Mandarin 20,000 Sentences_12 Flashcards
协议对双方具有约束力。 xié yì duì shuāng fāng jù yǒu yuē shù lì。
The agreement is binding on both parties.
这些圆珠笔零售价为70便士. zhè xie yuán zhū bǐ líng shòu jie wèi70 biàn shì.
These biros retail at/for 70p.
学校就位于镇子的外面。 xué xiào jiù wèi yú zhèn zi de wài mian。
The school is situated just outside the town.
与其说她善良不如说她单纯。 yǔ qí shuō tā shàn liáng bù rú shuō tā dān chún。
She is not so kind as simple.
我的助手将操纵录音机. wǒ de zhù shǒu jiàng cāo zòng lù yīn jī.
My assistant will operate the tape-recorder.
这座建筑物有旗子作装饰. zhè zuò jiàn zhù wù yǒu qí zi zuò zhuāng shì.
The building was decorated with flags.
他已经登上事业的顶峰。 tā yǐ jīng dēng shàng shì yè de dǐng fēng。
He has reached the pinnacle of his career.
封建贵族对人民很残酷。 fēng jiàn guì zú duì rén mín hěn cán kù。
The feudal barons were cruel to the people.
他对我的建议轻蔑地一笑。 tā duì wǒ de jiàn yì qīng miè de yī xiào。
He gave a scornful laugh at my proposal.
孩子们彼此的年龄很接近. hái zi men bǐ cǐ de nián líng hěn jiē jìn.
The children are close to each other in age.
一股巨浪从甲板上卷了过去。 yī gǔ jù làng zòng jiǎ bǎn shàng juàn le guò qu。
A huge wave swept over the deck.
我们一定要消灭恐怖主义。 wǒ men yī dìng yào xiāo miè kǒng bù zhǔ yì。
We are determined to smash terrorism.
血液在动脉血管中循环。 xuè yè zài dòng mài xuè guǎn zhòng xún huán。
The blood coursed through the arteries.
他觉得自己在逐步走向死亡。 tā jué de zì jǐ zài zhú bù zǒu xiàng sǐ wáng。
He saw himself dying by inches.
这次地震是个可怕的灾难。 zhè cì dì zhèn shì gè kě pà de zāi nàn。
The earthquake was a terrible catastrophe.
他申请延长签证有效期。 tā shēn qǐng yán cháng qiān zhèng yǒu xiào qī。
He asked for an extension of his visa.
他把他的成功归功于幸运。 tā bǎ tā de chéng gōng guī gōng yú xìng yùn。
He ascribes his success to good luck.
他们担心河流会发洪水。 tā men dān xīn hé liú kuài fà hóng shuǐ。
They were fearful that the river would flood.
现在改变方针是不明智的. xiàn zài gǎi biàn fāng zhēn shì bù míng zhì de.
It would be unwise to change tack now.
这间屋子陈设得简单朴素。 zhè jiàn wū zi chén shè de jiǎn dān pǔ sù。
The room was furnished in austere style.
你欠我的债可以慢慢还。 nǐ qiàn wǒ de zhài kě yǐ màn màn huán。
You can take your time to pay the debt you owe me.
她说的斯瓦希里语非常流利. tā shuō de sī wǎ xī lǐ yù fēi cháng liú lì.
She speaks Swahili with great fluency.
暴风雨的破坏力是巨大的。 bào fēng yǔ de pò huài lì shì jù dà de。
The destructive force of the storm is huge.
教幼儿需有极大的耐心。 jiào yòu ér xū yǒu jí dà de nài xīn。
Teaching little children takes infinite patience.
我感到浑身血液在沸腾。 wǒ gǎn dào hún shēn xuè yè zài fèi téng。
I could feel blood pulsing through my veins.
他一下子就猜中了谜底. tā yí xià zi jiù cāi zhòng le mí dǐ.
He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash.
那条街经常交通阻塞。 nà tiáo jiē jīng cháng jiāo tōng zǔ sè。
There is always traffic congestion in that street.
你应该继续保留著石油股份. nǐ yīng gāi jì xù bǎo liú著 shí yóu gǔ fèn.
You should hold on to your oil shares.
这个商店专门出售巧克力。 zhè gè shāng diàn zhuān mén chū shòu qiǎo kè lì。
This shop specializes in chocolates.
他在脑中权衡着这些想法。 tā zài nǎo zhòng quán héng zhuó zhè xie xiǎng fǎ。
He weighed the ideas in his mind.
她正把烟筒里的黑灰扫掉。 tā zhèng bǎ yān tǒng lǐ de hēi huī sào diào。
She is sweeping the soot off the chimney.
谨慎是那人性格的本质。 jǐn shèn shì nà rén xìng gé de běn zhì。
Caution is the essence of that man’s character.
造成死亡的直接原因不明. zào chéng sǐ wáng de zhí jiē yuán yīn bù míng.
The immediate cause of death is unknown.
他语气中带有威胁的口吻。 tā yǔ qì zhòng dài yǒu wēi xié de kǒu wěn。
A tone of menace entered into his voice.
那顶帽子上饰有彩色珠子。 nà dǐng mào zi shàng shì yǒu cǎi sè zhū zi。
The hat was decorated with colored beads.
他观察敏锐, 但是很少说话. tā guān chá mǐn ruì, dàn shì hěn shǎo shuō huà.
He observes keenly, but says little.
正发育的孩子必须睡眠充足. zhèng fā yù de hái zi bì xū shuì mián chōng zú.
A growing child needs plenty of sleep.
那个邮递员被一只恶狗咬了。 nèi gè yóu dì yuán bèi yī zhǐ wù gǒu yǎo le。
The postman was bitten by a fierce dog.
这本杂志登载优秀的小说。 zhè běn zá zhì dēng zài yōu xiù de xiǎo shuō。
This magazine published excellent stories.
每年春天河水把山谷淹没。 měi nián chūn tiān hé shuǐ bǎ shān gǔ yān mò。
Every spring the river floods the valley.
那个男人曾是个好色之徒。 nèi gè nán rén zēng shì gè hào shǎi zhī tú。
That man used to be a lascivious person.
这艘船被敌人的鱼雷击沉了。 zhè sōu chuán bèi dí rén de yú léi jī chén le。
The ship was sunk by an enemy torpedo.
我与其嫁给他,倒不如去死算了。 wǒ yǔ qí jià jǐ tā, dào bù rú qù sǐ suàn le。
I may as well die as marry him.
一场示威游行将要发生。 yī chǎng shì wēi yóu xíng jiāng yào fā shēng。
A disorderly demonstration will take place.
数学是研究纯数量的科学. shù xué shì yán jiū chún shù liàng de kē xué.
Mathematics is the science of pure quantity.
看日程表就使我头昏脑胀。 kàn rì chéng biǎo jiù shǐ wǒ tou hūn nǎo zhàng。
Look at my schedule make my head spin.
我在黑暗中摸索着门把手。 wǒ zài hēi àn zhòng mō suo zhuó mén bǎ shǒu。
I groped for the door handle in the dark.
他获得了这项发明的专利权。 tā huò dé le zhè xiàng fā míng de zhuān lì quán。
He got a patent for this invention.
桌子上的裂缝越变越宽。 zhuō zi shàng de liè fèng yuè biàn yuè kuān。
The cranny in the table became more and more wide.
他一拳就把对手打倒在地。 tā yī quán jiù bǎ duì shǒu dǎ dǎo zài de。
He laid his opponent low with a single punch.
他为阻止她作出了极大的努力。 tā wèi zǔ zhǐ tā zuò chū le jí dà de nǔ lì。
He made strenuous attempts to stop her.
珍最大的毛病是她的急性子。 zhēn zuì dà de máo bìng shì tā de jí xìng zi。
Jane’s worst fault is her quick temper.
警察是不允许接受酬金的。 jǐng chá shì bù yǔn xǔ jiē shòu chóu jīn de。
The police are not allowed to accept rewards.
直陈动词陈述语气中用的动词 zhí chén dòng cí chén shù yǔ qì zhòng yòng de dòng cí
A verb in the indicative mood.
超级市场销售各种货物。 chāo jí shì chǎng xiāo shòu gè zhǒng huò wù。
The supermarket sells goods of all descriptions.
她一生献身于研究舞蹈。 tā yī shēng xiàn shēn yú yán jiū wǔ dǎo。
Her whole life has been given to the study of dance.
阳光透过窗帘映了进来。 yáng guāng tòu guò chuāng lián yìng le jìn lái。
The sunlight filtered through the curtains.
他已经达到了他事业的顶峰。 tā yǐ jīng dá dào le tā shì yè de dǐng fēng。
He has reached the zenith of his career.
社会上的罪恶是值得思考的。 shè huì shàng de zuì è shì zhí de sī kǎo de。
The society’s evils are worth meditative.
信中夹钞票最好寄挂号. xìn zhòng jiá chāo piào zuì hǎo jì guà hào.
It’s wise to register letters containing banknotes.
气候潮湿,把书都霉坏了。 qì hòu cháo shī, bǎ shū dōu méi huài le。
The dampness of the climate decayed the books.
今天气温是华氏七十度。 jīn tiān qì wēn shì huà shì qī shí dù。
The temperature today is seventy degrees Fahrenheit.
他划了根火柴, 点著了导火索. tā huà le gēn huǒ chái, diǎn著 le dǎo huǒ suǒ.
He struck a match and ignited the fuse.
他们的狗把我的裤子咬了个窟窿。 tā men de gǒu bǎ wǒ de kù zi yǎo le gè kū long。
Their dog bit a hole in my trousers.
我们摸索着走过黑暗的街道。 wǒ men mō suo zhuó zǒu guò hēi àn de jiē dào。
We groped our way through the dark streets.
她的任务是感化过去的罪犯。 tā de rèn wu shì gǎn huà guò qu de zuì fàn。
Her mission was to reclaim former criminals.
我得把墙上的那条裂缝填补好. wǒ de bǎ qiáng shàng de nà tiáo liè fèng tián bǔ hào.
I must fill that crack in the wall.
他把一间屋子改建成了卧室。 tā bǎ yī jiàn wū zi gǎi jiàn chéng le wò shì。
He altered one of the rooms into a bedroom.
声波是根据其振幅来测量的. shēng bō shì gēn jù qí zhèn fú lái cè liàng de.
Sound waves are measured by their amplitude.
抽象派艺术要慢慢才会欣赏. chōu xiàng pài yì shù yào màn màn cái kuài xīn shǎng.
Abstract art is an acquired taste.
渡假者租了一艘船去钓鱼。 dù jià zhě zū le yī sōu chuán qù diào yú。
The holiday-makers chartered a boat to go fishing.
病人因出现并发症而死亡。 bìng rén yīn chū xiàn bìng fā zhèng ér sǐ wáng。
Complications set in, and the patient died.
他那么聪明,让我自愧不如。 tā nà me cōng míng, ràng wǒ zì kuì bù rú。
He’s so clever, he makes me feel inferior.
选择权已不在他们手中了。 xuǎn zé quán yǐ bù zài tā men shǒu zhòng le。
The choice is no longer in their disposition.
