Mandarin 20,000 Sentences_15 Flashcards
那边的那个人是谁? nà bian de nèi gè rén shì shéi?
Who is that over there?
你属于某个工会吗? nǐ shǔ yú mǒu gè gōng huì ma?
Do you belong to a union?
我们曾经住在伦敦。 wǒ men céng jīng zhù zài lún dūn。
Once we lived in London.
没有关系,你欠我了! méi yǒu guān xi, nǐ qiàn wǒ le!
That’s OK, you owe me one!
亚麻籽油可以食用吗? yà má zǐ yóu kě yǐ shí yòng ma?
Is linseed oil edible?
德国於1871年统一了. Dé guó yū1871 nián tǒng yī le.
Germany was unified in 1871.
他(跟你)是亲戚吗? tā( gēn nǐ) shì qīn qi ma?
Is he any relation (to you)?
你的衣服是什么颜色? nǐ de yī fu shì shén me yán sè?
What color is your dress?
你真不应该那样做! nǐ zhēn bù yīng gāi nà yàng zuò!
You shouldn’t have done that!
你有彩色电视机吗? nǐ yǒu cǎi sè diàn shì jī ma?
Do you have a color TV set?
後来我们游览了东京. 後 lái wǒ men yóu lǎn le dōng jīng.
Next we visited Tokyo.
谁把我的火柴拿走了? shéi bǎ wǒ de huǒ chái ná zǒu le?
Who’s bagged my matches?
【谚】人多好办事。 【 yàn】 rén duō hào bàn shì。
Many hands make light work.
谁将赔偿损失? shéi jiàng péi cháng sǔn shī?
Who will compensate for the losses?
船在直布罗陀上煤。 chuán zài zhí bù luó tuó shàng méi。
Ships coal at Gibraltar.
他像猴子那麽顽皮! tā xiàng hóu zi nà mó wán pí!
He’s as mischievous as a monkey!
那册书还能买到吗? nà cè shū huán néng mǎi dào ma?
Is that volume still in print?
【谚】得寸进尺。 【 yàn】 de cùn jìn chǐ。
Give him an inch and he will take a yard.
船的木头舵坏了。 chuán de mù tou duò huài le。
The wood rudder of the ship was broken.
你能扶我上楼梯吗? nǐ néng fú wǒ shàng lóu tī ma?
Could you help me up the stairs?
再给你倒杯茶好吗? zài jǐ nǐ dào bēi chá hào ma?
Can I pour you another cup of tea?
【谚】玫瑰好看却有刺。 【 yàn】 méi guī hǎo kàn què yǒu cì。
Roses have thorns.
4,6,8的平均数是6。 4,6,8 de píng jūn shù shì6。
The average of 4, 6 and 8 is 6.
【谚】教学相长。 【 yàn】 jiào xué xiàng zhǎng。
Teaching others teaches yourself.
他被一株树根绊倒了。 tā bèi yī zhū shù gēn bàn dào le。
He tripped on a tree root.
【谚】滚石不生苔。 【 yàn】 gǔn shí bù shēng tái。
A rolling stone gathers no moss.
你得出了什么结论? nǐ dé chū le shén me jié lùn?
What conclusion did you come to?
那个英雄英勇绝伦。 nèi gè yīng xióng yīng yǒng jué lún。
The hero was dauntless.
你要西红柿酱吗? nǐ yào xī hóng shì jiàng ma?
Would you like some tomato paste?
他用手帕捂著鼻子. tā yòng shǒu pà wǔ著 bí zi.
He pressed a handkerchief to his nose.
您心里没有疑问了吗? nín xīn lǐ méi yǒu yí wèn le ma?
There’s no doubt in your mind?
穿衣随便,穿着邋遢 chuān yì suí biàn, chuān zhuó邋 tà
Casual or lounging attire.
请帮我喂我的猫好吗? qǐng bāng wǒ wèi wǒ de māo hào ma?
Will you feed my cat for me?
狮子长着黄褐色棕毛。 shī zi zhǎng zhuó huáng hè sè zōng máo。
A lion has tawny mane.
你能闻到煤气漏气吗? nǐ néng wén dào méi qì lòu qì ma?
Can you smell a gas leak?
吸烟会导致肺癌吗? xī yān kuài dǎo zhì fèi ái ma?
Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?
她在惶恐中跪下。 tā zài huáng kǒng zhòng guì xià。
She dropped to her knees in a panic.
`亲爱的'是亲昵语. ` qīn ài de' shì qīn nì yù.
`Darling’ is a term of endearment.
婴儿在8点钟出生。 yīng ér zài8 diǎn zhōng chū shēng。
The baby was born on 8 o’clock.
你支持哪个足球队? nǐ zhī chí nǎ ge zú qiú duì?
Which football team do you support?
他咧嘴一笑表示赞成. tā liě zuǐ yī xiào biǎo shì zàn chéng.
He grinned his approval.
你到底是怎么知道的? nǐ dào dǐ shì zěn me zhī dào de?
How on earth did you know it?
来看看伦敦的名胜. lái kàn kàn lún dūn de míng shèng.
Come and see the sights of London.
嘿,这个消息太棒了! hēi, zhè gè xiāo xi tài bàng le!
Hey, the news’s terrific/great!
尝一点儿这种乳酪吧! cháng yī diǎnr zhè zhǒng rǔ lào ba!
Just have a taste of this cheese!
你的衬衫已经熨好了。 nǐ de chèn shān yǐ jīng yùn hào le。
Your shirt is already ironed.
7、9和14的平均数是10。 7、9 huò14 de píng jūn shù shì10。
The mean of 7,9 and 14 is 10.
我把衬衫烫 胡了. wǒ bǎ chèn shān tàng hú le.
I scorched my shirt when I was ironing it.
甜食是我唯一的嗜好。 tián sì shì wǒ wéi yī de shì hào。
Sweets are my only indulgence.
你的生活目标是什么? nǐ de shēng huó mù biāo shì shén me?
What is your aim in life?
将军的级别比上尉高。 jiāng jūn de jí bié bì shàng wèi gāo。
A general ranks a captain.
我4点钟左右找你。 wǒ4 diǎn zhōng zuǒ yòu zhǎo nǐ。
I’ll look out for you at about four.
狮子长着黄褐色棕毛。 shī zi zhǎng zhuó huáng hè sè zōng máo。
A lion has tawny mane.
伦理学是哲学的分科. lún lǐ xué shì zhé xué de fèn kē.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy.
这真是个意外的惊喜! zhè zhēn shì gè yì wài de jīng xǐ!
What an unexpected pleasure!
我真羡慕.你多美啊! wǒ zhēn xiàn mù. nǐ duō měi a!
I do envy you. You’re so beautiful!
给花园施些肥料吧! jǐ huā yuán shī xiē féi liào ba!
Do some fertilization for the garden!
你怎麽不把胡子刮掉? nǐ zěn mó bù bǎ hú zi guā diào?
Why don’t you shave your beard off?
别对你弟弟那麽刻薄! biè duì nǐ dì di nà mó kē bó!
Don’t be so mean to your little brother!
心理创伤;心理能量 xīn lǐ chuāng shāng; xīn lǐ néng liàng
Psychic trauma; psychic energy.
数千人死於这场灾祸. shuò qiān rén sǐ yū zhè chǎng zāi huò.
Thousands died in the disaster.
你猜我今天碰见谁了? nǐ cāi wǒ jīn tiān pèng jiàn shéi le?
Guess who I bumped into today?
你把这东西叫做啤酒吗? nǐ bǎ zhè dōng xi jiào zuò pí jiǔ ma?
Do you call this stuff beer?
用这条毛巾把手擦乾. yòng zhè tiáo máo jīn bǎ shǒu cā qián.
Dry your hands on this towel.
别摸那个盘子–烫极了! biè mó nèi gè pán zi– tàng jí le!
Don’t touch that dish it’s very hot!
把这些衬衣送去洗熨. bǎ zhè xie chèn yī sòng qù xǐ yùn.
Send these shirts to be laundered.
他用一把钝刀子切肉。 tā yòng yī bǎ dùn dāo zi qiè ròu。
He cut the meat with a blunt knife.
虫子已经蛀穿了木料。 chóng zi yǐ jīng zhù chuān le mù liào。
Worms have bored into the wood.
他们喜欢这温度吗? tā men xǐ huan zhè wēn dù ma?
Did they find the temperature to their liking?
给花园施些肥料吧! jǐ huā yuán shī xiē féi liào ba!
Do some fertilization for the garden!
我可以顺路搭乘你的车吗? wǒ kě yǐ shùn lù dā chéng nǐ de jū ma?
Can I hitch a ride with you?
我真傻, 竟相信了他! wǒ zhēn shǎ, jìng xiāng xìn le tā!
And I was foolish enough to believe him!
如果这是真的又该如何呢? rú guǒ zhè shì zhēn de yòu gāi rú hé ne?
What if it is true?
我真的需要把它抄下来吗? wǒ zhēn de xū yào bǎ tā chāo xia lai ma?
Do I really need to copy it?
我们将按时到达,是吗? wǒ men jiàng àn shí dào dá, shì ma?
We’ll be on time, won’t we?
她是怎样学到本领的? tā shì zěn yàng xué dào běn lǐng de?
How did she acquire her skill?
礼拜天洗车怎么样? lǐ bài tiān xǐ jū zěn me yàng?
What about washing the car on Sunday?
如果他现在回来怎么办? rú guǒ tā xiàn zài huí lai zěn me bàn?
What if he comes back now?
你的初步措施是什么? nǐ de chū bù cuò shī shì shén me?
What are your preparatory measures?
谁翻过我的文件了? shéi fān guò wǒ de wén jiàn le?
Who’s been rooting about among my papers?
