Micro Talaro Chapter 3 Tools of the Laboratory Flashcards
6 I’s of Culturing Microbes
- Inoculation 2. Incubation 3. Isolation 4. Inspection 5. Information Gathering 6. Identification
Introduction of sample into a container of media to produce a culture of observable growth
Inoculated media are placed in an incubator to promote growth.
Seperates microbes and spreads them apart to create isolated colonies that each contain a single type of microbe. Paves way for making pure cultures
Cultures are observed for macroscopic appearance of growth characteristics. Examined under the microscope for basic details such as cell type and shape. May be enhanced through staining or special microscope use.
Information gathering
Additional tests for microbial function and characteristics are usually required.Specialized testing will provide specific information unique to a certain microbe
Goal is to attach a name or identity to the microbe, usually to level of species. Use of keys, charts and computer programs can be used to analyze data and come to a conclusion
Positive Staining
Surface of microbes are negatively charged and attract basic dyes
Negative Staining
Microbes repel dye, the dye stains the background
Simple Staining
1 dye is used,Reveals shape, size and arrangement
Differential Stains
Primary stain and counterstain used Distinguishes cell types or parts (EX: Gram Stain, Acid-fast Stain, and Endospore stain)
Mound of cells. Consists of 1 species. Usually formed after isolation.
Isolation techniques
- Streak Plate Technique 2. Pour Plate Technique 3. Spread Plate Technique
Pure Culture
Inspection shows single species growing in container
Mixed Culture
Inspection shows multiple species
Unknown or unwanted microbes in culture
Media Physical States
- Liquid - Broth, doesn’t solidify 2. Semisolid - Contains solidifying agent 3.Solid Firm surface for colony formation, Contains solidifying agent, liquefiable and nonliquefiable
Most commonly used solidifying agent for semi solid media
General purpose Media
Allows for the growth of a broad range of microbes
Enriched Media
Contains complex organic substances such as blood, serum, hemoglobin, or special growth factors required by fastidious microbes.
Selective Media
Contains one or more agents that inhibit the growth of some microbes and encourage growth of the desired microbes
Differential Media
Allows growth of several types of microbes and displays visible differences among those microbes
Reducing Media
Contains a substance that absorbs oxygen or slows penetration of oxygen into medium; used for growing anaerobic bacteria
Gram Staining
A differential stain that turns purple or pink based on the a microbe’s cell wall type
a solid, semi-solid or liquid that supports the growth of microbes
An organism that can’t produce its own growth factors
A method that kills off all microorganisms from an object
A treatment that doesn’t kill all but most of the microorganisms on a surface