他身体的重量把树枝压弯了. tā shēn tǐ de zhòng liàng bǎ shù zhī yà wān le.
The branch began to give under his weight.
暴风雨来临时,天空转暗。 bào fēng yǔ lái lín shí, tiān kōng zhuàn àn。
The sky turned dark as the storm came near.
他们标明每艘船的新位置。 tā men biāo míng měi sōu chuán de xīn wèi zhi。
They plotted the new position of each vessel.
警察是不允许接受酬金的。 jǐng chá shì bù yǔn xǔ jiē shòu chóu jīn de。
The police are not allowed to accept rewards.
当地所有的牧师出席了仪式。 dāng dì suǒ yǒu de mù shī chū xí le yí shì。
All the local clergy attended the ceremony.
警察是不允许接受酬金的。 jǐng chá shì bù yǔn xǔ jiē shòu chóu jīn de。
The police are not allowed to accept rewards.
这个概念是她的理论的核心. zhè gè gài niàn shì tā de lǐ lùn de hé xīn.
This concept is at the very core of her theory.
他因缺少睡眠而两眼通红. tā yīn quē shǎo shuì mián ér liǎng yǎn tōng hóng.
His eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep.
警察正在调查这件谋杀案。 jǐng chá zhèng zài diào chá zhè jiàn móu shā àn。
The police are investigating the murder.
她垂下双目以避免对视。 tā chuí xià shuāng mù yǐ bì miǎn duì shì。
She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact.
他声称他可以使鬼魂现身. tā shēng chēng tā kě yǐ shǐ guǐ hún xiàn shēn.
He claimed that he could make ghosts materialize.
开会时气氛显得有些兴奋。 kāi huì shí qì fēn xiǎn de yǒu xiē xīng fèn。
There was an air of excitement at the meeting.
我们应该尊重婚姻的神圣。 wǒ men yīng gāi zūn zhòng hūn yīn de shén shèng。
We should respect the sanctity of marriage.
现代医学延长了人的寿命。 xiàn dài yī xué yán cháng le rén de shòu mìng。
Modern medicine has increased man’s life span.
太平洋是一片广大的水域。 tài píng yáng shì yī piàn guǎng dà de shuǐ yù。
The Pacific Ocean is a vast expanse of water.
病人因出现并发症而死亡。 bìng rén yīn chū xiàn bìng fā zhèng ér sǐ wáng。
Complications set in, and the patient died.
看样子要过一段寒潮天气。 kàn yàng zi yào guò yī duàn hán cháo tiān qì。
It looks as if we were in for a cold spell.
弓箭手向空中射出利箭。 gōng jiàn shǒu xiàng kōng zhōng shè chū lì jiàn。
The archers sent their shafts through the air.
我怀疑,不,我肯定他错了。 wǒ huái yí, bù, wǒ kěn dìng tā cuò le。
I suspect, nay, I am certain, that he is wrong.
他把口袋都塞满了糖果。 tā bǎ kǒu dài dōu sè mǎn le táng guǒ。
He crammed as much candy into his pockets as they would hold.
这位作家叙述了创作的过程. zhè wèi zuò jiā xù shù le chuàng zuò de guò chéng.
The writer described the creative process.
白喉是一种严重的传染病。 bái hóu shì yī zhòng yán zhòng de chuán rǎn bìng。
Diphtheria is a serious infectious disease.
他一觉醒来, 边打呵欠边伸懒腰. tā yī jué xǐng lái, biān dǎ hē qiàn biān shēn lǎn yāo.
He woke up, yawned and stretched.
她写了一本关于巴黎公社的书。 tā xiě le yī běn guān yú Bā lí gōng shè de shū。
She wrote a book on the Paris Commune.
人应当倾听自己的内心感觉。 rén yīng dāng qīng tīng zì jǐ de nèi xīn gǎn jué。
He should listen to his intimate feelings.
他吃掉了李子,并扔掉了果核。 tā jí diào le lǐ zǐ, bìng rēng diào le guǒ hé。
He ate the plum, and threw the core away.
寒霜冻死了我们的几株幼苗。 hán shuāng dòng sǐ le wǒ men de jǐ zhū yòu miáo。
Frost has killed several of our young plants.
这个炉具有几个温度定位挡。 zhè gè lú jù yǒu jǐ ge wēn dù dìng wèi dàng。
The cooker has several temperature settings.
宇航员有特殊的呼吸装置。 yǔ háng yuán yǒu tè shū de hū xī zhuāng zhì。
The astronauts have special breathing apparatus.
细菌能从许多途径侵入我们。 xì jūn néng zòng xǔ duō tú jìng qīn rù wǒ men。
The bacillus can attack us from many ways.
他们齐心协力为祖国战斗。 tā men qí xīn xié lì wèi zǔ guó zhàn dòu。
They fought for their motherland shoulder to shoulder.
她的作品充满了怀旧之情。 tā de zuò pǐn chōng mǎn le huái jiù zhī qíng。
Her work is pervaded by nostalgia for a past age.
他在家里度过了一个寂寞的夜晚。 tā zài jiā lǐ dù guò le yī gè jì mò de yè wǎn。
He spent a lonesome evening at home.
这部小说里的叙述比对话多. zhè bù xiǎo shuō lǐ de xù shù bì duì huà duō.
The novel contains more narrative than dialogue.
目前仍没有治愈感冒的良药。 mù qián réng méi yǒu zhì yù gǎn mào de liáng yào。
There is still no cure for the common cold.
他的描述很笼统, 用处不大. tā de miáo shù hěn lǒng tǒng, yòng chu bú dà.
His description was too general to be of much use.
混凝土墙是用钢筋加固的。 hùn níng tǔ qiáng shì yòng gāng jīn jiā gù de。
The concrete walls are reinforced with steel rods.
他打开了手电筒,寻找钥匙。 tā dǎ kāi le shǒu diàn tǒng, xún zhǎo yào shi。
He turned on the torch to look for his keys.
他看到那恐怖的情景吓呆了. tā kàn dào nà kǒng bù de qíng jǐng xià dāi le.
He stiffened (with terror) at the horrific sight.
推断出的明显结论是她有罪. tuī duàn chū de míng xiǎn jié lùn shì tā yǒu zuì.
It’s an obvious deduction that she is guilty.
酬金将与工作量成比例. chóu jīn jiàng yù gōng zuò liàng chéng bǐ lì.
Payment will be proportional to the amount of work done.
他们应该设法阻止价钱上涨。 tā men yīng gāi shè fǎ zǔ zhǐ jià qian shàng zhǎng。
They should try to keep prices from rising.
此风俗在有些村里至今犹存. cǐ fēng sú zài yǒu xiē cūn lǐ zhì jīn yóu cún.
The custom still lingers (on) in some villages.
他得罪了上司,于是被解雇了。 tā dé zuì le shàng si, yú shì bèi jiě gù le。
He offended his superior and then was fired.
这台仪器监听病人的心跳。 zhè tái yí qì jiàn tìng bìng rén de xīn tiào。
This instrument monitors the patient’s heartbeats.
东部地区处于东面的区域或地带 dōng bù dì qū chǔ yú dōng miàn de qū yù huò dì dài
An area or a region lying in the east.
这堆书晃了几下,然后就倒了。 zhè duī shū huàng le jǐ xià, rán hòu jiù dào le。
The piles of books tottered and then fell.
先生的学问博大精深。 xiān sheng de xué wèn bó dà jīng shēn。
The teacher had both extensive knowledge and profound scholarship.
她的懒丈夫成了她的一个包袱。 tā de lǎn zhàng fu chéng le tā de yī gè bāo fu。
Her lazy husband is a millstone round her neck.
黑暗会使他更加珍惜视力。 hēi àn kuài shǐ tā gèng jiā zhēn xī shì lì。
Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight.
群众迅速聚集在出事现场. qún zhòng xùn sù jù jí zài chū shì xiàn chǎng.
A crowd soon collected at the scene of the accident.
她酷似以前我认识的一个女孩。 tā kù sì yǐ qián wǒ rèn shi de yī gè nu:3 hái。
She’s a dead ringer for a girl I used to know.
对我来说,价格太高是一个障碍。 duì wǒ lái shuō, jià gé tài gāo shì yī gè zhàng ài。
The high price is a balk to me.
这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。 zhè liàng kǎ chē zuì dà zài zhòng liàng shì yī dùn。
The maximum load for this lorry is one ton.
熬几个晚上对任何人绝无害处. áo jǐ ge wǎn shang duì rèn hé rén jué wú hài chù.
A few late nights never did anyone any harm.
我设法弄来点材料搭个棚子. wǒ shè fǎ nòng lái diǎn cái liào dā gè péng zi.
I managed to scrounge the materials to build a shed.
大多数松木燃烧时都发出断裂声。 dà duō shù sōng mù rán shāo shí dōu fā chū duàn liè shēng。
Most pine snaps as it burns.
这是治疗烧伤和烫伤的药膏。 zhè shì zhì liáo shāo shāng huò tàng shāng de yào gào。
This is an ointment for burns and scalds.
这种物质能够溶解在酒精中。 zhè zhǒng wù zhì néng gòu róng jiě zài jiǔ jīng zhòng。
This substance is soluble in alcohol.
他向高脚酒杯里倒了一些葡萄酒。 tā xiàng gāo jué jiǔ bēi lǐ dào le yī xiē pú tao jiǔ。
He poured some wine into the goblet.
我很同情那些无家可归的人。 wǒ hěn tóng qíng nà xiē wú jiā kě guī de rén。
I have much sympathy with those homeless people.
他强调小心驾驶的重要性。 tā qiáng diào xiǎo xīn jià shǐ de zhòng yào xìng。
He emphasized the importance of careful driving.
他强调小心驾驶的重要性。 tā qiáng diào xiǎo xīn jià shǐ de zhòng yào xìng。
He emphasized the importance of careful driving.
他们的婚礼由当地牧师主持。 tā men de hūn lǐ yóu dāng dì mù shī zhǔ chí。
Their nuptials were performed by the local priest.
我们的要求的核心是言论自由。 wǒ men de yāo qiú de hé xīn shì yán lùn zì yóu。
The core of our appeal is freedom of speech.
暴雨中出现了好多次闪电。 bào yǔ zhòng chū xiàn le hǎo duō cì shǎn diàn。
There were many flashes of lightning during the storm.
那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。 nèi gè chāo xiě yuán xīn qín gōng zuò lái yǎng jiā。
The scribe worked hard to support his family.
爆炸的力量把塔炸得粉碎。 bào zhà de lì liang bǎ tǎ zhà de fěn suì。
The tower was blown to atoms by the force of the explosion.
她自豪地看著自己的工作成果. tā zì háo de kàn著 zì jǐ de gōng zuò chéng guǒ.
She looked with pride at the result of her work.
那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。 nèi gè chāo xiě yuán xīn qín gōng zuò lái yǎng jiā。
The scribe worked hard to support his family.
那狗一路跟在我身旁边喘边跑. nà gǒu yī lù gēn zài wǒ shēn páng biān chuǎn biān pǎo.
The dog panted along (the road) beside me.
