CONCEPT 4 Flashcards
What are Developmental Theories?
These are theories that divide child development into distinct stages which are characterized by qualitative differences in behaviour.
What is Classical Conditioning?
It was able to explain all aspects of human psychology, everything from speech to emotional responses was simply patterns of stimulus and response.
What is moral reasoning?
It is the mental process that nurses set in motion to come to some decision of right or wrong in any moral dilemma.
How is Freud described?
He is considered to be the Father of Psychiatry.
What is repression?
In psychiatry, it is an unconscious defense mechanism in which unacceptable ideas, fears, and impulses are thrust out or kept out of consciousness.
What is displacement?
the shifting of intended targets, especially when the initial target is threatening.
What is the oedipus complex?
male desire for sexual involvement with the mother and a competition with the father for attention from the mother.
What is the electra anxiety?
It is a girl’s psychosexual competition with her mother for possession of her father.
What are the 4 Piaget’s of intellectual (or cognitive) development?
- Sensorimotor. Birth through ages 18-24 months.2. Preoperational. Toddlerhood (18-24 months) through early childhood (age 7)3. Concrete operational. Ages 7 to 12.4. Formal operational. Adolescence through adulthood.
Who is Maslow?
He was an American psychologist who was best known for creating Maslow’s hierarchy of need, .a theory of psychological health predicated on fulfilling innate human needs in priority, culminating in self-actualization
What is the defense mechanism?
They are methods to attempt protect the self and cope with the basic drives or emotionally painful thoughts, feelings or events.
What is the social learning theory?
It is critically analyzing its principles, which are based on observational learning and modelling, and considering its value and application in the context of nurse education.
What are the id, ego and super ego?
These are three distinct, yet interacting agents in the psychic apparatus defined in Sigmund Freud’s structural model of the psyche.
What is rationalization?
when a person substitutes acceptable reasons for the real or actual reasons that are motivating his behavior.
What is projection?
a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others.
What is regression?
a defense mechanism that occurs when an individual’s personality reverts to an earlier stage of development, adopting more childish mannerisms
What are the 8 Erikson Stages?
- Stage One - Trust vs Mistrust.2. Stage Two - Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt.3. Stage Three - Initiative vs Guilt.4. Stage Four - Industry vs Inferiority.5. Stage Five - Identity vs Role Confusion.6. Stage Six - Intimacy vs Isolation.7. Stage Eight - Ego Integrity vs Despair.
Who is Kohlberg?
He was an American psychologist best known for his theory of stages of moral development.