Standard incident reporting MC Flashcards
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, there are three types of categories of occurrences for the purpose of reporting they include all except.
A) Fires and explosions
B) No loss Outdoor Fires
C) Motor Vehicle Incidents
D) Other Emergency Responses
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, whose responsibility is it to complete the required sections of the OFM Fire Report
A) District Chief
B) All Assistance to the fire marshal
C) First Arriving Captain
D) Incident Command
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides,
What key do you type in the first position of any field with multiple choices to display available options
A) -
B) *
C) /
D) ?
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, match the hot key with the corresponding command line
- “T”
- “V”
- “P”
- “F” “X” and Enter
- “D”
- “C”
- ”#”
- ”?”
A. of Reporting section to edit B. Help/more details or options to select C. File/Exit Reporting D. Close the fire report E. View the fire report on screen F. Print the fire report G. Response type change H. Display Incident Notes (communications Notes)
A.7 B.8 C.4 D.6 E.2 F.3 G.1 H.5
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, the “/” backslash (followed by the enter in the first position of any field is a?
A) Move back command
B) Delete Command
C) Top of screen command
D) Bottom of screen Command
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, The “-“ hyphen/minus sign (followed by enter) in the first position of any field will bring your cursor to the command line at the.
A) Bottom Of the Screen
B) Top of the Screen
C) Last Screen
D) Next screen
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides,
there are 3 choices when choosing the correct “fire” report type they include all except
A) 01- Fire
B) 02- Explosion
C) 03 - No Loss Outdoor fire
D) 03- Minor fire
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, The type 03- no loss fire is not to be used for all except
A) any fire where there was property loss, injury or death
B) fire spread resulting in an exposure fire
C) where the fire department suspects that the fire was intentionally or as a result of children playing
D) backyard campfires
E) a fire in a recycling, waste/dump site
F) a vehicle or structure fire
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, the definition of a controlled fire is
A) persons and/or property care not endangered and the fire department does not have to intervene to control the fire
B) the burning endangers persons and/or property
C) The fire is confide to a fire pit
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides,
examples of overheat condition include all except
A) Kitchen Counter discoloured by being in contact with hot metal
B) the table or carpet is marked be the hot ashes of a cigarette
C) siding on a neighbour property is damaged Melted
D) Smoke in attic
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, if you didn’t see “fire” but did see “smoke/steam” which could be mistaken for or potential become “fire”. then these response types are more applicable, they include all except
A) overheat, pot on stove
B) other cooking
C) lighting, fireworks
D) Garbage fire
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides,
did you arrive at the scene, 3 questions to ask for every fire report, which 2 would not constitute not arriving on scene
A) were you cancelled by “fire control” at the request of any other agency
B) were you unable to find emergency
C) were you waived off upon arrived
A and B
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides,
it is the responsibility of the first arriving captain to complete the OFM Fire report information, the officer for each vehicle responding to an emergency must complete _______ to identify personnel, equipment used and actions taken at the scene by themselves and their crew
A) initial Report
B) Resource Report
C) Emergency Report
D) onscene Report
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, for the resources used report, the questions within the resource report change depending on the response type chosen to include any/all medical , cpr,/ shock information, symptom assist, narcan, and equipment used, all of these questions have default answer with the exception of A) personnel numbers B) Station assignment at dispatch C) actions taken on scene D) other text fields E) All of the Above
Standard incident reporting MC
According to the Standard incident reporting Slides, if you are not the reporting officer for the incident the you should write your narrative
A) Recourse used section
B) Actions and remarks
C) Fire report
D) Other