【谚】慢而稳,赛必胜。 【 yàn】 màn ér wěn, sài bì shèng。
Slow and steady wins the race.
这头大象重多少吨? zhè tou dà xiàng zhòng duō shao dùn?
How many tons does this elephant weigh?
【谚】人倒众人踩。 【 yàn】 rén dào zhòng rén cǎi。
If a man once fall, all will tread on him.
你较喜欢油煎香肠吗? nǐ jiào xǐ huan yóu jiān xiāng cháng ma?
Do you like fried sausages more?
地球是绕轴旋转的吗? dì qiú shì rào zhú xuán zhuǎn de ma?
Does the earth rotate on an axis?
你可把我完全弄糊涂了! nǐ kě bǎ wǒ wán quán nòng hú tu le!
Now you’ve mixed me up completely!
不知不觉的;不自觉的 bù zhī bù jué de; bù zì jué de
Lacking conscious awareness; unmindful.
你竟敢冲我吐舌头! nǐ jìng gǎn chòng wǒ tù shé tóu!
Don’t you dare stick your tongue out at me!
今天这队的队长是谁? jīn tiān zhè duì de duì zhǎng shì shéi?
Who is captaining the side today?
这房间的面积是多少? zhè fáng jiān de miàn ji shì duō shao?
What are the dimensions of the room?
我们为什么要怕他呢? wǒ men wèi shén me yào pà tā ne?
Why is it that we should be afraid of him?
【谚】空袋子,立不直。 【 yàn】 kòng dài zi, lì bù zhí。
An empty sack cannot stand upright.
对不起, 我踩著你的脚了吧? duì bù qǐ, wǒ cǎi著 nǐ de jué le ba?
Sorry, did I tread on your toe?
那个牡蛎把壳合拢起来。 nèi gè mǔ lì bǎ qiào hé lǒng qǐ lai。
That oyster closed up its valves.
刀剑挥舞,旌旗飘扬。 dāo jiàn huī wǔ, jīng qí piāo yáng。
Swords brandished and banners waved.
你肯定你九点能来吗? nǐ kěn dìng nǐ jiǔ diǎn néng lái ma?
Are you sure you can come by at nine?
烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。 shāo yú zhī qián xiān qù diào yú lín。
Scale the fish before cooking them.
别为这些琐事生气。 biè wèi zhè xie suǒ shì shēng qì。
Don’t be angry over such trivial matters.
我们打算称呼她为黛安娜. wǒ men dǎ suàn chēng hu tā wèi dài A1n nà.
We’re going to call her Diana.
鼹鼠在地下挖掘(路). yǎn shú zài dì xià wá jué( lù).
The mole bored (its way) underground.
你平时下班几点到家? nǐ píng shí xià bān jī diǎn dào jiā?
When do you normally get in from work?
按这个按钮开动引擎。 àn zhè gè àn niǔ kāi dòng yǐn qíng。
Press this button to start the engine.
【谚】梦与现实常相反。 【 yàn】 mèng yù xiàn shí cháng xiāng fǎn。
Dreams go by contraries.
她曾经写信给马克吗? tā céng jīng xiě xìn jǐ mǎ kè ma?
Has she ever written a letter to Mark?
能劝得她把房子卖了吗? néng quàn de tā bǎ fáng zi mài le ma?
Can she be persuaded to sell (the house)?
这家公司成立於1860年. zhè jiā gōng sī chéng lì yū1860 nián.
This business was established in 1860.
经过治疗他尚未痊愈。 jīng guò zhì liáo tā shàng wèi quán yù。
He is in a bad way after treatment.
哪一方将获得控制权? něi yī fāng jiàng huò dé kòng zhì quán?
Which side will get the mastery?
你拿我的毛皮大衣干什么? nǐ ná wǒ de máo pí dà yī gàn shén me?
What are you doing with my fur coat?
我们听到猫的喵喵叫声。 wǒ men tīng dào māo de miāo miāo jiào shēng。
We heard the mewing of a cat.
什么时候举行运动会? shén me shí hou jǔ xíng yùn dòng huì?
When will the sports meeting come off?
往後站, 让队伍通过. wàng後 zhàn, ràng duì wǔ tōng guò.
Stand back to allow the procession to pass.
这个编在什麽标题之下? zhè gè biān zài shí mó biāo tí zhī xià?
What heading does this come under?
这座房子有半英亩草坪. zhè zuò fáng zi yǒu bàn yīng mǒu cǎo píng.
The house has half an acre of lawn.
这一程序有哪些功能? zhè yī chéng xù yǒu nǎ xiē gōng néng?
What functions can this program perform?
别对你的父母这么没礼貌! biè duì nǐ de fù mǔ zhè me mò lǐ mào!
Don’t be so rude to your parents!
玛丽胜任教师的工作吗? Mǎ lì shèng rèn jiào shī de gōng zuò ma?
Is Mary competent as a teacher?
说话要文明有礼! shuō huà yào wén míng yǒu lǐ!
Keep a civil tongue in your head! ie Don’t speak rudely!
我们现在究竟到哪里了? wǒ men xiàn zài jiū jìng dào nǎ li le?
Where on earth have we fetched up now?
蟹肉三明治;豆腐三明治 xiè ròu sān míng zhì; dòu fu sān míng zhì
A crab burger, a tofu burger.
真想不到会在这儿遇见你! zhēn xiǎng bù dào kuài zài zhèr yù jiàn nǐ!
Fancy meeting you here!
非洲向欧洲出口牛肉。 fēi zhōu xiàng ōu zhōu chū kǒu niú ròu。
Africa is exporting beef to Europe.
你猜飞机何时要起飞? nǐ cāi fēi jī hé shí yào qǐ fēi?
When do you guess the airplane will take off?
谁将获得总统提名? shéi jiàng huò dé zǒng tǒng tí míng?
Who will get the nomination for president?
这些锅上有蓝色的搪瓷。 zhè xie guō shàng yǒu lán sè de táng cí。
The pots are made with blue enamel.
他把食品存放在碗橱里。 tā bǎ shí pǐn cún fàng zài wǎn chú lǐ。
He stored foods in his cupboard.
地球内部是什么样子? dì qiú nèi bù shì shén me yàng zi?
What is it like in the bowels of the earth?
打喷嚏时, 要用手帕遮住. dǎ pēn tì shí, yào yòng shǒu pà zhē zhù.
Use a handkerchief when you sneeze.
园艺需要些什么工具? yuán yì xū yào xiē shén me gōng jù?
What implements are needed for gardening?
你是否歇够了可以接著干了? nǐ shì fǒu xiē gòu le kě yǐ jiē著 gàn le?
Are you rested enough to go on?
这大门是从里面闩上的。 zhè dà mén shì zòng lǐ miàn shuān shàng de。
The gate bolts on the inside.
他们将去欧洲,不是吗? tā men jiàng qù ōu zhōu, bú shì ma?
They will go to Europe, won’t they?
光荣的,荣耀的;辉煌的 guāng róng de, róng yào de; huī huáng de
Having or deserving glory; famous.
那篝火只有余烬尚存。 nà gōu huǒ zhǐ yǒu yú jìn shàng cún。
Only the embers of the bonfire remained.
谁掌握国家的最高权力? shéi zhǎng wò guó jiā de zuì gāo quán lì?
Who holds sovereign power in the state?
那只猫被卡车碾死了。 nà zhǐ māo bèi kǎ chē niǎn sǐ le。
The cat got run over by the lorry and squashed.
是不是儿童都喜欢破坏? shì bú shì ér tóng dōu xǐ huan pò huài?
Are all small children so destructive?
月亮每28天绕地球一圈. yuè liàng měí8 tiān rào dì qiú yī quān.
The moon circles the earth every 28 days.
老师以嘶哑的声音说话。 lǎo shī yǐ sī yǎ de shēng yīn shuō huà。
The teacher speaks with a husky voice.
这传统有多久的历史了? zhè chuán tǒng yǒu duō jiǔ de lì shǐ le?
How far does the tradition go back?
嘿,蓝迪,你吃午饭了吗? hēi, lán dí, nǐ jí wǔ fàn le ma?
Hey, Randy, have you had your lunch yet?
狄更斯是他最喜欢的作家、 dí gèng sī shì tā zuì xǐ huan de zuò jiā、
Dickens is his favorite author.
是真的还是我当时在做梦? shì zhēn de hái shì wǒ dāng shí zài zuò mèng?
Was it real or did I dream it?
你同意光的波动理论吗? nǐ tóng yì guāng de bō dòng lǐ lùn ma?
Do you agree to the wave theory of light?
宠爱的对象包含爱意的东西 chǒng ài de duì xiàng bāo hán ài yì de dōng xi
An object of the affections.
总理被总统废黜了。 zǒng lǐ bèi zǒng tǒng fèi chù le。
The Prime Minister was dethroned by the President.
干酪散发出强烈的气味。 gān lào sàn fā chū qiáng liè de qì wèi。
The cheese was emitting a strong smell.
那鹅愤怒地向我发出嘶嘶声. nà é fèn nù de xiàng wǒ fā chū sī sī shēng.
The goose hissed at me angrily.
他们是否按体积计算运费? tā men shì fǒu àn tǐ jī jì suàn yùn fèi?
Do they charge carriage by bulk?
`我嗓子疼,'他吃力地说. ` wǒ sǎng zi téng,' tā chī lì de shuō.
I’ve got a sore throat,’ he wheezed.
他们上学你要付学费吗? tā men shàng xué nǐ yào fù xué fèi ma?
Do you have to pay for their schooling?
你爱下棋[打乒乓球]吗? nǐ ài xià qí[dǎ pīng pāng qiú] ma?
Do you like to play chess [table tennis]?
