SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command Flashcards
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- 360
Term used to describe visual survey of a structure/incident from all sides
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- Accountability officer (AO)
Personnel assigned by the incident commander who oversees accountability operations
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- aide
Assistant to the incident commander with expertise in the particular field involved
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- All clear
A report indicating that an area of the building or the entire building has been searched “ie all clear second floor”
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- cold zone
An area determined by the incident commander and or hazmat sector that is safe for personnel and requires no specialized PPE
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- command
Fire ground radio designation for the incident commander. Refers to person, the functions and the location of command
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- command post
The vehicle that could be used to provide a command location at a major emergency
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- Defensive strategy
An exterior attack, with related support, designed to stop the forward progress of the fire, to protect exposures and to provide for fire control
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- entry control person (ECP)
Personnel assigned by the incident commander who oversee entry control operations
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- exclusion zone
An area determined by the incident commander and/or incident safety officer that is to be cordoned off with entry prohibited to all
T-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
erm- First alarm
Initial arriving attack teams consisting of pumper, aerial or squad crews that respond directly to the scene take standard positions, assume command and begin operations
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- hazard risk analysis
A determination of whether the risk to personnel is justified by the results they can achieve
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- hot zone
An area determined by the IC and or hazmat sector officer that is immediately dangerous to life and health
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Entry to the hot zone requires(3)
Proper training
Full PPE including SCBA
The minimum number of personnel required to accomplish the tasks
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- Incident Action Plan (IAP)
A strategic plan developed by evaluating conditions, developing tactical approaches, identifying available resources, and preparing assignments. Based on achieving the three tactical prorities (3)
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
IAP tactical priorities (3)
Life safety, stabilize the incident, and prevention of further loss/preservation of property
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- incident commander (IC)
The person who assumes overall command and control of personnel and apparatus at the incident. He assumes the role of commander and manager, operating at a strategic level
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- iso
A trained fire service member who provides information and individual attention to supplement the role and responsibility of the incident commander for incident safety. They should work as a functional sector within the fire ground organization
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- initial report
A short message to provide a description of conditions and the confirmation and designation of command
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- level 1 staging
responding units stage in an area which is a safe distance from the scene but which allows for quick response when ordered into action by the incident commander
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- level 2 staging
Is usually utilized du to my incidents that are large, complex, or lengthy. Units are staged together in a specific location under the command of a staging coordinator
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- loss stopped
The fire has been extinguished and no further fire damage is expected
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- mobile command
Flexibility given to the first officer on scene who may be required to assist his crew and is not required to take a fixed position
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- offensive strategy
An attack with related support, designed to quickly bring the situation under control
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- on deck
The forward placement of a fully equipped crew to an established tactical position to provide a ready supply of staffing
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- pass command
A tactical decision by the first arriving officer to transfer command to the second arriving officer. This allows the first officer to work with his crew and still affords a stationary command through the second officer
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- personal protective equipment (PPE)
Any and all equipment designed to protect the wearer from harm and may include SCBA, bunker gear, gloves, helmet, boots, visor, n95 mask, etc
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term -preplan
Written analysis of the fire problems of a particular building in terms of size, hazards and built in protection
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- primary search
A rapid systematic search of all involved and exposed areas affected by the fire that can be safety entered. Occupant status must be verified on every offensive operation, regardless of emergency type
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- progress report/CAN report
An update from a sector officer or company officer to command based upon the conditions encountered, the actions being performed and further needs
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
CAN report smoke condition types (3)
Light smoke -smoke that can be seen through
Moderate Smoke - smoke that obscures the vision
Heavy smoke - smoke you cannot see through
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
CAN report heat conditions (3)
Light heat- heat that slows standing
Moderate heat -heat that allows standing for short durations
Heavy heat -heat that does not allow standing
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
CAN report Actions (3)
Progress on current assignment
Task completed and those that are unable to be competed
Moving location or floors
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
CAN report Needs
What is needed in order to compete the assignment -be specific
Try to provide solutions for needs
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- rehabilitation coordinator
Person in charge of cycling personnel, who have been sent for refreshment ad rest as well as medics assessment
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term-secondary search
A complete, through search of the interior fire area after completing fire control, ventilation and other required support activities
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- sectors
A smaller more manageable unit of fire ground delegated by the IC to provide management and command for specific functions or geographical areas of the fire ground
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term Sector officers
Assigned by the IC to manage specific sectors of the incident or specific emergency functions they operate at the tactical level
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- senior officer
Fire chief, deputy fire chief, platoon chief. They may not take over command, however they may assist the incident commander. They assume overall scene authority
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- size up
A systematic process consisting of rapid yet deliberate considerations of all critical fire ground factors and leads to the development of a rational incident action plan based on these factors
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Special operation
All firefighting activities that include elements of water/ice rescues, extrications, hazardous materials event, designated confined space entries, high-angle rescues, aircraft rescues and any other operations requiring specialized training
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- staging coordinator
Advises the IC of equipment and resources available, assigns specific companies at the IC request, and assists these companies in responding to there assignments
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- status update
A request normally from fire control regarding the status of apparatus, including the estimation of the length of time apparatus are expected to be committed at an emergency scene. This information is used by communications to determine the need to cover a station.
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term strategic modes
The first arriving officer must choose one of two possible strategic modes offensive and defensive
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- strategy
The management of the offensive/defensive decision by the IC this critical decision regulates operational control establishes objectives, set priorities and allocates resources
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- tactical level
Operated by sector officers who have been assigned to specific areas and tasks by the IC in order to meet operational objectives
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- tactical priorities
The ordered sequence of activities including; life safety, stabilize the incident, and prevention of further loss and preservation of property
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- tactical worksheet
A systematic approach worksheet that is designed to slow the IC to have a standard way to write and record all important activities
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term -transfer command
A procedure used by the first arriving officer to give command to a chief officer, ie district chief. This transfer is done formally face to face or over the radio and should include the following information (5) The incident action plan The progress made so far And safety issues The existing crew or sector assignments And need for additional resources
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Transfer of command
This transfer is done formally face to face or over the radio and should include the following information (5)
The incident action plan The progress made so far And safety issues The existing crew or sector assignments And need for additional resources
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term - under control
Announced to the IC by the firefighting sector officers when fire extension is stopped and containment is successful
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- warm zone
An area determined by the incident commander and/or the hazmat sector officer that is reasonably safe and requires PPE with exception of SCBA
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- working fire
A fire in the free burning stage that requires at least one hose line to extinguish
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- Firegound Incident technician
firefighting personnel assign to the DC with emergency and non emergency duties
-SOG 3-05 Incident Command System Terminology Of Command-
Term- emergecny traffic protocol
A temporary measure on a fireground where all personnel are direct to only transmit radio messages of an immediate nature. examples MAYDAY, evacuation, urgent messages and or info that is vital to fireground operartions