这些武器是对世界和平的威胁。 zhè xie wǔ qì shì duì shì jiè hé píng de wēi xié。
These weapons are a menace to world peace.
她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。 tā yāo qiú zàn zhù què zāo dào cū bào jù jué。
Her request for a donation met with a rude repulse.
牛奶洒在地毯上弄得一塌糊涂. niú nǎi sǎ zài dì tǎn shàng nòng de yī tā hú tu.
The spilt milk made a terrible mess on the carpet.
她要求赞助却遭到粗暴拒绝。 tā yāo qiú zàn zhù què zāo dào cū bào jù jué。
Her request for a donation met with a rude repulse.
老板对他缓慢的进度不满意。 lǎo bǎn duì tā huǎn màn de jìn dù bù mǎn yì。
His boss was dissatisfied with his tardy progress.
胸痛可能是心脏病的症状。 xiōng tòng kě néng shì xīn zàng bìng de zhèng zhuàng。
Chest pains may be symptomatic of heart disease.
有迹象表明物价将上涨。 yǒu jī xiàng biǎo míng wù jià jiàng shàng zhǎng。
There are some indications that the prices will rise.
他详细列出全部被盗的财物。 tā xiáng xì liè chū quán bù bèi dào de cái wù。
He gave full particulars of the stolen property.
武士们冲进宫里保护国王。 wǔ shì men chōng jìn gōng lǐ bǎo hù guó wáng。
The cavaliers rushed into the palace to protect the king.
士兵们加强了他们的防御工事。 shì bīng men jiā qiáng le tā men de fáng yù gōng shì。
The soldiers strengthened their defenses.
我很惊讶你对他印象不佳。 wǒ hěn jīng yà nǐ duì tā yìn xiàng bù jiā。
I am surprised you got an unfavorable impression of him.
她是一个胸怀非常广阔的女子。 tā shì yī gè xiōng huái fēi cháng guǎng kuò de nu:3 zǐ。
She is a woman of great breadth of mind.
这家企业是信用证的申请者。 zhè jiā qǐ yè shì xìn yòng zhèng de shēn qǐng zhě。
The enterprise is an applicant of this credit.
他们通常不监禁初次犯罪的人。 tā men tōng cháng bù jiān jìn chū cì fàn zuì de rén。
They don’t usually imprison first offenders.
庆祝会的高潮是燃放烟火。 qìng zhù kuài de gāo cháo shì rán fàng yān huǒ。
The climax of the celebration was a firework display.
猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。 hóu zi tou xiàng xià dào guà zài shù zhī shàng。
The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch.
他过去的经历笼罩着神秘气氛。 tā guò qu de jīng lì lǒng zhào zhuó shén mì qì fēn。
His past is enveloped in a shroud of mystery.
他点燃了生日蛋糕上的小蜡烛。 tā diǎn rán le shēng rì dàn gāo shàng de xiǎo là zhú。
He lit the candles on the birthday cake.
他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产. tā zài yīng gé Lán xī nán bù yǒu yī chù fáng dì chǎn.
He has a property in the West Country.
你可以接通全国计算机网络。 nǐ kě yǐ jiē tōng quán guó jì suàn jī wǎng luò。
You can plug into the national computer network.
老师给全班同学朗诵这首诗歌。 lǎo shī jǐ quán bān tóng xué lǎng sòng zhè shǒu shī gē。
The teacher read the poem to the class.
我冒雨出去,结果被淋得湿透了。 wǒ mào yǔ chū qù, jié guǒ bèi lìn de shī tòu le。
I went out in the rain and got wet through.
这家剧院光顾者寡只好关闭。 zhè jiā jù yuàn guāng gù zhě guǎ zhǐ hǎo guān bì。
The theatre has had to close for lack of support.
牧师在船离港之前为其祝福。 mù shī zài chuán lí gǎng zhī qián wèi qí zhù fú。
The priest blessed the ship before it left port.
他们打扮得漂漂亮亮去参加聚会。 tā men dǎ bàn de piào piào liang liàng qù cān jiā jù huì。
They all spruced up for the party.
那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。 nèi gè chāo xiě yuán xīn qín gōng zuò lái yǎng jiā。
The scribe worked hard to support his family.
随便摘花的人会被罚款。 suí biàn zhāi huā de rén kuài bèi fá kuǎn。
They will impose a fine on anyone who should pick flowers at will.
请您放心,还款是有保障的。 qǐng nín fàng xīn, huán kuǎn shì yǒu bǎo zhàng de。
Please rest assured that repayment is ensured.
我们得想个办法阻止他和她来往。 wǒ men de xiǎng gè bàn fǎ zǔ zhǐ tā huò tā lái wǎng。
We must stop him from seeing her somehow.
潮湿的日子里,食物很容易发霉。 cháo shī de rì zi lǐ, shí wù hěn róng yì fà méi。
Foods are easily to be mouldy in humid days.
人们抵受不住酷热而纷纷倒下. rén men dǐ shòu bú zhù kù rè ér fēn fēn dào xià.
Men were dropping like flies in the intense heat.
一片片的锈从旧铁锅上落下。 yī piàn piàn de xiù zòng jiù tiě guō shàng luò xià。
Flakes of rust are falling from the old iron pan.
武士们冲进宫里保护国王。 wǔ shì men chōng jìn gōng lǐ bǎo hù guó wáng。
The cavaliers rushed into the palace to protect the king.
你放心好了, 本周末一定下雨. nǐ fàng xīn hào le, běn zhōu mò yī dìng xià yǔ.
You can rely upon it that it will rain this weekend.
乘火车的旅客要长时间受阻. chéng huǒ chē de lu:3 kè yào zhǎng shí jiān shòu zǔ.
There will be prolonged delays for rail travellers.
他在手上涂了些药膏来止痛。 tā zài shǒu shàng tú le xiē yào gào lái zhǐ tòng。
He smeared some balm on his hand to soothe the pain.
我们把码头工人罢工当作头条新闻 wǒ men bǎ mǎ tóu gōng rén bà gōng dàng zuò tóu tiáo xīn wén
We’ll lead with the dock strike.
科学家已经揭开了原子的秘密。 kē xué jiā yǐ jīng jiē kāi le yuán zǐ de mì mì。
Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom.
她也受到波及,但程度较轻。 tā yě shòu dào bō jí, dàn chéng dù jiào qīng。
She had also been affected, but to a lesser degree.
她并不因独自一人而稍有不悦. tā bìng bù yīn dú zì yī rén ér shāo yǒu bù yuè.
She wasn’t any (the) less happy for being on her own.
他给我看了一些空中拍摄的照片。 tā jǐ wǒ kàn le yī xiē kōng zhōng pāi shè de zhào piàn。
He showed me some aerial photographs.
他拐弯抹角地说她缺乏经验。 tā guǎi wān mò jué de shuō tā quē fá jīng yàn。
He made oblique references to her lack of experience.
警方正在追捕一名越狱的逃犯。 jǐng fāng zhèng zài zhuī bǔ yī míng yuè yù de táo fàn。
The police are pursuing an escaped prisoner.
那次宴会上有大量饮料供应。 nà cì yàn huì shàng yǒu dà liàng yǐn liào gōng yìng。
There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party.
政府试图阻止资源的减少。 zhèng fǔ shì tú zǔ zhǐ zī yuán de jiǎn shǎo。
The government tried to prevent the diminution of resources.
圣诞节我们度过了一个狂欢之夜。 Shèng dàn jié wǒ men dù guò le yī gè kuáng huān zhī yè。
We spent a riotous night at Christmas.
这只老虎拖着它的猎物进了丛林。 zhè zhǐ lǎo hǔ tuō zhuó tā de liè wù jìn le cóng lín。
The tiger dragged its kill into the jungle.
教义问答法常用于宗教教学。 jiào yì wèn dá fǎ cháng yòng yú zōng jiào jiào xué。
The catechism is used for religious instruction.
今日股票交投活跃, 价格看涨. jīn rì gǔ piào jiāo tóu huó yuè, jià gé kàn zhàng.
Share prices were buoyant today in active trading.
他因过早出院而使病情恶化. tā yīn guò zǎo chū yuàn ér shǐ bìng qíng è huà.
He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon.
财政部原则上反对这些提议。 cái zhèng bù yuán zé shàng fǎn duì zhè xie tí yì。
The Treasury was opposed in principle to the proposals.
达成和平协定的概率是零。 dá chéng hé píng xié dìng de gài lu:4 shì líng。
The probability of a peace agreement being reached is zero.
她把食物和饮料放在客人面前。 tā bǎ shí wù huò yǐn liào fàng zài kè ren miàn qián。
She set the foods and drink before the guest.
他们对她的外表横加粗暴的评论。 tā men duì tā de wài biǎo hèng jiā cū bào de píng lùn。
They made rude remarks about her appearance.
婴儿把吃进去的东西吐在桌子上了. yīng ér bǎ jí jìn qù de dōng xi tù zài zhuō zi shàng le.
The baby spat its food (out) onto the table.
政府对这次罢工的镇压失败了。 zhèng fǔ duì zhè cì bà gōng de zhèn yā shī bài le。
The government’s repression of the strike failed.
是用两幅布料拼成的这个帘子. shì yòng liǎng fú bù liào pīn chéng de zhè gè lián zi.
Two widths of cloth were joined to make the curtain.
公共汽车开过时溅了我一身泥。 gōng gòng qì chē kāi guò shí jiàn le wǒ yī shēn nì。
As the bus passed, it spattered mud on my clothes.
我们初次见面时相互打量了一番. wǒ men chū cì jiàn miàn shí xiāng hù dǎ liang le yī pān.
We sized each other up at our first meeting.
这几页都粘在一起了–我揭不开. zhè jǐ yè dōu zhān zài yī qǐ le– wǒ jiē bù kāi.
These pages are stuck together I can’t pull them apart.
他心脏停止了跳动, 随即死亡. tā xīn zàng tíng zhǐ le tiào dòng, suí jí sǐ wáng.
His heart stopped beating and he died soon afterwards.
入侵的军队将该城镇掠夺一空。 rù qīn de jūn duì jiàng gāi chéng zhèn lu:è duó yī kòng。
The town was pillaged by the invading army.
画家要求模特取斜倚着的姿势。 huà jiā yāo qiú mó tè qǔ xié yǐ zhuó de zī shì。
The artist asked his model to take a reclining posture.
哼一哼你喜爱的曲子的开头几个小节. hng yī hng nǐ xǐ ài de qǔ zi de kāi tóu jǐ ge xiǎo jié.
Hum the opening bars of your favourite tune.
西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而著称. xī bān yá zēng yǐ qí qiáng dà de jiàn duì ér著 chèng.
Spain used to be famous for its strong armada.
水从冷凝器流出,流入灰浆室。 shuǐ zòng lěng níng qì liú chū, liú rù huī jiàng shì。
Water flows from the condenser to the ash room.
这只老虎拖着它的猎物进了丛林。 zhè zhǐ lǎo hǔ tuō zhuó tā de liè wù jìn le cóng lín。
The tiger dragged its kill into the jungle.