傍晚的云霞绚丽多彩。 bàng wǎn de yún xiá xuàn lì duō cǎi。
In the evening the rosy clouds were gorgeous.
我们向他们告别後就离开了. wǒ men xiàng tā men gào bié後 jiù lí kāi le.
Bidding them adieu we departed.
你从哪里学会说英语的呢? nǐ zòng nǎ li xué huì shuō Yīng yǔ de ne?
Where did you learn to speak English?
渔船沿着岸抛锚停泊。 yú chuán yán zhe àn pāo máo tíng bó。
Fishing boats were anchored all along the coast.
渔船沿着岸抛锚停泊。 yú chuán yán zhe àn pāo máo tíng bó。
Fishing boats were anchored all along the coast.
我们喜欢看海豚的表演。 wǒ men xǐ huan kàn hǎi tún de biǎo yǎn。
We like to see the performance of dolphins.
他死于刺客的匕首之下。 tā sǐ yú cì kè de bǐ shǒu zhī xià。
He fell a victim to the dagger of the assassin.
我们担保这些染料不褪色. wǒ men dān bǎo zhè xie rǎn liào bù tùn sè.
We guarantee the fastness of these dyes.
这项新法律何时生效? zhè xiàng xīn fǎ lu:4 hé shí shēng xiào?
When does the new law come into operation?
群众臂挽著臂组成人墙. qún zhòng bì wǎn著 bì zǔ chéng rén qiáng.
The crowd linked arms to form a barrier.
你能区别好书与坏书吗? nǐ néng qū bié hào shū yù huài shū ma?
Can you discriminate good books from bad?
水可以通过蒸馏而提纯。 shuǐ kě yǐ tōng guò zhēng liù ér tí chún。
Water can be made pure by distilling it.
你的房间面向哪个方向? nǐ de fáng jiān miàn xiàng nǎ ge fāng xiàng?
Which direction does your room face?
【谚】遮荫之树不可砍。 【 yàn】 zhē yìn zhī shù bù kě kǎn。
Do not cut down the tree that gives you shade.
他是一位多么能干的经理呀! tā shì yī wèi duō me néng gàn de jīng lǐ ya!
What a capable manager he is!
他计划星期天去钓鲑鱼。 tā jì huà xīng qī tiān qù diào鲑 yú。
He planed to go fishing for salmon on Sunday.
你的胃痛好些还是更坏了? nǐ de wèi tòng hǎo xiē hái shì gèng huài le?
Is your stomach getting better or worse?
到伦敦时顺便来看我。 dào lún dūn shí shùn biàn lái kàn wǒ。
Drop in and see us when you’re next in London.
我们亟需增加工作人员。 wǒ men qì xū zēng jiā gōng zuò rén yuán。
Our immediate requirement is extra staff.
盐作用於冰而使其融化. yán zuò yòng yū bīng ér shǐ qí róng huà.
The action of salt on ice causes it to melt.
约翰刚刚跟女朋友吹了. Yuē hàn gāng gang gēn nu:3 péng you chuī le.
John has just split up with his girl-friend.
对不起, 我不是故意吓唬你的. duì bù qǐ, wǒ bú shì gù yì xià hǔ nǐ de.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to frighten you.
她很善於总结情况. tā hěn shàn yū zǒng jié qíng kuàng.
She has an apt turn of phrase for summing up a situation.
他因勇敢而赢得一枚勋章。 tā yīn yǒng gǎn ér yíng dé yī méi xūn zhāng。
He got a medal for his gallantry.
水可以通过蒸馏而提纯。 shuǐ kě yǐ tōng guò zhēng liù ér tí chún。
Water can be made pure by distilling it.
星期五能不能请你替我个班? xīng qī wǔ néng bù néng qǐng nǐ tì wǒ gè bān?
Can you cover for me on Friday?
被配偶遗弃是离婚的理由吗? bèi pèi ǒu yí qì shì lí hūn de lǐ yóu ma?
Does desertion ground for divorce?
被配偶遗弃是离婚的理由吗? bèi pèi ǒu yí qì shì lí hūn de lǐ yóu ma?
Does desertion ground for divorce?
被虫蛀的被虫钻透或咬啮的 bèi chóng zhù de bèi chóng zuàn tòu huò yǎo niè de
Bored through or gnawed by worms.
你能找换5英镑的零钱吗? nǐ néng zhǎo huàn yīng bàng de líng qián ma?
Would you by any chance have change for 5?
把饼乾放到上面的架子上. bǎ bǐng qián fàng dào shàng mian de jià zi shàng.
Put the biscuits on the shelf above.
她已住院去切除阑尾. tā yǐ zhù yuàn qù qiè chú lán wěi.
She’s gone into hospital to have her appendix taken out.
国家元首被军队废黜了。 guó jiā yuán shǒu bèi jūn duì fèi chù le。
The head of state was deposed by the army.
目前的市场相当萧条。 mù qián de shì chǎng xiāng dāng xiāo tiáo。
The market is rather depressed at the moment.
【谚】涓滴之水汇成洋。 【 yàn】 juān dī zhī shuǐ huì chéng yáng。
Little drops of water make the mighty ocean.
你能闻到玫瑰花的香味吗? nǐ néng wén dào méi guī huā de xiāng wèi ma?
Can you smell the perfume of the roses?
你手术後疼得很难受吗? nǐ shǒu shù後 téng de hěn nán shòu ma?
Does the pain from your operation bother you much?
我们向着陡峭山顶攀登。 wǒ men xiàng zhuó dǒu qiào shān dǐng pān dēng。
We have a precipitous climb to the peak.
我被带到後台去会见演员. wǒ bèi dài dào後 tái qù huì jiàn yǎn yuán.
I was taken backstage to meet the actors.
头大是不是表示智慧高? tou dà shì bú shì biǎo shì zhì huì gāo?
Is a large head indicative of high intelligence?
贫富的鸿沟始终存在。 pín fù de hóng gōu shǐ zhōng cún zài。
There is always a vast chasm between rich and poor.
她年纪那麽大活跃得不得了. tā nián jì nà mó dà huó yuè de bù dé liǎo.
She is wonderfully active for her age.
这次网球赛的优胜者是谁? zhè cì wǎng qiú sài de yōu shèng zhě shì shéi?
Who’s the winner of the tennis match?
多吃油腻食物对身体有害。 duō jí yóu nì shí wù duì shēn tǐ yǒu hài。
A surfeit of rich food is bad for you.
已请他来加强後卫力量. yǐ qǐng tā lái jiā qiáng後 wèi lì liang.
He has been brought in to strengthen the defence.
突然的微笑使她容光焕发。 tū rán de wēi xiào shǐ tā róng guāng huàn fā。
A sudden smile illuminated her face.
云杉和松树都是常绿树木。 yún shān huò sōng shù dōu shì cháng lu:4 shù mù。
Spruce and pine are evergreen trees.
鹦鹉螺是种小型海洋动物。 yīng wǔ luó shì zhòng xiǎo xíng hǎi yáng dòng wù。
Nautilus is a small sea animal.
这些玉米秧正茁壮生长。 zhè xie yù mǐ yāng zhèng zhuó zhuàng shēng zhǎng。
These corn plants are very vigorous.
这种行为是雄性特有的吗? zhè zhǒng xíng wéi shì xióng xìng tè yǒu de ma?
Is this behaviour typical of the male sex?
当时他不必来。(但却来了) dāng shí tā bù bì lái。( dàn què lái le)
He need not have come. (But he came.)
日本在菲律宾群岛的北面。 Rì běn zài fēi lu:4 bīn qún dǎo de běi miàn。
Japan lies to the north of Philippines.
你能回忆起多久以前的事情? nǐ néng huí yì qǐ duō jiǔ yǐ qián de shì qing?
How far does your memory go back?
布里斯托尔位於英格兰的西部. bù lǐ sī tuō ěr wèi yū yīng gé lán de xī bù.
Bristol is in the west of England.
跨着以便跨过或横过;横跨 kuà zhuó yǐ biàn kuà guò huò héng guò; héng kuà
So as to straddle or bridge; astride.
你闻到发霉烟草的臭味了吗? nǐ wén dào fà méi yān cǎo de chòu wèi le ma?
Do you smell the reek of stale tobacco?
他们的会谈产生了什么结果? tā men de huì tán chǎn shēng le shén me jié guǒ?
What results emerged from their talks?
有司令部的任何命令吗? yǒu sī lìng bù de rèn hé mìng lìng ma?
Are their any orders coming from the headquarters?
你能辨别这两个品种吗? nǐ néng biàn bié zhè liǎng gè pǐn zhǒng ma?
Can you differentiate between the two varieties?
哎呀!没想到价格这么高! āi yā! mò xiǎng dào jià gé zhè me gāo!
Dear me, I didn’t know the price is so high!
水汨汨地从塞孔中流下去. shuǐ mì mì de zòng sè kǒng zhòng liú xià qu.
The water gurgled as it ran down the plug-hole.
这本参考书对我有用处吗? zhè běn cān kǎo shū duì wǒ yǒu yòng chù ma?
Is this reference book of any use to me?
硼砂常被用来做玻璃制品。 péng shā cháng bèi yòng lái zuò bō li zhì pǐn。
Borax is always used in making glass.
你什么时候完成大学课程? nǐ shén me shí hou wán chéng dà xué kè chéng?
When do you finish your college course?
一步行走时跨出的一步;一大步 yí bù xíng zǒu shí kuà chū de yí bù; yī dà bù
A step made in walking; a stride.
这条路上铺满了冷杉针叶。 zhè tiáo lù shang pù mǎn le lěng shān zhēn yè。
The road was covered with fir needles.
