有人通知他到司令部去报到。 yǒu rén tōng zhī tā dào sī lìng bù qù bào dào。
He was told to report himself to headquarters.
他们拣拾木柴以补充煤的不足. tā men jiǎn shí mù chái yǐ bǔ chōng méi de bù zú.
They eked out their coal by collecting firewood.
他要在春节期间拜访叔叔。 tā yào zài chūn jié qī jiān bài fǎng shū shu。
He is to visit his uncle during the Spring Festival.
就她的年龄来说, 她是够活跃的. jiù tā de nián líng lái shuō, tā shì gòu huó yuè de.
She’s very active, considering her age.
这本书描述了一个演员的一生。 zhè běn shū miáo shù le yī gè yǎn yuán de yī shēng。
The book portrays the life of an actor.
班长把试卷分发给同学们。 bān zhǎng bǎ shì juàn fēn fā jǐ tóng xué men。
The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates.
我得承认, 我不喜欢现代音乐。 wǒ de chéng rèn, wǒ bù xǐ huan xiàn dài yīn yuè。
I have to admit to a dislike for modern music.
班长把试卷分发给同学们。 bān zhǎng bǎ shì juàn fēn fā jǐ tóng xué men。
The monitor handed the papers out to the classmates.
我们必须避免无谓的重复劳动. wǒ men bì xū bì miǎn wú wèi de chóng fù láo dòng.
We must avoid wasteful duplication of effort.
注意你的举止, 别闹出笑话来。 zhù yì nǐ de jǔ zhǐ, biè nào chū xiào huà lái。
Behave yourself; don’t make a fool of yourself.
我经常在树林里呼吸新鲜空气。 wǒ jīng cháng zài shù lín lǐ hū xī xīn xiān kōng qì。
I always imbibe fresh air in the woods.
钓鱼的人渡水到河中央去了. diào yú de rén dù shuǐ dào hé zhōng yāng qù le.
The angler waded (out) into the middle of the river.
医生给她注射以减轻疼痛. yī shēng jǐ tā zhù shè yǐ jiǎn qīng téng tòng.
The doctor gave her an injection to alleviate the pain.
他非但不用功,反而到处鬼混。 tā fēi dàn bù yòng gōng, fǎn ér dào chù guǐ hùn。
Far from working hard, he played around.
以上各点均包括在建议中. yǐ shàng gè diǎn jūn bāo kuò zài jiàn yì zhòng.
The foregoing have all been included in the proposals.
由于各种原因,我不愿见他。 yóu yú gè zhǒng yuán yīn, wǒ bù yuàn xiàn tā。
For various reasons I’d prefer not to meet him.
冰太薄,承受不住你们的重量。 bīng tài bò, chéng shòu bú zhù nǐ men de zhòng liàng。
The ice is too thin to bear your weight.
这个小女孩不太善于做加法。 zhè gè xiǎo nu:3 hái bù tài shàn yú zuò jiā fǎ。
The little girl is not very clever at addition.
请把我的信件转到我的新地址。 qǐng bǎ wǒ de xìn jiàn zhuàn dào wǒ de xīn dì zhǐ。
Please forward my mail to my new address.
这些学生很尊敬他们的老师。 zhè xie xué sheng hěn zūn jìng tā men de lǎo shī。
These students have reverence for their teacher.
你和我属于不同的政治阵营。 nǐ huò wǒ shǔ yú bù tóng de zhèng zhì zhèn yíng。
You and I belong to different political camps.
她不肯帮忙,事情就更难办了。 tā bù kěn bāng máng, shì qing jiù gèng nàn bàn le。
Her refusal to help complicates matters.
他的花白的头发显示出了他的年龄。 tā de huā bái de tóu fa xiǎn shì chū le tā de nián líng。
His hoary hair showed his age.
谁都无法形容这景色的美丽。 shéi dōu wú fǎ xíng róng zhè jǐng sè de měi lì。
There is no describing the beauty of the scene.
他己被悄悄地免掉主任的职务。 tā jǐ bèi qiāo qiāo de miǎn diào zhǔ rèn de zhí wù。
He has been quietly booted out as chief.
他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。 tā de ér zi shì qí bīng tuán de yī míng zhàn shì。
His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment.
她把一张白纸插入打字机里。 tā bǎ yī zhāng bái zhǐ chā rù dǎ zì jī lǐ。
She inserted a new sheet of paper into the typewriter.