菠菜豆腐是我最爱吃的一种菜。 bō cài dòu fu shì wǒ zuì ài jí de yī zhòng cài。
Spinach with bean curd is one of my favourite dishes.
他喝酒过多, 身体逐渐衰弱了. tā hē jiǔ guò duō, shēn tǐ zhú jiàn shuāi ruò le.
He started to drink too much and gradually ran to seed.
由衷的称赞可鼓舞一个人的精神。 yóu zhōng de chēng zàn kě gǔ wǔ yī gè rén de jīng shén。
A sincere compliment boosts one’s morale.
你离家不归, 你母亲极为伤心. nǐ lí jiā bù guī, nǐ mǔ qīn jí wéi shāng xīn.
Your mother is very grieved by your refusal to return home.
她姿色迷人,因而评委都偏向她。 tā zī sè mí rén, yīn ér píng wěi dōu piān xiàng tā。
Her charm prejudiced the judges in her favour.
这副马蹄铁该换了,都磨光了。 zhè fù mǎ tí tiě gāi huàn le, dōu mò guāng le。
This pair of horseshoes has to be changed; it’s worn out.
这种建筑风格让我感到很压抑。 zhè zhǒng jiàn zhù fēng gé ràng wǒ gǎn dào hěn yā yì。
This kind of architectural style depresses me.
他掀起垫子把钥匙悄悄放在下面. tā xiān qǐ diàn zǐ bǎ yào shi qiǎo qiǎo fàng zài xià mian.
He lifted the mat and slid the key under (it).
博物馆展出了许多出土文物。 bó wù guǎn zhǎn chū le xǔ duō chū tǔ wén wù。
Many unearthed cultural relics were exhibited at the museum.
用绳子穿著的旗子横悬在街道上. yòng shéng zi chuān著 de qí zi hèng xuán zài jiē dào shàng.
Flags had been strung up across the street.
神父把圣水洒在婴儿的额头上. shén fù bǎ shèng shuǐ sǎ zài yīng ér de é tóu shàng.
The priest sprinkled holy water on the baby’s forehead.
浮冰对这一带的航运是一种威胁. fú bīng duì zhè yī dài de háng yùn shì yī zhòng wēi xié.
Ice-floes are a threat to shipping in the area.
我的邻居是一个具有高尚品德的人。 wǒ de lín jū shì yī gè jù yǒu gāo shàng pǐn dé de rén。
My neighbor is a man of highest virtue.
她觉得没有汽车并非重大缺憾. tā jué de méi yǒu qì chē bìng fēi zhòng dà quē hàn.
She didn’tfind the lack of a car any great privation.
他们中大多数侨民是爱国主义者。 tā men zhòng dà duō shù qiáo mín shì ài guó zhǔ yì zhě。
Most emigrants among them are patriots.
无线电通讯已消除了空间的阻隔。 wú xiàn diàn tōng xùn yǐ xiāo chú le kōng jiān de zǔ gé。
Radio communication has annihilated space.
请你把废物扔到预备好的垃圾箱里. qǐng nǐ bǎ fèi wù rēng dào yù bèi hǎo de垃圾 xiāng lǐ.
Please put your litter in the bin provided.
专家已经确认了该画是真迹。 zhuān jiā yǐ jīng què rèn le gāi huà shì zhēn jī。
The experts have vouched for the painting’s authenticity.
我们前进时受到了恶劣天气的阻碍. wǒ men qián jìn shí shòu dào le è liè tiān qì de zǔ ài.
Our progress was hampered by the bad weather.
肌肉的收缩是人体的一种反应。 jī ròu de shōu suō shì rén tǐ de yī zhòng fǎn yìng。
The contraction of muscle is a reaction of the body.
你的胶卷后天就可以冲洗出来。 nǐ de jiāo juān hòu tiān jiù kě yǐ chōng xǐ chū lai。
Your film will be processed the day after tomorrow.
大雪妨碍了这项建筑工程的进行。 dà xuě fáng ài le zhè xiàng jiàn zhù gōng chéng de jìn xíng。
Heavy snow hindered the construction work.
把那棵植物在水里浸泡几分钟。 bǎ nà kē zhí wù zài shuǐ lǐ jìn pào jǐ fēn zhōng。
Please immerse the plant in water for a few minutes.
滚筒是洗衣机必不可少的部分。 gǔn tóng shì xǐ yì jī bì bù kě shào de bù fen。
The cylinder is a crucial part of the washing machine.
狗守卫着房屋,不让陌生人进去。 gǒu shǒu wèi zhuó fáng wū, bù ràng mò shēng rén jìn qù。
The dog guarded the house against strangers.
他们坐在凉亭里,边喝茶边聊天。 tā men zuò zài liáng tíng lǐ, biān hè chá biān liáo tiān。
They sat in the arbor and chatted over tea.
这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。 zhè gè bó wù guǎn lǐ bù zhǔn shǐ yòng shǎn guāng dēng。
Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum.
她被判有罪, 因而失去了工作. tā bèi pàn yǒu zuì, yīn ér shī qù le gōng zuò.
She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence (of it).
饥荒往往是战争或干旱造成的。 jī huang wǎng wǎng shì zhàn zhēng huò gān hàn zào chéng de。
Famine is often the sequel to war or drought.
我们用粗绳把所有包裹捆扎妥当。 wǒ men yòng cū shéng bǎ suǒ yǒu bāo guǒ kǔn zhá tuǒ dàng。
We tied up both package well with heavy cord.
营长命令士兵们沿铁轨排开。 yíng zhǎng mìng lìng shì bīng men yàn tiě guǐ pǎi kāi。
The battalion commander lined his men along the railway.
他由于烧伤,被送入医院治疗。 tā yóu yú shāo shāng, bèi sòng rù yī yuàn zhì liáo。
He was admitted to the hospital suffering from burns.
他的聪明和技巧使我们赞叹不已。 tā de cōng míng huò jì qiǎo shǐ wǒ men zàn tàn bù yǐ。
His cleverness and skill compel our admiration.
大多数蜜蜂和黄蜂都是群居昆虫。 dà duō shù mì fēng huò huáng fēng dōu shì qún jū kūn chóng。
Most bees and wasps are social insects.
湿杯子在桌面上留下一个痕迹。 shī bēi zi zài zhuō miàn shàng liú xià yī gè hén jī。
The wet glass left a mark on the surface of the table.
吃早饭时,做稀粥是很方便的。 jí zǎo fàn shí, zuò xī zhōu shì hěn fāng biàn de。
Gruel is convenient to make in the morning for breakfast.
如果你被捕,你有权保持沉默。 rú guǒ nǐ bèi bǔ, nǐ yǒu quán bǎo chí chén mò。
If you are arrested you have the right to remain silent.
他为了自己的革命原则而蒙受苦难。 tā wèi le zì jǐ de gé mìng yuán zé ér méng shòu kǔ nàn。
He suffered for his revolutionary principles.
他斜坡滑雪的技能使我们赞叹不已. tā xié pō huá xuě de jì néng shǐ wǒ men zàn tàn bù yǐ.
We were amazed at his expertise on the ski slopes.
那老人好容易喘著气说出几句话。 nà lǎo rén hào róng yì chuǎn著 qì shuō chū jǐ jù huà。
The old man manage to puff out a few words.
因矿井已关闭, 镇上一片死气沉沉. yīn kuàng jǐng yǐ guān bì, zhèn shàng yī piàn sǐ qì chén chén.
The town is dead now the mine has closed.
这条路把所有的新城镇都连接起来了。 zhè tiáo lù bǎ suǒ yǒu de xīn chéng zhèn dōu lián jiē qǐ lai le。
The road links all the new towns.
这个运动员具有惊人的爆发速度。 zhè gè yùn dòng yuán jù yǒu jīng rén de bào fā sù dù。
The athlete has an electrifying burst of speed.
政府决心把通货膨胀率降低。 zhèng fǔ jué xīn bǎ tōng huò péng zhàng shuài jiàng dī。
The government is determined to bring down inflation.
他的家乡在北回归线的北面。 tā de jiā xiāng zài běi huí guī xiàn de běi miàn。
His hometown is located in the north to the tropic of cancer.
他继承了那片庄园及其一切特权. tā jí chéng le nà piàn zhuāng yuán jí qí yī qiè tè quán.
He inherited the manor and all its appurtenances.
耐心结合勤奋是成功所必需的。 nài xīn jié hé qín fèn shì chéng gōng suǒ bì xū de。
Patience combined with diligence is necessary to success.
我得在黑暗中摸索著找电灯开关. wǒ de zài hēi àn zhòng mō suo著 zhǎo diàn dēng kāi guān.
I had to feel about in the dark for the light switch.
他一记有力的左手拳将对手击倒. tā yī jì yǒu lì de zuǒ shǒu quán jiàng duì shǒu jí dǎo.
He knocked down his opponent with a powerful left.
要鼓励消费者对劣质商品投诉. yào gǔ lì xiāo fèi zhě duì liè zhì shāng pǐn tóu sù.
Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.
人们不会忘记他统治时期的暴行。 rén men bù huì wàng jì tā tǒng zhì shí qī de bào xíng。
People will remember the tyrannies of his reign.
隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。 gé bì fáng jiān lǐ tū rán bào fā chū yī zhèn xiào shēng。
There was a burst of laughter in the next room.
他超过了同时期的所有其他作曲家。 tā chāo guò le tóng shí qī de suǒ yǒu qí tā zuò qǔ jiā。
He excels all other composers of his period.
他穿著厚实的大衣以抵御严寒. tā chuān著 hòu shí de dà yī yǐ dǐ yù yán hán.
He wore a thick overcoat as a protection against the bitter cold.
不断增加的失业引起了社会骚乱。 bù duàn zēng jiā de shī yè yǐn qǐ le shè huì sāo luàn。
The increasing unemployment caused social unrest.
这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。 zhè gè nán hái zhèng zài jiē shòu xīn zàng bìng zhì liáo。
This boy is being treated for a heart condition.
他点燃一支香烟,镇定一下情绪。 tā diǎn rán yī zhī xiāng yān, zhèn dìng yī xià qíng xù。
He lit a cigarette in order to calm his mind.
他对所谓的流行歌曲很感兴趣。 tā duì suǒ wèi de liú xíng gē qǔ hěn gǎn xìng qu。
He is very interested in what are called popular songs.
我们都沉浸在春节的欢乐之中。 wǒ men dōu chén jìn zài chūn jié de huān lè zhī zhōng。
We all immersed in the gaiety of the Spring Festival.
一支孤烛使黑暗的房间亮了起来。 yī zhī gū zhú shǐ hēi àn de fáng jiān liàng le qǐ lai。
A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the room.
带动转盘旋转的机械装置坏了. dài dòng zhuàn pán xuán zhuàn de jī xiè zhuāng zhì huài le.
The mechanism that revolves the turntable is broken.
一组护士协助医生施行手术。 yī zǔ hù shi xié zhù yī shēng shī xíng shǒu shù。
A team of nurses assisted the doctor in performing the operation.
这是五镑的钞票–零钱不用找了. zhè shì wǔ bàng de chāo piào– líng qián bù yòng zhǎo le.
