SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment Flashcards
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
Bunker gear- once it has been determined that an article of PPE is soiled with non-toxic substance, the employee shall perform the following:(11)
- debris should be gently brushed off the elements
- any additional layers should be separated from the soiled area
- the employee shall ensure all pockets are emptied and any attached accessories are removed
- remove the suspenders and DRD and keep in your possession
- if the DRD requires cleaning it shall be hand washed by the end user
- the ensemble suit layers shall be separated
- liners shall, once removed from the outer shell, be turned out for washing
- the outer shells and the liners shall be placed in a clear plastic bag. A completed laundry tag shall be placed in the bag in such a way to display the information
- the laundry tag shall contain the following info
- the name of employee shall be clearly printed on the laundry tag along with appropriate station and shift
- the items being sent for cleaning shall be clearly listed on the laundry tag
- the staff shall contact their DC to make arrangements to have the soiled gear sent to either station 206,213, or A and M
- if applicable the employee shall begin using their secondary ensemble. if the employees secondary ensemble is not available they shall sign out a set of spare gear until the cleaned ensemble is returned
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
when firefighting gloves balaclava or helmet liners required routine cleaning and user chooses to have the elements machine washed the employee will utilize their secondary elements and complete the following: (5)
- any dry debris should be gently brushed off the elements
- gloves shall be bagged separately from balaclavas and helmet liners (ensure all items are labeled with 3 digit number)
- the first bag containing the soiled gloves shall be placed in the second bag containing the balaclavas and helmet liners
- the completed laundry tag shall be placed in the second bag with all other items
- the staff shall make arrangements with their DC to have the elements taken to station 206, 213, or A n M
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
washing requirements general- all articles of PPE shall be washed
in machines designated specifically for PPE
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
washing requirements general- Heavily soiled areas shall be
pretreated in a utility sink without the use of solvents, chlorine bleach or cleaning agents
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
washing requirements general- _____ _____ and ___ ______ should be worn while handling soiled gear
protective gloves and eye protection
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
washing requirements general- the water shall not exceed
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
washing requirements general- only the ______ _____ by the supply and equipment officer shall be used for washing
detergent supplied
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
washing requirements general- The outer shell of Bunker gear and any areas of ensemble elements that are reflective shall not be
Cleaned with a brushed it any abrasive cleaning devices
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
washing requirements general- Station 206,213 or the A n M laundry facilities shall removed the laundry tag from the garments. the tag should be kept to reattach the____
top portion to ensemble when it is returned and bottom portion should be kept to be submitted to the An M
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
washing requirements general- the bottom portions of the laundry tagain shall be sent to the _____ ___ ______ ____ at the end of every month. the tags shall be organized in ____ _____
- supply and equipment manager
- alphabetical order
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
Station 206 and 213 or A n M laundry staff shall receive the gear and verify (4)
- the laundry tags are attached
- all pockets are emptied and accessories removed
- suspenders are emptied and accessories removed-
- all Velcro closures, hooks, snaps and zippers are fastened
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
liners shall be inside out and washed____
with other liners
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
Outer shell of ensemble, coat and pants may be
washed with other outer shalls
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
ensemble suits may be dried in PPE dryers which have been set to
40 degrees C
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
Firefighter gloves cleaning (2)
- firefighting gloves may be machine washed separate from all other articles of PPE
- firefighting gloves may be dried in PPE dryers if required. best be dried in a well ventilated area
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
Firefighting boots cleaning (3)
- firefighting boots shall be washed by the employee they belong too
- the boots may be cleaned with water. abrasive cleaning devices are not permitted
- firefighting boots shall be air dried in a well ventilated area. machine drying is not permitted
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
Balaclave/hood cleaning (2)
- best practise is to hand wash in warm water using a mild detergent, rinsed, and laid flat to dry. may also be sent for cleaning at the routine cleaning stations
- the Balaclave may be washed and dried in PPEwasher/dryers which have been set to 40 C
SOG 26-01 Personal protective equipment
Helmets cleaning (5)
- Helmets shall be cleaned by the employee the helmet
belongs to - the impact cap shall be separated from the helmet before it is submerged in water
- no solvents shall be used on the helmet
- Helmets will be air dreied in a Ventilation area with no direct sunlight
- Helmets shall not be placed in machine dryers