那个项目的改造已经完成。 nèi gè xiàng mù de gǎi zào yǐ jīng wán chéng。
The transformation of that project has been finished.
这位教授目前正在写一本书。 zhè wèi jiào shòu mù qián zhèng zài xiě yī běn shū。
The professor is presently writing a book.
法官劝告他改变生活方式。 fǎ guān quàn gào tā gǎi biàn shēng huó fāng shì。
The judge advised him to amend his way of living.
他非但不用功,反而到处鬼混。 tā fēi dàn bù yòng gōng, fǎn ér dào chù guǐ hùn。
Far from working hard, he played around.
别把秘密告诉他,他的嘴不严。 biè bǎ mì mì gào su tā, tā de zuǐ bù yán。
Never tell him a secret; he’s got a loose tongue.
打开窗户,让新鲜的空气进来。 dǎ kāi chuāng hu, ràng xīn xiān de kōng qì jìn lái。
Open the window and let in some fresh air.
他们表示有签订合同的意愿。 tā men biǎo shì yǒu qiān dìng hé tong de yì yuàn。
They showed a disposition to sign the contract.
他顺便提到他有一辆新汽车。 tā shùn biàn tí dào tā yǒu yī liàng xīn qì chē。
He mentioned in passing that he had a new car.
那小女孩把鼻子贴在窗户上。 nà xiǎo nu:3 hái bǎ bí zi tiē zài chuāng hu shàng。
The child pressed her nose against the window.
据说他已经成为一名党员了。 jù shuō tā yǐ jīng chéng wéi yī míng dǎng yuán le。
It is said that he has became a Party member.
这个国家原料大部分靠进口. zhè gè guó jiā yuán liào dà bù fen kào jìn kǒu.
The country has to import most of its raw materials.
一个人的衣著可反映出其个性. yī gè rén de yì著 kě fǎn yìng chū qí gè xìng.
Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.
我一文不名,因此不能付钱给你。 wǒ yī wén bù míng, yīn cǐ bù néng fù qián jǐ nǐ。
I haven’t a bean, so I can’t pay you.
他指向远处地平线上的一座塔. tā zhǐ xiàng yuǎn chù de píng xiàn shàng de yī zuò tǎ.
He pointed to a tower on the distant horizon.
这个学期他选修了泛读课程。 zhè gè xué qī tā xuǎn xiū le fàn dú kè chéng。
He selected an extensive reading course this term.
他们站在那,互相怒视着对方。 tā men zhàn zài nà, hù xiāng nù shì zhuó duì fāng。
They stood there, glaring at each other.
工会被迫稍稍改变立场。 gōng huì bèi pò shāo shāo gǎi biàn lì chǎng。
The union has been forced to slightly modify its position.
工程师奋力进行修桥工作. gōng chéng shī fèn lì jìn xíng xiū qiáo gōng zuò.
The engineers set to on repair work to the bridge.
警方无法确定当时他在哪里. jǐng fāng wú fǎ què dìng dāng shí tā zài nǎ li.
The police can’t establish where he was at the time.
这个决定受他情绪的影响。 zhè gè jué dìng shòu tā qíng xù de yǐng xiǎng。
The decision was affected by his fluctuation of mood.
他们估计参观者人数为1000万。 tā men gū jì cān guān zhě rén shù wèī000 wàn。
They estimated the number of visitors at 10 million.
他们只用天然颜料染毛织品。 tā men zhǐ yòng tiān rán yán liào rǎn máo zhī pǐn。
They used only natural pigments to dye the wool.
他只是短期外出–至多一周. tā zhǐ shì duǎn qī wài chū– zhì duō yī zhōu.
He’s only away for short periods a week at the longest.
我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。 wǒ bǎ dǎ suì de pán zi zàng zài cān zhuō hòu mian le。
I hid the broken plate behind the table.
新鲜空气和运动有益于健康。 xīn xiān kōng qì huò yùn dòng yǒu yì yú jiàn kāng。
Fresh air and exercise are good for the health.
很多士兵因为缺少粮食死去。 hěn duō shì bīng yīn wèi quē shǎo liáng shi sǐ qù。
Many soldiers died because of dearth of food.
我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。 wǒ bǎ dǎ suì de pán zi zàng zài cān zhuō hòu mian le。
I hid the broken plate behind the table.
供求规律决定商品的价格. gōng qiú guī lu:4 jué dìng shāng pǐn de jià gé.