Here’s a five-pound note – you can keep the change.
她单凭个人气势就镇住了会场。 tā shàn píng gè rén qì shì jiù zhèn zhù le huì chǎng。
She dominated the meeting by sheer force of character.
碰巧在附近有个公用电话亭。 pèng qiǎo zài fù jìn yǒu gè gōng yòng diàn huà tíng。
It happened that there was a telephone booth nearby.
市外公路上有一处很陡的上坡路。 shì wài gōng lù shang yǒu yī chù hěn dǒu de shàng pō lù。
There was a steep climb on the road out of town.
炮火掩护步兵前进. pào huǒ yǎn hù bù bīng qián jìn.
Artillery gave cover (ie fired at the enemy to stop them firing back) while the infantry advanced.
有很多因素妨碍了我们实现计画. yǒu hěn duō yīn sù fáng ài le wǒ men shí xiàn jì huà.
Many factors militated against the success of our plan.
那些年国际事态不很协调。 nà xiē nián guó jì shì tài bù hěn xié tiáo。
There was not much harmony in international affairs during those years.
图上交错的树枝看起来很有诗意。 tú shàng jiāo cuò de shù zhī kàn qǐ lai hěn yǒu shī yì。
The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic.
他拣起信封时,一把钥匙掉了出来。 tā jiǎn qǐ xìn fēng shí, yī bǎ yào shi diào le chū lai。
As he picked up the envelope, a key dropped out.
叙述清楚比语言优美更重要。 xù shù qīng chu bì yǔ yán yōu měi gèng zhòng yào。
Clearness of statement is more important than beauty of language.
这场辩论逐渐变成了激烈的争吵. zhè chǎng biàn lùn zhú jiàn biàn chéng le jī liè de zhēng chǎo.
The argument developed into a bitter quarrel.
他只是偶尔一次公开自己的观点。 tā zhǐ shì ǒu ěr yī cì gōng kāi zì jǐ de guān diǎn。
Only rarely does he let his own views become public.
他发出一声绝望的叹息,转身走开了。 tā fā chū yī shēng jué wàng de tàn xí, zhuǎn shēn zǒu kāi le。
With a hopeless sigh, he turned away.
水在穿透岩石的过程中获得了净化. shuǐ zài chuān tòu yán shí de guò chéng zhòng huò dé le jìng huà.
Water is purified by passing through rock.
铁路模型展销会将于星期五举行。 tiě lù mó xíng zhǎn xiāo kuài jiàng yú xīng qī wǔ jǔ xíng。
A model railway mart will be held on Friday.
出售枪支受到许多法律限制。 chū shòu qiāng zhī shòu dào xǔ duō fǎ lu:4 xiàn zhì。
The sale of firearms is subject to many legal restrictions.
使我惊讶的是,他又犯了同样的错误。 shǐ wǒ jīng yà de shì, tā yòu fàn le tóng yàng de cuò wù。
To my dismay, he made the same mistakes.
他因遭蛇咬而被送到医院治疗。 tā yīn zāo shé yǎo ér bèi sòng dào yī yuàn zhì liáo。
He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite.
展览会上陈列著所有的新产品。 zhǎn lǎn huì shàng chén liè著 suǒ yǒu de xīn chǎn pǐn。
All the new products are on show at the exhibition.
圣诞节期间生意一向很好. Shèng dàn jié qī jiān shēng yi yí xiàng hěn hǎo.
Trade is always good (ie Many goods are sold) over the Christmas period.
耐心结合勤奋是成功所必需的。 nài xīn jié hé qín fèn shì chéng gōng suǒ bì xū de。
Patience combined with diligence is necessary to success.
他因遭蛇咬而被送到医院治疗。 tā yīn zāo shé yǎo ér bèi sòng dào yī yuàn zhì liáo。
He was taken to the hospital to be treated for snake bite.
银行随时兑换见票即付的汇票。 yín háng suí shí duì huàn xiàn piào jí fù de huì piào。
The bank receives drafts payable at sight at any time.
那女孩随时都准备着去参加聚会。 nà nu:3 hái suí shí dōu zhǔn bèi zhuó qù cān jiā jù huì。
The girl is ready at all times to go to parties.
那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。 nà zuò dà shān de lún kuò kàn shàng qù xiàng yī tiáo lóng。
The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon.
鉴于税务原因,我们得组成公司。 jiàn yú shuì wù yuán yīn, wǒ men de zǔ chéng gōng sī。
We had to incorporate for a company for tax reasons.
这个港口每年货物吞吐量达1亿吨. zhè gè gǎng kǒu měi nián huò wù tūn tǔ liàng dá1 yì dùn.
This port handles 100 million tons of cargo each year.
寒冷的天气终于在三月末结束了。 hán lěng de tiān qì zhōng yú zài sān yuè mò jié shù le。
The cold weather at last broke at the end of March.
这座山向北的一面几乎是垂直的。 zhè zuò shān xiàng běi de yī miàn jī hū shì chuí zhí de。
The northern face of the mountain is almost vertical.
我们头顶上的天花板上吊著一盏灯. wǒ men tou dǐng shàng de tiān huā bǎn shàng diào著 yī zhǎn dēng.
A lamp was suspended from the ceiling above us.
在我们家里,丈夫和我都挣工资。 zài wǒ men jiā lǐ, zhàng fu huò wǒ dōu zhèng gōng zī。
In our family both my husband and I are wage earners.
我偶尔喝杯咖啡, 但平常都喝茶. wǒ ǒu ěr hè bēi kā fēi, dàn píng cháng dōu hè chá.
I drink an occasional cup of coffee; but usually I take tea.
登记出生或死亡的手续很简单. dēng jì chū shēng huò sǐ wáng de shǒu xù hěn jiǎn dān.
Registering a birth or death is a straightforward procedure.
对罪犯的改造有了明显的效果。 duì zuì fàn de gǎi zào yǒu le míng xiǎn de xiào guǒ。
The reformation of criminals has produced an obvious result.
奥运会期间,旅馆房间很难找。 Aò yùn huì qī jiān, lu:3 guǎn fáng jiān hěn nàn zhǎo。
Hotel accommodation was scarce during the Olympic Games.
他不听母亲的劝告,参加了那次聚会。 tā bù tìng mǔ qīn de quàn gào, cān jiā le nà cì jù huì。
He disobeyed his mother and went to the party.
登圣母峰绝不是一次轻松的旅途。 dēng shèng mǔ fēng jué bù shì yī cì qīng sōng de lu:3 tú。
Climbing Mt. Everest is anything but a pleasure trip.
我把石头搬起来时,那只甲虫跑了。 wǒ bǎ shí tou bān qǐ lai shí, nà zhǐ jiǎ chóng pǎo le。
The beetle scuttled away when I lifted the stone.
即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。 jí shǐ wǒ men fù yù le yě réng yīng gāi lì xìng jié yuē。
We should practice economy even if we are rich.
她的儿子死去时,她悲伤得几乎疯了。 tā de ér zi sǐ qù shí, tā bēi shāng de jī hū fēng le。
She was almost mad with grief when her son died.
他发挥艺术天才, 成了雕刻家. tā fā huī yì shù tiān cái, chéng le diāo kè jiā.
He turned his artistic gifts to good account by becoming a sculptor.
家庭小商业遭到大公司的吞并. jiā tíng xiǎo shāng yè zāo dào dà gōng sī de tūn bìng.
Small family businesses are often gobbled up by larger firms.
大声叫嚷的孩子听不到妈妈的叫唤。 dà shēng jiào rǎng de hái zi tìng bù dào mā ma de jiào huan。
The shouting boy did not hear his mother call him.
在一阵痛恨的狂乱中,他杀死了敌人。 zài yī zhèn tòng hèn de kuáng luàn zhòng, tā shā sǐ le dí rén。
In a frenzy of hate he killed his enemy.
他们是彼此争夺第一名的老对手。 tā men shì bǐ cǐ zhēng duó dì yī míng de lǎo duì shǒu。
They are old rivals vying with each other for first place.
警方在广场的入口处设置了路障. jǐng fāng zài guǎng chǎng de rù kǒu chù shè zhì le lù zhàng.
The police barricaded off the entrance to the square.
这个奴隶从未体验过自由的快乐。 zhè gè nú lì zòng wèi tǐ yàn guò zì yóu de kuài lè。
The slave has never experienced the sweetness of freedom.
他有才干能在本行业中首屈一指。 tā yǒu cái gàn néng zài běn háng yè zhòng shǒu qū yī zhǐ。
His ability carried him to the top of his profession.
请仔细核对单子以避免发生错误。 qǐng zǐ xì hé duì dān zi yǐ bì miǎn fā shēng cuò wù。
Please check the list carefully so as to avoid mistakes.
他们钻透了几层岩石以寻找石油. tā men zuàn tòu le jǐ céng yán shí yǐ xún zhǎo shí yóu.
They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
园艺叉子的一个尖齿把他的脚扎了. yuán yì chā zi de yī gè jiān chǐ bǎ tā de jué zhá le.
One of the prongs of the garden fork went through his foot.
她只有坐在壁炉前才感觉到暖和。 tā zhǐ yǒu zuò zài bì lú qián cái gǎn jué dào nuǎn huó。
She felt warm only when she sat before the fireplace.
桌子接触墙壁的地方漆皮已剥落。 zhuō zi jiē chù qiáng bì de dì fang qī pí yǐ bō luò。
The paint has chipped off where the table touches the wall.
登圣母峰绝不是一次轻松的旅途。 dēng shèng mǔ fēng jué bù shì yī cì qīng sōng de lu:3 tú。
Climbing Mt. Everest is anything but a pleasure trip.
这位摄影师拍了一张象群的照片。 zhè wèi shè yǐng shī pāi le yī zhāng xiàng qún de zhào piàn。
The photographer took a photo of a herd of elephants.
越狱的逃犯已经再次被警方抓获。 yuè yù de táo fàn yǐ jīng zài cì bèi jǐng fāng zhuā huò。
The escaped convict has been caught by the police again.
恋爱与丑闻,是喝茶的最佳甜点心。 liàn ài yù chǒu wén, shì hè chá de zuì jiā tián diǎn xīn。
Love and scandal are the best sweeteners of tea.
请把面粉和牛奶调至恰当的浓度。 qǐng bǎ miàn fěn huò niú nǎi tiáo zhì qià dàng de nóng dù。
Please mix the flour and milk to the right consistency.
我心情愁闷, 不想和任何人讲话。 wǒ xīn qíng chóu mèn, bù xiǎng huò rèn hé rén jiǎng huà。
I am out of spirits and don’t want to speak to anyone.
他以两杆的成绩赢得了这场高尔夫球赛。 tā yǐ liǎng gǎn de chéng jī yíng dé le zhè chǎng gāo ěr fū qiú sài。
He won the golf match by two shots.
他站在边上等待跳水时浑身发抖. tā zhàn zài biān shàng děng dài tiào shuǐ shí hún shēn fā dǒu.
He stood shivering on the brink, waiting to dive in.