松木是软木,柚木是硬木。 sōng mù shì ruǎn mù, yòu mù shì yìng mù。
Pine is a soft wood and teak is a hard wood.
对上级负责的;应负责任的 duì shàng jí fù zé de; yìng fù zé rèn de
Responsible to higher authority; accountable.
这辆倒霉汽车就是发动不起来! zhè liàng dǎo méi qì chē jiù shì fā dòng bù qǐ lai!
The wretched car won’t start!
拉斯洛·拜罗发明了圆珠笔. lā sī luò· bài luó fā míng le yuán zhū bǐ.
Laszlo Biro invented the ball-point pen.
请你把这封信复印一份好吗? qǐng nǐ bǎ zhè fēng xìn fù yìn yī fèn hào ma?
Could you Xerox this letter please?
别向后看,不然你会摔跤的。 biè xiàng hòu kàn, bù rán nǐ kuài shuāi jiāo de。
Don’t look behind or you may fall.
我的外籍教师来自澳大利亚。 wǒ de wài jí jiào shī lái zì ào dà lì yà。
My foreign teacher came from Australia.
想去毛毛雨里散会儿步吗? xiǎng qù máo máo yǔ lǐ sàn kuài er bù ma?
Would you like to go for a walk in the drizzle?
别忘了把牙刷放到箱子里去! biè wàng le bǎ yá shuā fàng dào xiāng zǐ lǐ qù!
Don’t forget to pack your toothbrush!
这些花因缺水而渐渐枯萎。 zhè xie huā yīn quē shuǐ ér jiàn jiàn kū wěi。
The flowers are wilting for lack of water.
我对计算机硬件一窍不通。 wǒ duì jì suàn jī yìng jiàn yī qiào bù tōng。
I know nothing about computer hardware.
那镇位於伦敦南面. nà zhèn wèi yū lún dūn nán miàn.
The town is to the south of (ie situated further south than) London.
我浏览了一遍书架上的书。 wǒ liú lǎn le yī biàn shū jià shàng de shū。
I had a browse through the books on the shelf.
谁那麽讨厌把我的毛巾拿走了. shéi nà mó tǎo yàn bǎ wǒ de máo jīn ná zǒu le.
Some so-and-so has pinched my towel.
他的眼泪引起在场人的怜悯。 tā de yǎn lèi yǐn qǐ zài chǎng rén de lián mǐn。
His tears were pathetic to witness.
请你往右边移一点好吗? qǐng nǐ wàng yòu biān yí yī diǎn hào ma?
Would you be good enough to move a bit to the right?
他们在公园里种了许多紫杉。 tā men zài gōng yuán lǐ zhòng le xǔ duō zǐ shān。
They planted many yews in the park.
把那刀子放下,以免伤人! bǎ nà dāo zi fàng xia, yǐ miǎn shāng rén!
Put down that knife before you hurt somebody!
我 水时脚趾让螃蟹给夹了. wǒ shuǐ shí jiǎo zhǐ ràng páng xiè jǐ jiá le.
A crab nipped my toe while I was paddling.
她对自己的恐惧直言不讳。 tā duì zì jǐ de kǒng jù zhí yán bù huì。
She spoke about her fears with complete frankness.
你肯出多少钱买我那辆旧车? nǐ kěn chū duō shao qián mǎi wǒ nà liàng jiù jū?
How much will you give me for my old car?
违反一项合同;侵犯专利权 wéi fǎn yí xiàng hé tong; qīn fàn zhuān lì quán
Infringe a contract; infringe a patent.
我可决不至於下贱到骗人的地步 wǒ kě jué bù zhì yū xià jiàn dào piàn rén de dì bù
I would never stoop to cheating.
你丈夫什么时候下班回家? nǐ zhàng fu shén me shí hou xià bān huí jiā?
What time does your husband return from work?
【谚】井干方知水可贵。 【 yàn】 jǐng gàn fāng zhī shuǐ kě guì。
We never know the value of water till the well is dry.
你对北京的最初印象如何? nǐ duì Běi jīng de zuì chū yìn xiàng rú hé?
What were your first impressions of Beijing?
你尝得出炖肉里有大蒜味儿吗? nǐ cháng dé chū dùn ròu lǐ yǒu dà suàn wèi er ma?
Can you taste the garlic in this stew?
她去世後全家人极为悲痛. tā qù shì後 quán jiā rén jí wéi bēi tòng.
Her death was a great distress to all the family.
你知道今年的经济政策吗? nǐ zhī dào jīn nián de jīng jì zhèng cè ma?
Do you know the economic policy of this year?
他们盖著毯子(在一起)搂著. tā men gě著 tǎn zi( zài yī qǐ) lǒu著.
They cuddled up (together) under the blanket.
我喜欢在闲暇时打羽毛球。 wǒ xǐ huan zài xián xiá shí dǎ yǔ máo qiú。
I like to play badminton in my spare time.
他走出法庭时耷拉著脑袋. tā zǒu chū fǎ tíng shí dā lā著 nǎo dài.
He had his head down as he walked out of the court.
他把一张红桃J 藏在口袋里。 tā bǎ yī zhāng hóng táoJ zàng zài kǒu dài lǐ。
He hid a knave of hearts in his pocket.
那个欠你一百块的人住在哪里? nèi gè qiàn nǐ yī bǎi kuài de rén zhù zài nǎ li?
Where is the man that owes you $100?
水泥袋砰的一声落在地上. shuǐ ní dài pēng de yī shēng luò zài dì shang.
The sack of cement hit the ground with a thump.
这个节目在哪家电视台播放? zhè gè jié mù zài něi jiā diàn shì tái bō fàng?
Which TV station is the programme on?
一到周末纪律往往松弛下来. yī dào zhōu mò jì lu:4 wǎng wǎng sōng chí xia lai.
Discipline is often relaxed at weekends.
这件羊毛衫洗后会缩水吗? zhè jiàn yáng máo shān xǐ hòu kuài suō shuǐ ma?
Will this woolen sweater shrink when washed?
在他们的成绩中他有何贡献? zài tā men de chéng jī zhòng tā yǒu hé gòng xiàn?
What share did he have in their success?
这些都是在这个车间制造的吗? zhè xie dōu shì zài zhè gè chē jiān zhì zào de ma?
Are these made in this workshop?
教师拿Shelley与Keats相比较。 jiào shī náShelley yùKeats xiāng bǐ jiào。
Teacher takes Shelley to compare with Keats mutually.
你难道不想夸夸我的新帽子吗? nǐ nán dào bù xiǎng kuā kuā wǒ de xīn mào zi ma?
Aren’t you going to admire my new hat?
感觉好像春节已经到了似的! gǎn jué hǎo xiàng chūn jié yǐ jīng dào le sì de!
It feels like spring festival already!
这个工人用一个铁箍修桶。 zhè gè gōng rén yòng yī gè tiě gū xiū tǒng。
The worker repaired the barrel with a hoop iron.
澳大利亚比英国更民主吗? ào dà lì yà bì Yīng guó gèng mín zhǔ ma?
Is there more democracy in Australia than in Britain?
小羊羔在田野里跳跃嬉戏。 xiǎo yáng gāo zài tián yě lǐ tiào yuè xī xì。
The lambs were capering about in the fields.
热的金属一冷(下来)就收缩. rè de jīn shǔ yī lěng( xia lai) jiù shōu suō.
The hot metal contracts as it cools (down).
他们蜷著身子蹲在桌子底下. tā men quán著 shēn zi dūn zài zhuō zi dǐ xia.
They (were) bent double crouching under the table.
敌人从四面八方(向我们)逼近. dí rén zòng sì miàn bā fāng( xiàng wǒ men) bī jìn.
The enemy is closing in (on us).
这所别墅以古旧的风格而著名。 zhè suǒ bié shù yǐ gǔ jiù de fēng gé ér著 míng。
The villa is famous for its old style.
我(的现金和支票簿)被抢了. wǒ( de xiàn jīn huò zhī piào bù) bèi qiǎng le.
I was robbed (of my cash and cheque-book).
落叶嗒塔地打在玻璃窗上。 luò yè tà tǎ de dǎ zài bō li chuāng shàng。
The falling leaves pattered against the windowpanes.
这座小教堂於1880年举行献堂礼. zhè zuò xiǎo jiào táng yū1880 nián jǔ xíng xiàn táng lǐ.
The chapel was dedicated in 1880.
黑檀树是一种黑色而坚硬的树木。 hēi tán shù shì yī zhòng hēi sè ér jiān yìng de shù mù。
Ebony is a hard black wood.
他走到我跟前问我什麽时间了. tā zǒu dào wǒ gēn qián wèn wǒ shí mó shí jiān le.
He came up (to me) and asked the time.
你有进入加拿大必备的签证吗? nǐ yǒu jìn rù jiā ná dà bì bèi de qiān zhèng ma?
Have you the requisite visa to enter Canada?
我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。 wǒ xǐ huan shōu jí qiū tiān chì hè sè de yè zi。
I like to collect russet autumn leaves.
请说明姓名、年龄和职业。 qǐng shuō míng xìng míng、 nián líng huò zhí yè。
Please state your name, age and occupation.
她言简意赅地总结了情况. tā yán jiǎn yì gāi de zǒng jié le qíng kuàng.
She summed up the situation in a few choice phrases.
她的长发披在後背直垂到腰间. tā de zhǎng fà pī zài後 bèi zhí chuí dào yāo jiàn.
Her hair hung down her back to her waist.
别了!希望很快我们能再见面。 biè le! xī wàng hěn kuài wǒ men néng zài jiàn miàn。
Farewell! I hope we meet again soon.
光线暗淡有助於人们松弛精神. guāng xiàn àn dàn yǒu zhù yū rén men sōng chí jīng shén.
Subtle lighting helps people relax.