The law of supply and demand governs the prices of goods.
这个商人说服我买了他的货物。 zhè gè shāng rén shuō fú wǒ mǎi le tā de huò wù。
This trader persuaded me into buying his goods.
我们很快就超过那些跑得慢的人. wǒ men hěn kuài jiù chāo guò nà xiē pǎo de màn de rén.
We soon outstripped the slower runners.
这张地图上的红线代表铁路。 zhè zhāng dì tú shàng de hóng xiàn dài biǎo tiě lù。
The red lines on the map represent railways.
我可以闻到雨后鲜花的清香。 wǒ kě yǐ wén dào yǔ hòu xiān huā de qīng xiāng。
I can smell the fragrance of flowers after showers.
他为他出身于名门望族而骄傲。 tā wèi tā chū shēn yú míng mén wàng zú ér jiāo ào。
He was proud of his impeccable pedigree.
他只能靠微薄的收入来养家。 tā zhǐ néng kào wéi bó de shōu rù lái yǎng jiā。
He had to support his family with his meager income.
那个人具备领导民众的才能。 nèi gè rén jù bèi lǐng dǎo mín zhòng de cái néng。
The man had the quality for leading the people.
这个地图集是由我们公司出版的。 zhè gè dì tú jí shì yóu wǒ men gōng sī chū bǎn de。
The atlas was published by our company.
你必须提前两小时到达机场。 nǐ bì xū tí qián liǎng xiǎo shí dào dá jī chǎng。
You must arrive at the airport two hours early.
他鼓起全部的勇气参加比赛。 tā gǔ qǐ quán bù de yǒng qì cān jiā bǐ sài。
He mustered all his courage to take part in the game.
委员会打算休会几个星期。 wěi yuán huì dǎ suàn xiū huì jǐ ge xīng qī。
The committee is going into recess for a couple of weeks.
秋天比任何季节都适合读书。 qiū tiān bì rèn hé jì jié dōu shì hé dú shū。
Autumn is better for reading than any other season.
厨房的面积是12平方米. chú fáng de miàn ji shì12 píng fāng mǐ.
The kitchen is 12 square metres in area/has an area of 12 square metres.
尽管他帮助过我,可是我还是恨他。 jǐn guǎn tā bāng zhù guò wǒ, kě shì wǒ hái shì hèn tā。
I hate him albeit he helped me.
我经常在树林里呼吸新鲜空气。 wǒ jīng cháng zài shù lín lǐ hū xī xīn xiān kōng qì。
I always imbibe fresh air in the woods.
我的汽车遇到事故,但毫无损坏。 wǒ de qì chē yù dào shì gù, dàn háo wú sǔn huài。
My car is none the worse for the accident.
可以逼人服从, 却无法逼人生爱. kě yǐ bī rén fú cóng, què wú fǎ bī rén shēng ài.
You can compel obedience, but not affection.
学生依次朗读他们各自的作业。 xué sheng yī cì lǎng dú tā men gè zi de zuò yè。
The pupils took turns in reading out their work.
我经常在树林里呼吸新鲜空气。 wǒ jīng cháng zài shù lín lǐ hū xī xīn xiān kōng qì。
I always imbibe fresh air in the woods.
油轮沉没了,石油污染了海面。 yóu lún chén mò le, shí yóu wū rǎn le hǎi miàn。
The tanker sank and the oil polluted the sea.
她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。 tā bǎ zì jǐ de dì yī běn shū xiàn jǐ le zhàng fu。
She dedicated her first book to her husband.
不合格的与标准或期望不符合的 bù hé gé de yù biāo zhǔn huò qī wàng bù fú hé de
Not measuring up to standards or expectations.
管子工对管道做了仔细的检查。 guǎn zi gōng duì guǎn dào zuò le zǐ xì de jiǎn chá。
The plumber made a careful check of the pipes.
大家纷纷向新娘新郎祝福. dà jiā fēn fēn xiàng xīn niáng xīn láng zhù fú.
Good wishes showered (down) on the bride and bridegroom.
他的左胳膊在一次事故中受伤了。 tā de zuǒ gē bo zài yī cì shì gù zhòng shòu shāng le。
His left arm was hurt in an accident.
他们拣拾木柴以补充煤的不足. tā men jiǎn shí mù chái yǐ bǔ chōng méi de bù zú.
They eked out their coal by collecting firewood.