她把她姓名的起首字母绣在手帕上。 tā bǎ tā xìng míng de qǐ shǒu zì mǔ xiù zài shǒu pà shàng。
She embroidered her initials on the handkerchief.
你的文章只粗略地涉及到这个问题. nǐ de wén zhāng zhǐ cū lu:è de shè jí dào zhè gè wèn tí.
Your essay gives a rather sketchy treatment of the problem.
奥运会上,他创造了新的世界纪录。 Aò yùn huì shàng, tā chuàng zào le xīn de shì jiè jì lù。
At the Olympic Games, he created a new world record.
这个司机的驾驶执照被警察吊销了。 zhè gè sī jī de jià shǐ zhí zhào bèi jǐng chá diào xiāo le。
The driver’s certificate was suspended by the police.
这位法官是监狱改革的坚决拥护者。 zhè wèi fǎ guān shì jiān yù gǎi gé de jiān jué yōng hù zhě。
This judge is a strong advocate of prison reform.
十二宫图用于占星术中预测未来。 shí èr gōng tú yòng yú zhàn xīng zhú zhòng yù cè wèi lái。
The zodiac is used in astrology to predict the future.
那士兵看见一支枪从矮树丛伸出来。 nà shì bīng kàn jiàn yī zhī qiāng zòng ǎi shù cóng shēn chū lái。
The soldier saw a gun jutting out from a bush.
你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了. nǐ ná kě lián de mài kè ěr dǎ qù kě yào chū quān er le.
All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke.
我们得把发动机拆卸开来找出毛病。 wǒ men de bǎ fā dòng jī chāi xiè kāi lái zhǎo chū máo bìng。
We’ll have to strip the engine down to find the fault.
在死者胃中找到了少量的毒药。 zài sǐ zhě wèi zhòng zhǎo dào le shǎo liàng de dú yào。
Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man’s stomach.
我使尽了浑身解数也劝不动他们. wǒ shǐ jìn le hún shēn xiè shuò yě quàn bù dòng tā men.
I tried every trick in the book but I still couldn’t persuade them.
殖民地人民反抗他们的英国统治者。 zhí mín dì rén mín fǎn kàng tā men de Yīng guó tǒng zhì zhē。
The colonists revolted against their British ruler.
所有参加辩论的人都有机会发言. suǒ yǒu cān jiā biàn lùn de rén dōu yǒu jī kuài fā yán.
All the participants in the debate had an opportunity to speak.
从右边驶来的车辆享有优先通行权. zòng yòu biān shǐ lái de chē liàng xiǎng yǒu yōu xiān tōng xíng quán.
Vehicles coming from the right have priority.
他们沿着报春花盛开的河岸边走边聊。 tā men yán zhe bào chūn huā shèng kāi de hé àn biān zǒu biān liáo。
They walked along the primrose bank chatting.
他遭解雇一事, 有关的人都很为难. tā zāo jiě gù yī shì, yǒu guān de rén dōu hěn wéi nán.
His dismissal was rather a sticky business for all concerned.
花朵在阳光下清晰地显现出轮廓。 huā duǒ zài yáng guāng xià qīng xī de xiǎn xiàn chū lún kuò。
The flower was clearly outlined in the light of the lamp.
科学家仍在寻求治疗感冒的方法。 kē xué jiā réng zài xún qiú zhì liáo gǎn mào de fāng fǎ。
Scientists are still searching for a cure to the common cold.
我们的狗别看样子凶,其实很温顺。 wǒ men de gǒu biè kàn yàng zi xiōng, qí shí hěn wēn shùn。
Our dog may look fierce but he wouldn’t hurt a fly.
我送给她一条编织的披肩作圣诞礼物。 wǒ sòng jǐ tā yī tiáo biān zhī de pī jiān zuò Shèng dàn lǐ wù。
I gave her a knitted shawl as a Christmas gift.
世代居住在城市里使他们磨练了才智。 shì dài jū zhù zài chéng shì lǐ shǐ tā men mò liàn le cái zhì。
Generations of urban living sharpened their wits.
他终生献身于珍稀动物的保护。 tā zhōng shēng xiàn shēn yú zhēn xī dòng wù de bǎo hù。
He’s devoted his whole life to the protection of the rare animals.
他使劲儿把食物咽下去, 嘴唇都扭曲起来. tā shǐ jìn er bǎ shí wù yè xià qu, zuǐ chún dōu niǔ qū qǐ lai.
His lips worked as he tried to swallow the food.
哪怕失业,我也要遵循自己的原则。 nǎ pà shī yè, wǒ yě yào zūn xún zì jǐ de yuán zé。
I shall stand by my principles even if it means losing my job.
那家商场的西洋梳镜柜看上去很特别。 nà jiā shāng chǎng de xī yáng shū jìng jǔ kàn shàng qù hěn tè bié。
The chiffonier in that shop looks special.
谷物轮种使土壤保持了肥力和高质。 gǔ wù lún zhòng shǐ tǔ rǎng bǎo chí le féi lì huò gāo zhì。
The rotation of crops keeps the soil healthy and fertile.
旅馆中的每个房间都有一个单独浴室。 lu:3 guǎn zhòng dì měi gè fáng jiān dōu yǒu yī gè dān dú yù shì。
Every room in the hotel has a private bathroom.
他公然蔑视上司,并要求他作出解释。 tā gōng rán miè shì shàng si, bìng yāo qiú tā zuò chū jiě shì。
He bearded his boss and demanded an explanation.
必须办妥某些手续方可移居他国. bì xū bàn tuǒ mǒu xiē shǒu xù fāng kě yí jū tā guó.
Certain formalities have to be gone through before one can emigrate.
音乐的声音太大了,把我耳朵震得直响。 yīn yuè de shēng yīn tài dà le, bǎ wǒ ěr duo zhèn de zhí xiǎng。
The music was so loud it made my ears ring.
谷物轮种使土壤保持了肥力和高质。 gǔ wù lún zhòng shǐ tǔ rǎng bǎo chí le féi lì huò gāo zhì。
The rotation of crops keeps the soil healthy and fertile.
这些珍贵的老虎受到专门法律的保护。 zhè xie zhēn guì de lǎo hǔ shòu dào zhuān mén fǎ lu:4 de bǎo hù。
These rare tigers are protected by special laws.
火箭绕地球运行一周后返回基地。 huǒ jiàn rào dì qiú yùn xíng yī zhōu hòu fǎn huí jī dì。
The rocket did one circuit of the earth and returned to base.
决定大选的日期是首相的特权。 jué dìng dà xuǎn de rì qī shì shǒu xiàng de tè quán。
It’s the Prime Minister’s prerogative to decide when to call an election.
他驾驶测验不及格,这次算第十次了。 tā jià shǐ cè yàn bù jí gé, zhè cì suàn dì shí cì le。
That makes the tenth time he’s failed his driving test!
他闪身躲过了滚落的岩石,安然脱险了。 tā shǎn shēn duǒ guò le gǔn luò de yán shí, ān rán tuō xiǎn le。
He dodged the falling rock and escaped unhurt.
那个计划取消了,这让我们非常惊讶。 nèi gè jì huà qǔ xiāo le, zhè ràng wǒ men fēi cháng jīng yà。
It dismayed us that the project had been canceled.
我肚子上挨了一拳一时完全喘不过气来. wǒ dù zi shàng ái le yī quán yī shí wán quán chuǎn bù guò qì lái.
The punch in the stomach completely winded me.
猎人把狮子的头挂在墙上当纪念品。 liè rén bǎ shī zi de tou guà zài qiáng shàng dàng jì niàn pǐn。
The hunter put the lion’s head on the wall as a trophy.
处于这种可怕的压力之下,不疯才怪呢。 chǔ yú zhè zhǒng kě pà de yā lì zhī xià, bù fēng cái guài ne。
It’s hard to stay sane under such awful pressure.
瘦肉上可加咸肉片烤制以保持水分。 shòu ròu shàng kě jiā xián ròu piàn kǎo zhì yǐ bǎo chí shuǐ fèn。
Lean meat can be larded to keep it moist in the oven.
科学知识被滥用于破坏和战争。 kē xué zhī shi bèi làn yòng yú pò huài huò zhàn zhēng。
Scientific knowledge was perverted to help cause destruction and war.
大群的人迅速地在演说者周围聚集起来。 dà qún de rén xùn sù de zài yǎn shuō zhě zhōu wéi jù jí qǐ lai。
A crowd quickly congregated round the speaker.
我们的最终目标是消除所有核武器。 wǒ men de zuì zhōng mù biāo shì xiāo chú suǒ yǒu hé wǔ qì。
Our ultimate objective is the removal of all nuclear weapons.
经分析发现蛋糕里含有微量的毒素。 jīng fēn xī fā xiàn dàn gāo lǐ hán yǒu wēi liàng de dú sù。
The cake on analysis was found to contain traces of toxin.
废除农奴制度后,农奴们获得了解放。 fèi chú nóng nú zhì dù hòu, nóng nú men huò dé liǎo jiě fàng。
The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom.
我们决定就工资问题与雇主谈判。 wǒ men jué dìng jiù gōng zī wèn tí yù gù zhǔ tán pàn。
We’ve decided to negotiate with the employers about our wage claim.
我很匆忙, 所以随便地把衣服穿上了。 wǒ hěn cōng máng, suǒ yǐ suí biàn de bǎ yī fu chuān shàng le。
I was in such a hurry that I put my clothes on anyhow.
别把热水倒进玻璃杯里,不然它会炸的。 biè bǎ rè shuǐ dào jìn bō li bēi lǐ, bù rán tā kuài zhà de。
Don’t pour hot water into the glass or it will crack.
他们因对手权柄在握, 反抗也没用. tā men yīn duì shǒu quán bǐng zài wò, fǎn kàng yě méi yòng.
Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist.
他的话对社区所有成员是故意的侮辱。 tā de huà duì shè qū suǒ yǒu chéng yuán shì gù yì de wǔ rù。
His speech was an affront to all members of the community.
他们因对手权柄在握, 反抗也没用. tā men yīn duì shǒu quán bǐng zài wò, fǎn kàng yě méi yòng.
Their opponents had the whip hand and it was useless to resist.
当他跌倒时, 便往一条悬挂的绳子抓去。 dàng tā diē dào shí, pián wàng yī tiáo xuán guà de shéng zi zhuā qù。
As he fell, he caught hold of a hanging chain.
在运输中要允许有百分之五的损耗量. zài yùn shū zhòng yào yǔn xǔ yǒu bǎi fēn zhī wǔ de sǔn hào liàng.
You must allow for five per cent wastage in transit.
早餐时总统会见了白宫的高级助手. zǎo cān shí zǒng tǒng huì jiàn le Bái gōng de gāo jí zhù shǒu.
The President met with senior White House aides at breakfast.
我牙缝里塞了点东西,就是弄不出来。 wǒ yá fèng lǐ sè le diǎn dōng xi, jiù shì nòng bù chū lai。
There is something between my teeth and I can’t dislodge it.
他偷偷溜进了电影院而没有被人逮着。 tā tōu tōu liū jìn le diàn yǐng yuàn ér méi yǒu bèi rén dài zhuó。
He stole into the cinema without being caught.