别把澳大利亚和奥地利混淆了。 biè bǎ ào dà lì yà huò ào de lì hùn xiáo le。
Please don’t confuse Australia with Austria.
我不同意,布莱顿城更为热闹。 wǒ bù tóng yì, bù lái dùn chéng gèng wèi rè nao。
I disagree, brighton’s more lively.
西洋樱草生长于热带国家吗? xī yáng yīng cǎo shēng zhǎng yú rè dài guó jiā ma?
Does cowslip grow in tropic countries?
没有汽车你究竟是怎样来的呢? méi yǒu qì chē nǐ jiū jìng shì zěn yàng lái de ne?
However did you get here without a car?
他们因资源短缺处境窘迫. tā men yīn zī yuán duǎn quē chǔ jìng jiǒng pò.
They were handicapped by (a) poverty of resources.
我们是不是可以另试试别的路线? wǒ men shì bú shì kě yǐ lìng shì shì bié de lù xiàn?
Can we perhaps try another route?
他被提升为陆军中尉/海军上尉。 tā bèi tí shēng wèi lù jūn zhōng wèi/ hǎi jūn shàng wèi。
He was promoted to lieutenant.
你能告诉我是谁发明了电话? nǐ néng gào su wǒ shì shéi fā míng le diàn huà?
Can you tell me who invented the telephone?
【谚】蠢羊才向狼忏悔。 【 yàn】 chǔn yáng cái xiàng láng chàn huǐ。
It is a foolish sheep that makes the wolf his confessor.
静止的目标是最容易瞄准的。 jìng zhǐ de mù biāo shì zuì róng yì miáo zhǔn de。
A stationary target is easiest to aim at.
他最後厌倦了这种艰苦的尝试. tā zuì後 yàn juàn le zhè zhǒng jiān kù de cháng shì.
Eventually he tired of trying so hard.
他的诗作有很多晦涩难解的地方。 tā de shī zuò yǒu hěn duō huì sè nàn xiè de dì fang。
His poems are full of obscurities.
处决囚犯过去都是公开执行的。 chǔ jué qiú fàn guò qu dōu shì gōng kāi zhí xíng de。
There used to be public executions.
该房子/公路正在施工中。 gāi fáng zi/ gōng lù zhèng zài shī gōng zhòng。
The house/highway is in course of construction.
熨斗太热了, 你会把衣服烫焦的. yùn dǒu tài rè le, nǐ kuài bǎ yī fu tàng jiāo de.
The iron’s too hot, you’ll singe the dress.
乡村的田野里阡陌纵横。 xiāng cūn de tián yě lǐ qiān mò zòng héng。
The paths crisscrossed in the fields in the countryside.
他对那些事情的说法前後矛盾. tā duì nà xiē shì qing de shuō fa qián後 máo dùn.
His account of the events was inconsistent.
吃上中餐是多么令人愉快啊! jí shàng Zhōng cān shì duō me lìng rén yú kuài a!
How pleasant it is to dine on Chinese food!
这些警察戴着头盔保护自己。 zhè xie jǐng chá dài zhuó tou kuī bǎo hù zì jǐ。
These policemen wear helmets to protect them.
半夜三更的,你起来干什么? bàn yè sān gèng de, nǐ qǐ lai gàn shén me?
Why are you getting up in the middle of the night?
我们该怎样来改善自己的形象呢? wǒ men gāi zěn yàng lái gǎi shàn zì jǐ de xíng xiàng ne?
How can we improve our image?
他跳下去的时候扭伤了足踝。 tā tiào xià qu de shí hou niǔ shāng le zú huái。
He gave a wrench to his ankle when he jumped down.
我们该怎样来改善自己的形象呢? wǒ men gāi zěn yàng lái gǎi shàn zì jǐ de xíng xiàng ne?
How can we improve our image?
他毫不隐讳自己极左的观点. tā háo bú yǐn huì zì jǐ jí zuǒ de guān diǎn.
He made no bones about his extreme left-wing views.
你到美国是坐船还是坐飞机? nǐ dào Měi guó shì zuò chuán hái shì zuò fēi jī?
Are you going to America by boat or by plane?
你愿意当你弟弟的保证人吗? nǐ yuàn yì dàng nǐ dì di de bǎo zhèng rén ma?
Are you willing to stand surety for your brother?
我最喜欢吃桔子,其次才是香蕉。 wǒ zuì xǐ huan jí jú zi, qí cì cái shì xiāng jiāo。
Next to orange I like banana best.
这是加仑与升的换算公式。 zhè shì jiā lún yù shēng de huàn suàn gōng shì。
It’s the formula for converting gallons into liters.
这间屋子粗大的椽子可以看得见。 zhè jiàn wū zi cū dà de chuán zi kě yǐ kàn de xiàn。
The big rafter is visible in this room.
他瞄准羚羊射击, 把它打倒了. tā miáo zhǔn líng yáng shè jī, bǎ tā dǎ dǎo le.
He aimed, fired and brought down the antelope.
【谚】良好的开端,是成功的一半。 【 yàn】 liáng hǎo de kāi duān, shì chéng gōng de yī bàn。
Well begun is half done.
他们以抓阄来决定谁先去。 tā men yǐ zhuā jiū lái jué dìng shéi xiān qù。
They drew lots to decide which of them should go first.
你们公司有固定的办公时间吗? nǐ men gōng sī yǒu gù dìng de bàn gōng shí jiān ma?
Are there set hours of work in your company?
他是个笨手笨脚的[古里古怪的]家伙. tā shì gè bèn shǒu bèn jué de[gǔ lǐ gǔ guài de] jiā huo.
He’s an awkward/queer old cuss.
蟾蜍外表丑陋,但很有用。 chán chú wài biǎo chǒu lòu, dàn hěn yǒu yòng。
Toads have an ugly appearance but they are useful.
你喜欢草地球场还是硬地球场? nǐ xǐ huan cǎo dì qiú chǎng hái shì yìng dì qiú chǎng?
Do you prefer grass or hard courts?
他是否给出了令人满意的解释? tā shì fǒu jǐ chū le lìng rén mǎn yì de jiě shì?
Did he provide a satisfactory explanation?
将这两首诗(的风格)加以比较. jiàng zhè liǎng shǒu shī( de fēng gé) jiā yǐ bǐ jiào.
Compare (the style of) the two poems.
一阵喧闹声转移了我们的注意力。 yī zhèn xuān nào shēng zhuǎn yí le wǒ men de zhù yì lì。
A loud noise diverted my attention.
哪一条河流是它们之中最短的? něi yī tiáo hé liú shì tā men zhī zhōng zuì duǎn de?
Which river is the shortest among them?
出院时,我已经完全痊愈了。 chū yuàn shí, wǒ yǐ jīng wán quán quán yù le。
When I left the hospital I was completely cured.
这些箭的箭头上都蘸上了毒药。 zhè xie jiàn de jiàn tóu shàng dōu zhàn shàng le dú yào。
The arrows had been tipped with poison.
这些衬衫的批发价是45美元。 zhè xie chèn shān de pī fā jie shì45 měi yuán。
The wholesale prices of these shirts are 45 dollars.
先把黄油融化, 然後加入面粉. xiān bǎ huáng yóu róng huà, rán後 jiā rù miàn fěn.
Melt the butter and then blend in the flour.
他的音乐据说是”好”或”了不起”。 tā de yīn yuè jù shuō shì” hào” huò” le bù qǐ”。
His music is said to be “good” or “great”.
爱丁堡在伦敦北面很远的地方。 ài dīng pù zài lún dūn běi miàn hěn yuǎn de dì fang。
Edinburgh is a long way north of London.
他翻阅地址簿,寻找号码。 tā fān yuè dì zhǐ bù, xún zhǎo hào mǎ。
He thumbed through the address book looking for the number.
他翻阅地址簿,寻找号码。 tā fān yuè dì zhǐ bù, xún zhǎo hào mǎ。
He thumbed through the address book looking for the number.
他翻阅地址簿,寻找号码。 tā fān yuè dì zhǐ bù, xún zhǎo hào mǎ。
He thumbed through the address book looking for the number.
太阳、月亮和星星都是天体。 tài yáng、 yuè liàng huò xīng xing dōu shì tiān tǐ。
The sun, moon and stars are heavenly bodies.
骨粉和硝酸盐是普通的肥料。 gǔ fěn huò xiāo suān yán shì pǔ tōng de féi liào。
Bone-meal and nitrates are common fertilizers.
跟他在一起的那个女人究竟是谁? gēn tā zài yī qǐ de nèi gè nu:3 rén jiū jìng shì shéi?
Who on earth is that female he’s with?
他在40 个人的班级里排第九名。 tā zàì0 gè rén de bān jí lǐ pǎi dì jiǔ míng。
He took the ninth position in his class of forty.
他把裤子往上拉起,然後坐下。 tā bǎ kù zi wàng shàng lā qǐ, rán後 zuò xia。
He hitched up his trousers before sitting down.
她落选後其影响力大为降低. tā luò xuǎn後 qí yǐng xiǎng lì dà wèi jiàng dī.
Her influence declined after she lost the election.
【谚】井底之蛙,所见不广。 【 yàn】 jǐng dǐ zhī wā, suǒ xiàn bù guǎng。
The frog in the well knows nothing of the great ocean.
今天阳光明媚,天气宜人,是吗? jīn tiān yáng guāng míng mèi, tiān qì yí rén, shì ma?
Nice and bright today, is not it?
这种金属框受压後容易变形。 zhè zhǒng jīn shǔ kuàng shòu yà後 róng yì biàn xíng。
The metal frame tends to twist under pressure.
你能为我觅到那本罕见的古书吗? nǐ néng wèi wǒ mì dào nà běn hǎn jiàn de gǔ shū ma?
