Key Terms-A&P || Lab ex 1 Flashcards
What is the central sulcus?
It is a part of your brain which stretches from the cerebral longitudinal fissures to the area close to the lateral sulcus of Sylvia’s fissure.
What is the function of the central sulcus?
It separates the convulsions on the surface of the brain.
What is the longitudinal fissure?
is the deep groove that separates the two hemispheres of the vertebrate brain.
What is the other term for precentral gyrus?
“Primary motor area” or most commonly, the “motor strip”.
What is the function of the precentral gyrus?
It controls the voluntary movements of skeletal muscles.
Describe the precentral gyrus.
The precentral gyrus is a vertically oriented, cerebral convolution located immediately anterior to, and running parallel with, the central sulcus.
What is the parietal/occipital sulcus?
It is a deep furrow, anterior to the cuneus, that separates the occipital and the parietal lobes.
What is the other term for parietal/occipital sulcus?
Parietooccipital fissure.
What is the post central sulcus?
It divides the postcentral gyrus from the remainder of the parietal lobe.
Describe the location of the post central sulcus.
It lies parallel to, and behind, the central sulcus in the human brain.
What is the occipital lobe?
It is the visual processing center of the mammalian brain.
What is the function of the occipital lobe?
It is the seat of most of the brain’s visual cortex, allowing you not only to see and process stimuli from the external world but also to assign meaning to and remember visual perceptions.
Where is the occipital lobe located?
It is located just under the parietal lobe and above the temporal lobe, the occipital lobe is the brain’s smallest lobe.
What is the insula?
It is a small region of the cerebral cortex.
Where is the insula located?
It is located deep within the lateral sulcus.
What is the function of the insula?
It is involved in consciousness and play a role in diverse functions usually linked to emotion or the regulation of the body’s homeostasis.
Give 6 examples of insula functions?
- Compassion and empathy
- Perception
- Motor control
- Self-awareness
- Cognitive functioning
- Interpersonal experience.
What is the posterior cranail fossa?
It is part of the cranial cavity that contains the brainstem and cerebellum.
Where is the posterior cranail fossa located?
It is located between the foramen magnum and tentorium cerebelli.
What is the vermis?
It is an unpaired medial structure which separates the cerebellar hemispheres.
What is the function of the vermis?
It is associated with bodily posture and locomotion.
Where is the vermis located?
It is located in the medial, cortico-nuclear zone of the cerebellum, which resides in the posterior fossa of the cranium
What is the folia?
It is a wrinkle (gyrus) on the surface of the cerebellum.
What are the 3 layers of cells in the cortex of the folium?
- Top molecular layer
- Turkinje layer
- Bottom granular layer