Chapter 50 Flashcards
Do you see that man sitting in that armchair?
Ve a aquel señor sentado en esa butaca?
That American with the palm trees on his shirt?
Ese norteamericano de la camisa con
Yes, that one that has his feet on the table
Sí, ése que tiene los pies sobre la mesa.
You know, he’s been around here for two months
and still isn’t adapting to the environment.
Fíjese que lleva (1) aquí dos meses y toda-
vía no se adapta al ambiente
Doesn’t he speak Spanish
Es que no habla español?
He should take
advantage of every opportunity to practice,
but he acts as if he didn’t care
Debiera aprovechar toda
oportunidad para practicar, pero actúa
como si no le importara.
It could be that the same is happening to
him as to Smith
Pudiera ser que le pasara como a Smith.
At the beginning he mistrusted anyone that
tried to help him
Al principio, desconfiaba de cualquiera que
tratara de ayudarle.
Speaking about Smith, last night I saw him
in the Club Náutico and he seemed to be
the most popular.
A proposito de Smith, anoche lo vi en el
Club Náutico y parecía el más popular.
I wish the same happened to them all. But
there are always some who, even if they
lived here ten years, would never feel at
Ojalá que así pasara con todos. Pero siempre hay algunos que, aunque vivieran aquí
diez anos, jamás se encontrarían a gusto
And you ought to see how ill at ease they
feel the first few days.
Hombre, y hay que ver lo incomodos (3) que
se sienten los primeros días.
Yes. They miss their supermarkets and the
comforts of their homes.
s1. Echan de menos sus supermercados y
las comodidades de su hogar.
And the water? What about the water?
y el agua? ¿qué me dice Ud. del agua?
They are afraid when they arrive, but
afterward it doesn’t matter so much to them.
Don’t you think they are nice?
Le tienen miedo cuando llegan, pero después
no les importa tanto. ¿No cree Ud. que son
Yes, anyone who gets to know them well realizes
that they are simple and sincere.
Sí, cualquiera que llegue a conocerlos bien se
da cuenta de que son sencillos y sinceros
i understand that Smith would like to renew
his contract
Entiendo que Smith quisiera renovar su
That’s what they tell me. He likes this so much
that he’s planning to stay four more years
Así me dicen. Le gusta esto tanto que piensa
quedarse cuatro años más
1 should(ought to) belong to the Center too.
yo debiera pertenecer al Centro también.
John would like to improve his pronunciation.
uan quisiera mejorar su pronunciacion.
We would like to go to the beach this summer
Quisiéramos ir a la playa este verano.
4 You ought to shave again.
Usted debiera afeitarse otra vez.
You all ought to eat more vegetables.
Ustedes debieran (de be eran)comer más legumbres.
We ought to go now.
Debiéramos marcharnos ya.
7 Carmen ought to worry less.
Carmen debiera preocuparse menos.
8 Could you wait half an hour more for me?
¿Pudiera Ud. esperarme media hora más?
9 Could you all change sorne dollars for me
¿Pudieran Uds. cambiarme unos dólares?
He acts as if he were a little odd.
Se porta come si estuviera un poco chiflado.
I love him as if he were my father.
Lo quiero come si fuera mi padre.
He takes care of the children as if
they were his own.
Cuida a los niños como si fueran suyos
He acts as if he were a little odd.
Se porta come si estuviera un poco chiflado.
I love him as if he were my father.
Lo quiero como si fuera mi padre.
He takes care of the children as if
they were his own.
Cuida a los niños como si fueran suyos
He talks as if he didn’t believe it.
Habla como si no lo creyera.
5 He shakes my hand as if he knew me.
Me da la mano como si me conociera.
6 He’s eating rice as if he liked it.
Está comiendo arroz como si le gustara.
7 He translates as if he had a lot of
a practice.
Traduce como si tuviera mucha práctica.
8 He spends money as if he were rich.
Gasta la plata como si fuera rico.
9 He’s working as if he didn’t have a cold.
Está trabajando como si no tuviera catarro.
10 He asks as if he didn’t understand.
Pregunta como si no entendiera.
11 He acts as if he weren’t sorry about it.
Actúa como si no 10 sintiera.
12 He acts as if there were a lot of time.
Actúa como si hubiera mucho tiempo.
13 He was acting as if he hadn’t heard me.
Se portaba como si no me hubiera oído.
14 They were crying as if they were (had
gotten) lost.
Lloraban como si se hubieran perdido.