Can you procure the rare old book for me?
她吓唬孩子说要狠狠打他们一顿. tā xià hǔ hái zi shuō yào hěn hěn dǎ tā men yī dùn.
She threatened the children with a walloping.
我好久没有收到约翰的来信了。 wǒ hǎo jiǔ méi yǒu shōu dào Yuē hàn de lái xìn le。
I have not heard from John for a long time.
杭州是一座有悠久历史的城市。 háng zhōu shì yī zuò yǒu yōu jiǔ lì shǐ de chéng shì。
Hangzhou is a city with a long history.
这种所谓的大减价不过是个骗局! zhè zhǒng suǒ wèi de dà jiǎn jià bù guò shì gè piàn jú!
This so-called bargain is just a con!
我能把这些秘密计划委托给你吗? wǒ néng bǎ zhè xie mì mì jì huà wěi tuō jǐ nǐ ma?
Can I entrust you with the secret plans?
崎岖不平的道路使车颠簸得很厉害。 qī qū bù píng de dào lù shǐ jū diān bǒ de hěn lì hai。
The rough road made the car vibrate.
阅读占去了我大部分的闲暇时间。 yuè dú zhàn qù le wǒ dà bù fen de xián xiá shí jiān。
Reading occupies most of my free time.
难道你还不明白--那都是诬陷。 nán dào nǐ huán bù míng bái-- nà dōu shì wū xiàn。
Don’t you see it was all a frame-up!
她付了维修费以减轻内疚感。 tā fù le wéi xiū fèi yǐ jiǎn qīng nèi jiù gǎn。
She paid the repair bill as a salve to her conscience.
熨斗压在湿布上时发出嘶嘶声。 yùn dǒu yà zài shī bù shàng shí fā chū sī sī shēng。
The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.
代我向琼斯夫妇及其子女问好. dài wǒ xiàng qióng sī fū fù jí qí zǐ nu:3 wèn hǎo.
Give my regards to Mr and Mrs Jones and family.
他们放了录像片《乱世佳人》。 tā men fàng le lù xiàng piàn《 luàn shì jiā rén》。
They showed a video of “Gone with the Wind”.
古埃及人曾经拥有高度文明。 gǔ Aī jí rén céng jīng yōng yǒu gāo dù wén míng。
The ancient Egyptians had advanced civilization.
他非常擅长於模仿朋友的言行. tā fēi cháng shàn cháng yū mó fǎng péng you de yán xìng.
He’s very clever at imitating his friends.
这位老人在沙发上打起瞌睡来。 zhè wèi lǎo rén zài shā fā shàng dǎ qǐ kē shuì lái。
The old man is dropping away in the sofa.
我游览伦敦时喜欢坐公共汽车. wǒ yóu lǎn lún dūn shí xǐ huan zuò gōng gòng qì chē.
When visiting London I like to travel by bus.
柜台上蜷伏着一只硕大的猫。 guì tái shàng quán fú zhuó yī zhǐ shuò dà de māo。
There was an enormous cat crouching on the counter.
很多种类的松鼠都很容易驯养。 hěn duō zhǒng lèi de sōng shǔ dōu hěn róng yì xún yǎng。
Many kinds of squirrels are easy to tame.
吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗? xī yān yù fèi bù jí bìng zhī jiān yǒu guān xi ma?
Is there a link between smoking and lung disease?
他的双臂和双腿严重受伤。 tā de shuāng bì huò shuāng tuǐ yán zhòng shòu shāng。
He suffered serious injuries to the arms and legs.
他们有没有投标争取承包合同? tā men yǒu méi yǒu tóu biāo zhēng qǔ chéng bāo hé tong?
Have they put in a bid for the contract?
他猜疑管道里什麽地方漏了. tā cāi yí guǎn dào lǐ shí mó dì fang lòu le.
He suspected that a leak was present somewhere along the pipe.
灼热的阳光炙烤着光秃秃的大地。 zhuó rè de yáng guāng zhì kǎo zhuó guāng tū tū de dà dì。
The fierce sun parched the bare earth.
那个理论的精髓是为人民服务。 nèi gè lǐ lùn de jīng suǐ shì wèi rén mín fú wù。
The pith of that theory is serving for people.
畏缩不前的或落后的;迟误拖拉的 wèi suō bù qián de huò luò hòu de; chí wù tuō lā de
Hanging back or falling behind; dilatory.
革命者计划推翻傀儡政府。 gé mìng zhě jì huà tuī fān kuǐ lěi zhèng fǔ。
The revolutionist planned to overturn this puppet regime.
麝香是一种有强烈气味的物质。 shè xiāng shì yī zhòng yǒu qiáng liè qì wèi de wù zhì。
Musk is a kind of strong-smelling substance.
政府的现行方针後患无穷. zhèng fǔ de xiàn xíng fāng zhēn後 huàn wú qióng.
The Government’s present course will only lead to disaster.
麝香是一种有强烈气味的物质。 shè xiāng shì yī zhòng yǒu qiáng liè qì wèi de wù zhì。
Musk is a kind of strong-smelling substance.
你的[这种]耳环是夹上去的吗? nǐ de[zhè zhǒng] ěr huán shì jiá shàng qù de ma?
Do you clip those ear-rings on/Do those ear-rings clip on?
别那麽使劲扯书页,那会撕破的。 biè nà mó shǐ jìn chě shū yè, nà kuài sī pò de。
Don’t pull the pages so hard or they will tear.
人类与大自然进行不懈的斗争. rén lèi yù dà zì rán jìn xíng bù xiè de dòu zhēng.
Man is engaged in a constant struggle with Nature.
这份报告我只来得及浏览了一遍. zhè fèn bào gào wǒ zhǐ lái de jí liú lǎn le yī biàn.
I’ve only had time to dip into the report.
你的[这种]耳环是夹上去的吗? nǐ de[zhè zhǒng] ěr huán shì jiá shàng qù de ma?
Do you clip those ear-rings on/Do those ear-rings clip on?
这麽紧张, 我的神经快吃不消了. zhè mó jǐn zhāng, wǒ de shén jīng kuài jí bù xiāo le.
My nerves won’t stand the strain much longer.
总统正在对欧洲做私人访问。 zǒng tǒng zhèng zài duì ōu zhōu zuò sī rén fǎng wèn。
The president is paying a private visit to Europe.
是谁泄漏了部门重组的细节? shì shéi xiè lòu le bù mén chóng zǔ de xì jié?
Who let out the details of the reshuffle in the department?
关于这个问题,你能指点我一下吗? guān yú zhè gè wèn tí, nǐ néng zhǐ diǎn wǒ yī xià ma?
Can you enlighten me on this subject?
我们从山上俯瞰下面的山谷。 wǒ men zòng shān shàng fǔ kàn xià mian de shān gǔ。
We looked down from the mountain to the valley below.
这个公司做买卖赚钱[赔钱]. zhè gè gōng sī zuò mǎi mài zhuàn qián[péi qián].
The firm is trading (ie doing business) at a profit/loss.
《茶馆》正在首都剧场上演。 《 chá guǎn》 zhèng zài shǒu dū jù chǎng shàng yǎn。
“The Teahouse” is playing at the Capital Theater.
那个男孩正在游泳池里游泳吗? nèi gè nán hái zhèng zài yóu yǒng chí lǐ yóu yǒng ma?
Be the boy swimming in the swimming-pool?
能工巧匠的特点是一丝不苟. néng gōng qiǎo jiàng de tè diǎn shì yī sī bù gǒu.
Attention to detail is the hallmark of a fine craftsman.
向女神祭献了一头牺牲小牛. xiàng nu:3 shén zhài xiàn le yī tóu xī shēng xiǎo niú.
A calf was offered up as a sacrifice to the goddess.
广袤的平原被厚厚的雪覆盖着。 guǎng mào de píng yuán bèi hòu hòu de xuě fù gài zhuó。
The vast champaign was covered with thick snow.
政府会拨款资助美术事业吗? zhèng fǔ kuài bō kuǎn zī zhù měi shù shì yè ma?
Will the government provide money to support the arts?
旅客须知要服用预防疟疾药. lu:3 kè xū zhī yào fú yòng yù fáng nu:è jí yào.
Travellers are reminded that malaria tablets are advisable.
熨衬衫领要先喷些粉浆再熨. yùn chèn shān lǐng yào xiān pèn xiē fěn jiàng zài yùn.
Spray starch on the shirt collars before ironing them.
一盎司糖可以供给多少卡热量? yī àng sī táng kě yǐ gōng gěi duō shao qiǎ rè liàng?
How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply?
我总分不清他和他的孪生兄弟。 wǒ zǒng fèn bù qīng tā huò tā de luán shēng xiōng dì。
I always confounded him with his twin brother.
我们做些什么才能减轻她的烦恼呢? wǒ men zuò xiē shén me cái néng jiǎn qīng tā de fán nǎo ne?
What can we do to lessen her vexation?
遇见大人使这个害羞的孩子很困窘 yù jiàn dà ren shǐ zhè gè hài xiū de hái zi hěn kùn jiǒng
Meeting adults embarrassed the shy child.
对这份工作, 我们接到400人的申请. duì zhè fèn gōng zuò, wǒ men jiē dàò00 rén de shēn qǐng.
We received 400 applications for the job.
这木筏依靠空汽油桶的浮力漂浮。 zhè mù fá yī kào kòng qì yóu tǒng de fú lì piāo fú。
The raft was buoyed up by empty petrol cans.
这冰的厚度能禁得住在上边滑冰吗? zhè bīng de hòu dù néng jìn de zhù zài shàng bian huá bīng ma?
Is the ice thick enough for skating?
