Pigs (clinical) Flashcards
How much weight would you expect a pig to grow in its 1st 3w?
300% BW
How heavy should a piglet be at birth to maximise chance of survival?
What is the largest cause of mortality in piglets?
Laid on by mother
What are 2 protocols for GA?
Azaperone & Ketamine
Xylazine/Butorphanol & Ketamine
Which drug can be used to induce farrowing?
What interval between piglets being born is suggestive of dystocia?
> 30m
How is MMA syndrome treated?
What are the 3 viral causes of scour in piglets?
Rotavirus, PED/TGE, PRRS
What are the 2 bacterial causes of scour in piglets?
E coli
C perfringens
What are the 3 parasitic causes of scour in piglets?
Isospora suis
Which class of infectious agents cause a profuse watery scour with SI villous atrophy, 2e infection and mortality due to dehydration?
Which virus causes PED/TGE? What is a distinctive sign with this Dz?
Which Dz causes D+ alongside bruising and conjunctivitis?
Which pathogen causes a sudden death with acute haemorrhagic enteritis? Tx?
Clostridium Perfringens Type C
Penicillin - PREVENT w/vaccine
Which pathogen causes a pasty scour and poor growth?
C perfringens type A.
Which pathogen causes a pasty yellow scour fro 10-21d that is unresponsive to Tx?
Coccidiosis i.e. Isospora
Toltazuril only Tx!
Which 3 pathogens are responsible for meningitis in piglets?
Strep suis
E coli
Haemophilus parasuis
What is the best Tx for piglet meningitis?
Steroids and systemic ABs + HYDRATE
What is the target weaning weight in the UK?
7kg (@28d)
What are the 2 most common gut infections in weaner pigs?
E coli
How is post-weaning E coli treated?
+water & ZnO
water acidification
Which salmonella subspp of weaners present a zoonotic risk?
S typhimurium
Which pathogen causes oedema Dz?
E coli
Which pathogen causes meningitis at weaning age? Tx?
Strep Suis Type 2
Warm & quiet
WHat is the most appropriate Tx for Swine Flu?
Which pathogen causes atopic rhinitis in pigs? What effect is there on productivity?
Pasturella multocida type D
Inc 2e infection - decreased growth
Which pathogen causes a generalised lymphadenopathy and immunosoppression in pigs following weaning?
Which pathogen causes a fatal loss of fluid via dermatological lesions, and is treatable with penicillin/lincomycin?
Staph Hyicus (greasy pig Dz)
What is the best Tx for ear tip necrosis (Staph) in pigs 7-12w old?
NOTHING = self-resolving
How is sarcoptes treated?
What are the 3 groups of pigs that cannot travel?
Piglet <3w old
Sow <1w farrowed
Sow >100d in pig
Describe the pathology of Enzootic Pneumonia (M hypopneumoniae) at slaughter.
Dependent lobe consolidation
Possible pleurisy
Which 3 ABs are most effecting at treating enzootic pneumonia?
Which pathogen causes an outbreak of bloody nares, sudden death and solidified pneumonia?
Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
Which pathogen causes a mucohaemorrhgaic scour with a characteristic smell and poor FCR?
Brachyspira hyodysenteriae
What pathogen causes grey “cow pat” faeces and can be controlled through nutritional changes?
Brachyspira pilosicoli
What is the major DDx for swine dyentery?
Lawsonia intracellularis (affects slightly older animals)
Which stage of ascaris suum causes respiratory issues?
Migrating L3
Which stage of ascaris suum causes milk spot liver?
Migrating L2
Which 2 drug classes are effective against Ascaris suum?
Which parasite can live on pasture for months?
Ascaris Suum
Which parasite may cause irritative colitis and is a key Ddx for swine dysentery?
Trichuris Suis
What are the 3 forms of Erysipelas?
Peracute: Dead - septicaemia
Acute: Pyrexia, Lethargic, Diamond skin lesions
Chronic: Endocarditis & stiff lameness
Which coccidiostat is used in pigs?
Which drugs are used to stimulate oestrus?
GnRH analogues
Which drugs are used to synchronise oestrus?
synthetic progestagens
Which 3 NSAIDs can be given to pigs?
Tolfenamic Acid
How often are Ery/Clostridial vaccines given?
Twice a year
Which mineral should be given via injection ot piglets?
How long is a sow pregnant?
What is the total length of a sow cycle, including pregnancy, rearing and weaning-service interval?
What is a regular return to service rate in the pig?
Under what weight may piglets be killed using blunt trauma?
What lesions can be seen on D1 of FMD in pigs?
Swollen coronary band and nose
On what day are clasic FMD lesions present in pigs?
day 3
With the exception of FMD - which 4 vesicular viruses are notifiable in pigs?
Swine Vesicular Dz
Vesicular Exanthema
Vesicular Stomatitis
Seneca Valley A Virus
What are the signs of African Swine Fever?
Death (up to 100%) Pyrexia (>41) Anorexia/V+/D+ Resp signs Cyanosis Abortion
What is the causative agent of classical swine fever and what are the clinical signs?
Severe D+/V+ weakness, incoordination, skin haemorrhage, severe leukopenia.
Can be more mild
Which notifiable Dz of pigs causes a poliencephalomyelitis?
Teschen Disease
What are the signs of Aujeskys in adult pigs and piglets?
Abortion storms, pyrexia and V+
Piglet: V+/D+, nervous signs and pyrexia