Policy # 07-01 Academic dishonesty and cheating Flashcards
Policy # 07-01 Academic dishonesty and cheating
the term academic dishonesty or cheating includes but is not limited to the following (8)
- obtaining answers to test/examination/segment questions through unauthorized materials, unauthorized information, or from another participant
- possessing unauthorized material or electronic devices During a test/examination
- knowingly helping another participant to commit an act of academic dishonesty by letting them view your answers or notes during a test/examination/segment
- giving other participants answers to questions during a test/examination/segment or while leaving the test.examination room, or telling other participants about the questions that appearance on the test/examination/segment who may participate in the test/examination/segment in a later sitting, prior to examinations being posted by the promotional committee
- improperly obtaining, through deceit, theft, bribery, collusion or otherwise, a test/examination, in whole or in part, in advance of it’s administration, or other confidential information
- failing to abide by the instructions of the proctors/invigilators concerning test/examination/segment taking procedures, such as but not limited to failing to take the seat assigned to you, failing to adhere to start/stop times, communicating/sharing materials in any way the other test/examination participants
- failing to adhere to stop times
- failing to arrive on time for scheduled test/examination/segment are typically not considered a violation of this policy however, participants must be aware that doing so will be to their detriment as more time will not be allotted
Policy # 07-01 Academic dishonesty and cheating
personnel who commit acts of academic dishonesty or cheating will be subject to disciplinary action. the disciplinary action will reflect the severity of the offence
- the instructors, invigilators or the promotional/Examination committee. when observing or discovering an act of academic dishonesty or cheating, will depend on the severity of the incident
1. inform the participant(s) or their observations and may also include
2. the confiscation of the test/examination immediately, along with any incriminating evidence
3. the removal of the participant(s) involved from the examination area - confirm the fire chief or designate, and the president of the Brampton fire fighters association in writing providing details of the situation and circumstances
- the instructors, invigilators, or the promotional/examination committe, in consultation with human resources, will meet with the participant(s) alleged to have committed and act of academic dishonesty or cheating accompanied by one, unbiased association representative, to, present the facts of the case. at this meeting the particiapant(s) will have the opportunity to respond to the allegations
- at the conclusion of the meeting, the administration represntative(s) will advise the participants that they will be notified in writing of the disciplinary action imposed if applicable, should the participants choose not take part in this meeting, the administration rep will render it’s decision without participant input
- the minimum penalty for academic dishonesty or cheating will be a mark of 0 on the test and may include further disipline action which will be placed in the participants employee fire of reference retained in HR