SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control Flashcards
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
accountibity procedure- in station (1 driver) (2 officer) (2 all personnel)
- driver to ensure passport is in the apparatus
- the officer in charge shall ensure each personnel has mag tag attached to passport
- the officer in charge of an apparatus shall issues a temporary PIT to personnel reporting for shift without one
- every person assigned shall ensure that their mag tag in attached to passport
- all firefighters and officers shall ensure pit is attached to front of their bunker coat
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
Th first arriving apparatus operator will act as the initial ECP until
replaced by a dedicated person. the first dedicated ECP will normally be the first free apparatus operator in most cases second or third apparatus
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
whenever required to enter hot zone
all personnel shall ensure their PIT are handed to ECP prior to entry
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
the ECP shall (17)
- Obtain a radio and an entry control kit
- don entry control vest
- position themselves proximal to the entry control point
- inform the IC of the their location
- do a safety check of the PPE of persons passing through the Entry control point
- collect the Pit from every person entering
- attach pit to entry control board
- record time that each person enters and exits the hot zone
- record the assignment and location of the people entering hot zone
- record and make the necessary changes to the Entry control board of any and all assignment changes
- monitor the times of entry personnel versus suspected air cylinder time
- Notifiy the IC, or respective Sector officer if personnel are unaccounted for or seem to be reaching their SCBA time limits
- report to IC as ordered
- conduct or participate in a PAR if so ordered by IC
- ensure non firefighters who are authorized by the IC to enter the hot zone are accompanied by fire personnel
- all designated ECP shall forward their completed Entry control worksheets to the IC for submission to FIre administration
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
personal leaving hot zone (3)
- shall exit via same entry point
- shall retrieve their PITs and reattach it to the front of tier bunker coat ( not necessary for momentary leaving ie tools, do need if changing cylinders)
- if exit is made via a different exit point must notify the appropriate ECP
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
Accountability officer once assigned
- passports are brought forward by available personnel, accountability officer collects from already assigned personnel
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
The IC shall appoint an Accountablilty officer at (4)
- second alarm incidents ( or greater)
- high rise emergencies (as scene progresses, one ECP in lobby for personnel not directly in the hot zone and one ECP in forward staging area monitor entry to hot zone
- when there are two or more ECPs
- any incident where the IC believes required
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
the accountability officer shall (6)
- obtain a accountability kit from DC vehicle or command post
- situate themselves in close proximity to the IC or to the best advantage for accessibility and as a focal point to collect and return passports
- obtain a radio or be in close proximity to a radio
- manage Entry control/accountability and aid the IC by monitoring the location and assignment of personnel for duration of emergency
- assist in the tracking of personnel assigned to each sector
- conduct a PAR in order by IC
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
during PAR sector officers account for
only personnel in their respective sector, par numbers should not account for personnel not directly in their sector IE drivers
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
par can be used for (1) and should be conducted (2)
- the IC may order a PAR to update the status of operational personnel
- should be conducted after a fire is reported under control and there is a primary All clear on all floors
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
The IC shall order a PAR, when conditions at the incident cause concern for the safety or location of personnel. events that may cause concern include (7)
- report of a missing personnel
- when a mayday has been called
- building collapse
- rapid fire extension
- explosion
- emergency evacuation
- switching from offensive to defensive strategy
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
Full PAR
covers all personnel on the emergency scene
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
Partial PAR
covers personnel in hot zone only
if not specified partial PAR only
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
When PAR ordered
personnel shall maintain radio silence and await orders to provide PAR information
emergency traffic is allow to interrupt ie mayday, urgent, evacuation
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
within the hot zone PAR conducted by
Aliases (sector assignments) by apparatus designation otherwise
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
running par is the addition of a sectors par at the end of a communication, shall be announced at the conclusion of every communication that indicated (4)
- entering or exiting a hot zone
- a change of location
- a change or completion of task\
- when requested by IC
-SOG 3-11 Accountability/Entry Control-
entry control safety considerations (5)
- any BFES may request a PAR from IC if safety concern
- personnel shall never work in the hot zone without assignment from the IC
- personnel shall never work alone in the hot zone
- before entering a hot zone all personnel ensure PITs are grouped to the appropriate sector
- all teams of person working in the hot zone shall maintain touch, voice or sight contact