据说哥伦布于1492年发现了美洲。 jù shuō gē lún bù yú1492 nián fā xiàn le měi zhōu。
Columbus is said to have discovered America in 1492.
我脑子一下子记不住这麽多信息. wǒ nǎo zi yí xià zi jì bú zhù zhè mó duō xìn xī.
My brain can’t hold so much information at one time.
那架飞机的残骸散布范围很大. nà jià fēi jī de cán hái sàn bù fàn wéi hěn dà.
Wreckage of the aircraft was scattered over a wide area.
要是把眼睛闭上就什麽也看不见了。 yào shì bǎ yǎn jīng bì shàng jiù shí mó yě kàn bù jiàn le。
If you shut your eyes you can’t see.
我体谅你可能事先已另有承诺. wǒ tǐ liàng nǐ kě néng shì xiān yǐ lìng yǒu chéng nuò.
I appreciate that you may have prior commitments.
你能将这两个品种区别开来吗? nǐ néng jiàng zhè liǎng gè pǐn zhǒng qū bié kāi lái ma?
Can you differentiate one variety from the other?
那个著名的化学家赢得了诺贝尔奖。 nèi gè著 míng de huà xué jiā yíng dé le nuò Bèi ěr jiǎng。
The famous chemist won the Nobel Prize.
他的偏袒态度招致了不少批评。 tā de piān tǎn tài du zhāo zhì le bù shǎo pī píng。
His partial attitude called forth a lot of criticism.
你体重减轻了这么多,真了不起! nǐ tǐ zhòng jiǎn qīng le zhè me duō, zhēn le bù qǐ!
It’s miraculous how much weight you’ve lost!
产量的大小在於我们努力的程度. chǎn liàng de dà xiǎo zài yū wǒ men nǔ lì de chéng dù.
How much is produced depends on how hard we work.
一切均将取决於这些会谈的结果. yī qiè jūn jiàng qǔ jué yū zhè xie huì tán de jié guǒ.
Everything hinges on the outcome of these talks.
物理学研究作用於物体上的力. wù lǐ xué yán jiū zuò yòng yū wù tǐ shàng de lì.
Physics deals with the forces acting on concrete objects.
她以巧妙的手腕处理了这个问题。 tā yǐ qiǎo miào de shǒu wàn chǔ lǐ le zhè gè wèn tí。
She dealt with the problem with consummate skill.
她以巧妙的手腕处理了这个问题。 tā yǐ qiǎo miào de shǒu wàn chǔ lǐ le zhè gè wèn tí。
She dealt with the problem with consummate skill.
他引用《圣经》来支持他的信仰。 tā yǐn yòng《 shèng jīng》 lái zhī chí tā de xìn yǎng。
He quotes the Bible to support his beliefs.
他立正敬礼,鞋后跟发出咔嗒一声。 tā lì zhèng jìng lǐ, xié hòu gēn fā chū咔 tà yī shēng。
He saluted with a click of his heels.
我肯定是在这里的什麽地方–没错! wǒ kěn dìng shì zài zhè lǐ de shí mó dì fang– méi cuò!
I know (that) it’s here somewhere it must be!
我不太明白,你能再解释一下吗? wǒ bù tài míng bai, nǐ néng zài jiě shì yī xià ma?
I didn’t quite follow; could you explain it again?
琼斯夫人丈夫的死讯把她吓蒙了。 qióng sī fū ren zhàng fu de sǐ xùn bǎ tā xià měng le。
Her husband’s death knocked Mrs.Jones off her feet.
他们在崎岖不平的乡村小路上走着。 tā men zài qī qū bù píng de xiāng cūn xiǎo lù shàng zǒu zhuó。
They walk on the rugged country road.
不善交际的缺乏社会风度的;不圆滑的 bù shàn jiāo jì de quē fá shè huì fēng dù de; bù yuán huá de
Lacking social polish; tactless.
综合各种因素之後她决定辞职。 zōng hé gè zhǒng yīn sù zhī後 tā jué dìng cí zhí。
A combination of factors led to her decision to resign.
经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。 jīng jì zhèng zài wěi suō ér bú shì zài zēng zhǎng zhòng。
The economy is shrinking instead of growing.
边陲山区的风光美丽如画。 biān chuí shān qū de fēng guāng měi lì rú huà。
The mountains in the border area are as beautiful as a painting.
我丢了一块带蓝色花边的白手绢。 wǒ diū le yī kuài dài lán sè huā biān de bái shǒu juàn。
I lost a white handkerchief with a blue border.
你有没有绳子来把这些箱子捆好? nǐ yǒu méi yǒu shéng zi lái bǎ zhè xie xiāng zǐ kǔn hào?
Have you got some twine to tie this box up?
双方随後不可避免地争吵起来。 shuāng fāng suí後 bù kě bì miǎn de zhēng chǎo qǐ lai。
Inevitably, a quarrel followed between the two sides.
版权在作者死後50年即行终止. bǎn quán zài zuó zhě sǐ後50 nián jí xìng zhōng zhǐ.
Copyright expires 50 years after the death of the author.
部队从沦陷的城市安全撤出。 bù duì zòng lún xiàn de chéng shì ān quán chè chū。
The troop made good their retreat from the occupied city.
马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少? mǎ kè。 tù wēn xiě de zuò pǐn nǐ zhī dào duō shao?
How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin.
这腰带是在前面打结还是在後面? zhè yāo dài shì zài qián miàn dǎ jié hái shì zài後 miàn?
Does this sash tie in front or at the back?
到处都是灰尘, 他不停地打著喷嚏. dào chù dōu shì huī chén, tā bù tíng de dǎ著 pēn tì.
With all that dust about, he couldn’t stop sneezing.
她获得奖学金後受到极大的鼓舞. tā huò dé jiǎng xué jīn後 shòu dào jí dà de gǔ wǔ.
Winning the scholarship gave her a tremendous lift.
她以巧妙的手腕处理了这个问题。 tā yǐ qiǎo miào de shǒu wàn chǔ lǐ le zhè gè wèn tí。
She dealt with the problem with consummate skill.
她失踪一事引起了各种流言蜚语. tā shī zōng yī shì yǐn qǐ le gè zhǒng liú yán fěi yù.
Her disappearance gave rise to the wildest rumours.
一杯橙汁饮料没有什么营养。 yī bēi chéng zhī yǐn liào méi yǒu shén me yíng yǎng。
There’s not much sustenance in a glass of orange squash.
我今天在城里遇到了一位老朋友呢! wǒ jīn tiān zài chéng lǐ yù dào le yī wèi lǎo péng you ne!
I met with an old friend in the town today!
照片放大後细微之处都很清楚. zhào piàn fàng dà後 xì wēi zhī chù dōu hěn qīng chu.
The enlargement brings out the details in the photograph.
[谚]外表不可靠;不可专看表面现象。 [yàn] wài biǎo bù kě kào; bù kě zhuān kàn biǎo miàn xiàn xiàng。
Never judge from appearances.
玛丽留下几块布准备做一床被子。 Mǎ lì liú xià jǐ kuài bù zhǔn bèi zuò yī chuáng bèi zi。
Mary saved up pieces of cloth to make a quilt.
我好想明年暑假去一趟欧洲。 wǒ hào xiǎng míng nián shǔ jià qù yī tàng ōu zhōu。
I feel like going to Europe for a visit next summer vacation.
送小孩上学的重担又推给了我! sòng xiǎo hái shàng xué de zhòng dàn yòu tuī jǐ le wǒ!
I got saddled with taking the children to school again!
第一次测量声速是在什么时候? dì yī cì cè liàng shēng sù shì zài shén me shí hou?
When did the first measurement of the speed of sound take?
她打算毕业後从事社会福利工作. tā dǎ suàn bì yè後 cóng shì shè huì fú lì gōng zuò.
She wants to do social work when she finishes college.
这个年轻军官被提升为上尉。 zhè gè nián qīng jūn guān bèi tí shēng wèi shàng wèi。
The young army officer was promoted to the rank of captain.
叫你怎麽做就怎麽做, 否则有麻烦. jiào nǐ zěn mó zuò jiù zěn mó zuò, fǒu zé yǒu má fan.
Do as you’re told, otherwise you’ll be in trouble.
那女间谍伪装成顾问工程师. nà nu:3 jiàn dié wěi zhuāng chéng gù wèn gōng chéng shī.
The spy’s cover was that she was a consultant engineer.
你通常是怎样度过你的空闲时间? nǐ tōng cháng shì zěn yàng dù guò nǐ de kòng xián shí jiān?
How do you usually spend your leisure time?
中央C音相当於每秒钟振动256次. zhōng yāngC yīn xiāng dāng yū měi miǎo zhōng zhèn dò2ng6 cì.
Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second.
眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。 yǎn lèi yóu shàng yǎn jiǎn xià mian de qì guān fēn mì。
Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid.
前年圣诞节过後我一直没见过他. qián nián Shèng dàn jié guò後 wǒ yī zhí mò xiàn guò tā.
I haven’t seen him since the Christmas before last.
藉助卫星可观察到部队的调动. jiè zhù wèi xīng kě guān chá dào bù duì de diào dòng.
Troop movements can be observed from space by a satellite.
请你在这件衬衫上钉一颗钮扣好吗? qǐng nǐ zài zhè jiàn chèn shān shàng dīng yī kē niǔ kòu hào ma?
Will you stitch a button on this shirt?
别躲躲闪闪的: 给我们一个明确的答覆. biè duǒ duǒ shǎn shǎn de: jǐ wǒ men yī gè míng què de dá fù.
Don’t shuffle: give us a clear answer.
她一定很难过, 但毫不形之於色. tā yī dìng hěn nán guò, dàn háo bú xíng zhī yū shǎi.
She gives no outward sign of the sadness she must feel.