观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。 guān shǎng yī fú měi lì de tú huà shǐ rén xīn mǎn yì zú。
Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.
他号召工人为争取自己的权利而斗争。 tā hào zhào gōng rén wèi zhēng qǔ zì jǐ de quán lì ér dòu zhēng。
He called on the workers to fight for their rights.
雕刻家把大理石块凿成优美的雕像. diāo kè jiā bǎ dà lǐ shí kuài zuò chéng yōu měi de diāo xiàng.
The sculptor chiselled the lump of marble into a fine statue.
这件事唤起了他对过去苦难经历的回忆。 zhè jiàn shì huàn qǐ le tā duì guò qu kǔ nàn jīng lì de huí yì。
The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.
父亲终于与大陆上的弟弟联络上了。 fù qīn zhōng yú yù dà lù shàng de dì di lián luò shàng le。
Father finally got in touch with his brother in mainland China.
如果你不把煤气调小一点,肉就要焦了。 rú guǒ nǐ bù bǎ méi qì tiáo xiǎo yī diǎn, ròu jiù yào jiāo le。
The meat will scorch if you don’t lower the gas.
该制造业若不现代化就不能继续存在. gāi zhì zào yè ruò bù xiàn dài huà jiù bù néng jì xù cún zài.
If the industry doesn’t modernize it will not survive.
他索赔过高反而使他的要求无法实现。 tā suǒ péi guò gāo fǎn ér shǐ tā de yāo qiú wú fǎ shí xiàn。
He prejudiced his claim by demanding too much compensation.
我们等有空再对这题目展开辩论。 wǒ men děng yǒu kòng zài duì zhè tí mù zhǎn kāi biàn lùn。
We will debate the subject at length later when we are at leisure.
新来的销售部主任大家还不大了解。 xīn lái de xiāo shòu bù zhǔ rèn dà jiā huán bú dà liǎo jiě。
The new sales director is still a bit of an unknown quantity.
他舒展开身体躺在炉火旁边睡著了. tā shū zhǎn kāi shēn tǐ tǎng zài lú huǒ páng biān shuì著 le.
He stretched (himself) out in front of the fire and fell asleep.
委员会一致同意拒绝这项申请。 wěi yuán huì yī zhì tóng yì jù jué zhè xiàng shēn qǐng。
The committee were unanimous that the application should be turned down.
这件文物,接触空气之后,变成了粉末。 zhè jiàn wén wù, jiē chù kōng qì zhī hòu, biàn chéng le fěn mò。
The relic, when exposed to air, turned to dust.
他的话已在他们心中播下怀疑的种子。 tā de huà yǐ zài tā men xīn zhōng bō xià huái yí de zhǒng zi。
His words had sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds.
她竭力巴结主任希望得到提升. tā jié lì bā jié zhǔ rèn xī wàng dé dào tí shēng.
She tried to ingratiateherself with the director, in the hope of getting promotion.
那样调换他的工作等于是解雇了他。 nà yàng diào huàn tā de gōng zuò děng yú shì jiě gù le tā。
Changing his job like that is equivalent to giving him the sack.
这些收音机制造厂的产品打不开销路。 zhè xie shōu yīn jī zhì zào chǎng de chǎn pǐn dǎ bù kāi xiāo lù。
The radios producers could not find a market for them.
他用塑料铲把盆里的混合料刮了出来. tā yòng sù liào chǎn bǎ pén lǐ de hùn hé liào guā le chū lai.
He scraped the mixture out of the bowl with a plastic spatula.
他叙述了他如何从13岁起就给人扛活。 tā xù shù le tā rú hé zò13ng suì qǐ jiù jǐ rén káng huó。
He related how he had worked as a farm-hand since he was thirteen.
政府正为处理失业问题的另一计画拨款. zhèng fǔ zhèng wèi chǔ lǐ shī yè wèn tí de lìng yī jì huà bō kuǎn.
The government is funding another unemployment scheme.
最近已经发布了禁止进口毒品的法令。 zuì jìn yǐ jīng fā bù le jìn zhǐ jìn kǒu dú pǐn de fǎ lìng。
A ban on the importation of drugs had been issued recently.
你应该立即申请, 亲自去也好, 写信也好. nǐ yīng gāi lì jí shēn qǐng, qīn zì qù yě hào, xiě xìn yě hào.
You should apply immediately, in person or by letter.
跳伞者大胆的冒险动作令人赞叹不已. tiào sǎn zhě dà dǎn de mào xiǎn dòng zuò lìng rén zàn tàn bù yǐ.
The daring exploits of the parachutists were much admired.
她举起一根手指放在唇边,示意肃静。 tā jǔ qǐ yī gēn shǒu zhǐ fàng zài chún biān, shì yì sù jìng。
She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence.
据说法国人是世界上最好的园丁。 jù shuō fǎ guó rén shì shì jiè shàng zuì hǎo de yuán dīng。
It is said that the Frenchman may be the best gardener in the world.
我可以很清楚地看到灯泡里的细丝断了。 wǒ kě yǐ hěn qīng chu de kàn dào dēng pào lǐ de xì sī duàn le。
I can see clearly that the filament in the bulb is broken.
他未做认真的调查就仓促做出了结论。 tā wèi zuò rèn zhēn de diào chá jiù cāng cù zuò chū le jié lùn。
He jumped to a conclusion without careful investigation.
维多利亚女王的统治持续了六十多年。 wéi Duō lì yà nu:3 wáng de tǒng zhì chí xù le liù shí duō nián。
The reign of Queen Victoria lasted more than sixty years.
防御工事已筑好,准备对付敌人进攻。 fáng yù gōng shì yǐ zhú hào, zhǔn bèi duì fu dí rén jìn gōng。
The defences are kept in readiness for any enemy attack.
看见他的健康情况这样不佳,我很伤心。 kàn jiàn tā de jiàn kāng qíng kuàng zhè yàng bù jiā, wǒ hěn shāng xīn。
It grieves me to see him in such bad health.
甚至在日落之后,气温也不见降低。 shèn zhì zài rì luò zhī hòu, qì wēn yě bù xiàn jiàng dī。
Even after sunset there was little moderation in the temperature.
从资料库借磁带是退而求其次的办法。 zòng zī liào kù jiè cí dài shì tuì ér qiú qí cì de bàn fǎ。
Borrowing tapes from the library would be the next-best thing.
凡是飞机驾驶员均应对乘客的安全负责. fán shì fēi jī jià shǐ yuán jūn yìng duì chéng kè de ān quán fù zé.
All pilots are responsible for their passengers’ safety.
他很有礼貌地帮助那个老太太扛包裹。 tā hěn yǒu lǐ mào de bāng zhù nèi gè lǎo tài tai káng bāo guǒ。
It was courteous of him to help the old lady with her bundles.
这些收音机制造厂的产品打不开销路。 zhè xie shōu yīn jī zhì zào chǎng de chǎn pǐn dǎ bù kāi xiāo lù。
The radios producers could not find a market for them.
据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。 jù bào dào, zhè sōu kè lún yù yī sōu yóu lún xiàng zhuàng。
The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.
新的住宅区一直延伸到游乐场的那一边. xīn de zhù zhái qū yī zhí yán shēn dào yóu lè chǎng de nà yī biān.
The new housing estate stretches beyond the playing-fields.
她是个很好的妇人,冷酷不是她的本性。 tā shì gè hěn hǎo de fù rén, lěng kù bú shì tā de běn xìng。
She’s a very good woman; unkindness is foreign to her nature.
蒸气接触冷的表面而凝结成水珠. zhēng qì jiē chù lěng de biǎo miàn ér níng jié chéng shuǐ zhū.
Steam condenses/is condensed into water when it touches a cold surface.
这个中心提供各种娱乐活动设施。 zhè gè zhōng xīn tí gōng gè zhǒng yú lè huó dòng shè shī。
The center provides facilities for a whole range of leisure activities.
用不著这样匆忙–我们有的是时间. yòng bù著 zhè yàng cōng máng– wǒ men yǒu de shì shí jiān.
There’s no need to be in such a tearing hurry we’ve got plenty of time.
去年是作曲家一生中创作丰收的时期。 qù nián shì zuò qǔ jiā yī shēng zhòng chuàng zuò fēng shōu de shí qī。
Last year was a prolific period in the composer’s life.
要是你老这样举棋不定, 我们就来不及了. yào shì nǐ lǎo zhè yàng jǔ qí bù dìng, wǒ men jiù lái bù jí le.
If you keep shilly-shallying like this we’ll be late.
国际恐怖主义并不是近年才有的现象。 guó jì kǒng bù zhǔ yì bìng bù shì jìn nián cái yǒu de xiàn xiàng。
International terrorism is not just a recent phenomenon.
经理把工作尽量平均分配给雇员. jīng lǐ bǎ gōng zuò jìn liàng píng jūn fēn pèi jǐ gù yuán.
The manager tried to even out the distribution of work among his employees.
地球只是宇宙中众多星球中的一个。 dì qiú zhǐ shì yǔ zhòu zhòng zhòng duō xīng qiú zhòng dì yī gè。
The Earth is only one of the numerous planets in the universe.
下星期,他将要参加一场国际象棋比赛。 xià xīng qī, tā jiāng yào cān jiā yī chǎng guó jì xiàng qí bǐ sài。
He will take part in a chess tournament next week.
我希望他成为钢琴家的梦想可以成真。 wǒ xī wàng tā chéng wéi gāng qín jiā de mèng xiǎng kě yǐ chéng zhēn。
I hope his dream of becoming a pianist will come true.
有些罪犯被释放后有可能重新犯罪。 yǒu xiē zuì fàn bèi shì fàng hòu yǒu kě néng chóng xīn fàn zuì。
Some criminals are likely to offend again when they are released.
这座建筑物很不起眼, 甚至可以说很难看. zhè zuò jiàn zhù wù hěn bù qǐ yǎn, shèn zhì kě yǐ shuō hěn nán kàn.
It’s an unattractive building, even ugly/ugly even.
史密斯一个回头球,打到了自己的三柱门上。 shǐ mì sī yī gè huí tóu qiú, dǎ dào le zì jǐ de sān zhù mén shàng。
Smith played a turning ball on to the stumps.
据报道,这艘客轮与一艘油轮相撞。 jù bào dào, zhè sōu kè lún yù yī sōu yóu lún xiàng zhuàng。
The liner is reported to have been in collision with an oil tanker.
政府将制定法规限制枪支出售。 zhèng fǔ jiàng zhì dìng fǎ guī xiàn zhì qiāng zhī chū shòu。
The government will introduce legislation to restrict the sale of firearms.
我是为那个老人女儿的缘故才照顾他的。 wǒ shì wèi nèi gè lǎo rén nu:3 ér de yuán gù cái zhào gu tā de。
I went to look after the old man on the score of his daughter.
这个国家应该主动提出禁止核武器. zhè gè guó jiā yīng gāi zhǔ dòng tí chū jìn zhǐ hé wǔ qì.
It’s up to this country to take the initiative in banning nuclear weapons.