“他会没事儿的,他有成功的条件。” “ tā kuài mò shìr de, tā yǒu chéng gōng de tiáo jiàn。”
“He’ll be all right, he’s got what it takes.”
我宁愿约翰打网球而不玩扑克牌。 wǒ nìng yuàn Yuē hàn dǎ wǎng qiú ér bù wàn pū kè pái。
I prefer John’s playing tennis to his playing cards.
你吃了这片药神经就不那麽紧张了。 nǐ jí le zhè piàn yào shén jīng jiù bù nà mó jǐn zhāng le。
This pill will help to settle your nerves.
你听见没听见昨晚隔壁闹翻天了? nǐ tīng jiàn mò tīng jiàn zuó wǎn gé bì nào fān tiān le?
Did you hear the carryings-on next door last night?
这种橙汁饮品不含人工调味料. zhè zhǒng chéng zhī yǐn pǐn bù hán rén gōng tiáo wèi liào.
This orange drink contains no artificial flavourings.
月球对地球的吸引力造成潮汐。 yuè qiú duì dì qiú de xī yǐn lì zào chéng cháo xì。
The attraction of the moon for the earth causes the tides.
她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活。 tā de xiǎo shuō miáo xiě de shì lún dūn xiàn dài de shēng huó。
Her novel depicts life in modern London.
她的小说描写的是伦敦现代的生活。 tā de xiǎo shuō miáo xiě de shì lún dūn xiàn dài de shēng huó。
Her novel depicts life in modern London.
经常吮吸拇指能使牙齿向外突出. jīng cháng shǔn xī mǔ zhǐ néng shǐ yá chǐ xiàng wài tū chū.
Thumb-sucking can cause protrusion of the teeth.
她受伤後获得保险公司的赔偿. tā shòu shāng後 huò dé bǎo xiǎn gōng sī de péi cháng.
She was compensated by the insurance company for her injuries.
赶快!会议已开始了,我们迟到了。 gǎn kuài! huì yì yǐ kāi shǐ le, wǒ men chí dào le。
Get a move on! We’re already late for the meeting.
屡次侵占我的闲暇时间, 我很反感. lu:3 cì qīn zhàn wǒ de xián xiá shí jiān, wǒ hěn fǎn gǎn.
I resent these incursions into/upon my leisure time.
你还记得我们解剖青蛙的那堂课吗? nǐ huán jì de wǒ men jiě pōu qīng wā de nà táng kè ma?
Do you remember the lesson on the anatomy of a frog?
中央C音相当於每秒钟振动256次. zhōng yāngC yīn xiāng dāng yū měi miǎo zhōng zhèn dò2ng6 cì.
Middle C is equivalent to 256 vibrations per second.
关于这件事,你能给我一些建议吗? guān yú zhè jiàn shì, nǐ néng jǐ wǒ yī xiē jiàn yì ma?
Can you give me any suggestion on this matter?
你们公司的海关注册号码是多少? nǐ men gōng sī de hǎi guān zhù cè hào mǎ shì duō shao?
What’s your company’s registration number in customs?
这些树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。 zhè xie shù lín lǐ jīng cháng qī xī zhuó gè zhǒng niǎo lèi。
These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.
这些树林里经常栖息着各种鸟类。 zhè xie shù lín lǐ jīng cháng qī xī zhuó gè zhǒng niǎo lèi。
These woods are frequented by all kinds of birds.
这一卷涉及的时间仅至1945年. zhè yī juàn shè jí de shí jiān jǐn zhì1945 nián.
This volume only goes down to (ie only deals with the period up to) 1945.
我在想像中彷佛听到她在呼唤我. wǒ zài xiǎng xiàng zhòng páng fú tīng dào tā zài hū huàn wǒ.
In my imagination, I thought I heard her calling me.
你能给我形容一下那个窃贼的模样吗? nǐ néng jǐ wǒ xíng róng yī xià nèi gè qiè zéi de mú yàng ma?
Can you give me a description of the thief?
进入黑暗的房间时, 瞳孔就扩大. jìn rù hēi àn de fáng jiān shí, tóng kǒng jiù kuò dà.
The pupils of your eyes dilate when you enter a dark room.
我再也不做那种事了, 我已有了教训! wǒ zài yě bù zuò nà zhòng shì le, wǒ yǐ yǒu le jiào xun!
I’ll never do that again; I’ve learned my lesson!
我们开出约五十英里汽车就抛锚了. wǒ men kāi chū yuē wǔ shí yīng lǐ qì chē jiù pāo máo le.
We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down.
她总是抱怨伦敦缺少体育设施. tā zǒng shì bào yuàn lún dūn quē shǎo tǐ yù shè shī.
She’s always lamenting the lack of sports facilities in town.
女王为表彰他的贡献封他为爵士. nu:3 wáng wèi biǎo zhāng tā de gòng xiàn fēng tā wèi jué shì.
The Queen requited his services with a knighthood.
运动会持续多少天,你知道吗? yùn dòng huì chí xù duō shao tiān, nǐ zhī dào ma?
How many days, can you guess, did the sports meeting last?
群众(为他[演出])鼓掌五分钟. qún zhòng( wèi tā[yǎn chū]) gǔ zhǎng wǔ fēn zhōng.
The crowd applauded (him/the perfomance) for five minutes.
仔细检查了废墟後发现了新的证据. zǐ xì jiǎn chá le fèi xū後 fā xiàn le xīn de zhèng jù.
Careful examination of the ruins revealed new evidence.
大部分湖泊都在北部中心地区吗? dà bù fen hú pō dōu zài běi bù zhōng xīn dì qū ma?
Are most of the lakes Located in the north central region?
我一直在(多方)打听这件事. wǒ yī zhí zài( duō fāng) dǎ ting zhè jiàn shì.
I’ve been making (some) inquiries (ie trying to find out) about it.
抢救人员冲向飞机坠毁的现场。 qiǎng jiù rén yuán chòng xiàng fēi jī zhuì huǐ de xiàn chǎng。
Rescue workers rushed to the site of the plane crash.
蜡烛发出轻轻的毕剥声後就熄灭了. là zhú fā chū qīng qīng de bì bō shēng後 jiù xī miè le.
The candle gave a few faint splutters and then went out.
摩西率领以色列的子民离开了埃及。 Mó xī shuài lǐng yǐ shǎi liè de zi mín lí kāi le Aī jí。
Moses led the children of Israel out of the Egypt.
【谚】智者热爱真理,愚者回避真理。 【 yàn】 zhì zhě rè ài zhēn lǐ, yú zhě huí bì zhēn lǐ。
Wise men love truth, whereas fools shun it.
把你自己身上掸掸–上面都是粉笔末. bǎ nǐ zì jǐ shēn shàng dǎn dǎn– shàng mian dōu shì fěn bǐ mò.
Dust yourself down you’re covered in chalk.
听到他逃之夭夭的消息,我感到惊讶。 tīng dào tā táo zhī yāo yāo de xiāo xi, wǒ gǎn dào jīng yà。
I was astonished at the news of his escape.
所罗门国王的宫廷以其华丽著称。 suǒ luó mén guó wáng de gōng tíng yǐ qí huá lì著 chèng。
The court of King Solomon was noted for its splendor.
那老汉拄著拐杖一瘸一拐地走著. nà lǎo hàn zhǔ著 guǎi zhàng yī qué yī guǎi de zǒu著.
The old man hobbled along (the road) with the aid of his stick.
关于此事,你能给我提供什么消息吗? guān yú cǐ shì, nǐ néng jǐ wǒ tí gōng shén me xiāo xi ma?
Can you give me any information on this matter?
你肯定你想要他作你的终身伴侣吗? nǐ kěn dìng nǐ xiǎng yào tā zuò nǐ de zhōng shēn bàn lu:3 ma?
Are you sure you want him to be your partner?
【谚】与其补救于已然,不如防止于未然。 【 yàn】 yǔ qí bǔ jiù yú yǐ rán, bù rú fáng zhǐ yú wèi rán。
Prevention is better than cure.
我的力气、 兴趣、 热情等正在减退. wǒ de lì qi、 xìng qu、 rè qíng děng zhèng zài jiǎn tuì.
My strength, interest, enthusiasm, etc is flagging.
`你累了吗?'`是的, 我有点儿(累).' ` nǐ lèi le ma?'` shì de, wǒ yǒu diǎn er( lèi).'
Are you tired?'
Yes, I am a bit (tired).’
我瞄准了目标射击,但却打在了墙上。 wǒ miáo zhǔn le mù biāo shè jī, dàn què dǎ zài le qiáng shàng。
I aimed at the target but hit the wall.
他至少也该来道个别(然而却没来)。 tā zhì shǎo yě gāi lái dào gè bié( rán ér què mò lái)。
He should at least have come to say good-by.
他们的谈话中充满了渎犯神灵的言词。 tā men de tán huà zhòng chōng mǎn le dú fàn shén líng de yán cí。
Their conversation was full of blasphemy.
CPC是中国共产党的英文名称缩写。 CPC shì Zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng de Yīng wén míng chēng suō xiě。
CPC stands for the Communist Party of China.
你下了这麽大工夫, 一定能考及格. nǐ xià le zhè mó dà gōng fu, yī dìng néng kǎo jí gé.
You’ve done so much work that you’re bound to pass the exam.
宽阔,广阔宽阔的状态、特点或事实 kuān kuò, guǎng kuò kuān kuò de zhuàng tài、 tè diǎn huò shì shí
The state, quality, or fact of being wide.
克里斯托弗·哥伦布是伟大的探险家。 kè lǐ sī tuō fú· gē lún bù shì wěi dà de tàn xiǎn jiā。
Christopher Columbus was one of the great explorers.