过敏是身体对某些物质的不良反应。 guò mǐn shì shēn tǐ duì mǒu xiē wù zhì de bù liáng fǎn yìng。
An allergy is an adverse reaction of the body to certain substances.
警方搜遍这个地区寻找这个走失的孩子。 jǐng fāng sōu biàn zhè gè dì qū xún zhǎo zhè gè zǒu shī de hái zi。
The police scoured the area looking for the lost child.
把无辜的人投入监狱显然是审判不公. bǎ wú gū de rén tóu rù jiān yù xiǎn ran shì shěn pàn bù gōng.
Sending an innocent man to prison is a clear miscarriage of justice.
过敏是身体对某些物质的不良反应。 guò mǐn shì shēn tǐ duì mǒu xiē wù zhì de bù liáng fǎn yìng。
An allergy is an adverse reaction of the body to certain substances.
他的母亲已经把他训练成循规蹈矩的人。 tā de mǔ qīn yǐ jīng bǎ tā xùn liàn chéng xún guī dǎo jǔ de rén。
His mother has trained him to be a very proper young man.
这骚乱仅仅是人们不满的一种表露而已。 zhè sāo luàn jǐn jǐn shì rén men bù mǎn de yī zhòng biǎo lù ér yǐ。
This riot is only one manifestation of people’s discontent.
在国际市场上,我们的商品不亚于任何人。 zài guó jì shì chǎng shàng, wǒ men de shāng pǐn bù yà yú rèn hé rén。
Our goods are second to none on the world market.
警方在跟犯罪分子的斗争中决不手软。 jǐng fāng zài gēn fàn zuì fèn zǐ de dòu zhēng zhòng jué bù shǒu ruǎn。
The police will not relent in their fight against crime.
他们跟她开玩笑, 把她往游泳池里浸了一下. tā men gēn tā kāi wán xiào, bǎ tā wàng yóu yǒng chí lǐ jìn le yī xià.
They dunked her in the swimming-pool as a joke.
公共汽车星期日行驶不一定准能赚钱。 gōng gòng qì chē xīng qī rì xíng shǐ bù yī dìng zhǔn néng zhuàn qián。
It is not always economic for buses to run on Sunday.
削减公费开支意味著要砍掉几所医院. xuē jiǎn gōng fèi kāi zhī yì wèi著 yào kǎn diào jǐ suǒ yī yuàn.
The public spending cuts will mean the chop for several hospitals.
进出口的高关税是国际贸易的障碍。 jìn chū kǒu de gāo guān shuì shì guó jì mào yì de zhàng ài。
Heavy duties on imports and exports are a barrier to international trade.
我现在辞去主席职位,交由我的副手接替。 wǒ xiàn zài cí qù zhǔ xí zhí wèi, jiāo yóu wǒ de fù shǒu jiē tì。
I am resigning as chairman and handing over to my deputy.
进出口的高关税是国际贸易的障碍。 jìn chū kǒu de gāo guān shuì shì guó jì mào yì de zhàng ài。
Heavy duties on imports and exports are a barrier to international trade.
战胜国要求战败国交付巨额赔款. zhàn shèng guó yāo qiú zhàn bài guó jiāo fù jù é péi kuǎn.
The victorious nations are demanding huge indemnities from their former enemies.
幕后牵线者如木偶戏中牵金属线或棉线的人 mù hòu qiān xiàn zhě rú mù ǒu xì zhòng qiān jīn shǔ xiàn huò mián xiàn de rén
One who pulls wires or strings, as of puppets.
麻疯病是一种影响皮肤和神经的疾病。 má fēng bìng shì yī zhòng yǐng xiǎng pí fū huò shén jīng de jí bìng。
Leprosy is a kind of disease affecting the skin and nerves.
进出口的高关税是国际贸易的障碍。 jìn chū kǒu de gāo guān shuì shì guó jì mào yì de zhàng ài。
Heavy duties on imports and exports are a barrier to international trade.
专业,主修课选作学术专业的一个研究领域 zhuān yè, zhǔ xiū kè xuǎn zuò xué shù zhuān yè de yī gè yán jiū lǐng yù
A field of study chosen as an academic specialty.
个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。 gè rén qīng jié duì yú jiàn kāng huò yí biǎo tóng yàng zhòng yào。
Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.
我已经决定买一部脚踏车,不论贵不贵。 wǒ yǐ jīng jué dìng mǎi yī bù jué tà jū, bù lùn guì bù guì。
I have decided to buy a bicycle, whether it is expensive or not.
医生告诉他每天饭前吃两片阿斯匹林。 yī shēng gào su tā měi tiān fàn qián jí liǎng piàn ē sī pǐ lín。
The doctor told him to take two tablets of aspirin before every meal.
这出戏公演时,当地报纸对它评价不佳。 zhè chū xì gōng yǎn shí, dāng dì bào zhǐ duì tā píng jià bù jiā。
When the play opened, the local press gave it the thumbs down.
由于天气恶劣,许多选民今天没有投票。 yóu yú tiān qì è liè, xǔ duō xuǎn mín jīn tiān méi yǒu tóu piào。
Many electors didn’t vote today because of the bad weather.
风猛烈地刮了一整天后,日落后变小了。 fēng měng liè de guā le yī zhěng tiān hòu, rì luò hòu biàn xiǎo le。
The wind was strong all day, but it moderated after sunset.
医生告诉他每天饭前吃两片阿斯匹林。 yī shēng gào su tā měi tiān fàn qián jí liǎng piàn ē sī pǐ lín。
The doctor told him to take two tablets of aspirin before every meal.
他被认为是本世纪第一流的作曲家之一。 tā bèi rèn wéi shì běn shì jì dì yī liú de zuò qǔ jiā zhī yī。
He is regarded as one of the classical composers in this century.
他被认为是本世纪第一流的作曲家之一。 tā bèi rèn wéi shì běn shì jì dì yī liú de zuò qǔ jiā zhī yī。
He is regarded as one of the classical composers in this century.
那位著名的政治家死于一场悲惨的意外事故。 nà wèi著 míng de zhèng zhì jiā sǐ yú yī chǎng bēi cǎn de yì wài shì gù。
The famous politician died in a tragic accident.
主席的简短陈辞概括了委员会的观点. zhǔ xí de jiǎn duǎn chén cí gài kuò le wěi yuán huì de guān diǎn.
The chairman’s short statement encapsulates the views of the committee.
这个星期天浸信会教友将要举行一场典礼。 zhè gè xīng qī tiān jìn xìn kuài jiào yǒu jiāng yào jǔ xíng yī chǎng diǎn lǐ。
The Baptist will hold a ceremony this Sunday.
他因为玩忽职守而失去工作,罪有应得。 tā yīn wèi wàn hū zhí shǒu ér shī qù gōng zuò, zuì yǒu yīng dé。
It served him right to lose that job, because he neglected it.
这所学院接待了一批来访的俄国科学家. zhè suǒ xué yuàn jiē dài le yī pī lái fǎng de E2 guó kē xué jiā.
The college is (playing) host to a group of visiting Russian scientists.
风向的突然转变预示着暴风雨即将来临。 fēng xiàng de tū rán zhuǎn biàn yù shì zhuó bào fēng yǔ jí jiāng lái lín。
A sudden shift in the wind warned of the coming storm.
部长就局势的最新发展作了另一番解释。 bù zhǎng jiù jú shì de zuì xīn fā zhǎn zuò le lìng yī pān jiě shì。
The minister has put a different gloss on recent developments.
突然窗帘拉了开来,一道强光照了进来。 tū rán chuāng lián lā le kāi lái, yī dào qiáng guāng zhào le jìn lái。
The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.
我可以给你举出她故意粗暴待人的几个例子. wǒ kě yǐ jǐ nǐ jǔ chū tā gù yì cū bào dài rén de jǐ ge lì zi.
I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude.
她一定已经收到包裹了, 我是用挂号寄的. tā yī dìng yǐ jīng shōu dào bāo guǒ le, wǒ shì yòng guà hào jì de.
She must have received the parcel: I sent it by registered post.
他用冰凉的手捧起一杯滚热的巧克力饮料。 tā yòng bīng liáng de shǒu pěng qǐ yī bēi gǔn rè de qiǎo kè lì yǐn liào。
He cupped his cold hands round the cup of hot chocolate.
这恰恰减低了他正在提倡的政策本身的价值。 zhè qià qià jiǎn dī le tā zhèng zài tí chàng de zhèng cè běn shēn de jià zhí。
It beggars the very policy he was advocating.
我可以给你举出她故意粗暴待人的几个例子. wǒ kě yǐ jǐ nǐ jǔ chū tā gù yì cū bào dài rén de jǐ ge lì zi.
I can quote you several instances of her being deliberately rude.
他看不起他们的意见,认为那些意见很幼稚。 tā kàn bù qǐ tā men de yì jiàn, rèn wéi nà xiē yì jiàn hěn yòu zhì。
He spat at their ideas, treating them as childish.
这两块粘合得真好, 几乎看不出接缝. zhè liǎng kuài zhān hé de zhēn hào, jī hū kàn bù chū jiē fèng.
The two pieces were stuck together so well that you could hardly see the join.
他出事后重新学习走路要有极大的毅力。 tā chū shì hòu chóng xīn xué xí zǒu lù yào yǒu jí dà de yì lì。
Learning to walk again after his accident required great patience.
发射以光线或波的形式发出和传播能量 fā shè yǐ guāng xiàn huò bō de xíng shì fā chū huò chuán bō néng liàng
Emission and propagation of energy in the form of rays or waves.
摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。 shè zhèng zhě zài tā de guó jiā tuī xíng le yī tào xiān jìn de zhì dù。
The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.
摄政者在他的国家推行了一套先进的制度。 shè zhèng zhě zài tā de guó jiā tuī xíng le yī tào xiān jìn de zhì dù。
The regent carried out an advanced system in his country.
看到他在挣扎,我给他扔了一个救生圈过去。 kàn dào tā zài zhēng zhá, wǒ jǐ tā rēng le yī gè jiù shēng quān guò qu。
I threw a life buoy to him when I saw his struggling.
老人们为电影和小说的大胆感到震惊。 lǎo rén men wèi diàn yǐng huò xiǎo shuō de dà dǎn gǎn dào zhèn jīng。
The old people is shocked by the new freedom in movies and novels.
敌人掠夺了这个地区,并且杀害了许多村民。 dí rén lu:è duó le zhè gè dì qū, bìng qiě shā hài le xǔ duō cūn mín。
The enemy raped the country and killed many villagers.
小女孩失去了平衡,从平衡木上摔了下来。 xiǎo nu:3 hái shī qù le píng héng, zòng píng héng mù shàng shuāi le xia lai。
The girl lost her balance and fell off the balance beam.
这些小学生尚未学会正确使用标点符号. zhè xie xiǎo xué shēng shàng wèi xué huì zhèng què shǐ yòng biāo diǎn fú hào.
The children have not yet learned to punctuate correctly.
我们必须通过智力测验才能被老板雇用。 wǒ men bì xū tōng guò zhì lì cè yàn cái néng bèi lǎo bǎn gù yòng。
We must pass an intelligence test before being hired by the boss.